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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest k.rivera19












I thought this sort of sounds like uri yongseo couple... maybe but i really like this song ...and Jokwon sang it at mnet before ... i thought his version was nice too ...








Slow motion by Karina








[Verse 1:]








I Know That You've Been Calling Me,








And I'm happy that we met.








Don't think that I'm not interested.








I'm just playing hard to get
















So much about this crazy game they call love








That I'm trying to understand,








So could you be my best friend,








Before you call yourself my man
















Why can't I love you in slow motion,








Take my time,








Take away the pressure on my mind








Really get to know you








But rewind








Wanna love you in slow motion








Why can't I?








[Verse 2:]








You seem to know just what you want








And I like your confidence








Some things a girl should never rush








Cause If you do you hurt yourself
















So much about this crazy game they call love








I'm still trying to understand,








So could you be my best friend,








Before you call yourself my man
















Why can't I love you in slow motion,








Take my time,








Take away the pressure on my mind








Really get to know you








But rewind








Wanna love you in slow motion








Why can't I
















I'm too young for tears in the night








And it's to soon for this to be right








Don't wanna mess with your pride








The questions not when but why
















Why can't I love you in slow motion,








Take my time,








Take away the pressure on my mind








Really get to know you








But rewind








I Wanna love you in slow motion








Why can't... I



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Guest lunasol

After all their hard work, she is giving him a 1 week vacation package to stay at the Indigo Pearl Hotel (Thailand) just for the two of them. The hotel is a 5-star hotel, because she wants nothing but the best for them. 

The package includes:

A beautiful stay in the PRIVATE POOL PAVILION. This may not be the biggest room of the hotel, but its private pool will insure that no one bothers them in their special peaceful moment together. Here they are Yong and Hyun, not the celebrities, so this room is perfect for keeping their privacy.


Also the package includes a couple massage with a relaxing view.


When they decide to go out of their private little nest, they can walk together and enjoy the beautiful landscape and outside pools.



Besides, Hyun's feels that there is no better hotel to make her husband feel at home. Just look at the name Indigo (Blue) Pearl biggrin.gif, so the hotel's theme color is blue. As the leader of CNBLUE this hotel is just perfect for him.




In addition, the hotel offers a variety of recreational activities, such as bird watching, bush walking, diving, sightseeing, snorkeling, water sports, etc. Even fishing! Maybe others may not see what can be romantic about fishing, but Hyun knows that every time they see a fisherman they think about their special unforgettable romantic moment. In this hotel they can reminiscence their birthday fishing. Who knows? Maybe this time they will catch a fish, not just their hearts like the last time they did. In addition, the hotel is even close to art/cultural venues, so Yong can take her out during the night on real dates without cameras.


LOL We can still dream, right?  wub.gif biggrin.gifhahahhaha

EDIT: Now seriously... from what I found this is a luxurious hotel and they tend to have stores with high-end clothes, jewelry, etc. Even their gift shops may have a variety of things not just keychains, etc. I couldn't find what stores does the hotel have, so her gift in the hotel box may be from a fancy watch to a ceramic figurine. 

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Guest _d3seohyun

This scene made my heart go Degeun Degeun like crazy <3

One of my faves from episode 30 :wub:









reposting a cap from inki originally posted by crystal_malfoy, credit: dc.

I didn't need to read those bts stories to fall in love with this cap.

Non-believers and antis can say otherwise, but this speaks volume to me :wub:



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Guest inyeon.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Man, I've been sooo busy with school work that I haven't had time to watch from episode 21 onwards!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So I have a favor to ask you guys T_T can someone provide me with links of episodes 22 to whatever episode its on right now? IM SO GOGUMA DEPRIVED! I finally have some free time today, so I would REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate it. ):< Please guys, I've been looking for a long time and I barely found episode 21.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks in advance, we need to share some seohwa love yo!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































actually nevermind, I guess I wasnnt looking hard enough T_T what a fail, haha! sorry guys, carry on.

































































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Guest ninyaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































rdrsubs.org has streaming and download links for the episodes.
































































































































































































































































































































































i just woke up and immediately checked this thread for updates. so far, no fancams from inkigayo. i'm really excited to watch those. thanks to everyone who posted caps and shared their opinions regarding the yongseo couple <3 it's nice to wake up to some intelligent posts here on the thread. 

















