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[Drama 2010] ATHENA : Goddess of War 아테나: 전쟁의 여신

Guest Lilazinprincess

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Guest cutejanam

No no no, ratings are dropping down. what's gonna happen @@

In my opinion, they should either forego the romance storyline and concentrate on the action/suspense or tone down JW/HI and bring SH/JH storyline... my consensus is JW/HI is not working for the audience as a whole because ratings are still dropping regardless of how much romantic scenes they are putting in... all thats left is them having babies... cause JW is so smitten, he'll find out she is the double agent and he'll still go running after her even if it screws up his whole organization...

SH/JH has more potential at the moment to develop into a romance with alot of suspense... is it fake? is it real? can they get over their last love? aren't they enemies? etc. That sex scene was brief but so intense..and when JH was having flashbacks...there was so much hotness there... and so much of that "I know I shouldn't...it was a one night thing...but it was so good!" Anyone else think that?

and the waist touching thing..... *swoon* who's JW again? LOL! SH is definitly the most intriguing charecter to me in this drama... I am interested in what he's thinking, what he'll do next...etc.

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In my opinion, they should either forego the romance storyline and concentrate on the action/suspense or tone down JW/HI and bring SH/JH storyline... my consensus is JW/HI is not working for the audience as a whole because ratings are still dropping regardless of how much romantic scenes they are putting in... all thats left is them having babies... cause JW is so smitten, he'll find out she is the double agent and he'll still go running after her even if it screws up his whole organization...

SH/JH has more potential at the moment to develop into a romance with alot of suspense... is it fake? is it real? can they get over their last love? aren't they enemies? etc. That sex scene was brief but so intense..and when JH was having flashbacks...there was so much hotness there... and so much of that "I know I shouldn't...it was a one night thing...but it was so good!" Anyone else think that?

and the waist touching thing..... *swoon* who's JW again? LOL! SH is definitly the most intriguing charecter to me in this drama... I am interested in what he's thinking, what he'll do next...etc.

I agree with you 100% about the ratings things. JW and HI just do nothing. Bring it on SH and JH, anything about them is so sexy.

I think he cares for her and is possessive of her, and trusts her... in normal circumstances I wouldn't say it's love, but it's comfort... the interactions we have seen to me doesn't say romantic love, but caring... and that maybe the most someone like SH is capable of at the moment... because he seems to have alot of scars....

but since its a Kdrama, it has to be love and nothing else offcourse cause you have to have love triangles and love squares and love pentagons :D

I can't say anything better :)

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Guest BleedingHeart

hmm..ratings keep declining for this drama....BUT I'M LOVING IT!!!

Hye In (Soo Ae) is a total bad richard simmons fighter!! she makes a very intimidating woman when she isn't smiling, that's for sure....and i LOOVE Jung Woo's dorkiness! It's so adorable and makes you want to pinch his cheeks; especially when he's throwing out all those corny love lines at Hye In....gotta love those two!!

Lee Ji Ah (JaeHee) is doing a superb job at this role...she should've done more tomboy, badass rolees like this earlier....her acting skills are shining in here!!

Now, needa rant about my boy CHOI SIWON!!

man is he hot! i'm so excited that Siwon got onboard this drama because I was left wanting MORE after Oh! My Lady and thought it really was a waste of a role (my opinion only)....but he's doing wonders in this drama! I can't wait until he officially starts kicking some major butt!

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Guest naddification

AWESOMENESS! This thread is no longer dormant! Keep the awesome comments coming people!!

And tsk, tsk, Son Hyuk. Don't you know that a kick richard simmons antagonist's charm is always the fact that he keeps it's cool cold facade no matter what? Didn't you learn that in bad guy school. Tsk,tsk, tsk. I don't want you for Jae Hee anymore.

@cyonink: I know right! I want him for JH, but I don't want him for JH :crazy: I fear for JH’s safety now. I know I’m supposed to feel worried for HI’s and JW’s safety but I don’t really care much about them. Oops.

