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[Drama 2010] Bad Guy/Bad Boy 나쁜남자

Guest denzai

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Guest soulan

WHAT THE FREAKING HELL!!!! How come nobody even KNOWS our GW/TS is dead???????! How can they let him die so pityfully !! I mean! He never really had anyone who cared for him his whole life and now he just die without anyone knowing it ??!!!!! Not even Monae ?! I know its cruel but i really hoped that mone would know she just shot her brother even if she doesnt have know he died because of her!!!! Its like she wont ever recognise her fault, don't even talk about being punished!! She should at least feel guilty but WTH ? We see her doing her nails ? Not even living a good student life ?! AND HOW GW was trying to protect Mo Nae by taking off and hiding the gun! I still had the hope when they show the last scene that we would see the two cops and they would see him BUT! 

I'm not angry because GW died because that could be the more peaceful end for him but i'm SO FREAKING ANGRY that no one cry on his death! OK I didn't want Tae Ra or Real Fake TaeSung to know cause they have already suffered enough! But Mo Ne, the dad, AND JAE IN!!!!!!

Haaaa. This hell full of emotion is finally over but i'm so sad its ending!!!

I LOVE Kim Nam Gil acting!!! Can't wait til he come back from the army!!! Hope to see him more happy in his future project.!!! WTH ? Bidam, Gun Wook? ALL MISERABLE AND DIED -_-'!! :'(!!

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It's my first time writing here, I felt like sharing my impression on the ending...So I just watched the last episode and I kind of had the feeling from the beginning of the series that GW will end up dying...I liked the whole idea of the ending during which he atoned for what hehad done, trying to cover up that Mn had shot him, but I think it was all too tragic and his 'punishment' was too harsh.

JI was choosing watermelons while he was being shot, it was essentially what she did all throughout the show... for me she looked like a clueless fool from beginning to end, only preoccupied by getting her hands on TS's fortune and grasping the truth of the situation in the very end. The fact that in the end she does not know that he's dead shows how clueless she is. I honestly didn't like her character.

On the other hand, I really like TS and TR. In the end, TS was brave, faced the truth and carried on with his life, the character really evolved ... I loved TR's scenes, Oh Yun Soo is so expressive, her acting is on a par with Kim Nam Gil's.

What do you think? :unsure:

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crazy.gif Man..I´m really disappointed right now!! Thanks a lot for all here who gave us the recaps..But I won´t bother watching the last episodes..just the recap really really makes me mad and watching them would probably aggravate me even more...what a pointless ending :angry: The drama started so good! :(tears.gif

But alas...the OST is really good..

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Guest lucky_moon

Oh Yun Soo left a message in her twitter;


"Bad Guy came to an end, so thanks for showing the love for Hong Taera, I'm really thankful".

I'm not a native korean but that what I understand.

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Hmmm... 81 members reading the topic. B)

This drama was such a waste of talents and this ending is not even worth commenting - it's pointless, stupid... Hope that nobody will buy the DVD. fury.gif If the writer was in front of me, I would for sure tell him a piece of my mind. Or maybe not. vicx.gif

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Guest pepo1989

i just finished watching episode 16 with english sub..and im just reading the recaps in this forum..OMGGG i cant believe the ending!!!!i dont want to see episode 17!!omgg i think the director got something wrong in his mind!!>< i really want to see jaein n gunwook together..maybe its little bit odds to see them together,but considered as they cut the episodes since KNG enlistment,i think its allright..anww i hate the ending!!stupid ending!!!

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@cutegirl: Thank you for the spoiler.  Now, I don't have to watch it, too.

Sooo ... I don't understand the message from this writer/drama.  Is the message that, ultimately, revenge doesn't work because the one who looses the most is the one out for revenge?!  sheesh...

At least, the acting and the soundtrack made this drama worth watching.  Wish the storyline had been better.

Thanks to everyone for the spoilers, summaries, comments, etc.

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Guest softycadence

OMG i hate how it ended....i cant remember the last time i was so upset about a finale....poor kim nam gil - his drama had to end like the writers were on crack....man i wanna strangle the person who okayed this ending.

last night i said i would have hated it if he shot himself in the head, after watching how he does die, maybe the first option was better. seriously? monae comes back to do this? and no one bothered to tell her who she killed? she has time to do her nails and do yoga but she cant make time to talk to a family member and find out the truth about GW - the whole time his body is rotting near the han river?

and the evil mom goes to prison for like - what - 5 minutes for killing 2 people and attempting to kill another - with witness testimony even? really? we are suppose to believe that the korean law system is that blind to justice?

seriously - an amateur writer could have ended this series better than this - hell a five year old could. so mad right now....i cant help but wonder if it stayed at 20 episodes and kim nam gil got his extension- would the ending have made more sense?

