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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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It's not too late to spazz, right?
































































































































































































































































































































































2 weeks without WGM just made more of a fan LOL. I kept myself busy with downloading their HQ videos. And rewatched it. What Yong Hwa said on Night After Night made me sooo happy! Like a lot of you have said, I think he blurted the question to Psy without thinking. And when he realized what he said, he tried hard not to mention her name, but kept playing with his couple ring which was a total giveaway! Hahaha! The older people really enjoyed torturing Yong Hwa. Maybe if I'm in their position, I will do the same too. I badly want to hear Yong Hwa say "Yes, I'm in love with SNSD's Seo Hyun". Well. Not like something like that will going to happen (logically it's dangerous right?) but that's my dream.
































































































































































































































































































































































And the text preview almost ruin my concentration at work. While I was marking for my students homework, my mind kept wondering : What is the skinship Hyun tried to do? Did she succeed? Did he like it? I even text my friends and sister about it just to pour out my excitement to someone. I guessed she would try to hold his hand. I would be happy if it's more than that, but holding his hand would be epic and more Seo Hyun-ish.
































































































































































































































































































































































So, my favorite moments of the episode :
































































































































































































































































































































































When Hyun kept squealing "Goguma!". Sooo cute!
































































































































































































































































































































































When they ate ice cream together and Yong tried to shield her from the people around them. Hyun must be feeling uncomfortable licking ice cream in front of strangers like that.
































































































































































































































































































































































When Yong said that since she liked his hair down, he did it for her. And she asked, "Do you prefer my hair tied or down?". He said "Down" and she immediately untied her hair. Wow. Yong's heart must went Dugeun Dugeun.
































































































































































































































































































































































When Hyun wrote her wish at the shrine and Yong kept being curious and tried to peek.
































































































































































































































































































































































Everytime they walked on the street and Yong asked her to walk at the safer side of the road. And Hyun kept pulling him and asking him to be careful.
































































































































































































































































































































































When they took pictures during dinner and Yong tried to put them on the same frame. Why can't he just sat beside her? Hehe.
































































































































































































































































































































































Yong Hwa acting to rob the 7-11. Ah. The familiar Yong-choding.
































































































































































































































































































































































And of course, the climax of this episode, when Hyun linked her arm with his. It was so natural I didn't realize it happened. I mean, I waited for this scene so much to happen, but when she did that, at first it didn't catch my attention because I feel it's so natural. Like it's the most common thing in the world. I don't know how to explain it, but I hope someone will understand what I mean. It's very Hyun-ish. She looked like she contemplated how to it before that, like, "Okay, now is the time. Don't let this chance go and be brave". Yong was caught completely by surprise and went stiff for a moment LOL. I think he was so ready to follow her pace that he didn't expect her to initiate skinship at all. And there she was shocking him. I'm amazed with Hyun. She's so brave. Of course, I replayed that scene like five times to let that sink in my brain.
































































































































































































































































































































































But what sent me into hysterics was the preview. When Yong Hwa grabbed her wrist like that. Like he was confident and impatient? AAAAAAAAAH! Seriously I was busy saying "Uwaaaaaaah!". And that makes me wants episode 33 so much.
































































































































































































































































































































































Yong Hwa proved to me lots of things that I thought was just legends.
































































































































































































































































































































































That there is actually a guy who likes a girl so much he willingly follows her pace, no matter how slow it is. Yong Hwa has been so patient. I bet there are times when he wants to just jump at her and kiss her right then and there. He must have been wanting to hold her hand, hug her. But he knows this is her first time being close to a guy so he waited patiently for her to open up to him. Yong Hwa is far from perfect. The one month silence proved he's not perfect. But Hyun will always be number one priority for him, more than his own wants and needs. And his patience paid off. Look at how comfortable Hyun is now with him.
































































































































































































































































































































































If there is any way to say "I like you" with body language, it's in what Hyun did, she linked arms with him. I personally think it's a giant leap. As huge a leap as buying couple rings and singing Love Light for him. Hyun looked like someone who can be polite and nice to everybody, but to let someone to really get into her heart doesn't look easy. She looks like someone who when she finally opened up, she will be always like that person. Am I making sense here? It's almost 2 am here and I hope I'm explaining coherently. So linking arms with Yong Hwa must be something she considered first and took a lot of courage to do.
































































































































































































































































































































































