Jump to content

Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest innocia
































































































































































JINWOON HAHAHA. He'll be eating his heart out!































































































































































































Oh I'm definitely tuning in to WGM. Can't wait to see my favourite magnae up there!

































Link to comment
Share on other sites
















Really looking forward to this! Hopefully it'll get subbed :)














































I like SeoHyun and I'm curious to see how YongHwa will act.































Actually, I'm curious to see how both of them will act. All I can imagine is awkwardness but I have a feeling they'll prove me wrong.


















































Go go go! ^o^































i think it will be fun to watch them together..there must be some awkward moments between them as they barely know each other..but once they passed the period, i think they'll be okay
















seohyun is innocent and so quiet while yonghwa is the complete opposite of her..
















i can imagine how he's going to tease her and test whether she likes him or not..yonghwa is a mischievous boy..even joon said he's wilder than mir.. :lol:
















this is like an exposure to seohyun..she got to know boys more and not just loving sweet potatoes.. :P
















and it's like a jackpot to yonghwa as seohyun never has a bf before and he'll be her first though its a make believe situation..





Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest Minimanga
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest chewite
































































































































































































Poor baby Jinwoon. He'll suffer a heartbreak!!!!
































































I guess Petite Couple is slowly withdrawing so that they can date in secret? (really hope they do, and surprise us with the news of real wedding!)

































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest xtehdeb












noo yonghwa ):








lol but i want to see this. seohyun seems kinda awkward so i think this couple will be funny xD



Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































wgm couples are getting younger and younger....
































































































































































































































i have mixed feelings about this one. i think mainly it's cuz i've never been really interested in either of them. but probably they'll be pretty awkward. i think they'll be the next romantic couple like alshin. or kinda dorky. b/c seohyun has her own 4d-ness to her. as for yonghwa. the only image i really have of him is from you're beautiful but that doens't really say anything about himself so iono.
































































































































































































































if it was from snsd though, i would have preferred. yuri,sunny or fany. taeyeon would have been on the list but she was already on wgm before.. (although she deserved a much better partner!!!)

































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest wlimilk
































































































































































no freaking way. im excited for this. seohyun was my favorite when they first debuted.































































































































































































































































shes so sweet and innocent. yonghwa is really really cute. perfect! even though i love































































































































































































































































jo kwon and everything, wgm was going down the drain for me. gahh <3 super excited.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest pencilcasee.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love Seohyun and I'm so frkn excited to finally see her get some solo time on screen. Still, the thought of her on WGM is hilarious since she shows the least interest in the opposite sex and marriage when it comes to SNSD :lol: Though those unique traits of hers does make this couple's dynamics a lot more interesting to watch and follow.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lol, poor Jinwoon. A Jinwoon- Seohyun couple wouldn't have been bad either imo.

































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest JJ.biased
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I so have to watch this LOL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't wait to see maknae's reaction heheheh.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest Dorkiilove









NOOOOOOOOOOOO TTOTT <3 break..... yonghwa......!!!! =( do not get married!
























o_o Calm down there.
























It's a fake marriage.









Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest Atmosphere.
































































































































































































































































wow yonghwa is gona be coming out in the WGM!?!?! omg!!
































































































































i thought he was so hot in that korean drama with park shin hye!
































































































































i wonder if he won't show his fake side and show his real side like kim hyun joong, funny guy x]
































































































































cause KHJ is not afraid to show his real side x] i just hope this won't be like scripted!

































































Link to comment
Share on other sites








































































































































































































HAHHAHAHAHAH i can't wait for this, definitely not a fan of SNSD but this is the girl who doesn't have any interest in boys we're talking about. it's going to be lots of hilarious blunt answers and awkward scenes. can't wait :)









Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest jasonishot
































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so excited for this couple!!! I hope they play their instruments (piano and guitar) and make a digital single too!!

































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

This topic is now closed to further replies.
  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..