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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i sort of went PS crazy when i saw this episode...
















AND since it is the 1400th page~ ^____________________^
















crediting will be nice~
















68056292.jpg ... 94102248.jpg ... 54438265.jpg ... 90576300.jpg ... 57093721.jpg









































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Guest lunasol


Today have been very special!!

November 20, 2010

Day we saw the episode of Hyun initiating skinship and Yong's shocked/nervous/happy reaction

Day Yongseo became a Twitter Worldwide Trending Topic

Day we reached 1,400 pages at the thread

Day we surpassed the 1,100 viewers record at the thread


So in conclusion, it definitely has been the




Happy Big-richard simmons Smile Day!!! biggrin.gifwub.gif


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j2dlee was said to be here a few minutes ago!!! YIPEEE!!!















You know we love you, j2!
























xoxo :wub:





















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hearing that "rumor" about yongseo filming in busan... XD how awesome would that be!! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































and it makes me think about my busan picture that i had mentioned i missed like... back in the early 1300's lol (i make it sound like a century ago, lol) so i hunted it down and here to post it again!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































putting our hopes up never did any wrong... just spazz worthy!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































juhee those are wonderful! i might have to use one. loving the one where their eating.
































































































































































































































































































































































































lunasol big richard simmons smile day, indeed! oh i love that :DDDD
































































































































































































































































































































































































aisuo415 awww! double squeal from here! and i know what you mean about leaving and then trying to leave for the 10000000000 time. its addicting, our yongseo hahaha

































































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This will be my very last post of today, I swear! *How many times have I said that already?*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I suddenly remember a conversation I had with my brother back when I was younger during late nights. He told me that he never held hands or put his arm around a girl's shoulder when walking, because he'd rather have the girl hold onto his arm while he has his hands in his pocket. The reason (his words, not mine):

'I don't know. At that moment, walking like that, it feels like I have so much power and authority. This is me, I'm the man and this is my woman.'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Squeal! My brother is a tough guy and never lays his emotions and feelings in the open. Yet, he is like a elementary school kid that a lot of times I feel like I have to keep an eye on him and tell him to behave. (He's 10 years older :lol: ) So he's very much like Yong to be honest :P

































































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Guest YongSeo
























I wonder can anyones pose the link of baidu? want to see the chinese translation. From this episode, can also see that Hyun took great care of yong. She asked him to move in nearer to the road side thrice (if I'm not wrong) by pulling his bag.I agreed with one of you that when Yong said "why are you so serious" to Hyun. He is not referring to why is hyun so serious after knowing that he gave her 1 goguma pt. And what makes Hyun keep repeating that "you are lying" etc?









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Guest MoonHeeTae






























































































































really, a daebak couple..















can't wait for subs..hmpf!






























seobaby rock the whole world today..^^

















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can anyone PLEASE give me link to ep 31!??!?!









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Guest waniey_haha
















wow...right now is 1:54 am n i'm still spazzing wit u guyz....really love it to read all the post....does someone here that still grinning ,,,smiling like me....watched the episode about 132456667++ times...heeee..eeee ..wow my cheeks became numb because of the wide grinning watching those lovebirds...YONGSEO...and keep tracking about the feedback on our couple at allkpop....and it seems that our goguma family become more and more bigger...yeah let's spread the GOGUMA POWER>>>keep the faith....








and cngratz for us on the YONGSEO on twitter trending ...it's really awesome.i think that's our  couple is the first one to be on top 10 worldwide on twitter? I"M so proud of them....
















and when i;m seeing the preview...when yoong grabbed hyun's hand... what it seems like he wants to kiss her? or it just me being delusional or my mind become more wild..hahaha... do you guyz think so? kekeke...if it's (kiss ) really happen someday...OH MY GOD ..... fainted...nose bleeding....heeeeheee...keep the faith guyz....alwayz expect the unexpected from YONGSEO.....
































p/s : wow ...our seohwa thread has reached 10 mill viewers !!!!  chugha hae......









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Guest crystalblue




I was rewatching their cuts and suddenly it just occured to me. Yong~ said Hyun~ had told him she liked him with bangs right? (or something like that :P)

soo... is that the reason why he hasn't cut his hair in all this time? because his hair is really really really long now, is it because of Hyun~? :o




YES!!!! I was thinking of the EXACT same thing!!! Crystals think alike right? hahaha... same hair color... matching rings... so how did Yong hear "Mensaka" when Hyun said "RentACar"? kekeke these two are so adorable and entertaining yet all the little things they do for each other are so meaningful!!! Love in Goguma Planet!!!


