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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lovekin


oh my goodness!  so many people i want to reply to.  sometimes i wish i didn't live in a different time zone because i keep falling behind.  but anyway, the following is directed to chedda31, anne0129, scatterbrain, blueswim_boo, mrsjoker, bluekngiht_princess, dreamyboo, and goguma1207!  i tried to address some of the points you all mentioned into one essay, but i don't always directly address what post i'm responding came from which person because i'm so discombobulated.  it happens when all the posts are on different pages.  wacko.gif  also, i tried to include others' responses that i found interesting, but there was just so many!  sorry if i forgot you~




anyway, settle down with a cup of hot chocolate or coffee my petit gogumas because this is a long one!






first of all, i have to respectfully disagree with the idea that we shouldn't analyze yong and seo's relationship.  by doing so, we open discussion to a broad range of topics that invites a broad audience to participate.  i certainly agree that there are aspects of life that can never fully be explained, but it's a waste to just let it go by without trying to decipher it.  true, yong and seo will be the only ones to ever know the depth of their relationship, but i feel it's a little off-putting to suggest we not rationalize it.




these analyses may not be for everyone, and i certainly don't want to interfere with those who want to continue to remain in the clouds, so to speak, but we're not forcing anyone to read viewpoints they may be uncomfortable reading either.  personally, i am content with their current relationship and i can definitely indulge in the present instead of focusing on the smaller details of their relationship, but where's the fun in that?  :P




the great thing about relationships – especially like one as unbalanced and unpredictable as our yongseo couple – is that many people can identify with it.  for me, ignoring certain aspects about a relationship just to be content with what we're given seems unrealistic to me.  but again, to each their own!




when yong and seo first started out, i did think their relationship was rather awkward.  in fact, i do recall fast-forwarding a lot.  my first impression that i got from yong is that he probably felt extremely curious of her and stunned by her, like seo was some kind of alien.  not just any alien, but one of the nation's most beloved idols with doe-eyes and a blank slate in regards to relationships, so he felt like he needed to walk on eggshells around her and not to be a bad influence with her.  i honestly felt that in those first stages, he wanted to live up to his potential and be that sort of person she could look up.  i didn't feel like he was in it because he felt some affection towards her; rather, he felt responsibility towards her.




with seo, she came across exactly how she came across.  awkward and uncomfortable, but willing to learn.  she had an unorthodox way of trying to get to know him (writing down questions in her journal, etc.), but the fact is that she went into WGM to learn about marriage/relationships and not necessarily having any expectations beyond research.  that's just the kind of person she is.




as you all know, put two attractive people together, consistently bombard them with the idea that they're "married" and have them do activities together that allows them to get to know each other better, and it'll result in genuine attraction.  that attraction is the X variable because we, as outsiders, will never know the extent of it.  so far, what we perceive in BTS footage will never compare to how they feel in that moment.  what we may consider as spazz-worthy is probably still a point of awkwardness they're trudging through.  many of the fan accounts that are shared with us are only hearsay; people will undoubtedly see/hear what they want to.




obviously, as time passed and they got to know each other better, and we got to know them better as individuals and how yong and seo interacted.  the thing with yong is that he tries.  it's probably exactly how he would treat his future girlfriend, and that was always his attraction point.  the fact he went above and beyond for her and adjusting his needs to fit with her comfort was always noticeable.  so it was equally noticeable when he started pulling back starting at ep. 27.




many point out that his pulling back is a result of his "mildang" ploy, but here's the thing:  when you set a plan like that in motion – one where the intention is to get the other person to miss you – it's a direct reflection of your subconscious.  you can't fake that, as hard as you might try.  we already know yong wants to feel like seo is comfortable with him, and when we see that he intentionally started the "mildang" game to see results, it's extremely telling that it affects him.  so for me, i think his exhaustion with her exists.




someone else mentioned that he wrote in seo's journal guide that he never wants her to change, and i'm not arguing that.  i think he is content with the seo's personality, and that he's adjusted to it.  however, that's yong being yong; yong as a MAN, on the other hand, is something else people need to consider.  and someone else mentioned that if he didn't feel close to her or didn't like her, then he wouldn't have said in his japanese interview that seo is his ideal type now.




personally, i take those interviews with a grain of salt.  this also goes for those events where he showed off his ring.  i remember a point in time where we were bombarded with yong being very showy with his ring, and this goes hand-in-hand with what i'm about to say with the japanese interview.  the majority of people may not like what i have to say, but i actually dislike it when he does that.




the more showy he feels he has to be, or the more he has to convince others that seo is his ideal type, i always get the feeling he does it for the fans rather than considering his own feeling.  i'm NOT saying that it isn't cute when he does or that he's not being genuine – it's definitely a possibility and also vice versa – but i always get this gut feeling that it isn't from the heart.  bear in mind what i said earlier, however!  we will never know the extent of their relationship.  his interviews, etc. could simply be fanservice, but we'll never know how he feels beyond those interviews, if he's trying to remain secretive about his true feelings but offering lip service to the masses.




i don't know if that makes sense to anyone, but hopefully you get the general gist of it.




as for seo ... i almost feel sorry for her in a way.  seo is the way she is, and she's gradually getting better with the concept of couples.  she knows how to tease yong and she's naturally cute at what she does.  but someone else brought up a good point that she doesn't seem to have much self-awareness, which could be a direct contribution to their current [perceived] awkwardness and how yong doesn't seem confident in her feelings.




this is why, as critical and observant as i am currently, i honestly can't say much beyond that.  that's always the problem with botched up timelines.  maybe when the japan episode is released, i'll contradict myself completely, but that's the thing.  until that time comes, it's really difficult not to see that there is this tension between yong and seo that's hard to break down.  or maybe it'll be broken down in the next episode.




that's the great thing about yongseo:  we'll never know.  yong and seo as individuals are really complex – as are all people.  all of us are capable of deceit and manipulation, moreso for idols who are constantly under public scrutiny, and this is why i like to keep my distance and keep myself grounded.  i might spazz on occasion to dwell in the moment, but you bet i'm keeping notes while i'm doing so.





