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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Seohyun didn't have her ears pierced before right? It may be too much to assume, but I think this is an example of how much flexibility she's gained after spending time with yong. I think she didn't really want to get her ears pierced before, she always went to the accessory shop with her unnies but the owner said she never got her ears pierced even when the others did. it's not because it might hurt, seeing as she's fine with getting blood drawn. So i must say it's because she wants to look even prettier for someone.:) sorry, it's kinda semi-major for me, cause as you can see almost everyone has ear piercings there. multiple. even most male artists. how fitting too that she wore a pair of hearts.:)))

































































































































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Guest crystalblue




it has occurred to me just now. Yong and Hyun are very simple. their first date in a simple spicy rice cake restaurant. Hyun is not very flashy when wearing her own clothes. Yonghwa's simple jokes cracks up Seohyun. the birthday trip was simple, farming and fishing. their house is simple. and their last date (patbingsu) is also very simple. also the staff of places they went to (billiard hall, etc.) say that the couple look like ordinary bf/gf and was really nice. they are very modest and simple. but why do we enjoy those simple moments that Yong and Hyun have? because even if their date is relatively simple, their meetings hold something very meaningful. and we can all relate to that. plus they reveal their true selves in the simplest of ways. and its always a wonderful surprise not just to fans, but more to both of them as well. their simplicity and modesty are very admirable and we can easily relate to it. just thinking out loud.




Hi ... I agree with you and would also like to add that living the life of a current hot pop star in S Korea must be so much more limiting than in the U.S. (where I am). Getting chances to get out to do these "simple" things must be a luxury to them. Only when it's set up by WGM, can they go to do things like play at an amusement park or fishing...I also think it speaks volumes about how Hyun and Yong were raised. They seem to come from very sound, warm and traditional families who taught them honesty, respect and thoughtfulness. I can see that in their crazy - busy- pop star lives, how they can bond and find time spent with each other so meaningful and grounding. :wub: anyways, thanks for letting me add on.


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Guest lovekin





Actually, i do believe that they were told not to interact much on each other.

The last thing they want is to get in trouble with MBC.

They were probably cautioned by Jo Kwon too coz He & GaIn got in trouble ones because of it...




You can tell that they want to look at each other but they can't. Yong is so stiff and uncomfortable that it's not normal.. :lol:




They were probably just being careful, they didn't want to be put in the same situation as the adam couple.







LINK As you can see MBC is VERY STRICT. <_<







ah, that's interesting!  thanks for sharing~






i knew MBC had regulations, but i didn't think they were so strict.  honestly, i thought they would have been lenient on the adam couple, given that they're kind of their little starlings.  i guess it could explain why yong and seo were deliberately avoiding each other.  i guess~ i just don't like it.  






also: sorry to those who found my opinion offensive in my last posting.  i debated whether i should have put the whole thing under a cut or not, and i suppose i should have gone with my gut feeling!  i love yongseo as much as the next person, but i tend to be vocal about my opinions – both the good and the bad~






on a different note, i have a question about the rules on this thread:




i understand posts deemed negative regarding yongseo go under a spoiler cut, but was that established by mods or by the people contributing to this thread?  i don't mind it, by the way, but i'm asking mainly out of curiosity.  also, i know that it was usually a given that if you're talking about other WGM couples (when trying to make a point with the yongseo couple), you had to lighten the text or put it under a cut, but are we still allowed to do that?




generally speaking, if i talk about other WGM couples, it's usually meant to draw a comparison with the yongseo couple as a means of observation.  explanations would lose its context otherwise.




















i was kind of going on my original speculation that the PDs behind inki put them beside each other.  using that logic, it didn't make sense to me that yong and seo weren't allowed to interact.  i already knew that the whole idea behind MBC's rules is that they're not supposed to appear as a couple outside of MBC, so it didn't really make sense that they would put them together and yet ... they're not allowed to look at each other.  




i did consider the idea that the members of SNSD were the ones who manipulated the order in which they were standing, but i forgot to mention it.  in this case, i could how it yong and seo appeared awkward.




