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[Drama 2010] Even Mom is Pretty / Pretty Mom 엄마도 예쁘다


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Guest kei_suke

Today episode.. Wujin sacrifice with his adopt father because of his love and propose JS...don't he remember he still married and will he annul his fathership with his child too? And when he told JS about his childhood with 'melancholic'...look like smirk face for me... tongue2.gif

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Today's ep 78 on KBSW nearly killed me with laughter. My sides are still hurting. Where on earth did this drama writer come from, hatching up such ridiculous situations...he/she should instead make a good career writing k-comedies!

For starters, yesterday's ep ended with frizzy hair gyutak asking soonjin to tie the knot. Today's ep ended with JS asking lustful eyes Yongjun to tie the knot. How more imaginative can the writer get? Well, if wet eyes JS asks me to get married, I'd say yes in a heartbeat..

Then came the main course of hilarity when slit-eyes wujin dressed in a pale pink jacket (yup, that's what it looks like on my tv) bearing flowers for ditzy JS once again (for the umpteenth time) asking her to come back to him. Hands up anybody, if you think JS would erase her perpetual I-have-daily-haemorrhoids expression and jump into bed again with wujin? And when she told him (for the umpteenth time) she's not going to boogie-woogie with wujin, the pink jacket man launched a major attack on our senses by announcing that he was annulling his adoption. Even actress Kim Bin Woo a.k.a. JS for a full 1.58 secs gave a genuine look of stunned astonishment. Absolute priceless!. "Thank goodness it's NOT me who has to say those stoopit lines abt eating doig food".

Vaart dit u say? You were adopted? Why couldn't u tell me earlier in happier times? And u want to do vaart now...annul the adoption? Iz dat even possible? Er...mr scriptwriter? Then wat? U want me to jump into his skinny arms for joy after he's officially fatherless?

So after 77 past episodes of affection and sharing of bodily fluids and separation/conflict between wujin & JS, the writer now tells us frizzy hair man is not his biological father. "Hey, my genes are not from gyutak."

Not only that, the writer pours in more emotional spices by having wujin say he was EARLIER adopted at age 5 into an American family whom he says were good people bcos they took him to amusement parks and to the woods, but all that stopped soon enough and after the outings stopped, Wujin told a t-e-a-r-f-u-l JeongSu he would play with the dogs all day long and even ate their food (yummy...) - I BATHED WITH THE DOGS AS WELL - and he even adds, I had become one of the family dogs. A pity he din't mention which breed of dogs he spent quality time with.

The camera then shifts to JS who's looking at dog-man and shedding tears (on cue from the PD) but I think on the inside, actress Kim Bin Woo was trying her darndest not to burst out laffing...man! that look of incredulousness on her pretty face should make a good screen capture.

U think that dog story was over? Wujin then continues his story abt a visiting cousin who told him to crawl around on all fours and bark like a dog, which wujin didn't and the result, the cousin locked him up in the closet...nobody looked for him...until 4 days later when he was found 'nearly dead'. Then his foster family abandoned him (itz funny many k-dramas always like using the 'abandon the child' angle to squeeze pity and sympathy from ajumma viewers).

Yeah, for 4 days he was trapped in a closet and it must have been a big house or maybe a castle in america bcos it took 4 days for him to be discovered.

Honey, what's that smell coming from that closet? Could you check it out please...could be a dead rat. By the way, when was the last time you saw our little korean boy? Shouldn't we call the cops or something? He hasn't slept in his room for 3 days now or is he still sleeping with the rottweilers in the kennel?

Wow, slit eyes wujin survived 4 days without food and water...hmm those dog food he ate must have taken a way long time to be digested but what abt water?

Today's add-on revelation that WJ is actually an adopted son feels so blatantly contrived and rushed into the plot - why did he keep quiet abt it from JS in particular and for so long? Was he ever going to tell her, perhaps on the hypothetical day if and when they got married? And by spilling the Im-adopted-beans on her now, does WJ actually think JS would rush back to him out of sheer pity?

Seeing how WJ shared long tender moments bathing with dogs, now at least we know why he did get a real genuine B I ? C H when he married Jenny.

This drama is getting so bad, it would be such a waste not to see how the comedy ends.

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Guest b00kw0rm

Today episode.. Wujin sacrifice with his adopt father because of his love and propose JS...don't he remember he still married and will he annul his fathership with his child too? And when he told JS about his childhood with 'melancholic'...look like smirk face for me... tongue2.gif

Talk about emotional blackmail! He's every bit a manipulative bas**ard as Michael! At least Michael doesn't pretend not to be one. WJ thinks he's all-innocent and always putting others before him. BAH!!

