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[Drama 2010] Even Mom is Pretty / Pretty Mom 엄마도 예쁘다


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I am just in awe when I see Non Koreans speaking the language. The Priest in the church looked pretty comfortable speaking to Muyeong. Sometimes it seems like they are making fun of the language. I am envious because i wish I could learn Korean. Well maybe someday...

Mrs. White is still grating me. Gotta find a remedy soon...

As I said, really liking the way Jenny is living now. Hope this continues until the end.

Where's Yunju????

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Ep 164 - I think I may have lost today's plot - I'm not religious and neither am I an expert on Catholic matters, but it seems to me this writer is trying to make a meal out of whether Muyeong (the priest real name) should choose between heavenly father or earthly father and this dilemma is driving him nuts. So he's decided to act like nothing happened, go back to THE WAY WE WERE bcos heavenly father is his REAL parent.

I've no beef with the heavenly father part but do all priests have to disown themselves from their biological parents in order to function 'properly' in the priesthood? MUST all priests be forced to choose which father they should obey and devote themselves to? I think yesterday when the priest slipped on some wild pig poo and slammed agsnst a tree, some screws in his head came undone.Perhaps more than just some.

We were given a scene how his eyes met soonjin in the middle of the street, gave her an unsmiling faint nod of the head, then quickly walked over to Yunju & Jeongu playfully - this part-snub, part-cold shouldering of his own biological mom should not be within a priest code of conduct, right? Conduct unbecoming for a priest. Lucky for him, he still gets to enjoy free food at the diner since the diner woman is NOW in charge.

It's also fitting that 2day's end scene involved the evil woman and the priest - when she says he's the reason why gyutak is disowning (the subs say 'divorcing') wujin, the priest activated the 'extremely surprised' look - actually a REAL priest would probably just tell her: what gyutak does is NONE of my business nor yours. Gyutak is an adult, make that filthy rich adult and is entitled to doing what he wants, even though shameless people like you think otherwise always.

And please stop using your over-used excuse that you're the mother of the wife of the ex-son of gyutak bcos this is not a hisotrical drama which plays on bloodlines and family hierarchy....if you want to behave like an empress dowager, go act in a chinese drama. Don't you realise by now nobody but nobody likes you? Not even Jenny? So quit your mindgames and crawl out of my office so that I can listen to my kpop group Girls Generation. Amen.

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Ep 165 - Phew! The writer did a good job with today's story - the capacity-packed stadium erupted in raucous roar when Jenny told her mum to LEAVE the country. Then the crowd went mad with delight when Jenny used her arm to block her mom's attempted slap. We don't see this often enough.

YOU ARE IN NO POSITION TO NEGOTIATE WITH ME - the priest told the evil woman who then gave him her How-Dare-You-Talk-Like-That-To-Me look. This woman with rhinoceros hide felt the stinging effect of the priest and I hope we'll get to see more people talking back at her.

I found it particularly skilful of the writer where Soonjin wanted very much to go to the priest and beg for his forgiveness - normally people go to priests to beg for forgiveness from God - only this one wanted forgiveness from the priest himself. You don't see this everyday.

The conversations between Jeongsu & her new found brother Muyeong, and the exchange between wujin & the priest, and later between wujin & gyutak - all the dialogue did look like it was written by a grade A writer, instead of our resident one. However I think it was still our resident writer the moment we saw Jeonghui confiscate the chairman's wedding presents meant for mr & mrs white.

The best scene was when we saw mr white coming back to the diner after having made a food delivery. I don't think I've ever seen such a spiffy delivery man - the man was wearing a jacket - no wonder he was sweating buckets after climbing four flights of stairs.

Strangely enough this episode featured everyone in the drama including the bit players except for hot girl Yunju. Now that the priest has been lost and found by his parents, poor Yunju is the only one still without parents and a permanent home.

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Ep 166 - only 8 more fun episodes left, and we saw Yunju today, albeit briefly, defending herself aginst mrs white's caustic remarks.

Well, we were supposed to see a wedding (finally) happen today but there were strong hints it wasn't going to happen anytime soon bcos our once-friendly priest is still walking around as if someone stole his entire Victoria's Secret lingerie collection. Don't worry folks, the wedding is scheduled to happen finally at the finale episode.

It was good fun to see almost everyone decked out in Hugo Boss outfits today (even yunju wore a spiffy jacket) but the wardrobe director gave Jeongsu a bad deal - instead of going to her mum's wedding, her outfit made JS looked like she's going to the supermart. The dress was those loose shapeless kind topped just by a colorful bolero - very yucks. Now we know the REAL reason why JS is delaying going back to work - she just doesn't like wearing those office power suits and so she hangs around in her tees and jeans for as long as possible.