THANK YOU to everyone who had opinions to share, whether they were similar or different.  this is the kind of thing i enjoy.  obviously, i have a tendency to respond to like-minded people or elaborate on my perspective, but for those of you who are undeterred and are constantly fighting for the positive side of yongseo, i do listen to that and i take it in for future consideration.  it's a frequent thing where, after i post something of mine, someone else will post news or general information about yongseo that changes my mind completely, albeit temporarily.




this is what i like about this thread.  and again, some people don't seem to want their ideals of yongseo to be disturbed, and i don't want to ruin that for you.  you're welcome to your own opinions as am i, but all the better if we can employ the "fish bowl" method by laying it out all on the table and talking about it.




<3 for everyone!  truly, truly, truly!  wub.gif



(aigoo, i don't know why soompi sometimes bolds things under my spoiler cut.  blah.  formatting is a pet peeve of mine, so i had to mention it.  laugh.gif)




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Hi fellow gogumas~


been a while since I last posted :]


I am so glad to have read analytical and logical posts of people like lovekin, heartbreak and th. I am actually one of those people who believe in "ignorance is bliss." I only hear what I want to, which has its own benefits and downside as well. But I am grateful to those who bring me down a bit and let me think in the rational side of the story instead of focusing on my fairytale lalaland~


By the way, isn't it better to analyze YongSeo's interactions and gestures? That is the main reason I go online and come to this thread, and I am sure that many of you are like that as well. Besides, most of the "over-analyzed" posts are hidden under a spoiler anyway, together with a warning that it is an unbiased and a rational analysis. Without those posts, this thread would be as boring as watching the clock tick away.


Regarding the past three episodes, to be honest with you all, I actually had a hard time uplifting myself to watch each subbed episode until I got to the third one. I always watch the raws to prepare myself from what heartaches or squeal worthy things that I should take note of. However, even with my lack of knowledge with the Korean language, I can actually comprehend and empathize with what is going on.


Although there were many moments that made you go "aaaaaaaaaaawwwww," it was still a bit hard for me to see Hyun's hurt expression on the 28th ep and Yong's apathetic, tired look on the 29th ep. He was probably tired from the tours or concerts (I am basing this with his new hairstyle and color). For the first time, I really felt Yong's words. He was getting tired... I am not exactly sure if he was tired with the mildang, or Hyun. It was such an ambiguous answer that right now, it left me hanging.


Their gestures and aegyos toward each other though, on the 30th ep was so genuine and can be considered loving as well, it still did not fully convince me that they will be able to progress even more. Again, I am referencing this with Yong's behavior in the back room interview. Then again, he may have been exhausted with the days work at that time he was interviewed. I really hope the Japanese episode will be able to pull me completely back to them. I still have faith <3


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Guest Crystal392

*More screencaps from Inki, since this are big and includes the other 2 MCs and SNSD girls I put them on thumbnail size, if you want to see them bigger just click on them ;)



Yong~ looked so handsome and Hyun~ so pretty ^_^

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Guest CheriMerci








Hi! All



I would like to share some pics of YongSeo in Japanese Magazine. Our YongSeo (Love) is all around. :wub:



And I'm so thankful for Goguma lovers who translate these for me. Thank you in advance. :)







source > http://blog.daum.net/yurerukaze/90



Cr : klaritia@CNBLUE Soompi













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Guest slylychee

 Wow! I'm glad my tiny post incited such a interesting discussion. Huge thanks to Lovekin and others for their insightful thoughts into the relationship and Yong's recent behavior. I was and remain puzzled every time I watch the newer episodes. However, I was ambivalent to make any comments until I got some of your feedback.  

Although I was rather put off by Yong's game of "push and pull" in the beginning, I think it really has brought some interesting issues to light. As a WGM viewer since season 1, I can confidently say that when a couple starts acting couplely purely for the sake of advancing the show, the relationship loses it's attractiveness and builds up resentment (example: anbi). While I understand that the couples are together because of the show, the best content is produced when both sides put effort into building a genuine relationship. I think up until this point, Yong has given a valiant effort in this respect. He has viewed the show as more than just a job where he shows up and act as directed. In many instances, I think he has tried to forge a genuine friendship and sense of mutual understanding with Hyun (he has tried to learn her likes/dislikes; bought a guitar as a peace offering and to build a similar interest). 

And that's the pinch - I don't expect true love or even romance right away, but the best part of the show is seeing the couple BUILD a GENUINE friendship and closeness (example: joongbo - not believably romantic even in the end, but there was a sense of friendship, tacit understanding, and synchronicity). From my perspective however, I have not seen Hyun invest as much effort in this respect until recently. Perhaps this is because of her mindset coming in to the show (a job and a learning experience) or perhaps it's just her age. It seems to me that Yong's proactive effort in bringing them together has allowed/contributed to her passivity. She grew used to being on the receiving end. And when she finally had to reciprocate during Yong's birthday (because of guilt/duty, public pressure, show scripting?), Yong finally realized that they needed a turning point (he said as much in the dark room interview). I think it finally occurred to him that it's unfair for him to always be the giver. Hence, the "push-pull" game. 