And what's with that story? One minute, he was adopted. Then they were foster parents. Then back to adopted parents. Then foster parents. He was giving me a headache listening to that stupid story. Did they manage to revive the almost-dead from hunger little boy on their own? Or did they seek medical help? They were real lucky that no-one reported them to the authorities for neglecting the child and putting him in danger! He was taken in by foster/adopted parents and was very happy. But after awhile, he felt lonely so he withdrew from them. He was adopted by Chairman Hong and was very happy. But after awhile he felt ...? and withdrew from him. Doesn't that seem like a pattern here?!

Daunte, WJ married a bi**ch because he too became a dog! What does that make their little boy! Me thinks the scriptwriters had one too many doggy biscuites!

JS' suitors are both dumb (besides being incapable of wearing only 1 facial expression - the smirk!). One enlists the help of the 2 elder siblings. Anything involving dumb and dumber will surely not go well. And the other thinks the solution to the problem is to annul the adoption. Wouldn't JS also have to break all ties with her family for that to work? Would JS' Mum and family accept the ex-son of Chairman Hong :) And when JS and husband turn up for family functions, what's going to happen when Chairman Hong is there? I KNOW he ate too many dog biscuits.

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You are so right about falling into a pattern, b00kw0rm.

I think the writer/s themselves are not too sure how to move the plot along and that's why week after week, the MAIN story arc stays almost just the same. The conflicts and close-up evil glares are still there, the dumb people well remain dumb, and let's not talk again abt the hornee suitors.

The mom has obviously got the hots for the gyutak and gyutak has said he hasn't been with a woman for goodness knows how long, so why don't they just get a room and do some exercise, the kind that their kids should not see.

Then the daughter of that mom, JS, for a solid 2.5 weeks now pretends she hasn't got the hots for any guy but in reaity she just doesn't know who she's hot for. Jenny and her shorty mental mum already knows Wujin has 'gone all the way' with JS and why they still keep her in their employment surely beats all the logic of a REAL situation.

Yes, chairman gyutak holds the final say on who to hire-fire but doesn't he already know JS has already slept with her married boss, a.k.a. his adopted son? Does gyutak really believe that it's good for JS to work in the same place as wujin while at the same time, he finds a way to unlock JS's mother chastity belt, which of course doesn't seem to be so tight as b4.

Meantime JS still goes to work at the same place every day, so that every day she finds painful pleasure in resisting her boss' pleas to do more bedroom exercises together. JS sure has some serious masochistic tendencies bcos any other ordinary girl would probably tell wujin to back off bcos in reality, he's harassing a female employee..which part of NO did you not understand?.

I'm guessing that youngjun will tell JS...let's not rush into the marriage bcos that would spoil my fun of chasing you and getting you into bed. Let's wait until you're calmer but hey since you've asked me to marry you, then we're no longer frens but now, we can be officially lovers. Yaba Daba Doo!

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Guest leondgrey

always fun to read your post daunte & bookworm. it's much better read your post than watch this drama. i can't stand watch this drama bcoz bad script and bad character personalized. When wj tell js story about him and doggie , is suppose to be sad? bcos i dont feel sad at all, its ridiculous.bad script or bad acting or both?

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always fun to read your post daunte & bookworm. it's much better read your post than watch this drama. i can't stand watch this drama bcoz bad script and bad character personalized. When wj tell js story about him and doggie , is suppose to be sad? bcos i dont feel sad at all, its ridiculous.bad script or bad acting or both?

Its both! I think it was Exupery who commented that the actor is a lot like the one in YRMD - lack of facial expressions, poor acting, etc. Personally, I think the other guy was better. At least, he was cute :)

So it turns out that YJ is not as bad as I thought he was. He didn't rush dizty to the altar. Or maybe that's because lustful as he is, he is not dizty!

I've always admired the Mom for her courage and strength. It was not easy to raise those 3 clowns and 1 sweet little boy by herself. But after listening to her sob story, I am of two minds. I remember that JS mentioned that a shop owner fell in love with the Mom and wanted to marry her. Her response was to pack up the family in the middle of the night and flee. Then how is it the Dad is able to keep track of them and turns up every now and then to enjoy his husbandly priviledges? why does she let him when she knows all he ever gives her is his sperm!

The sob story also made me more annoyed with the idiotic children. They acted like they never heard the story before. In fact, useless elder son said "Mom never complained before". Don't they have eyes? Do they need Mom to spell out in words for them to notice? Insensitive and self-absorbed is what they are.