Speaking of long, a darn sure way of extending a few more episodes is to make the groom collapse unconscious due to (perhaps) chronic constipation - methinks the man has not been eating well....just look at how recent series of events have made gyutak so stressed out ....his (shy) bride ran away twice, evil woman biting at his heels like a chihuahua in heat, dogface disowning himself, all 3 Oh siblings resigning from his hotel and gallery, then somehow he had to figure out the exact clothing sizes for each of the family member's gifts, including diner woman, mr & mrs white - I wonder how he was able to buy the right-sized (expensive apparently) clothes for about 8-9 people. Phew!!

However when the priest put on his gift of clothes, you could see his jacket was 'a little tight and a little short' - just the way they wore them in the 1950s and 60s, the days of Elvis and You Ain't Nothin' But A Hound Dog. Even then, the priest looked like he was setting off to a funeral rather than the wedding of his newfound parents. Gyutak's no-show at the wedding today (unless they prop him up in a wheelchair to take his vows) and soonjin's twice disappearing act - don't you think the k drama gods up in heaven are trying to tell us something about this marriage, eh? **Smiles**

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Looking forward to seeing the episode...as noted I want to see more people telling the Curator off. At least it is something I can look forward to.

In what world does Mrs Kim think that her words would move a Man of the Cloth? I like his reply...and her subsequent awe at the fact that he was brave enough to retort her.

I am looking forward to the banishment of Mrs. Kim and Jenny's block of the slap. OOH

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Ep 167 - as expected in almost all k dramas, we're now told with no surprise that the one who didn't make it to the wedding has advanced liver cancer. A k drama isn't a k drama without someone dying from terminal disease, the preferred choice being cancer and it usually involves the brain, stomach, liver, never anything lower than the intestines.

First I take back what I said earlier abt Jeongsu being 'under-dressed' for a wedding - being the only one who wasn't dressed properly was really a sign that the wedding was never going to happen (not yet anyway) and perhaps she's saving the real outfit when the wedding actually takes place in the finale episode. Today we even saw that that the 3 gallery hotties were indeed at the wedding hall waiting and the most junior gal lamented it was such a waste to see that ALL the sumptuous food were NOT even touched and that the chairman still had to pay for them nonetheless. How abt that for real-life authenticty?

So everybody was all worked up b4 the grand announcement abt WHAT felled the groom and you KNOW it's never a good sign in k dramas when even the doctor didn't bother to come into the room to tell the family members the good news; instead wujin & youngju had to go to the doctor's room to get the information. There was a good reason for this: it was another chance to keep YET another secret from those considered too weak to handle the news - the bride. In all kdramas, whenever news that your loved one is suffering from cancer, that news MUST NOT be told to anyone younger than 18 or looks older than 55. Why? Other than the excuse THEY CAN"T TAKE IT, rotten news like that always makes the listener stumble in shock, then fall down unconscious and they go into deep sleep for a few days thereby making everyone in the drama over-react, be worried sick and crying buckets.

On the other hand, keeping secrets is a surefire device to extend the drama's episodes...And that's also why news of terminal disease and impending death are WORST KEPT SECRETS in k dramas to be kept as hidden secrets in the same category as ex-orphans, abandoned babies, runaway parents, and people who have had total facial reconstruction.

Back to today's episode: I'm sure many of you also thought - What a clever writer to make the 2 chaps walk to the doctor's room to get the bad news straight from the doctor so that everyone else could then be told the following:

Youngju's version: It's not at all serious. It's only temporary, due to all the fatigue and stress he suffered.

Man, you could see mr kim's (gyutak's asst) disbelieving grimace when he heard that cow crap.

Wujin's version: He's just having some liver problems. He's going to be fine in the hospital.

Dang, this is just so clever of saying the old man is not going to be fine the moment he steps out of hospital. Hmm, it's a bit of truth wrapped within a bit of untruth or izzit a bit of untruth hidden inside a bit of truth?

I did notice Mr Kim actually stepped out of the room after hearing wujin's cryptic message - methinks he just couldn't take any more BS OR he went out to explode in sheer laughter.

Folks, yer'all know what's going to happen next in the remaining 7 episodes, right? KDrama gods may have probably told the priest if you don't become the savior in this drama and donate part of your liver to your biological father, I'm going to send him up here beside me. The next time you pray, you'll be looking skywards bcos you'll be praying to both your heavenly father and your eartly father up in heaven.