wasn't thinking too deeply into it, just mere observation~  smile.gif











to reiterate, i do understand that MBC has their rules, but i assumed it was the PDs of inki who put them side-by-side and not the possibility that SNSD might have had a hand in it.  about yongseo being awkward next to each other, i now get it.  i was honestly just focusing on the two, but i should have looked at her unnies, huh?  they tend to be more obvious and giggly about it than either yong or seo.




i have to disagree about the ring.  this is more of a general feeling of mine and not solely directed at you, but i don't really agree with the idea that if the both of them are wearing the ring, then it signifies something about their relationship.  if they like each other, they like each other, and wearing their rings shouldn't have to be that tell-all symbol that they do.




does that make sense?  the whole idea is that if they're not wearing their rings, it shouldn't mean that they don't care about each other like other people worry about.  that's just something i wanted to say for a while, but i was just reminded of it when you mentioned it.  tongue.gif







and thanks to everyone else who shared their viewpoints regarding my last post!


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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@Lovekin I like your post very colorful and to the point, sometimes you make me re-think some of my crazy thoughs, sometimes I dont agree but respect your opinion. About your question, I think it is an unespoken rule that when you have a strong POV about something related to Yongseo that could affect the spirit of some members of the goguma family is better to put it in spoiler. When comparing to other couples I think we can put it in light color as long as we dont began to talk how much we love the other couple and spazz about it in here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































I read everyone is spoiler, come what come, I really like to read each POV... Everyone have their POV and we must respect that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































About the ring,

I do agree with you that the rings shouldnt be a symbol about if they like each other or not... (Their works sometimes requiere them to take them off), but it really makes us happy. Wearing the ring, for me, is a representation that they like each other... On the other hand it really get on my nerve (no offense intended, just my POV) when someone panick because they dont wear it in ONE performance or something... I will began to really worry is they just stop using the ring at the same time and for a long period of time (like one week or something).
































































































































































































































































































































































































Well that is what I think... Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas... Thanks for the Inkigayo information, I am literally dying to watch the fancams!!!

































































































































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hello gogumas...


before i slept i was happy enough when i read all of your views guys why our couple were awkward infront of the camera in inkigayo..


then when i woke up the first thing i did was here and read jayjay post about baidu gogumas bts..im extremely so happy..


thank you everyone...our yongseo and me are so lucky to hacve you guys ...luv you...



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Guest icarus_fly
































































we are spazzing a lot..































it has been a two-day special for us goguma fans....































from last saturday until inkigayo...































indeed the eyeship of yong and hyun makes my heart dugeun dugeun..





























































































indeed yong has given hyun a lot of gifts already..































and it's sweeter when he does it handmade..































i for one would love to receive hand made presents...





























































































thanks so much for sharing..































i cannot stop thinking that they are not just couple on cam but also off cam...































specially when hyun just went to yong side naturally....































<fangirl scream>






























































we are all hoping for them to become a couple in reel to a real couple...






























































here's my treat to you guys...
































































































































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So much love nowadays~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
























By the way, do anyone of Goguma FBI :D figure out what the box label that Hyun gives to Yong?? Since I watch in LQ so I couldn't identify the label name. Kya~~ I'm so curious what's inside the box!!









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Guest Crystal392

saraisha: Hiii!! Welcome to Goguma Planet! *throws lots of confetti* I noticed it was your first post :) I enjoyed reading your post, and I think is impossible Hyun~ would leave Yong~ or viceversa because both are 'married', they would have to at least talk first ;)

glitterspark: Thanks for sharing those screencaps ^^

biancapot: I am wondering the same! I want to know if she indeed had her ears pierced or if they were those 'fake earrings' (the ones that work with pression, don't know how they are called in english... but I don't think so because she danced while wearing those earrings.... hmmm..).

