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[Drama 2010] Even Mom is Pretty / Pretty Mom 엄마도 예쁘다


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Guest 2Van123

If I remember right, Sujin, JS' mom & Gyutak, the Chairman didn't have the chance to be together after he left Korea, so there's no possibility that Jungsu is the chairman's daughter. It crossed my mind that the priest might be the Chairman's son with JS' mom. The priest is older that JS' two older siblings so it could be that JS' mom was pregnant when the Chairman left.:rolleyes:  Sujin's dad disapprove of her relationship with Gyutak & offered him money to leave Korea ... not knowing that Sujin is pregnant ???

haha, so you are coming round to my way of thinking :) I shared this possibility several posts ago. Its the reaction of the priest whenever he sees the Mom.

The Dad left the Mom when she was carrying JS. But the Mom always said that her youngest son is being punished for what she did. And the Chairman said twice that he has not seen JS' Mom since he left Korea but we don't actually know when he left. But I agree with Monalisa, that the Mom's unfinished sentences seem to allude to JS being the illegitimate child. But what did she do that made her Father disown her when she was a young woman?! Her story is more interesting than all of her children put together!

I didn't like JS very much yesterday. When she said that her Mom lived without a husband for years and devoted all her time, affection and energy on her children and JS wants her to continue living like that. That's very selfish of JS. I always thought she was different from her 2 elder siblings but at the end, they are all the same.

And I still think it was very selfish of WJ to leave his son with Jenny and return to Korea. He seemed to have led a great life in Korea, busy pursuing JS. GH appears to be none the worst BUT WJ made several accusations of how an unfit Mom Jenny is.. which makes his leaving GH with her all the worst. And he told JS he needed to break up with her but before that he wanted to sleep with her so that she would not forget him. That's selfish on his part. So no, I would never agree that the man has been selfless as he thinks he is. Listening to him one would think he is a saint. Yes, he did suffer all these years with Jenny but remember he also said - his mission in life is to be her saviour. Its like a hero complex he has!

Who JS ends up with doesn't matter to me. I dislike WJ and Michael equally; one has a stoned expression all the time and the other smirks constantly. Both think they are better than they actually are. I'm only interested to know who is the illegitimate child and how the story will end for the Mom and Chairman.

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I find Mr. Hong insensitive to the feelings of Wujin. His own feelings takes precedence over his son's. Even if Wujin is not his biological son, he gave him his name thus regarded him as one. It is not clear though what kind of childhood Wujin had ... I get the feeling that Wujin is a blood relative of Mr. Hong & was adopted legally, maybe he is a son of a sister. Or he could be an abandoned child & the chairman took him in as his son. There was no mention about Wujin's mom's relationship with Mr. Hong as a husband. That makes me wonder if Wujin's mother was once married to Mr. Hong.

I think this drama will end with Sunjin living up to her character as a good mother to her children. I'd like to believe that she will give up her own happiness to give way to Jungsu & Wujin. If indeed one of Sunjin's children, including the priest was fathered by Mr. Hong, it will not matter since Wujin is not his biological son. I'm not sure how the Korean society will regard this kind of affiliation ... are Wujin & Jungsu siblings in the eyes of the law?

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Guest b00kw0rm

I don't think Chairman Hong has it in him to be sensitive to anyone - if it interfers with his comfort. He took money from Sunjin's Dad to leave her. Yet he said, he had every intention of coming back for her. That makes him doubly unethical in my view! And why would Sujin's Dad pay him off and then disown Sujin? Maybe when she started showing.

At times I wonder if Wujin is the illegitimate son. So much secrecy surrounding his childhood. I can't really recall what he said earlier as he is quite an unexciting person and I tend to multitask when the camera zooms in on him. But I think he said something like the woman who raised him wasn't his mother and all he has of her (his mother) is a photograph. Maybe someone more attentive can confirm this :)

I too think that in the end poor Sujin will sacrifice her happiness for JS. I kinda understand how JS feels as I felt that way when my Dad passed away and my Mum moved on with her life. But JS is not a child. She has fallen in love twice - how lucky! - and she had been physically intimate with a man. Yet she wants her Mum to live a sterile life just minding the shop and children (what, they are not grown up YET!!). JS herself mostly interacts with her Mum at breakfast. Some days she gets home when her Mum is asleep. Does she really want her Mum to live the rest of her life alone? I felt her Mum's pain when she said she didn't expect if from her. I interpreted it to mean that it wouldn't surprise her if it came out of the mouths of the 2 useless elder siblings.

If the priest is the illegitimate son then it would appear he already knows and has forgiven her. He looks at her with so much love and admiration. But I wonder how come this priest has the money to buy insurance and pay for aerobics class??!! Wouldn't buying insurance be like against what his life calling is about?! And asking a priest to show off his bod to attract female parishioners to sign up for aerobics class ... how low can you go?!