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Guest MountainMadman

Hello Gogumas! Who's ready for some translations? :D

I won't be translating the whole thing, mind you...just the interesting bits... ^_^

Linkage: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=p9fuH5NVxvQ

Starting from the 0:33 mark.

Subtitles: found Goguma Museum!

Seo: it's Goguma heaven!

Yong: It's Goguma world here...

Seo: I'm so happy~

MC: Seohyun is the princess of Goguma kingdom~

Jinwoon: Nayoung noona's dress looks like a goguma...

Nayoung: me?

At the 1:08 mark

Seo: let's try the samples!

Yong: mat-tang! (NOTE: mat-tang is a kind of baked goguma with honey. They're saying it's similar.)

Yong: it's good!

Seo: it's good.

Yong: my mom would like this...

Seo: really? She likes these things?

Seo: we should get them presents!

Yong: this one's good!

Seo: it is.

Seo: Wow...gogumas!

Yong: is that a sweet potato?

Seo: "sweet potato". Yes it is.

Yong: let's get this one and that one.

Seo: should we?

At the 2:07 mark.

Yong: women are supposed to walk on the inside of the sidewalk. My mom told me so.

Seo: Ahhh...thank you.

Seo: so are men supposed to be on the outside?

Yong: yeah.

Yong: Oh, let's get some ice cream!

Seo: it looks like Goguma ice cream!

Fast-forwarding to the 4:35 mark.

Seo: gogumaaa~

Subtitles: what is it this time...?

Seo: it really fits you!

Yong: it fits me?

Seo: yes.

Yong: you try it.

Seo: Should I take a picture? It really does fit you.

Seo: how do I look?

Yong: your face needs to come out more.

Yong: Ah~you look good in it too.

Subtitles: I wonder how much their two rows field would have grown...?

Fast-forwarding again to the 5:52 mark.

Seo: mmmm!

Yong: it's sweet...

Yong: here, try this. It's a rare item, there's only one.

Yong: is this heaven?

Seo: this is heaven. Goguma heaven.

Yong: Go-chun? (NOTE: abbreviation of the first letters of Goguma Heaven in Korean.)

Yong: you told me...that you like it better with my hair down.

Seo: I did.

Yong: So that's why I always have it down.

Seo: Ohhh...really? It looks good.

Seo: Do you like my hair down or up?

Yong: I like it down.

Seo: You do?

MC: Boys tend to like the hair down.

Yong: I like it when you tie it up and then put it down.

Seo: so I should have it down? Okay.

Yong: Oh, that's not what I meant...

Seo: that's better?

Yong: you react so fast...

Yong: Tie it up...you'll get ice cream on it.

Seo: Ahh...

Yong: It's all the same to me.

Seo: Okay.

Fast-forwarding to Part 2 of the video.


At the 1:36 mark.

Subtitles: the sun has set...

Seo: oh, the moon's bright.

Yong: places like this, it's similar to Korea.

Seo: yeah, it is.

Subtitles: been a while since they walked together at night...

Yong: Ah! Is it here?

MC: it's like a village inn.

MC: like what you see in comic books...

Seo: it's here?

Yong: yeah, I'm sure.

Fast-forwarding to the 7:26 mark.

Seo: I'm full....

Yong: why is everything so delicious?

Seo: I know. I can't sleep now, I'm so full.

Yong: You know...we're on a vacation. So...do you want to go for a drink?

Seo: What?

MC: Isn't this the first time?

Seo: Let's go. Where do we go?

Yong: should we go?

Seo: let's go!

Yong: I'm really going!

Seo: so am I!

Seo: forward!

Yong: turn left!

Seo: turn left!

Yong: it's similar to our neighborhood.

Seo: uhh...it's a little bigger.

Yong: step on this side.

Seo: we should both be on the sidewalk.

Yong: oh, the man is supposed to be on the street.

Seo: that's not true!

Seo: it's really dark.

Moving on to Part 3.


At the 0:57 mark.

MC: they look good together.

Yong: tired?

Seo: no, not really.

Seo: Hmmm...

MC: OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!1%^&*)*&(&(&^*%^%$^$#$*%^

Subtitles: the MC studio won the lottery!

Seo: let's go.

Yong: what are you doing...?

MC: look at Yonghwa's arm!

Fast-forwarding to the darkroom interview at the 2:02 mark.