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Guest sky28

OMG i hate how it ended....i cant remember the last time i was so upset about a finale....poor kim nam gil - his drama had to end like the writers were on crack....man i wanna strangle the person who okayed this ending.

last night i said i would have hated it if he shot himself in the head, after watching how he does die, maybe the first option was better. seriously? monae comes back to do this? and no one bothered to tell her who she killed? she has time to do her nails and do yoga but she cant make time to talk to a family member and find out the truth about GW - the whole time his body is rotting near the han river?

and the evil mom goes to prison for like - what - 5 minutes for killing 2 people and attempting to kill another - with witness testimony even? really? we are suppose to believe that the korean law system is that blind to justice?

seriously - an amateur writer could have ended this series better than this - hell a five year old could. so mad right now....i cant help but wonder if it stayed at 20 episodes and kim nam gil got his extension- would the ending have made more sense?

I totally agree!!The series started very well, but ended so.................childish!!!! All the hardships that GW been through to revenge, in the end was useless....because he was , after all the real TS. So nobody knows if he's dead, everybody got back to their life........come on....but does anyone thinks about the suffering that GW has been through??The writers should, at least show a more optimistic ending...at least show some hope there......Anyway, this is one of the best dramas so far.......but the ending...a bit dissapointing....Good work guys!!

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Guest nana544

What the heck is wrong with the ending!!! I hate it so much because it wasn't suppose to happen like that. Gun-wook just die so pitying lying on the river bank with no help...omfg...this drama started out so good, but now it's just all a big disappointment!!! The writer or whoever conclude this drama is mess up!!! I hate the stupid endings...only leave me with disappointment!!!! Well, all of the actors did a good job, especially Kim Nam Gil.

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Pictures from episode 17...

On web player:


They shouldn't release the news about KNG's stunt double until after the drama finished.

Now I can't help but notice the stunt double more and more...and it's so strange knowing that the person in the scene is not KNG...


More pictures inside:
























The End.

OMG...I don't want to say this but the ending is ridiculous and don't make sense at all...

I couldn't believe it...sigh...

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Guest quidotta

"Bad Guy" episode recaps on Dramabeans

Episode 12: http://www.dramabean...guy-episode-12/

Episode 13: http://www.dramabean...guy-episode-13/

Episode 14: http://www.dramabean...guy-episode-14/

Episode 15: http://www.dramabean...guy-episode-15/

I do not know which I have written is considered a spoiler, so I shall put everything under the spoiler tag.

Now I understand why the director wanted to extend the drama to 20 episodes when the actors originally signed up for 16. Lots of important and dramatic scenes have been breezed through to give way for meatier scenes eg. Madam's Shin's trial and eventual punishment. I thought the scene where Tae-sung is ousted as the next Haeshin President should be lengthened to give it more impact. I mean, I haven't even warmed up to the part on the tallying of the votes for the Haeshin presidency and suddenly, Madam Shin is announcing that Tae-sung is not the real Tae-sung?

Tae-sung's character is a well-written one and the most consistent, right to the end. Where in the past, he was always "demanding" love from others (mainly Madam Shin) and refusing to give love (to Sun-young), now he comes to the realization that you get peace only when you give your love and understanding to others. The forgiveness he extends to Madam Shin through his simple sentence "Those are the most gentle words you have ever spoken to me." and how he releases Jae-in to Gun-wook is very sweet. He has truly completed the last stage of his transition to a more responsible and mature adult through his actions, ready to take on any challenges in life.

I like the last part which features him walking this long winding road because life is one long endless journey, fraught with numerous obstacles and difficulties but this time, we know he won't run away from his problems anymore.

And I am very certain the next woman he loves will be the luckiest woman in the world.

I especially like the part where Jae-in re-introduces herself to Gun-wook because it is just so... heartbreaking? I cannot even find the right word to describe it. Won-in has previously mentioned that Jae-in was too late to return to his side but there was no harm in making a new start. Despite the seemingly telepathetic connection they share (ie. she felt it when Gun-wook got into a car accident; she feels it again when Mo-nae fires the gun), Jae-in has always been 24 hours late whenever action pertaining to Shim Gun-wook has to be taken. It's all the more depressing for she has already peeled off the last layer to reach out to what is essentially Shim Gun-wook but it is too late! Too late!!! But then again, better late than never?

Actually, I would prefer it if the director cuts their kiss from the episode since it does nothing for the storyline. It's purely fan service for neglecting this pairing for two episodes. They should have just stuck to the soul mate or friend pairing because I would think it's even more "romantic" this way. They should have used the time for kissing, just sitting back-to-back with each other or something along that line. Sometimes, quiet action-less scenes are all it takes to bring a message across.

