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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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_d3seohyun just telling you that in that picture, that is not fany. It's Jessica Jung.

Jessica looks better than Tiffany and I would know because I'm her fan.

Please fix that. You can watch the video again, it is definitely Jessica.

I was quite happy actually, because they showed all the members. It was a great episode. ;)

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I tried getting a better look at the website/logo/brand name, but PDnims gave us very little to work with. I'm sure some really amazing Korean fans will figure it out though, Goguma shippers are AWESOME!
































































IDK, for all we know it could be a handmade gift and she just used a random box. She could even have bought it overseas (she mentioned she had bought Yong a present in the last episode).































































I don't know for sure but let me guess on the side label is www,Indigo-pearl.com and on the box is Indigo-Pearl it's name of Hotel that SNSD stay long 1 week in Phuket as you said I'm not sure if Hyun only use the box or it's really suvenir from the Hotel.

















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hello gogumas! i think this is my first post here. i've been a fan of WGM since season 1 (so...it's been like...2 long years now :P ). this season, yongseo and adam couples are my favorites, and just like all of you here (and all adam shippers) i was really happy with yesterday's inkigayo. i just read a long inkigayo fanaccount posted on dcmarried
















































(its a fan account of both yongseo & adam couples). my korean (and english, actually) sucks, so i'm not able to understand the whole thing. but there are some interesting parts that i do understand:
























드뎌드뎌... 소녀시대가 엠씨석으로 올라가고!!
























서현이가 권이와 설리에게 반갑게 인사하고 하이파이브자세로 서있던 용화에게 하이파이브~















































finally...snsd went to MCs corner















































Seohyun greeted sulli and kwon and then gave Yonghwa, whose hand was already in a high five position, a high five.

용화는 다른데 보고 뒤에서 큐카드도 보고그러다가 현의 솔로파트에서는 집중해서 현을 보더라구요..
























yonghwa was looking somewhere else and kept checking his cue cards(during Hoot perf) and when Seohyun's solo part came, he focused his attention on Hyun
























arrgh! there's some more that i want to translate but apparently it's not in this fanaccount. i forget which fanaccount is is >.<
























yeah, sorry if i cant contribute much...
















































and i see some of you are discussing about bad editing in WGM. really, dont worry to much about it. it always happens. it's been like that since the 1st season...:P
























as for airtime...i know you sometimes feel that yongseo's part is to short, but guys, you're lucky that WGM now only has 3 couples. in the 1st season, there were 4 couples. every episode had to be shared with 4 couples! :P
















































found the fanaccount (it's DAMN long. i didnt read the whole thing. just skimmed trough it)

























서현이가..가인양을 축하해주기 위해서 몸을 쭈욱 빼서 옆으로 나와 있었거든요..

그때 용화는 반대편에 있었고, 용화랑 서현이가 눈이 마주쳤어요..
























아까보니 캡쳐로도 올라왔던데..네..바로 그 장면도 있었고, 그 이후에 서현이가 옆으로 나와 있는 상황도 있었거든요..
























그때도 계속 눈이 마주치고 있었구요..















































Seohyun went to congratulate Gain...















































at that time, Yonghwa was on the other side (of the stage), yonghwa & seohyun's eyes met (they looked at each other)















































someone posted the screen cap already...yes, that very scene. after that, there's also a situation where Seohyun came to the side (Yonghwa's side? side of the stage? not sure...sorry). they also kept looking at each other that time.
























note: i believe that very screencap has been posted here also... no?





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I found this from tweet.
































































































































































































































































Isn't it good if both are under same company for Japan activities....
































































































































































































































































I really hope so since Buin are in 1 of major company there.
































































































































































































































































Hope Nampyeong can follow also....
































































































































































































































































So their progress will be much more sweet
































































































































































































































































& maybe more Japanese filming...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[NEWS] Not even an IDOL, 'CNBLUE' is a Japan Box Office Hit?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Equipped with experience through band music in Japan
































































































































































































































































More than 10 consecutive sold out concerts
































































































































































































































































Japan major record labels fierce contract competition
































































































































































































































































"Catch CNBLUE!"
































































































































































































































































4-men member CNBLUE becomes the target of intense recruitment competition from many major labels in Japan.
































































































































































































































