Q: You looked...very stiff?

Yong: I thought it would be better for a man to have his hand in his pocket.

MC: Look who's talking!

Yong: it's a bit more manly...Busan style.

Sorry for not translating the whole episode...despite what many of you guys may think, I don't spend every single waking moment in my life thinking of YongSeo...I actually have a life, hehehe. ^_^

Hope this came in handy...can't wait for the official subbed vids to come out!

EDIT: Wow...what are the chances of two translations coming out within seconds of each other???

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Hi, happy Goguma lovers!












Here's the translation of today's episode. Hope I'm not too late!












(skip the previous episode…)












A sweet potato museum spotted!












MC Park: A sweet potato museum?












As they come in….












(A Japanese girl recognises Yong & Hyun)












MC Kim: Maybe she is a fan of the WGM!












But they are already absorbed in sightseeing…












Hyun: Huh? Sweet potatoes everywhere!












Yong: Haha!












(a variety of sweet potato snacks)












H: Sweet potatoes everywhere!












Y: This is a land of sweet potatoes.












H: I’m happy~












MC Park: Seo Hyun is a queen of the sweet potato land.












JW: Na Young, your outfit today looks like a sweet potato.












NY: Me? Why do I look like a sweet potato?












A (just) sweet potato Na Young in a sweet potato land?












H: Let’s try this!












(as soon as she finishes her sentence)












Y: Hm…? Matang (deep fried sweet potatoes covered in syrup)!












Y: It’s delicious~












H: I know, right?












Y: My mother would like it.












H: Really?












H: Does your mother like this kind of thing?












H: We should buy this for parents!












(Meanwhile Yong can’t stop munching)












Y: Hmm~ Delicious!












H: Yes!












(To the staff: Yong ‘It’s delicious~’)












H: This one, too.












Y: Is this one made of sweet potatoes, too?












H: Yes.












Every snack made of sweet potatoes












MC Park: It’s amazing, how they made all these from sweet potatoes…?












H: Sweet potatoes~












Y: Is this really made of sweet potatoes?












H: (in English) Sweet potato~












Y: Let’s buy this one and that one.












H: Shall we?












(After a joyful sweet potato shopping)












MC Park: The town is so beautiful.












Y: You should walk to the side of the road.












Y: My mother taught me that.












H: Thank you.












H: Then is it okay for a man to walk in the road?












Y: Yes. When a man and a woman walk in the street, the man should walk outside.












H: Yea~












Y: Let’s have some ice creams!












Even ice cream made of sweet potatoes?












MC Park: Maybe a sweet potato ice cream?












JW: It sounds delicious.












H: I think it’s a sweet potato ice cream!












In front of the shop…












H: What should we eat?












MC Park: It’s really amazing.












The staff: Welcome~












NY: Sweet potato flavour for Hyun!












For Hyun, 100% sweet potato ice cream, for Yong sweet potato + vanilla












MC Kim: 100% sweet potato!












What will a sweet potato ice cream taste like?
























H: Oh~ it tastes like sweet potato!
























Y: Does it?












H: Hmm~ it’s so good.












Y (waving): Ah, he’s cute.












(A boy: ‘ja-shik’^^)












JW & SO: Ja-shik!












Y: Why is it so hot today?












Even though it’s autumn, it’s scorching today.












H: I’ll say. Maybe summer is coming back.












Y: That’s not the way to eat ice cream.












(Yong’s sucking his ice cream)












H: Haha!












Yong knows how to enjoy an ice cream












H: It’s melting fast, because the weather is so hot.




































H: Ah! What should I do? It’s all running down!












NY: Even Seo Hyun spills her food.












Y: Seo Hyun, I can give you tissue.












H: Thank you.












Y: 300 yen!












In a rapid ice cream thawing (?) situation…












Y: (posing for the picture) It’s like a press conference.












(A lady: Thank you, a young man)












H: Even while the ice cream is melting…(you’re posing for the camera)












MC Kim: Because our Korean idol groups are popular in Japan.












Y: Try to eat from the bottom.












(Hyun still trying to eat)












Y: It’s been about 3mins (since buying the ice cream), but the ice cream is almost gone.












People start gathering…












Y: Should they keep taking pictures of us while we’re eating…like this?












H: I know…












Y: Seo Hyun, you sit over here. I’m okay.












A Black Night Yong tries to protect his wife from cameras (A Black Night [heukkisa] is a Korean idiom for a gentle, brave man. Usually used when a man saves a woman from an awkward situation)












MC Park: Ah…












JW: Just showing them as they are would be cool, too.












