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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hi fellow gogumas,

It's been great reading all your posts let them be translations, gifs, video links, POVs, analytical pieces etc.. I love them all and just feel so at home here at goguma village :rolleyes: So thank you to all of you!

@Goguma1207, thanks for sharing your 2 cents on the recent issues posted here. As I read your post, I ditto'd with many of your points. In fact, as I went along, it just occurred to me that "I don't know why" was probably a sincere reflection of Yongwha's frustrations during the period when he was constantly being pushed away by Hyun in their "push-and-pull" game. As I think of it now, the lyrics are simply so telling and matches so well with the situation they've been in in the past 1 or 2 months. Just to refresh our memories, I'll repost the lyrics here:


I think about you a lot take care I wanna do

And I wish I think about you all the time my life.

I think about you a lot take care, do you wanna do?

Of course I know your situation backwards too

See my eyes, (in my eyes) see my lips (in mylips), See my face

(I would like to know what you really think I wanna)

I don't know why I don't know why I love you baby

I don't know why I don't know how to put it baby, I don't know how to do

Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'm understand

Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news world you mind look at me too

I think about you a lot take care I wanna do

And I wish, don't be silly she is popular

I think about you a lot take care, do you wanna do?

Everyday I want you in my life all about you

See my eyes, (in my eyes) see my lips (in mylips), See my face

(I would like to know what you really think Iwanna)

I don't know why I don't know why I love you baby

I don't know why I don't know how to put it baby, I don't know how to do


Long time no see anything new down your way canyou hear this

She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'm understand

Long time no see anything new down your way canyou hear this

She is not fussed about my news world you mind look at me too

In my eyes in my lips, See my face

I would like to know what you really think I wanna

You don't know why, you don't know why I brother with you

I don't know why I don't know why you wanna do me wrong don't tell me goodbye

Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'm understand

Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news would you mind look at me too

I remember when I first heard the song, I couldn't understand why Yong would come up with lyrics like "I don't know why you wanna do me wrong don't tell me goodbye" or "Of course I know your situation backwards too". When the song came out, the WGM episodes aired so far were all sweet and cute and things were going well between them that I just couldn't fathom how he could sound so let down and frustrated. But now with the happening of this "push and pull"game, it suddenly makes sense to me. I bet 1000 gogumas that the lyrics were written during the period when Seohyun got her revenge by giving him the cold shoulder treatment... Poor Yong! Although I don't blame Hyun for doing what she did, I can imagine how frustrating it must be for Yong with his plan to get closer to her backfired big time! But again, I am a hopeful goguma and I honestly believe that Hyun had given Yong all his goguma points back the time they did their couple stage at 200th day, and he got himself some more with that amazing Japan guide book :wub: So now, two songs written for Hyun huhu!

Ok enough babbling (sorry)! I have been checking Baidu goguma forum constantly but so far no updates have been posted apart from the one aq-aj kindly shared with us (thank you aq-aj!) In fact, the goguma fan in question posted that she will share her detailed BTS report when she goes back to her country in a week or two's time, but I will try my best to translate her report when it becomes available :)

Btw, no WGM for one week the week after?! This is totally killing me! ARGH!!!! I need my goguma fix!! :tears:

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The many POV given on uri YongSeo are quite ineteresting. I love reading the different POV all Gogumas have. No matter how our POV differ one thing still remain the same. As Gogumas in Goguma Village, We definitely love our Lovely & sweet King, Yong and his Queen, Hyun buin biggrin.gifwub.gif

Hi there icarus_fly, I love your fanart of halloween Yongseo. Thank U for it smile.gif

Somehow when I look at the photo 'Forbidden Love' came to mind. I was imagining a scene where a beautiful angel, Hyun falls in love with the prince of darkness himself, Yong. She is pretty and kind hearted that the cold-blooded Yong cannot resist her charms and falls in love with her too. So... begins a beautiful LOVE story of sweet angel Hyun's quest to melt the frozen heart of devilish Yong. They face many obstacles from heaven & the underworld to keep their love. But manage to stay together with the help & support from their loyal brothers  and sisters. Their love is so strong and pure that it touches the heart of heaven and the underworld thus they are send to earth as humans to realise their true love.... wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif 

 Omo... my imagination is running wild again laugh.gif Me & my random spazzing againhappy.gif

I'll pray hard that MBC would not make any cancellation of WGM on any saturdays to come....  instead MBC just move WGM to another time slot. I don't wanna lose my weekly dosage of YongSeo...sad.gif