According to CNBLUE's agency, FNC Music, as news broke out in the Japan music industry that CNBLUE finishes their 2 years indie contract and is preparing for a major market debut next summer, many leading agencies are jumping into the opportunity to sign them up. Each official from many Japan record labels are giving a presentation on specific action plans on CNBLUE activities in Japan in order to be able to sign CNBLUE with their company.
































































































































































































































































Many officials from Japan's biggest record labels like AVEX, Warner Music, Universal Records, Sony Music and EMI attended CNBLUE's first fan meeting that was held in the Tokyo International Forum last October 28th, to watch their live performance and assess their potential.
































































































































































































































































CNBLUE had became the target for many of these major labels because they have a distinctive charming quality that makes them different from many others Hallyu Stars or dance groups. CNBLUE has the biggest fan base for band music in the Japanese pop market. CNBLUE's 'I don't know why' single ranked #1 on the Oricon Single Chart on September 27th and also reached #7 on the Oricon Daily Chart.
































































































































































































































































Moreover, they had more than 10 sold out performances for their Japan tour this year, showing their box-office capability. Having started their band activities in 2008 in Japan before Korea, and having released indies singles ahead of their major debut, they have gained a favorable impression in the eyes of the Japanese pop music industry officials.
































































































































































































































































Furthermore, with Jung Yonghwa's debut drama 'You're Beautiful' currently airing in Japan, Jung Yonghwa and CNBLUE's popularity is rapidly rising.
































































































































































































































































FNC Music Han Director, "Nowadays we still continue meeting with officials from Japan record labels. Each of the them have been presenting specific long term activity plans such as staff involved in CNBLUE's music production, detailed activities opportunities and CF appearances and requested contract deals.
































































































































































































































































Source: Sports Donga
































































































































































































































































Translation: blue_jus7 @ Code Azzurro
































































































































































































































































































































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Guest mrsjoker


@lovekin : I don't find your post offensive but I do notice you are always the critical one in giving your post, that's a very good trait actually... :)  You kinda helped me sometimes revisit my POV about a certain things.

I do agree with you about the ring ding dong doesn't neccesarily be a significant indication of their relationship outside wgm, generally i feel the same way as you during the "old" ring era but after the whole epic birthday episodes and the revelation of that "new" ring, i kinda have a strong feeling that that piece of silver is a somewhat 'symbolize' the relationship, although i'm not going frantic if they don't wear it also. it's just that i now viewed that when both are wearing the ring in their own respective schedule it tells me that it's a significant reminder of each other, a thing that bonds them in a more private way eventhough the original reason for the ring was for a show. Again this is too just my POV and anyway...it makes me happy whenever i saw the ring ding dong...so i guess my yongseo ocd symptoms is indeed getting more chronic. :P 

About the spoiler thing...how do you make that spoiler box appear anyway? can someone help me?


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Guest dbskisluv2
































































































im always late when it comes to spazzing.
































at inki YongSeo looked, like to me, like they were trying so hard not to stare at each other.
































but who could blame yong seohyun looked so beautiful.
































But im really curios as to what she got him on
































i also wanted share this

































































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Guest raindrops_919

@ rjcm127 : i think that picture is shinee jonghyun and shin se kyung, other picture is all shinee member and also if you see recent news about JH dating SSK you can see it's same clothes they wear.. so i guess it's not seohyun and yonghwa :huh:

well even we would be very happy if there'll be picture of them dating too, but i think all kpop star right now is very carefull about this dating issues because of the big impact JH and SSK get after they revealed the relationship, maybe that's why we see hyun and yong look so nervous at inki camera yesterday, they don't want some negative issues come out again (esp SM ent. i guess).. Lucky for us, we has goguma villager witness their interaction when camera is not on them, i guess i have to thank WGM a lot coz kpop star like hyun and yong personally wouldn't be able having a normal dating like normal people if it's not because of WGM.. :w00t:

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Guest Maekiwi






hi guys, it was a very holiday weekend to us rite? WGM, and Inkygayo and a confirmation about  Hyu~n's attending in CNBLue concert .. Its seem like I cann't handle any more good news from them and bang, I read this from allkpop. It is said that Simon D felt regret for publishing his relationship with his girlfriend Lady Jane~  You know Simon really close to Yong. [ Someone said that Simon is BFF of Yong's brother . Oh I was so happy to know it ~ 2 cool guy hanging out together :sweatingbullets: is it hot in here :wub:] He would have shared his feeling to Yong and that must be one of a hundred reason causing Yong and Hyun's awkwardness.


