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The Dumbest Thing You've Ever Done


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I called my grampa a turtle in public. ROFL.

and in chinese culture...

well turtle=green hat

and green hat=the guy's wife's cheating on him...

I didn't know what I did, but like my mom told me about it a couple of weeks ago and i was just like...WHAT?

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My sister and I were in the backyard with a hammer. Well she got the hammer and would start hitting the rocks. I tried to stop her, and she just refused, so while trying to get the rock she was slamming into, she hit my pinky finger. She didn't apologize, but I held in my tears. I went inside and put my finger in a cup of cold water and watched Spongebob. I didn't want her to get in trouble with my parents. Damn it, I should have tattletaled on her richard simmons. That cold water didn't do any justice, either. ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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Guest sojuoni

outside of elizabeth center chinatown over heard some1 pointed up and said "oh look at that star of david "

i said out loud (which i shouldnt ) ooh is that the jewish star ...

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Guest FragrantWhisper

I decided to get a taste of a certain inanimate object.

I shudder to think what was going through my three-year-old mind at the time.

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Guest alex.bonita

When I couldn't climb the tree to get on the garage roof I decided to go the long way round. So I climbed up the wall, ran along and found out the reason why we should go up the tree; there were like some spiked things before the tree. So I got scared, did a running jump over it and hit a loose plank or something. My sister fell through the roof of the garage. My friend had to break the door to rescue her. xD

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I used to touch light bulbs -lit- >.<

I guess I was attracted to the brightness

& I would always run into glass doors/windows .

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Guest lightofhonest

err putting glue all over my hands, just so I could take it off and then look it. They reminded me of boogers .___.

I know gross..but oh well

an hmm I've also purposely dropped my soccer ball and tennis ball over people's yard, so I could jump over the wall...

done a lot more dumb things >_< I was a dumb kid i guess

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Guest princess_rei

I definitely had a thing for chewing on birthday candles. i have no idea why o.O

I also used to use my nail to make a sort of crescent shaped indent in my forehead. then i'd run around telling everybody that i was sailor moon....

I was a stupid child xD

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Guest bbaumgul

erm. One day, when I was 3 and a half, I decided to jump from the window to my bed and see how far I can go. I leaned back for more momentum and the shutter screen completely came lose and I fell backwards down a 3-story building... Then I got up not knowing where I was, but with only minor scratches from tree branches I hit on my way down. The kid I was playing with at the time yelled to my parents that I fell. My mom immediately checked under the bed, but my dad some how knew where I was and ran downstairs to get me xD

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Guest low3131

when i was young, i thought everything was eatable.... so here's the list of things that i've eaten

1.my mom's lipstick




5.facial cotton

6.face powder


8.body soap


lolz.... btw, i turned out fine....

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when i was elementary school i was bored in class and when i went to the bathroom

i would collect those blue sticky clayish gumish things from teacher's doors used to stick paper or stuff on the doors

i think it was called dumtak (sp?) anyway.. i would collect a bit from each door LOL

and then i accidentally got some in my hair (-_________-) i had to hide it with my other hair

i tried to suck it off! LOL tsk tsk so stupid >____<

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Guest ilikeyammyfoods

once in kindergarten i hid behind this cabinet thing and cut off a big chop of hair.

and left it on the floor for my teacher to find. -____-"

and then when i was like, 4 or 5 i was at my aunt and uncle's house with my parents

and i said "dad has a pe***. so does uncle." in front of all the adults.

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Guest oitztuyet

Oh my gosh, I did a lot of dumb things when I was a child ]; there was this one time where I was downstairs at my cousin's house and we pretended to be mermaids& we also pretended that the floor was the water LOL. I also made stories in this one journal, after reading what I wrote from a long time ago..gee I MADE NO SENSE ! the most stupidest, dumbest thing I ever did was running away from home w/ my cousin -_________-

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Guest rath92

ok.....lol hahahaha

when i was 8 i was realllyyyy obessess with like kung fu movies and sword play moviess i would watch them with my dad all the time

so one day haha i really wanted to be like those guys in the movie, so i shaved my own hair in half hahaha and left the other half like the kung fu stars hahahaha like this

LMAOOOO so my dad was furious he started hitting me :/ haha

after that he shaved the rest of my hair off and i went to school bald xDD

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when I was 6, I tried to separate two cats who were fighting under my bed. A wild mama cat we had brought in a year or so before- was chasing our quiet gentle cat (also ex-stray). I grabbed Mama by the tail, and tried to pull her out (couldn't get any other part of her or other cat), and she turned around and slashed my face. Missed my eye, but got my cheek and chin. There was a lot of blood. Soaked a couple of washcloths. Parents took me to the dr, and she sewed one of the scars; gave me a butterfly bandage for the other. I don't remember being sewn--I think I passed out or they put me out. My dad says no--but i still don't remember getting stitched. ><

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Guest einna23

trying to act cool pretending to smoke! Can't believe i tried picking up one of the cigarettes and tried to act cool! LMAO

i used think you needed to blow out on the cigarette and smoke would magically appear from my mouth! HAHAHA

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