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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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hello can i join your guessing game as regards hyun's wish? blush.gif
















































































ps: sorry i also don't know how to edit the format 
















































































What is Seohyun's wish?































































































































































(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.































































































































































Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)






























































































































































































































































Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):































































































































































* aurora































































































































































* Trent





























































































































































































































































































































































Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:































































































































































* eastlight































































































































































* Xanshi































































































































































* zcanby






























































































































































































































































Go Shopping





























































































































































































































































































































































































































Wedding photoshot

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:































































































































































* YongSeoRockin































































































































































* outofurReach 















































































































































































my guess would be that hyun wishes that yong answer several questions about his past (past crushes... girlfriends) hahahah
















































































i remember she tried asking before on the train but yong and he said that it seems as if hyun's too casual about it... 
















































































and in the birthday episode as well.. hyun tried again and she remembered what yong said about hyun asking about his past..
















































































and then in the episode when yong cooked for hyun, when he read her diary, the questions hyun wrote if i remember correctly there was also question as to whether yong introduced other girls to his mother.... so well that's just my guess hahahha 

















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Hmmmm. Okay.




1. I don't think her wish has something to do with the wedding shot. As with all the other couples, the wedding shot will come, no matter if the couples want it or not. Why should Seohyun wish for something she will get no matter what?




2. Considering that it is a "Wish " I presume it's something Yonghwa doesn't like. Since they already did the healthy thing (massage/hospital), I don't believe it is something health related.




3. Considering the rumors about what they did the last time, I remember that along with their shopping spree pictures came the rumor of iceskating. Maybe she wishes for iceskating, since going skiing was something of his wish?




4. Or (and that's where my opinion about dancing lessons comes from), dancing, since Yonghwa isn't exactly good at it and she wants him to improve. Opinions?




Best regards,




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Guest .:love_ya:.








































































Hmmmm. Okay.
































































3. Considering the rumors about what they did the last time, I remember that along with their shopping spree pictures came the rumor of iceskating. Maybe she wishes for iceskating, since going skiing was something of his wish?
































































Best regards,































































































































































































I think this would be the most likely :wub: because after brainstorming (and I couldn't come up with anything cuz Hyun is so unexpected sweatingbullets.gif ) with the preview in mind, I don't think it's WGM related (like wedding shoot) wish since it's HER wish, plus Yong should be supper dupper happy if it was a wedding shoot, no? :D . And looking at their expressions and reactions, it's definitely something Yong is not confident with (like dancing) and with Hyun's evil laugh, I don't think it's a wish that will let her "embarrass" herself either (like snowboarding) :rolleyes: I forgot about the ice-skating rumor, but if it's true, then this would be my guess, too (that is assuming yong is not so good at ice-skating. anyone got more info on this?) :wub: so let's add it! Can I have more than one guess? sweatingbullets.gif
































































What is Seohyun's wish?































































































































(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.































































































































Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)






































































































































































































Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):
































































* aurora
































































* Trent
































































Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:
































































* eastlight
































































* Xanshi
































































* zcanby
































































Go Shopping
































































































































Wedding photoshot
































































































































































































































































































































































































Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:
































































































































































































YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:
































































* YongSeoRockin
































































* outofurReach
































































Hyun and Yong going ice-skating :wub:
































































* .:love_ya:.









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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyeong gogumas! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope it's not too late for me to spazz on the latest episode. Just want to share my favorite scene.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This one, where after seeing each other, there's this 6 seconds of weird awkward noises going on coming from the two. Yong seemed incoherent, while Hyun just looks on at him and copies the sounds he makes. Totally hilarious! :lol:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hi, wanted to join in the game as well haha~ Just by judging from the screencaps, it really seems that it is something yong is not confident about, haha and dislike to some extent...so its dancing for me~
































































































What is Seohyun's wish?
































































































(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.
































































































Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)
































































































Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):
































































































* aurora
































































































* Trent
































































































* roy_lover
































































































Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:
































































































* eastlight
































































































* Xanshi
































































































* zcanby
































































































Go Shopping
































































































































































































Wedding photoshot
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:
































































































































































































































































































YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:
































































































* YongSeoRockin
































































































* outofurReach
































































































Hyun and Yong going ice-skating
































































































* .:love_ya:.

















