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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest scatterbrain

i used to have the same opinion some of you about how yong seems to be putting more effort in the relationship. but as time goes, my opinion somewhat changes.

i feel that yong is someone who likes to express his feelings. i think he once said that he is no like shinwoo(his character in drama) who bottles up his feelings.

i think hyun is the opposite, someone who does not express her feelings well, but pay attention to even the smallest details. i think yong knows that already. that's why he couldn't believe that seohyun forgot about 200days anniversary..he keeps saying'but you are seohyun, how can you not know...'

and i believe that yong already accept hyun as she is. someone posted about japan interview asking him about his type and he said that he used to like an actress in the movie'millionaire's first love', but now seohyun is his type. i first thought whether he answered seohyun because WGM is going to be broadcasted in Japan...but i believe he answered the question honestly, coz if he is just answering it to promote the show, why did he mention the actress' name at first, he could just say seohyun and that's it...

in my opinion, yong is not getting tired...i think yong feels that their relation already past the time where they try to please each other coz trust has been built.

behind the camera, i think both of them are not yet best friends, but more than good friends.. ;)

in inki interview, yong looks like one of the SNSD member coz he's stood closer to them compared to the other MCs..hahaha.

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aq_aj.....Wwhaaat???  Chincha?  No WGM, Saturday after this week....gosh :( ottoke:blink:....so very sad to hear that news, but what can we do?  Let's just hope that the episode this coming Saturday will be super DAEBAK, to pay for the Saturday that we will all missed.  I guess, we will all have to do some marathon episode watching so as not to miss them :lol:



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Guest raindrops_919

annyong GOGUMA   :wub:

i made this today, been so excited about uri yongseo yesterday, well i really hope some fancam will come soon, but all the news we got from fan account this lately already makes me so happy.. hope you like it..gogumapost1low.jpg

ohh one thing: i post all pic in low quality, if you want one in high quality, just pm me.. HAPPY GOGUMA!!

edit: @woollylamb : thank you, feel free to share it.. i would love to give a lot of GOGUMA happiness to everyone =)

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Guest yongseofee11




Hello There!! I made a video about yong & hyun. And i used this song.




Just The Way You Are


-Bruno Mars




Oh her eyes, her eyes


Make the stars look like they're not shining


Her hair, her hair


Falls perfectly without her trying




She's so beautiful


And I tell her every day




Yeah I know, I know


When I compliment her


She wont believe me


And its so, its so


Sad to think she don't see what I see




But every time she asks me do I look okay


I say




When I see your face


There's not a thing that I would change


Cause you're amazing


Just the way you are


And when you smile,


The whole world stops and stares for awhile


Cause girl you're amazing


Just the way you are




Her lips, her lips


I could kiss them all day if she'd let me


Her laugh, her laugh


She hates but I think its so sexy




She's so beautiful


And I tell her every day




Oh you know, you know, you know


Id never ask you to change


If perfect is what you're searching for


Then just stay the same




So don't even bother asking


If you look okay


You know I say




When I see your face


There's not a thing that I would change


Cause you're amazing


Just the way you are


And when you smile,


The whole world stops and stares for awhile


Cause girl you're amazing


Just the way you are




The way you are


The way you are


Girl you're amazing


Just the way you are




When I see your face


There's not a thing that I would change


Cause you're amazing


Just the way you are


And when you smile,


The whole world stops and stares for awhile


Cause girl you're amazing


Just the way you are






So, here's the link ---> Yongseo-Just the way you are ♥



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annyong GOGUMA  :wub:
















i made this today, been so excited about uri yongseo yesterday, well i really hope some fancam will come soon, but all the news we got from fan account this lately already makes me so happy.. hope you like it..
































ohh one thing: i post all pic in low quality, if you want one in high quality, just pm me.. HAPPY GOGUMA!!































hi raindrops_919, your artwork is so cute, I couldn't resist sharing it on twitter. Hope you don't mind & i did not forget to credit u... :)






























































Somehow the format of the "news report" made me think of Harry Potter... :lol:
















Please continue to share more & thank u for your hard work!
















As for WGM being replaced by a soccer/baseball game next Saturday (13 Nov), I really hope it's not true. How can we goguma villagers survive 2 weeks without WGM? :tears: Already it's a torture having to wait for each week to pass before YongSeo day!

