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I think JS doesn't really mean what she said to her mom. It's just that she's still upset with her mom for lying to her about her relationship with Chairman Hong. When she has calmed down and started thinking rationally, she's the sort of person that would actually sacrifice her own happiness for her mom. However, like I mentioned earlier, I still believe that the mom will die. An afterthought - could Wujin be the long-lost/abandoned son of JS' mom?

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At times I wonder if Wujin is the illegitimate son. So much secrecy surrounding his childhood. I can't really recall what he said earlier as he is quite an unexciting person and I tend to multitask when the camera zooms in on him. But I think he said something like the woman who raised him wasn't his mother and all he has of her (his mother) is a photograph. Maybe someone more attentive can confirm this :)

This must have been early in the show when the storyline hardly moved. Things were oh so dull then so I used to watched only every few episodes here and there. So sorry, can't help you with that.

Jenny's Mom acts like she is the Chairman's wife! pyscho woman! Every time she says "low life" I have to remind myself that she hasn't met the 2 elder siblings :w00t:

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Hmm... I thought we know by now that WJ is adopted & not really Chairman's son? I wonder why he bother to adopt a kid when it's clear he has no fatherly instincts or love towards the son he adopted other than giving him material goods. He even rather choose that annoying smirky young friend over the son he adopt not caring about his adopted son's feelings. So at least it makes sense now why he dun really care about what WJ wants or feels if it interferes with his own comfort. -_- I wonder when WJ will tell JS about his real relationship with Chairman Hong.

So I didn't get the wrong vibes when I thought Jenny's mom had the hots for the Chairman. She even give an outright statement to Chairman Hong about her interest or ownership of him seeing they go way back. It's kind of funny that she think Chairman will be turned on by her interest in him all those years just after she show her greed in wanting all of WJ's properties as divorce settlement. :wacko: And I actually really want to laugh whenever she says low life and crass when I look at her & Jenny ... it's the pot calling the kettle black so to speak. So much for YJ giving pain to the 2 witches ... she has become their ally instead albeit unknowingly. She's already annoying as it is and here I thought she could at least do some good. Hmm...

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Guest b00kw0rm

Exupery, did WJ or Chairman Hong ever said that WJ is adopted? I must have missed that. I thought after his Mum or well, the woman who raised him died, someone in that woman's family tracked down his Dad ... Chairman Hong. I've been searching for the earlier episodes online but I guess this show isn't so popular as I couldn't find anything. Guess we have to wait for everyone to tell them why they can't be together for WJ to drop the bombshell and say why they can! But I wonder if his not being Hong's biological son would make the relationship ok? Legally, yes but other than that, I don't know. I myself would honestly not like to have this kind of relationship in my family. Biological or adopted, he has since he was 8 or 10 been raised as Hong's son. He is his son in legal documents.

I see JS is still telling her Mum to break up with Hong. She goes on about how her Mum was not forthright with her thus making her feel betrayed. Was JS ever totally honest with her Mum about WJ? I recalled a couple of scenes where she asked her 2 elder siblings to hide the truth from their Mum!

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Exupery, did WJ or Chairman Hong ever said that WJ is adopted?  I must have missed that.  I thought after his Mum or well, the woman who raised him died, someone in that woman's family tracked down his Dad ... Chairman Hong.  I've been searching for the earlier episodes online but I guess this show isn't so popular as I couldn't find anything.  Guess we have to wait for everyone to tell them why they can't be together for WJ to drop the bombshell and say why they can!  But I wonder if his not being Hong's biological son would make the relationship ok?  Legally, yes but other than that, I don't know.  I myself would honestly not like to have this kind of relationship in my family.  Biological or adopted, he has since he was 8 or 10 been raised as Hong's son. He is his son in legal documents.

I see JS is still telling her Mum to break up with Hong.  She goes on about how her Mum was not forthright with her thus making her feel betrayed.  Was JS ever totally honest with her Mum about WJ?  I recalled a couple of scenes where she asked her 2 elder siblings to hide the truth from their Mum!

In one of last week's episode, WJ I think thought to himself when Mr Smirky was gloating about how WJ can never be with JS and how he should give his blessings to his father because it was the right thing to do blah blah blah ... and WJ was smirking in his expressionless way that Mr Smirky dun know that he's only adopted son but then he dun see why he need to share that secret with him and that only JS need to know about his past. Then there was this scene with JS where she was asking him about his mother etc... to find out more about Chairman's past relationship to find reasons why her mother shouldn't be with him I suppose but WJ just told her I'll tell you about it one day. I'm not too sure but I think this also came up in WJ's conversation with Chairman Hong ... where he said is it because I'm only your adopted son blah blah .. Anyway, I'm quite sure that WJ is only adopted or at least that's what he's been led to think if that's not true. :blink: I guess that also explain why he's mostly just respectful towards Chairman and kind of distant.