Y: Finish your ice cream behind my back.












Having said that…












Y: (in Japanese) it’s delicious~












H: What…?!












(A grandma became Yong’s fan)












Y: You have to maintain your image.












Y: (whispering) have you finished? No? No, keep going.












She’s already busy eating…























A Black Night Yong and a sweet potato queen Hyun (hiding behind his back)












MC Kim: It must be really embarrassing.












Y: Kawagoe~












H: Kawagoe~












H: Sweet potatoes~ What is it…?












What is it this time?























A sweet potato game












H: You fit there perfectly!












Y: What? Perfectly?!












Y: You should try, too.












H: Do you want me to take a picture of you? It really suits you.












Y: Your face should come out a bit more.












H: How do I look?












Y: You look perfect!












H: It’s really funny!












How are their sweet potatoes in a two-row-field doing?























Having a relaxed day for the first time in a while












MC Park: Casually walk around for the first time in a while…












Y: Grannies having sweet potato ice cream~












H: Nyah~












Y & H (to the elderly ladies): Hello~












(Such a polite couple~)












Y: What’s this?












H: A street of snacks?












Y: It’s moving!












Cute fish toys in display












Y: Look at me!












This time a sweet potato photo-zone!












H: You look good in there!












Y: Do I look like sweet potato?












H: Yes. One, two, three!












I became a sweet potato~























Again! In a sweet potato café…












MC Kim: Are they eating sweet potatoes all day?












(Sweet potato parfait)












NY: I want to eat potatoes!












SO: A persimmon for me, please.












Meanwhile…a couple in a sweet potato land.












Y: I’ll try first.












H: Hmm~












Y: It’s good, isn’t it?












Such a refreshing flavour!












H: It’s delicious, delicious~












Y: I fancy sweet things today~












Y: You have this (offering her a slice of sweet potato)












H: Me? Really?












Y: My arms shaking, quick!












(a slice of sweet potato)












Y: Is it good or not?












Y: You’ve just had a rare-tem (rare-item), only one in this dish.












His love for a wife conveys through a sweet potato rare-tem…?!












H: It’s good.












Y: Ah~ am I in heaven?












H: This is heaven, a sweet potato heaven!












Y: Go-chun? (goguma=sweet potato + chunkook=heaven)












(watching her, ties up her hair)












Y: You once said that you like my fringe down.












H: Yes, I did.












Y: Since then, I always keep it down.












H: Oh, really?












Y: Yes, why?












H: You look good.












Y: Really?












H: Yes.












Praise makes Yong dances












H: What about me? Do you like it tied up or loose?












Y: Loose.












Hyun wife is curious about her hubby’s taste












MC Park: Men like that style.












NY: Yes, don’t know why.












Y: I like…tied up then loosened.












H: So do you want me to untie it?












Y: No, No, w-w-what I mean was…












H: Then I’ll untie it.












If you want it, I’ll do it












H: Happy?












Y: Why… do you respond so instantly?












Y: What I meant was… like this (shaking his head side to side).












H: Hmm~












(having said that, embarrassed again)












Y: Tie your hair…you’ll get ice cream on your hair.












H: Ah~












Y: It’s all the same. To me, both the same.












H: Okay.












Y: Shall we leave?












H: Shall we?












Shall we go out….?












H: Where are we going?












Y: Where?












H: Yes.












Y: Some place nice.












H: Where? Be careful!












Y: You’ll see once we get there.












H: Hmm, let’s go anyway.












They are heading to the place as Yong hubby planned.












(backroom interview)












Y: In that temple, there’s bulletin boards everywhere.












What kind of bulletin boards(?)…












Y: I heard that that temple is famous for forming ties for couples. It’s really a meaningful place, so…












Finally arrived…!












Y: Yah~












H: Here?












Y: Yes.












The place where Yong wanted to come with his wife…?












H: Really?












Y: Yes.












Y: They’re wishing for their luck.












Wooden tablets fill the whole place…












H: Oh, you write your message here.












MC Kim: It’s like hanging a love lock in Namsan.












MC Park: AH~












H: What’s this? What is this one with a baby on it?












(married couples, friends, children) they write wishes for various relationships and ties…












H: Is it for wishing good health for a baby?












Decided to write their own tablets












Y: Here, each tablet has different uses and meanings.












H: Ah~ Which one should we choose?












Y: Which one you like?












