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[Drama 2010] ATHENA : Goddess of War 아테나: 전쟁의 여신

Guest Lilazinprincess

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Guest flootist

I usually do not write reviews but in this case I felt it necessary to express my opinion on this drama. I am currently waiting for episode 11 to be released.

This drama is not comparable to IRIS in that the main character is not what I expected him to be. He's not only a too soft, weak, crazy-in-love individual, but also he neglects his position and undermines EVERYTHING a secret agent stands for. For a girl that he met not long ago, he is willing to betray his team, his country and everything he's worked for up until then. I can't imagine someone like him even passing the agent examination, let alone assigned to such crucial assignments.

This idea of boundless love is unrealistic and drives the whole series. He is never once suspicious of her even after all the evidence points to her. He goes on to prove her innocence, troubling everyone, and even reprimands his ex-girlfriend for doubting the suspect. Furthermore, when she gets caught, miraculously appears (in clean, neat clothing) to save him, he's only concerned that she passed out never once putting the pieces together...

Also, the girl-main-character Hye-In is very inhuman as to how she repeated betrays Jeong-Woo (the male-main-character) over and over. I understand that she has a change of heart, but I believe that her change of heart is too slow. Does she even have a heart? AND Has she not realized that what she is doing, immediately reporting everything to Son Hyuk, is painfully obvious and suspicious? Does she really think no one is going to wonder where she goes off to every time something crucial happens?

Additionally, the BoA segment was a TOTAL waste of my time. It was like SM Entertainment paid Taewon Entertainment a sum of money to have BoA dance around and tell "life-stories"...nothing really was accomplished in that episode and yeah, I am a fan of BoA, but I'm not interested in watching her sing when I'm watching an action drama.

One thing I do like is Si-won's character. He's a very powerful individual and it is evident that he had a huge dip in his life before. He's trying very hard to get over this wound of the heart. I'm interested in seeing how he deals with that in future episodes.

Overall, I am disappointed and I do understand why the drama ratings are decreasing consistently every episode [episode 1: Nationwide 25.9 (2nd) --> episode 10: Nationwide 12.4 (9th)], but since i loved IRIS, I am going to continue watching this series. I really hope this show gets better because right now, I'm only hoping for the best.

This is only my own personal opinion. I just thought i might express it in case someone who does not have all the time in the world is considering on watching (and wasting) their time on this drama. If I offended anyone...please keep in mind that that was not my intention.

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I usually do not write reviews but in this case I felt it necessary to express my opinion on this drama. I am currently waiting for episode 11 to be released.

This drama is not comparable to IRIS in that the main character is not what I expected him to be. He's not only a too soft, weak, crazy-in-love individual, but also he neglects his position and undermines EVERYTHING a secret agent stands for. For a girl that he met not long ago, he is willing to betray his team, his country and everything he's worked for up until then. I can't imagine someone like him even passing the agent examination, let alone assigned to such crucial assignments.

This idea of boundless love is unrealistic and drives the whole series. He is never once suspicious of her even after all the evidence points to her. He goes on to prove her innocence, troubling everyone, and even reprimands his ex-girlfriend for doubting the suspect. Furthermore, when she gets caught, miraculously appears (in clean, neat clothing) to save him, he's only concerned that she passed out never once putting the pieces together...

Also, the girl-main-character Hye-In is very inhuman as to how she repeated betrays Jeong-Woo (the male-main-character) over and over. I understand that she has a change of heart, but I believe that her change of heart is too slow. Does she even have a heart? AND Has she not realized that what she is doing, immediately reporting everything to Son Hyuk, is painfully obvious and suspicious? Does she really think no one is going to wonder where she goes off to every time something crucial happens?

Additionally, the BoA segment was a TOTAL waste of my time. It was like SM Entertainment paid Taewon Entertainment a sum of money to have BoA dance around and tell "life-stories"...nothing really was accomplished in that episode and yeah, I am a fan of BoA, but I'm not interested in watching her sing when I'm watching an action drama.

One thing I do like is Si-won's character. He's a very powerful individual and it is evident that he had a huge dip in his life before. He's trying very hard to get over this wound of the heart. I'm interested in seeing how he deals with that in future episodes.