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*waves back at jnj & genxv chingoo* xD yo! waddup, girls??? <-- yong's style kekeke

how are u girls?! missed spazzing with ya! i've been sad lately, can't >.< kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa amazing find there! hugs u for that haha!

edit: i think i'm gonna have a fear of EDIT in soompi! GAHHHH I'M MAD AT SOOMPI'S EDITING THINGY.

btw, jnj!! amazing find there!!!!! i shouldn't have edited my post! but KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THEIR LEGS MUST'VE TOUCHED! spazzzzzz :w00t:

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something random from me again..



notice where yong put his left leg? ;)^_^

so much going on under the table there

pdnim has no chance to edit that out! ha!

dreamy ar...ask the newbie if she knows yongseo, then u both

can fangirl during break time :lol:

hi gen! long time no see!!

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ok here's my original post from before...DANG SOOMPI :tears:

*waves back at jnj & genxv chingoo* xD yo! waddup, girls??? <-- yong's style kekeke

how are u girls?! missed spazzing with ya! i've been sad lately, can't >.< kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa amazing find there! hugs u for that haha!

EDIT2: YAHHH jnj LOL good idea eh! i did ask her but too bad she prefers to watch cantonese dramas GAHHHHHH >.<

but seriously, gtg snooze for now...cya all~


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Guest mrsjoker


Just came by quickly to say thank you to all of my fellow gogumas who have spared time to read my previous "rational" post and the insights you guys give back was very valuable to me, because i love to see how people sometimes view things differently and to find that difference is actually what makes life interesting. ^_^




To dramaqueennur, dreamyboo, lunasol, wallpaperfood, constantia11 : Thank's for the POV regarding my post, it was nice to see others perception about my rant. well at least you guys understood it, because i think i blabber to much specially when i'm excited over a possibility of a somewhat "grounded" discussion in this cloud nine thread. :lol:

To Goguma1207 : again...that's a valuable POV well stated. Thank you for that too ^_^

To bluekngiht_princess : I have a keen interest to have a "grounded" discussion with some fellow gogumas here because I have a large interest in observing peoples behaviour and different POV that may arise regarding something and also mainly because YongSeo really really intrigue both my emotional as well as logical ways of thinking. I can't help to be torn in trying to logically observing what's going on  while still emotionally attached to just enjoy them as it is. However at the end of the day it all comes down to what you beautifully said. "Life has so many mysteries" ^_^  it is indeed impossible to accurately analyze what was going on through one's head or hearts. Therefore it is best for us to love them without any expectation and just enjoy every moments. A point of view i gladly preserve and kept in mind. :)




Ps : Dear Shane09... Your gif is the light of my life... Thank you... :lol:






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Guest ninyaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































I knew it -- you're a Psych major! Haha. I'm a Psych major as well and being over-analytical is a trait that most Psych majors must have. Anyway, I've always enjoyed reading your posts because it makes me see YongSeo's relationship in a different perspective. While I don't agree with all of your statements, it's all good because it brings me back to reality.
































































































































































































































































































































































blueknight_ princess:
















































































































































































I loved your post <3 I agree with everything you said.
































































































































































































































































































































































Sometimes, the best way to deal with things is to just leave them as they are. 
















































































































































































If we keep on dissecting every little thing that the couple does or says, we get all the more confused and troubled. In the case of YongSeo's real relationship, it's very hard to decipher the level of closeness that they have at present. Only the two of them know the real progress of their relationship  outside the confines of WGM. But I guess, what makes me root for them inspite of all the doubts is the sincerity I feel from watching both of them. WGM is a TV program -- there are a lot of editing and manipulating done by the PD's to make everything as dramatic as possible. We all know and accept that fact, right?
















































































































































































For me though, the number of times PD's edit a scene doesn't matter, because the end result is always the same. The longing gazes, the sweet and random things they blurt out, the gifts they give each other -- it will always be the same. 
















































































































































































I'd like to say something regarding the gifts they give to one another. Yonghwa once said he has a hard time voicing his feelings out loud. Seohyun is very similar, as well. I think that what they find hard to put into words, they make up for it through the gifts they give to one another. Both of them are lavish (goguma field, couple necklace for Seohyun and her mom, couple ring), very thoughtful and detail-oriented. The fact that they like to give each other handmade gifts is really something. As idols they live a busy life, barely having any time to eat and sleep. So just imagine the time they must've spent doing handwritten stuff like that. That's extremely thoughtful. I, for one, do not do something handmade unless I value the person a lot.
















































































































































































