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[Drama 2010] ATHENA : Goddess of War 아테나: 전쟁의 여신

Guest Lilazinprincess

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Guest polarduck


Episode 4 - http://www.mediafire.com/?3o3o9dmjn9wds

Episode 5 - http://www.mediafire.com/?9643akvd1k1or

Episode 6 - http://www.mediafire.com/?akgbq5ul4c033

Posting Episode 4 link again because it's not posted on the first post of this topic yet.

HANrel download links.

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Thanks to everyone for great picts and news and views- JH and SH are HOT! :) (Fingers crossed JH stays a cool character and doesn't becoming a whiny 2nd lead female! I know what you mean Naddification about SH seeming a lot more cunning and ruthless than her... but I want to be surprised... maybe JH will show us, and SH!, that she's can be tough too.)

There are a few people who have expressed an opinion that possibly JH will not fall in love with SH at all and their coy relationship will be a cat-and-mouse one, with each of them trying to be cat.


I agree it's unlikely- given JH doesn't seem that cold- I mean she actually apologized to HI after she 'mistook' her for a murdered back in Ep 4/5? But I'd like to think she's smart and dedicated to her work enough to give SH some fight! :)

Naddification- good catch on the bar scene. Interesting.

So I'm forgetful about both the MV and episode 5, but does the seduction scene with SH takes place after a second bar scene with JH and JW then?

I'm really looking forward to the scenes you called out from the trailer as well- drama!

JW- I'm hoping he'll turn out to be somehow faking his naivety- otherwise he comes across as charmingly love-sick, but not too smart. ;)

A lot of debate on Baidu about whether people would find his willingness to trade for HI's life irresponsible, given his job. And they're comparing him e.g., to the President in the prior episodes who, even at the price of his own daughter, refused to negotiate with the kidnappers

Though in JW's defense, perhaps he's confident of getting back the sensivite documents afterward?

Don't get me wrong, I think JW is cute and overall, looking at other websites, JW and HI are getting lots of love- so it's by no means a uniform opinion that SH and JH are more compelling!

BTW, on the spoilers- it's definitely fair to ask for spoiler tags because you want to be surprised or discover the plot for yourself, and I think a lot of us will be trying out best from here out to do so! :)

But there seems to be an undertone of pp not wanting to read negative views about the show- forums are for people to air their views and discuss it, and so long as they don't give away the story and do things politely, they shouldn't have to use spoilers for their opinions! :)

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Guest kayana20

I don't see where I spoiled the episodes at all I now know I cannot share my thoughts here so I will just come to bump it up for the next episode. The pace is moving to slow but I love reading other's opinion on the show and what they think is really going on. Yitiantulong I love your posts you always make me go back and rewatch to see what you see.I am about to do so now. Only 12 more episodes to go I am excited to find out what happens next!

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Thanks Turtlepyre for sharing the picts- awesome!

I first saw LJA in Legend and really loved her character there, though I wasn't as excited about her in Beethoven's Virus- perhaps she just suits action roles better, but I think she actually looks one of the best of all the characters doing the action scenes in Athena!

Kayana, I was hoping my message is the opposite- I think everyone's welcomed to their views, so long as polite and aptly spoiler tagged! And I don't think the comments are targetted at anyone in particular, just a reminder that we should all be spoiler-aware. :)

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Guest naddification

@yitiantulong: I enjoy reading your posts, hehe! Oh and I also first watched LJA in The Legend. She really shone in that drama! She's pretty good in the action scenes. Let's hope for the best for JH! :)

I'm anxiously waiting for that seduction scene. I'm thinking it might appear in either episode 11 or 12. The bed scene looked pretty hot from the trailers I've watched! I wonder if things will be awkward between them after they sleep together. I mean, they're working together under the same building and things may become quite awkward after that one night stand, doncha think? Haha. I hope JH isn't bowled over by SH's dangerous charms and let's hope she turns out to actually be smart and sly enough to put up a good fight! Woohoo! I'm not too sure but were JH and SH actually flirting in that dock scene in episode 8?