The writers have to do better than this. Their attempts to draw sympathy from the audience with their 'sob' stories have the adverse effect!

And what's with the priest acting all childish at the diner? Is it to show that he could be the illegitimate son because he is just like her idiotic children?!

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Guest b00kw0rm

FATHER, you don't want the sign the papers to annul the adoption?

FATHER, I can take you to court over it



so much for anulling the adoption when he keeps addressing the guy as "Father".

What's with the priest talking to JS about her fate? I thought Christians don't believe that there's nothing we can do but just accept that this and that is our fate. Like we do not have free will and will not be held responsible for our actions? This is the second time the scriptwriters have they write about something they don't know about and obviously don't bother to even google :) In the rather recently concluded 'Suspicious 3 brothers' they had this character who was a favourite with the audience say that her life is more meaningful and valuable than a contemplative monk. That the contemplative monk just sits in silence and prayers all day without any hardships to endure while she has to juggle running a business and raising her kids. Her SIL to whom she said this responded with how wise she is and how the SIL admires her! What an ignorant person and in a way, arrogant as well! One way of life is not better than the other. Both have its purpose and value, joys and crosses. And one would not be possible without the other. The scriptwriters should do more research before they come up with these stupid lines. Or else, just drop it entirely. It makes the character appear even more shallow and just a total waste of screen time.

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Guest inezjang

i miss your cool awesome reviews folks!

i dont know why i'm still following this drama..must be i want to take care of Jeongu so much..

but i feel for Wujin..poor dude has to deal with those whacko witches if not the dumb g/f Jeongsu..(how much longer does she has to endure those insults at work??..)

Jenny n mom deserve the best slaps..they need to have their faces done/rearrange again...

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Ep 83 KBSW

Mr Snow White a.k.a Soonjin's long-lost spouse has finally appeared...Mr White Hair's entry into this slow-cooking plot is so well-timed: we can 'look forward' to another 80 more episodes of people with pained expressions. White Hair's presence means Soonjin and Gyutak's 83 episodes of quickie meetings and I-love-you-but-I'm-not-sure-I-want-to-marry-you finally becomes I-love-u-but-we-can't be-together-forever.

I say 'pained expressions' bcos looking at the screencaps of semi-fly's posts, is it more than a coincidence that almost ALL the characters day after day are displaying pained expressions including the priest and NOBODY ever laughs except perhaps Jung Woo (due to his congenital brain disorder ) and his eldest sister Jung Hee whose eyes light up like a xmas tree everytime money-thoughts come along (due to her congenital greed disorder).

Seriously folks....when was the last time you saw anyone in this drama looking happy? Err...Youngjun's usual smiley looks of lust for Jeongsu don't count.

Mother Soonjin and daughter Jeongsu are now once again loveless mirrored by Gyutak & his adopted son but for JS, at least there's always mr lusty artist to lean on or she should seriously consider resigning from her present job and go work for youngjun's gallery bcos methinks at gyutak's gallery, there are just too many curators.

Wait, hold that thought...if JS works for Youngjun, she'll be exposed to his lustful advances DAILY but at least dogface Wujin wouldn't have easy access to JS, even though everytime WJ asks JS to meet him, she'll come running just like a dog. We surely can't fault WJ for training his employee JS so well.

By the way, it'd be interesting if and when dogface Wujin finally discovers his real mother - something that makes gyutak angry enough to slap him - bcos I'll bet that would be this drama's next SURPRISE. And it shouldn't be too diffcicult to track down the 'long-lost' woman bcos in k-dramas, the outside world is only as big as a village..

Silly me only realised just how small the global village is after digesting the opening head-spinning 2 episodes of Rain's new multi-lingual drama Fugitive Plan B - all those exotic locations zipped by so quickly in just 2 episodes while this drama is forever going around in circles like a merry-go-round with the occasional stop to add-on passengers or to collect new gossips.

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Guest ineedmoredrama

FATHER, you don't want the sign the papers to annul the adoption?

FATHER, I can take you to court over it



so much for anulling the adoption when he keeps addressing the guy as "Father".

LOL!!! I have nothing else to add to this except... my thoughts exactly! What an idiot.

I am bouncing between this and "A Woman's Choice". Morning dramas sure tend to drag on quite a bit. I wonder if I'm still watching them because everyday I mentally play the who-shall-I-slap-today game. So much idiocy and selfishness! I think this has been discussed enough in this thread so I shall not rant further but poor Jung Soo - having to deal with these 2 men in her life, working in a hostile environment and then going home to her idiot older sis and bro.

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