H: I don’t like this one to start with…












(a tablet with a drawing of the car-a reminder of their driving tests)












Y: Why?












H: No, I’m joking.












For Hyun wife…












Y: This one (with a flower)!












The staff: That one….is for a married couple wishing for a healthy baby and an easy labour.












Y & H:…!












The staff: So... that’s that….












Y: Then, what about this one (with a horse)?












The staff: That one is for a good affinity, wishing that the current relationship grows and continues for a long time.












MC Park: An affinity!












The couple picked the tablet for a good affinity












(tucking up his sleeves)












Y: I’ll write first.












Y: Hyun….












H: Hehe..












What message Yong left for Hyun…












(eager to see her message)












H: Wait for a bit!












Y: Why are you keeping it secret?












H: It’s not a secret.












While the wife fills another half of the tablet…












(Don’t look)












Y: I’m not looking, not looking!












JW: What is she writing…?












H: Why? I’m going to show it to you later.












(Yong spots the front space empty!)












Y: Firmly, firmly.












H: Do it several times.












Yong’s message:












Hy~un! You’ll be a big hit in Japan, as your fortune said! I’ll support you always! While we’re apart, let’s both, fighting!












H: Your drawing is good.












Y: I’m a painter!












H: Well done.












Y: I’m a painter Jung.












H: Painter Jung!












Y: Yes.












Hyun’s message:












Yong~! Let’s cherish our memories together and let’s make even better ones! SDSN and CNBlue will soon make it all over world. Will always support you~!












Soon sun’s set…























Looking for their accommodation…












H: Wow, the moon is so bright!












Y: Yabai, Yabai (A Japanese expression when a person is impressed or surprised by something)












H: Yabai.












Y: This place just looks like Seoul, only the language is different.












H: Yes, I see.












It’s been a while since they walk together in the evening…












Y: Ah, is that it?












Y: Sakumaryokan!












H: Ah..!












They’re going to stay in a traditional Japanese Ryokan...












MC Park: It’s something like an inn in Korea.












The traditional Japanese ryokan!












SO: You see in Japanese comic book…!












H: Are we in the right place?












Y: Yes.












Y: It looks scary. Oww!!!












H: Why are you….!












Scared by an automatic door…























As soon as they’re in, the lady comes out to greet them.












Ladies: Welcome~












(The owner of the ryokan)












H: It looks like a kidney bean.












The owner: This way…












Y & H: Thank you.












Dignified atmosphere…!












MC Kim: Wow, it’s good!












MC Park: It looks really traditional, this ryokan.












A well groomed garden is in display…












Y: It’s like something you see in the movie.












H: Yes.












After the tour of the house…












Y: It’s an old building…












The owner: Let’s go to the room.












Y & H: Yes.












Seo Joo Hyun, Jung Yong Hwa












MC Park: Ah, Seo Joo Hyun, Jung Yong Hwa!












MC Kim: They usually put a piece of paper with your names written on it.












MCs: Ah~












Y: Is this room…? Daddaddan~












Y: There’ll be another room behind this door, right?












H: Yes.












Y: One, two, three-












Y & H: Oh~












Clean, traditional Japanese tatami (a straw-matted) room.























As they open the window…












MC Park: There’ll be a garden outside.












A small garden greets them…












NY: It’s so beautiful.












JW (in Japanese): Awesome~












Y: Just like in the movie.












H: I’ll say.












Y: Ah, you know that, that…












Y: In a martial art movie (?), there’s a boss (?) sitting here…












H: Yes!












Y: (in a low tone) ‘I see…’ Then (his subordinates) spread dalalalalala…. You know what I’m saying, no?












H: What’s tha…?!












Our Yong choding, saw ‘The Son of the General’ yesterday?












MC Park: Ah, ‘The Son of the General’!












Y: Always, just before the fight, they have a cup of tea.












(The last cup of tea)












Y: ….Chi, Paaat!!!! You know what I’m saying?












H: Yes.












Our proud Yong choding.












Y: I think I saw too many films.












H: I think so, too.












At this moment! The lady comes in like a movie












(‘Who are you…?!’)












Just came in to prepare your dinner…












Kaiseki: A traditional multi-course Japanese dinner












MC Park: It’s like a Korean multi-course meal (Han-jung-sik) in here.












JW: It sounds good.












(Yong bows too without realising)












Never received such cordial hospitability























Hyun buin becomes solemn, too












The course starts…!












(what’s this?)












MC Kim: Wow, it looks so appetising!












