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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I think to lighten things up we shd hv a vote on what is in the box that Hyun is giving to Yong. We have not done so right?


















My suggestion are as follows. Please VOTE:


















1) A watch











2) A MP4 or other electronic gadget











3) Some kind of tonic food











4) A combination of things











5) Others: please fill in the blank_______________


















I would love it to be a watch, but I think it could be a headphone? :D











hello gogumas...






hmmm let me join to this guessing game...its maybe an mp or other electronic gadget a perfume..






but what i wish is something like what yong prepared..something hands on...im still amze for what she prepared






for the birthday event..something like that..ah another 5 days to wait...



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Guest monie1909
















hi,i just found this news release just now about uri couple.based on google translator,At the end of the news,said the sweet potato japan tour will be broadcat at Nov,6..so it mean we can see japan episode this week? :o ..this is good news,right?
































aneng thank you for bring the news too..seem like i'm not the only one who understand it as japan episode will be air this sat..









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Guest icarus_fly












I think to lighten things up we shd hv a vote on what is in the box that Hyun is giving to Yong. We have not done so right?






My suggestion are as follows. Please VOTE:






1) A watch



2) A MP4 or other electronic gadget



3) Some kind of tonic food



4) A combination of things



5) Others: please fill in the blank_______________






I would love it to be a watch, but I think it could be a headphone? :D

















this is fun..



to lift up the spirit of the goguma villagers..



i think it will be a combination of things...



a hand-made gift by hyun..



a book..



and a shirt...



i would love to imagine yong wearing something that is from hyun...



and that could be easily seen!!!



a shirt will be great!!








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Oh. It's posted. D:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's weird that this article hasn't been posted here:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































우결’ 서현, 캐릭터 제대로 잡았다..日고구마투어에 급방긋
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































소녀시대 서현이 고구마 홍보대사가 될 날도 멀지 않아 보인다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MBC '우리 결혼했어요'(우결)에서 서현은 고구마로 캐릭터를 잡고 있다. 서현 특유의 귀여운 모습과 어울리며 묘한 매력을 발산하고 있다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































가상 남편 정용화와 만남에서 고구마는 여러 가지 역할을 해 냈다. 첫 만남에서 서현은 고구마 개수를 이용해 정용화를 평가했다. 맘에 들면 고구마로 점수를 부여하고 맘에 들지 않으면 불량식품(?)인 햄버거로 점수를 매겼다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그렇게 고구마 사랑이 유별난 만큼 정용화가 서현의 생일선물로 고구마 밭을 준비한 것도 이해가 가는 부분. 서현은 당시 "이렇게 특별한 선물은 처음이다"면서 즐거움은 마음을 표했다. 그리고 그 고구마는 일본 여행에서도 함께했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































서현은 최근 정용화와 일본 여행에 나섰다. 일본 진출 중인 서현과 아시아 투어 중인 정용화는 서로의 일정이 겹친 어느 날 일본 사이타마현 가와고에를 찾았다. 고구마 특산지으로 유명한 지역이다. 도시의 마스코트가 고구마를 형상화한 캐릭터라는 설명이다. 그 앞에서 서현은 '급방긋' 했다는 후문.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































'우결' 제작관계자는 11월 2일 뉴스엔과 통화에서 "외화벌이에 나선 기러기 부부의 만남을 그렸다. 1달만의 재회였다. 그들이 찾은 곳이 고구마 특산지라는 점에서 의미가 있다"고 설명했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































서현이 캐릭터를 제대로 잡은 듯. 고구마는 서현의 개성을 잘 보여주는 소재이며 동시에 '우결'의 이야기를 자연스레 풀어가는 도구가 되고 있다. 고구마 앞에서 서현은 언제나 밝은 표정을 보여주기 때문이다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































한편 이번 일본 고구마 투어는 11월 6일 방송된다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Google translator says they'll show the Japan date on Saturday........? WHAT.

































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make me happy!!!






한편 이번 일본 고구마 투어는 11월 6일 방송된다.










Meanwhile, the Japanese sweet potato tour will be broadcast on November 6.












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I think to lighten things up we shd hv a vote on what is in the box that Hyun is giving to Yong. We have not done so right?