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Guest yongseorockin




aisuo415 what a nice idea you have there. I love it! I've visited your blog, and I really enjoy your pictures there. Please post more :lol:

jnj I second your view there about the guest MCs (they're Sunhwa from Secret and Kwanghee from ZE:A btw). Kwanghee is also well known for his loudness among the idols :P They're doing better in this episode. And the interaction between both of them when MC Jake said Sunhwa should go snowboarding with her bf was pure win! lol. But I still miss the awsome 2AM MCs. Come back Jinwoon and SeulOng :tears:

So, about the guessing game for Hyun's wish, I wish that I can join in the fun, but this time I'm totally clueless about her wish. She's so unpredictable that I dare not say what she'll say this time around. So for now, I'll just sit back and enjoy what you awesome Gogumas have in mind ;)

To make it up for not participating in the game, here's a great song that can relate to her wish and maybe to YongSeo's journey as a married couple also :wub:



첫눈에…(Snowy Wish)MV


I don't know how long it has been since you have taken over my heart


My small heart that has always been cold is now warming up because of you




Perhaps we, just the two of us, spent a long time looking for each other


I didn't know you were right next to me,


I felt lonely by myself




Come closer and hug me tightly


I want to express my heart that beats for you


I didn't know how clear your eyes were yesterday


But now they give me comfort like white snowflakes


After one day, one month passes


After one year, two years pass there may not be any mysterious attraction between us


Then, I feel like there will be a world that only we know about




Even though I said that we were just friends


Honestly I didn't realize how genuine your smile was at the time




Perhaps we, just the two of us, spent a long time looking for each other


I didn't know you were right next to me,


I felt lonely like a fool




Come closer and hug me tightly


I want to express my heart that beats for you


I didn't know how clear your eyes were yesterday


But now they give me comfort like white snowflakes


After one day, one month passes


After one year, two years pass there may not be any mysterious attraction between us


Then, I feel like there will be a world that only we know about




Look at the streets that have changed


The snowy roads are completely covered in white


I want to walk on them with you in your arms


On top of the first snow we saw together




Come closer and hug me tightly


I have something to tell you right now


I'm really thankful, I love you this much: all of the air that cannot be measured


That's how much I love you


After one day, one month passes


After one year, two years pass there may not be any mysterious attraction between us


Even then, even if that happens, I believe that I will still love you




Though I like your black hair, though snow may fall on your head


Then, I feel like there will be a world that only we know about




Credit : soshi00 @soshified.com/forums (trans)


         keoconvoinewseason@youtube.com (video)





I'll be having my mid term exam till Friday so I can't spazz much this wk T.T But I hope I can join you all for the Saturday episode.Wish me luck!







Was reading your post and thing that struck me most about the lyrics of this song was this part.

Though I like your black hair, though snow may fall on your head


Then, I feel like there will be a world that only we know about




Even though I have listened to this song so many time, I have never really remembered the meaning of the songs. Now I am sure lots of Gogumas are able to catch what I am saying here. I don't really want to spell things out because somehow its best to keep things grey so that there isnt so much pressure on them that we are analysing or anything. That's the last thing I want to do. Intrude their privacy. Sometimes I feel we should not be so quick to point out certain details for other Gogumas because I worry a lot that they would worry about fans analysing their actions.


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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































































































































About the Rumor... well I always like to read such a things because I'm feeling happy then, but I never really believe in them until I would see some OFFICIAL STATEMENT... So please don't worry about talking about this rumor, cause it made us happy; but we all are sceptical!































































































































ashtoh ! OMG Your post is great hahaha! I already am imaging everything! My heart would stop beating if I saw such a scene. Your idea is SUPER GREAT!
































































About Hyun's wish: maybe it's not sth what he can do when they are resting, but after few days? Can someone post calendar, what were they doing after this filming? Maybe Hyun gave him a mission on the other day/award/festival day?































































































































Ok. I found this filming calendar:






























































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe it's something related to the Melon Music Awards? Were there any rumors, videos on this day? Anything special?
































































I just can't believe that Seohyun would suggest Wedding Photoshoot! Hmmm I have no idea what kind of wish it is...
































































Aaand some pic of Seohyun from photoshoot, which I really like:

































































































































































































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Guest yonghyunforever



i rewatched so many time just for Hyun. when i have more time i will learn to do the cap. im a woman but why im so attracted by Hyun. she is so adorable in this eps. she just show her different side that makes me want to pinch her cheek. it is just so cute. if im a guy ill woo her for sure.