NY: Really it does!












MC Kim: Sushi!












The first course: sushi












Y: They're still coming! There’s no end!












Y: It’s a chestnut.












H: Really?












Both engrossed in food












MC Kim: They’re going to dip their heads in the food any minute.












And yet more to come…!












(suddenly it became a food show)












MC Kim: Deep fried prawns!












MC Park: Like, when we go to the sushi restaurant in Korea…Skidashi (?)…












MC Kim: Side dishes?












NY: Side dishes…!












A variety of side dishes…?












Y: I don’t know where to start.












Such a grand dinner that the table might break…!












H: I think it’s garlic.












Y: Hmm? It’s really good, try, quick!












H: Really?












H: Hmm~!












MC Park: I knew that she’d make that expression.












(imitating his wife)












JW: Hmm~!












Y: Hmm~! It’s good, right?












H: Yes.












Y: This one is tuna.












H: Oh, it’s most soft.












(H: taking a picture)












H: One, two, three-












(Y:instantly in a dica mode)












MC Park: Ah, they’re playing~












(Y: ‘Did you just call me?’)












Y: The concept for this picture is being spotted while eating covertly.












H: What’s this?












Y: Don’t try to maintain (your image), in front of your husband! (meaning, don’t try hard to look pretty, since there’re only two of them)












MC Kim: Well said!












H: Ah, you’re really weird!












Y: What’s weird?!!












But still can’t give up on looking pretty












Y: You look pretty~ the picture came out good~












(what is he doing…?)












H: What am I supposed to do? Am I going to be eaten?












(still trying)












Y: Just wait.












H: HaHa! So funny!












Trying to make a hotdog….












(keep the angle…)












Y: That’s it, that’s it! Let’s go, one, two, three!












(too far…)












MCs: Eh~!!












NY: It was too far!












Y: Nearly there!












Again…successful this time…?












JW: He said ‘nearly there’, but it was miles away!












Y: One, two, three!












MCs: Eh~!












MC Park: Why are we too disappointed?












MC Park: …It’s just a picture.












Even if it’s just a picture, the couple is so happy.












Y: I’m looking at you.












The lady comes in with desserts












Y: It’s dessert!












The owner of the ryokan came in too












The owner: Excuse me.












The owner: I’m sorry to interrupt you two, but my granddaughter is a big fan of you…












She came in for an autograph!












MC Kim: The Korean wave is really big!












(The Korean wave star, Yong-sama?)












MC Park: People recognise me even in Mongol~












JW: Really?












The first Korean wave generation, auntie Misun (MC Park’s first name)?












MC Park: Midal’s mother! (her character in a Korean drama, ‘Sunpung Obstetrics and Gynaecology’)












MCs: Hahahaha!!!












The dignity of the owner is forgotten for a while…












The owner: Thank you very much.












So the instant autography event(?) has ended…












MC Park: I’m proud of them.












MC Kim: Of course!



































Changed into comfortable clothes…












H: I’m so full~












Y: How come it’s so delicious?












H: I know~












8:30 pm, a bit too early to go to bed…












Y: I like food too much.












H: I know. I’m so full, won’t be able to sleep tonight.




































Y: We’re on a trip.












H: Yes.












Y: Since we’re on a trip… how about having a drink?












H: What?!












MC Park: Isn’t this the first time he suggests something like this?












H: Hmm…












MC Kim: But since they’re on a trip abroad….












H: Let’s go!












MC Park: Huh?!












SO: Huh?!












Yong: ..?! Y-Yes…












As usual, Hyun never gives no for an answer












MC Kim: Can she drink alcohol?












MC Park: No, she can’t.












JW: No.












H: Then we should go out. Where?












Y: Really? Shall we go then?












H: Let’s go~












So the couple has a drinking party(?) after the free day trip…












Y: I’m really going.












H: Haha! I’m going too.












Y: You’re following me.












H: Run forward~!!












Y: Run where?












SO: It’s really looks like the house of Jjangoo (the character of the Japanese comic book).












H: Left?












Y: Turn left?












H: Turn left!












Y: This place is similar to ours.












The excited couple on a night stroll












H: Oh~ Our town is slightly bigger.












Y: Walk this way.












H: Let’s walk on this side together.












Y: No, a man should walk outside.












A man should walk outside…!












MCs: Aww~












H: No, come this way! Quick!












The night air is fresh…












H: Oh, it’s really dark.
























