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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Kerube-Chan








































































Updated. This is Fun!!! The rest!!! (Some pics gave me some trouble, sorry just clic in the link)
























































11. Winter Wonderland (heartbreak_, Kerube)
















































































































12. Garden Wedding (heartbreak_, nazweena)
















































































































13. Avatar (nazweena)
























































Use your imagination kekekeke
























































14. Angel vs Rocker (Kerube, Crystal_Malfoy, Love_Ya, Lovekim)
















































































































15. 60's Theme Wedding (mimayree)
















































































































16. Royal Family Theme (raindrop)
















































































































17. Ski/Snowboard Wedding (catkat)
























































Cant find any... Follow this post...
























































Kerube-Chan i found some ski/snowboard wedding pictures!!!
















































































































































































































































































































































i love that cake topper! too bad its not a real picture.















































































































18. Vintage Theme (PanGG)
















































































































19. Church Wedding (Emely325)
















































































































20. Yatch or a Cruise ship (DreamyBo)
























































I dont know this one in wich category apply???
















































































































I vote for the winter wonderland wedding too!









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[is not related to everyone, but the majority...]
































































First of all, I acknowledge that I caused a lot of disturbances here in the recent days. Still I do not take back anything from those I wrote. I already stated in one of my first posts that I have absolutely no purpose of starting a war in this thread, so sorry if there was still someone who really took my posts as offences. Besides I repeated that to point out things in a rough and negative way isn’t my usual style. (But a lot of people in my surroundings say that I am a very straightforward person so usually hard to deal with for someone who doesn’t know me well. It might be the reason some of you got me wrong, for example I’m angry with somebody.) Still I am not regret that I did it here, cause I guess if I didn’t express my opinion like the way I did there would be barely someone who noticed it and really handle with those kind of issues, right(?) Like I said before, actually the issue that I want to get on to isn’t that everybody have to be sceptical about the true relationship between YongHwa & SeoHyun/what happen in the show/Kpop industry (Well, those issues just depend on every single one of you, I am not able to change anything about it, even don'twant to.) It is rather that this thread had become different, not like the way it used to be. I noticed it because I have been following this thread since the quite beginning (I started at page 100/200 or so) also always try to visit it as much as possible, for a time I even came here several times a day. So the change was conspicuous for me. By the way, I got some more confident to go on since I got messengers of members who is agree with me that it seems like this thread had become one-sided recently. That is why they (included me) don’t enjoy this thread like they used to do. If there wasn’t any such a messenger I would have my doubts about my own point of view and wouldn’t let this issue spread widely like that. But since I noticed that I didn’t speak only for myself but for the minority, still it was sufficient. By all this mess I just wanted to get on to that LET’S CREATE A LOVELY PLACE WHICH IS VARIED FOR ALL GOGUMA LOVERS! If every single one tries to be careful about his/her opinion, wouldn’t it be the perfect case?! Well, I mean not in the way that someone has to keep his/her own counsel, but has an open mind about opposite opinions. You don’t have to agree with every single point of view, but if you tolerate and is acceptable to them wouldn’t harmony created?! If you got angry about some post (might be because of the expression or something else) then wouldn’t it be the best for all if you control yourself and just let it be?! Usually when people don’t get any response they would get up themselves. (Well, who wouldn’t prefer a harmonious atmosphere, but it seems taking opposite/sceptical views is a little bit limited here. That is why I find it a little irritating and had become vocal.) Anyway, I don’t want anybody to change the way he/she is, but if everybody give this issue some thoughts, it would be enough (even if at the end you are agree with or not). Aren’t we gathering here because of our LOVE TO GOGUMA COUPLE?! So let’s try our best to support our love and let this thread be something that every single of us is able to enjoy as much as possible!
































































Hope you guys finally got my purposes and I caused something for common good.
































































WARNING! At your own risk!

I noticed that the most of us are too convinced of his/her own opinion and years will passed if we finally met us on average. So I made a clean break from everything, although there are still a lot of disagreements to some of points of view, but I acknowledge and accept them. Sometimes I really wanted to give a response on some posts but couldn’t, I guess because my purposes were received wrongly. To be honest, there was hardly any post which show me that my effort to express my thoughts in a foreign language also in an understandingly way wasn’t actually useless. To me lovekin was the one who the most tried to get/got the point which I want to get on to. (Have to admit too that I have no time today, so I didn't read the latest responses, therefore there are some posts I couldn't refer to.) Purposefully I used a lot of exaggerated examples (I well acknowledged it also said it before) as devices to point out boldly what I want to express. But the most of the responses were only reactions to the examples but weren’t deal with the deep meanings/facts of them. Somewhere and somehow confused. Hope all the misunderstandings are cleared up now.

















