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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































Hello everyone!!!
































































Today's inki perf is daebak! but since this is a yongseo thread ill just talk about yongseo :)
































































1. Uri yonghwa is so shy and nervous.. who wouldn't?? other thank his wife is so gorgeous today, all the 8 TROUBLESOME UNNIES are there! hahaha.
































































2. I am 100% sure her unnies made Seohyun stand beside yonghwa and that they wanted her to do the dance move! hahaha
































































3. About MISTAKE stage, yes there is a "YONGSEO" part at the end of the song (taeng's part) I am not sure if you guys notice but i saw Seohyun smiled when taeng sang the "yongseohaejeoyo" part! kekekke
































































4. MAMA, do not bother to vote. I know KSONES are boycotting that award show. I'm sorry but MAMA is a crap! They are using snsd girls again. SNSD pawned the voting before but didn't get any award at all during the GEE season. So ksones doesn't bother voting there, SNSD will NOT ATTEND MAMA ANYWAY.
































































5. OFCOURSE, THANK YOU TO ALL THE TRANSLATORS! thank you for the translated episode and yonghwa's journal translation. This guy spells "LOVE" for me! kekekke

































































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Guest Crystal392

Hiii everyone *waves* I wanted to stream Inki buy fell asleep xD I just wokeup and the first thing I did was check Goguma Planet ^_^

thanks to everyone for the screencaps, links and everything!

I liked reading your posts and opinions, I still have lots of posts to read and videos to watch.

Sooo they weren't lovey dovey during the interview? At least they were standing next to each other ;) if I'm not wrong Hyun usually always is at the end because she is the maknae. I was afraid they were going to send her far far away from Yooong~.

*goes off to watch videos*

Edit: I just watched the interview. Hehehehe it didn't affect me much probably because I had already read your posts xD Imo it was so obvious they were kind of avoiding each other or something like that; like when Yong asked something to Hyun, Hyun kept looking at the camera and had this shy smile on her face! Hehehehehe that's what I think and everybody is free to believe what they want right? ;) and hyo giggling at the back was <3 when yong danced did you realize Hyun was the only one who covered her face laughing and turned the opposite side of Yong/camera? ^_^

I hope we will see some fancams soon. Usually there fancams of Yong MCing so I hope there will also be this time, maybe fancams of him watching SNSD dance? ;)

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Guest shane09

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































it has occurred to me just now. Yong and Hyun are very simple. their first date in a simple spicy rice cake restaurant. Hyun is not very flashy when wearing her own clothes. Yonghwa's simple jokes cracks up Seohyun. the birthday trip was simple, farming and fishing. their house is simple. and their last date (patbingsu) is also very simple. also the staff of places they went to (billiard hall, etc.) say that the couple look like ordinary bf/gf and was really nice. they are very modest and simple. but why do we enjoy those simple moments that Yong and Hyun have? because even if their date is relatively simple, their meetings hold something very meaningful. and we can all relate to that. plus they reveal their true selves in the simplest of ways. and its always a wonderful surprise not just to fans, but more to both of them as well. their simplicity and modesty are very admirable and we can easily relate to it. just thinking out loud.





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Guest lunasol

Not only both Yong and Hyun were the ONLY ones who extended the left hand instead of the right hand, but did you guys noticed his eye movement after he extended his left hand!!!?!?! His face was in one direction but you see his eyes moving towards her extended hand. Its obvious he is trying to not be noticeable about it by the type of glance, and he did twice from 0:13-0:14. 

Hyun is also watching towards the camera and smiling, but the moment he was looking towards her to ask a question she quickly turned her eyes to her right and lowered them (0:33-0:34)!! Her body also kinda moved slightly away, but since he was moving towards her I am not sure if he bumped her with his arm (maybe on purpose!) or is she 'shyly running away' from his stare. 

