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[Drama 2010] Kim Soo Ro aka The Iron King 김수로

Guest yeuhoca

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huh? did they do it again or i missed the scene?

when SR was telling HO off for asking him to be more considerste to all those offers.

what eps, so two of the main characters are no longer and i kind of miss them.

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Guest MisterBarca

huh? did they do it again or i missed the scene?

when SR was telling HO off for asking him to be more considerste to all those offers.

what eps, so two of the main characters are no longer and i kind of miss them.

Looks like that's going to be next week's episode.

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Looks like that's going to be next week's episode.

so ARE we going to have KSR next week too? being a MBC drama, i thought we might not. just like Dong Yi.

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Looks like that's going to be next week's episode.

so ARE we going to have KSR next week too? being a MBC drama, i thought we might not. just like Dong Yi.

Or maybe they won't air the scene at all? I seem to remember the hype behind the Soo Ro-Hwang Ok kiss scene being aired in the preview when it never aired. >-<;; Hopefully this isn't the case....

thank you so much debbiek153. you are awesome! your translation is easy to understand and clarifies our confusion. could i ask another favor. Could you please translate what SR said in his mind when he saw AN? thank you in advanced for your help. you always made my day everytime i saw a new summary from you :)

kamzahamida, I'm sorry for the late reply--college courses have officially taken over my life. T^T I was wondering what episode you were referring to. Which episode was it?

And to ct_1225_520, Issy_1, kamzahamida, and Sela_07, you're all welcome! It's my pleasure to help out. *^-^*

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Guest Trina987


I posted about DY earlier.. However, I am not sure about Kim Suro nor PK yet.. Therefore, Kim Suro is still halt productions until further news and so does PK too...

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Guest ct_1225_520

im disappointed again.. i thought they would should the parts that were shown on preview - like the part where SR and HO held hands and being mad at each other.. but NOPE!! nothing again.. i really like the pair but the pd is really making us frustrated and impatient with this.

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im disappointed again.. i thought they would should the parts that were shown on preview - like the part where SR and HO held hands and being mad at each other.. but NOPE!! nothing again.. i really like the pair but the pd is really making us frustrated and impatient with this.

this is actually being bothering me alot. why all the romantic scenes between SR and HO gets cut off/ not show? and we got every detailed romantic scenes between SR and AH. i really can't think of an answer for it. it has been happening more often and now making me really wonder.

on a different note, i am really disliking ahyo's twin sister. she just seems too much over the top trying to be cute and pretty and nothing like Ahyo that is going to being silly. i think the actress wants to show that difference between the two but she is just exaggerating her character. she just looks weird. i have being FFing the drama everytime she appears.

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this is actually being bothering me alot. why all the romantic scenes between SR and HO gets cut off/ not show? and we got every detailed romantic scenes between SR and AH. i really can't think of an answer for it. it has been happening more often and now making me really wonder.

on a different note, i am really disliking ahyo's twin sister. she just seems too much over the top trying to be cute and pretty and nothing like Ahyo that is going to being silly. i think the actress wants to show that difference between the two but she is just exaggerating her character. she just looks weird. i have being FFing the drama everytime she appears.

I agree. Ah, another disappointment. What the heck is the PD thinking? Shouldn't SR have more scenes with HO, isn't she the queen and not AH? Even bringing back another version of AH is ridiculous. And deceiving us on and on with the added scenes that NEVER appears. I really wanted to see that HO-SR bridge scene, but they cut it off, and left it with all the boring talk, why didn't the PD cut some of that off instead? Jeez. I bet any of the KSR fans could be a better PD than this one, correct?

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Guest Trina987

Union reaches settlement with MBC

After a hairy several days, the union of broadcasting professionals has come to a settlement with MBC. The two sides spent the weekend in some frustrated talks regarding the union strike over unpaid drama wages, and for a brief while they were stuck at an impasse. Thankfully, on September 6 they concluded their negotiations and dramas can now resume filming.

KBS and SBS came to settlements with the union quickly enough to avoid having any of their dramas stopped. MBC took nearly a week longer, as it had much more outstanding payments than the other two stations; its total came to over 2 billion won (about $1.6 million). As a result, three of its dramas encountered production interruptions when its cast members refused to participate in shoots, per the union’s decision.

First was weekend drama Gloria, which stopped filming on September 2. Gloria resumed production on the 3rd after its production came to an agreement over its unpaid wages.

Dong Yi stopped filming on September 3 and was facing the possibility of not having new episodes to air this week, which had a lot of people at MBC sweating. With the conclusion of its strike, they will air new episodes — but just barely.