Thanks for spoiler. Finally more Hi and JW scene... ;)

@Dolfy: No problem at all! I apologise for the rather lousy and superficial recap/spoilers! :P

@DarkSmurf: Thank you so much for the episode 9’s softsub!

**Dissapointed** I was SO looking forward to the scene between SH and JH after I saw the MV~Please and 'the making scenes' etc... It was too short! They should shown us more!!

@helen1990: Yeah! I was disappointed when I first watched that scene. The scene cut in the Please MV looked so promising but alas :( However,

after watching the scene again, I realize even though it was brief, I thought it was pretty intense! I like how SH was “in charge” during the make-out scene. He pulled her, pinned her against the wall, brought her to the table and pinned her down on bed – now isn’t that just SEXY!


I'm just want to clarify some things -

The conversation between Director Kwon and JH (about SH):

JH dug information about SH's past. Apparently he was an elite student, moved to LA with his parents and during the LA riots, SH's parents died. And I guess because of that, he built up anger and vengence. He got into the CIA where Director Kwon suspects that SH endured alot of racism and felt outcasted, which is why SH is so cold. Director Kwon asks if she found any link to Athena. And she said no.

Now the past relationship between HI and SH (what she was saying with Sean Richard in Hawaii)

Sean Richard was picking up HI to bring back to SH and she hesitated. Sean asked if he could ask a personal question which was "what is your past relationship with SH?" (I'm assuming that it's pretty obvious to him that SH is very protective on HI. So apparently, HI's parents also died in the LA riots. And she is trapped in the burning building. During that scene you see someone walking up to the young crying HI, which is SH. So she thinks of him as his hero

@chungy: Thank you so much for the clarification! Now I am enlightened! :D

Thank you naddification and others for all the news and views again! :)

And okay, I think seeing SH later will change my mind, but right now, I'm really digging the scene when

SH touches JH's waist as he smiles at the laboratory lady- lab lady is hilarious, she got all flustered and giggling because SH smiled at her and even said "Ohhh... maybe he likes me? How embarassng! Smiling at me in public!" missing the whole point of him stopping BIG time!


I think that touch, which carried some danger (in public) and yet was so smoothly done, and rather rattled JH was way sexier than the sex scene itself. :)

@yitiantulong: No problem! Apologies for the lack of depth and analysis of the scenes! :lol:

I totally agree!!! Just that brief scene of him touching her waist, ooh it oozes so much sexiness and dangerous charm! And the way he gave that sideway glance and smile… OMG. Plus, it was daring of him to do that in public! I want to hate you SH but I just can’t. Why oh why… Oh and LOL at the lab lady who thought he was smiling at her in a special way!

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I think he cares for her and is possessive of her, and trusts her... in normal circumstances I wouldn't say it's love, but it's comfort... the interactions we have seen to me doesn't say romantic love, but caring... and that maybe the most someone like SH is capable of at the moment... because he seems to have alot of scars....

but since its a Kdrama, it has to be love and nothing else offcourse cause you have to have love triangles and love squares and love pentagons :D

I have to think a lot of times, if the feelings SH has towards HI is possession, or brother-sister alike, or even father-daughter alike. Still, I don't quite feel that is the exact feeling. At the beginning of the drama, I am very cautious to call it "a soft spot" that they have for each other. HI used to like SH to the point that she followed him unconditionally and helped him unconditionally. But I think deep in herself, she does not believe that SH likes/loves her, because, as some of you said, SH did not even blink when giving her the most dangerous job ever, even tortured her (in episode 9) to get the job done. Because HI must have been with SH for a long time, she may know this very well and think (?) his caring towards her is based on a "calculative" relationship. However, what SH really feels we don't know for sure. The anger that he vents is no less than jealousy, but maybe you are right, because the way he looks at HI, I don't think that there's much "flame of desire" in there. 

However, his reaction after he knows that HI is in love with JW is incredible. Did you see the end of episode 10? He can order just any one to kill JW, but he wants to do it himself, and he wants HI to see it. " I will kill him right in front of you". I can't think anything can lead to that besides jealousy. 