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Guest raindrops_919


annyong GOGUMA  :wub:




i woke up today, smiling.. i have a dream last night .. ha! GOGUMA dream, here it is:




~ Yong and Hyun dance waltz, look deeply at each other eyes *nuuun pit* ~




~ Nodame chan & Chiaki Senpai play piano ~




~ SNSD unnies sing a romantic song ~




~ CN Blue dongsaeng of course BASS-GUITAR-DRUM is yours to handle ~




~ MC: WGM'mc (NaYoung, mc park *uri fairy god mother*, seulong, jinwoon, mc kim) ~




~ wedding ceremony minister: Ban Kim Moon *as expected* nod nod* ~




~ parents of SNSD and CN Blue dance too ~














i'm dying to see WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT  :w00t:


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hehe... love all wedding picture...






just my idea....






how bout this wed pic


















need to yong in this pic...












Maybe he can just serenade Hyun at beach wedding...









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monie, very well said! bravo~! didn't know u weren't very fond of yong! kekeeke this is all the more a better testimony for yong & hyun. :) dang, what u said is what that has been lingering in my head but i'm just very bad at wording it out. for that, i thank u so much for sharing it all out~!

th. i like ur straightforward character. i recall that a few of us once said (i think it was crystal & lovekin) that if we wanna voice out our opinions that might disintegrate the thread, it's better to put them in spoiler or just highlight them in light colours. this action will surely be understood & respected hopefully. but i still do notice some just ignorantly put a -ve sign onto the post although the poster puts his/her opinion in SPOILER. i dunno... i think -ve sign should only be put when one disobeys the rules & regulations, & also by not putting their negative comments in spoiler or lighter shades. i hope all gogumas will gain mutual understanding from reading ur post. and i thank u for that :)

naz & kerube-chan~! thanks for listing the themes! xD gahhh... those pics are making me feel more & more impatient for their photoshoot! ohh, i'd like to add another one... why not a photoshoot on a yatch or a cruise ship... like TITANIC lol! a titanic pose! wahhahaha sorry can't provide any pic for now...

omo... raindrops! what have u been doing that u keep on dreaming about yongseo???? tell me! i also wanna dream of them! LOL xD

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Guest andalasa
































































































































































































































































































































Hai Gogumas ... 
































































































































































































First of all would like to thanks everyone for their wonderful *this word somehow reminds me of that guy who took their pic during their train ride, sorry cant remember the place sweatingbullets.gif* post..  j2dlee for her never ending help in translation, d3 for her always amazing caps, kay77 for your insight, for every one of you here also for the news, article, pics and everything shared.. Thank you.... Gud to see everyone smiling again :).. I always enjoy my stay here.. wub.gif
































































































































































































I remember someone asked about the song played and hummed by Yo~ong while he was guiding Hyu~un to the sweet potato field.. I think, this is the song... Mai Piu' Cosi Lontano by Andrea Bocelli





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit to uploader































































































































































































































































































































































































I found the lyrics Mai Piu' Cosi Lontano by Andrea Bocelli






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is the eng translation































































































































































































































































































































Never again so far away 
































































































































Never again so far away 
































































































































































































Never again without the hand 
































































































































































































That warms my heart 
































































































































































































Never again so far away 
































































































































































































Never again so far away 
































































































































































































Never again without the passion 
































































































































































































That warms my heart 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And a thousand days 
































































































































































































And a thousand nights 
































































































































































































Without understanding 
































































































































































































Without feeling Without realising 
































































































































































































That there's nothing else in this world 
































































































































































































Not even in the depth of my soul 
































































































































































































Your're the only one 
































































































































































































I need You, and only you 































































































































































































































































































































































































Never again without the hand 
































































































































































































That warms my heart 
































































































































































































Never again so far away 
































































































































































































Never again so far away 
































































































































































































Never again without the love 
































































































































































































Of one who has waited for me 































































































































































































































































































































































































And a thousand days 
































































































































































































And a thousand nights 
































































































































































































Without understanding 
































































































































































































Without feeling 
































































































































































































Without realising 
































































































































































































That there's nothing else in this world 
































































































































































































Not even in the depth of my soul 
































































































































































































Your're the only one 
































































































































































































I need You, and only you 































































































































































































































































































































































































Never again without the hand 
































































































































































































That warms my heart 
































































































































































































Never again so far away 
































































































































































































ever again so far away 
































































































































































































Never again without the love 
































































































































































































Of one who has waited for me































































































































































































































































































































































































Just notice from the english translation there. Gosh it was so sweet wub.gif .. I think this song would be perfect for wedding song too :)..  wonder why our Yon~ong suddenly hummed to this song there rolleyes.gif.. Just my wild imagination sweatingbullets.gif...
































































































































































































About the wedding theme.. If it's not too late I'd like to vote for the Fairytale Wedding theme *can I picked more than 1 tongue.gif*....
































































































































































































Random things, love this quote, "Make Love not War"...  
































































































































































































Sorry for any mistakes and my rusty english sweatingbullets.gif.. Saturday please come quickly.. :)
































































































































































































Thank you again everyone for everything :).. 

































































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Dear th.