@turtletyper: Thank you so much for posting the beautiful siggies! Do you happen to be a JH-shipper too? :D

@inception.: Thank you so much for posting ViKi's episode 6 softsubs! :)

For those who are interested, below are the text previews (in Hangul) for episodes 9 and 10:

Episode 9

눈 앞에서 고문을 당하고 있는 혜인을 보고 큰 충격에 휩싸인 정우. 테러범들은 혜인을 인질로 정우에게 신형원자로의 핵심장비인 SNC를 가져올 것을 요구한다. 테러범들의 협박에 선택의 기로에 빠진 정우는 결국 혜인을 구하기 위해 SNC를 빼내기로 결심하고 이를 실행에 옮긴다. SNC가 보관된 금고로 침투해 해제장치를 하나씩 풀기 시작하고 금고의 문이 열리는 순간, 정우의 등 뒤로 총을 든 요원들이 그를 포위하는데...

Episode 10

SNC를 놓친 손혁과 혜인은 미국으로 소환된다. 권용관 국장은 재희에게 손혁 지부장에 대한 조사를 지시하고, SNC를 무단으로 가져간 정우에게는 직무정지 처분을 내린다. 하지만 김명국 박사의 죽음이 석연치 않다고 느낀 정우는 홀로 일본에서의 사건을 수사하기 시작하고, 김명국 박사가 죽기 직전 건네준 물건이 사건을 푸는 데 중요한 단서라는 사실을 깨닫는다

Credits: Athena Official Website

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Guest pas_sub

hope they will put these scenes in the series...


edited with my limited photoshop skill... :P

thanks for the text preview,, head over to google translate now...


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Guest cutejanam

Hi guys,

Just started watching... and I was scared at first that I would hate JH, because apparently she wasnt great in other dramas but I have taken a huge liking to her and the romantic relations sorrounding her.... can someone spoil me on what upcoming couples they are hinting towards (i finished only ep 2). I like JH with both SH and JW!

p.s. loving this drama!!

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@naddification: hahahah yup im totally a JH shipper :]

@yitiantulong: same here! i really loved LJA in Legend. i started watching Athena cuz i heard LJA is in it, thus here i am! LJA looks awesome in action scenes :D

@pas_sub: omg yeahhh i cant wait for that scene :] thanks for the picture heheheh SH and JH make a hot couple!

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Episode 06

If Plunonium is a near impossible substance to get other from FSB or CIA wouldn't a normal security patrol officer be even less able to obtain it? First you need to find the source and with the DIS, a US intel agency right in their house wouldn't that be pretty suspicious? Also seems convenient that all the evidence and the culprit were so easily and quickly found (after Hae-in was suspected and held). Although the ever smart Director seems also not so convinced of her innocence. Obviously he was testing to see Hae-in's reaction at the funeral.

I also find it amazing that Jung Woo who everyone knows is interested in Hae-in would be part of the investigation team. His point about "not giving up on one of our own" is well taken, but then they need to obviously do a much more through investigation of her - there was no search of her belongings, her house, etc. From Hae-in's side she's not doing too well in terms of integrating into the team. You wouldn't know it but in a small group like that she should be making a much better effort to be friendly and attending those team drinking sessions. By walling and isolating herself off especially as the new person to the group, she will create suspicion from the other team members. Another thing, if they can breach security at the highest levels wouldn't it be fairly easy for Athena to breach the SRT or bodyguard staff? What about support staff in Japan?

The point that Cha Seung Woo makes about the cause and effect seems well on point. If it were a fake death by the Director you'd think he'd do a much better job of convincing people than this. I'm a bit disappointed. Also i'm disappointed by how the Dr. so easily told everything! On a side note, wouldn't NTS monitor all calls? Wouldn't they know that Hae-in continually makes phone calls to an outside unknown number on a regular basis? Intelligence can easily record and capture those conversations as well.

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Athena episode 6 Viki English subtitles.


Brought to you by Team Athena @ ViKi.com

Sorry this looks like the half chinese one from Dark Smurf Sub.