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I hate to be the bearer of bad news but just saw this on Baidu, translated parts in purple:
















15:55~16:50 MBC쇼! 음악중심
















16:50~18:00 MBC스포츠<광저우아시안게임 - 축구> 한국 vs 팔레스타인
















18:00~22:00 MBC스포츠<광저우아시안게임 - 야구> 한국 vs 대만
















15:55~16:50 音乐中心 MuCore
















16:50~18:00 足球 韩国——巴基斯坦 Soccer South Korea vs Pakistan
















18:00~22:00 棒球 韩国——台湾~ Baseball South Korea vs Taiwan
















mbc要转播亚运会(11.13~11.27)MBC will be broadcasting the Asian Games from 13 - 27 November meaning WGM will be replaced for 3 weeks? I really hope I misunderstood. Can some goguma villager correct me? :tears:
















Edit: WGM will still be showing this Saturday (6th Nov) so we will find out what's in the box that Hyun prepared for Yong.

















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































WGM's ratings has been considerably high lately. and if they are airing a soccer or baseball game during WGM's time slot, its only fair that they air WGM on a different time slot or a different day. each couple in WGM has a very large fan base and if there is not WGM aired for a week, MBC should be scared. WGM has garnered MBC good ratings, so they should not risk these ratings by not airing a weekly show for 3 weeks. its unfair to the couples and the fans. its only Monday, so lets wait for next Saturday for an announcement from MBC if they will move WGM's time slot for those 3 weeks, air WGM on a different day, or if they would not be airing WGM at all for those 3 weeks. lets just be hopeful that everything will turn out ok.

































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Guest NilyxYongSeo






Annyeong !!!


It was a long time that I haven't post here (Sorry T.T) I miss you all !!


First I want to say thank you for everyone who post here and said their love to YongSeo ! (YongSeo Daebak)


Then I am really happy because so many thing have happened this week... Uri YongSeo is just amazing *-*


The last episode of YongSeo it puts me in suspenses... Aarr... P-D min whyyy ?! xD I know you want to make us happier but why now xD... And This it true that we haven't got WGM this week ? o_o OMO... Please tell me it's just a jock ?!


Yesterday was so sweet... I hope we can have a fancam x)


Yonghwa must be very nervous but don't worry Yonghwa Oppa you have the support of you're sister-in-lawye xDD


Seohyun really become more and more gorgeous everydays xD Yonghwa you're really lucky !!! And when I think that he looked her when she had sang Mistake (she was really beautiful *-*) it make me smile ^w^


So I notice something, it's not really important, I don't know if someone had notice that too but when Seohyun said she is not jealous or she is fine with that... Her voice changes and becomes more acute ?


In episode with Ueno, Yonghwa asked her if she was jealous and when she answer her voice changes...


Then in this last episode, when Yonghwa showed her the picture with Fan, her voice changes when she said it's was ok because she was just a fan ? xDDD


Or maybe I'm just crazy xD


Sorry for my bad english T.T



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Guest blueswim_boo
































































































































































































































scatterbrain i must say that i agree with you.There's a lot i want to add but i have limited time.I believe Yong not only accepted Hyun for who she is but more ,he likes her because who she is now.Seohyun that is innocent and honest,seohyun that only said what on her mind sincerely rather than just said or do things to please him is what make he like her more tho he might sometimes feel taken aback by what she said or what she didnt said/do.Because deep down he knew when she did say or do something sweet even a very little gesture,she really mean and sincere about it as we all know by nature,she is not that expressive.Even we as a fan,can feel the same way.Tho,she rarely did thing as much as Yong did but when she did it,everyone went..'awh..i believe she really likes him" and we didnt doubt her intention.My point is Seohyun is being Seohyun.She said or do things only when she really mean it,not to please people or in this case Yong.Is it bad?Not at all,tho it might been seeing as shes not into Yong as much as he did.Because it really a big gesture when she did things for Yong knowing her nature.It also mean some kind of reassurance that she wouldnt simply do this kind of thing to other guy as well.I'm sure Yong will feel grateful for this trait of hers if he really like her.I'm sure being famous idol,he is immune to people around him to constantly try to please and make  him feel good about himself but only god knows what is their intention.And one thing that prove he really like her the way she is,is by his letter /guide book  that said "When you come back from japan, please don’t tell me "im not the girl you used to know before (lyrics of OH!)" you cant do that ok!".   If he  really is tired/exhausted with this relationship for ' the lack of effort' done by Hyun like what some people assume, why would he ask Hyun not to changed.Spesificly he said..SHE CANT change.And  i dont think he refer to her look cause i dont believe Yong is that vain.So,i can say that we only assume that he tolerate her too much in this relationship when the truth is,his words only mean one thing to me,that he like her for who she is now,for making him feel how he feel now in this relationship to the point he ask her that she cant change.
































































































































































Ok..guys.sorry another random post..feel free to skip it if it bored you.It  supposed to be very short.Hope i didnt make anyone feel uncomfortable.Btw,thanks everyone for the video links,fan accounts translation,artwork,news cut and posts of different insights..I'm really grateful for all those who shared.Goguma land jjang..

