Overall, I am disappointed and I do understand why the drama ratings are decreasing consistently every episode [episode 1: Nationwide 25.9 (2nd) --> episode 10: Nationwide 12.4 (9th)], but since i loved IRIS, I am going to continue watching this series. I really hope this show gets better because right now, I'm only hoping for the best.

This is only my own personal opinion. I just thought i might express it in case someone who does not have all the time in the world is considering on watching (and wasting) their time on this drama. If I offended anyone...please keep in mind that that was not my intention.

Totally agree. The large gaping plot holes and general inconsistency of this series is frustrating and infuriating. Do they really consider us the audience to be so dumb? There is absolutely no intrigue or cleverness in this series so far. We know who the main villains are and their goals from the beginning. It's like watching a scripted play where we already know all the plot points...it's simply not much fun. DIS regularly and easily breaks past any security, officers get murdered in the NTS HQ, no one investigates anything, and characters give out intel and secrets over drinks, or participate in illegal actions with no repercussions.

Hae-in's character is so cold, emotionless and so unbelievably cruel that i have a hard time buying the quick "softer, emotional" moments they show. I know the idea is to show her inner struggles and slow descent into humanism, however i just don't buy it. Also her acting is not expressive enough - her face and eyes look almost the same between when she's killing and when she's reflecting on her kills. She should show more of that "inner struggle" with her expressions and body language. She perpetuates the "deer in the headlights" look waaayyy too much.

Cha Seung Woo is good but he does that kind of character all too much. It reminds me very much of the same character acting when he played the N. Korean officer in "Into the Fire". I'm trying to stay with this series in homage to IRIS but with each episode it frustrates me even more. And the BoA bit was most definitely paid for as a "product placement". It might have been an attempt to offset bad Korean ratings. IRIS was very popular in Japan, and BoA is also much (more) popular in Japan than in Korea. There was press release too recently about how Japanese could be extras, it might be part of a plan to help sell this to Japan on a larger scale. Did you notice that the stool she's sitting on during her concert kept changing? :P

Considering the star power, and the money spent on production the low viewer ratings is quickly making this into one of the biggest flops of all dramas.

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(warning for spoilers)

I personally thought Hye In's character development was done well. Because we get that glimpse of her background, we get more insight of her character and see possible reasons for her to love Jung Woo and betray Athena. As someone who's gone through intense trauma and lost her guardians at a young age, she's someone who probably values her life above all, fearing for her safety. So she joins an organization that gives her control. She becomes an agent that has no strings attached, freedom to make whatever choice necessary. She can't love Son Hyuk (even if he did save her) because he disregards her safety as a commodity and treats her almost like a pet. He's impersonal, even in his "love". Jung Woo, on the other hand, may be an idiot but his emotion is what draws Hye In. She who has locked her heart away is struck by a man who wears his feelings like armor and sacrifices everything for her sake. Jung Woo puts her above everything else and that's why she loves (or will love) him. He, unlike Son Hyuk, treats her as a precious person and is willing to wait for her to return his affections while SH presses gifts onto her and disappears.

Also: I think Son Hyuk is a sociopath and I do not ship him with anyone. He needs to be put down.

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Guest cyonink


You took the words right of my mouth. It is crazy indeed. I can't help but being interested in their story and wanting this relationship to be developed into something more. But at the same time I find myself metaly yelling at JH to stay as far as posible from SH and not to get involved with him anymore. Anyway I look at it I forsee bleak future for either one of the or both. As much as I want to belive that they will have a happy ending I can't.

And still I am intrigued.

I still can't figure out the reason to which SH has an interest in JH. Like many of you out there, I've wrecked my brains out trying to come up with a reason to which SH is actualy interested in JH. The first posibility could be the simplest one: atraction, chemestry. Bt as in korean dramas nothing is simple anymore, a lightbulb turned on as I was watching episode 9 with subs. In the scene in which SH slaps director Han, Sh says something that got me thinking. And I quote: "If you disapoint me agin you will have to bare the consequences ..." Could it be that director Han is actualy blackmailed by SH. Maybe SH threatened him with harming his daughter if he does not do what he's asked. Maybe that's why SH has taken an interest in JH's safety. If she would be dead then he would lose an important pawn.

I know it is a little bit far fetched, but what do you think? Would it be possible?

Oh, and here's a screencap with the scene that made many viewers exclaim: KYAAAA!!!