I think the game made Hyun realize that Yong's persistence is not a given, even though she's grown used to it and even learned to like it. Although this conflict and readjustment period makes my heartbreak, I think it will be interesting to see how proactive Hyun will be in the future and when Yong allows himself to be more vulnerable again.

With respect to the Ueno Juri episode, I was pleasantly surprised to see how well they were getting along. They were both so absorbed in their conversation that they didn't even notice Ueno. That's a good sign. It means they're actually interested in what the other has to say. In the early days, I felt like they struggled to find a topic of conversation and had frequent awkward silences. I can't wait to see how they got to this point and if it lasts.

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Guest Crystal392




CheriMerci: Thanks for sharing those screencaps here! (and thanks klaritia from CNBLUE thread!) :) Spreading Goguma love all over the world ^^


slylychee: To put something in spoiler just put it in between spoiler tags: [..spoiler]TEXTHERE[../spoiler] erase the two dots ^_^ About your spoiler, I agree with almost all you wrote :D I love to see their journey together, all they've learned, all they've changed, all they've accomplished :)


To all talented Gogumas who love to make fanmade videos: can you please make a video using this song? [HD] Wonder Girls - Saying I love you [english subs+romanization+hangul] (I put the lyrics in spoiler because they take too much space :P).


[HD] Wonder Girls - Saying I love you [english subs+romanization+hangul]

You always ask me,


how come you never say I love you?


do you really love me?


But you know,


I wanted something more sweeter,


I want to confess to you just like those lovers from movies, so that you wont forget


Ive waited for the white snow


Ill confess to you now, the words Ive held back


I love you


your smile brighter than the sunset


your two hands that embraced me


I love you, I love you


I promise that I will never leave you


I will always tell it to you face-to-face


You ask me whats to hesitate about,


is it that hard?


I want to hear what you got to say


But you know,


I wanted something more special,


I want a special day I can always remember, so that it wont pass forgotten


Ive waited for the white snow


Ill confess to you now, the words Ive held back


I love you


your smile brighter than the sunset


your two hands that embraced me


I love you, I love you


I promise that I will never leave you


I will always tell it to you face-to-face


I dont want to separate with you


not even a single moment


when I lean on you, I hope the time will stop


I love you


I love you


your smile brighter than the sunset


your two hands that embraced me


I love you, I love you


I promise that I will never leave you


I will always tell it to you face-to-face


I love you, I love you


loving you, loving you


I love you





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Guest moniertu

My husband thinks I've lost my marbles since I'm so obsessed and addicted to our Yongseo couple!!!  So, I come to this thread to console myself that I'm sane and am not the only one behaving in such away..Either that, or Yongseo is driving everyone crazy nowadays!! But on a serious note, THANK YOU everyone!!  I've enjoyed reading and viewing everything that each of you had to offer.

This relationship that our Yongseo share on screen is kinda special, they are neither girlfriend/boyfriend nor are they husband and wife.  And we Goguma villagers are so in awe with this couple that we can't wait for our weekly dose of sweet potatoes. They started out as two completely different individuals forced into a ''make believe" marriage, who don't get the opportunity to meet as frequently as they should and outside WGM, they each have schedules which could break anyone's back!!  

During the earlier episodes, I personally think that Yong was unexpectedly emotionally overpowered by Hyun’s personality,behaviour and actions.  During WGM filming, he may have been somewhat elated with her a) unique, calm and down to earth nature, B) B) beautiful smile, c) sparkling and expressive eyes and d) occasional, cute aegyos.  Yet, he is also surprised by her wittiness (“Do you want me to kick on your left orright side?”), playfulness and questionings.  Away from filming, he knew that his virtual/screen wife was a member of one of Korea and Asia’s most popular girl group.  And our innocent Hyun, I guess, was, and still is, intrigued by the whole discovery of what it is like to have a better half,and a handsome and charming one at that!!  But all the incidents that took place since the birthday episode are what's making us pulling out our hair!!

I may get a lot of negative goguma points from the villagers here in Gogumaland for what I’m going to state next.  But don’t get me wrong, I love Yonghwa as an individual, as CNblue’s leader and as Hyun’s better half.  But some of us are saying that Hyun's 'slower than a turtle' rate of reciprocation is the cause for Yong's exasperation.  But, we can't blame Hyun for her lack of show of emotions in entirety.  For those of you who don't share similar views as lovekin, d3j1k0 and the likes, then I suggest you don't read what is written in the spoiler section.  I wouldn't want our villagers to start shooting arrows ("trouble, trouble, trouble, shoot, shoot,shoot") at me.

My opinion about Yong’s character and actions are that: 

a. He is able to draw a line between reel and real, most of the time     

There are/were several points and occasions that made me arrive to this conclusion:

·  Yonghwa has acting experience (please don’t start throwing hamburgers at me!!) He is aware of what looks good on screen and what the     audience craves for.  But, no doubt, there were a few times where he was caught off-guard by Hyun's reactions  

·  He did not feel the need to update her about his activities outside WGM e.g.Thailand trip 

·  He did not find time to text her on her birthday

·  During the birthday episode, he mentioned that he was touched by Hyun’s surprised event and gift.  But he headed 360° and didn’t keep in contact nor did he wear the ring for almost a month, despite his push-pull claim, a bit difficult to swallow 