First of all, thank you for your post. It was a good read.









I was one of the poster who said that you write in a straightforward manner, thus coming off as harsh in writing. (Post #22153). I also wrote that you're a YongSeo lover cos I can sense that in your posts.









I would like to say thank you for "listening" to lovekim's advice. Posting your views over the internet is totally different from conversing face to face. In face to face conversations, we have facial expressions and body language to communicate our points across. Even when you smile and speak on a phone, the other person whom you are communicating with can hear it in your voice. Not so when you are writing. All body language, facial expressions and voice emotions are cut off. Therefore, it is important to be extra cautious when you write especially in forums. Try not to write like you are speaking and you will be fine.









There is nothing wrong in having opposing views or different views, as long as it is put forth in a constructive and respectful way.









I hope that you don't think I'm trying to be preachy, I may sound so but be rest assured, I'm not. I just want to point out that I'm glad that your most recent post is an easy read.









Thank you for reading me.









Best Regards












































On wedding themes, I would love to see our YongSeo couple in traditional wedding garments as well as casual wedding attire in a forest with misty rainfall around them, especially Yong with rolled up pants (cos he has a tendency to roll up his pants when he's in sports wear and I find that quirky and sexy. Yeah I sound weird, right? :wacko: )


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hi chyme, whats ani imnida?


i feel that all the MCs are rooting for yongseo couple,


especially MC Miseon.



sorry to cut your post


From my super limited hangul, ANI means NO, and I'm not very sure with IMNIDA.kekeke maybe it's a form of Jondaemal. Coz I know they usually use it after introducing their name. best example was last week's epi, when Yoong taught UJ to introduce her self, he said "Annyeonghashimnika, Ueno Juri IMNIDA." blush.gif


All in all I guess Jinwoon disagreed to what Yonghwa said, that he is different from other man, because of jealousy perhaps?....LOL


@nazweena- I think I need one! please send it to me via mail... w00t.gif and yes JW is really cute, I like him coz he spice up the atmosphere more. but poor him, he should just find someone else. phew.gif


Wow! we are talking about wedding concepts here now?! I can't believe how we are steps ahead our YONGSEO.. crazy.gif They barely held hands on this week's episode:rolleyes: but we..w00t.gif


This is what I like about this thread everyone is hyped and oozing with positivity and love for our couple :wub:


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sorry to cut your post.

thank you for your response, we really want to understand many TV programs,in the programs Yonghwa often showed his clever and talent.

here is top programs, we'd like you help to summary :

- 20101004 Come to play (tonight)

- 20100722 Happy Together E156

- 20100726 Happy Birthday

- 20100919 Running Man (20100822 Running Man put Eng subbed already)

here is C.N.Blue official thread http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=307901&st=0

and this Jung Yong Hwa thread http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=315924&st=0

Thank you in advance..


I am sorry I didn't get to respond sooner. I haven't had a time to catch up and didn't see this until now. :tears:

I haven't seen Come to Play,yet, but I heard that Yonghwa's cut was very limited in this show.

I've seen all the other shows and they all are fanstastic shows. I've heard that Happy Together was already Eng subbed. Of other two shows, Happy Birthday & 0919 Running Man, which one should I do first? Also, should I do just a summary or do a full, word for word translation? I can do either way. Just let me know. :) Thank you for those links to Yonghwa and CN Blue thread. I'll check them out. :)

I see that we are on Yongseo wedding topic... I thought a lot about Yongseo wedding episode. I keep on going back and forth between a full traditional Korean wedding vs a formal wedding dress/tux wedding. I don't think any other WGM couple has done a very tradional Korean wedding... I am not sure about this. I would love to see Yonghwa and Seohyun in tranditional Korean groom and bride dresses because they are such a traditional couple. Then again, they would look absolutely stunning in white wedding dress/tux, too.

Can't decide...