My suggestion are as follows. Please VOTE:

1) A watch

2) A MP4 or other electronic gadget

3) Some kind of tonic food

4) A combination of things

5) Others: please fill in the blank_______________

I would love it to be a watch, but I think it could be a headphone? :D

wahhhhh i also would like to guess.....My crazywildmaybeitstruemaybenot:rolleyes: imagination..i choose

No 5. Others : frame with their sweet picture:wub: ....maybe from their personal's cam or from fanpic.....

maybe something like this....hehehehehhehe :D


credit to : _hachimitsu ( i love this pic....hope u dont mind im using it) :P

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Guest miel_1301

Lately, it really seems like uri Seobaby has been consistently making a very loud "statement" with her dress color preference being BLUE in many, if not all, of her public appearances.


cr: sme; news.mk.co.kr+cloudsaerif@ggthread

Seobaby is the only one wearing bright color in this capture.

I hope a solo photo surfaces soon.

This post of mine will not get me into "Trouble...trouble...trouble" [Hoot!] for as long as I am able to provide a link to our YongSeo couple, right?

And TRUE blooded gogumas in here would know exactly the point that has been raised in the thread but which I am now only re-emphasizing for the purpose of spazzing. Yes! And I reiterate... for "spazzing" ---of which this thread has long been predominantly known for, no matter how we TRUE blooded Sweet Potatoes may have long been tagged as "delusionals".

BLUE is the official color of SOMEONE's Family.

Thanks monie1909 and aneng for that fresh news. And indeed it's a good news!

Okay! Ladies, before we get in a panic mode with the TIMELINE again, we all know that the next filming scenes to be shown after the 29 August 2010 [incheon Korean wave] filming will be the Kawagoe Japan filming shot on the 21th of September. I guess the Japan filming will be shown in the second part of next week's episode, 06 November 2010.

I believe that there will still be a closure to those scenes/events of the 200th Day Anniv School Uniform Date. So I think there will be no disorientation again that the Pdnim intends to do. In fact I even anticipate a good chronology of events--- when Yong after giving Hyun the "Japan Survival Journal" [in late August] they will be seeing each other [three weeks after] after their respective group engagements in Japan [with SNSD's successful debut and CN Blue's successful Japan Showcase both in the month of September].

But the expected scheme of the PDnim would definitely be the "cliffhanger" at the end of Episode 31, as I believe that the Kawagoe Japan filming will take about 2, even perhaps 3 episodes, depending on the bulk of scenes they got to film on that day. Who knows?... We might see a clip of Hyun cheering amongst the audience in the last leg of CN Blue's Showcase held at Shibuya Tokyo, Japan on the 20th of September. Hahaha! Wishful thinking, yeah?

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According to the news circulated, WGM will not run for 3 weeks. If the trip in Japan aired this week, I hope the PDnim are not going to hang their story and make us die curious because they do not finish the end of the story.














































































































































































































I will be sincere if wgm not running for 3 weeks as long as the story this week did not hang.














































































































































































































Sorry for my bad english..... blush.gif

















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OMG, i think something must be going on with our couple..i got to be honest before this , i think our couple maybe at some point attracted to each other but i reserved myself as a fan that this is just a show, and consistently telling myself that WGM is just " make a believe show thingy "..protecting myself from , you know obsessed with the idea that they actually dating in the real life..








But recently, Hyun is quite not herself..well with all the evident like she not scare to wear BLUE when all of her unnie wore black and brown dress ..meanwhile as for her , she is the only one with the BLUE color totally out of the color theme from her unnies dresss...








During the HOOT music show Inki, she looked more prettier that the other HOOT music show..Somehow, she pay more attention to her hair and she looked stunning..Hmm maybe because Yong is going to be there MCing ...just like last week ep when she looked twice in the mirror when she wore that school uniform..








Hmm Seohyun seem she trying to say, that "CNB 's leader belong to me".. "he is mine now".. "we are dating"








It is too "extreme action" from seohyun if we said she wore that BLUE color because of her commitment with the WGM..nah...i dun think so..seem fishy that she wore BLUE more these days..








Enough of spazzing...








Thank you for all the updates in here...Love u all^^



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Guest SophiaPia

Anyoung to all

I hope this coming saturday YongSeo episode will finish their 200th anniversaries before they air the sweetness Japan episode. Otherwise, we don't know what is wife Hyun gift to hubby Yong. 