·  His indifferent attitude on Inkigayo 

b. He does not want to lead innocent Hyun on 

·  We have to remember that Hyun is someone who thought better of sweet potatoes than boys.  She’s an innocent, hardworking being who discovered fame at a very young age and had to rely on books and her unnies to get her through tough times.  So, we can’t blame her if she is treading extra carefully with Yong, she is concerned about Yong’s sincerity against what looks good to the audience at large


·  Yong is a little more experienced in the love/relationship department, and he even said way back in the first episode that he felt burdened by her innocence, that he did not want to be a bad influence to Hyun who didn’t even know the difference between love and like, a person who innocently asked, “What is first love?” 

c.  He is caught between his band’s and fans’ needs and his responsibility as Hyun’s screen husband 

·  Being in a ‘fake’ marriage with the maknae of Korea’s biggest girl group, immediatelyafter CNblue’s debut, in my opinion, is by far his entertainment company’s smartest strategy to promote CNblue and accelerate the band’s popularity.  They saw how most of the celebrities in the previous season had a major career/popularity boost as a result of their participation in WGM 

·  His revelation that ‘Sarangbit’ was written with Hyun in mind was not well received by some of his fans 

·  CNblue made its debut in Korea about 2 months before he started WGM, so naturally as a responsible leader, he needs to channel more priority and focus toward CNblue’s activities versus WGM’s needs 

·  Thus, his tiredness especially now that his band is getting more established and the well-deserved recognition in Korea and around Asia

Despite everything, I still love watching our Yongseo go through their journey of discovering and uncovering, which makes us all drool like nobody's business!!

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Guest lovekin




Wow! I'm glad my tiny post incited such a interesting discussion. Huge thanks to Lovekin and others for their insightful thoughts into the relationship and Yong's recent behavior. I was and remain puzzled every time I watch the newer episodes. However, I was ambivalent to make any comments until I got some of your feedback. 








Although I was rather put off by Yong's game of "push and pull" in the beginning, I think it really has brought some interesting issues to light. As a WGM viewer since season 1, I can confidently say that when a couple starts acting couplely purely for the sake of advancing the show, the relationship loses it's attractiveness and builds up resentment (example: anbi). While I understand that the couples are together because of the show, the best content is produced when both sides put effort into building a genuine relationship. I think up until this point, Yong has given a valiant effort in this respect. He has viewed the show as more than just a job where he shows up and act as directed. In many instances, I think he has tried to forge a genuine friendship and sense of mutual understanding with Hyun (he has tried to learn her likes/dislikes; bought a guitar as a peace offering and to build a similar interest). 




And that's the pinch - I don't expect true love or even romance right away, but the best part of the show is seeing the couple BUILD a GENUINE friendship and closeness (example: joongbo - not believably romantic even in the end, but there was a sense of friendship, tacit understanding, and synchronicity). From my perspective however, I have not seen Hyun invest as much effort in this respect until recently. Perhaps this is because of her mindset coming in to the show (a job and a learning experience) or perhaps it's just her age. It seems to me that Yong's proactive effort in bringing them together has allowed/contributed to her passivity. She grew used to being on the receiving end. And when she finally had to reciprocate during Yong's birthday (because of guilt/duty, public pressure, show scripting?), Yong finally realized that they needed a turning point (he said as much in the dark room interview). I think it finally occurred to him that it's unfair for him to always be the giver. Hence, the "push-pull" game. 




I think the game made Hyun realize that Yong's persistence is not a given, even though she's grown used to it and even learned to like it. Although this conflict and readjustment period makes my heartbreak, I think it will be interesting to see how proactive Hyun will be in the future and when Yong allows himself to be more vulnerable again.




With respect to the Ueno Juri episode, I was pleasantly surprised to see how well they were getting along. They were both so absorbed in their conversation that they didn't even notice Ueno. That's a good sign. It means they're actually interested in what the other has to say. In the early days, I felt like they struggled to find a topic of conversation and had frequent awkward silences. I can't wait to see how they got to this point and if it lasts.








your ability to express yourself is outstanding!  i really love what you've been submitting so far.  smile.gif





  • i'm somewhat curious now what you mean with the anbi couple.  i'm only in the process of watching the ssangchu couple (and i wanted to laughingly point out how i thought hyunjoong is essentially yong and seo in one person, which explains his 4d personality, haha), and i think they're the only ones i'm interested in.  but back to anbi, what examples were there that indicated they were starting to view the show as their job instead of an opportunity to get close to one another?  it's a bit weird because i know a lot of people here seemed to love their relationship.  it'd be nice to have some frame of reference for our yongseo couple.
  • an interesting point that you brought up by claiming yong's proactivity led to seo's passivity.  i think that's a fair assessment.  however, i don't think her effort during the birthday episode was due to guilt/duty, etc.  if anything, i think her SNSD unnies may have suggested the idea, but i do think seo is as thoughtful as she comes off.  the only problem is that she doesn't do it enough.  on the bright side, when she does take the time to do something that seems she would never do, it's a tenfold surprise and quite more meaningful than it would initially be.
  • "I think it finally occurred to him that it's unfair for him to always be the giver. Hence, the "push-pull" game." - i like this.  correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm almost positive that it was never stated this was his reason.  it would make sense, all things considered.  for that, i have to applaud yong's decision to start the game, even though i'm of the opinion he would have received better results had he been direct with her, especially since it was pretty clear from the beginning that seo is not the type to understand underhanded tactics.
  • i'm also interested in seeing how she's developed in the currently unseen episodes all the way to the present episodes.  i hope that after this "push-pull" arc, seo is making a concerted effort and that their relationship turns back to what they used to be.
  • "It means they're actually interested in what the other has to say. In the early days, I felt like they struggled to find a topic of conversation and had frequent awkward silences. I can't wait to see how they got to this point and if it lasts." - exactly!  this is one reason why i didn't like that they had to backtrack to earlier episodes because it only stilted our perception of their relationship, even though i'm of the assumption that there are some parallels in this "push-pull" episode with the present, but my perception may be heavily influenced by what i see when news of yong is posted.  he looks tired all the time, it seems.  apart from that, i think it's impossible for the two to maintain consistency; they wouldn't be the yongseo couple if they were, but i sincerely hope their comfort level has quadrupled since we last saw them and that there is a visible progression to prove it.  it would be a bummer if we're finally caught up and ... they're the same.
  • basically, i want seo to initiate skinship and to start using banmal.  i will change my mind and cross over to the dark side (the dark being the bright side wink.gif) if she does in one of the future episodes.  although people seem to have noted that she's been making an effort with it because she occasionally drops the -nida and/or -yo, etc.