He may not be looking directly at her or smiling at her during the interview, but he is definitely very aware of her next to him. wub.gifwub.gif

Now that Hyun has her ears pierced Yong can buy her star earrings to match with his!!!biggrin.gif Or maybe he already gave her the heart earrings as a symbol of their relationshipwink.gif 


We can't forget the unnies! Especially Yuri! Watch the interview just watching Yuri's face. As has been mentioned here, from the start Yuri is paying attention to Yong and Hyun's shoulders, then doing a shoulder gesture. Then she seems to look at someone and with her eyes is like telling the person "YEAH! There bodies are touching" and continues to stare at them. Then she is giggling with Hyoyeon at the back. 

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Guest blu3bird80




*bow*.. hello gogumaville.. many thank to all goguma alien spazzer for all the info, screencap, link, artwork, translation, sub and many more.. i really wish i could thank all of you personally but there are to many talented goguma.. let spazz shall we people..

1st up, why so quite? is it the 'thing' with the MOD? don't worry to much, just spazz.. make sure it not to short.. more than 20 words people.. i think if you really shipped uri YongSeo there always tons of thing to write about right? no quoting img.. don't do it.. if you're not sure how to removed it.. ask around.. many friendly goguma alien will help out.. just remove the img tag.. simple right? okay, now for the scarry one.. from the MODs.. don't post any group related activities that are not related to uri couple.. dont be scared.. u can always, always and always make it related.. like this "OMG, SNSD going to have a comeback next week on Inkigayo, I wonder if uri Hyun will wear her couple ring.. i'm sure Yong seobang will be monitoring his buin?" there within the confine of all the above rule don't u agree? (please add and correct me if i'm wrong, gamsahamnida)

on to ep 30.. SWEETNESS overload.. ahh, i've been watching it for more than 32x, still i'm amazed the detail i miss.. chinca, chinca gamsahanida for catching that photo of Hyun bts at Yong seobang CNBLUE concert.. one word.. DAEBAK!!.. i do not wish to see and bts vid, or any ep regarding that.. why? i like to think that Hyun went for support of Yong and CNBLUE.. she wanting to be there not for WGM means heaps for me.. it is a bonus for us goguma to have seen that exclusive photo.. i think this is what separate hard core goguma than the softcore goguma.. hard core goguma just believe.. we prayed for it, believe in it even there was no proof to Hyun being there.. now, there in that guide book that Yong prepare will all sincerity for Hyun.. we found it the proof.. ekeke..

i love the whole ep from 1 to 30.. i a bit irk, a bit just a bit with the pd for screwing with their timeline.. but i love them more for giving us YongSeo.. but in ep 30 the scene i love the most is the reading of Yong letter to Hyun.. i have that feel that both of them realise, at that moment it have crossed from caring for each other in the context of WGM, to just caring about each other.. no string, not just because WGM.. i don't know if i'm making any sense here.. it just feel that both realise something.. hmm..

oh yeah, about inki.. i'm not bother with no lovey dovey eyeship or whatnot.. but i'm glad about the akwardness that surround uri couple.. if these two are popular in korea.. why would any tv station not used that to their advantage? get the rating up? act all lovey dovey by all mean.. just because there is contrain form MBC? i refuse to believe that, they can smile and talk right? so why? it it there is something there to hide? a relationship perhaps? why the knowing smile, avoiding or try not to look obvious monitoring these two from the unnies? mmm.. maybe i'm overthinking this.. annyong..


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omo... so many things happened while i'm away!!!

*waves at all the gogumas* :wub:

ahh i know u guys are all spazzing about inki but lemme spazz about the trans from betty -.-" i've quoted & hi-lighted the part i'm confused/unsure about...

Before I went to japan, I only could speak a few Japanese words, I couldn’t

understand most of them, everyone is Japanese there~

When you come back from japan, please don’t tell me “im not the girl you used to

know before (lyrics of OH!)” you cant do that ok!

You are already the top star in korea and now you advance to japan, this is

different from my situation where I went to japan before I debut in korea, there

will definitely be differences, but we have the same dream right, snsd fighting!