And they made me believe that yes, love makes you grow more gorgeous. I mean, they are good looking to begin with. But since they met, they look even more gorgeous. Yong Hwa looks so cool these days. Especially in Night After Night. And don't even let me begin with how gorgeous Seo Hyun looks lately. She's getting more beautiful. A lot more sexier. More confident. I could sense it in her moves and eyes. I think when a girl understood that she is loved, she will gain a lot confidence and glows, like what happens to Hyun. She is drop dead beautiful and gorgeous and hottt lately. Especially in today's Music Core. Pink glittery hot pants? Oh Hyun. I hope Yong Hwa is not dying out of nosebleed somewhere.
































































































































































































































































































































































And they made me believe that yes, though you are insanely busy, totally tired, if you meet someone you like it will recharge your energy and you will be so fit to start your activities all over again. I think that's what happened to uri Yongseo after their one whole day date in Japan. By the way I agreed, they look like they were having their honeymoon.
































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much for everyone who posted here, your analysis, caps, pics, translations, everything. I love you all for posting in this thread.
































































































































































































































































































































































I'm trying to finish my fic. I want to write about what will happen with them after their WGM ends, and I want 75% of it to be sad, but it's so hard to make a sad Yongseo fic when they are so adorable and my mood is always happy these days. Still, I'll try to finish it if only to contribute something to this thread.
































































































































































































































































































































































Hah. When I finish this, I realize I firmly believe that they like each other for real. I think I have the instinct that they are dating already. Or at least it's my current biggest wish.
































































































































































































































































































































































Got to sleep now. Good night fellow Gogumas!

































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Guest marmutgoreng


credits to GG thread@ soompi

why does it looks like that yong want to release his hand?


but it's good enough that hyun want to make the first move for skinship..

and also the translation is out..


can't wait for the subbed videos..

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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































ahhhhhhhhhhh thanks for the translations goguma chingus!!! XD
































































as expected! another DEABAKK episode! hihihii
































































since everyone's already said what I wanna say, i'll just add one more thing :D NEXT SATURDAY COME PAILIIII!!!































































































































~Mean while~
































































You're my ONLY ONE Sarangbid!!! ^.^






























































































































































































































































ke~~~~~~ Yong~ nampeon reaching for Hyun buin's hand!!!
































































Does his hand seem a little bigger than 5 months ago, Hyun? hahaha








































































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Guest MoonHeeTae
































really really, KAMSAHAMNIDA TO j2dlee really worth the WAIT..~















love love love u much..






























i super love love love them!!















SEOBABY really never fails me..















really indeed a lady now..




























































placing their msg wood board on the shrine..^^




























































aww..sweet yo~ong.. feeding hyu~n wth that rare ingredient on their ice cream..~




























































and this is what YongSeo really is all about..DAEBAK!!
































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Wow, thank you so much, j2dlee!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The MCs reactions were hilarious, thanks for translating all of their conversations. Keep up the great work!

































































































































































































































































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I just want to say that today's episode is WAN-JUN DAEBAK!!!


Who knew that little Seohyun had it in her!!!


LOVE IT! She was ABSOLUTELY GLOWING during this whole episode!!! :w00t:


And it's so funny seeing YONG~ so flustered! pwahaha he didn't know what to do with himself!!


and~ I come bearing gifts~ well it's not much just a quick crop/paint/resize blah~ I hope you guys like it!


*credits would be awe-frikin-some*





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Guest sunbaenim
















can't get enough of YongSeo, they're truly ddaebak












how can I wait for another 7 days to see what happened in the Japanese inn? ottoke?












however, i think we can see our goguma couple again tomorrow in Inkigayo.

























the thing is that since last week, there was no Inkigayo ( it was LOve Sharing concert), there 'll be a part the MCs will announce last week winner in Take 7( no wonder it's snsd). therefore, i think they( snsd & 3 MCs) will have a part like interview. My hope is so high that seohyun will stand next to her hubby once again :wub:. let's hope hope hope & love love love.