As of the weekend, Dong Yi hadn’t completed its shoots for the episodes scheduled to air on Monday and Tuesday. Given that they have only just resumed shooting at 11:30 am on Monday (the 6th) for its Monday night broadcast, one can only imagine how hurried the production must be. (In effect, they will have shot these two episodes in half the time they were counting on. Yeesh.)

One source said that despite the extreme time crunch, they are mobilizing “superhuman methods and cutting-edge equipment” to make broadcast hour at 10 pm. They’ll be making use of satellite broadcasting to transmit footage from the set directly to the broadcast station to minimize transit time, where the editor will then work on “real-time editing.” (Eep!)

Weekend drama Kim Suro halted production on September 4 and will resume filming on the 7th. With only three episodes remaining, it’s a relief that they won’t have to go off the air just before its big finish. Playful Kiss was able to avoid stopped production.

Via Star News, TV Report, Star News


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Guest kamzahamida

kamzahamida, I'm sorry for the late reply--college courses have officially taken over my life. T^T I was wondering what episode you were referring to. Which episode was it?

And to ct_1225_520, Issy_1, kamzahamida, and Sela_07, you're all welcome! It's my pleasure to help out. *^-^*

Hi debbiek153,

all the best with your college courses. Don't worry about the translation for SR N AN scene, i have watch episode 26 on viikii. Could you please translate SR & HO's scenes in episode 28 when they had a chat after the funeral and in the preview when they want SR to take the chief’s daughter to be his wife. Could you also translate in episode 29 SR N HO’s conversation on the bridge, on the forge after SR meet with the chiefs as well as when SR was matched to the chief’s daughter? Thank you so much for your help.

Wow first it was someone trying to steal HO now someone trying to steal SR? HO said she will never send him off anymore but why now she is letting him go to the tribe chief's daughter? Eventhough she always only think of the best for SR but i don't like how she can let him go so easily so i can understand SR's emotion knowing HO easily gave up. Really hope that the PD will give more scenes between SR n HO as I’ve just realized that in episode 28 and 29, there were only 3 scenes where it is just the two of them.

I also found it annoying that they show scenes in the preview but not airing it in the episode. It is so much better if they don’t show it in the preview if they are not going to air it in the actual episode. My guess is, the PD would like to extend the story using the preview. I hope they can get an extension but it seems impossible. Nevertheless, I’m so excited and sad at the same time as I wait for the final 3 episodes. KSR HWAITING!

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Guest MisterBarca

My guess is, the PD would like to extend the story using the preview. I hope they can get an extension but it seems impossible. Nevertheless, I’m so excited and sad at the same time as I wait for the final 3 episodes. KSR HWAITING!

I just don't understand why some people think or hope for an extension, when I can't recall any drama that barely breaks 10 percent rating has gotten an extension. It's so not in the cards that it's the equivalent of hoping to win the 300 million dollar lotto. How silly.

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well, i guess people here are just too hopeful. i am NOT. and to be honest, i don't want an extension too. PD managed to waste the entire 32 eps on unnecessary plot, storylines, useless characters... and failed to deliver what was important, would an axtension help to save this drama? NO.

it's just a wasted drama. and what did we learn about history of Kim Soo Ro? apart from he know a way to make iron and was hopelessly in love with real/unreal saru princess, nothing else much. that's the reason behind its low rating.

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  Definitely disappointed with this drama. had high hope of this drama but it just kept going downhill. If it weren't for Seo Ji Hye i would've probably dropped this drama a long time ago. So sad.

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Hi debbiek153,

all the best with your college courses. Don't worry about the translation for SR N AN scene, i have watch episode 26 on viikii. Could you please translate SR & HO's scenes in episode 28 when they had a chat after the funeral and in the preview when they want SR to take the chief’s daughter to be his wife. Could you also translate in episode 29 SR N HO’s conversation on the bridge, on the forge after SR meet with the chiefs as well as when SR was matched to the chief’s daughter? Thank you so much for your help.

I'm sorry for the late reply! ^-^;; Just finished translating the scenes!

And thanks for the encouragement! *^-^* I'm in my final year, so it's crunch time.

Here are the translations....

Episode 28

*In Soo Ro’s house, after the funeral*

[soo Ro is holding the medallion.]

Hwang Ok [taking out the blankets]: Lord Soo Ro. You should rest a little. If you sleep, you will get some energy when you wake up.

[Hwang Ok pauses when Soo Ro lays his hand on her arm.]