The thing is - and we know this from the early beginning when Jeongu accidentally got drunk in the priest's office - our priest is also a drinker but for the sake of ending this drama on a happy note, his liver will surely be healtheir than a bull's.

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You can see the stars aligning for the Priest to donate his liver to the Chairman. Hit me right out of the blue...not. At least Meuyong called out "Aboji" to the Chairman. What happened to "omma" for Mrs. Lee? Jeongsu had no problem calling him "oppa".

What was the point of the anonymous letter to the parish? Nothing came of it. I thought it was a parting blow by Mrs. Kim. Pointless.

I still don't like Mr/Mrs White...

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Does it make sense to anyone that the SECRET (of gyutak's cancer) MUST be kept even from the priest who is naturally the first-choice DNA-compatible donor? This obvious irrational progression in the plot was obviously to stretch the drama bcos any SECRET will do that by default. The writer is resorting to such silliness bcos clearly she's run out of ideas on how to prolong the 'suspense' as to whether gyutal croaks or not.

And what kind of doctor would ignore the fact that gyutak now has a biological son? Are you telling me the nameless doctor has no friggin' idea the priest can actually save his father by taking the DNA compatibility tests? Er...yes, that's exactly what this writer wants us to 'accept' as fact - the doctor is looking for a donor but he hasn't been told about the blood relationship of the priest & gyutak. How convenient!

And yes, the SECRET must be kept from the priest so that he doesn't donate his liver, and MUST never reach Soonjin for fear that she might collapse and die after hearing the news. Initially the idiot dogface wujin had wanted to keep the secret from gyutak himself! As unbelievable as this sounds, it's NOT my imagination but was in the script.

The logic perpetuated by k dramas is that telling anyone bad news especially of the terminal disease type is a surefire way to make that person collapse from shock and then die. That's why smart doctors always make you sit down or better yet, lie down when they tell you you're going to die from something that cannot be cured. Hospitals in k dramas are very strict about NOT letting you die from shock after hearing bad news bcos:

1) then they cannot make you stay longer in hospital and therefore keep paying unnecessary medical bills even though you have no chance of recovery and

2) if you die immediately after collapsing from shock, you'll give the hospital a bad name and of course, the hospital isn't able to suck you dry from paying medical bills.

In fact there was a typo error in today's subtitles when 'kidney' was mentioned instead of 'liver' - ordinarily you don't need a donor for kidney cancer bcos you've got a backup. The factual error is that any person suffering advanced stage of liver cancer would not even be able to walk or function properly bcos the liver would have stopped functioning 80-90% and the patient has no choice but to be bedridden in hospital. But for the sake of this drama, we saw gyutak and the priest romping naked in the bathhouse and scrubbing each other's backs - nobody beats the koreans or the japanese when it comes to MALE BONDING bcos once inside the bathkouse everything COMES OFF, and I do mean everything from clothes to egos to shyness/vanity to skin flakes.

Hmm..soaking together side-by-side in extremely hot water and watching each other's skin and private parts shrivel up is a surefire way of 'bonding'. This bathhouse method works much better than getting drunk together bcos the latter may incur some memory loss but the former gives everlasting memories of how the both of you looked while walking and soaking naked side-by-side.

Also it's too funny that JS is also the ONLY & FIRST ONE chosen to know abt the SECRET of gyutak's disease. That's why I've dropped the term 'ditzy' for her and yet again, Jeongsu has to once again show us her bad acting at concealing secrets from the other family members. **shudders**

Luckily for me, babelicious Yunju was featured yesterday and today - she had a chance to show us her snarling teeth when it was her turn to go one-on-one with mr white who picked on Jeongu when the boy said, 'Chairman is not sick". Even when Yunju looks angry with flared nostrils and super-sized eyes, she looks too sexy fpr words...hmm, she's the one I'll miss most when this drama ends next week.

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The encounters between the Priest and the Chairman are the most heartwarming scenes I have had the pleasure to see in Kdramas in a long time. The love is very apparent between these two characters.

Yunju is a sweetie and I too will miss her when this drama ends. Please let me see damage to the Whites.

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Today's ep 170 nearly killed me with laughter, and being the first auspicious day in the Year of the Rabbit, it felt good.

Did you see the (must-have) stumble-from-shock motion by Soonjin once she 'accidentally' heard that gyutak had liver cancer? It turned out to be a major NON-event. Nah, she didn't collapse on the ground in the way ALL the others had worked so hard to frighten us viewers and in fact told the (very disinterested) doctor, TAKE MY LIVER RIGHT NOW!