There are also times when I feel as if Seohyun isn't offering much in this 'marriage.' She is very reserved, not as sweet as Yonghwa and not as open to skinship. To be honest, after the birthday episode, I was hoping that at least they would be holding hands in the next episode. But as always, expect the unexpected from YongSeo and here goes the mildang. If I wasn't a fan of Seohyun and SNSD since their 'Kissing You' days, I'll most probably be one of the people here disappointed with Seohyun. But I am a fan, and I think I know her well enough to say that Seohyun isn't the same Seohyun from before. I could make a list stating the Seohyun's traits from before and at present, but I guess almost everyone is aware of that.
































































































































































































































































































































































I've always been told I'm good at observing people; this is also why I major in Psychology. And I hope I am right about YongSeo too, because from watching them, I have a strong feeling that what they have is something real... something fragile that must be handled with care and protected at all times. They may be close friends or a step closer to being lovers, but I believe that what they have is something special.

















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Guest gettawa


I've always been told I'm good at observing people; this is also why I major in Psychology. And I hope I am right about YongSeo too, because from watching them, I have a strong feeling that what they have is something real... something fragile that must be handled with care and protected at all times. They may be close friends or a step closer to being lovers, but I believe that what they have is something special.

sorry for cut your post

I just want to say """ I aggreed with you

Between YongSeo they have something that very and very special .....

May be its hard too definited ....But I think can felling about it''

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Hi..I'm new in this thread...but I do love Yongseo couple a lot just like all of you... ^^






I really LOVE your last statement about yongseo couple...!! I hope you don't mind I quoted your statement here:




"And I hope I am right about YongSeo too, because from watching them, I have a strong feeling that what they have is something real... something fragile that must be handled with care and protected at all times. They may be close friends or a step closer to being lovers, but I believe that what they have is something special. " :)


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Guest anne0129
























I wanted to post this video of the boys performance last Oct 30....I must say that I love the way Yong was singing Love Light in this performance. You can just feel his emotions while singing here....And I was thinking it is allowed since Love Light was inspired by Hyun.....anyway, thanks to BLOSSOM from YT for the video....(Sorry if this has been posted already)
















Love Light (Blossom in YT)





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Guest BluMistLaydee




I should be focusing on work but I decided to check out this post and I have to say I love each and everyone of them. While I agree and disagree with a lot of the points that were made and risen, I'll just add my own two piece. As a fan of WGM from the 1st season, I have to say, we as fans also need to keep ourselves grounded on our expectations and analyzing of the couples. I've said it before but I've had my heartbroken by couples who I could've sworn were seriously into each other only for them to end up dating and marrying other people once the show ended, and going their separate ways indefinitely. We really don't know what they are feeling and we can analyze, slice, dice, etc.. everything they do and say but at the end of the day, whatever it is that they feel really is up to them and we can't go on their relationship status or how they may or may not be feeling, or how close they really are to each other because we only get glimpse of them. The best that we can do when it comes to WGM couples is honestly, to just enjoy the show while it last.


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@jnj ----- notice where yong put his left leg???






























































































































































































































Questions like this... with supporting pictures like that....
























































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































since Yonghwa mentioned that he was tired lately (back room interview), I would like to share some thoughts. **there comes a time when a guy who is courting a girl becomes tired, especially if the girl is inexperienced or doesn't have any interest in guys. believe me, I know because I courted my girlfriend (who has not interest in guys before) for 9 months back in college. there were times that I don't know what to do. I don't know how she feels. basically doubt and frustration comes into play. and it gets tiresome. and I believe Yonghwa is in this stage now. we can't say that Seohyun is not trying to do her part, remember the birthday episode and her gifts? its just that she still doesn't know how to reciprocate the feelings Yonghwa throws at her. I think we see that Yonghwa is more consistent compared to Seohyun because of the mildang incident that Yonghwa played. she was really hurt and pissed. but all of the things that happened between them is part of their growth together. as Kay77 mentioned in her post hundreds of pages ago, with YongSeo its more like "we are dating" instead of "we got married" I also would not really look into what was aired on Inkigayo. since its an SBS show. also its a music program, therefore the artists and the MC's must focus on the music that the artists on their show promotes. the fan accounts of the Inkigayo BTS tells how close they really are now. they don't fail to give their partner attention. example would be Yonghwa imitating Seohyun's catwalk and patting her shoulder. but the really big thing for me is that among a sea of people on stage, they were still looking for each other.