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Guest raia1303




Hello to all!




i don't know if this has been mentioned but, on the inkigayo interview, 0:02-0:03 when yong, sulli and jokwon were singing a part of gee to introduce SNSD, seohyun and yong were able to look at each other, as they were singing the part of Gee.




also, on the latest WGM ep., when yong and hyun met after the concert at CN Blue's dressing room, when hyun was about to say that she thinks she got closer to her brother-in-laws, did anyone notice yong's "fluttering eyes"? hahaha laugh.gif and how all the MCs reacted afterwards! haha. Yong was so cute!



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Guest SophiaPia


ok, i'll join :) maybe either no. 1 watch or no. 2  some kind of gadget :)

Thank God we will have wgm this sat. And after that we will have YongSeo 4th Dec :( i'm gonna miss YongSeo. I hope we can get other news either in music show or tweet just in case YongSeo film wgm while mbc having asian sports. But still it's too long not to have YongSeo :(

Thanks to all who shared every thing about our YongSeo couple. YongSeo couple Daebak. Cheers

I think to lighten things up we shd hv a vote on what is in the box that Hyun is giving to Yong. We have not done so right?

My suggestion are as follows. Please VOTE:

1) A watch

2) A MP4 or other electronic gadget

3) Some kind of tonic food

4) A combination of things

5) Others: please fill in the blank_______________

I would love it to be a watch, but I think it could be a headphone? :D

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Guest crystalblue


Hello Goguma Villagers! So I was and still am- so darn curious about the content of that blue square thump sound box that I went back to re-watch the Ueno Juri episode again to see if I can figure out if Yong's wearing something that could have been Hyun's gift to him since they filmed that episode just a few days after the 200 day episode. Well, maybe it was that ginormous watch but nope- can't figure it out. HOWEVER! now that I've seen what happen prior to this episode, watching it again took on a whole new meaning for me!!!! Now, Hyun's little reactions have different meanings- she definitely was more "invested" in her feelings for him. When they were in the restaurant and the under cover Ueno asked him if they were a couple, he looked at her strangely and then pointed to Hyun and said "my wife" and totally with all of his intentions, paid full attention to his wife and even tried to feed her. I read this now as an act of showing Hyun his loyalty and unwavering pledge to be hers and hers only. Yahhhhhh!!! Spazzed out all right!!! Then the whole "I'm not jealous like someone" thing Hyun said to Yong at their house after Ueno left now also means more to me. It tells me that maybe behind WGM scenes, he has shown even more jealousy about the Trax wedding dress/goddess video shoots or the hand holding with Kyuhyun. I HIGHLY recommend everyone go back and rewatch episodes 23 to 1st part of 24. You'll find new things to spazz about!!!!! I'm looking forward to reading about what you will pick up!!! :wub:


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Kerube - Oh I am so amazed that somebody managed to read the words on the side of the box! :w00t: They either have very sharp eyes or were watching WGM with really high def. The name Indigo-Pearl itself sounds so cool. Yes the box looks really heavy, I did entertain the thought that it would contain some glass thing too.

Now it get me all the more curious whats in the box. Maybe she made a glass something with n engraving of Yong's name. I just cant help but get this feeling that every time Yong give her something (land cum necklace) she just unintentionally out do him (song + ring). We shall see... ;)

And this is between Revelmonk and me:

yes, you a right that the sun sign doesnt 100% tell about a person, because the other planets base on the birth time has to be taken into account. Thats whey I brought up their moon signs. I dont think Yong and Hyun are prone to be moody cancerians, they look like the positive types to me.