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oh SH, you blew me away in this episode...

My take on SH/HI's relationship is that there is definitely something beyond just a boss and subordinate relationship. Yet I can't exactly say I feel a love relationship going on. I think he cares for HI as in a person that he trusts and as a person that can understand what he is going through. So merely someone on the same page as him. He might have developed some special feelings for HI, yet i don't think its purely love. It's more of a protective and possessive feeling. I dunno, I might be completely wrong but that's how i see it. After all, SH was clearly unhappy when HI didn't follow his orders and instead ran back to save JW before the bomb at the warehouse went off. Again, he probably felt betrayed when HI blatantly lied to him on the phone, saying that she was not with JW, when after seeing the photos of them together says so otherwise. SH's anger may be set off by how HI is beginning to waver in her loyalty. Hahaha just look back to the scene where his assistant "betrays" him and is caught looking through his stuff.

I have to say I was a little disappointed with JH/SH bed scene. The editing person kept chopping up the scene and shooting closeups of the wrong places. And it was DEFINITELy too short for my liking. HAHAHA. But like @naddification after watching it a couple more times, I still have to say it was a pretty intense bed scene. Better editing would have made it spectacular but nontheless it was good. SH/JH have so much chemistry together and they make a hot couple, so who am i to complain.:lol:

@BleedingHeart: I totally agree with you on Lee Ji Ah's performance. Hahaha i think action scenes really fit her. She did really well in The Legend. She is spectacular in playing badass characters and I can see all the effort that she puts in during fight scenes because they look so real and full of power. Hehehe, I'm looking forward to the scene where she's fighting on some rooftop.

I have to say my favorite scene in today's episode was definitely the "back rub" scene. Smirks. hahaha. :wub::wub: It was pretty hilarious how the scientist lady thought SH was directing his attention at her instead of JH. She was totally swooning. But who wouldnt? SH is pretty irresistable even though he is pretty ruthless. I wanted to tell JH to run for it and stay away from SH after the part where he strangled his assistant, but I can't help to feel like he still has hope. And it would be such a waste to let JH/SH not be together. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that JH will soften SH and that they will fall for each other :lol: Now that I think about it, SH hasn't been meeting up with JH to use her in any way. And if you think back to all their scenes together, I think he is taking a liking to JH, like saving her in Italy, giving her a head to toe glance when he first moved into NTS, going out of his way to talk with JH in Japan and telling her to be careful and not get hurt. ^_^ That has to say a little something right? There's really no strings attached on SH's end that I can see as of now. After all he can merely get NTS' inside information with HI. As for JH, I think it's more possible for her to use SH in order to find out whether or not he is associated with Athena. But she's getting a little rattled up by SH. Hehehehe her expression when SH rubbed her back was priceless. Anyways I'm definitely looking forward to their scene on the bridge and also their hand holding/hug scene from the mv :wub:

hopefully the ratings go up :] it's really not so bad after you get past the fact the main lead is hopelessly in love and blinded by it. hahaha. (COUGH COUGH directors... please more SH/JH :lol: )

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Guest -Marla-

well. this episode was something. i can't believe son hyuk actually killed that woman. and seung won made it look so real too. but why didn't he kill sean richard earlier? hm... maybe because sean was smart and didn't say the word "athena". it seems like anyone who says that word infront of son hyuk dies. its like the word athena = death. lol. scary.

i think son hyuk knows that jae hee is using him. and he's just playing along with her to see what she's trying to get out of him. but that scene where he just walks behind her and touched her waist like that was so... ah. and she doesn't even know that her dad is one of his targets. i don't want to say this but jae hee is so gonna die at the end. if not her, than hye in for sure. or maybe both girls will die.

hm... i say that at the end, son hyuk, hye in, jae hee and ki soo, will all die. son hyuk because he's so evil and messed up already. hye in and jae hee both die because of jung woo's idiocy. just kidding. maybe. lol. and ki soo because he's in a really bad position to do anything against chul young's order.