Did you accidently post up that one thinking it's from Vikii?

Apologies... I think this is the folder you want to say: http://www.megaupload.com/?f=CF0LAE00

There is the link to episode 6 translations.


(I like the Viki subs over S2 subs for some reason for this series)

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Guest sstyhoo

FYI episode 8 subs are fully translated at Dark Smurf Sub!

So now we're just missing epi 7

Just delurking to say Thank You DarkSmurf and the great editors at Community Sub team!

Ep 8's last 30minutes even in raw actually restored my interest in this series. It was smart, tense, fast paced and suspenseful and made me actually care for the characters (esp Joon-hoo, Go Choi Si-Won!).

The series is really puzzling me.

It obviously can be smart, well-edited, sharply paced and involving (the short sequence in Ep 7 where the NTS agent fought to get the message transmitted was really tense). But it's that it's only when the focus is on the Athena/DIS team. The other (painful to watch) half of the time we have to bear with the bungling ineptitude of practically the entire NTS team (except maybe Jae-Hee who appears to be actually exercising her intelligence despite her pining for JungWoo) which behave like a nervous bunch of clumsy, inept cops rather than an elite team you would trust the guardianship of your national nuclear program to! The only intelligence i've seen from the 'good guys' was in Ep 1 when Prof Kwon and his (decimated) team managed to spirit away Dr Kim while getting captured himself. After that it's been jaw-droppingly sloppy work .. a passport so easily filched off an agent ?? and neither he nor his superiors even stopped to process the carelessness ??..harassing the ONE KOREAN girl in Vincenza and NOT even suspecting fishiness when she's associated with all the places the terrorists are stalking?? ...allowing a proctectee to flounce out a car into a deserted stadium when you're assigned to watch her ?? and then not noticing the assailants making off with a suspiciously sealed-up package ?? ..O-O-yyy !  :wacko: :blink:tongue2.gif  

I'm a little new to K-drama but I find it rather incomprehensible that the producers are so dead-keen on (ab)using their lead actor and supposedly 'good guys'  to exasperate and turn-off the audience ? :blink:

then again..

..maybe Prof Kwon will wake up and we will all realise find that we've been watching his daydream/nightmare from accepting the NTS job !  

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Sorry this looks like the half chinese one from Dark Smurf Sub.

Did you accidently post up that one thinking it's from Vikii?

Apologies... I think this is the folder you want to say: http://www.megaupload.com/?f=CF0LAE00

There is the link to episode 6 translations.


(I like the Viki subs over S2 subs for some reason for this series)

Oooh, interesting. :) I haven't started watching Athena since I have no time... I have both sets of subs and I still haven't decided yet on what to use... Care to elaborate more on your reason why you prefer Viki subs?

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Sorry, can someone help me to find a link for soft sub for epsd 6? I tried thi MU link above but it is unavailable. I am confused to look for one since the soft from Viki for Hanrel is quite long. :( I haven't got any since epsd 6.

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^ What do you mean when you said, "I am confused to look for one since the soft from Viki for Hanrel is quite long."

Anyway, when Megaupload says the file isn't available, just wait it out and refresh. Maybe a lot of people are accessing the dl link at the moment.

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Guest bashful

i'm only watching this drama purely because of JH and SH. :wub: Their story it so interesting. I really hope that they develop sincere feelings for one another although it all started as a game. I hope the writer can give this drama a little twist cause through the preview SH looks as if he is going to turn into a bad guy. Its best if that does not happen cause that will mean there is no good ending for him and JH. sweatingbullets.gif:crazy:

Plus how can SW be so shameless and come back as if nothing happen between JH and him. She loved him so much but he can easily move on to HI. :angry: Guess he wasn't all that sincere with JH if can easily give her up for his job and then reappear in her life not once considering how hard or how hurt she will be. :crazy:

JH shouldn't try holding onto the past and move forward. SH may appear to be evil but he is a much better guy than SW. :Pw00t.gifphew.gif I can't wait for their :wub: bed scene. :wub: HEHE

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