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i'm back finally!!!
































































i was so sad this whole weekend because wifi sucks in the moutains.
































































and i didnt get to see anything yongseo at all!
































































but i'm home and i'm running everywhere to catch up on things.
































































need to go watch the episode, from caps and translations, i was like OMG.
































































i think i sort of shed a tear or two just reading the letter from yong.
































































but i miss spazzing with everyone!
































































will be back to spazz. (but it might not be until later tonight)
































































edit oh great, i topped on my day back. (sigh) will try and find something to share!
































































i just checked RDRsubs and they have the full streaming link up on twitvid, here it is: Yongseo ep 30
































































i found some pictures, yay. wait.. i hope they werent shared already. oh well! hahaha.
































































ringdingdong~ yong and the cn blue brothers look nice and warm in their jackets. but i'm sure their still cold thou.
































































































































































































taken at Goosukgi Festival
































































credits to original posters/takers
































































and found this on gogumalove@tumblr
































































did hyun shoot yong? lol

















































































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Guest Crystal392

Hiii everyone! *waves*

panGG welcome back!! :D

lenovo lol hehehehe

Woah I have lots of posts to read! I enjoy reading looong posts soo I am super happy because I've seen lots of posts :w00t:

I just wanted to ask something, this Saturday (Nov 6th) MBC will air WGM but the next Saturdary (Nov 13th) they won't because of a soccer match right? but after that they will air WGM every Saturday like usual right? :o

mimayree: Thanks for sharing that link :D


About both being tired after Incheon concert, I agree with you that they would have to summon a lot of energy to look cheerful but I think because both were super tired it would be more difficult to them to act as if they enjoyed each other company when in reality they don't; so seeing them happy with each other, teasing each other, Yong~ being shy, Hyun~ using aegyo and knowing both were super tired makes me happy because, as you said, when you are tired is more difficult to act ^^ Because usually when someone is tired that person tends to get a bit grumpy

:P I remember on the interview they made the WGM PD on February (before YongSeo joined) she mentioned how sometimes idols were super tired to film but they had to, like sometimes Kim Hyun Joong was soo exhausted that he kept falling asleep while filming and the crew had to wake him up (Letucce couple). :(

jayjay: I am anticipating the Baidu goguma's post :D Thanks again for sharing all that info! ^^

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crystal_malfoy HELLO! missed you this weekend. and from what its looking like, they will air next week Nov 6 the regular WGM but not the following saturday Nov 13. so hopefully the pd-nims wont be too mean and cut the rest of the 200th day episode, because i feel like they are dragging this out too much. but i loved this episode, so its okay. hahaha.
































































































































fany: "so yong slid his hand down to yours like this?"
































































hyun: "yep, thats it."
































































credits to fieryphoenix

















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Guest Crystal392

Reading all your posts I am happy as a Goguma because I realized lots of you have shared opinions that may crash with what the other person said but no one argued, it was just a healthy discussion and that's what this thread is about: to discuss abour our lovely YongSeo. :) Thanks to everyone for sharing your opinions. Because even if we have different opinions of how they feel towards each other or their actions and the reason behind them in the end what join us is our love for them as individuals and as a couple and our hope that someday they will become real :D Goguma family ftw!

heartbreak: Thanks for sharing your own experience ^^

shane: OMG your gifs are <3

goguma1207: I loved your spoiler! ;D

I've read all of your posts (I think) and I agree with a lots of points lots of Gogumas have made. Also I don't think it's if we should or shouldn't overanalyze YongSeo, imo everyone is free to do what they want and post here as long as it's YongSeo related and as long as it isn't something too negative (like criticizing badly one of them or another Goguma). Personally I don't like overanalyzing them and their relationship (I save that for real life things xD to me this thread helps me relax hehehe :lol:), I like to just enjoy the show; but I know some Gogumas like to overanalyze them and it's ok with me ;) It's the balance Goguma Planet needs ^___^

panGG: OOh thanks for answering my question. I loved the latest ep too. I also hope they won't drag their 200th day anniversary too much, I can wait to see latest eps they have recorded. Hopefully they will record for a new ep soon *using Goguma powers* :lol:

Btw, happy 9mill views YongSeo thread^*throws confetti*

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I always read this thread because it it emanates loves from the writers to the readers (most viewed as shown on the amount of viewers).I agree on the accounts of  lovekin,blueknight princess,constantia11,smyo43, & everybody who their views of our lovely couple. As for me, i do believe that eyes are the windows of the soul.We can do things in contrast to what we like & be realistic to it but, what the heart wants is mirrored thru the eyes (the longing, love,& the truth).I also believe that little things mean a lot .It begins in little gestures, little meaningful actions but the outcome  can blow your mind &hope one's heart. So,with this things i believe without a doubt that yongseo couple are REAL. Lastly, thank you all goguma spazzers for making my days lovely & wonderful by reading all what you've written. I LOVE YOU ALL....



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