Actually I think JS is being antsy mostly because she felt that her mom's objection to her being with WJ is hypocritical after she found out that both the mom & the Chairman knew each other and thus assumed the mom's real objection was purely for her own interest so she can be with Chairman Hong despite her mom's continued denial that she knew WJ is Chairman Hong's son. And on top of that the mom's continued hysterical objection to her & WJ without a valid explaination must have irked her even more. And seriously ... these two old folks are not really setting a good example themselves are they? If they can't forget a love that's thirty over years ago at their age ... then how do they expect these two young folks to quell their feelings just because they say so when they do not listen to any reasons themselves too. And most of all ... since it never occur to JS that her mom had indulge in the naughty with Chairman Hong ... and she had with WJ ... she's even more determine that she should have priority? Haha.

I totally cracked up when the mom's friend was sharing with JS about how much hardship the mom had to go through to bring them up and how after just a few days of having JW she had to go out and sell things and how it's winter and it's so cold that her milk breast froze then went on to say JS's mom's shirt was wet from overflowing breastmilk. :lol: ... urmmm.... either it froze or it's overflowing ... so which is it? :blink:

So I guess the father's reappearance in their lives is probably thanks to Jenny's mom who's out to stake her claim on Chairman ...  And seriously, it's really hilarious everytime I hear her call other people crude and low class whenever I look at her & Jenny.

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omgggggg .... i was bored so decided to dl episode 135 to see if the story goes anywhere. will put what i deduct  from what watching it unsubbed(i'm not native korean speaker but this is what i pick up - almost 90% sure) so don't click on spoiler if you don't want to know. Don't get mad with me if I got anything wrong though. blush.gif

Episode starts with nasty Jenny mom's going back to work at the art gallery thus shocking all of them. She was as usual gloating about how she was rehired by Chairman Hong and back to being nasty to Jeong Su. Cha Yong Jun who was there ... was angry & in disbelief that Chairman Hong would hire her again so he decided to confront Chairman Hong about re-hiring of Jenny's mom. Chairman Hong told YJ to just accept his decision but YJ refuse to budge and insisted that he told him what Jenny's mom has on him to make him install her back at the gallery. Not sure but it's possible he has given the gallery over to her as well. YJ said the gallery is not somewhere people come & go as they pleases etc... Then we see a shocked YJ coming out ... with what Chairman Hong told him ie.... Hong Wu Jin is his son with Sun Jin.

:o So bye bye to priest being the illegitimate son theory. :lol: And oh boy ... doesn't that mean JS committed incest with WJ unless it turns out she's not really her mom's birth daughter. :wacko:

Anyway, YJ went drinking & brooding on his own ... lamenting about how WJ must be in pain etc... etc... over this secret and facing it alone. Then we see Jenny who seems to have turned into a normal human being :o ... packing with GH asking her if it's really true that the mom & dad are getting back together and Jenny affirming it and asking GH if he's really that happy? Apparently they are packing to leave for US to start their new lives together. WJ came back and asked Jenny if she knows her mom is back to work at the gallery and Jenny was surprised to hear that. Later on YJ came over to console WJ after hearing about his birth secret and WJ told him to be good to JS and to give her happiness blah blah blah.

Meanwhile ... over at Sun Jin's house ... the siblings are worried about nasty madam curator's return to the gallery. Apparently, the elder sister & possibly the cop brother are running the gallery cafetaria/restaurant now? They are anxiously waiting to hear what YJ found out at Chairman Hong's about why she was rehired. The father & his mistress who came to the house drunk was making a commotion. From what I gather ... they are trying to get the siblings to go to hospital to do blood test because her child has leukemia I think and need bone marrow transplant ... and since they share the same father etc... she's trying to get them to go for tests. The siblings including SunJin wasn't giving her the time of the day so she kept on with her ruckus saying she will refuse to leave until they agree to do so & how inhumane they are since he (i think it's a boy?) are their half siblings etc... JS & the cop brother then say something about having to go to the hospital because they can't think how they could get rid of her otherwise and the eldest sister was like are you crazy? So this bone marrow blood test thing ... will it prove that JS is not their blood sibling or are they really going with WJ & her having commit incest. :ph34r: What's the point of the mistress's son having bone marrow cancer anyway? :blink:

WJ also had a talk with Chairman Hong asking if he had gone to see the mom and that he understand and accepted the mom so the dad should forgive her too (for keeping having his child a secret?) etc...and Chairman nodded his head and father & son held hands for awhile. Then we have SJ doing marketing and on her way home or to the shop ... and WJ was looking at her from afar calling her mom and how he understand her and the suffering she must have gone through etc saying he's ok and that he loves her... and crying.  Then he & Jenny was on the way to the airport still crying in the car ... not sure why he's driving themselves to the airport since they are leaving for good to US instead of taking a cab. :wacko: Anyway, WJ then received a phone call and was shocked to hear whatever the caller said and goes ... What?!!! ... lost his concentration and his car swerve towards the opposite lane with a car headed their way.

