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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I see some are discussing about MC's reaction over YONG CHODING. Some might not like it, but hey! I love it like most of you guys here.
































































































































































































































































I am 28 and I goof around malls and convenience stores like that, or maybe more than that (I danced at a mall last Sunday and cracked the sales lady and my husband). The thing is, to someone who does these kind of things don't really care of other people's reactions or how they see us. The only reaction we wanted is from those who mattered, as for me my hubby, for Yong, Hyun. Those audiences who laugh because they think it's funny are added bonus but to those who find it silly, we don't really care coz they have bigger problems, they don't know how to have innocent fun. I'm Yong and my hubby's Hyun in our relationship so I can really identify with Yong and my hubby can identify with Hyun.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I gotta fess up as well :). I'm 30 already, but I like to goof off if the atmosphere is right. It's fun to play around, and age's got nothing to do with it. 
































































































































































































































































I don't see anything bad with Yong choding; I think that's what makes him attractive! He's not keeping up appearances and behaving in a way just because he's past 20 or because he's a singer. I think it's this quality that made Hyun open up. She felt comfortable enough to make mosquito (lol and even fish) sounds on national TV in response to his request. Surely that means something.
































































































































































































































































What might seem funny to one person is kinda DUH to another. I don't think the MCs are against him in that sense, I think it's just not their style of humor so they just think it's childish as opposed to being funny :). And there must surely be other people who feel the same way too - which is fine! We can't all think the same way; the world would be too boring!
































































































































































































































































Thanks to all those who posted screenies and info about Inki today (my internet's too slow for streaming well). Jinwoon's made me really curious now as to what he said to Yong! XD. 

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































Good morning, afternoon, evening, night to all GOGUMAS (ajumma, ajuhssi, hyung, nuna.......)






























































first of all I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful screencaps, translations (mountainmadman, j2dlee) and also those who worked really hard to spread their love for our couple....... It's nice to see the thread becoming alive and cheerful again, after several days of slow progress..






























































just like our goguma psychologist lovekin said, I agree that the latest episode is the best so far (ep. 27 move to second best). Why?? because the fact that the filming occured in Japan really gave the feel that they were there for a vacation, and that makes it meaningful for them. It surely was different compared to filming in korea........... As for Hyun initiating the skinship, I have no other comment except D.A.E.B.A.K. Like many gogumas who have been following SNSD's activities for a long time, I was completely surprised that I literally fell down from my chair seeing that particular scene. who would expect a person like HYUN to flirt and moreover, skinship???
































































Other than that, regarding the rumor about the new couple to be added to WGM, it bothers me alot but like someone said earlier, we should not let our happiness to be destroyed by a rumor..... just wait for other episodes because I still feel the WGM PDs would not want to risk quitting yongseo, since their effect on the hallyu wave is so great..... (come on!! SNSD and CNBLUE are big contributors to the korean wave)
































































About today's inki, just like jnj, I was surprised that just because the ring is not spotted on yong's hand, it triggered criticism. Thankfully they actually wore the rings so the issue is solved. However, I hope such comments like"why isn't she/he wearing the ring?" will not come out again.
































































Lastly, I would like to say that in 16 days, our couple will have their 300 days anniversary. Yes, I know it has been a very long journey for them and also for us GOGUMA villagers/shippers in this world of GOGUMALAND/GOGUMA NATION/GOGUMA REPUBLIC/ whatever you want to say






























































































































































































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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































Hi ALL ^^ ..sorry for late ....First , I have to say thank you for j2dlee's translation...Thank you for great translation..you translated for us even a little black box ,,,THANK YOU ^^ and thank you for all link and capture about Inkigayo today that missed it...That's so easy for me to follow our couple.^^
































































































































































and here link ENG SUB latest Ep.>>>
































































































































































Ep.32 -1
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit : DONE ^^

































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Guest bettechai
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello Gogumas.:)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































No english Subs yet.??:)keke cant wait...:) the episode is daebak.. even i jsut so your Caps...!! :w00t: nomu nomu nomu nomu cant wait.!! hahah :wub: :wub::wub: Fighting..!

































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Guest LiyLiy14








Let us give a big big applause to SUN SUN..


You are our saver..


Thank you for ur kind work..


I'm re-watching  this episode for MILLION of times...


Really love it...




Not to forget our translator j2dlee and mountainmadman.