That was the beginning of the comedy.....

Diner woman to mr & mrs white: Don't you dare go to the hospital. Nobody in this world is going to get better by looking at your faces.

That was one of the funniest lines I've ever heard in a k drama but since neither one felt the sting of that disguised insult, diner woman let loose her second barrage:

People who should die live too long a life, whereas kind & honest people are cursed to the ground.

To this remark, mrs white innocently asked: "Are you saying that to my husband?"

This was too damn funny bcos both mr & mrs white were in fact sitting across the table while diner woman was peeling some veggies, so of course the 2 dingbats should know that diner woman was talking to both of them but the smarter woman asked if she was referring to only her husband. Kudos, to the writer.

Then came Comedy Act 2 - the evil woman was sitting in gyutak's hotel...oops sorry...hospital room and gyutak was asleep but in fact it turned out he wasn't asleep bcos he opened his eyes later when she left the room. He had heard everything she spouted, word for every silly word.


As she continued toi spout more sweet words of love, the camera slowly zoomed in on a 'sleeping' gyutak, and I half expected the old man to open his eyes, and say, STOP TELLING ME ALL THIS HORSE CRAP.

But he kept them closed even when she made the ridiculous beyond ridiculous conclusion: YOU ARE BEING PUNISHED FOR NOT LOVING ME AND BEING SO COLD WITH ME. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. Don't you think the evil woman is a prime candidate to enter the mental hospital?

Comedy Act 3 - After the evil one left the room with watery eyes, Gyutak opened his eyes and said to no one in particular:


So there you go folks: the English playwright William Congreve wrote, "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."

Well k dramas has a much simpler version - woman will (always) turn cuckoo and go bananas once her love is unrequited.

And the last funny scene in today's hilarious story was when gyutak spoke to all 4 OH siblings in his hospital room and then after he had finished announcing his eleven commandments (it's faster, cheaper and more effective than a written will), he closed his eyes. When the four saw this, they thought he had suddenly died and was about to start their routine of loud wailing and crying, but thankfully mr kim told everyone he's just sleeping.

So next time you're on the hospital bed and you want pesky visitors to leave you alone, just say a few words before fading away and pretending to sleep almost instantly and even when they start talking nonsense thinking you're asleep, do not open your eyes and just listen. Hehe!!

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Ep 171 - 3 more eps to go AND just when you thought this writer couldn't make the plot any nonsensical, she/he has topped television history. Here's why - in almost all stories involving waiting for organ transplant, either the patient is saved in the nick of time - the freshly harvested organ is transported by either a helicopter or Airbus but for dramatic effect, most likely in a taxicab bcos ALL the ambulances are pre-occupied with TWIN skyscraper infernos, and then the organ transporter goes thru an obstacle course of blazing machineguns, traffic gridlocks, attempted hijacks by gangbangers, and a tornado/cyclone of biblical proportions (you know the stuff of hollywood acton scenes) b4 arriving at its destination - or the patient dies waiting.

But here we have not one but TWO suitable donors and instead of happiness, everyone seems even more depressed than before - wujin & the priest are arguing as to who has THE RIGHT to donate his liver(??!!). The argument scene wasn't friendly at all - it's just like 2 korean men...err boys actually...arguing about who can pee the furthest. Geez...So I suppose if there was a third compatible donor, there would be all-out war.

Thank goodness these two clowns are NOT required to donate their sperm or else their argumant would swiftly degenerate into whose swimmers are faster and can break world & Olympic records like Ian Thorpe.

In a nutshell, if there was no suitable donor, everyone is depressed. If there are two suitable donors, everyone is EVEN MORE depressed. Get it?

Speaking of nutshell, initially gyutak refuses to accept the livers from either one! Can you beat that? His reason is simple - he's been a lousy father to both and therefore it isn't right of him to TAKE anything from either one. Since time was running out - I'm referring to the remaining 3 eps of this drama, not gyutak's situation - he relented.

And then came the scene where you'll never see in another TV-land or in a real hospital - gyutak & wujin lying on separate beds and being wheeled SIDE-by-SIDE to the operating room and both were holding hands!! Now I suppose that's why hospitals have such wide corridors and hallways so that patients could be transported together side-by-side while holding hands. I assume when the operation is over, the staff are not going to wheel them back together in the same manner. For one thing, it's too darn difficult to orchestrate turning two wheeled beds around the corner. And what if another two beds with two patients also holding hands are coming from the opposite direction? That would result in a traffic jam of sorts and might erupt into a road rage situation. Hehe!!

