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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest duckbutt'




















omggg yeshhhh. xD Seohyunnnn! I hope she opens up a bit more on the show.
















Shes a bit underrated in snsd D: Though I wish Yong Hwa was Kyuhyun from SJ
















instead...its all good. haha.
















...darn...now I REALLY wish it was Kyu....but I love CN BLUE and Yong Hwa,
















so I guess it's okay. haha



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Guest kukiemonster










Why seohyun why? She's just a baby...i'm so afraid for her...






My opinion from her image is that she's so pure and innocent...






As we know this WGM program plays with people heart (look at 1st batch of WGM members)






Seeing seohyun and her uninterested in boys attitude make me really worry about her...






But it might be interesting to watch it






A Lion and A Lamb love relationship..hehehe..me and my imagination...



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Guest Rachel♥OhWonbin



i guess its time for me to watch We Got Married again.

and finally maknae seohyun is getting her well deserve time to shine.

so looking forward to this couple.


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Oh my god, this I will definitely watch! Seohyun is almost like.. anti-boys haha




and pairing up with sexy Yonghwa as her husband is just awesome to see.




I think it's going to be awkward at first, but I'd like to see how they'll develope their relationship over time.


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:o nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST DIED!!!!!!!!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but i might watch it because i so love yong hwa! i just hope this won't be boring since seo hyun seems quiet. but i think it would be interesting if seo hyun will show some of her personalities that we haven't seen yet. she's a sweet gurl :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest CuTiE10o4




























i am very interested in this couple and definitely will be keeping an eye out for their beginning episodes!!!





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Guest emilyXx

i'm very suprised that they choose seohyun.

i hope she will be more open

and seohyun is kind of anti-boys :P

soo looking forward to this couple

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Guest *sunhee
































































































































































































































































Netizens hate the Seohyun – Yonghwa pairing?
































































































































































































We previously reported that SNSD’s Seohyun and CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa will be on MBC’s “We Got Married” as a new couple. But surprisingly, I’m not the only one making a huge deal out of this this new couple is already drawing concern from netizens.
































































































































































































With CNBLUE being involved in a lot of controversy lately, from plagiarism to their manager assaulting a fan, some netizens have questioned whether Jung Yonghwa should be on variety shows anymore. Netizens expressed, “Jung Yonghwa is always quiet. This is irrational,” and “He should have stopped at dramas (You’re Beautiful).”
































































































































































































On Seohyun being cast, netizens said, “She has only just graduated from high school and “marrying” at such a young age might give the wrong impression to some people,” and “This is a risky move for the ratings.”
































































































































































































Another thing brought up by netizens is Seohyun’s preference of sweet potatoes to boys! Reactions such as, “I’m completely against this marriage,” and “Rather than this, get married with a sweet potato instead,” have cropped up.
































































































































































































Of course, without a single episode having aired yet, Seohyun’s good image could calm down the raging netizens. On the other hand, not all netizens of the same opinion, some said, “At least watch the first episode.” and “These reactions are uncalled for this early when it hasn’t even aired.”
































































































































































































The “We Got Married” message boards have been flooded with these comments over this already controversial new couple.
































































































































































































credit: allkpop

































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they also HATED Taeyeon-JHD couple

yet this couple got the highest ratings LOL XD

their reasons just LAME

gosh she will be 20 this year she's like almost a college student now

age is a lame reason to hate lol

netizens so crazy lol XD married sweet potato? then how can she learn to be more loosen up and open mind bout boys and relationship if they expect seohyun to marry a potato @_@ lol weird

this is why she get into the show aigooo so she can be out of her shell and adapt with a boy, not like she will do some inappropriate things hahahaha

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they look good together 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


























































































































































































































































































































































































guess i'll be watching their cuts. lol

































































































































































































































































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Guest love4dbsk&suju





















































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Wow, so the rumor turned out to be true??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have always hoped for an idol X idol pairing on WGM, instead of idol X someone inappropriate [like Taeyeon's pair >_>]. I was so happy when Jo Kwon and Gain were casted. And I'm definitely looking forward to Yonghwa and Seohyun. They're a good-looking and young couple, that would be fun to watch.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And PLEASE people, stop talking about Seohyun as if she's five years old. :rolleyes: She's actually an adult. The way people talk about how naive and shy and meek she is, it's as if she only has stuffed toys for friends and never once talked to a boy before! It's becoming insulting, as if people think she's emotionally and psychologically retarded or something. She's a normal girl, maybe shyer and quieter than most girls, but she's normal, so please don't underestimate her.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest ninyaah
































































































































































































I'm gonna start watching WGM again <3 I love Seohyun and I hope she'll be more open and less awkward with a boy this time. It's going to be interesting.

















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I'm going to be hooked. OMG. THIS IS LIKE THE BEST PAIRING EVER.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest BuNnIeMomiJi

oh god. I can't imagine how this couple would do well. No offense, but I find SeoHyun the most boring one out of SNSD. And isn't she afraid of guys..or have some dislike towards them? I can't see her getting comfortable with YongHwa for a long time.

As handsome as Yong Hwa is, honestly, his personality is also kind of bland. (from the shows I've seen him on).

Hopefully they'll prove me wrong. =/ But I doubt it.

P.S. I hope they're not going to take screen time away from the Adam couple. I need my weekly Adam couple fix. kthxbai.

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they also HATED Taeyeon-JHD couple




























yet this couple got the highest ratings LOL XD




























their reasons just LAME




























gosh she will be 20 this year she's like almost a college student now




























age is a lame reason to hate lol




























netizens so crazy lol XD married sweet potato? then how can she learn to be more loosen up and open mind bout boys and relationship if they expect seohyun to marry a potato @_@ lol weird




























this is why she get into the show aigooo so she can be out of her shell and adapt with a boy, not like she will do some inappropriate things hahahaha























































what are you talking about....




























taeyeon-JHD couple was really unpopular throughout the show.. (you could just look at the small number of pages for their couple thread just on soompi to tell their popularity..) and they lasted so short anyway. the time when wgm had their highest was with the original 4 couples.. (an-sol, ant, alshin (only in the beginning i think for this couple) & sangchuu) but most with an-sol.




























i think adam couple currently is really popular, but i'm not sure if they've beaten the ratings of the original.




























and seohyun's 20 in korea.. which means she's 18 here. (it's +2 right now b/c new years passed. and i doubt her birthday passed) iono about you, but i wouldn't like to marry at 18. and in korea, school starts like march. so she literally just got out of high school. (she got out 2/9/10) especially for the traditional korean minds.. it's kinda weird.. they should really just switch the name of the show.





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I'd actually think this will be interesting, especially SeoHyun...interacting with a guy as handsome as YongHwa. LOL. Despite being maknae of SNSD, I actually think SeoHyun's one of the more mature members in SNSD.
































































































Anyway, totally looking forward to this. :)

































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