:) In all sun signs, there are the optimistic,outgoing ones and the negative,indoor types. :)


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something i made because i'm lagging in writing my caps. lol.
































































and because i want yongseo in a photoshoot NOW.
































































i'm praying for a wedding shoot!
































































but now, i am just good with anything. hahaha.
































































hope you guys like it. just something small, really.
































































































































here is the original

















































































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*waves at everyone* xD

oh ya, panGG dearie!!!! i missed u!!! i'm spazzing with ya! althought i didn't catch u, but yahh let's have our imaginary spazzing! kakaakak sorry i can be pretty wacko at times! xD

qwenli, ur spoiler just got me hooked~! like u, i also think that yong is the type of person who's pretty showy/show-off LOL i dunno how to call that kinda person. strangely, to see him showing off, i don't feel any dislike at all! maybe it's 'cause of the yongseo effect or he's just likable LOL! anyways, getting back to the point. we all know that yong is the jealous type of guy. have u ever thought that he's showing his ring off just to let the other rivals know that hyun belongs to him for now? uhhh i know most of my posts seem to say that they're in a relationship or almost there. i'm sorry for not being very analytical but from my standpoint, who in their right mind would still be ACTING lovey dovey after knowing & being with each other in WGM for over 8 months!? after watching their latest ep, like what goguma1207 mentioned, that was another turning point for the both of them. only at that moment, hyun knew that yong actually likes her & i'm sure yong confirmed his intuition about hyun right there also. i know some of u guys are still being analytical about yongseo, but why do we need to see if hyun's giving much or not? WHAT'S THE POINT OF IT? i dunno, but from UJ ep, hyun is reciprocating yong already. actually she's been giving ever since she started WGM. it's just that she's SLOW. and i don't really get how come some of u don't feel the spark in inkigayo & would rather dismiss their actions in it? i think that's an even better platform to analyze yongseo 'cause it's not WGM. and to know from fan accounts (although some may not be true but not all aren't true, right?) & also to see for ourselves in the vids... it's sooo obvious that they do have something! just look at their gestures when hyun was doing the HOOT thingy & when yong was "showing off his ring", hyun followed suit. and u wanna tell me that there's nothing to that??? ack! qwenli, i'm so sorry if some aren't relevant to ur post! got carried away! -.-" in any way, that's me... i'm a simple person. :)

wanna spazz for other things, but my lunchbreak is over & i'm not setting a good example to my junior here LOL xD

wokeh...cya guys later~ :ph34r:

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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















so is news about the cancellation of WGM already confirmed?? we have to wait for a very long time if it's really 3 weeks!




anyway, I just want to post the picture of seohyun in 101101 SUKIRA Radio, when the girls sang forever and guess what..........












I don't know has the pic has been shared or not.......








this is the full clip 101101 sukira snsd - forever




I guess my addiction to yongseo couple has a very great effect to my life....... :wub::wub:





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Guest moniertu

I think to lighten things up we shd hv a vote on what is in the box that Hyun is giving to Yong. We have not done so right?

My suggestion are as follows. Please VOTE:

1) A watch

2) A MP4 or other electronic gadget

3) Some kind of tonic food

4) A combination of things

5) Others: please fill in the blank_______________

I would love it to be a watch, but I think it could be a headphone? :D

Would love to join the fun!!  My guess is:

1) A crystal ball in the shape of an APPLE with their photo ingrained.  Why?  Because both love apples, they're each other's "Apple of my eye", and apple pronounced as "sagwa" also means "sorry" 


2) A STAR shaped object; since Yong loves star-shaped accessories, they are each other's starlight, both have big dreams to reach the stars, and they are both superstars to their fans


3) Something handmade, like their note/letter/card written promises/pledges engraved or carved in stone