I just hope someday Kpop fan will be more mature and thoughtful to understand their idols. So then Yong and Hyun can confidently come out of the light and say: " We are in love". Its stressful if you have to hide ur feelings, esp ur love u know. I feel a little sad for all of them: Simon, JH, Seven,...


Akkkkkkkk my essay dues tomorrow.. Focus focus focus now :crazy:


the link for Simon news is here :




cr: allkpop.



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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































I am sorry for been random but... I WANT MY WEEDING PHOTOSHOOT... This is not good for my health did you see how great they look together and they are not even trying.... Aishhh!!!
















































dbskisluv2 Thanks for sharing that macro... but the thing I cant stop spazzing is how good they look together... I need a weeding photoshoot soon...
















































When PDnim, WHEN????
















































On another hand... Magdal I think it was you how said that SH looked different in this performance at inkigayo... Let me tell you that I agree with you... She was not bad in the other performances but what I want to say is that she looked more powerful in this one... The way she made the step were more full of energy than in their first comeback.
















































In that comeback someone mentioned that SH did not show enough even when the dance step was designed to outline their figure (I agree)... (In the first comeback I was watching Yuri beside SH and with the same step Yuri make her S-line look really sexy while SH just make it normal) But now I see her, and I think she have put more energy in this performance. She was really gorgeous... YH must be dying a 1000 deaths inside watching his wife!!! kekekeke
















































Well, I am still dying for the fancams... I think a need to make a Yongseo marathon while waiting for the fancams.
















































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! I love my goguma family!!!
















































Edit: @mrsjoker
















































To use spoiler tag you have to use this [...spoiler] text you want to put on spoiler [.../spoiler]
















































Just erase the "..." and you will get your spoiler tag.

















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With regards to the ring, hmmph I think there will never be an end to the discussion.:)
























Certainly a ring need not be a statement of love/relationship whatsoever but, I will like to say that both of them wearing the ring outside of WGM is significant because:








a. altho I wonder if WGM make them or encourage them to wear it, I dun think they have the right to force them to wear it outside WGM.
























b.for Yong as a guitarist, if he feels that the ring gets in his way of doing music, he shdnt need to wear it.
























c.for Hyun as a snsd member, there are many costume changes and I can safely say that most of the time the ring wouldnt go with whatever she is wearing.








and finally, just to share my own experience, I am married but both my husband and I do not wear our rings! haha, we do not wear any couple necklace or whatsoever too. my husband was wearing his ring initially until the ring didnt fit, and we just didnt feel that the ring shd be resize or get another ring to wear it as a statement after all everyone around us knows that we are married. As for myself, I only wear my ring on special occasions and big dinner parties. I have never like wearing rings and altho afew of my married girlfriends walk around with a genuine 1- carat diamond bling and I could jolly well afford one too, I donot feel like wearin one. I feel that it gets in my way when I go about my daily life.
























Hence I do believe also that both of them wearing the ring shows that a. they are fond of each other b. for Yong - he likes Hyun and oher ladies pls do not come near him c.) for hyun - she is also committed to the relationship too.
























because, if they dont feel like wearing the ring, nobody can force them to! :D 
























however, yes if they miss wearing it once or twice, dun panic, they may just forgot to put it back after leaving it at home... :)



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Guest lovekin




@lovekin : I don't find your post offensive but I do notice you are always the critical one in giving your post, that's a very good trait actually... :)  You kinda helped me sometimes revisit my POV about a certain things.