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OH.... MY GOD.... how should i spent my weekend without Yongseo??????
















It's frustrating... tears.gif















































I will really miss them...
















I hope they will still broadcasting WGM.. maybe in another day...















































Lovekin and chedda31, I like your post in the spoiler. Even though I don't really understand it because of my lack English.sweatingbullets.gif
















But, I still get the main point from your post, and i appreciate it. laugh.gif















































scatterbrain, I agree with your positive opinion 















































raindrop_919, you really are talented.. I love your artwork. hugh u...














































































bee_ichigo wub.gif

















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I cant believe they are not going to show WGM for 2 weeks!! Oh.... just when we need to know what is in the box that Hyun brought!! Oh this suspense is killing me!!!

No wonder in Sep, there was already some writeup saying that Yong has filmed enuf to last till the end of the end.

Omo, are we really only going to see the Japan filming in dec ??? :wacko:

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news but just saw this on Baidu, translated parts in purple:








15:55~16:50 MBC쇼! 음악중심








16:50~18:00 MBC스포츠<광저우아시안게임 - 축구> 한국 vs 팔레스타인








18:00~22:00 MBC스포츠<광저우아시안게임 - 야구> 한국 vs 대만








15:55~16:50 音乐中心 MuCore








16:50~18:00 足球 韩国——巴基斯坦 Soccer South Korea vs Pakistan








18:00~22:00 棒球 韩国——台湾~ Baseball South Korea vs Taiwan








mbc要转播亚运会(11.13~11.27)MBC will be broadcasting the Asian Games from 13 - 27 November meaning WGM will be replaced for 3 weeks? I really hope I misunderstood. Can some goguma villager correct me? :tears:















oh nooo....not again...








we already miss out yongseo couple for a month last time..








how can i survive everyweek without WGM???








urghh i'm so mad right now...








they better show it...









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Greetings all gogumas...

Crystal_malfoy, dreamyboo, magdal & others gogumas,Thank U 4 liking my post . Your support makes me wanna write more on uri Yongseo, though I tend to spazz at random happy.gif  Here is another random spazzing from me biggrin.gif   

YongSeo don’t need mushy words nor multiple skinship toexpress and show their closeness or  ‘love’.They just need their EYES. When he was recovering from his nodule problem (ep 20 – while making kimchi with Hyun) Yong said they can understand each other by communicating through their eyes. Hence,there are many moments when they would just communicate with their eyes. The smiles which come after their eyeship are just SWEET... smile.giflaugh.gifbiggrin.gif Just like other Gogumas, I think their eyeship is the best. DAEBAKKK!!!!

The other simple moments which I love about YongSeo is Yong’s simple ‘hmm... ’ in response to Hyun.The tone of voice he uses for the ‘hmm...’ is just too sweet. Just listen to the moments again and you’ll know what I mean.


Ep 27: When Hyun is asking about Love Light

Hyun: I have something to ask

Yong: Hmm...

Hyun: Your song Love Light

Yong: Mmm...

Hyun: It’s about  fisrt love, right?

Yong: Hmm... Why?

Listen to his tone.... wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

Ep 28: When they were practising at MBC

Hyun: Ah, I nearly forgot!

Yong: Hmm? (Rubbing his eyes)

Then she told him about the wedding dress incident. Listen to Yong’s ‘hmm..’ wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

Ep 30: When they were looking at the photo of Yong hugging a fan.

Hyun: A fan?

Yong: Hmm...

Hyun: I’m fine with it, because she is a fan.

Yong: Hmm.. mmm...

And then Yong told her she can hug fans too but not  to overdo it, Just once a while. Listen to his tone... wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

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We Got Married will be cancelled on Nov. 13th !!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Arghhh !!! hate this !

































































































































































































































































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Guest mrsjoker


I am slacking off from work for a bit because it gives me headache. :P and because unexpectedly i am extremely engaged in Lovekin POV.

Warning : i'll post my rant in a spoiler box just so it does not spoil everyone moods for some spazzing. :lol: it will be a somewhat "heavy, realistic and looong" kinda discussion, to which i am specifically addressing it to Lovekin. This will be a rational discussion and is open for anyone who will read it with an open mind. :rolleyes:






First and foremost, both of your post had intrigued me to once again put my rational hat back on, so thank you for that

^_^  and hopefully we can have a somewhat rational discussion because there is a few thing that's been bugging me and i might need some rational explanation to it.