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Guest lovekin




*waves at everyone* xD




oh ya, panGG dearie!!!! i missed u!!! i'm spazzing with ya! althought i didn't catch u, but yahh let's have our imaginary spazzing! kakaakak sorry i can be pretty wacko at times! xD




qwenli, ur spoiler just got me hooked~! like u, i also think that yong is the type of person who's pretty showy/show-off LOL i dunno how to call that kinda person. strangely, to see him showing off, i don't feel any dislike at all! maybe it's 'cause of the yongseo effect or he's just likable LOL! anyways, getting back to the point. we all know that yong is the jealous type of guy. have u ever thought that he's showing his ring off just to let the other rivals know that hyun belongs to him for now? uhhh i know most of my posts seem to say that they're in a relationship or almost there. i'm sorry for not being very analytical but from my standpoint, who in their right mind would still be ACTING lovey dovey after knowing & being with each other in WGM for over 8 months!? after watching their latest ep, like what goguma1207 mentioned, that was another turning point for the both of them. only at that moment, hyun knew that yong actually likes her & i'm sure yong confirmed his intuition about hyun right there also. i know some of u guys are still being analytical about yongseo, but why do we need to see if hyun's giving much or not? WHAT'S THE POINT OF IT? i dunno, but from UJ ep, hyun is reciprocating yong already. actually she's been giving ever since she started WGM. it's just that she's SLOW. and i don't really get how come some of u don't feel the spark in inkigayo & would rather dismiss their actions in it? i think that's an even better platform to analyze yongseo 'cause it's not WGM. and to know from fan accounts (although some may not be true but not all aren't true, right?) & also to see for ourselves in the vids... it's sooo obvious that they do have something! just look at their gestures when hyun was doing the HOOT thingy & when yong was "showing off his ring", hyun followed suit. and u wanna tell me that there's nothing to that??? ack! qwenli, i'm so sorry if some aren't relevant to ur post! got carried away! -.-" in any way, that's me... i'm a simple person. :)










i know this wasn't directed at me, but i felt like i needed to point a few things out because some of us started the points you brought up.






i feel like i need to correct you.  the issue was never about seo not giving or not giving enough; the point was that her reciprocation was lacking, and that doesn't always mean things of material value.  we've already established that seo is slow, and none of the analyses thus far have criticized her for it (or at least none that i have written); it is, after all, a part of her nature.  the problem we – or i – wanted to address was that yong is constantly working in this relationship, and seo – in the context of this invisible barrier that exists between them – is rather passive, though she has improved over time.




inki is not the best platform to search for proof because of what little is seen.  i don't know about the others, but i can't seem to flail like many of the gogumas when it comes to the BTS accounts that have been shared.  why?  because it's still hearsay.  i'd be more comfortable if the footage was released so i can see it from my own eyes and form my own opinions.  and the picture where seo and yong are looking at each other ... no offense to the gogumas who believe that they're looking at each other, but at that distance?  it's an assumption that they're looking at each other, not a fact.  mind you, depth perception in a 2d image is also an issue when it comes to images.




am i discounting the possibility that they were looking at each other?  not at all!  but it confuses the heck out of me that people can say it so factually.






also, no one said they had to be acting lovey dovey, and it's a bit unsettling that people are starting to take things out of context or saying things that were never really said in the first place.  it's natural for couples to have their ups and downs – and yongseo definitely has more of it than the others – but there's also the idea of meeting halfway.  to some of us, we feel like yong is doing much of the leg work in certain areas than seo.  yes, she's slow and that part is understandable, but i repeat:  relationships of any kind are two-way streets.  if someone has placed their trust in you and has given you numerous reasons to trust them, it's kind of counterproductive not to work with them.




i'm not demonizing seo in any way, either.  there's nothing bad i have to say about her as a person.  yong and seo are their own persons, but when i start being critical, i'm looking at it from a strictly male vs. female standpoint.  there's a difference between looking at two people as individuals and looking at them from a gender standpoint.  also note that i tend to use "seem" a lot, which is a huge keyword in everything i've said thus far.




i apologize if i sound short with you, but i actually took slight offense at the tone your post seemed to have.  it sounded a little too defensive at posts that were only made to incite discussion.  if that wasn't your intention, then i'm doubly sorry.  i know that words take on different tones, especially in the virtual world, but i have to admit that i was a little put-off with the caps and ?!, which i interpret as provocation.