I do agree with you about the ring ding dong doesn't neccesarily be a significant indication of their relationship outside wgm, generally i feel the same way as you during the "old" ring era but after the whole epic birthday episodes and the revelation of that "new" ring, i kinda have a strong feeling that that piece of silver is a somewhat 'symbolize' the relationship, although i'm not going frantic if they don't wear it also. it's just that i now viewed that when both are wearing the ring in their own respective schedule it tells me that it's a significant reminder of each other, a thing that bonds them in a more private way eventhough the original reason for the ring was for a show. Again this is too just my POV and anyway...it makes me happy whenever i saw the ring ding dong...so i guess my yongseo ocd symptoms is indeed getting more chronic. :P 

About the spoiler thing...how do you make that spoiler box appear anyway? can someone help me?




hahaha!  tongue.gif  i am definitely critical!  






and while it is mainly a personality trait, i just like to stay grounded.  it's easy to get lost in shows like WGM, especially if we're talking about real people who develop their own chemistry.  sometimes it's a drawback – especially in a forum where the majority of readers are inclined to view things (between yong and seo) beyond believable – but i can also say that as deeply speculating as i am, it helps that people who are more optimistic than i am can bring me down several notches.




i do think that it's nice to see yong and seo wear their rings.  don't get me wrong; there is a kind of symbol behind those rings, and it helps us believe that yong and seo continue to see meaning behind their "wedding" bands.  but as i stated earlier – and as you said – i don't think it should be one of those characteristics that fans should be zoning in on so intently because they won't always be wearing it.







something i just wanted to note (that ended up turning into an essay!):




i should mention my disclaimer and say that i love all the couples, and each of them are received differently by the MCs.  but has anyone else noticed that when yong and seo do something – in the more recent episodes, mind you! – the MCs really do laugh!  like gut-busting laughs that seem more on the vein of "HAHA THEY'RE SO CUTE!"  again, all of the couples have their moments, but i feel like yong and seo stand out in this regard.




i think the other couples have sort of made their mark on what kind of couple they are.  one couple has a record of being funny, and the other one is known for their quick skinship.  and then you have yongseo, who have developed their own charm that seems more than just entertaining to the MCs.  it's like we, as well as the MCs, are still learning about the yongseo couple and that there's more that they're capable of than we know.  for that, they're kind of like the diamond in the rough.  a slow diamond, perhaps, but one that constantly needs polishing but becomes brighter with every episode.




we know that yong and seo have a tendency to tiptoe around each other, despite that they're closer now than we've ever known them.  but it's when they do something so unexpected that makes everyone just ROLL WITH GLEE because yongseo is unpredictable.  when they do something that couples are comfortable doing – actions that we as fans are often impatient for – they do it right.




our yongseo couple is a mess, a hurricane of constant awkwardness (that can occasionally be regarded as "cute") and tension.  regardless of how i often second-guess the nature of their relationship, yongseo is a rarity to be loved and admired – both as individuals and as a couple.  wub.gif


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Hello fellow Gogumas!































































































































Again, can’t help but spazzing over the couple interview during inkigayo. It was too cute! I was literally squealing in my seat. Lol














































































































































































































I watched the interview cut on youtube and downloaded the hq version from soshified and found out some of the uploaded videos in youtube did not include the first few seconds of the cut where YongSeo, Sulli and Kwon was singing Gee.














































































































































































































Our couple did the dance in opposite sides and during the ‘No,No,No,’ part of the dance, they were facing each other! Hehe. Kwonnie’s facial expression was cute!
































































































































Even Yuri was accommodating as she was leaning towards Hyoyeon so that she won’t be captured between YongSeo. Lol. The unnies are really supportive towards the couple! (Sorry for the crappy screencaps. The scene was too fast and short! =p)
































































































































You can watch the full cut here.
































































100131 SNSD - Interview @ Inkigayo
































































































































Thanks to fellow Gogumas who provide translations of fanaccounts and also many others. Love,love,love this thread! Back to studying mode =p

















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Guest Crystal392

_d3seohyun: *waves* Girl I love your screencaps and comments, those are one of the things I look forward in Goguma Planet!! :D CNBLUE so cute saying 'We are SNSD!', and SNSD girls expression (specially Sunny's) was so cute too! hehehehe Yong&Hyun <3

rjcm127: Actually the first time I saw JH and SSK pics I thought it looked like Yong~ and Hyun~ xD hehehehe it looks like uri YongSeo but it isn't as many have already pointed out =P

jgz89: Thanks for those screencaps. Yeah there are soo many possibilities... I guess we will just have to wait until Saturday, but it's fun to try to guess ^_^

seohyun_yh: Actually imo neither looked nervous, just a bit stiff but it was more as if they were just colleagues and didn't know each other; like when Yong~ is interviewing any other artist. I guess it seems nervous to some Gogumas because we were expecting more interaction between them, but now after all the fanaccounts (and hopefully we will see some fancams soon) we know they had some interactions when the cameras weren't filming. ;) That's just my opinion :)