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Guest ghost117

hello everyone,

i just need some help to identifies a soundtrack from the movie. Anyone know the song in the beginning of episode 9 when the episode begin with a short break (first part of the song) for showing what happened to all the previous episode.

Thank you in advance if you can help me find it.

BTW This is one of my most favorite drama.

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Guest sonataa

aaccckkk I've just started watching Athena and i LOVE IT

but i NEED SOME HELP. there are two songs that I've heard, but I have no idea what they're called, and who sang them, do any of you guys know what the song and artist's names are for:

- the song in episode 6, the scene where soo ae/hye in is trying the wine the scientist made synthetically. The lyrics are "hey lady, you lady, cursing at your life, you're a discontented mother..." the original singer is someone called charlene, but this cover is far slower and more jazzy/lounge-like, and i CAN'T FIND IT BUT I MUST HAVE THIS SONGG :((

- next one is end of episode 7/beginning of episode 8, when BoA and lee jung woo are in the car, and some song is playing in the car. again...no idea what it's called, and i can't find the title to the song either.

help help help i really want to know what these songs areeee :(

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Guest bashful

It's very clear that SH tries to kill JW at the ending of ep10 mainly because of his jealousy. I need to add that he himself wants to take the shot instead of hiring any guy!

HI is something that he seems not to be able to touch, or even to love. When he tells HI to call JW and ask him to meet up, there are signs of tears as well as pain in his eyes. He also forces her to choose which side she is now, childishly showing his place in her heart.

And about JH, look at his emotions when he stands in front of the mirror, so cold. He just plays around with her. That's all. Even his touch.

Do JH's fans need any proof which actually is so obvious? lol

I can't really agree with you. It doesn't seem like jealousy, but more like a warning to her. Plus I think he is trying to put HI through a test to see if she is really willing to betray him and safe SW. If SH really was in love with HI, why is he willing to put her in so many dangerous mission knowing that she can be hurt or killed at any time. ( unless you want to say he wants to test if she is worthy of his love) Other than that, there is no way you want to see the one you love be in danger. She is more like a right hand man that can help him accomplish what he wants, just like the time he stage her kidnap and drowns her to retrieve the NSC. I think that scene speaks for itself and can tell you how much he "loves" her.:phew: Their relationship is like that of a master and its dog. When the dog bite its master, will the master kill it or teach it to know its place, and behave. ;)lol

On the other hand, he may or may not be using JH (can't really tell at this stage). But he has so far gained nothing from JH. However, he is constantly saving her and actually makes a trip to Japan trying to warn her that the enemies (Athena: being himself) she's facing are dangerous and she should watch out. I mean you can say that it's because he doesn't want her to know so much since her father is related to Athena as well. But, you can't really rationalize why he would care about her safety, since he doesn't really think much of her father and smacks him around as he pleases. It makes me think that she is someone he doesn't want to cross swords with and actually having to kill her if that time was to come in the future. It may or may not be love, but its definitively more than what he feels for HI. ( just my piece of mind hehe :lol: )

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Guest naddification

hello everyone,

i just need some help to identifies a soundtrack from the movie. Anyone know the song in the beginning of episode 9 when the episode begin with a short break (first part of the song) for showing what happened to all the previous episode.

Thank you in advance if you can help me find it.

BTW This is one of my most favorite drama.

Hmm that instrumental song doesn't seem to be part of the official OSTs. I tried looking around but couldn't manage to find it. Sorry! If you are interested in the other OSTs, you can find them on the first page of this forum :)

aaccckkk I've just started watching Athena and i LOVE IT

but i NEED SOME HELP. there are two songs that I've heard, but I have no idea what they're called, and who sang them, do any of you guys know what the song and artist's names are for:

- the song in episode 6, the scene where soo ae/hye in is trying the wine the scientist made synthetically. The lyrics are "hey lady, you lady, cursing at your life, you're a discontented mother..." the original singer is someone called charlene, but this cover is far slower and more jazzy/lounge-like, and i CAN'T FIND IT BUT I MUST HAVE THIS SONGG :((

- next one is end of episode 7/beginning of episode 8, when BoA and lee jung woo are in the car, and some song is playing in the car. again...no idea what it's called, and i can't find the title to the song either.

help help help i really want to know what these songs areeee :(

Song in episode 6: "I've Never Been To Me" by Charlene. The original song is indeed slow-paced. You can download the mp3 here: http://www.mediafire.com/?9nmwat2vpm4

Song in episode 7/8: I strained my ears to listen to the lyrics and tried googling them, but it was a futile attempt! Hehe sorry! Hope there are others who can help you with this :)

Is there a preview for episode 11 or whatever we saw end of epi 10 was it?