on a completely different note, i was re-watching ep. 30 (this time by the RDR team), and i have to say that i really liked it.  i never really gave my opinion on it because i wasn't sure on how to take it, and then i got side-tracked with all the analytical posts, but yong and seo seemed to have gradually worked over their issues during the café scene without actually meaning to.  yong has started to seem more playful – like we're seeing more of the personality we're used to, but there's still just a little tension that may be fixed when seo has admitted to knowing things yong expected.  i sincerely hope it's the last part of this "push-pull" arc because it's actually quite tiring, despite the fact it gave us some insight into how the both of them deal with couple-like issues, and also because i don't want to have to wait two weeks to see this resolved~


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Guest slylychee

Response to Lovekin

EDIT ""I think it finally occurred to him that it's unfair for him to always be the giver. Hence, the "push-pull" game." - i like this.  correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm almost positive that it was never stated this was his reason."

No, I don't believe he stated that was the reason. He just said that he felt like there were still walls between them. What I was referring to specifically was when he stated that he felt like they needed a turning point. I pretty sure he said that in the dark room interview.

"i'm somewhat curious now what you mean with the anbi couple.  i'm only in the process of watching the ssangchu couple (and i wanted to laughingly point out how i thought hyunjoong is essentially yong and seo in one person, which explains his 4d personality, haha), and i think they're the only ones i'm interested in.  but back to anbi, what examples were there that indicated they were starting to view the show as their job instead of an opportunity to get close to one another?  it's a bit weird because i know a lot of people here seemed to love their relationship.  it'd be nice to have some frame of reference for our yongseo couple."

Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the anbi couple. They were the ones who first attracted me to WGM and I still go back to rewatch their segments sometimes. While I do think that Solbi pushed skinship a little too quickly for the sake of the show, they both really tried to work towards closeness and mutual understanding in the beginning. In fact, I think the heads first dive in to active skinship may have helped to bring them closer. However, after the "lost couple ring incident" I really felt like a wall came up between the two of them. It was the first time Andy put himself out there in response to Solbi's proactiveness by offering a couple ring (he started the trend hehe). She kinda threw it back in his face by not taking care of it. We as viewers can't really be sure what happened to Solbi's ring, but I get the feeling they never really recovered. They tried to act close in the following episodes (vacation, meeting parents), but it became obvious that Andy was frustrated/resentful and Solbi became something of a loose cannon (drunkenness at the farm). 

SORRY for the non-yongseo tangent. I just wanted to clarify for Lovekin. Plus that anbi incident has been bugging me since forever as well. =)

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Hello villagers!
















It's me again, as promised, I'll post here if I'll have an update.keukeu.. sweatingbullets.gif Quiet ashamed of doing this over and over again but I want to at least contribute and share something in this thread. :unsure: and Boy am I glad that posting something like this is not breaking some rule phew.gif
















so here it is: The Auction
















Now back to lurking mode :ph34r:









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Guest slylychee


Sharp-eyed fans at Baidu noticed a very interesting picure in the handmade notebook YongHwa gave to SeoHyun in Episode 30. This scene appeared for just a split second, but it was enough to show that SeoHyun did indeed attend CNBLUE’s first concert on July 31st.

There was a news report that mentioned her being there; but with the recent ‘mildang’ episode, confusing time jumps on WGM and lack of fan accounts there was some doubt to how true this was.

SNSD’s Seohyun caught the people’s eyes by attending her husband Jung Yonghwa’s concert. The two are appearing on MBC’s ‘We Got Married Season 2′ as an imaginary couple.

Seohyun watched C.N Blue’s solo concert held on the 31st in Seoul Ax-Korea. She seated herself on the second story with her party around 10 minutes after the concert began. She wasn’t noticed by the fans as the area was darkened due to the concert.