A case in point... when did he write Jae-in and Won-in's names on the paper crane? When Gun-wook went to their house for the first time after the incident at the police station? But I thought it is a more effective plot device than the kiss to drive home the fact that Jae-in and Won-in have walked into his heart.

However, it's tragic that Jae-in would forever be stuck in that time and space of waiting for Shim Gun-wook, thinking that he is still alive. I am glad she has not died together with Gun-wook because I cannot think of a more fitting torment (punishment?) than this. It's very significant that she left him alone to consume her homemade meal for Tae-sung and now it's the same homemade meal that causes her to lose Shim Gun-wook? And the cruel irony... Tae-sung is eating the food that Jae-in has prepared specially for Gun-wook. Retribution? Perhaps.

Anyway, what is Shim Gun-wook thinking? Does he, for a second, think that she can move on when he says he has returned to America and effectively, out of her life forever? Does he not know that there is already a place for him in her heart?

Mo-nae is totally heading for self destruction. You can see it in her face. Nobody shoots another person and continues living her life like nothing has ever happened. She has changed.. into a colder and meaner version of Madam Shin and might rival her in the future. Her eyes no longer radiate the same innocence and naivety she had in the past. Like Tae-sung, she has also grown up from this ordeal but her growth is stunted.

So Madam Shin manages to obtain what she wants after all. Sheesh!

The clock continues to tick... the people continue with their daily lives... the Earth continues to rotate on its axis... nothing in this world stops moving just because a person is dead. It's a sad and cruel fact of life. You don't have to accept it but that doesn't mean the world must accept your version either.

I am sorry this post is incoherent and sounds more of a blabber than anything else. I'll be back to edit and add on to this post when I have seen it with subs later.

On a side note, it's really been a fun ride, looking at the spoiler and BTS pictures, reading and exchanging ideas with you guys in this thread. Thank you to all for contributing to the thread! Til next time! ;)

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Guest calderonbr

GW died not be committing suicide, but by the hand of his little sister Monae. The gun goes off, she then drops it and leaves. At that point I did not know he was shot until after she left. He starts to bleed in the right lower quadrant of his abdomen. He picks up the gun and starts to wipe of the fingerprints, then he leaves, staggering in the streets to dispose of it.

He ends up dead at the river, but I believed he disposed of the gun there to protect her, and then dies alone and what's crazy is that nobody knows that he is dead.

It did not mention the lapse of time, but I cannot believe that the wicked stepmother got out of jail so fast. Everyone seems from the RAW (17) to feel apologetic except the youngest Monet and her mother.

Episode 16 was unbearably sad but very good. Episode 17/Finale started of strong (the arrest, court, etc), but was weak by the end. Overall, I loved the drama, but I could have dealt with a better ending. Well, I have to wait for the subbed version to see what was really being said I very much disliked Monae because she turned out just like her wicked mother without a care in the world.

I only wished that it went 20 episodes because I am sure it would have a better ending.

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Guest alloo

my opinion

I think I can not watching MoNe in playful kiss .. I hate her to death now

If they make GW kill himself , it would be better .. or if they wanna use MN ok let her shoot but JI got the shot instead ... oh I am really disappointed

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Guest xbunnie

This drama had SO much potential. SOOOO MUCH. They could've done such a better job with it, even with KNG's enlistment. I wished they developed GW and JI's relationship more... I mean the beginning you could see the gradual development. Like when GW kissed JI in episode 7, from the tears in his eyes you could see how much he loved her and cared about her! He just wasn't in a position that allowed him to do so properly... and when GW rushed to JI after getting her call, and saw her standing there with nothing but TS's dress shirt on... that episode you could see JI starting to fall for GW. But I felt like JUST those things weren't enough to have JI cry her eyeballs out for GW when she thought he died. There wasn't a strong enough build to it, cause you see how much she loves him but there's not enough of "why does she love him? what made her love him?" and kind of the same with GW. Their relationship could've been developed more.

And then when JI found GW in that mental hospital and he was all... crazy, I couldn't imagine why she would leave him. Like... wouldn't she have tried to be there everyday? Not like she needed to go to work after she quit... It just didn't make a whole lot of sense. And I would've been more satisfied if at the end after JW left GW's house to meet up with her sister, Monet went inside and had that whole scene with GW but then JI goes back because she forgot her bag or something. Perhaps they could've made it so JI blocked the gun shot and Monet snaps out of her craze. And then JI, GW and WI live happily ever after in a small but warm little apartment.

I just hate the ending. And it didn't even make sense, so GW gets shot and he leaves, when he has so much trouble standing straight how could he have had time to write that note to JI in such legible writing? Wouldn't it have been messier? Where did he get the time to mail those packages to TR and JI? He wrote so much in them in such clean writing etc. What, did he find an extra hour before he died to go to the post office to buy a box and all that? It didn't make sense, even if the ending worked in a tragic kind of way. And with the younger GW/TS and TR scene in teh theater... it added an unnecessary supernatural element to it that I didn't really like....

