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Agent Recruitment
So I was looking through my hanmail and I found this one from the JYP Audition cafe and they're looking for agents. I translated the Korean e-mail just in case there are those out there wishing to become managers for entertainment companies.

JYP World 에이전트 모집

[JYP World 에이전트 모집]

박진영, 원더걸스, 2AM, 2PM, JOO등의 아티스를 발굴 배출해낸

JYP Entertainment 신인개발팀의 신인발굴 업무를 함께 하실 에이전트를 모집합니다.

뛰어난 안목과 뜨거운 열정으로 전 세계를 누비는 신인 발굴 업무를 함께 하고자 하는 분들의

많은 지원 기다립니다.


- 접수 기간 : 2010년 5월 11일 ~ 5월 16일

- 모집 지역

* 중화권 : 대만

* 미주권 : San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver

- 지원 방법 : 첨부파일에서 지원서를 다운받아 작성한 후 이메일 발송

(지원서 : 오디션 카페내 필독공지 게시판)

* 중화권 : neverjan@jype.com

* 미주권 : funnypark@jype.com

JYP World Agent Recruitment

JYP Entertainment is recruiting agents who are wishing to work with

the Newcomer Development team that discovered Wonder Girls, 2AM, 2PM, JOO and others.

We are waiting for many applications from many people with an outstanding eye and

who have a great passion for working in the world of discovering newcomers.

We thank you.

Reception period: May 11th ~ May 16th

Recruitment area

* Taiwan

* North America : San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver

Application Process: From the attached file area, download it and after you fill it in e-mail it in

(Application : Found under the 'Main Annoucements' board)

* Taiwan : neverjan@jype.com

* North America: funnypark@jype.com

JYP Entertainment Audition


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Guest writtenkarma

I second this, only cause I can't find the link to the application on the site even though I am a member of the cafe.

Thank you.

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The download link for the file is on the front page of the cafe, after this line [- 지원 방법 : 첨부파일에서 지원서를 다운받아 작성한 후 이메일 발송] You will see it as 다운로드 : 크릭

If you need help with translations for this too, I'll be more than happy to~ ^^

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Guest writtenkarma

I think since I am only a "World Star" on the cafe I can't download the application :(

Since it says this,

회원님은 현재 월드스타이세요. 이 게시판은 슈퍼스타 이상 읽기가 가능해요.

등업신청 관련 게시판을 통해 신청하거나, 카페 활동을 열심히 하셔서 회원 등급을 올려보세요

Is there any other way to bypass this or am I out of luck?

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I think it's only accessible to people who have the Super Star status.. If you want to upgrade it I think you're going to have to go to the 등업신청section and make a post there. Oh ><;; since I didn't have to foresight to those who probably don't have a Daum account or just can't simply access the file, I upped the file over here

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