lovekin: Actually I read your previous post (yeah even your spoiler) and I don't remember 100% what you said but I remember I didn't find it offensive... just a bit critical but that's your charm ^_^ I agree with you about the ring thingie, but it still makes me happy to see them wearing it :) About the spoiler rules, I know it isn't a soompi rule. Spoilers are usually used to avoid spoiling the mood or to talk about things non-related (like Kerube-Chan said); I think it was established by people who contribute to threads in general and also to this thread ^^ I read at some other thread a long time ago that if you were going to talk about other artist that wasn't related to that thread to please lighten the text so that stayed with me xD If you want to talk about other WGM couples I think it depends, if you are just going to mention them like saying 'Oooohh Hyun~ gave a CD to GaIn, and Yong~ took a pic with JoKwon! YongSeo & Adam interactions! yay!' it's ok because it's not offensive to either of the couples; but if you are going to say something like 'Ooohhh I wish Yong/Hyun was more like Male/Female because that Male/Female did this and did that and I found that very sweet and etc etc etc' you should put it under spoilers because it can bother some hardcore fans; if you said 'Ohhh I love YongSeo because blah blah and they are better than other couples because blah blah blah -and you begin to say bad things about other couple' you shouldn't post it because also some fans are fans of all the couples so it can bother them. WGM is a big family ^^ I hope I answered your questions, those are just my opinions ^^ *Btw when I was giving examples of other couples and wrote 'you' I meant as a person in general, not you lovekin xD

icarus_fly: I liked your artwork! Happy Halloween ^^

RadEchiZen: I hope Gogumas FBI will also figure that out. Maybe we can guess what Hyun's gift was based on that? :D

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Everybody's spazzed and commented to the hilt about Yong's sweet gift to Hyun!  I have nothing to add about how good a young man he is.  He has been 'pushed' to the breaking point, I think, but still he perseveres and captures her heart!   I think next week will be Hyun's sweeet  forgiveness of Yong and their reconciliation.  I love that last few seconds of Hyun's look at Yong, first a smile, then she gets a serious look on her face, then kind of 'I'm sorry i had to put you through all this' kind of look and then a kind nod with a little smile.  That few seconds played out a hundred different emotions on her face...I loved it!

Then this on Inkigayo (sp.?) - 

Even though there are no sweet stares between them, watch Yuri in the background behind Yong, she takes her hand and points to her shoulder and then down her arm while looking into the camera with a sly smile, signaling that Hyun and Yong are touching shoulders/arms. Also watch Hyoyeon and Yuri smile and 'spazz' a little after Hyun does her sexy arrow shooting dance....they are amazed at their Maknae's bold moves.  The unnies all like Yong, no doubt!  And when Yong tries to imitate the 'arrow dance', the entire front row of SNSD doubles over laughing and Hyun puts her hand up to her face with embarassment...so cute!

At the awards presentation at the end watch to see who the first SNSD girl is to run over and congratulate fellow WGM 'buin' Gain - It's Hyun, so thoughtful and considerate of her!  She is a special seolady! 


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Guest toomuchsmiling


Goguma contributors!!! My thanks as always for sharing your wonderful screencaps, BTS, trans, fancams, etc!!






Dear fellow gogumas,


Credits to Baidu goguma forum:




1. Before the SNSD interview started, Yoona was standing between Hyun and Yong, but later the standing arrangement changed and became the way it was (H and Y standing together). It was mentioned that Hyun just naturally went to stand beside Yong without anyone telling her to do so!

2. In between takes when the cameras were not on them, our couple were whispering into each other's ear from time to time, and Hyun was busy teaching Yong the arrow-shooting dancesteps! Cute!

3. After the interview before SNSD left the stage, Yong gave Hyun a pat on her shoulder! :wub:

4. During SNSD's Hoot performance, Yong was watching the performance seriously from below the stage and singing along the entire song! When he had to go back up the stage to get ready to MC, he mimicked his buin's catwalk steps as he walked up the stairs of the stage! hahaha!




ok this is my first time contributing to this forum, and I hope this has not been posted yet! Big thanks to the great goguma fellas at Baidu! Without them we would've have known about this spazzworthy tidbits!






jajay- wow THANKS FOR SHARING. :w00t: I really think Baidu fans could be hired as real life spies, they're SO good at spotting every little thing!! I love them for it!!