i just want to make a cap of her smile, her scream, her giggling. it is just too cute:-):wub:

hope somebody can share the cap. cant wait till sarturday. hope tomorrow mc jake will tweet some nice information. these days, he just tweets really generally. hm


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Guest fabiistar07



Finally participating since I feel that 'going ice skating' is more suitable for Hyun's wish out of all the other options (in my opinion, of course)

I don't feel like it could be dancing since let's face it, she has convinced/dragged Yong~ hubby to do that several times now keke

Anything wedding related I don't think it will be either

Since it'll be a new side of Yong~ for us to see, and I feel like she wants to do it at that moment (or the next day)..Ice skating seems the most reasonable for now ^_^

What is Seohyun's wish?

(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.

Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)

Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):

* aurora

* Trent

* roy_lover

Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:

* eastlight

* Xanshi

* zcanby

Go Shopping


Wedding photoshoot






Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:



YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:

* YongSeoRockin

* outofurReach

Hyun and Yong going ice-skating

* .:love_ya:.

* fabiistar07

I hope no one is missing :sweatingbullets:

maybe07 ... When i heard that song before, it reminded me of YongSeo as well!! haha

I completely love the song, it has a nice melody & of course the lyrics are great :D


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Guest cutie_xur
























Hmmmm as of now i still cant think of what hyuns wish...










but i wanna spazz about the idea of ashtoh and emmanuelle. haha




















sorry if im not making any sense here. haha... i will join the game later if i can have any idea what hyuns wish will be. :)



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@kasia3goguma i was thinking the same regarding hyun's wish...



i think her wish has something to do with the music show the day after their ski trip. i don't have anything specific, though...i'll add our names under this category.









What is Seohyun's wish?


(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.



Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)


Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):


* aurora


* Trent


* roy_lover


Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:


* eastlight


* Xanshi


* zcanby


Go Shopping:




Wedding photoshoot:












Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:






YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:


* YongSeoRockin


* outofurReach


Hyun and Yong going ice-skating:


* .:love_ya:.


* fabiistar07


Mission during music show:


* kasia3goguma


* luna21


(sorry if i missed anyone)



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Guest solangesingky






hi all!


just wondering, is it possible for any chinese fans to give me the baidu link for the yongseo forum there?



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What is Seohyun's wish?





















(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.







Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)





















Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):







* aurora







* Trent







* roy_lover





















Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:







* eastlight







* Xanshi







* zcanby





















Go Shopping:




























Wedding photoshoot:
























































Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:



































YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:







* YongSeoRockin







* outofurReach





















Hyun and Yong going ice-skating:







* .:love_ya:.







* fabiistar07





















Mission during music show:







* kasia3goguma







* luna21







* d3j1k0














(sorry if i missed anyone)














somehow i feel like it has something to do with the music show, just like what they did on the second episode (the ring mission); but then again, SeoHyun has a unique way of thinking.





















Anyway, so as not to be a spam, here is a video made by fadecloud of YT:







Forever Dreaming With You by SNSD





















Please do not forget to credit the maker of the vid :)









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What is Seohyun's wish?



(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.

Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)



Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):

* aurora

* Trent

* roy_lover



Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:

* eastlight

* Xanshi

* zcanby



Go Shopping:




Wedding photoshoot:








Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:





YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:

* YongSeoRockin

* outofurReach

* nrlfrhna



Hyun and Yong going ice-skating:

* .:love_ya:.

* fabiistar07



Mission during music show:

* kasia3goguma

* luna21

* d3j1k0



Sorry if I missed anyone.


I think Hyun will request if she can have her unnies with her for their wedding because seohyun looks up to her unnies and their opinions mattered to her. Maybe just maybe, she wants to reassure her unnies that Yonghwa has been taking good care of her and how happy she is with him.


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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































































































































































Hi! All
































































































































MC KiM Tweet
































































































































































































































































Jake82054 KIM JUNG MIN 우결녹화 마치고 귀가중..쿤톨의 안무연습에피..용서의 스키장 뒷풀이..푸하핫!..잼남..토욜 닥본사! V587~!!!
































































































































Cr : DCmarried
































































































































































































































































Pls translate to us. Thank you in advance. :)

































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































My brain cant even begin to guess what is SH up to... what I see in the preview is that she is a little nervous and is up to some trick... Poor YH... in the preview I think he is really sleeping in the second scene, maybe she was laying beside him and wake up and is planning to do something to the very tired looking YH.
































































































































































Well, I am so used to expect to unexpected I will receive whatever they put in front of me...
































































































































































On another note, how nice to know that YH is keeping the Piano, I was hoping to see it in their house... Oh well maybe some day!
































































































































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! Good Luck!!!

