Thanks for sharing hubby Yong photos they going to Japan/Korea festival i guess. His hair is really long now need to trim a bit :) (yes! ring :) )

Yes! looks like SeoHyun likes to wear BLUE now a days (and the RING of course)  :) proud to be married w/ cnblue leader Yooong :) LOVELY INDEED.

Cheers to all

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Guest pandasoori








yong is really100 HOT ! he such a fashionista ,




really love his style . yong is such a handsome , cool , style , manly , sweet , lovely , caring , kind and many more . ahh i love him !




and i can see that yong is really love his dongsaeng . such a kind leader <3



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hello gogumas.

i think we need to lightened up after the heavy discussions, analysis and deep

thoughts. phew.gif with this bird brain of mine sweatingbullets.gifcrazy.gif

heavy stuffs are just not for me.. blush.gif

i want to be on cloud nine :lol::lol:

i just want to have some fun spazzing so,


have we ever seen yong put his hand like this when he is with hyun?

nvr! so i wish that one day we get to see them posing like this..


now, shouldn't the Q be..."so where do i change?" ;)

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Bluefreak - I like your idea of their couple picture in a frame. It will be very sweet.

Omo, if they air the Japan filming this Sat I will be so happy!

Yes, if there is a break in the screening then if I am the PD, I will air the Japan filming too becos everyone knows that they went Japan. But, but how are is the story going to flow from the ice cream cafe to Japan :blink: Some super editing is going to be involved again.

But nevermind, keeping my fingers crossed. I like to see them under the sun again, with the light reflecting in their eyes and Hyun's hair flowing with the wind and then the mesmerised Yong will be all smiles again. :wub:

ok thats me spazzing.

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where to see the latest episode with eng sub ?








Go to this website for the latest episode
















haha i got thumb down because of one liner post , sorry i think i spazz enough up there ^ for today.








and i just want to reply 2 that person regarding where to watch the latest ep.. off to lurker mode



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Guest mrsjoker


hoookay...I was just about to go home form work but can't resist the temptation to peek at this thread :P. and i am back wearing my "cloud-nine hat" again, so prepare for me doing another spazzing routine... :lol:

I was surfing through the web for some Yong's new japan airport Pic, which i have to thank PariSita for the link (Yong was looking S.M.E.X.Y! /melts.... :wub:) anyway since i tend to click click randomly through the net, i stumble upon this old cut of Yong in Happy Together (i'm sure this has been spazz hundreds pages ago, but won't hurt to spazz through it again right? ). I screen caped a few frame that is totally major spazz worthy and this particular cut actually kinda slapped my "logical" side because Yong's action comes out as a GENUINE REACTION to a somewhat "unexpected" question/answer that he will give.

Minsun unnie was actually asking a tad bit "teasingly" question to Yong, it's actually a very basic question...no surprise on that

and... at first Yong gave the expected basic answer

and so...Minsun unnie can't resist the temptation to probe him some more...in a teasing manner

Then here comes the UNEXPECTED ANSWER... He said "of course i have her phone number"! my emphasize was not on the answer ( although i am aware that by answering back like this, he's actually revealing he puts Hyun in a more personal ways...a friend, a crush, lovers...maybe, but NOT just the "female celebrity"). I am amazed and struck by his TONE of his voice when he answered it... it was full of "spontaneous" reaction, it's as if he's in this situation that he's dating/have a crush in this girl and his friend knew about it (like it's a common knowledge) and then suddenly she/he asked you, hey do you have her phone number... kinda way, it's like "Duh, dude why ask of course i do..."






and...that just not struck me in aw but i think it struck him off guard too. He was suddenly shy about the "revelation" he just made, it's like i can see few things running in his mind like, "omg, did i just say that? wait but i don't think it's "revealing" anything right? *sigh* ottoke.. am i busted."





Simon D was also another thing that emphasize my spazz in this particular cut, because if you see the vid, Simon D actually gave Yong a little nudge in the shoulder, like saying..gosh dude you are so busted... and gave those"giggling" kinda smile/laugh, while Yong is clearly flustered by it.




cr : dearandaa @YT




and..from then Minsun unnie actually blurred out that "Don't you think that they (Yong and Hyun) are cute together" to MC Yoo, and being the smart nation MC as he is, i think MC Yoo immediately notice that it's somewhat a "revealing" simple statement and so he didn't answered Minsun unnie, he just smile and then smoothly brought out another topic to save Yong from actually being "busted".