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Guest nadihee












oh my god sun_sun THANKS SO MUCCCCCCHHHH ^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^. thanks for ur kindness and everyone's too. oh god i'm so lucky to found this thread. thank you all guys for ur pic gif etc. i cant find the right word to express how thankful i am. thanksssssssssss. and i'm going to wait for part 2. and cant wait for next saturday. hope wgm crew wont cancel the eps like las week



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Guest bettechai
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omo..!!thanks sun_sun...your fast...keke :wub:

































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Hi ALL ^^ ..sorry for late ....First , I have to say thank you for j2dlee's translation...Thank you for great translation..you translated for us even a little black box ,,,THANK YOU ^^ and thank you for all link and capture about Inkigayo today that missed it...That's so easy for me to follow our couple.^^







and here link ENG SUB latest Ep.>>>







Ep.32 -1







Ep. 32 -2 Just Uploading please wait ^^




















sorry about the post , I had a system problem:







Thank you very much for the recent link on WGM.







i cant wait to watch it and i believe like everyone else here







we are all excited to finally see it subbed.


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Guest shane09
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P/S : jnj, I did not received your PM~~

































































































































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bettechai .....please edit your post so it consist a min of 20 words....




sun_sun...thk u very much for the translation...




to other newbies...pls dont just say thank you...you have to make it long enough ...or it will be considered spamming...


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16 days to yongseo's 300th day anniversary!!

really?! wow! time do flies!!

should we expect some wedding photoshoot anyday now?

woah!!! soshi..tks for the news alert! hahaha

sub is done! yaaaay! hug to sun_sun & partner, j2..

haruhi_chan...A BIG WELCOME.. oooh...we have an italian goguma...cool!

A Big Welcome too to all newbies...

bamz, after watching some other shows, i notice that Busan guys are much admired.

it seems that Busan guys are cool guys..

for instance, when yong drank the mukgoli (hope i spelled it right), he looked so cool,

and notice how the MC kept saying "he's from Busan"

gogumas, correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't Kay shared with us,

hundreds of pages ago, that this Jpn trip will be the turning point for yongseo?

judging from yesterday's daebak epi, i love where this turning point is taking us..

another thing to look forward to tonight..

KJE's Chocolate...hyun and unnies will be performing a sexy dance number..

and who knows...hyun might be asked abt her marriage... ;)


nadihee, i've sent u a PM

bettechai, i'm sure u have more to say that just thank u.

shane, i'll resend it..

sorry if some of us are acting as police, :sweatingbullets:

but we need to keep this thread safe..

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Guest zztingling
































































































Hi ALL ^^ ..sorry for late ....First , I have to say thank you for j2dlee's translation...Thank you for great translation..you translated for us even a little black box ,,,THANK YOU ^^ and thank you for all link and capture about Inkigayo today that missed it...That's so easy for me to follow our couple.^^
































































and here link ENG SUB latest Ep.>>>
































































Ep.32 -1
































Ep. 32 -2 Just Uploading please wait ^^















































































































































































Thanks so much for the video with such clear resolution, & the amazing translations! You guys are the BEST!! :w00t:
































This "Seohyun" is growing on me. Finding her prettier & prettier, & I really admire her innocence & sweetness :wub::wub: Together with Yonghwa, they're so matching! I do hope they're a real couple....... :wub:

































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Guest Haruhi-chan204
















































SophiaPia&jnj: Thank you for the welcomes ♥






























































ITTNE: These icons are too cute! Thank you for sharing, took some of them, I'll credit to your journal :DD Thankies~






























































Sun_sun: Aww eng subs! Thank you so much, really :D I'll watch it as soon as possible, for example NOW? ♥ hehe Thanks again ^^.






























































300 days anniversary? Really? Oh God. It feels like yesterday when Yong and Hyun started filming on WGM! Times do flies, really. Can't wait to see what they're going to do for their anniversary! :D

















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Guest mrsjoker


oh me oh my... what is this fuss about Yong spotted not wearing the ring ding dong for a short while in Inki today?

IT IS OK folks, be cool...B)   he was spotted wearing it on Kara's comeback interview and on the finale stage he also wore the ring ding dong (you could see it clearly when he gave the trophy to Hyun...). Nothing to worry about...

I'm stressing this out again. IT'S OKAY if there is a time when one/both of them spotted not wearing the ring. As much as we somehow made that ring to be some kind of indicator of Yong & Hyun relationship outside WGM, lets not go overboard with it!!

