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The Dumbest Thing You've Ever Done


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when you were a child LOL
So I was wondering,

What was the dumbest thing you guys have ever done when you were a child??

Like when you remember back and you think "OMG THAT WAS SOOO DUMB OF ME" LOL

Haahhaaa, of course everyone's done something stupid right? I'll start off with mine ^__^

The dumbest thing I've done when I was a child was put my finger in a sharpener and sharpen it. I don't know why i did that. Maybe I just thought.. fingers and pencils are the same thing? And I would hurt my finger and it would bleed a little but I would still do it again after it healed. That.. was seriously dumb =="

So guys, feel free to share your dumbest moments :D

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Guest impossibilities

it was either trying to put water in my pocket (mum and pa's room carpet was completely soaked after) or squeezing vick's (that minty thing you rub on yourself) into my eye. i was a stupid kid. ffffffffuuuuuuu.

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Guest heartkiller

playing hurdles over my little brothers jungle gym and i hit the door jam. i had to get 13 stitches on the top of my head.

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. . .

Took the tights, put them over my face and went to the balcony to scare people who passed by on the street (I lived on the first floor then).

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Guest cpopbaby19

;_; i thought that the feeling of super glue in your fingers felt so good. >O<

oh god. it was so stupid and i had to soak my hands into a basin of water with soap to just get off the super glue in my fingers.

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Guest Regina Rae

;_; i thought that the feeling of super glue in your fingers felt so good. >O<

What is it with little kids putting glue on their fingers?!

I used to do that all the time .__.

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Guest SilkInfused

I tried to hatch a store-bought white egg in a drawer full of clothes... I seriously thought if I kept it warm for 30 days straight, I would have a chick. lol Oh god the innocence of us kids.

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Guest Ainslea

put a stick in my ear until it started to bleed..... now i'm completely deaf in my right ear (even surgery couldn't help)....

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Guest Harbl

I used to eat legos, but that's not the worst of it...

My favourite lego related things to eat by far were the heads, they were small and smooth thus making them much easier to swallow, as opposed to awkwardly shaped bricks, legs etc.

Anyway, I had this really cool piratey ginger lego head with a cool eyepatch and mini cooper, it was my favourite lego head of all time and any lego body I ever put it onto became instantly awesome, nurse lego outfit on its own? not so cool, add said pirate head... pretty damn cool, generic red shirt lego body? not anymore... because omfg what's this? A motherjohn teshing pirate face up in this? Oh yeaaahhh.

So I bet you're thinking by now, this mini cooper's pretty dumb. Well I can tell you this... IT'S NOT AS DUMB AS EATING YOUR FAVOURITE PIECE OF LEGO EVER, DESPITE KNOWING THAT IF YOU DO YOU'LL NEVER SEE IT AGAIN.


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Guest janicehoang

Thinking back, probably my 1st grade teacher was thinking wtf is this crap that she gave me. :huh:

Anyway, I saw my classmates give gifts to my teacher and I thought it would be a nice thing to do too, so I gave my 1st grade teacher a used battery. (I didn't know what to give her so I gave her whatever that was lying around in my house.)

The day before I took out the bottle of clear eyes and used the box for the gift box. And the day after when she opened it, she probably thought it was clear eyes; to her surprise, it was a double AA battery. :mellow:

Afterwards, I got the most awkward thanks from my teacher and at that time I was totally oblivious that it was the most retarded gift ever.

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Guest brownman90561495

I use to think that the car knew where we were going.

I didn't know there was a device for turning on the left and right arrows in the car

I always thought the arrows knew where we were heading to xD

So i was always amazedd. *U*

LOL same here! when i was still riding the school bus, at times i ride near the front seat where i could see the dashboard and i'd always thing "HOW DOES THE SCHOOL BUS KNOW WHERE WE ARE GOING?" i never had a clear answer for years hahaha

my brother was a little bit different though. he already knew there's some kind of a knob to cause the signal lights in the dashboard. but he was like "WHY DOES THE DRIVER HAVE TO TELL THE SCHOOL BUS WHERE WE ARE GOING?" LOL

i'm 26 and my brother is 30, but we share these things just late last year. :) we didn't know we thought that way when we were younger

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Guest tii_peach

Oh I was one of those stupid kids when i was young );

I was learning about seals and all these kids were putting the hands up to

answers questions about seals, so there i was sitting on the floor with my

class mates feeling a bit lonely because i wasn't participating, so i decided

to put up my hand "MISS, SEALS EAT PENGUIN'S" my teacher stared at

me weirdly then said "Oh, do they?" so i said "yes?" well i thought they did

anyway until another girls said "Miss, seals don't eat penguin's, they eat fish."

Oh man and hell i was embarrassed i wanted to die there on the spot.

That was me and grade 3 or 4.

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Guest itsmememe1125

I remember when I was a kid I didn't know what a shaver was and I found one and started shaving my fingers and it bleed =[ I also remember when I was a kid I thought it was fun to shove bluetack up my nostrils and it wouldn't come back out X)

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