You can see the cut here Yong Happy together Cut




I am in a happy mood as i'm driving home today, because although i have slapped my logical self with this post, i sure am more happy to be indulge in this cloud nine spazz worthy frame... :wub:




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erxmeeza, sophia, i like you guys thinking.

hmmm..did hyun had a wardrobe revamp recently?

something like blue is a must in her closet.

her fashion statement may not seem so much, but we gogumas know better... ;)

miel, tks for snsd pics chingu.

yup, hyun is the only one who wears the bright colour blue

and also, look at her hand gesture..

not wanting to be so obvious, she put out 3 fingers instead of 2

love love love...

ah! so wgm will be shown this week with the continuation of hyun's present,

and their jpn date on the second half?

and then after that there'll be no wgm for 3 weeks?

hmm..i don't think i like this.

it may be a rushed episode.

why not air the 200th day celebration for the whole of 20 mins

and NOT edit a single thing.

i'm sure that when hyun gave her present to yong, the allocated 20 mins

is not enough to show all their sweetness and lovey doveyness :wub::lol:


blind me! the 3 fingers hand gesture is actually for Hoot... :sweatingbullets::lol:

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Guest dancer87
































Hi all gogumas!! 
















Please read this i put a lot thought and research in this, so please just try to read it.
















Hows it all going? Ive been a lurker most of the time but i just wanted to get out of my lurker mode for now. I noticed that theres a bit of negativity in this thread lately, not a lot, just like arguments which can be fair, and peoples opinions. But I wanted to point some things out which might not have been noticed and also just give my opinion a bit.
















The way I think most people feel here now is how I felt when hyun and yong fought on the bus beofre about thei r birthdays I also felt as like yong is closing in himself then too. The reason I felt like this is because I questioned his feelings, he seemed annoyed with hyun, however its probably just because he feels confused with hyuns feelins, that he probably knows that the balls in hyuns court, and she has to forgive him before it can go back to normal. Anyway I just wanted to say I relate to the feeling that I had before but then that compltetly changed after the ring episode of course haha so hopefullt something will happen in the future too. Btw I have to say yong was so hot in the latest episode when he got mad at hyun in the café place that she couldn’t remember their 200 days, ahaha, with the all I know you know, and getting up from their chair and that he would spit the red bean at her(not that would have been nice if he did) but I think mad yong is quite hot haha
































Anyway I did some research.
















• Remember that interviewer where jonghyun said “ofcourse we all know wiether yonghwa hyung is taking his relationship with seohyun on wgm seriously, we just can’t tell ^^”¨
















That must mean that he tells his closest friends about how he feels. So wat is then some confirmation on what yong has told the people close to him
































• So first remember the time when minhyuk was on wgm as an mc, during when hyun and ylng went to cnblue brothers house to eat kimchi and then went to play pool. This was during the end of august so long after the fishing episode had been filmed. The scene where hyun was asking the cnblue brothers how to play pool and everything and minhyuk had told jungshin to show her, and yong couldn’t really do anything about it. By this time yong must have told the cnblue how he really felt towards hyun since its already by the end of august. In the mc minhyuk said “you know how likeyou get jelous if your girlfriend is with another guy” the two mcs say yes and the minhyuk says” I didn’t know it then, but I kinda understand now how he felt then” SO yong prob hadn’t told them yet how he truly felt but after the fishing ep I think he got confident to say something
































• Jang geun suk I also a good friend of yonghwa from you’re beautiful, and yonghwa went to his last fanmeeting remember? After that fanmeeting like a week later geun suk then mentioned about yonghwa and wgm.
















He was then brought into the topic of marriage, which mentioned Jung Yonghwa and SNSD Seohyun’s parts in MBC’s “We Got Married“. Jang revealed, ” I am jealous; if I had someone that I loved at the moment, I would like to get married as soon as possible… Tomorrow.”
