oh, also!  i would have put the first part of the list under a spoiler, but it won't let me without destroying the rest of the formatting.  sorry!  i tried to bring it back to the yongseo couple just to keep it in topic.




anyway, can someone confirm if WGM is cancelled for one weekend or three?  i know there was that twitter announcement saying it would be cancelled on the 13th but nothing about how the games are set to start from the 13th-27th, which is three weeks.  TIA!


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Lovekin - : Read your stuff. Some of the things you write breaks my heart, even though I am a realist myself. Since I did a bit of psychology when I was a student and am studying astrology too, I cant help but be curious if you are in any relationship right now. Because our own experience tend to affect the way we see things. But it is really my curiosity, you dun have to feel compelled to reply.

I will just like to offer my point of view about Yong being showy about his ring, I can see where you are coming from, but from observing his personality, he tends to be over the top sometimes anyway. And he do like wearing accessories, so for showing off the ring constantly doesnt come across as being too manipulative to me but just part of his expressive personality. I see it as him trying to convince Hyun that he is serious because from the black room interviews, Hyun mentioned that she is not sure which of his actions are sincere.

But I just realise that I contradict myself, because if he likes wearing rings than wearing another simple ring (WGM ring) around doesnt make a difference to him. However I still tended to believe he wear it because he is committed to Seo otherwise for a goodlooking chap like him, he should know he is sealing his own grave by wearing a ring and will not able to attract other girls.

At this point, I like to applaud the PD for not giving a ring to the Khuntoria couple. Because if they have a pair of rings too, then there will be comparison on how both couples handle the ring issue, so he is really clever not to suggest that. I also feel that the PD and writer is very clever to move the couples relationship along according to the couple's personalities. Yongseo had a day of simple farming/fishing. Khuntoria set off to a glamourous yacht. Altho both couples had to go for driving tests too. I am not saying that everything is scripted but I believe there is some framework or context for the couples to work with.

I agree with you that both Yong and Hyun are complex people. They are both incredibly smart, Hyun should get her IQ tested with mensa or something and Yong altho he is not academically inclined, that doesnt meant that he is not equally bright. I observe that he can be very quick and perceptive. Hence, yes they are hard to read, and they including their managers and the WGM people probably like it that way. That everything is not very clear but shrouded with a tint of mystery.

I think the WGM PD shd consider writing a book on relationships since he has so much experience from coordinating and editing stories! :D

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As a WGM viewer since season 1, I can confidently say that when a couple starts acting couplely purely for the sake of advancing the show, the relationship loses it's attractiveness and builds up resentment (example: anbi).


I actually started watching the 1st season as I was curious as to what it was like since I was never really into K-dramas or variety shows (and mainly out of boredom because the wait for Saturday to come can get dreadful). I was actually very surprised as to how they set up the show. I remember asking myself if I missed the 1st episode or was it considered a deleted scene by the subbers or uploaders, or was I just not as an expert as I was before with the use of internet (since I'm about to pass my teen years, going to the 20s h00t!)?

Then I realized that the first day of each couples were indeed the start of their "married life." It was awkward for me since I knew so little about them and they skipped the "getting to know" each other stage, the most basic and the 1st stage to any type of relationship. They immediately jumped onto living together and establishing the wife and husband role as if they have known each other for years.

It was hard for me to watch because it was fast paced and some of the couples still seemed awkward as they would gather to see the episode they have filmed. Each season were unique and different in their own way, but the 1st just wasn't my cup of tea.

It didn't give me as much thrill and excitement as watching our YongSeo progress each time they meet or call/text each other.


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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































































Tuesday now. Update from MC Jake tom :)
































































Update from clumsy's fic also
































































and Saturday new epi.
































































and and and..
































































lol at this thread.
































































Seohyun and Tiffany wanted to say something..
































































































































they'll shoot! LOL 훗훗훗훗훗훗훗훗훗훗훗

































































































































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I think to lighten things up we shd hv a vote on what is in the box that Hyun is giving to Yong. We have not done so right?

