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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts












AAAAHHH this episode was so amazing. They look so happy and natural and lovey dovey! Thank you PDnims, because even though we suffered while waiting this episode was well worth the wait. I loved this episode, I love them and Japan and gogumas! These two are so cute and hilarious together. You go Hyun, for initiating skinship.... talk about some serious encouragement/hints-dropping, Yong!




I'm in the middle of watching it alongside the translations, but I think the conversation about the hair is revealing. There is, firstly, no way you talk like that to someone who you are not dating/interested in and, secondly, you have to be really comfortable to give that kind of statement. This whole episode was filled with so many amazing moments, it would take me forever to mention.




I'm posting these pictures, because I think they look adorable together (once Yong relaxed, LOL). Basking in the happiness, smiling like crazy.


















































AN EPIC, GIANT THANK YOU to everyone that links and translates and caps everything, you guys are the heroes of Goguma Land!





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Guest ichigo_kawai

Anyeong To all my lovely family....Goguma Family

First ...Thanks to Awesome J2dlee & MountainMadman for the traslation....:wub:

And thanks to everyone for the caps, link, videos, and all about yongseo couple

Here is the latest  my FMV of yongseo couple...

Fan MV YongSeo Couple Lovely Skinship 30-32



My peace, love, and ice cream

the comfortable smile as you're fast asleep

Am I dreaming?

All of a sudden, I feel like you're going to talk of love...

My love is ice cream

when I see you sleeping.

I want to sweetly, secretly kiss you,

You, who makes my heart flutter.

The fragrance that flies around in the wind

A dazzling, beautiful day

to you...


I'll sing a song,

so you can dream happy dreams,

and that it will be by my side


I will fill it with love,

so when the sunshine embraces us,

we can feel it together.

My peace, love, and ice cream

that that wind will blow far away

my heart that is held in your embrace

is filled to the brin with freedom.

Forgetting the past

today, freely

to you..


I'll sing a song,

so you can dream happy dreams,

and that it will be by my side


I will fill it with love,

so when the sunshine embraces us,

we can feel it together.

So we can feel it together,

so we can do it together.

My peace, love, and ice cream,

this comfortable feeling


My peace, love, and ice cream,

these sweet whispers


Stay by my side forever

like the first time


I'll sing a song

so you can dream happy dreams,

and that it will be by my side.


I will fill it with love,

so when the sunshine embraces us,

we can feel it together.

cr lyric trans: mushroom




Cute Goguma Couple


Thanks everyone ^_^

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Guest blueshoes
















Yonghwa 's outfit today
















the ring ..... um i don't know ... GOGUMA FBI help please
































credit DC jyh gall









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Guest bonbon31



He did not wear the ring today and yesterday in the picture tool with Mink. What's wrong with him? But Seo wear the ring yesterday.

What are you doing YongHwa?? Can not understand him!!!:wacko: We have to wait to see Seo wear the ring or not??


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He did not wear the ring today and yesterday in the picture tool with Mink. What's wrong with him? But Seo wear the ring yesterday.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What are you doing YongHwa?? Can not understand him!!!:wacko: We have to wait to see Seo wear the ring or not??































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LOL there's nothing wrong with him not wearing the ring at all... ;)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As much as i like seeing them wear their ring all the time, it doesn't really bother me if he doesn't wear it especially if he's working.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's not like he's obligated to wear the ring all the time. He wears the ring because he wants to, same with Seohyun.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's not worry. ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest FallenAnjewl




























im not sure if this is the couple ring or not




















but i took a snap shot of yong during inkigayo and the ring he was wearing seemed different to the first ring he was wearing




















maybe he changed it???




















but here it is, sorry for the low quality








































but why wouldnt he wear the ring when his beauitful buin is performing???




















stilllll high and excited from yesterday's episode !!!!!!





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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This isn't wrong ... to be honest, I don't find it wrong at all!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun wore, Yonghwa didn't. They don't have to wear like 24/7!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He may have reasons not to wear it! Or may be, he doesn't feel like to wear it today, he may wear it tomorrow. That's it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Don't take it too serious ;)

































































































































































































































































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Guest bonbon31



Yeah, maybe I am to serious about the ring! Because I always see both of them wear the ring, now one of them not wear, so I feel not good. Anyway, maybe he will wear tomorrow.

The other reason make me serious is about the rumor: one new couple that I read on Adam thread. It make me worry!


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He did not wear the ring today and yesterday in the picture tool with Mink. What's wrong with him? But Seo wear the ring yesterday.
















What are you doing YongHwa?? Can not understand him!!!:wacko: We have to wait to see Seo wear the ring or not??































The photo Yong took with Minhyuk yesterday- I think he was recording NAN a few doors away from where Minhyuk was, so he dropped in to see him. Don't worry abt it, I had the same reaction as u, but after thinking thru- a few things have happened this past week eg. the broadcast of NAN and yesterday's WGM episode and I've got a gut feeling that the next few episodes of WGM are going to be sweetness to the max :wub:
















Yong is a planner, he may do 'choding' stuff when he is with Hyun, but he is no matter what the leader of CNblue and as seen in Running Man someone who is clever in his ways... that's all I'm going to say for now.... I've got a sneaky feeling but I'm holding back my views and watch :w00t:
















EDIT: Watched SNSD on Inkigayo. Oh Hyunnie looks absolutely beautiful! I feel like a proud mum beaming with pride hahaha, she is all grown up and looking gorgeous