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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7







hello everyone sincha, sincha kamsahamnida to all of you!









j2dlee thank you so much for your translation and mountainmadman both of you are DAEBAK.I love you guys.This episode was daebak but next week will be double daebak.Waaahh Im so excited.I m so curious hmmm Yong why did you give Hyun only one goguma???Is it because you want to know how she would react and you want to find out how she feel about you??Yong, Explanation next week please.^^I cant sleep.waahhh I found this Rumor?! in twitter...Excerpt of Busan Fan Acc: 12 Oct - YongSeo couple ate seaweed roll! (Yes, in Busan)I hope its true^^









good night Yongseo lovers.












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Guest ninyaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































I've been sick for a week now and I'm supposed to be resting -- it's already 3 am here -- but I'm dying to read the translations. Thank you so much j2dlee and mountainmadman <3 Even though I haven't been posting comments, stalking this thread has become a really bad habit. Haha.
















































































































































































Spazz-worthy scenes:

Y: You once said that you like my fringe down.

H: Yes, I did.
















































































































































































Y: Since then, I always keep it down.
































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Tie your hair…you’ll get ice cream on your hair.
















































































































































































H: Ah~
















































































































































































Y: It’s all the same. To me, both the same.
















































































































































































I don't remember a scene where Seohyun mentioned that. It could be another edited scene or maybe a conversation outside of filming. I choose to believe the latter choice, thank you very much. What's so spazz-worthy about it all is the fact that they listen and value each other's opinions. These people have their own stylists who make them look good every time they appear on TV and yet they still listen to what the other thinks. You don't just listen to anybody; there must be trust involved. What made it even more special is the fact that Seohyun asked a guy whether a particular hair style looks good or not. If it were some other girl it wouldn't have even mattered, but this is Seohyun were talking about. Yeah, Seohyun, it's all the same to Yonghwa. Even if you're bald he'd still think you're the most gorgeous girl on earth. LOL. Which I don't doubt at all.

When Seohyun removed her ponytail, you could see Yonghwa's stunned expression. He was so shy he couldn't even look straight at her! Who would think that an innocent girl could catch a cool guy off-guard? If I were Seohyun, I'd use more of my sexiness and hidden charm. She's just so oblivious on her effect on guys, and she doesn't even try hard. 

H: Let’s walk on this side together.

Y: No, a man should walk outside.
















































































































































































This guy has been raised well by his parents. He has always been a gentleman, accomodating her every need. The unnies have a right to be jealous of their maknae; she's hit the jackpot. I love how he brings out her playful side because of his choding-personality. I don't know why the MC's react as if Yonghwa's choding-ness is an immature thing, but as a girl, I love guys who are mischievous and has a good sense of humor. It helps a lot in a relationship. 

And lastly, the linking arms part! Skeptics may say otherwise, but I believe Jessica's message for Seohyun during the fanmeet has everything to do with YongSeo. Seohyun jjang! You could see how nervous she was before linking arms with him; it was as if she's debating on whether or not to do it, how to do it without looking awkward, etc. And the best part was Yonghwa's reaction. Man, he was so shocked he even pulled his arm away. LOL. But if you'd observe him carefully, he was trying to control himself from smiling so much.
















































































































































































I'm pretty sure Twitter and Soompi would crash if these two did more than linking arms. Haha. I'm proud of them for trending in twitter. And the thread had about 1,000+ viewers after the episode aired <3 Goguma power, indeed.
















































































































































































Ta-da! A screenshot of one of my favorite parts in the episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































Soompi is messing up with me again. *bangsheadonthewall*

















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Guest teoki61
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't get enough of YongSeo, they're truly ddaebak
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































how can I wait for another 7 days to see what happened in the Japanese inn? ottoke?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































however, i think we can see our goguma couple again tomorrow in Inkigayo.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the thing is that since last week, there was no Inkigayo ( it was LOve Sharing concert), there 'll be a part the MCs will announce last week winner in Take 7( no wonder it's snsd). therefore, i think they( snsd & 3 MCs) will have a part like interview. My hope is so high that seohyun will stand next to her hubby once again :wub:. let's hope hope hope & love love love.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can you tell me when Inkigayo starts and where to watch it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This episode was really so sweet. Woow Seohyun changed so much!!! The girl who was disgusted by seeing skinship is now the one doing skinship lool She really,really must like Yong (that's what i feel by watching the way she looks at him).

































































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@j2dlee:I am forever grateful to you and @mountainmadman thank you to you 2 :)


Great Episode and one unexpected move from Hyun Buin<3


Has anybody else noticed that Yong, the touchy feely guy that he is, kinda put himself under restriction to touch his wifey. And Hyunnie's bold move caught him totally off guard and thus he was totally happy.