Hehe, for me, the custom when you arrive at japan was really hard! Fighting

so uhh... if i were to interpret this, it'll be something like yong is scared that hyun might change into another person after going to japan? so he's asking her not to change? my take is that, in some cases, the bf or the gf would get concerned when the respective partner is going away to a foreign place for long period of time that they fear the possibility of their partner being a changed person (in most cases, they fear the partner would change for the worse). in yong's case, he has seen how hyun has changed a lot after his mildang plan & it must've partially scared yong pretty much to see hyun's anger. also, i suspect that's one of the reasons he took the time to hand-made his gift for hyun besides wanting to earn back some of his lost gogumas. haha i hope u guys get what i'm trying to say here >.< i hope someone could give their POV on this too~! :)

aigooooo inkigayo... lovekin, at 1st i also felt that weird/uncomfy vibe coming from them. but as i continue to watch them, it feels different in a good way. like some of the gogumas here, i also agree that the MCs seldom stand very close to their interviewees let alone brushing shoulders with them! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THEY BRUSHED SHOULDERS! :wub: i wonder who did it 1st?! it looked as if yong accidentally did it 1st or was it hyun? anyway, it must've felt good brushing against each other after all they haven't met each other for a longgg time & they must be thirsting for each others' presence. thus, the brushing of shoulders were done for quite some time! :w00t: oh, i could also feel their longing for each other although it wasn't obvious but i dunno if i'm biased or what BUT i felt their longing for each other despite them being awkward there. oh! and another thing! how could i forget to spazz about their rings!? doesn't that speaks volume??? yongseo showing off their rings! it looks like yong initiated it 1st. then, after reading yong's actions, buin followed suit. i hope these are enough to change ur mind ^^

thanks sun_sun for the eng subbed! i'm sorry i forgot to thank u for the previous subs :( u're jjang! oh, and thank u armedbattle& another kind goguma (sorry i forgot ur name -.-") for the trans :D

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Guest Crystal392

shane: Your gifs are ♥

Btw is it confirmed that Hyun~ pierced her ears or maybe those were just 'fake earrings' (don't know how to explain it but to wear them you don't need to pierce your ears).

Sooo I was wondering... if she did pierce her ears, maybe she did it with Yong~? I remember a SNSD interview (all sones please correct me if I'm wrong) where she said she wanted to pierce her ears but still wasn't sure... and since Yong~ (according to reports from fans) pierced his ears since he was in school... hmmm maybe he gave her the 'support' and 'courage' and she finally decided to pierce her ears and went together as a WGM mission or sth like that? ;)


~Where they looking at each other through the corner of their eyes? ^^ (probably it's just me being delusional hehehe)~



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Guest 1sweetlove












Hello everyone!!!








Today's inki perf is daebak! but since this is a yongseo thread ill just talk about yongseo :)












1. Uri yonghwa is so shy and nervous.. who wouldn't?? other thank his wife is so gorgeous today, all the 8 TROUBLESOME UNNIES are there! hahaha.








2. I am 100% sure her unnies made Seohyun stand beside yonghwa and that they wanted her to do the dance move! hahaha








3. About MISTAKE stage, yes there is a "YONGSEO" part at the end of the song (taeng's part) I am not sure if you guys notice but i saw Seohyun smiled when taeng sang the "yongseohaejeoyo" part! kekekke








4. MAMA, do not bother to vote. I know KSONES are boycotting that award show. I'm sorry but MAMA is a crap! They are using snsd girls again. SNSD pawned the voting before but didn't get any award at all during the GEE season. So ksones doesn't bother voting there, SNSD will NOT ATTEND MAMA ANYWAY.




5. OFCOURSE, THANK YOU TO ALL THE TRANSLATORS! thank you for the translated episode and yonghwa's journal translation. This guy spells "LOVE" for me! kekekke













excl.gif I'll answer to you dear in the spoiler, afraid to break the rules!












Actually, dear you are wrong. SNSD has been nominated this year for the MAMA, because SM and MNET are trying to get on well!




So yeah, of course, we have to vote this year, talking to SOnes!




They are nominated for the best girl group. ANd CNBLUE nominated for the best male band, and for a rookie award! But I agree with you, MAMA IS A CRAP, SNSD SHOULD HAVE WON IN 2009. I understand why you are telling sones to not vote there!