Speaking of hands, poor Yunju really got nothing better to do every day than to fold paper origami with Jeongu. Her character really got the worst deal from the writer. At least mr & mrs white exists to torment the diner woman and vice versa, but Yunju...poor yunju......I wonder if she'll be cast in another drama soon.

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Ep 172 - two more eps left and today we learned two things - hospitals and makkeoli.

In K drama hospitals, post-surgery recovery is super-accelerated....while real liver transpant patients may wait days b4 normal solid food can be consumed, our gyutak is seen eating a selection of dishes cooked by his future slave. What's more Wujin is already up and about at home looking chirpy not less than 24 hours after donating his liver. It does seem undergoing liver transplant at that nameless hospital does not require prolonged post-op recovery when compared to some plastic surgery procedures that require 1-3 days of post-op recovery. No need for complex stitches in kdrama hospitals ...just use supaglue and it's as if the incision never happened.

Speaking of recovery, Yunju made all of us so very proud of her when she 'encouraged' Jeongu to drink makkeoli, and whether it was the alcohol content or the distinctive flavor, Jeongu's brain DNA has morphed forever bcos he now is speaking in proper korean honorifics (as opposed to speaking in overly casual manner without deference to his elders). When praised by the Oh siblings, Yunju even managed a so-pretty smile to herself b4 looking away after she saw elder brother Jeongchul giving her the kind of lecherous looks which he should have given her 170 episodes ago.

Jeongsu also made me so very happy bcos she was able to flash her trademark dimpled smile twice today. You don't see those dimples of hers every day and especially in daily morning k dramas where it's rare to see tall pretty actresses and in this drama, we have at least two (Jenny & JS). Sigh, only 2 more days.

Did anyone else notice that the 'hammer' JS used (given by Youngju) during the auction looked suspiciously like the type of wooden mallet used for tenderising meat? Is a proper gavel so difficult to find? Whoa, I can almost imagine JS playing a super sexy but confused female judge in a future drama. Haha! At least the career path for JS is on the up and up since we saw her in ep1.

By comparison her brother Jeongchul started as a bad-tempered detective, then became an aerobics instructor complete with leotards, then for s while he helped to hang..oops sorry....helped to set up the displays of artpieces at the gallery, and now we hear he's VERY happy as a bellboy at gyutak's hotel. Boy oh boy, he sure didn't get a good career path in this drama, did he?

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The second to last episode today showed everyone so happy except for 2 - the evil mrs kim and Jeongu.

As expected the writer has to 'punish' jenny's mum for making this drama so unnecessarily long thru her 'failed' attempts at making everyone miserable but as to how Jenny can actually give away all of her mum's financial assets to charity boggles me. Do they share a joint bank account or something? The less said abt mrs kim the better but I'm a bit 'worried' that after she's been sacked as director of the private art museum, she'll even have more free time - after all even when she was supposed to be a director of the museum, she was already so darn free walking here and there, and contorting her face at everyone.

Anyway the real unexpected loser when gyutak marries soonjin is Jeongu. Up until now the boy was happily sleeping with his mum but after the wedding gyutak will move in with the Oh family and bring his year-long supply of viagra pills, and that means Jeongu CAN no longer be sleeping next to his mum - as it turns out conveniently, JS is leaving for the UK to study auctioneering so there'll be an extra room.

It makes good sense for gyutak to move in with the Oh family and not have only soonjin move in with him. The advantages are obvious:

1) if gyutak should suddenly injure his back or other body parts while humping his new wife, there're more than enough people at Oh's household ready to piggyback him to the hospital. We all know what newlywed couples do during honeymoon but frequent test-riding and horizontal gymnastics can be downright hazardous for elderly folks.

2) should gyutak need rest & recuperation after that, househusband minhyuk is on permanent standby to cook for him and perform other household chores, in addition to his new wife. They won't even have to hire a maid!! All those savings can go into stocking up on the magical blue pills.

So it does seem poor Jeongu is the big loser in the Oh Family after the wedding. And someone had better tell him the short version of the birds and the bees or else he'd be asking embarrassing questions like why in the middle of the night, he can hear moaning and loud rhythmic panting sounds from his parents' bedroom. Imagine what would happen if he punps those sensitive questions to his only friend, hot girl Yunju? Heavens have mercy!