aq_aj: Thanks soo much for sharing that! :D hehehe their hi5s ♥ Yeap I posted a screencap a couple of pages ago, Hyun~ was lifting her head and not spazzing with her unnies but looking at Yong~'s direction and Yong~ was looking at Hyun~'s direction (or so it seemed on the screencap) ^^

zealous: Maybe more japanese filming ^____^ I want to get to know more about Japan, I've learned a lot about Korea through uri YongSeo :D

dbskisluv2: I love that screencap! :wub:

Maekiwi: Yeah it's scary how possessive some fans can be... *sigh* but that's something Kpop idols are very aware of when they get into the industry.

Kerube-Chan: I want a wedding photoshoot too! Maybe for their 300 day anniversary? ^^

Seoulmemories: My parents don't wear their wedding bands most of the time either but they love each other a lot! (my mom is a doctor and my dad is afraid someone will stole him his wedding band xD).

lovekin: As I said before, being critical is your charm ^_^ And sometimes reading your posts pull me back from Goguma Dreamland but it's ok... I can't stay there always right? hehehehehe :lol:

maybe07: Thanks for those screencaps. <3 <3 cute! :wub:

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Guest SophiaPia

Anyoung to all  

Thanks to all of you who always share what u've got for the love of our YongSeo couple. (high 5 to all) :)

Again thanks to jajay and aq_aj for sharing what's in Baidu for sure if we only know and witness all the behind the scenes, on what's going on to our lovely YongSeo couple during off cam for sure all of us will be very happy and very inlove, i will for sure :) We hope sooner of later we can see fancam :) paging YongSeo Baidu kekeke! I think what happen yesterday is still sweet wub.gif

So what will be wife SeoHyun gift to Hubby Yong? 

sorry i don't know how to put in spoiler but i will honestly say yes! i like to see the Couple RING and i'm happy if they wear it, and a bit sad if they don't. The Ring always symbolize the relationship of the couple. I got 2 rings from my husband and it's really special (maybe for others if not the ring other things) but for the couple it's an old tradition already. For YongSeo + ring. What i like the most is even outside wgm they still wearing it. They can keep it after filming but for YongSeo couple how lovely it's is to wear it even not wgm. If i see YongSeo couple the 1st thing i will remember is the RING that's how they started that's YongSeo with this RING as a sign of their love whether during wgm and even after wgm. The bday episode will always be in my mind and if YongSeo ended in wgm, i'm sure they will treasure and keep that ring :( So yes! i love the YongSeo and so is the ring. Kamsahamnida guys. Happy monday everyone. CHEERS

credit to sweetpotatodays blog. YongSeo schedule

Nov 01SNSD @ SuKiRa (SuJu Kiss the Radio)

Nov 03CNBLUE @ Seoul Tokyo Music Festival (Saitama, Japan)


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Seohyun at a press conference
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's extra extra special whenever she wears ONLY the couple ring. Or maybe that's just me. XD

































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Guest lunasol

SophiaPia: So SNSD is going to be on her brothers Kiss the Radio (Sukira) show?? We must pay attention to this show because I am sure Hyun's Oppas (Leeteuk and Eunhyuk) are going to say something to Seohyun about Yong or tease her about it. They asked Yong questions when he was there with CNBLUE, so I am sure they are going to do the same with her. 

Also, I may not be correct but I think just before the B-day episode was broadcasted, Leetek and EunHyuk mentioned Love Light during the show, and said that hopefully Yong will write a song thinking of her. Now I am not sure if they already knew about Love Light and were giving hints of what was to come, which is totally possible because everyone in SM Family are close. Another possibility is that they just showed signs of approving Yongseo together and they just wished Yong to write future songs because of her. 

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Hence I do believe also that both of them wearing the ring shows that a. they are fond of each other b. for Yong - he likes Hyun and oher ladies pls do not come near him c.) for hyun - she is also committed to the relationship too.