Anyways, that's just my take. I personally loved JI and GW scenes, there just wasn't enough for a proper development. WHenever they were together you could see GW's true self, his kindness resurface. And when JI confessed to GW and when she cooked for him and when she cried thinking he was dead... her screaming "Where are you? I'm sorry. I miss you. Come out, hurry come out.." it totally broke my heart, but those scenes were very powerful. Especially in the end when JI reintroduced her self... and GW hesitated, choking back tears as he responded "Hong... Hong Tae Sung", taht was such a powerful scene that connects with how they first met. WHen JI ran into him and said "You're HTS right? I'm MJI" it was such a beautiful closure and beginning of their relationship and all that's happened in between.

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Guest lamperouge

I mean the beginning you could see the gradual development. Like when GW kissed JI in episode 7, from the tears in his eyes you could see how much he loved her and cared about her! He just wasn't in a position that allowed him to do so properly... and when GW rushed to JI after getting her call, and saw her standing there with nothing but TS's dress shirt on... that episode you could see JI starting to fall for GW. But I felt like JUST those things weren't enough to have JI cry her eyeballs out for GW when she thought he died. There wasn't a strong enough build to it, cause you see how much she loves him but there's not enough of "why does she love him? what made her love him?" and kind of the same with GW. Their relationship could've been developed more.

I agree. Because of this I can't get behind them as a couple and don't see/feel the romantic connection between them. It's like they only like each other because the writers made it that way. :|

Tae Sung and Jae In had better romantic development in my opinion. And had this NOT been a kdrama, they probably would've a had chance and ended up together. But kdramas don't allow for secondary pairings ever, so yeah. It always, always has to be the first two leads and there's no room for anyone else, which is kind of aggravating.

But yeah. Back to the drama. My thoughts on the finale.

Unlike, everyone else I DON'T hate the ending. I kind of saw it coming actually. I never read any spoilers but I could tell from the beginning that Gun Wook was going to die. I mean come on, given the content of this drama did anyone actually expect a happy ending? There was no way it was going to happen. A happy ending would send the wrong message too. That's is totally okay to get revenge and mess with an entire family and play with their emotions since you can still have your happily ever after. That's like.... the worst possible message the drama could send ever. And dramas like these just never end happily.

I really appreciated how Gun Wook wiped the prints from the gun and tried to protect Mo Nae though. That's one of the few things he did that actually make me feel for him and like him as a character. He was actually pretty pitiable at the end, having realized he toyed with his own family members. But yeah I think it was incredibly stupid how he told Jae In he was leaving to go to America instead of the truth. I mean who does that to the woman you love? It's just going to make her falsely hope and wait. But then again, she kind of deserves this. A life of torment not knowing anything about Gun Wook. That's what you get for toying and playing around with Tae Sung and then dumping him! I really, really liked Tae Sung and Jae In together as a couple, but if she's not going to chose him then I want her to be miserable. It's also quite fitting too because all series long she knew nothing about Gun Wook and she's going to remain never knowing anything about Gun Wook.

I have to commend Tae Sung too. He is hands-down the best character in this series. I even liked him when he was still rebellious and self-destructive but the man has grown into a mature, dependable, and respectable adult which makes me love and appreciate the character even more. He's such a great and caring guy. I'm saddened that he didn't get Jae In but he deserves someone better. Jae In started really pissing me off towards the end and I actually didn't mind her/liked her in the beginning.

Tae Ra was pretty awesome too. But a lot of people have already went on about her character and I don't have much to say so I'll leave it at that.

Most people hate Monae but I actually liked her, even though she can be brat. I still don't hate her after what she did to Gun Wook. Of course what she did was NOT the right way to go about things but you can't really blame her since Gun Wook did that to her. She pretty much lost her innocence because of him. It's too bad that she's shaping up to be like her mother's daughter though. That is rather unfortunate.

Anyway I didn't see the whole finale since my Korean understanding is poor and I'm going to wait for subs but apparently Madam Shin gets released from prison? That's the only thing I'm NOT okay with. She deserves a life full of misery and torment for what she did. Death would be the easy way out for her so I wanted her to feel hell on earth. She by far has sinned the worst of all the characters in the drama and is one of the most evil and wicked characters I've seen in a kdrama yet. So yeah, the writers can screwed up with this one. If Gun Wook goes down then Madam Shin does too! At least Gun Wook has some humanity in him and is likable. Madam Shin, however, is NOT.

But yeah this dram has been fun and I enjoyed it a lot. I think it's my favorite of all the 2010 dramas and is probably one of the best so far. The story wasn't exactly the strongest but the acting, directing, and ost were excellent.

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