Soo Ro: I feel like someone above me is shaking me to his satisfaction. Whenever I have to send off someone special to me, who I should have protected, I gritted my teeth and endured it. Suppressing my anger, I tried so hard to get over my sadness. However, suppressing it, enduring it, I think it’s all foolish.

Soo Ro [crying]: I…am so weary of it all.

Hwang Ok [taking Soo Ro’s hand]: At this moment, please don’t think of anything.

Hwang Ok [wiping the tears off Soo Ro’s face T-T]: Please let go of everything, cry if you want to cry, scream if you wish to. I will protect you from anyone who wants to make you waver.

*Preview for Episode 29*

Soo Ro [taking Hwang Ok’s hand]: Do you really expect me to follow the noble’s orders?

Hwang Ok: To obtain their approval, you can’t do anything [? Didn’t really get this].

Soo Ro: Why are you saying things that you don’t mean?

Episode 29

*At the Bridge*

Hwang Ok: Is it because of Shinguigan that you’re like this?

Soo Ro: As a person who will become a king, I am somehow uncomfortable with putting him in jail for his sins.

Hwang Ok: Whether or not I know Lord Soo Ro’s heart, I am confused [Didn’t really get this].

Soo Ro [turning to her]: What are you talking about?

Hwang Ok: In order to be an effective king, there will be many conflicts, if you are always brooding every time it happens, do you think that the government will continue to function smoothly?

Soo Ro: Don’t you know the relationship between Shinguigan and me? Even though he is the person who interfered with my life, he was also once my mother’s husband. I hope to not make a decision based on what I am feeling at the moment.

Hwang Ok: Please don’t have any foolish sympathy. Have you already forgotten Shinguigan’s many sins?

Hwang Ok: That person…he is also the person who made my father pass away.

Soo Ro: I seem to have though too much. I seem to have hurt Agasshi’s heart, I am sorry.

Hwang Ok: When Soo Ro becomes king, you must make it that there are no people who have been wronged.

[soo Ro takes Hwang Ok’s hand. ^-^]

Soo Ro: I understand. I will make a decision in Agasshi’s presence.

*At the forge*

[Hwang Ok approaches Soo Ro.]

Hwang Ok: They say that men change in front of women [Didn’t quite get this!], in front of women they become silly, I seem to have become quite upset with you.

Soo Ro [laughing]: It seems to be that way. It’s the first time that the woman who agreed to come to me in marriage for life did this.

Soo Ro: I did say that they could leave their daughters here,

Hwang Ok: What did you say?

Soo Ro: Ah, I was about to do so, I thought about the consequences. Everything before my eyes went black, so I unwillingly sent them back.

Hwang Ok [huffing]: You’re becoming more and more…

Soo Ro: Ah….I’m so hungry, I wonder if there’s food at home….

[soo Ro walks away as Hwang Ok looks at him disbelievingly.]

*Meeting with the chiefs, end of episode*

Soo Ro: Please sit down.

[All of them sit, save for Soo Ro and Hwang Ok.]

Soo Ro: I see someone unfamiliar.

Ijinashi: This is Chief’s daughter. [i didn’t get the name…]

Chief: Yes, this is my daughter So.

Soo Ro: But, why today’s meeting….

Chief 2: We have decided that she would well-suited to be Gaya’s queen.

Soo Ro [surprised]: No, I am going to get married with Princess Hwang Ok—

Chief: We understand that. However, Gaya’s king shouldn’t have just one wife.

Soo Ro: Why have you not discussed this with me? Why are you doing this?

Chief: Well, aren’t we negotiating now?

[Hwang Ok, upset, leaves.]

Chief: Even while you are the king, you must accept a queen picked out by us nobles.

[The minor nobles murmur and nod their heads in agreement.]

Soo Ro [angry]: What do you think, Master Su Dol?

Su Dol [chuckling nervously]: This is a bit sudden, as Lord Soo Ro seems to be shocked at this matter, how about giving some time to think?

Chief: What’s there to think about? We are not afraid to be like other countries. Please think deeply about this.

I also found it annoying that they show scenes in the preview but not airing it in the episode. It is so much better if they don’t show it in the preview if they are not going to air it in the actual episode. My guess is, the PD would like to extend the story using the preview. I hope they can get an extension but it seems impossible. Nevertheless, I’m so excited and sad at the same time as I wait for the final 3 episodes. KSR HWAITING!

It seems to be the "trend" of sageuk dramas to do so. There was the kiss scene in Kim Soo Ro, as well as a couple of scenes in Dong Yi. Hopefully the PDs won't continue this, for fear of angry fans. ^-^;;

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