Everything from Baidu seems to ring true also, like what our couple would really do, I totally believe this happened.




hahahaha, and it DEFINITELY sounds like Yong where wen he goes back to MC-ing after their performance he would do that catwalk move Hyun does. :lol:




Gogumas, I dunno if it's just me but i have a feeling Yong's gonna be using that catwalk in future WGM eps to tease her.


And anyone else think that Yong totally took advantage of being MC to ask his Hyun buin to dance? she couldn't say no cuz it IS a music show. bwahahahaha :lol:




btw, happy halloween gogumas!


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Seriously..if i was at inkigayo,i'll be screaming like crazy w00t.gif Hmm..is it me or there're not much goguma fans there? :huh: How come they're not that excited??i got this syndrome that everytime when it comes to seohyun's solo part, i will raise the volume up just to identify whether the fans really got excited or not.The same thing i did when seohyun's teaching the robin hood dance.But,what really shocked me is that seohyun looks incredibly beautiful with that hairstyle *faint* :wub: and more mature~ i'm so happy that seohyun got more airtime during the hoot performance this time & i was able to see her doing the shoulder brushing dance part (in which the cameraman always focus on yoona) Honestly, i think she's the prettiest during the performance B) Gosh!i can't wait for the fancam crazy.gif and i can't wait for saturday!

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I was sneaking at adam couple thread and their fans account are pretty similar to ours, so I think we have to prepare to spazzzz like mad people hahaha ^^. We will be getting yongseo´s overdose :wub:.
























I was watching the 3 performance og hoot until now and I really think (and you CAN call me delusional, I´m ok with it ) that the Inki one is the best made by our Seobaby... I remember I thought after the first one "SeoHyun was not as gorgeous as she was in the video clip" (anyway she is always gorgeous), because she seemed shy on those first 2. But watching Inki, you can see her power, stregth, she is even sexier?? hahaha... maybe because someone was watching her :wub:. (sorry for my delusions)
























Caliope, thanks for the fan accounts, hope some kind goguma can translate them ^^.
























Thanks for pics and of course for everyone´s point of view ♥









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Guest _d3seohyun

GOGUMAS!!!! *wave* thank you for all the goodies! DAEBAK, DAEBAK, DAEBAK!!!! 75026116.gif

just sharing some caps/spazzing about ep 30 :D

Oh these dorkable cuties <3 They're the #1 YONGSEO shippers for sure <3

and yay! finally got to see Sica on YONGSEO wgm, though she's still hidden in the back


Look at hubby's face :wub:

And Minhyuk hahhaha sometimes I still count them too..making sure there are 9 on stage LOL so cute!


And yay Sunny too! LOL at her expression.


I just had to put these two caps side by side. Accccccckkkk at the difference! Watch that scene again fellow

gogumas his face really lit up when he saw his buin. major difference compare to his expression when greeting his beautiful sis-in-laws.

1st cap is when he was greeting fany. *editedLOL. I thought it was sica. but I guess the blonde

hair made me think of Fany. opps sorry. 2nd cap is when he saw his buin :wub:


Oh Seobaby, I am super happy for you!


Fany is still around but his eyes and full attention already shifted to the lucky

girl coming his way <3 His eyes,,his smile....pure LOVE!


who's the girl on the blue looking in? she's also spazzing hahahha


on the first couple of caps he stil has his eyes on his buin but he noticed

that she shifted her attention to her unnies who are coming in..i love how he had his

left arm by her..as if signaling to his hyun, "hold on hon i must greet sis-in-laws"

awwwwwwwww! it's so heartwarming...like he's now courting his girl's family <3

and i LOVE the bro-in-laws of course! the cheer they gave their sis-in-law can compete

with Seobaby's cheer at Inki today hahhaa Even when Seobaby was already by Yong's side, Minhyuk

and Jungshin were still acknowledging her clapping and all <3 and johnghyun too but his eyes

were already by the door hahha



Seobaby were you teary-eyed? :P


Thanks again GOGUMAS!!!! *hugz*

*tnx takulove99@youtube for uploading HQ vidoes <3

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Guest lunasol

_d3seohyun: Thank U for your caps!! The girl in blue spazzing while trying to not appear on camera is Seohyun's friend Nicole from Kara. In the episode you see her walking towards them trying to blend in against the wall when she got near Yongseo, but we still got to see a close-up view of her smiling at them hahahah.