During the concert, Seohyun smiled at the members’ comments, stood up and applauded, and overall enjoyed the concert along with the fans. Expecting a crowd after the concert ends, Seohyun left before the ending song.

On a side note, Seohyun and Jung Yonghwa are gaining popularity through ‘We Got Married’ with their fresh new image. They are also called ‘YongSeo couple’, and calls each other ‘Hyun’ and ‘Yong’.

It’s nice to know then that SeoHyun was indeed there to support her Yong-nampyeon and his band. Hope we get to see Yong at an SNSD concert one of these days too

According to one news report, Seohyun did attend CN Blue’s concert in Seoul. One of Yonghwa’s older brother’s friends did write on twitter that Yonghwa’s older brother got to meet Seohyun backstage. One of the WGM staff also wrote on twitter that indicate WGM filming backstage. 

They didn’t film WGM during the concert. Some of fan spoilers did mention something about Seohyun meeting Yonghwa’s parents and older brother backstage, but, however, it is not a confirmed spoiler.

Credit: smtownjjang

First time I heard about this, so I thought I'd share. Was this already posted here? If yes, I'll delete it. 

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Cute Seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































Sukira translations~
































































































































































































































































































































































credits to KissMez @ twitter (:
































































































































































































































































































































































Eunhyuk: Also the last time you guys were here all together, Lee Teuk took very good care of maknae Seohyun. Everyone is pretty, but who do you think is the prettiest.
































































































































































































































































































































































Lee Teuk: All 9 girls are very pretty for this album.
































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD: Ayyyy~~~
































































































































































































































































































































































Eun Hyuk: then in your opinion, who do you fits this concept the best?
































































































































































































































































































































































Hyoyeon: Sooyoung! Her hair looks very good on her.
































































































































































































































































































































































Yoona: We tease her saying that she looks like CN Blue Jung Shin.
































































































































































































































































































































































Tiffany: I told her that if she doesn't put on a hairband, she looks just like him so I tell her to wear it all the time.
































































































































































































































































































































































EunHyuk: oh they do kind of look alike.
































































































































































































































































































































































suddenly i remember eps 17 when they both failed at license test
































































































































































































































































































































































jungshin and hyo came and seohyun said that she think hyo hyeon came with soo young unnie :lol:

































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lovekin~! i think we seem to have some kinda misunderstanding here :unsure: i'm sorry if i've offended u but for ur info, i've no intention of doing that in the 1st place. >.< actually, i intended my post to be in general. i wanted to reply to qwenli's post regarding yonghwa showing off his ring but somehow i got carried away remembering some other posts -.-" so yahhh my mistake to trail off which only led to misunderstanding. and maybe i might have misunderstood some of urs & others' posts? 'cause from what i gather from u guys' posts... the general gist of it, it's something like yong is giving more than hyun & that there need to be a balance in the relationship & that inkigayo isn't the best platform... i guess, u guys must be very much in detail to the point that my brain has prolly gone haywire after reading them LOL! now i know why... u guys are in the psych's department! so pls pardon my ignorance. we may not have the same opinion or i may not be able to catch what u guys are talking about 'cause it's soo deep. but know that i always respect ur POVs. at times, i just wanna add my views on some stuffs u guys mentioned :D and the !? was more of an excited expression. i'm sorry if it came off pretty offensive :( anyways, i'll bear in mind what u've explained :)

oh, but i still don't get why u can't see it in inki and why do u think inki isn't the best platform. ok, it may not be the best place to detect much about yongseo's progress in inki but at least it's outside WGM. i would think anything yongseo-related that's outside WGM speaks a lot. although, we can still see their sincerity in WGM, but still... it's a show. umm i dunno how to put these in better sentences so pls don't get offended... i'm just wondering here. thus far, what have convinced u to believe in yongseo? issit from their WGM eps or interviews or etc? 'cause i'm convinced by yongseo thru' WGM eps, interviews, music shows & etc...altogether. wokeh, that's all from me. before i go... hugs to u! :D

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