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Guest Crystal392



Sorry for cuting your post :P I just wanted to say I agree 100% on that. This thread is for all Goguma lovers and we all come here because we love this couple. But let's not forget to respect each other and specially Hyun and Yong. :)

I was looking at the wedding pics and I like all of them! hehehe but I think my faves are Korean traditional wedding and Rocker&Angel wedding. :wub:

I'd love to see them use those themes to their wedding pic photoshoot! ^_^


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Guest .:love_ya:.







ahhhh it's so hard to choose one out of all these awesomeness! hehe





I wish they could just use all these concepts hehe





I'm still searching for a unique concept that would fit our couple tho :D





Their styles are kinda sorta....very different :D





Yong~ likes the idea of flamboyancy, but Hy~n leans more towards simplicity and cuteness





(I got this from the episode when they decorated their house :D)





But I'm sure they would look just as gorgeous in whatever concept they decide on :D





uri YongSeo couple is too professional for anything!! hehe ^^





PS: oh u know, the Rocker & Angel one is not bad, too ^^


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Guest blackflower52




So many themes to choose from :lol: I can't decide.


If limited to one choice, I would vote for the beach theme, so Yong and Hyun can watch the sunset together and because of that beach trip they went on earlier.


I would love to see a fairytale wedding at the beach and for Yong and Hyun to wear traditional Korean wedding clothes later during the day/night.






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Thanks for providing us with your insights into what the Korean viewers/netizen/fan sometimes think or discuss about our couple.  Its hard for us international fans (at least for me) to find info on them on korean sites because of the language barrier.  If you don't mind, may I ask if you can share with us what you have heard about our couple's filming in Japan?  Why do you say that this ep is nothing compared to what happened in Japan.  Seems like based on this and SNSD fan meeting a lot of things happened in Japan.  Thanks in advance.

I am slowly catching up on this thread and some of the questions that came up since I've been here last time. I am sorry for the slow response. Forgive me? :wub:

I guess I wasn't clear when I mentioned Japan episode that they filmed recently. Let me clarify.^^

There has been a couple of episodes of WGM when it comes to Yongseo couple that some of Korean fans of Yongseo often define as "the turning point episodes". One of them was Jungdongjin episode where they went on a train trip to Jungdongjin beach to mark their last trip as an "engaged couple" and to welcome their new life as a "married couple". It is an episode in which Seohyun really seem to have shown her more playful side and "aegyo" in the train. Remember the "give me banana flavored milk"? aegyo by Seohyun? That really surprised and made Yongseo fans in Korea happy because we didn't expect to see that from Seohyun that quickly.

Another "turning episode" that the fans in Korea have been waiting for a very long time because of the filming reports is the last week's and this upcoming week's "Ganghwodo" episodes because we've heard that the relationship between Yongseo moves to another level in this episode. The Korean fans who have an access to filming spoilers have been discussing and anticipating for a very long time. I am not sure what is going to happen, but some are saying that something "very significant" between Yongseo couple takes place in this episode.

Now to Japan episode... It is starting to be mentioned that this episode might be anotehr episode that will be comparable to "Jungdongjin" episode and "Ganghwado episode". There was a Korean fan of Yonghwa who got to see Yonghwa and Seohyun filming in Japan most recently. She didn't go much in detail. However, some are saying that this Japan episode is really going show how close and loving Yonghwa and Seohyun have become. Another "legendary" episode in addition to Jungdonjin epi and Ganghwado epi. That's all I've heard so far. :D

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thanks to Kerube-Chan for posting up all the wedding photoshoot ideas with pictures! :) and zealous i really like those pictures too! and i like how the guy is playing the piano and the girl is laying on the piano. it would be really cute if yongseo did it the same way. because since hyun plays the piano more, its more romantic if yong (in theory) learned how to play her a really good song on the piano, yea?






oh, and i dont know if anyone knows yet. or if this was posted already. but RDR subs is done with episode 26!






thanks so much for RDR's hard work!






Part 1






Part 2












Kerube-Chan i found some ski/snowboard wedding pictures!!!






























i love that cake topper! too bad its not a real picture.


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Guest lovekim







Oh gosh...the Angel & Rocker theme idea is fantastic!!!





Me likes too...muahaha!





*hugs* to crystal, naz, baby_bo, dreamyboo, tripplemama and all the rest old spazzers....I miss you all sooo much!!

Belated Congrats to YongHwa on his win at the Korean Drama Festival for a Popularity Award - ShinWoo (You're Beautiful) I think...LOL! He couldnt make it coz it was the Shanghai FM day.