And I wanted to share this with my fellow gogumas villagers, sorry if it has already been posted :








THE buin's interactions :








at inkigayo ( winner's speach)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktjTzgfJvsc&feature=player_embedded








credit to CrazyCarrot360








at backstage ( interview + news) :












credit to soshifiedgenie6








I really thing that thanks to the horror episode, GA IN And HYUN are really close to each other. Maybe the Sunbae couple will teach uri yonseo couple how to be more open minded with skinship INFRONT OF THE CAMERA. :wub: Because I refuse to believe that they just ended their birthday like this, something might have happened, we just dunno.








See how close they are now in those few recent episode. Something has changed, Hyun seems to lead the relationship, she initiates skinship, teases him and even makes him blush, the one whom is said to never look away first when he has eye contact with a girl!








Besides, she went to his concert. He knew that the person he will invite will of course meet his family. And who did he chose? Hyun. For me they are real.




We fans, have noticed it because we spazz everyday like crazy :ph34r: just to find something that will confirm that they are real.








But, it's different for them, they must have been confused between what's for the sake of the show and what has been done with SINCERITY.








THis month of no contact, has resolved this. From the recent episode to what's coming later, I think you'll never see such a turning point. Because, IT IS THE MOMENT WHEN they are aware of their feeling to one another! :w00t:








THey have already made their mind during this month. :wub: In my opinion, Hyun haven't truly been angy at Yong!








So this is why, I think Yong really did a great thing, eventhough it was hurtfull :tears: for BOTH OF THEM!




Because as even Hyun said in the blackroom, they are good points!








Sorry, if I have bored you, just wanted to share my opinion, sorry! :sweatingbullets:





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Guest Crystal392

heartbreak: I loved your post. They almost always do something meaningful and that you can relate too (at least me). ♥

lunasol: I am dying for some fancams after they recorded the interview! hahahaha and she was soo shy/laughing when Yong~ danced :)

blu3bird80: Hiii~ *waves* Ep 30 is soo sweet <3 hehehe yeah I am torn between wanting to see some BTS of Hyun~ at CNBLUE concert or not, but as you said I am more inclined to not see it because it will mean she went because she just wanted to support her hubby and her bro-in-laws. And just thinking that she may have met Yong's parents makes me soo happy!! :D :D:D

dreamyboo: OOOhh I didn't read that, thanks for reposting it. :) Yeah, I think that is also one of the purposes of YOng's gift, to make Hyun remember Yong and that he will always be with her ;)

1sweetlove: If I'm not wrong SNSD (nor any other SME group/artist) will attend MAMA, but I guess that should be discussed at the SNSD thread. I agree with you, I think sometimes they wonder 'Is this just for the show or real? I am sure while Yong was making the handmade book he at least thought once 'Maybe this is too much?' and Hyun probably thought the same while picking a gift for Yong (I am sure her gift will be something meaningful too). ^^

More screencaps from the at Inki:




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Guest athrun_azzoe
















































i really love they look at inkigayo. they look pretty awkward, I cant help but imagine how they behave at the backstage.
































due to the question bout why I love yongseo (i'm sorry, maybe its too late:lol:)
































1. they are so innocent, and Yong never force Hyun to make a skinship. he is mature and understandable person. and Hyun, she is so thoughtful and pretty. i'm sure Yong's heart get thumped if he see his buin kekekekkk:rolleyes:
































2. YONGSEO COUPLE IS TOO CUTE. its like i read shoujo manga that the story is really extraordinary.
































3. they match each other personality. yong who is mature, playful,considerate, detailed while hyun is pure, innocent, thoughtful, and caring person.
































4. every single episode from yongseo cople never make me dissapoint!
































5 till uncountable reasons for me to love yongseo
































Galuh Rahayu, 17, Indonesia
































if someday they really marry (i hope it becomes true), i'm pretty sure their children will be handsome and pretty and their characteristic are not really diferent from their parents. :w00t:









































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Dear fellow gogumas,

The latest episode had me laughing like a lunatic and grinned from ear to ear~ omg! Talk about sweetness overload.. Now I have no doubt that Yong had invested more than he'd probably imagined in this "virtual" marriage with Hyun, and it's awesome that he's starting to reap his rewards from all his hard work, as I believe the next episode will be just like the birthday episode where Hyun will surprise us by outoing her hubby's suprise!