I agree with heartbreak_warfare22 it is UNFAIR to bash Yong when he's not wearing the ring for a little while. There could be various reasons as to why he was not wearing the ring, it could be because of work/endorsing other accesoris/or simply maybe he forget to wear it because he was in a hurry...^_^   all of those things are possible both for Yong and Hyun. 

Lets not questioning their sincerity again just by one incident of not wearing the ring... Both of them have shown us the importance of that ring by wearing it numerous time OUTSIDE of WGM filming, especially on Yong side. He was spotted wearing it on airports, CNBLUE events/showcase, His other shows, and most importantly he wore it touring AROUND ASIA for god sake. the RING is IMPORTANT and SPECIAL to both of them...let's not doubt them about it...ever!!




Just like jnj said.... GOGUMAS HAVE FAITH!! :lol:

To ease those with weary heart...here's a "Yong and his beloved ring ding dong" galore...




and this is my all time favourite... The time when it's only "THE RING DING DONG and Yong"  :wub:

pics cr to owner...

To me it screams DEVOTION..................:wub:




ps : THANK YOU J2dlee, MountaiMadMan and Sun_Sun for the epic translation and subs video... THANK YOU~~~~


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Guest juanitajamari


Hi  ALL ^^ ..sorry for late ....First , I have to say thank you for  j2dlee's translation...Thank you for great translation..you translated  for us even a little black box ,,,THANK YOU ^^ and thank you for all  link and capture about Inkigayo today that missed it...That's so easy  for me to follow our couple.^^

and here link ENG SUB latest Ep.>>>

Ep.32 -1



Edit : DONE ^^

Thank you Sun_Sun! :)

I  really love the Yongseo couple! When i saw the news that Seohyun  attempted skinship. I was like OMG!! I must watch! I must camp in front  of my laptop to watch. Screw assignments! hahaha.

Did they really wear that couple ring?? OMOMO!

Although  Adam couple is funny, Yongseo is still my favourite! I was so sad that  they didnt air WGM last week. I need my weekly dose of Yongseo. :) But  its back! No more depression! ((:


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Guest yslovelightys




























hello everyone!








































IT WAS DURING THE FIRST BACKROOM INTERVIEW OF EP.32. AROUND 8 min. mark at the first part...

































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392





mrsjoker: I agree 100% with you.



Thanks to everyone for the pics, links, gifs and everything :)



I'm glad our Goguma Planet is full of Gogumas!!!! ^_^ and next week we will probably know how many Goguma points Yong~ has :)



I haven't watched Inki cuts yet but there was some Yongseo interaction at the end when they waved at each other :w00t: Hyun soo pretty and Yong so handsome :wub: a beautiful couple ^^



Congrats to Hyun and her unnies for winning :) I hope they will win next week too!!!! SNSD hwaiting ^_^



YongSeo ftw!



Soo it seems busan rumour isn't true? Hmmmmm thanks for the translation



And welcome to goguma planet new gogumas!!!!


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Guest SophiaPia














sun_sun : thanks as always :)





















mrsjoker : thanks for that ring galore of hubby Yong. Do we have ring galore for wifey Hyun? :)












i must admit i'm yongseo addict and ring addict but i don't bashed YongSeo if they will not wear the ring. if they don;t wear it there's must be a reason, and sometimes hubby Yong wears it but turn it around, sometimes he put another ring, sometimes coz of the lighting in studio its makes diff. BUT @Inkigayo today hubby Yong wears it, same as wifey Hyun so pls. let us enjoy YongSeo couple coz they are the best





















Before i go to bed i'm watching the sweetness linking arms episode again :) and for how many times i've seen it, still i'm very very happy i'll never got tired watching it. Actually, it's all over the world now this episode kekeke! in popseoul "SeoHyun finally makes her move on" :)





















Cheers to all nite nite for me















































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Guest ahn_annann







may I'm too late to share my caps.. Inkigayo perf. today ..





- yong won't go to the back stage, haha










- to look only my target, my love light as my wife










- please carefully..










- Hyun is so polite










- may the stage have you and me ~YongSeo .. ,ke ke ke







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Thank Sun-sun for the sub videos. you are Jang ( thanks for translators as well alot). If you have time can you upload the links also for this epsiode for download.:-) thank you so so much. words can not describe:-)


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