Hello! :D

I just watched "ATHENA" today, and i'm only on 2nd episode...lol

I just have a question!

When Jung woo and the girl went to "ITALY" that was just a dream ryt??

coz when they were kissing i was like "wtf?! isn't that too early? they don't even know each other yet!"

then he was woken up by the girl....

so that means that's just a dream? they didn't really went to "Italy"??

also, the girl is working in NIS, but she was also involved in the "bad guys" 3 years ago ryt?!!!

how could she?!!!!

don't tell me, she planned it all....liker her meeting with Jung Woo was planned in the first place?

or was it really coincidental?

yes. it was just him dreaming all about that, cuz he's so in love with her already. lol.

and yes. the girl was and is with the bad guys from 3 yrs ago. after they failed to get the scientist dude 3 yrs ago, they kind of split. where as the evil dude went to the u.s. and became the head of dis. and how the girl started working for nis, well the evil dude got her that job.

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Guest lvtino99

oh SH, you blew me away in this episode...

My take on SH/HI's relationship is that there is definitely something beyond just a boss and subordinate relationship. Yet I can't exactly say I feel a love relationship going on. I think he cares for HI as in a person that he trusts and as a person that can understand what he is going through. So merely someone on the same page as him. He might have developed some special feelings for HI, yet i don't think its purely love. It's more of a protective and possessive feeling. I dunno, I might be completely wrong but that's how i see it. After all, SH was clearly unhappy when HI didn't follow his orders and instead ran back to save JW before the bomb at the warehouse went off. Again, he probably felt betrayed when HI blatantly lied to him on the phone, saying that she was not with JW, when after seeing the photos of them together says so otherwise. SH's anger may be set off by how HI is beginning to waver in her loyalty. Hahaha just look back to the scene where his assistant "betrays" him and is caught looking through his stuff.

I have to say I was a little disappointed with JH/SH bed scene. The editing person kept chopping up the scene and shooting closeups of the wrong places. And it was DEFINITELy too short for my liking. HAHAHA. But like @naddification after watching it a couple more times, I still have to say it was a pretty intense bed scene. Better editing would have made it spectacular but nontheless it was good. SH/JH have so much chemistry together and they make a hot couple, so who am i to complain.:lol:

@BleedingHeart: I totally agree with you on Lee Ji Ah's performance. Hahaha i think action scenes really fit her. She did really well in The Legend. She is spectacular in playing badass characters and I can see all the effort that she puts in during fight scenes because they look so real and full of power. Hehehe, I'm looking forward to the scene where she's fighting on some rooftop.

I have to say my favorite scene in today's episode was definitely the "back rub" scene. Smirks. hahaha. :wub::wub: It was pretty hilarious how the scientist lady thought SH was directing his attention at her instead of JH. She was totally swooning. But who wouldnt? SH is pretty irresistable even though he is pretty ruthless. I wanted to tell JH to run for it and stay away from SH after the part where he strangled his assistant, but I can't help to feel like he still has hope. And it would be such a waste to let JH/SH not be together. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that JH will soften SH and that they will fall for each other :lol: Now that I think about it, SH hasn't been meeting up with JH to use her in any way. And if you think back to all their scenes together, I think he is taking a liking to JH, like saving her in Italy, giving her a head to toe glance when he first moved into NTS, going out of his way to talk with JH in Japan and telling her to be careful and not get hurt. ^_^ That has to say a little something right? There's really no strings attached on SH's end that I can see as of now. After all he can merely get NTS' inside information with HI. As for JH, I think it's more possible for her to use SH in order to find out whether or not he is associated with Athena. But she's getting a little rattled up by SH. Hehehehe her expression when SH rubbed her back was priceless. Anyways I'm definitely looking forward to their scene on the bridge and also their hand holding/hug scene from the mv :wub:

hopefully the ratings go up :] it's really not so bad after you get past the fact the main lead is hopelessly in love and blinded by it. hahaha. (COUGH COUGH directors... please more SH/JH :lol: )

totally agree with you :D

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Guest naddification

My opinion on SH and HI's relationship:

Back in episode 1, we see SH giving HI a necklace for her birthday. We also discover that HI keeps many gifts (presumably from SH) in her cupboard. This shows that SH is someone special to her (in a romantic sense, perhaps). I doubt HI would keep the gifts so carefully in the cupboard if SH is just a normal friend. However, later on in episode 10, we find that SH had saved her from a burning building when she was younger. Therefore, it is possible that HI either views SH as more than a just friend (romantically) or she just admires him as a hero who had saved her life. Either way, SH is someone special to her.

On SH’s part, I think it is slightly more obvious that he has some feelings for HI (but I don’t think I’d call it love). Initially, we see him giving HI the necklace and (almost) flowers. When he saw that she was with JW, there was a little hint of sadness on his face. Lately, we witness him getting crazily jealous of HI being close to JW. However, despite his jealousy, despite HI foiling his plan to kill JW and the others (how she saved JW from the blast in the warehouse) and despite his thwarted plan in obtaining the SNC, he still doesn’t kill her. He even demanded the release of HI when she was taken in custody. Imagine if it were another person besides HI who had foiled his plans, I don’t think SH would have easily let the person live. He would have killed the person immediately. There are other examples but I can't recall them for now. I think his outburst of anger and jealousy is also quite telling of his feelings towards HI. Hence I think SH does indeed have some sort of special feelings (or a soft spot) for HI and that she is someone special to him. That said, his feelings for HI are really twisted in the sense that he wants to possess her, control her and have her do everything he tells him to.

In conclusion, even though the relationship between SH and HI is still vague and mysterious, I do believe both of them have some sort of feelings for each other; especially SH towards HI. But I wouldn’t call it love. It’s just…hard to exactly pinpoint what sort of feelings they have for each other. I think it’s more of they seek comfort and security in each other. They only have each other - both of them seem to be leading lonely lives which solely revolve around work, work and more work. They trust each other due to the fact that they work for the same cause – Athena, and also possibly due to the fact that SH saved HI’s life and took her under his wing years ago. I really think both of them are insecure people putting on a strong facade. Even with these special feelings, the both of them choose to maintain a platonic and professional relationship, refraining themselves from getting too emotionally involved with each other. They keep their emotions guarded and in check. Even if they have feelings for each other, they don’t express it and let those feelings control them. I suppose to these cold-blooded agents who have no qualms about killing anyone, entertaining their emotions will make them weak and vulnerable.

Moving on to SH's character:

Remember the small talk SH had with JH at the bar? He said to JH, "In order to be controlled by the strength and power of my hands, because it will be sad without power. I understood this earlier than anyone else. When I was struggling and having a hard time, neither Korea nor the U.S. helped me." We can see that SH is an individualistic and power-hungry man who believes in and trusts no one else but himself; and possibly also that “special person” in his heart whom I think is HI. Also, based on what @chungy said in his/her post, it appears that SH lost his parents in the LA riots and was a victim of discrimination when he was in CIA. These incidences might have scarred him deeply and caused him to harbour a lot of hatred, vengeance and negativity; to the point that they cause harm to his psychological well-being. That explains why he’s such a warped, and may I say crazy person. Possibly, based on his unpleasant experiences in life, he finds that the only way to survive, to be in control and to not be trampled on by others - is to obtain power through any means at all. All these bad experiences in life have caused him to turn so cold, heartless and evil.

I also find SH a lonely man living a life void of warmth, true happiness and emotions. He doesn’t have true/close friends; the people in his life are just HI, his DIS subordinates and his boss in the U.S. I think he doesn’t see anything good/positive in the world anymore and feeds on his hatred and negativity. He kills people and works toward an evil cause to make him feel powerful and to make up for his terrible past. Sad. Someone needs to reach out to him and slowly help break down the walls around him. Someone needs to help melt his icy heart. I’m still harbouring a glimmer of hope that JH will be able to that. I realise he only shows more emotions and is slightly at ease (joking around, laughing, talking about something non work-related) when he’s with JH. I suspect their bed scene is only just the beginning - it might be a start to more intense and interesting things to come. I haven’t given up totally on SH. I’m still keeping up hopes that he can be saved and can change for the better. However, I have learnt my lesson and I shall not keep my hopes too high as I might just be disappointed later on.