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Funny take on that episode Daunte. Securing your finances in Korea must be be close to impossible. However I really don't care how Jenny did it...but that she did. I will miss Mrs. Kim's contorted face after this drama is gone. I know I will see her in a period drama and it will just ruin it for me.

Jeongu seems to be liking the taste of the rice wine and the beer a little too much. Maybe he's trying to drown his sorrows about having to sleep with His older brother now. Poor Yunju squeezed out again.

My "thumbs Up" goes to Youngju and the major face sucking he did with Jeongsu. He's my idol....

Looking forward to the final wrap up tomorrow...

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Final entry - this writer was ever so determined to stamp "And They Lived Happily Ever After", so don't expect any last-minute shocks bcos some do live even MORE happily.

The two not-so-young folks got married and had a sleepless night....doing nothing but talking. The following morning, the super-sized family are sitting together having breakfast and it required 2 tables for all the food and people to be placed. Then our priest made his final bad joke to the newlyweds: HOW WAS YOUR FIRST NIGHT TOGETHER? Instead of everyone laughing (except for Jeongu) Gyutak should have said, I ran out of blue pills or I think I'll need a heart transplant soon. Do not underestimate the pint-sized soonjin...that woman dropped 5 babies from 2 different men.

Speaking of transplant, isn't it nice how the writer is packing Jeongu off to Japan on an origami scholarship given by the Japanese Origami Association (it REALLY does exist but it doesn't offer scholarships) and we're also told hot and homeless girl Yunju will follow her (most probably future husband &) paper-folding friend to Japan. A few months later in Japan, Yunju will probably also teach Jeongu how to do more wonderful creative things with his hands other than folding paper bcos I expect Jeongu still cannot sleep without a woman beside him. I assume he'll quickly become from Soonjin's baby to Yunju's baby expecially since there's every reason Yunju will also introduce Jeongu the magical intoxicating properties of Japanese sake.

Hell, I'll gladly welcome Yunju & Jeongu into my home in Kyoto if only they were real persons. Anyway it's back to more real world for me now that this morning drama has ended its run. I'll probably watch it again 5-8 years from now and have another good laugh. Thanks for the memories. Sayonara!

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Thanks for the recaps and your descriptive entries. I enjoyed every word. That part about Jeongu going to Japan caught me off guard and also disappointed me to see Yunju going with him on his sojourn. You are correct about Yunju showing him the pleasures of Sake...warm or cold, no matter.

My daily ritual will now shift to the replacement drama. I noticed that KBS is not starting the new one until next Monday.

Aloha and Malama Pono (goodbye and Take Care)

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My daily ritual will now shift to the replacement drama. I noticed that KBS is not starting the new one until next Monday.

Not a new series but a re-run.

It will begin Monday, 14 Feb 2011 bcos KBSW needs 2 of the existing half-hours time-slot for the re-run of former weekend series "Daughter-in-Law". My Pitiful Sister ends with 150th ep tomorrow, Friday 11 Feb 2011.

Above info refers to KBSW (Asia & Europe)

Disclaimer Note : Time/Date indicated are correct at time of posting, though KBSW may change it later on

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Not a new series but a re-run.

It will begin Monday, 14 Feb 2011 bcos KBSW needs 2 of the existing half-hours time-slot for the re-run of former weekend series "Daughter-in-Law". My Pitiful Sister ends with 150th ep tomorrow, Friday 11 Feb 2011.

Above info refers to KBSW (Asia & Europe)

Disclaimer Note : Time/Date indicated are correct at time of posting, though KBSW may change it later on

In Hawaii I think we follow the KBS America schedule but can't tell you for sure. Today and tomorrow "Backpacking in Korea" is filling the slot for the next two days. You are correct about "My Pitiful Sister" finishing up tomorrow. My cable provider probably has the updated schedule for next Monday so I will check.

All in all, the ending seemed happy but not totally satisfying.

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Not a new series but a re-run.

It will begin Monday, 14 Feb 2011 bcos KBSW needs 2 of the existing half-hours time-slot for the re-run of former weekend series "Daughter-in-Law". My Pitiful Sister ends with 150th ep tomorrow, Friday 11 Feb 2011.

Above info refers to KBSW (Asia & Europe)

Disclaimer Note : Time/Date indicated are correct at time of posting, though KBSW may change it later on

oh cool. i'm hoping they are going to have c-subs as they usually do for re-runs so my mom can watch this. it was quite a fun series. thks for the info. i was wondering at first if they have a new drama titled the same out when i first saw the drama name. guess not.

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