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[Drama 2010] Even Mom is Pretty / Pretty Mom 엄마도 예쁘다


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I can understand Wujin being upset at being duped but I don't like the fact that he thinks he did nothing wrong. And that everything is Jenny's fault. He threw her behaviour in her face and he forgets that the worst she is, it makes him 10x worst as a Dad. He left his son alone with her in a foreign country. Yet he claims that he loves his son more than anything! And today he claimed that he used his son as an excuse because he was afraid to really love JS. I think its not only Jenny who needs psychiatric treatment. And while I do not like Michael, WJ was unbelivable rude to him twice while he was a guest of his Dad. That is disrespectful of his Dad.

And I don't agree with the assessment that the boy is terrifed of his Grandma. Twice they showed him running to her to hug her - without being asked to. He just spontaneously ran to her. Frigthtened of her strictness, yes. Terrified, no.

I'm sure the 2 elder useless siblings will run the business to the ground. And it looks like they took a loan by mortgaging their home?

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What's with this Jenny's mother? One minute she is telling Jenny to hang on to Wujin no matter what. Next minute she's telling her to let him go and blah blah blah about pride issue. The same with Jenny. Both mother and daughter should be strapped up and sent to the psychiatric ward!

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Guest 2Van123

3 of them should be locked up in the psycho ward! 1st ironic speech was by WJ who claims that till now, he has been a selfless man who put aside his dreams/plans for others. But now he is going to be selfish and do what he wants. I agree that happily leaving his son with Jenny and flying solo to Korea is not a selfless act. And I also agree that he used his son as an excuse to break up with JS. He looked mightly calm and complacent for a man worried sick about his son living with the 2 psychos. I wonder if he is able to feel any real emotions because he sure isn't showing any!

Ironic speech no. 2 was by Jenny's Mom who imparts a pearl of wisdom : be the mistress of your own life, don't let any man control you. She who controls Jenny's every move! But then again, she is not a man so logically she is still right!

The moment Michael revealed who the Chairman's secret g.f. is I knew that he had no hope to end up with JS.

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Jeong su's mon dropped a broad hint that Jeong su is Hong Gu-tak's daughter! She stopped short saying WJ and JS can't be together as they're brother and sister. If JS and WJ did sleep together, then they have committed incest - a great sin in any part of the world. In this event, there's no turning back for WJ and JS. However, the ill-fated lovers can be saved if WJ is not HGT's biological son. In the preview, Jeong su's mom suggested to HGT that they should get a quickie wedding. The 2 good-for-nothing siblings want to open an aerobic centre. Don't they need to be qualified and equipped with a certificate to teach aerobics?

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Guest b00kw0rm

Speaking of parentage, I always wondered if GH is really WJ's son! According to her co-worker, Jenny slept with all the men in NY! And there are millions of men in NY :)

If JS and WJ are siblings or half/step or whatever, I don't think they can be charged with incest as logically neither one would consider the possibility of being related. But what I don't like is after sleeping with her and tossing her aside, WJ says at every conceivable opportunity that he has been selfless. That really irks me. Each time I am getting over it, he opens his mouth to whine like a little child that from now on, he will do what he wants - as if he hasn't already been doing that all along?! I don't like the woman but Jenny's Mum was spot on when she called him a hypocrite about it. I'm not too upset with Jenny and her mother because from the start we know those 2 are villians (well one villian and one mad sheep) who may be redemmed only at the 2nd last episode!

WJ might not turn out to be Chairman Hong's son. He didn't know the Chairman till he was 8. Maybe the Chairman left his wife because he knew that WJ is not his. And all these years, he is still cautious around WJ. As he said a couple of times, he is careful when he talks to him. Its like he is afraid that he might let something slip.

And I think there's something wrong with the translation as 3x Jenny's Mum is quoted as saying SHE will sign the divorce papers. Hello, is WJ her husband or her SIL?!

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LOL ... i think maybe in Jenny's mom mind she's married to Chairman Hong and his assets ... hence it was never about Jenny. hahaha. So to stay married is because of herself and for Jenny to divorce is also for herself ... Jenny was just a means to an end for her. so maybe it wasn't a slip of translation but it's really her that's getting a divorce. :P  i was laughing my head off when i saw the sub coming out with Jenny asking the mom if she's signing the divorce papers. :blink:

i guess i'm the only one who's rooting for WJ to be as selfish as he wants at this stage because the other people annoys me more. putting the one time he left GH aside, i think he did try his best... well as best as anyone in this drama will even try. and when he kept ranting on about being selfless ... i think he was referring to his years of staying put by Jenny without her changing her ways and i think even though he grew up lonely as a kid he never make demands of his dad or give him much trouble either. the only time he has abandoned GH was to run to Korea and maybe he did have a good reason to leave GH behind but the kid was none the worse for wear so i'm going to put that incident behind. but seriously, everyone in this drama is so darn selfish anyway. at least in WJ's case i understand why he wants to cling onto JS so much ... after years of being stuck in a marriage with a woman like Jenny. even if he's not always selfless as he claims to be ... at least i see his attempt somewhat even if he fails to go through with it. the others just bulldoze ahead with whatever they want. :ph34r:

it would make sense if WJ is really not Chairman Hong's real son since i think Chairman Hong is really selfish when it comes to WJ too if he's really his birth son. they seem to have this distant albeit friendly relationship and seems like he's never there for WJ either and at first he seems to sympathize with what WJ had gone through and was going to support him but once he found out JS is his first love's daughter ...  he was even going to send WJ off to China with Jenny for a fresh start and i don't think it's purely just to protect JS from Jenny's vicious acts and because he really think it's for WJ's good to have a fresh start with Jenny but it was also an excuse for him to keep them apart for his (chairman's) own good. given how WJ feel about JS and the fact that he's not yet over her and knowing WJ's headbutt with Michael (i seriously wish the guy would just wear scarves around his face intead of around his neck so i don't have to see his annoying expressions) ... i think it's pretty bad that WJ's dad keep shoving his relationship with Michael in front of WJ's face. and hey ... you won't give up your first love ... but you won't give up your newly made friendship either for your son? is there anything he will do for WJ? even if he won't ... but does he have to rub salt over WJ's wound with the invite sleep over & drinking in WJ's apartment especially after WJ has make his feelings known to him? WJ was already upset that his dad knew about JS all along but did not tell him he knew her ... imagine him finding out his relationship with JS's mom ... the going to China suggestion is going to take a different meaning!!

but for JS to be Chairman's daughter ... that will mean the mom & him make contact after her husband left them or maybe her husband left her because he knew of her affair? :crazy: that doesn't sound right from the mom & chairman's conversation when they talk about the past. hmmm..

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If I remember right, Sujin, JS' mom & Gyutak, the Chairman didn't have the chance to be together after he left Korea, so there's no possibility that Jungsu is the chairman's daughter. It crossed my mind that the priest might be the Chairman's son with JS' mom. The priest is older that JS' two older siblings so it could be that JS' mom was pregnant when the Chairman left.:rolleyes:  Sujin's dad disapprove of her relationship with Gyutak & offered him money to leave Korea ... not knowing that Sujin is pregnant ???

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Guest kei_suke

If JS is Chairman Hong's daughter and told JS'mom that he leave her because her parent not agree with their relationship and gave him some money to leave their house, and now whose JS's sister?

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another theory is that JS's sister is the daughter of the man the mom married after her family disowned her & she's pregnant with JS? did we misunderstand the sub and maybe the hardship the friend was referring to in earlier conversation with the mom where JS's name is mentioned has to do with her birth father and not the man her mom married? but then the friend is such a big mouth that i doubt she could have kept from mentioning JS's birth secret (if any) in front of the other children if she knew anything. :blink:

hahaha ... i wonder if what kept us glued to this drama is the constant guessing of what the family skeleton really is. what is the priest role & trying to explain the mom's reaction around him? and the eldest daughter constant harping of not being her mom's real daughter etc... and now even JS's birth is suspect. :lol: but it would make sense that maybe the 2 good for nothing children are both from her husband's previous marriage and JS is her illegitimate child for whom she has to marry that guy. which is why eldest daughter & cop son are so alike in their trouble making tendencies? and that guy probably left after she got pregnant with JW. which would make sense why she seems to dote more on JW & JS.

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Yea, I'm also puzzled how JS can be Chairman Hong's daughter since she is the 3rd child. She must have had an affair inbetween her marriage. But then, why else would she get so worked up thinking that JS and WJ had slept together? The idea that the priest could be HGT's illegitimate son did cross my mind too. He seems exceptionally tender to JS' mom.

And exupery, I'm totally in agreement with you about what Michael Chang should do about his scarves! :lol: Plus, his constant smirks are so annoying!

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exactly!! how to cheer on a guy who's so busy smirking at every scene. seriously annoying!!! everytime he appears i just want to rearrange his face. tongue2.gif

ok ... i think what we suspected about the priest or the elder daughter being chairman hong's offspring could still stand ... and i think the mom is freaked out because essentially that would still make JS & WJ kind of related if they share the same sibling? and you know how they always freaked out over complicated relationship like that in kdramas. lol

either the acting is so bad that we keep getting wrong hints or they are seriously trying to keep us guessing. haha. i think there might be some missing or erroneous translation. just like we couldn't conclude for real if the eldest son in law is or is not working also. :wacko: but in between WJ's expressionless face and Michael's constant smirking ... i'm feeling sorry for JS's choices. lol

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