JH and SH's bed scene:

I think both of them are sleeping with no underlying intentions. When JH stopped SH from going back, SH had a slightly surprised/quizzical look. He just took advantage of the situation to have casual sex. He was also probably venting his pent-up frustration and jealousy of JW and HI by sleeping with JH. Likewise, JH was just feeling really down and upset after her confrontation with JW earlier on and so she slept with SH. That's how I see it. Hmmm. Hope this bed scene is a start to more intense and interesting things to come for JH and SH!

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Guest hong_gau

OMG my SH is jealous now hahahaha Im so happy :X

I think i like JW-HI couple. On the other hand, i really really love watching SH's jealousy so manly hahaha :x:X:x

HI is number one!!!

See, JH somehow begs for love (very clear in her bedscene wa ha ha) while our HI does nothing (just acts so cold) but to be loved by both super hot guys haha :X:x

I love HI :X

beautiful smile!!

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Guest DarkSmurf

Hi Everyone,

Athena: Goddess of War Episode 10 English Soft-Sub Subtitle is out.

Athena: Goddess of War 1-10 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://darksmurfsub.com/blog/?p=166

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. Enjoy!

Warmest Regards


PS: As the site has lots of drama release, I my not always post the update the episode immediately after adding. So check my site for the latest update.

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Guest othniel91

I just watched Ep 10... Awesome!!! Now I'm so concerned about the ratings now =.= i hope they don't cut the story short.

Now for some sweet screen caps :)










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Interesting on the editing of "that scene" ;)

I think the sex scene was meant to be choppy to suggest it's violence. I think we are meant to be really really scaerd of SH... he has a fury that is just below the surface. His collectedness and calm are just a veneer and very quickly you get to his true, angry, vengengeful, jealous, violent real person.

Everything for him is about control and dominance- even sex.

And I think it was a deliberate foil to JW and HI's romantic scenes.

(And oddly, although I'm usually into the sweet good guys,and the regular kdrama heros being arrogant and standoff'ish and rude never did appeal, but something about SH still attracts my attention. Alas... masochism much?!) :)

I'm with those who say they're not so excited about JH and SH being together- JH deserves better. But you can see why she's half-captivated, half-repulsed. ;)

SH is a snake... as fasinating as he is deadly!


the "touch" scene was awesome... you could feel JH shiver a little... whether from fright or desire, it's hard to say.


I think whatever JH's motive, she is a little attracted to SH (or maybe I'm just projecting! ;) ) but she really, really needs to keep away from SH... I doubt it'll happen, I'm with everyone who is predicting she's going to get killed.

I don't think JH could tolerate him being Athena, JW would probably be okay with HI being Athena because he's pretty obsessed, but I think JH is going to be really upset to learn that about her father and SH.... and that's going to land her in the same fate as SH's ex-secretary!


But my latest hope is that JH's flash back to her one night-stand with SH is actually her processing the fact that SH is all about violence and find a way to defeat him using his need to exert dominance and control!

Wouldn't it be just too cool if instead of, as people are speculating, SH killing JH, that JH kills SH in the end??

Be very interesting to see if the producers respond to some fans' ask for more SH/JH development... whatever that means with someone like SH!

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I don't want anything bad happen to JH, but I really want to see this couple together. I hope JH can melt SH's heart, and know what love means.... Of course I will not expect he change for good though.I love to see the way he looks at her every time he goes to NTS, (like checking her out) Since earlier episodes, I always feel there's sexual tension between SH and JH. Now, it's more obvious. I'm so looking forward the next episode and how they interacts . I really wanna know what's in JH's mind when SH touch her lower back... :w00t:

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