Watching the Preview he is in, full force again.


May the skinship continue<3



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thanks so much to j2dlee and moutainmadman!!!! you guys are daebak!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































all this love is making me hungry, i want some gogumas!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love yong's smirk here. like lunasol mentioned, he was trying to act all cool like "did you see that?" hahaha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and i really like this shot right here
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kind of wish maybe they would have gotten one like that when they were linked together :wub:

































































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Guest biancacoolio










oh my god. what has this couple done to me. i should be studying for my major chemistry test on monday, but i'm here spazzing the freak out. 






they are absolutely sweet together. seohyun, girl, i didn't you had it in you!! wow i'm so proud and happy that you are now testing the waters yourself instead of only following yonghwa's lead. i love watching your growth! *yeah she prob won't read this post directed at her, but yeah...*






keep spreading the goguma love fellow villagers. <3 this place is like the only place that i can act as a crazy fangirl. love this thread.



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Guest Crystal392





Thanks so much j2dlee and MountainMadman for the translations. You are daebakk :)



I realized every time they saw a 'Goguma game' (where they took pictures) Hyun kept saying how Yong fit in it very well... Was she trying to send him a secret message? Because everybody knows she LOVES gogumas :wub:


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Y: One, two, three!


MCs: Eh~!


MC Park: Why are we too disappointed?


MC Park: …It’s just a picture.


Even if it’s just a picture, the couple is so happy.


Y: I’m looking at you.




Agent Yong, attacking the convenient shop?


H: What are you doing?


SO: Ah, he’s really choding!


NY: It’s so childish!


I’m here~

Yong Choding


SO: On the opposite side of the aisle, gunning at each other…


(JW, SO Yong’s other choding friends)




(Yong guns his beer at Hyun and Hyun does the same)


H: Mine is bigger!


NY: She shouldn’t play with him, it’ll get only worse.






Thank you j2dlee! You are *wonderful*! B)




1st, loved pointing out to Hyun, "I'm looking at you" :) He was so cute taking those pictures.




2nd, I'm just curious, why do the MC's constantly put him down when he acts like a normal 21 year old male? Is he not allowed to show he has a goofy side and that he might be having fun? Is it looked down on in Korean culture?


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Guest MountainMadman

Oh my, will there be no end to the spazzing? :D

Thanks to j2dlee for providing a FAR superior translation than mine...I have a long ways to go. ^_^

Just to fan the flames a little bit more...I updated my Love Story fanfic with another episode! 


EDIT: @ cailei23: The MC's aren't putting him down so much as teasing him for being so childish. Because, honestly, would you expect a 22-year-old to play a game of Secret Agent in a convenience store? :P

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Guest iris9286




i wanna watch it!


where can i watch their episodes with eng sub?


they look good together.


i hope they make a performance collab.


that'll be epic! :w00t:


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@MountainMadman: I'm 28 and male - and to make my girlfriend laugh, I would do more childish things than play Secret Agent in a convinience store. Just to make her smile ...

And I seriously don't understand why his "Crooked Pirate Arm" was such a big deal for the MC, because I remember doing that too, mostly because when you are afraid she lets go of your arm, you crook it like Yonghwa did, so if her grasp isn't that tight, she just can't slid off. I could completely relate to everything he did this episode. I like Jinwoon and Seulong a lot, but sometimes I think they are overreacting when it comes to Yonghwa.

Best regards,


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Guest Caliope

EDIT: @ cailei23: The MC's aren't putting him down so much as teasing him for being so childish. Because, honestly, would you expect a 22-year-old to play a game of Secret Agent in a convenience store? :P

So... am I the only one who likes that Yoong's side?

OMG!! Specifically, the supermarket scene.



His hands and his put faces... I think I'll die :wub: :wub:

His joking way, I think so manly... :wub: :wub:

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