He wouldn’t be able to say that if yong hadn’t told him, why would he be jelous of something like this if yonghwa didn’t say that he loved seohyun haha gosh im getting giddy.He could have just said I also want to get married, but why would he be jelous if yong didn’t say that
































• Then ofcourse I don’t know why lyrics, when these came out I was so excited,im like 100% postivt he wrote this with his own feelings in mind. Especially like long time no see, its pretty obvious, and then “ I hope you hear this” its like hes writing an open confession towards her but we the listeners can never be sure if he really wrote this for someone, and almost everything about this song.:D
































• In the episode 29 look at his backroom interview when he talks about that he did three gifts for hyun, and he ends of by saying “its very detailed” Then a few pages back there was a fancam and account posted here about a fan who asked him if he were detailed when it comes to writing songs, he said something about it, but after that minhyuk stepped in and he said yes he is very detailed when he writes songs and he is also very detailed when it comes to girls. Everyone laughed I cant find the video butive watched it. And the yong gets embaressed goes up to minhyu ad puts his arm on his shoulders as if to say “be quiet!” haha
















So all their feelings are honest I think its just the time jumps which have confused us. Even though yong seems closed now I don’t think he seems as closed down as he was before
































Another point in which I wanted to say, was their duest performance at incheon wave fesical, I know everyone spazzed about it and I spazzed about it when the first pictures came forward. It was a really good day for most gogumas. However I didn’t feel the same completet spazz as all of you at first. The reason was because when I watched it again after the fishing episode it didn’t seem like they were as lovey dovey as they could have been, it felt like their was a bit tension between them even though the end of that one was really sweet, probablt because hyun couldn’t hide her feeling in the end ^^. So I wasn’t spazzing as much cause I just though it was weird how they go from being the way they were on the fishing episode to all serious on the duet. And then I founf out afterwards that its because they fought, and im sorry but that made me really happy, then I completely understand their feelings make sense, before it didn’t make sense I knew something must have happened on that duet perf and then I found out about the mildangthing and it explains everything. I wouldn’t have though that hyun could get so mad, but just because of that its nice to know that they are honest with each other. But considering how spazzworthy it was despite them being in a fight speaks volume. :D I hope I formulized okay here and that you all understand what I meant ;)
















The last thing I wanted to say was that like what many have said here im usually good and spotting out when two people go good together. Like I ship them if I like their charactors on a show and movie aregood and then I see interviews of them and they go good together. Ive shipped a few couples before, I usually only ship couples if I think something can be going on in real life. Like I don’t ship couples on a tv serie, I can really like them ofcourse but I don’t go on boards. For example Robert pattinson and Kristen stewart I really liked them together and they ended up together in the end. I also ship the joondi couple and im pretty sure they are together now, or just superduper close, Usually im right about these type of things. That’s why its so annoying about that we all get to see 20 minutes of them every week and nothing more. Its like I don’t know why I care so much about this couple, I doont really that much but at the same time I just cant stop watching haha :D
















That’s all for me now, byeeee

















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Guest Caliope


I think the next episode will be aprox. 30 minutes...


Episode 22: Hyun and Yong with CNBLUE Brothers: Magic and pool (32 minutes)

Episode 23: Ueno Juri (19 minutes)

Episode 24: 3 COUPLE Horror SPECIAL(90 minutes)

Episode 25: Ueno Juri and Travel in the bus (20 minutes)

Episode 26: Travel in the bus and surprise (20 minutes)

Episode 27: Goguma and Fishing (26 minutes)

Episode 28: Salon Beauty (18 minutes)

Episode 29: Duet Performance (21 minutes)

Episode 30: School Uniform (21 minutes)

NEXT Episode 31: Buin Surprise and Japan Travel ( X minutes)

There are 3 episodes between long episodes(not including special).

With Adam Couple is the same... but no Khuntoria Couple (The episodes always have 20 or 18 minutes, excluding horror special and special with Adam Couple)

What do you think? :phew:

Could it be? :w00t:


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it saddens me that my fellow chingus (u know who u are)

feel hurt that much has been said abt hyun not doing much.

well, i believe she has, she is and she will at her own accord.

yong seems to accept it, so everything is good. :)

so to my chingus, come back pls!

wow! caliope! it could be u know!

my selfish me wants the whole 1hr dedicted to yongseo! :lol:

but if the 30mins is going to be like the fishing trip...bring it on, pdnim..haha

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