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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yeah, maybe I am to serious about the ring! Because I always see both of them wear the ring, now one of them not wear, so I feel not good. Anyway, maybe he will wear tomorrow.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The other reason make me serious is about the rumor: one new couple that I read on Adam thread. It make me worry!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There were the rumors that YongSeo would leave back in May, June and July due to SNSD's activities in Japan, but YongSeo is still there ..... the thing is YongSeo will end someday, you're worried or not, it will happen, so why don't you just enjoy today, and accept what will have to happen?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Don't let today's happiness slide becuz your worries about tomorrow :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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bonbon31 there are rumors that shinee's onew and kara's seungyeon will be casted as the new wgm couple, but we need not worry as it's just a rumor and i doubt if our couple will ever be replaced. :wub::wub: (sorry guys, this should be on spoiler but i dunno how to use that. APOLOGIES)












































regarding the couple ring why yong isn't wearing it today, it doesn't bother me AT ALL. maybe it was sorta spur of the moment for yong, you know guys after NAN and yesterday's episode that made it big in all korean portals. :sweatingbullets: anyways, im just happy knowing that both of them are in the same show right now.












































btw, thanks everyone for the caps, translations and your posts, u guys are jjang!!!












































all these are the best birthday gifts ever (yongseo and u guys!). ^_^^_^












































( back to lurker mode )





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I just finished watching the livestream of inkigayo and snsd won again. Yong handed the trophy to Hyun again, Yong guided Hyun forward to the stage and after they bowed to each other. It was so cute and no awkwardness was there. I really loved last nights episode. 


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Guest rieyzajunkisshi
















































Waaaahhhh!! SNSD won again at this week Inkigayo~ Yeayyyy!!! Hoot~
















Yongseo couple jjang!!!
















Hyuin buin looked really sexy n gorgeous keke~
















And as usual, she's standing next to her Yong Seobang~ (^^,)v
















Yongseo love is in the air~

















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Guest toomuchsmiling


^Someone posted on Twitter that that's also an OLD RUMOR and have asked not to revive it. so hopefully it's fake. we don't NEED another couple. that's less time for Yongseo. <_<




I SAW INKIGAYO!! they wore the cowboy outfits wear they're abs are showing. :w00t: and SNSD WON!!! AND YONG GAVE THE TROPHY TO HYUN AND SHE MADE THE SPEECH GUYS!!! ^_________^




hahaha, i'm beaten. ah well. Seohyun did look super gorgeous. aigoo, these two. :lol:


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Guest ikekeyou












































major laggness on streaming inkygayo today!! (but i manage to capture something!)







































































Again yonghwa and seohynun stood next to each other after the announcement of the winners! :)




































congrats to SNSD!!! they looked like great today! (sexy cowgirls)




































anyways...did yong wave to seohyun after he bowed congratulating the girls?!?!




































im positive he did but........i need to see this in hd!!!




































okay okay okay he DID!!! and seohyun also waved back!!! ahahaahah (:













































































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Guest MountainMadman

Hello everyone, just finished watching the livestream of Inkigayo. ^_^

Nothing too spazz-worthy, but I thought I'd mention a few things:

-When KARA was teaching the MC's their dance, Sulli asked Yonghwa, "aren't you going to copy them this time?"

-at the end, SNSD won again for 'Hoot' and Yong went to stand beside Seohyun! The other MC's were on the other end of the group, but Yonghwa naturally went to stand beside his wife. :)

-is it just me, or is Seo the one that's always accepting the trophy in Inkigayo? If I'm not mistaken, she also received it from Yonghwa the week before as well.

-Yonghwa waved to Seohyun before he left the stage for SNSD's encore.

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Guest maybelove



Sorry guys I don't know how to screen cap, and I don't know if you guys notice but I find it so cute how she's wearing the butterfly necklace on their date....




I had the same problem of screen capping as well... >.< I was gonna screen cap it last night but it takes too long to post it up to the web. i think we have to upload it on some website like flickr or imageshack then get the link of the website so we can put it here. ANYWAY, Hy~un is wearing the BUTTERFLY NECKLACE all along in this ep and it look so good on her!! :wub::wub: i wonder if Yo~ng notice this??




I'm working right now but i can't get rid of my spazzing mode! i hope my boss wont kill me :lol:



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Guest sweet_spy










He did not wear the ring today and yesterday in the picture tool with Mink. What's wrong with him? But Seo wear the ring yesterday.








What are you doing YongHwa?? Can not understand him!!!:wacko: We have to wait to see Seo wear the ring or not??















There's nothing to worry about because he did wear the ring ^^
















But again, i wouldnt fudge about it even when he doesn't because its not his responsibility but he still has it on regularly. If he takes it off once in a while, we gogumas are cool enough to know that the ring, as important as it is, does not necessarily present the current status of their relationship.



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Guest nadihee












okay i'm a bit sad because of yong didnt wear the ring. why yong always do something bad when the last episode on wgm was very romantic? like the fishing episode, tomorrow after that eps yong didnt wear the ring too. what's wrong with him? didnt he feel something to hyun? didnt he in love with hyun? :tears::tears::tears:








i wanna see the ring. to both of them. not just one of them. it isnt couple ring, if the other didnt wear it. i want to yongseo alive. i want them to be a true couple :tears::tears::tears:








i'm still feeling terrible because of the ring. please gogumas cheer me up with your argument about it. please gimme some vitamin of yongseo :tears:



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