(lonely night… dangling hands with no place to go)












(eventually folds across his arms)












Y: What would we do if there were no convenient shop?












Arrived in the convenient shop for a party!












H: Yea~












(excited, attacking the convenient shop?)












H: Haha!












(For hyun, non-alcoholic beverage)












Y: Non-alcohol…No-alcohol.












MC Park: Ah~












Agent Yong, attacking the convenient shop?












H: What are you doing?












SO: Ah, he’s really choding!












NY: It’s so childish!












I’m here~























Yong Choding












SO: On the opposite side of the aisle, gunning at each other…












(JW, SO Yong’s other choding friends)












Y: Oh, this really looks like a beer!












For Hyun non-alcoholic beverage












H: I’ve never seen something like this.












NY: It makes you feel as if you’re drunk.












NY: I used to drink that a lot when I go to karaoke room!












H: What’s that?












(a mini can of beer)












Y: You sleep well after drinking this. Isn’t it cute?












NY: It’s cute!












H: It’s cute but I can’t trust it.












Y: Why? This is a real beer.












(Hyun Kid full of curiosity)












H: Why is it so small? Does that mean it it’s high-proof?












Y: No, it’s just the size of the can.












(Yong guns his beer at Hyun and Hyun does the same)












H: Mine is bigger!












NY: She shouldn’t play with him, it’ll get only worse.












On the way back to the accommodation












MC Park: They look good together.












H: Hmm…












Y: Are you tired?












H: No!












H: Hmm…












MC Kim: Uh, her arm is….












JW: The atmosphere is…












MC Kim: Ohhhhh~~~ Yea~~~!!!
























The studio has gone wild with an unexpected Yongseo jackpot…!












NY: Oh, my god!












(Hyun links her arms with him, voluntarily!)












H: Let’s go.












Y: What’re you doing~?












(playing a cool city man)












MC Kim: Seo Hyun initiated it!












NY: I totally didn’t see it coming!












(By the way, what are you going to do with your arm…?)












JW: Look at Yong hwa’s arm!












SO: What should we do with him?!












MC Kim: He’s so stiff! His arm’s like 90 degrees! Like this, like this!












MC Park: He doesn’t know what to do with his arm!












H: Why there are no stars?












Y: Haven’t you heard that all the stars disappeared?












MC Kim: That’s not the way to link arms!












The moon light is so bright…












Y: Did you just see it sparkle?












H: Over there!












(but the arm is still frozen)












MC Kim: It’s not even a right angle, what is that?!












MC Park: Seo Hyun’s bolder than I thought.












H: It can see us from over there…












Y: Really? Can see us?












(Yong’s) Cheekbones….sparkling!












Y: That star still…lights us… Why does it keep looking at us?












MC Kim: Eyah~ you’re enjoying it!












(backroom interview)












PD: You looked so stiff…?












Y: Rather than linking arms like this (gesturing a stiff arm linking)… A man should…a man’s hand is in his pocket and a woman links her arms with his…












MC Park: What’re you talking about? You were the one who did… (a stiff arm folding)!












JW: Your arm was like…!












We saw it already~!












Y: Isn’t it cool?^^ Keukkeukkeuk… That’s a Busan guy style.












NY: Do Busan men link their arms like that (again, a stiff arm gesture)?!












MC Kim: He’s over the moon with such an unexpected gesture from Seo Hyun.












Y: There’s a rabbit, it’s pounding a mortar (In a Korean traditional story book, there’s a rabbit living in a moon with pestle and mortar)












MC Kim: He said he can see a rabbit pounding a mortar, he’s beginning to hallucinate!












H: It really looks like something’s over there.












Y: Of course there is (it-ji~)












Y: There is (it-ji=also ‘1’ in Japanese)~ Ni (2)












H: Aww!!












H: Si (4)!












Y: Go (5)!












H: Ryoku (6)!












Y: This is how you do it.












H: Hmm…












Ends with a not-so-funny joke…












SO: They look good with their arms linked together.












MC Park: Yes, they do. And Seo Hyun looks so pretty, especially.












Came back to the room












Today’s party, for Hyun, non-alcoholic beverage…!












H: I’m surprised, had no idea that there’s something like this in the world.












Y: Me, too. I’ve never seen something like that before.












For Yong, a mini can of beer!












H: Yes, me neither.












Y: Isn’t it cute?












H: If you just look at the size of the can, it feels like I should drink that one.












For the first time, the couple drinks together^^












Y: Do you want to try?












H: No-












H: Is it delicious?