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Guest b00kw0rm

I totally cracked up when the mom's friend was sharing with JS about how much hardship the mom had to go through to bring them up and how after just a few days of having JW she had to go out and sell things and how it's winter and it's so cold that her milk breast froze then went on to say JS's mom's shirt was wet from overflowing breastmilk. :lol: ... urmmm.... either it froze or it's overflowing ... so which is it? :blink:

So I guess the father's reappearance in their lives is probably thanks to Jenny's mom who's out to stake her claim on Chairman ... And seriously, it's really hilarious everytime I hear her call other people crude and low class whenever I look at her & Jenny.

haha, the Aunt is always annoyingly or entertaingly inconsistent.

If WJ and Jenny get back together, then how could the crazy Mum think she and the Chairman could be an item? Every time she says low class, I think she sees her reflection in the mirror. She always squints and stares into the distance. So that must be what she is looking at.

And I love the "WJ was smirking in his expressionless way".

But from your spoiler, it looks like the pissing contest between Mr Smirky and Mr Dour Face is over?

So the Priest isn't the illegitimate son but he sure looks at her like he needs her motherly love :) And so it would appear now that the Mum had another affair and JS is not her husband's daughter? Oh boy. Or did their son die and the woman who raised him sent her child to Chairman Hong? If WJ is his son by SJ and he is still madly in love with her, how come he isn't warmer towards him? This is your son by the woman you love! It doesn't make any sense then for him to keep WJ at arms length.

And OMG that braindead eldest sister .. after tearing into big brother and husband for being useless male specimens, she goes to Jenny's house and says that they are no better because they don't have husbands?! I really hate stupid women who think this way. If you look at the husbands they have, they wouldn't even win the consolation prize yet they talk as if they are better off just because they are Mrs Worthless! She is right that Jenny and her Mum are no better but not for that reason!

More than halfway through the series and I still don't like the main characters. I only like the Mum and JW. It looks like JS will end up with Mr Dour Face but if its Mr Smirky, its ok. There's little difference between the two and nothing very commendable about all 3 of them! I usually don't llike this kind of in-laws/out-laws :) relationship but JS and Dour Face bore me to tears and I don't even have the energy to get worked up about it.

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aigooo ... this is what happened when one skipped and watch random episodes ahead without knowing what happened in between. lol ... anyway, just saw episode 136 and...

WJ is not SunJin & GyuTak's son!!! Apparently the call WJ got is from the orphanage which is why he was shocked & nearly had an accident. Anyway, he rushed to the orphanage and there he met this woman who is his birth mother's friend. The person in charge told him that although the child Lee SunJin brought to the orphanage was named Lee Chan(?) it was not WJ since they found in their record there's another child by that name who's there 3 years before WJ by that name. The mother's friend told WJ that his mother died already and gave him a diary belonging to her. Inside there's a picture of the mom with a boy ... and WJ took out his own photo to compare ... I think it must be really his mom although I can't tell since the picture of the lady in the diary is of an older looking lady with a young boy that I presume is a son she had much later. WJ asked about his birth father and the mom's friend told him that he's dead too.

Soooooooooooooooo ... since WJ found out his real parentage ... what will happen now? I imagine that Chairman know SunJin brought a child to the orphanage and if he know it's not WJ ... he will try and find what happened to that child. And the priest is still around & yup ... looking like he wanted motherly love from SunJin. hahaha

Anyway, the exciting part is Jenny's witchy mom found out from Jenny about the near accident and where WJ went ... had someone tailed WJ to see what's going on ...  start panicking that the gallery has not transferred possesion to her yet and if the Chairman know WJ is not the birth son ... quickly goes to find him & was in the midst of trying to get him to sign the legal papers when his mobile rang and that was end of 136.

I wonder what is the whole blackmail thing ... I guess it must be related to if WJ is SJ's son with GT then she's threatening to spread the incest story around? :unsure: which could be why WJ is leaving for US for good with Jenny? i think though that it's higly likely WJ will stay with the wife & kid ... now that Jenny is creepily normal ... and JS will end with the artist.

haha... anyway, i don't think i should post anymore spoilers since it's possibly inaccurate since i jump so far ahead. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest julia10

thank you very much exupery...I have been watching the 130+ episodes and I don't really understand a thing on what is happening and voila I see your spoilers....enlightenment at last...thanks again please continue giving us your interpretation thru your spoilers. LUV IT!!! But I like JS to end up with WJ and not with Yeongjun.

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