My suggestion are as follows. Please VOTE:

1) A watch

2) A MP4 or other electronic gadget

3) Some kind of tonic food

4) A combination of things

5) Others: please fill in the blank_______________

I would love it to be a watch, but I think it could be a headphone? :D

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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































I think to lighten things up we shd hv a vote on what is in the box that Hyun is giving to Yong. We have not done so right?






























































































































































My suggestion are as follows. Please VOTE:






























































































































































1) A watch































































































2) A MP4 or other electronic gadget































































































3) Some kind of tonic food































































































4) A combination of things































































































5) Others: please fill in the blank_______________






























































































































































I would love it to be a watch, but I think it could be a headphone? :D































































































I want to play... WUJU!!!
















































Option No. 5: I think that is her present for him from Phuket. Maybe some elephant(s) made of glass or something like that... it sound heavy...
















































Someone mentioned a few pages back that she read the name of the hotel in the side (web page), by the way Indigo Pearl... Man that is a nice place, you can check it out here http://www.indigo-pearl.com/ (This is the hotel were SNSD stayed for their photoshoot in August)
















































Call me crazy, but I have been surfing that page trying to find what you can get in the gift shop, but I think this hotel is too fancy to post that kind of information.
















































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas... I really need some fancams from Inkigayo... It is driving me crazy, I have been lurking YT and cant find anything... sweatingbullets.giftears.gif

































































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Ah just wanted to spazz a little, come and travel to fluffy Goguma land with me!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I LOVED this week's episode! It was just so much fun to watch and the book was pure love! There are a few moments that I kept repeating again and again because it was just SO cute...and our couple were too adorable!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































10 things I love about Episode 30






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. Changing into school uniforms - how cute was Seohyun when she went and double checked her appearance? She looked exactly like a girl preparing for a date with her boyfriend! Then the moment Yong saw Hyun, his voice shook and if you repeat that scene a couple of times, we get to see the moment his eyes widen at the sight of Hyun. I mean that's such a precious scene. I remember watching YOB and the moment Shinwoo sees Minnam in the pretty dress, that look was good, but this was just so real!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. Playing the role of a student - I love how Yong is able to tap into Hyun's playful side. Also, Hyun is starting to match Yong when it comes to being playful. It's like she's hung around him so much now she's adapted to this side of Yong and she now joins in with his silly moments.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. 200 won? - that was just SO obvious she was pretending...how could you not know?!? Poor Yong looked so frustrated because its like he knew she was pretending but couldn't be 100% sure because she had yet to let go of the act. I loved the part where he stood up and turned away from Hyun because when he laughed I imagined his thoughts would be 'Ottoke, she's so cute that I can't get upset at her!'






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. Don't spit it at me - Seohyun was SO cute that even a frustrated Yonghwa can't help but crack up at her. LOL she's just so adorable!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5. Yong's embarrassment - I laugh every time I watch the moment he stands up after putting the book down. Seohyun was so cute teasing him and it just shows how much closer they have become compared to when he gave her the 'forgive me' book in episode 11. He must have put so much effort into the book to be so embarrassed about giving it to Seohyun!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































6. Seohyun calling Yonghwa cute! - its my FAVORITE moment in this episode! Even the MCs couldn't help but spazz when they saw the way Yong looked at Hyun after she called him cute. Its like the cutest moment ever!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































7. Hyun teasing Yong - when she asked him if she could read it aloud and he says to read it in her heart, then she teases him by reading a little, and he exclaims 'AHHH!'....that was just so cute! Also when she holds the book against Yonghwa to make sure its the right person, that was so cute! She's really become more and more playful with Yong lately. It seems like Yong's not quite sure what to do with this humor every time it comes out so all he does is smirk a little.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































8. Hyun's thankfulness - She was so touched with the book, so touched she had no words. I thought that was a really beautiful moment. For 2 months they were playing their mildang game, and I think Hyun was equally unsure of Yong as much as Yong was unsure of Hyun. At that moment it was like the assurance that the Yong she has always trusted has returned. I remember that in the month of July, he was acting so cold that the PDs thought he had a gf outside of WGM - how scared must Hyun have been! Then to have the mini fights during the month of August, to receive a handmade book like that I think just assured her of Yong's commitment to her. Therefore I think that's why she was so touched because she felt the sincerity behind his efforts.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































9. The nation's chingoo - Jungshin chingoo makes me laugh everytime!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































10. Yong's smile - when she puts down his present. I was so upset when the PD decided to stop there, *sigh* how on earth am I going to last till Saturday?!?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really enjoyed writing this post because I got to watch Episode 30 all over again, it was so much fun! SPAZZ!!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest sake_bomb




In terms of Hyun's present to Yong, I would really like it if she made something herself. Handmade presents are jjang!




For example, I think it would be incredibly cute of she knitted a scarf or gloves for him for the upcoming autumn/winter season. I've always like the idea of a girl knitting or sewing a piece of wearable clothing for her boyfriend.




If the gift is a watch, it would be super-duper cute if the watch is the type that can show multiple time zones so that Yong will always know what time it is for Hyun in Japan.




Other than that, maybe driving gloves? Or perhaps medicines for his health/throat?




Maybe the gift is something that resembles Hyung? Perhaps a doll replica of herself or a stuffed toy? I don't know! So many possibilities!



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Hi gogumas!! I was wondering if we can write to WGM in their board and aks them to not cancell the show, but change the air time :rolleyes:. Are we allowed to do that?












I´m still dyinig for fancam, Why they are not coming out? I have seen 3 about SNSD, but nothing else-_-...












I have read most of your post here and it was really interesting to read all the different points of view... I have mine of course, but I´m not that good on expressing it :(. But I want to say a general thing. I believe that we all know that  WGM is a TV show, and I believe that all of us have that fact always in mind?... I must look like a really crazy mad emotional goguma, but I´m a very analytical person indeed (and it gets worst, I´m libra, and A blood type too, so my nature is always look for the three sides of the coin LOL). But over the years I learned that I should not look for logic in everything, there are things that you just need to feel them, enjoy them, live them without trying to get the why?, because you may lose the beauty of these experiences. Love is one of that things, and I think that the main reason  of why we like this couple so much is love?... They in a strange way make us feel it, every time we spazz, every time we just can´t erase the fool smile of our faces, when we think: aaaaahhh, they remind me my own love story or when we get all exited just because they are standing together...  we are feeling the love... our love, their love, each others love...












