Jump to content

Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts








Wow with all of the comments for this week episode, I'm so full of expectations and I know that I will spazz on them for a whole week lol..




I can't wait to watch it with subs...








One week without goguma couple brings me pain..




One week with goguma couple brings me greater pain because I have to wait another week for their new episode But the joy I felt when watching them is so much superior so that I can survive for another week for another episode!!





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aisou415: Me!! hahaha, and what about "you don't know how I feel"? we have to wait another week and see :sweatingbullets:.
















































Gogumas! Kamsa Hamnida for EVERYTHING!, I'm just too happy right now that I can't even remember everything I read but, you all are amazing!
















































Thanks hachimitsu and Redtulip for the translations, and thanks to the place where you found it ^_^.
















































Thank you all for pics, links, gifs, news, and everything! I'm so happy about worldwide trending in twitter cause we let know to the world their couple name! we just spread their love!
















































About what Crystal is saying about bang, right now, everything is possible for our couple, but When they did talk about it??? I wan't to know!!!
















































I was so happy that I even spazzed when I heard Seohyun saying "Sweete potato" she was so cute!!! 1:55
















































And of course we have a lot to spazz about but I think the translation is going to give us a mayor time enjoying this ep so I will wait.
















































But now there is something that is really bothering me :wub:. Why I just can't stop thinking about HOOT when I watch the part when they went  to get the beers??? That part is HOOT!!! hahaha...
















































And another thing, about Seobaby, Wow... I mean Wow! She agreed to have a beer with Yong? just like that? WOW, that is really REALLY something!. Since this EP I won't doubt again about Hyun's feelings, I swear!! She really trusts him! and I would dare to say, she really LIKES him a lot!!!....She is Seohyun, she barely drinks with her unnies, but she said YES to Yong!... WOW :wub:.
















































Until the translation, I have no more to say :P
















































Happy spazzing Gogumas!!!
































































































cr: Twitter's villagers ^^

















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Watching yukiandjudy's subbed preview over and over again, it seems that the one goguma point (which, i think, is represented by one wrapped goguma cookie) is actually Yong's goguma point FOR Hyun and not the other way around!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong: How many sweet potatoes do I have?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: How many do I have then?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong: Close your eyes. (and he shoved one wrapped cookie -or whatever that is - over the table towards Hyun)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: Only one?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong: (Grabbing Hyun's hand) Do you have to be that serious?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's either a goguma point for Hyun or they were playing a guessing game.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Arrghh...Can't wait to make things clear up!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to mountainmadman, redtulip, yukiandjudy, bettylovegogumas, to other uploaders, and to all kindhearted gogumas who shared parts of translations.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hello my gogumas family!!








I just feel want to celebrate today moments with my goguma sisters & brothers here! :D








YongSeo daebak!








The arm hug initiated by Hyun is shyly lovely!








And the clueless shocking reaction by Yong is purely epic!








The most sweetest ever that we manage to trend YongSeo till the 4th place!








Congratulations everyone... :wub:








I'm still in the cloud 9 world and this couple is slowly glowing and growing lovely each episode. I hope Yonghwa will get the meaning of go-green-light by dearest Seohyun. Maybe that's why he just naturally grabbed her wrist in the next epi :w00t:








Thanks for all the sweet goodies, from pictures till translation. I adore and appreciate each one of you here :wub:


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Guest Crystal392





jnj: I think it's against soompi rules to just post the number of people at the thread... but if you also add a comment about YongSeo, etc is ok. But I'm not sure xD








From http://twitpic.com/38jy2s:











~Yong and Hyun what are you doing?










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Guest bluekngiht_princess








IS THIS TRUE"???rEAL???..gaaaahhhh..


just saw this at the fb of yongseo...don't know if it has been posted here...please tell me if it's real!!!!waakkk



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crystal_malfoy :D hello. i'm loving all those pictures you are posting. especially the 1st one on the top of the this page :wub::wub::wub: it looks like she's sort of holding onto this wrist too.. can you imagine that little expose skin (from the jackets/sweater) sort of touching every time they took a step because it'll kind of sway back and forth... kahh! thanks for sharing :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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and bonus from yong's suithouse photo shoot. this is the stylist, i think. credits to chiari from the cn blue thread
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun and the snsd unnies's preview on chocolate--i wonder if they might mention yong...? ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD Chocolate Preview

































































































