Y: Yes.












H: Orange? Lemon?












Y: No~












What are we going to talk about…?
























Y: We’re on a trip, how about drinking tonight?












A simple drinking party in their first trip abroad together!Y: How many sweet potatoes have I got?












H: How many do I have?












Y: Open this, you'll see.












H: Only one?












What? Just one?












Y: Why are you so serious?












And Yong hubby’s brave skinship…?!












Y: Shall we do arm wrestling?












H: No~!












Y: Do you remember this?












After 22nd days, the 222 day-old Yongseo couple’s arm wrestling?












Y: Ah…..












H: Ah, really!












What’s going to happen in the night in Japan?





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Guest kimchi.hyun
































































































































j2dlee,MountainMadman thank you so much for the translations!
































































I'm totally rewatching this daebak episode for the xxxxth time !
































































thank you very much <3
































































































































YongSeo forever :wub:

































































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Guest ahn_annann







thank you so much for translation, j2dlee and MountainMadman





so happy from their sweet scene.. Thanks YongSeo !!





share my caps ..




















































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j2dlee have i told u lately that i love u! You are 1 DAEBAK goguma villager. Did you translate the whole episode while still in full makeup again? *huge bear hugs*






























































mountainmadman u are DAEBAK too! It'll be great if you both could join forces to do the Korean-English translations so it won't be so taxing on 1 person. I know how difficult & time consuming it can be & i fully empathise.
















In honour of all our DAEBAK positive goguma villagers :wub: , here are 2 DAEBAK links to repost in case anyone missed them:
















1. MCs DAEBAK reaction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW6Zeo7lde0 [Credit: jassmine818]
















2. Yuki & Judy's DAEBAK subbed preview:
























[Credit: yukiandjudy4]
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Guest uolam21

OMG!!! it's worth the wait... i was contemplating on sleeping 2 hours ago, but curiosity got the better of me...

i was losing hope a little, but guess who comes to wake me up from my sleepy mode?

j2dlee!!! you're our angel!!!!

a special thanks too to mountainmadman for the translation...

the goguma planet is a very happy planet!!! thanks to my fellow villagers and to the very generous people

who don't hesitate to give their time and effort to make us all happy... you know who you are!!!

now, i can sleep...

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Thanks mountainmadman for highlighting the funny parts and translate them =)) It is an honour to have you here to help us translate yongseo related articles. I have a life too, studying in uni now, I come in everyday but I only post when necessary.






j2dlee thanks for permanently being seohwa's translator for yongseo episodes. I could tell that you are proficient in English and Korean, you can call this a talent which can be a hobby too =))






Excerpt of Busan Fan Acc: 12 Oct - YongSeo couple ate seaweed roll! (Yes, in Busan)






lamb_bleats@twitter and tip from Caliope@soompi






if Yongseo is spotted at Busan on 12 October, could it be that they spent the night together again?











Oct 11 [WGM Filming] Driving a truck






Oct 13 SNSD @ Kiko Citizen Awareness Cultural Festival






credits to http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/calendar.html






Since October 11, Yongseo drove the truck to harvest their sweet potatoes, did they also proceed to Busan after their activity? Since it is just a rumour, it may or may not be true.






Anyway it is time to meet each others' parents too.



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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































OH I'm so lucky ^^ now 1:40 am ...I wake up and try to open this page again...really really really wish to read translation from j2dlee ^^ and I'm lucky...Thank you so much...after read all trans , I will back to bed and I will wake up early to sub it...Thank you j2dlee again and GOOD NIGHT ^^ to all

































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Guest glitterspark
















credits to GG thread@ soompi






i love how yong pulls his arm to himself due to shock, and seems like he's pulling hyun closer to him,






BUT at the same time, it feels like hyun is pulling him back/ doesn't wanna let him go~~


















hyun pulling yong nearer into the 'safe' side of the road... so cute, like a GF looking after her BF












OMG hyun looks so goregeous... and notice how close their faces are... i wonder whether yong's heart skipped a beat after looking upclose at his wife's beautiful face...












seriously is that the seohyun i know!?






she even looked with yong with those playful/ adorable sparkling eyes...






many people have been commenting on hyun's change since WGM, and even more after the japan episodes...






i guess the mildang thing + prolonged period of time where they didn't meet made hyun (love-crazed) even more sure of her feelings... not that i was complaining XD






and thanks for everyone who contributed in some way or another to this thread (hey, lurking adds to the user count!)...



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