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SNSD’s fans clarify misunderstandings with Jaebum’s fans

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Guest chungmah.

four for you sooyoung coco, you go sooyoung coco!

So tempted to watch that right now.

Immature. This is all stupid. Why did the S♥nes have to apologize? Honestly.

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i just find it hard to understand why a group of fans who have a lot to deal with already will attack another group. It doesn't make sense, as if they really wanted to argue with anyone at times like these.

It just doesn't make sense that fans that have been quiet in their support of 2PM, and had former fans smear 2PM's reputation, would go and attack another group...A group that has a big following at that...I doubt they have time to think about hurting another group at a time when their favorite group is hurting. At this time, they know 2PM needs support, so I doubt they would go around annoying other fanclubs. They have bigger things to deal with than to throw glowsticks at SNSD. Especially since they have been dealing with this whole SNSD/2PM collaborations for months Why attack SNSD now? Why would they indirectly smear 2PM's reputation even more? It just doesn't make sense at all, and it all smells like something that could be done by ex-fans.

Old 2pm fans started rumors about 2pm (ridiculous rumors at that), what can stop them from throwing stuff at other groups and claiming it is 2PM's fanclub? how does one differenciate remaining fans from old ones? Antis will do anything to destroy a group.

Then again, i don't have the facts, so I will not go about assuming things either. Nor will I believe anything and everything I read.

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Regardless of which fanclub started this, this incident INDEED HAPPENED.

Even SNSD knows it, but the situation is unclear for whose the culprit and ONLY Kara and 2pm performed with SNSD for this event. Of course if you try to guess who between the other 2 fandoms...it's up to you but i really don't see any reason for Kamilia to act like that because we know both groups are friendly with each other.lol and these kind of stupid incidents have a much higher chance of happening whenever immature fangirls are in the bunch. -_-

with that said, im not trying to say Hottests are the culprits.(just that the percentage of them being is indeed higher) and whoever did that should be way ashamed seriously. Manners? If ever the culprit gets found out,imagine the damage it would do to the fanclub/artist.

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Guest fleurdelis_kay

ok..korean fandom is getting crazier..what's with this throwing glowsticks nonsense..do these ppl not know that it'll hurt ppl - physically AND emotionally?

i'm not going to point fingers as we do not know for sure who did it

i mean there has been several incidence in the past where some ppl pretended to be some artist's fans just to bring the artist down (i'm sure sone themselves understand that when ppl posed as SNSD's fans and did some rude things)

what amazes me is how in the letter sone called Hottests all sort of names

when 2pm was on top, everybody wants their fav female group to be partnered to 2pm

now that they're in a crisis, suddenly 6PM are dogs are dirty?

tsk tsk..how shallow is that?

if all Hottests are indeed jealous of the partnership between 2PM and SNSD, they have the whole year to do some crazy stuff (Eg: all the year end events, variety shows filming etc)

do they need to do that NOW? when they have their own fandom problems to deal with?

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i think they're talking bout the fans who threw the glowstick only

uhm no. they clearly stated that any Hottests left are all dirty. at first i was like 'oh, what a well written letter', but then i saw that and .. yeah. it's kinda ironic that they talk about the stuff they went through, and then at the end, they attack another fanclub. guess they havent heard that they should treat people how they want to be treated. if they were going to attack Hottests, they should've just stuck to the group that threw the glowsticks, not the entire club.

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I say whatever. SNSD is SNSD. 2PM is 2PM.

Their fanclubs do not represent their idols. Even as an SNSD fan, I felt that in the SONE letter, I found the last line kind of rude and offending.

Whatever it is, let's not point fingers. Let's be mature. If you believe that korean fans are immature, then don't sink to their level. Just stay positive.

Some international fans are just as crazy as they say korean fans are.

PLEASE DON'T START A FIGHT HERE. NO ONE ON THIS FORUM WROTE THOSE LETTERS. please remember that. The people who wrote these letters do not represent the entire fanclub.