That is why I spazz like mad person, because I just enjoy this giddy feeling inside. I do agree with some points of view in the other side too, and I get worried, insecure and sad too, but I always end up thinking, "eeeehhhhhhh, if they can make me feel like this must be for something, there must be a reason for me to get completely melted by these two, so lets wait and see what will happen" :rolleyes:. And I get content with that, and follow my heart because I think for these things is the heart who tells you the truth, of course our mind  has to work too, we can not be irrational, but it was the heart who  got us to them, and it is the heart who makes us  faithful gogumas. So why I would deny my heart  the opportunity to give me the answers?... besides, there is a plus for me... I have good eye when it comes to relationships haha (but of course, this only worksgood for my own peace)...























I didn´t say a thing about YongSeo relationship :sweatingbullets: but I did say about why I think we love them in the first place, cause I think that reason is very important ...












Sorry for this long post and very sorry for my bad english....












still waiting fancam :w00t:












anyong Gogumas!!!












EDIT: Seems like the mood is getting up again!!! yeahhhh! lets spazz gogumas :wub:





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Guest baby_bo
































































































































Ah just wanted to spazz a little, come and travel to fluffy Goguma land with me!!!






























































































































































































































































I LOVED this week's episode! It was just so much fun to watch and the book was pure love! There are a few moments that I kept repeating again and again because it was just SO cute...and our couple were too adorable!






























































































































































































































































10 things I love about Episode 30






























































































































































































































































1. Changing into school uniforms - how cute was Seohyun when she went and double checked her appearance? She looked exactly like a girl preparing for a date with her boyfriend! Then the moment Yong saw Hyun, his voice shook and if you repeat that scene a couple of times, we get to see the moment his eyes widen at the sight of Hyun. I mean that's such a precious scene. I remember watching YOB and the moment Shinwoo sees Minnam in the pretty dress, that look was good, but this was just so real!






























































































































































































































































2. Playing the role of a student - I love how Yong is able to tap into Hyun's playful side. Also, Hyun is starting to match Yong when it comes to being playful. It's like she's hung around him so much now she's adapted to this side of Yong and she now joins in with his silly moments.






























































































































































































































































3. 200 won? - that was just SO obvious she was pretending...how could you not know?!? Poor Yong looked so frustrated because its like he knew she was pretending but couldn't be 100% sure because she had yet to let go of the act. I loved the part where he stood up and turned away from Hyun because when he laughed I imagined his thoughts would be 'Ottoke, she's so cute that I can't get upset at her!'






























































































































































































































































4. Don't spit it at me - Seohyun was SO cute that even a frustrated Yonghwa can't help but crack up at her. LOL she's just so adorable!






























































































































































































































































5. Yong's embarrassment - I laugh every time I watch the moment he stands up after putting the book down. Seohyun was so cute teasing him and it just shows how much closer they have become compared to when he gave her the 'forgive me' book in episode 11. He must have put so much effort into the book to be so embarrassed about giving it to Seohyun!






























































































































































































































































6. Seohyun calling Yonghwa cute! - its my FAVORITE moment in this episode! Even the MCs couldn't help but spazz when they saw the way Yong looked at Hyun after she called him cute. Its like the cutest moment ever!






























































































































































































































































7. Hyun teasing Yong - when she asked him if she could read it aloud and he says to read it in her heart, then she teases him by reading a little, and he exclaims 'AHHH!'....that was just so cute! Also when she holds the book against Yonghwa to make sure its the right person, that was so cute! She's really become more and more playful with Yong lately. It seems like Yong's not quite sure what to do with this humor every time it comes out so all he does is smirk a little.






























































































































































































































































8. Hyun's thankfulness - She was so touched with the book, so touched she had no words. I thought that was a really beautiful moment. For 2 months they were playing their mildang game, and I think Hyun was equally unsure of Yong as much as Yong was unsure of Hyun. At that moment it was like the assurance that the Yong she has always trusted has returned. I remember that in the month of July, he was acting so cold that the PDs thought he had a gf outside of WGM - how scared must Hyun have been! Then to have the mini fights during the month of August, to receive a handmade book like that I think just assured her of Yong's commitment to her. Therefore I think that's why she was so touched because she felt the sincerity behind his efforts.






























































































































































































































































9. The nation's chingoo - Jungshin chingoo makes me laugh everytime!






























































































































































































































































10. Yong's smile - when she puts down his present. I was so upset when the PD decided to stop there, *sigh* how on earth am I going to last till Saturday?!?






























































































































































































































































I really enjoyed writing this post because I got to watch Episode 30 all over again, it was so much fun! SPAZZ!!!































































































































GOOD JOB goguma1207 *thumbs up*
































































This is so worth reading. You just said each and every part of EPISODE 30 that i am spazzing about!
































































































































If the birthday trip is the SWEETEST EPISODE so far.. The UNIFORM DATE is by far THE CUTEST episode eveeeeeeeeer!!!
































































They are so adorable that I wanna to hug both of them!
































































Yonghwa's being cute and playful and Seohyun matching Yonghwa's pace! so adorable! kyah! ♥♥♥
































































Oh cool! i topped the page with goguma1207's daebak post :)































































































































will repost some pics :D
































































cr. dcgall































































































































































































































































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Guest lovekin




Lovekin - : Read your stuff. Some of the things you write breaks my heart, even though I am a realist myself. Since I did a bit of psychology when I was a student and am studying astrology too, I cant help but be curious if you are in any relationship right now. Because our own experience tend to affect the way we see things. But it is really my curiosity, you dun have to feel compelled to reply.