Yeah, what kind of floors me is that they wear them during their performances. I think that is the one situation where the fans would be most forgiving if they chose not wear their rings.... But so far it looks like they have been pretty consistent. I think Yong even wore his ring on a cover shot for "I Don't Know Why"

Thanks to those who also provided links and BTS news for YongSeo on Inki. I liked that they displayed such awkwardness and/or nervousness in front of the camera... gives off the impression that they know if they made eye contact, there'd be no turning back and their "secret" would be revealed! ;) Also in my own mind I would like to think that Hyun taking the initiative to place herself next to Yong means that she knows what her presence does to him... :lol: I had to laugh b/c she looked so calm while he looked like he was kinda bouncing off the walls! (but, I'm sure she just wanted to be near him :) )

_d3seohyun I also thought it looked like she was a little teary-eyed there, not sure why... but if she did, maybe that he and his brothers were greeting and congratulating each one of them after their performance? (can't imagine what all Yong makes his brothers do! :lol:) Ah, such a lovely episode!


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Guest wallpaperfood

toomuchsmiling, I agree - in fact I was actually hoping Yong would use his position as MC to make Hyun do something, so I was over the moon when he DID!

dae2, Yeahhh, everytime Hyun comes out, it's less cheers than what other members got. For example, her first solo bit (how can you not scream at that?! It's the hottest-sounding line/dance move), the sound of the cheers was low, compared to Sooyoung's. Also, her 2nd solo part - Hyoyeon and Sooyoung had screams, whereas Hyun didn't really get any screams. There was one weird sound, like someone was out of breath or something...loll. I'd be screaming my head off for her if I were there!

dbskisluv, thanks for that awesome pic, it's my desktop background now :)

rjcm127, i thought it was Yongseo too, but yeah it makes sense that it's JonghyunxShinsekyung. It's from a Shinee site anyways... haha I got excited for a moment

kerube-chan, I was the one who said Hyun tended not to show off her curves/bodyline during dance moves designed to do so :P, glad you share my POV. Yes, Hyun looked like queen of the stage during her parts, and I didn't feel like I was looking at a less 'matured' body (as compared to the unnies). She brought it.

maybe07, yup I'm glad you mentioned it the first few seconds when they sang 'Gee'. I was about to discuss it, but then I saw your post hehe. I thought it was pretty cute how Yong went in the wrong direction and ended facing Hyun. then they both turned quickly LOL. 

crystal_malfoy, high 5 for thinking alike! I loved that you put up the screencap of the elephant scene I was talking about!

Regarding the ring issue - for me, I used to wonder why you guys make such a big deal about it. But then, know that we know how they feel about the ring, and thus what it signifies to the both of them, it's just a nice spazz-excuse for me when I see non-WGM-related pics of them wearing it.

Actually, it also dispels my fears of Yongseo couple no longer continuing on the show (I'm a bit of a pessimist like that) *touch wood*^inifinty. But I hope that they will still wear it one day when filming ends <3  


LOL i just had a great time with an online translator - i'm dying to know what the fan accounts from DC said (as posted by caliope).

eym] The sea field will listen initially and when coming, it saw the forgiveness room initially.

The south shoes knows the reason which it soaks. The kip face the big deep eye, five exactly one nose. V the chin line flesh

 of line falls into too and plentifully [tus] the printed style of writing it is tantalizing but also the skin is good. ~ five five five ~~~ [su] [thayn] [ting] it is

 a rock tripe in pretty beautiful features. [eym] Sea three and only buddhahood some meter over it holds but compared to is. Empty emptiness.

Hour cotton B of low with like this. The breast bank [hun] well! the [lye] there is not a possibility of sleeping.

Realness it saw from nearly, anger. It is beautiful. Manner the pans shout well and in the boat from to put the hand to be beautiful greeting

 Haeju compared to they are with atmosphere of the British gentleman. Intermediate intermediate anger Oh! anger it answers in the external needle of the pans which are ~ the small cymbal to see the head listening


^ that was just a part of it. how hilarious is it?! I was going to put it under a spoiler, but I'd seriously get hopes up and people would start hating on me XD. Kyaa I hope the fan accounts of Yongseo will get translated soon! All I can recognise is "forgiveness"!

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Guest rjcm127






@wallpaperfood @ Goguma06...Ya, I realized it was not them after a while. But a girl can still dream that they actually have one of those in secret dates in real life :lol:


Oh I can't wait for next week. It's another loooong week to see the next episodes...



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