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Guest cantthinkofaname

dissapointing...really. but i'm not going to hate 2pm for this, i'm just dissapointed...in both fanclubs. for throwing glow sticks and for the last line. geez oh geez oh geez

ice princess's stare freezes all!!! *when fans threw glow sticks*


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^ was that picture from when the glowsticks were thrown at them? she should've intensified it by 10x. i wouldve been pissed too

The people who wrote these letters do not represent the entire fanclub.

let's also remember that the people who threw the glowsticks also do not represent the entire fanclub.

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Do these fans know who they are messing with??? SNSD is the biggest group out right now (DBSK & Big Bang come 1st & 2nd but both = inactive in Korea). This makes me mad as hell b/c the girls nor anyone deserves that. SNSD already climbed a mountain when they had to deal with the "Black Ocean" so leave the girls alone, they've proved over and over again that they deserve the success they have now.

And WHY do SONES feel like they have to apologize?? If anything else it's those people who need to apologize to SNSD and SONES. The girls did nothing wrong. & of course the fans have a right to be mad. It's their idols that could have been hurt and were disrespected. I can tell u that if any other idol went through this their fans would be saying unnecessary mean words too. BUT I will say SONES are taking it well and being very mature about this whole situation.

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Guest Dorkiilove

i just find it hard to understand why a group of fans who have a lot to deal with already will attack another group. It doesn't make sense, as if they really wanted to argue with anyone at times like these.

Because of this?


Some fangirls are crazy. Who knows what they'll do?

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Obviously nobody deserves to be thrown stuff at. That's low and disrespectful.

Because of this?


Some fangirls are crazy. Who knows what they'll do?

Didn't that air AFTER White Day?

2PM/SNSD thing has been going on for months, I don't see why fans would just suddenly lose it, especially when they have bigger fishes to fry at the moment. So that evidence doesn't offer an answer, because Hottest have bigger things to deal with than worry about SNSD/2PM friendship.

Yes, fangirls are crazy, but when they choose to protect they really go hard. I doubt they would create havoc at a time like this.

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I just thought about it again.

If I were SNSD, I'd probably be embarassed. people are throwing things at you DURING your performance. It's almost like a whole crowd booing you. SUPER duper embarassing.

apparently some of the girls teared after the performance? it must remind them a lot of the DREAM CONCERT 2008.

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apparently some of the girls teared after the performance? it must remind them a lot of the DREAM CONCERT 2008.

i cant even imagine how they feel lol. i saw some fancaptures & gifs of the glowstick throwing, and it's a lot more upsetting than just reading about it

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Guest hyuksu

2PM/SNSD thing has been going on for months, I don't see why fans would just suddenly lose it, especially when they have bigger fishes to fry at the moment. So that evidence doesn't offer an answer, because Hottest have bigger things to deal with than worry about SNSD/2PM friendship.

Yes, fangirls are crazy, but when they choose to protect they really go hard. I doubt they would create havoc at a time like this.

Why not? From what I read, only Kara, 2PM, and SNSD performed at the concert. SNSD performed right after 2PM so it's not unbelievable that some immature fans threw glowsticks.

None of us were there so we don't know what happen. We have to rely on translated fan-accounts/sources and from what I read at 2OD (and etc), it seems like the general idea is that Hottests were involved?

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Guest sweetVisions

Especially since they have been dealing with this whole SNSD/2PM collaborations for months Why attack SNSD now? Why would they indirectly smear 2PM's reputation even more? It just doesn't make sense at all, and it all smells like something that could be done by ex-fans.

Exactly. It doesn't make sense

Regardless of what others say, 2PM is still doing good. They are still appearing on shows and they get cheers/signs from the fans. So they are holding on strong.

But for some Coldest (Anti 2PM fans), they want to do anything to bring the group down. I'm sure some of their other acts have been made public already. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to make other artists/companies distance themselves from the group so that nobody would want to work with 2PM while making the fans who still support 2PM look terrible.

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Guest crazyfrog

Oh wow. Whatever the reason for this mess, and whoever's fanclub this is, I really hope they will not try to drag others into their mess.

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