I suppose the snippets we saw at the end of episode 10 are the preview for episode 11 :)

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Guest naddification

As mentioned by many, this drama is indeed flawed and has many loopholes and ridiculous things going on which make you go "What the heckkk?!". With all the built-up hype and anticipation prior to the airing of this drama, I think the actual thing has fallen short of the expectation of many viewers. However, I'm actually alright with this drama despite its flaws cos I think it's not ALL that bad. Plus, a drama isn't a drama if it's too perfect and realistic! I'm watching and enjoying this drama just cause :D

The main thing in this drama which is still sustaining my attention is the intriguing relationship between SH and JH. There are so many questions buzzing around in my head. Both of them seem to be using each other but I wonder what kind of information they are possibly trying to get out of each other? What do they actually stand to gain by getting close to each other? So far, I can see why JH is getting close to SH (to get more info about Athena) but on the other hand, I don't really see what SH stands to gain by being close to JH.

Will the both of them actually fall for each other later on? But so what if they like each other? SH isn't going to ditch his plans just for a woman and I hope JH too, will remain rational and intelligent, and not be taken in by SH's lures. As much as I want the 2 of them to have a relationship of romantic nature, I don't see a bright future for them. Plus, Son Hyuk is definitely a psycho and JH had better be on her guard. I hope not to see her die. Please JH, you may kill SH but please stay alive... Haha.

I think someone mentioned this before - SH and JH seem to have this silent attraction (sexual/physical) between them. You can see they are drawn to each other. I was watching their drinking session scene and their bed scene and I realise there was this intensity between them, especially SH --> JH. SH tends to give JH these weird looks. During their drinking session, JH asked SH something like "Oh you really like coffee huh" (in a REALLY flirty manner, haha) and SH was just looking at JH in a I-don't-know-what-to-describe manner *swoons!* The bed scene radiated an intense and dangerous feel and there was this indescribable attraction between them too. Everytime they look at each other, I hold my breath (Ok I'm exaggerating but yeah). There's just something captivating when they are with each other. But I don't know, maybe I'm looking too much into things.

Of course I'm not being delusional to the extent that I'm hoping for them to fall in love and have a happily-ever-after ending, cos I know that's not likely. I would just like to see more elaborate development between them as right now, their storyline is the most interesting and appealing one in my humble opinion :)


I think your hypothesis is very much plausible. I was surprised to discover JH's father's involvement with SH. I'm wondering if JH's father is aware that SH and JH are becoming closer now? Do you think JH's father's involvement with SH is part of a bigger plan (orchestrated by Director Kwon and the NTS maybe) to trap SH and bring him down? Till now, I haven't actually seen the competence and intelligence of the NTS or NIS. I don't think they're getting anywhere close to taking the enemy down. Plus, I'm dismayed at how "traitors" and enemies (DIS, Hye In, JH's father) can easily infiltrate and exist in the NTS system/HQ. I'm still harbouring an ounce of hope that they will surprise us pleasantly later on!


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Wow! I'm enjoying reading this thread so much! :D Thank you all for the recaps, screencaps, thoughts and humor.

I gave up on the spy story ever making sense. Now I just smile or laugh, though I might cry in disbelief one of these days (jk). I watch the show in good fun. I'm also curious to see how the writers will handle the rest of the series. I confess that SH/JH keep me glued every time they're on screen. Their characters are flawed (thank goodness), but the actors make them so believable!

I agree with all the comments about SH: yes, the guy is a total psycho, you never know what he's going to pull next. He seems cool and calm on surface, his eyes are generally icy, but there is a fire underneath, a raging though calculated anger that seems to have built-up over years of abuse, oppression, sadness and frustration. I'm profoundly enjoying how Cha Seung Won renders SH as such an intense and complex personality. He is a cold killer, but I think JH brings/awakens his human (close to normal) side, one that is not that suspicious of others, one that makes him let his guards down (hm, in appearance), one that smiles, one that cares, one that does not look down on others. Have you noticed in episode 10...