Andalasa, thanks for dropping that song! Wah....so it's by Andrea Bocelli....it sounded korean to me when the music was played. Hahaha! again, i'm amazed by Yong's knowledge of music....seriously!! where does he get and remembers all these songs to use as his own background music to Hyun? muahahaha! ok, i'm silly here. but it's cute and amazing at the same time.





Urgh....i'm trying to do a screencap of the 'bento' Hyun made and brought for the two of them at the horror episode...pls pardon me while i try to churn out that pic. But it's so cute and lovely of Hyun to do that isnt it? Wonder how long it took her to make it. kekeke! Look at Yong's proud expression....he must have loved it...(Yong, did u share with your brother JungShin?) LOL!





EDIT: kay!! thank you sooo much for your insights!! We have been wondering and hoping to see how our couple truly progressed actually. The Jungdongjin trip made all of us go (o.O) when we watched it. Coz we too didnt expect Hyun to be so 'carefree' with Yong that soon. Really nice to see that actually.hahaha! (definitely not complaining, LOL) Then, this one, Ganghwado episode...though there's more to come, but awww....to see Hyun being so touched by Yong, is a blessing to us too. And also her comfort level with Yong too!! very nice~~ *chuckles* Now, i really dying to watch the Japan episode!! muahahaha!





Actually, every episode/encounter that the couple had tells a little of their progression in their relationship. And I thank them, their companies and of course MBC's WGM for showing us this two lovely persons. Not just celebs but they are also young people with dreams, ambitions and emotions. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! hahaha!





Sigh...this couple is really too cute for words....hurry saturday!!





*i'll be back*





p/s: I'm always online status but doesnt mean I'm really online all this while. silly soompi wont allow me to log out. so if you PM me and I don't reply. please pardon me coz i might have been sleeping then. kekeke (Yong-style)...


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Guest mochiling






Oh gosh...the Angel & Rocker theme idea is fantastic!!!




Me likes too...muahaha!




*hugs* to crystal, naz, baby_bo, dreamyboo, tripplemama and all the rest old spazzers....I miss you all sooo much!!

Belated Congrats to YongHwa on his win at the Korean Drama Festival for a Popularity Award - ShinWoo (You're Beautiful) I think...LOL! He couldnt make it coz it was the Shanghai FM day.







Andalasa, thanks for dropping that song! Wah....so it's by Andrea Bocelli....it sounded korean to me when the music was played. Hahaha! again, i'm amazed by Yong's knowledge of music....seriously!! where does he get and remembers all these songs to use as his own background music to Hyun? muahahaha! ok, i'm silly here. but it's cute and amazing at the same time.




Urgh....i'm trying to do a screencap of the 'bento' Hyun made and brought for the two of them at the horror episode...pls pardon me while i try to churn out that pic. But it's so cute and lovely of Hyun to do that isnt it? Wonder how long it took her to make it. kekeke! Look at Yong's proud expression....he must have loved it...(Yong, did u share with your brother JungShin?) LOL!




Sigh...this couple is really too cute for words....hurry saturday!!




*i'll be back*




p/s: I'm always online status but doesnt mean I'm really online all this while. silly soompi wont allow me to log out. so if you PM me and I don't reply. please pardon me coz i might have been sleeping then. kekeke (Yong-style)...




wow lovekim can't wait to see the bento scene,i saw it but limit showing  only, hope you can screecap n can take a closer look at it. i PM you n i think you offline that why did not get my msg, try pm me also.







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Guest MrsAthenaG




Hello my Goguma Children.  I am so happy that my wedding photoshoot topic has turned this thread around from all the fiery exchanges.  Yes, your Guma Omma, or Guma Mama, or whatever you wish to call this Elder Goguma is fine, just not Halmoni or Grandma yet.  I'm just smiling feeling the upbeat atmosphere in this thread and looking at the photos of the different wedding concepts, they all look so great.   Just keep it up!




I'm not sure but i think Andy & Solbi, as well as Hwanhee & Yobi had photos wearing traditional garments.  However, I don't think anyone did the traditional Korean Wedding scene just like the wedding on Goong (Princess Hours).  That would be a good one too.




Well, keep 'em coming, it'll keep us occupied while waiting for our next episode. 



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Guest raindrops_919


dear GOGUMA  :wub:










i need to know uri mc in we got married names.. this MC Kim, i need to know his full name and picture of him as well, i'm working on a wedding plan map, i get Kim NaYoung, Park MiSun, Lim SeulOng and Jung JinWoon.. but nothing for this MC Kim  :wacko:




can somebody help me?? :wub: thank you =)


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guys..how about this one..
































































































underwater wedding ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































sadly to say ep26 from rdrsub are no longer available.
































































































already claim by mbc. so frustrated. <_<

































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