Regarding YongSeo's relationship weighing between reel and real, up till this point i still stand on my opinion that the line has been crossed/blurred subconsciously or somewhat consciously mainly driven by Yong, while Hyun was conveniently riding the tide of this relationship (mainly because her "no experience" what so ever in the world of boys and girls. For a girl who is in her teens, is pretty and talented and surrounded by this glamorous light, cute boys BUT not at all find them interesting before is somewhat a "phenomena" on it's own. to which i get why some people find her uninteresting and lack of fun). Another thing is also because i always find the urge to analyze their action because to me those actions are surprisingly deliver a genuine vibe in my eyes even though the event/landscape of their situation was scripted (as  a make believe couple).




To be honest during the black room interview when Yong was addressing that he feels tired that Hyun doesn't seem to get what he feels deep down, when all this time his action has always been so vivid,  it stroke me as a somewhat "declining" indicator of his feelings. Like he was actually really tired not physically tired but more towards emotionally tired (at that point in time of the interview and in the middle of their 'mildang" action) and as you say Lovekin, he felt exasperated by Hyun somewhat "indifferent" reaction. It's as if he was desperate for a step forward but Hyun was still lingering in the same spot which is "the receiver", while what Yong was aiming for is for her to be "the giver" for once.




I also think the cafe event helped ease him a little bit, but for a boy who have bend backwards since day 1 for a girl he barely knew but yet gradually grow attached to.... i think he still needs more assurance to put his weary heart to rest (and there's where i'll be looking out in the next episode, will Hyun present be enough to console his troubling heart?)




In a rational way I too think i have counterattack my own "optimistic" side of POV regarding their relationship, because although i still have the same spirit and believe in their relationship, this one particular scene really bugging me a lot. To me Yong is always been so easy to read, his emotion was so vividly shown in his eyes and the way he talks and joke about things and also from the brother in laws point a view, but from the 'mildang" episodes i kinda see that he went to a "shell" mode and therefore i cannot really see what was really going on, and that kinda irk me a bit. ;) and so like you, i too feel like it's hard to tell until we see the more recent episodes (which is the japan filming) and will continue my observation until then.




Agree with you that relationship is indeed a two-way street. In a simple point of view, if Hyun feels as close as she does with Yong then it should be easy for her to open up and meet at least half of his expectation ( in this case it's not only the "banmal", but also her expression of jealousy... or so i think), regardless of personalities because usually "feelings" can take logic and personalities slightly away from it's usual trait. Therefore i am seriously questioning whether Hyun personality is as "rigid' as it appears to be because if so, then she is really indeed a "phenomena"... and then Yong might really need some major "patience" booster. ^_^ But i am also wavering due to the fact that everyone points out it was indeed a major improvement from Hyun side to act like the way she does now with Yong, and i can see she's now more comfortable with Yong, i notice too that she speaks in an aegyo-ish kind a tone, and for her to be okay with skinship is also a plus point on it's own. However it's not what Yong was aiming for apparently... and that intrigue me a lot... ^_^




Although recent but the Inki event might not be the best indication for their current situation. As what i have stated i do think there are several things that can explain the way they act at Inki, but perhaps it was not the best indication. *sigh* oh... i don't know i'm still wavering on that also because of the BTS fan account . But the question in my head now is was Yong really and still felt exasperated? or Hyun actually can make the turning point and jolt the relationship moving forward....




aigoo...YongSeo is really something aren;t they... :lol: I hope you don't find my rant ridiculous, but if so pardon me for i tend to blabber nonsense when I'm overly excited.





Again...i'm telling you my dear fellow goguma lovers, you should stay away from my spoiler if you're not inclined to have a rational POV. This is one of those times where i'm in the mood for a rational discussion and it might put a headache to some of you, so there ... better stay away. Because although i write it with full sanity, while i was proof reading it, i think i just gave my self more headache. :sweatingbullets:




Edit ; WHAAATTTT... WGM will not air due to soccer? :crazy: Thank you for the news woolylamb.Okay so there will be WGM aired on the 6 Nov But then no WGM for 2 weeks? ..now i seriously have a major major headache!!