... how he obviously doesn't take advantage of JH when she is down and drinking. On the contrary he stops her from drinking too much. First he took the bottle of liquor away, and had her drink coffee. Secondly, at some point he took her glass of wine away. On that shot we see his glass still full. Regardless of how many glasses he'd had before, it seems clear that he drank much less than her, and we saw him drive earlier, so it is safe to assume that he remained sober (maybe to take her safely home later). Oh, and the way he looks at her when she has her head in her hands!


Note also the conversation? The way he speaks to her is different from the way he speaks with any other people. He seems more relax. He doesn't act superior with her (he does in any other scenes, even with Director Kwon. Whenever he's around other high ranked male figures it reminds me of roosters in a barn ready to fight). In that regard, I feel as if he's showing her a respect he doesn't show others, not even HI (where it is again a dominant/dominé relationship). He more or less gives her advice...

As for what he has to gain by flirting, playing her? I don't think he's in it fishing for information. He has HI and so many other people infiltrating, apparently with ease, any department, offices, etc... JH is a field agent, but it's not as if she has the highest level of clearance. I think she's different from others, she doesn't appear to be scared of him and she doesn't act naive either. Maybe he's intrigued? Takes it as a little distraction?

Aaaaahhh, the bed scene. I'm joking here, but maybe the writers and director made it so short to spare us a heart attack? Ah ah! :D I liked the contrast of personality between SH/JH, and their interaction makes me hope, really hope, that there could be some redemption for SH, that whatever is left of him (his humanity) "could be saved." JH stands her ground with him (maybe it is what he finds appealing?). She can go head to head with him one day, and be totally feminine and hit on him the next. She owns her actions, maybe even what she feels in the moment, and so does he (he is so unapologetic).

My heart totally melted when she held his arm. I found the close up on their hands so symbolic: his is the hand of a killer. You see the roughness and the veins. It reminded me of the first episode when he kills his target. JH's is smaller, appears in the scene more delicate. She holds his hand and, though the camera stays only briefly on it, she actually caresses it. That's when SH takes control and prevent her from touching or holding him any further (were his inner walls starting to crackle a bit?)

Anyway, just my two cents. These two greatly save the show in my opinion. Love them! :D

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Guest naddification

In episode 10, SH received a phone call from someone when he was in the car, following which he went to the bar to meet JH. It wasn't JH who called him over, was it? Is it just me or does anyone else think he has asked someone to tail JH?

I really like the song at the end of episode 9 during the preview. Does anyone know what is the song and who is it by?

@alicia0344: If I recall correctly, the song you're asking about is "Keep Your Head Down" by TVXQ. Hope that's the song you're referring to! :)

@lilyphenix: Beautifully-put comments on the SH-JH interaction! Like you, I choose to believe SH still has an ounce of humanity in him and that he can still be "saved".

Can't wait for Monday and Tuesday! They're not coming fast enough. Hehe. In the meantime I shall watch the bar scene and the bed scene for the 1007th time now. Someone, STOP ME PLEASEEE. LOL.

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Guest naddification

Text previews for episodes 11 and 12:

Episode 11 (17.01.2011)

손혁이 정우를 향해 총을 쏘려는 일촉즉발의 순간, 갑자기 나타나는 혜인! 어딘가 불안한 모습의 혜인은 정우에게 그만 만나자는 말을 전하고, 정우는 혜인의 갑작스런 변화를 이해할 수가 없다. 한편 미국CIA는 손혁의 정체를 의심하고 체포명령을 내리고, 손혁은 CIA와 NTS의 추격을 동시에 받게 되는데……

Google translation: Sonhyeokyi Woo shoot a gun toward the moment of imminent, sudden appearance Hye! Hye-Woo of the unstable state somewhere that you want to break up the word spread, and Hye Jung Woo can not understand the sudden change. Meanwhile, the CIA is doubtful that the arrest order sonhyeokui down, sonhyeokeun pursuit of the CIA and the NTS will receive at the same time......

Episode 12 (18.01.2011)

손혁의 안가로 조심스럽게 접근하는 정우! 그러나 그들 앞에 나타난 건 손혁에게 총을 겨눈 채 걸어 나오는 혜인! 손혁을 체포한 권용관 국장은 손혁에 대한 NTS의 독자적 수사를 지시한다. 정우, 재희, 준호는 손혁을 통해 NTS내부첩자를 찾으라는 비밀임무를 맡게 되고, 손혁의 데이터를 살펴보던 정우는 손혁의 소지품인 사진에서 낯이 익은 얼굴을 발견하는데...