Link to comment
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Guest MoonHeeTae





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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just saw this at the fb of yongseo...don't know if it has been posted here...please tell me if it's real!!!!waakkk































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh dear..it's just an arm wrestling..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for sure all the goguma here wish what u are
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thinking was real,but no..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































may on the future episodes, we will see that..kekekekek^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































fingres crossed..^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































not sure if this was posted yet or not, but here is a SUBBED preview by yukiandjudy :wub: thanks thanks to them so muchies :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YONGSEO preview

































































































































































































































































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Guest lunasol


crystal: That was funny!!! We know they were just wrestling but the screencap was taken from the perfect angle to help send us to fantasy land hahahaha.




I was re-watching the Preview and I think that when he grabbed her hand an said "Do you have to be that serious?", they may be not be talking about her Goguma points.




Notice that when he told her to close her eyes he threw a cookie in front of her, and her drink is on her left side. When its cut to the scene of him grabbing her hand she doesn't have anything at the front and her drink is distant on her right side.




They may still be talking about the Goguma point topic between them, but now I think it may be something else. What do you think?












panGG: Thanks for the 7-11 store gif!! I love his smile after he finished his stunt. He walked with the 'cool guy' attitude and looked back at her and smile as if saying "Did you see that? Did I impressed you?" LOL Boys will be boys hahahah


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panGG~!!! yay~!! finally, bumped into u! :Dur work must be tough on ya... i wish u all da best chingoo ^^ yahhh yong-bond is really funny huh! it would be cool if that scene has a bond's music as the background.

thanks crystal, blueknight for the that daebak pic! haha i was fooled at 1st! IF ONLY THEY DID.... ;) keekkeke

moonheetae, it's against soompi rule to quote pic :) pls edit ur post. thanks~!

wow... now i understand even better on their interactions outside WGM recently, esp in inkigayo... keekekekekekek xD i bet they could have more of these kinda cute skinship behind offscreen :w00t:

wokeh am very sleepy now... been rewatching those daebak scenes lotsa times already (esp hyun untying her hair, hyun's skinship attempt & also yong's agressive touch... yeah those scenes :wub: )

retiring to bed now....GOONITE GOGUMAS~!


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Share on other sites

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From the preview I think Hyun gives about 5 or 6 gogumas to Yong and she looks disappoint when Yong gives her only one goguma. Then he grasp her wrist and said "why do you so serious about this?". I think he's so cool this scene and would be better if follow with kiss...ah wild imagination again. :w00t:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest Caliope








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Excerpt of Busan Fan Acc: 12 Oct - YongSeo couple ate seaweed roll! (Yes, in Busan)





















Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I died again.... :wub::wub:





Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest maybelove
















































Rumor?! in twitter...
































Excerpt of Busan Fan Acc: 12 Oct - YongSeo couple ate seaweed roll! (Yes, in Busan)
































































Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I died again.... :wub::wub:































































YongSeo Couple ate Seaweed roll in Busan??? Hy~un went to Yo~ng hometown???!!?!?!? Jinjaaa??? :w00t:
































Someone please clarify this!!! :wub:
































EDIT: excl.gif OH NO! i topped the page without sharing anything!! i'm so sorry! tears.gif i'll find something to share~

















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Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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have a wonderful goguma day and night everyone!

































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest yslovelightys






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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AND THEN HYUN MET YONG'S PARENTS AGAIN (assuming she already met them during the concert)... biggrin.gif

































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































































































HAPPY 1400TH PAGE, GOGUMAS! w00t.gif
































































































































What an excellent day this is, eh? Daebak episode and 1400 page-iversary laugh.gif
































































































































Oh, and a Busan Episode rumor?! w00t.gif I LOVE THIS COUPLE!!!!
































































































































Here's are a few things to smile and chuckle at happy.gif
































































































































1. The YongSeo Effect
































































































































































































































































2.This is love.
































































































































































































































































3. Never let me go. 
































































































































































































































































Yay smile.gif

































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest Caliope

Repost in this page...

Excerpt of Busan Fan Acc: 12 Oct - YongSeo couple ate seaweed roll! (Yes, in Busan)


The rumor says that the 12th October, they went to eat seaweed roll.

There is nothing about meeting the parents... but who knows :w00t:

Link to comment
Share on other sites

This topic is now closed to further replies.
  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..