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Guest readsandgeeks
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyeong Gogumas! ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i usually lurk here and reading this thread just make me oh-so-very-happy :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































THANK YOU to all of the contributors of BTS pics,subbed/translations regarding our YongSeo couple & just being the villagers.hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ok,not to deviate from attention but..remember the Japan filming and a few hundred pages back,one of us commented that something significant will happen between these two? Well, i was just thinking and musing as you all were talking about her pierced ears (which i have not noticed before -__-" )maybeee,just maybe..he gave her the courage to go and pierce her ears there??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































heh just wishful thinking on my part :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyways,have a good weekend!and let's try not to fret and look at the brighter side: during the 3-weeks break of wgm, we can actually rewatch all the Goguma episodes, in the correct sequence, and see their progress! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@mrsjoker & lovekin i have to agree with both of your POVs.Cos i also am actually tired watching Seohyun being indifferent. But at the same time,imo, Inki's stage on Sunday wasn't exactly a good platform for how far their relationship has progress. I was checking their calendar updates and so far, it showed that there were no filming for both of them after the "driving truck episode". Before that was the Japanese filming. This might also explain why there will be a break of 3 weeks for WGM. MBC have to have enough footage to last them a few weeks/months(?) before allowing the current filmings to be aired.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Unlike WGM season 1,most of the footsges are fresh. However, for this season, somehow most of the footages are like 1 month old..but like the Korean Goguma Villagers have stated: We''ll watch whatever you';; show us, PD-nim ;)

































































































































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Guest ariel119




What????????? Another postpone?


How can my weak heart stand it anymore? Last time is too much.


Please it's just rumor or MBC can change their mind, please please


What will I do to spend all saturdays three next week.


It's just 2days, but I already miss them. How can three weeks no news, no filming, nothing to spazz, nothing to looking for? I will die for sure.


Please MBC, please don't do that to me.........ToT OTL



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Guest craniejung

Hello, I have been viewing as an anonymous lurker but I have finally decided to register as an official soompi user to join the fun!

I'm not sure about you guys but I have been watching WGM since the beginning (Solbi-Andy days) and this couple reminds me alot of the awkward couple Alex and Shin Ae. I'm not sure if you guys watched their episodes but they are also very awkward at the beginning and only start to be comfortable with each other after a long while. 

To me, Yong Hwa might just have been a guy who thinks he knew all the tricks to a girl's mind but little did he know that Seo Hyun wasn't going to be what he expected to be. SO he had to learn from the basics all over again and this may have influenced him into becoming another person. Seo Hyun must have been a breah of fresh air as she is distinctively different from the other attention seekings girls. It's not very often that you meet young teenagers now like her who loves healthy food, reads political books and is super good in her studies!!

As time passed, Yong most probably have gotten used to 'adapting' to Hyun and Hyun has also got alot comfortable with the idea of  'just the two of them'. I don't know what to expect when their episodes end. ? :( I hope they will keep on contact.

Hyun is a strong girl with opinions as we can see that she never ever contacts Yong first lol :P

Most probably under the influence of her naught onnies, maybe? :P 

Anyhow. I love CNBLUE and SNSD. They are all so adorable :) 

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Guest bluekngiht_princess
















































hello fellow gogumas.. :rolleyes:
















thanks for all who shared their POV and own sentiments..mrsjoker&lovekin, you both have a gift of a writer..you both know how to put your thoughts into words :D:)
















i don't wanna be blinded by the facts around me..
















but still..i think..
















it is better not to analyze things between them. If we keep on comparing and analyzing their differences, personalities, how they interact with one another, and their REAL relationship then we will be forever confuse.
















Life has so many mysteries. There is no exact course that will teach us on how to fully understand and read a person's way of thinking or his/her behavior. Even the emotions can never be explained too,so as Love. We may know it, but we can never explain it. Same is true with how hyun really feels for yong and vice versa. It is only the two of them that really know what's going on between them. We cannot tell if they do not like nor love one another just by watching them on wgm. We all know that seohyun is not really into relationships with guys so it is so NEW to her being with yong..but let's just appreciate how she tries her best to be close with him. Let us not rationalize and justify her actions towards yo~ng, and also with how yo~ng treats hy~un..The best thing we can do is to love them without any expectations..enjoy every moment that they share with us through the show..Isn't it more worthwhile to watch if we don't assume much from them? Cause we will be satisfied in whatever they will do.
















Let us be just contented with their relationship for now. :lol::lol:
















sorry still don't know how to put it in spoiler.. :P:P
















NO WGM FOR 2WEEKS?.. tears.gifcrazy.gif..uwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























yeah your right we shouldn't compare, because the more we compare, we might move to a point we doubt their relationship








just enjoy them guys!! this couple bring surprises and we will be forever happy because of that. I believe that GOGUMAS love our couple and we must believe that the relationship they are doing right now is REAL, not based on ratings and stuff. As we watch the episodes every week, don't our love to this couple grow even more?? and also the way they communicate has also changed. Look at the famous "EYESHIP". we can see the love between them by seeing them doing that.












anyways, no WGM on 13 November?? I'm going to die!! :unsure:  :unsure::unsure:





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