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Guest nikijenlo






Anyyeong gogumas...


i found this C.N Blue interview which was done in May'10..i know its quite old but it makes me go..:w00t:


Sorry if has been shared before...


Question: CNBLUE’s ideal woman?




JH: My ideal woman is Park Jin Hee Sunbaenim.


YH: Jonghyun has said that his ideal woman is Park JinHee Sunbaenim in an interview once, after reading the news, Minhyuk changed his style to Park JinHee subaenim as well.


MH: I like the pure, innocent and easy-going type of girl. Someone who’s like a friend. But if I say it like this, then everyone will keep pushing me to say one celebrity name. But it’s really hard for me to say one, because currently there’s no celebrity that I’m comfortable with.


MH: But for appearance, I like Kim TaeHee subaenim’s kind of style.


JH: Is there anyone who doesn’t like Kim Tae Hee sunbaenim’s kind of style?


MH: But there was once a news like this – Kang Minhyuk’s style = pure and innocent, a comfortable type of friend = Kim TaeHee – but actually that was not what I meant. But I think, people like us to give a name to make it easier to interpret.


JS: I like Lee MinJung sunbaenim’s type of style. Just that feeling.


YH: I liked Lee Yeonhee sunbaenim when she appeared in the film A Millionaire’s First Love. But now, I like my strong-willed wife.



cr to: blue_jus7 @code azurro blog






OMG..did he said "wife" :wub:  ..not "virtual wife"??.....*dies* ^_^





Here is the link for full translated interview




CN Blue Star Yozm Interview



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What is Seohyun's wish?
































































































































(Please add your name yourself to the list, don't tell other people to add it.
































































































































Check the thread for previous posts and make sure that you don't cut anyone off, should you be the last person (for the time being) to add your name.)
































































































































Dance lesson with Yong (though the Khuntoria folks seem to be dancing, too, currently):
































































































































* aurora
































































































































* Trent
































































































































* roy_lover
































































































































Yong to sleep on the bed rather than sleeping on the floor since he was down with the flu and was tired. Yong being the gentleman wants hyun to take the bed and hyun being the caring wife wants him to use the bed instead:
































































































































* eastlight
































































































































* Xanshi
































































































































* zcanby
































































































































Go Shopping:
































































































































































































































































Wedding photoshoot:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Choose Wedding Dress for hyun ^^:
































































































































































































































































































































































































YongHwa interacting with SIL (Sister-in-law) for Wedding Photoshoot:
































































































































* YongSeoRockin
































































































































* outofurReach
































































































































* nrlfrhna
































































































































Hyun and Yong going ice-skating:
































































































































* .:love_ya:.
































































































































* fabiistar07
































































































































Mission during music show:
































































































































* kasia3goguma
































































































































* luna21
































































































































* d3j1k0
































































































































Style ( from manly to cute ) Blach Hair / Black Dragon
































































































































* Anink

































































































































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Guest gogumacraze
































Annyeong In-Go-Paem! Not sure if this has been shared? MC Kim's tweet?
















































CR : BAIDU 22day22
















우결녹화 마치고 귀가중..쿤톨의 안무연습에피..용서의 스키장 뒷풀이..푸하핫!..잼남..토욜 닥본사! V587~!!!
















































Not responsible for any translation!! After recording of WGM, on the way home! Khutoria's dance practice! Continuation of YongSeo's snowboarding epi! Phuahaha. Interesting. Saturday watch on time! V587!!
































Translated from the Chinese which Soompi is acting weird n not letting me paste the Chinese characters here!!
































Geez, wished tweet had disclosed a bit more of our couple's epi! Now I'm totally piqued!! Sat paallii!! Sorry gogumas, I wld normally write my essay! But today I shall spare all u poor gogumas who hav to read my long-winded post as I have a bad sore throat n pounding headache ryt now. Spazz with all later! Off to pop some drugs n c u all in Go-Chun!

















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