Google translation: Cautious approach by not going to sonhyeokui Woo! However, they appeared before the walk out without a revolver Articles sonhyeokege Hye! Gwonyonggwan director arrested sonhyeokeul sonhyeoke independent investigation of the NTS is directed. Woo, Jae Hee, Junho sonhyeokeul NTS via a secret mission to find the mole is in charge, Woo salpyeobodeon sonhyeokui data product, the possession of sonhyeokui familiar face in the picture to discover...

Credits: http://tv.sbs.co.kr/athena/

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@Naddification: Thanks for the preview, and ditto I-can't-wait-for-Monday-Tuesday! :D

Regarding SH potential shot at redemption, if it were to ever happen, this is what I imagine:

I sincerely don't think that SH is the head at Athena. I think he does, at some point, take orders from someone else. Can't remember if that is clear in the first episode or not, when several members of Athena seem "activated" (and are sent killing). I would, in this sense, compare Athena to IRIS, in that its structure and chain of command aren't that transparent. If it's really the case, then I could see at some point SH torn between what a life (as in something new, reinvigorating, positive, shot at new beginning, shot at life, really) with JH has to offer (imagine them working side by side for the same cause. How bad-richard simmons would that be? They would totally be a winning team, one that is rational, smart and sexy)--So SH torn and tempted to follow good instead of evil, to give a shot at being "noble" and turning against Athena (maybe when they make him understand that he, too, is dispensable) hopefully realizing that Athena only destroys him from the inside more and more, and keeps him a prisoner of past wounds he can't put behind.

Well, a girl can dream... :D

I've been thinking that the show's performance (ie editing, plotting, etc...) is so uneven maybe because the production team, especially the writers, didn't have much time to prepare. I'm curious to know how long it took to give birth to IRIS, and how much time they had for ATHENA... It feels as if a network didn't want to wait too long to take advantage of the enthusiasm and emptiness left by IRIS (one of the few shows I give a five star out of five) and they rushed into this one. Of course this is just pure speculation.

Regarding SH's "Rachel tattoo"

I've been wondering if it's not related to HI, because they seem to have such a weird, twisted relationship, and because HI seems to be the only person (so far) he's shown some kind of attachment for, for a very long time (I like how she keeps all his gifts in their boxes, and hidden in a closet, like she keeps him hidden in a closet in real life, and as if she doesn't allow any romantic feelings to come out of... that closet. She seems to be the only one he's allowed so close to him all that time. All the others have relationship clearly based more on subordination with him, even Randy (Sean Richards). So, given that HI grew up in America, I'm wondering if Rachel isn't her English name. It's a stretch to think of it, but you never know. I'm not sure something intimate ever happened between these two, and if my theory were true, I'm wondering if HI's ever seen the tattoo (and his pecs! lol, kidding here. Had to throw it out there, though. Seriously, was the mirror scene (bed scene ep 10) really necessary? We already know CSW is hawt!


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Guest naddification

@lilyphenix: Actually about the tattoo,

I read somewhere on the internet that it is actually a real tattoo which CSW has. Supposedly, "Rachel" is the name of his daughter in real life. No idea how true this is! Apparently he had already sported this same tattoo back in 2008, when he starred in "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". If it is CSW's personal tattoo, they could have used some concealer to hide it. I don't see why they would show the tattoo if it's the name of his daughter. This tattoo thing has left me

:blink:, especially when they zoomed in on it. Maybe later on we'll discover the significance of the tattoo? Or maybe the tattoo merely serves to further emphasise SH's badass character? Though having a tattoo doesn't necessarily prove someone is badass. Haha.

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Just came across the following info, which I think will make some happy: apparently SBS will rerun episode 10 (when? Does anyone know?) and at that time the bed scenes of both couples will be longer. The article says "unedited" but the final product is always (needs to be) edited, isn't it? O_O

Anyway, read about it here: :)


@Naddification: Thanks for clarifying. Maybe they left the tattoo because they thought it makes him look more, I don't know... something? (wow, I'm actually at loss for words, lol).

JH gave it a puzzled look at the end of their scene...

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