I will just like to offer my point of view about Yong being showy about his ring, I can see where you are coming from, but from observing his personality, he tends to be over the top sometimes anyway. And he do like wearing accessories, so for showing off the ring constantly doesnt come across as being too manipulative to me but just part of his expressive personality. I see it as him trying to convince Hyun that he is serious because from the black room interviews, Hyun mentioned that she is not sure which of his actions are sincere.




But I just realise that I contradict myself, because if he likes wearing rings than wearing another simple ring (WGM ring) around doesnt make a difference to him. However I still tended to believe he wear it because he is committed to Seo otherwise for a goodlooking chap like him, he should know he is sealing his own grave by wearing a ring and will not able to attract other girls.




At this point, I like to applaud the PD for not giving a ring to the Khuntoria couple. Because if they have a pair of rings too, then there will be comparison on how both couples handle the ring issue, so he is really clever not to suggest that. I also feel that the PD and writer is very clever to move the couples relationship along according to the couple's personalities. Yongseo had a day of simple farming/fishing. Khuntoria set off to a glamourous yacht. Altho both couples had to go for driving tests too. I am not saying that everything is scripted but I believe there is some framework or context for the couples to work with.




I agree with you that both Yong and Hyun are complex people. They are both incredibly smart, Hyun should get her IQ tested with mensa or something and Yong altho he is not academically inclined, that doesnt meant that he is not equally bright. I observe that he can be very quick and perceptive. Hence, yes they are hard to read, and they including their managers and the WGM people probably like it that way. That everything is not very clear but shrouded with a tint of mystery.





I think the WGM PD shd consider writing a book on relationships since he has so much experience from coordinating and editing stories! :D






aw, i'm sorry that some of the things i said made you feel that way.  honestly, it's not supposed to.  the intent behind my analyses is to get people to think beyond what they're comfortable with.  i know it might be a sore spot for some, but it helps give you a fresher perspective and that helps with every other aspect.






as for whether my relationship history, i've had my share.  some were good, some were not-so-good.  if i draw upon my experiences, it generally has more to do with communication methods and what i preferred in my relationships.  but when i'm analyzing the yongseo couple, i try to remove myself from my biases and experiences and keep it objective.  it would be impossible to be a psychologist if i attempt to compare my life with others'.




i think you may have misunderstood me when i started talking about manipulation and deceit.  it's got nothing to do with the ring, specifically, but the way he (and idols, in general) come off in front of the camera and to their fans.  i don't doubt that he's proud of the meaning behind the ring (especially since seo had it duplicated for him, made it silver, had a whole performance prepared for him before presenting the ring to him), but it sort of dulls the moment for me when he feels like he constantly needs to do it.  after a while, it seems insincere – not that it is, but that's one of the repercussions.




obviously, not many think that way, and that's up to interpretation.




i like that you mentioned yongseo and their farming/fishing date compared to khuntoria's glamorous one.  i'm not ignoring the adam couple by going on this tangent, by the way, but i think they're currently in a different league.  laugh.gif  anyway, i really like that yongseo aren't glitzy at all.  it makes them seem more relatable.  and while i think the world of the khuntoria couple, i kind of think of them on the same wavelength as, say, brangelina.  yongseo is more like ... the opposite.  i can't really think of any.  haha.



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let's speculate about the content of the box that seohyun had prepared for yonghwa. my guess is a collection of polaroid pictures of her(?) or them(?) with a scribbled notes like a smaller version of the hand book that yonghwa gave to seohyun. there must be some photos in it. if not how could yonghwa survives without meeting his 부인 (wife) for a month. in fact there are a lot of things could fit right into that medium-size blue box. it could be picture frame of them posing together to commemorate their 200th day anniversary. if curiosity does kill the cat, i would say it is really killing me head.



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Guest monie1909
















Yea..i'm glad this thread became alive back..healthy discussion very much needed here for i think this thread a bit slow after the rules issued by mod..thanks for those who shared theirs.Some of the post really speak my mind.So,i'm glad some people put it out here.I tend to analyse their every little things that they do too so i do agree and realize with some of you guys said about Yong and Hyun's indifferent during this few latest episode.Maybe we care a lil bit too much than others that we tend to analyse this two to bits..hehe.
















blueswimboo and goguma1207 i must say again that i'm a fan of your posts everytime.Your post is always eventhough analytical but still manage to be very positive.I really admired you guys always manage to look from positive point of view yet still not far strecth from reality.Please keep sharing for i need to read those kind of post for my sometimes fragile heart.For i believe that my thots become wishes,wishes become prayer.And prayer to be answer,i need to have faith and believe with what i ask for.And i pray for these two young couple to be real.Those positive thots help me keep my faith for this two.So,i hope you guys keep being the positive light in my sometime doubtful thots.And also for those who keep making this thread as positive as possible.I believe in the power of gogumas.. :)
















And,about no wgm for the next next week..who knows for how long.No wonder in the prev news they said the Japan episode will be air end of Nov or Dec.They must know this earlier on.I'm upset now but i'm trying to look for positive side.Hope wgm pd/mbc will release more BTS and VOD in mbc site during those period.Lets all use our gogumas power,crystal..right? ;)









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