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Guest rjcm127






wow everyone is soo happy about last nights episode... SO am I :rolleyes:


I found this on forevershiningshinee.tumblr while surfing the web. Doesn't the photo look like it's Yong and Seohwa..Can someone find out more about it?


It's the first photo with header 2-in-1


seohyun and yonghwa date?



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_d3seohyun: I also noticed that their eyes seemed to lock while backstage. I think was really sweet, because SNSD looked like they were all rushing (Jessica was so cute, greeting them and dashing off). Seohyun looked like she knew she had to get going, but she still stopped by and stalled in order see Yonghwa.




Is anyone else as intrigued about this gift as I am? I think someone mentioned that it might be a watch/timepiece. I think that makes sense. If not that, then maybe some sort of keepsake/memory box? It sounded relatively heavy, but IDK it didn't seem very large?




I tried getting a better look at the website/logo/brand name, but PDnims gave us very little to work with. I'm sure some really amazing Korean fans will figure it out though, Goguma shippers are AWESOME!












IDK, for all we know it could be a handmade gift and she just used a random box. She could even have bought it overseas (she mentioned she had bought Yong a present in the last episode).





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Guest seohyun_yh



Seriously..if i was at inkigayo,i'll be screaming like crazy  w00t.gif Hmm..is it me or there're not much goguma fans there?  :huh: How come they're not that excited??i got this syndrome that everytime when it comes to seohyun's solo part, i will raise the volume up just to identify whether the fans really got excited or not.The same thing i did when seohyun's teaching the robin hood dance.But,what really shocked me is that seohyun looks incredibly beautiful with that hairstyle *faint* :wub: and more mature~ i'm so happy that seohyun got more airtime during the hoot performance this time & i was able to see her doing the shoulder brushing dance part (in which the cameraman always focus on yoona) Honestly, i think she's the prettiest during the performance  B) Gosh!i can't wait for the fancam  crazy.gif and i can't wait for saturday!


Funny, but each member had focus there, the camera captured to the nine members.


for me,    Yoona had a few more approaches, but really the focus was almost equal on Taeyeon, Tiffany, Yoona, jessica, Seohyun and  Yuri, there was little difference,  Yoona wasn´t the focus on inkigayo.   I liked the attention that they  given to  all the members from snsd on inkigayo. Also lately our seobaby has more focus and participation and that's great! and I think she will get more attention, because there she was  too sexy and beautiful.


wow ... Yonghwa was so nervous! :huh:  he didn´t know how to act, frankly he didn´t know how to act! there were  feelings, emotions and reality.  it had to be hard :wub:  at first, yonghwa  turned his back on Seohyun, he seemed to avoid contact about her.


  After,  he sought with his eyes the look of Seohyun. However seohyun  was normal, strong, indifferent and sure of herself,  but her  face had a bit of feeling. At end of inkigayo, it seemed how Yonghwa look on seohyun, where she was.


he was looking to Seohyun  discreetly, or it´s just my imagination. 



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Guest Goguma06






Rjcm127: It sure look like Yongseo!!!!!!! I hope that its really them!!


But those this picture is recent or was it taken some time ago? And was it for WGM filming?


lol i have so much questions!!


How i wish that it wasnt for WGM filming and that they are reall dating!!


Yongseo is real!!



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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































Rjcm127: It sure look like Yongseo!!!!!!! I hope that its really them!!
































































































































But those this picture is recent or was it taken some time ago? And was it for WGM filming?
































































































































lol i have so much questions!!
































































































































How i wish that it wasnt for WGM filming and that they are reall dating!!
































































































































Yongseo is real!!































































































































































































































































Sorry to disappoint you guys, but that looks like the same outfits/photos as Shin Sekyung and Jonghyun. It's not Yongseo unfortunately!
































































































































Wow~ there's so many fanaccounts and updates.. hope someone who can read hangul will translate it for us! ^^

































































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