Anyway, I'm here to share some spazzworthy info. I just dropped by the Baidu Goguma forum and saw a BTS report of some really awesome goguma villagers who went all the way to Korea to see Inkigayo live! And this is what they share (please excuse my poor translating skills):

Credits to Baidu goguma forum:

1. Before the SNSD interview started, Yoona was standing between Hyun and Yong, but later the standing arrangement changed and became the way it was (H and Y standing together). It was mentioned that Hyun just naturally went to stand beside Yong without anyone telling her to do so!

2. In between takes when the cameras were not on them, our couple were whispering into each other's ear from time to time, and Hyun was busy teaching Yong the arrow-shooting dancesteps! Cute!

3. After the interview before SNSD left the stage, Yong gave Hyun a pat on her shoulder! :wub:

4. During SNSD's Hoot performance, Yong was watching the performance seriously from below the stage and singing along the entire song! When he had to go back up the stage to get ready to MC, he mimicked his buin's catwalk steps as he walked up the stairs of the stage! hahaha!

ok this is my first time contributing to this forum, and I hope this has not been posted yet! Big thanks to the great goguma fellas at Baidu! Without them we would've have known about this spazzworthy tidbits!

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shane, thanks for the gifs~!!! :wub:

ohya mrsjoker, like wallpaperfood, I'M A FAN OF UR POSTS. keep them coming~! kekeke xD

redrev, i love how u compiled all the letters! they really brought back some SWEET MEMORIES :D

crystal dearie~! i love that caps of urs!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA don't they look like an item! i'm sure even those who dunno them would think that they're a couple just by the looks of them! ohohoh i wanna show this inki vid to my mom now for comments (experiment LOL xD)


athrun_azzoe, welcome to gogumaland~! it's ok... it's never too late to do so ;) glad u came out! kekeke

jajay, KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! thanks so much for the info! whoaaaa i hope there'll be fancams for those scenes! SPAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :w00t:

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Guest Crystal392

athrun_azzoe: It's never too late! I really really love when Gogumas post the reasons why they love YongSeo because most of them are the same as my reasons ♥

*A screencap from dcinside/married, so many posts of uri YongSeo and look how much views they've got ^_^:

~ 용서 : YongSeo ~




jajay: Yeap the latest ep was daebakk!!! ♥ Woah those are some hardcore Gogumas (not that I am complaining hehehehe). Your post make me smile soo much and I am anticipating some fancams *fingers crossed* Because I topped the page I will quote you:

Dear fellow gogumas,

The latest episode had me laughing like a lunatic and grinned from ear to ear~ omg! Talk about sweetness overload.. Now I have no doubt that Yong had invested more than he'd probably imagined in this "virtual" marriage with Hyun, and it's awesome that he's starting to reap his rewards from all his hard work, as I believe the next episode will be just like the birthday episode where Hyun will surprise us by outoing her hubby's suprise!

Anyway, I'm here to share some spazzworthy info. I just dropped by the Baidu Goguma forum and saw a BTS report of some really awesome goguma villagers who went all the way to Korea to see Inkigayo live! And this is what they share (please excuse my poor translating skills):

Credits to Baidu goguma forum:

1. Before the SNSD interview started, Yoona was standing between Hyun and Yong, but later the standing arrangement changed and became the way it was (H and Y standing together). It was mentioned that Hyun just naturally went to stand beside Yong without anyone telling her to do so!

2. In between takes when the cameras were not on them, our couple were whispering into each other's ear from time to time, and Hyun was busy teaching Yong the arrow-shooting dancesteps! Cute!

3. After the interview before SNSD left the stage, Yong gave Hyun a pat on her shoulder! :wub:

4. During SNSD's Hoot performance, Yong was watching the performance seriously from below the stage and singing along the entire song! When he had to go back up the stage to get ready to MC, he mimicked his buin's catwalk steps as he walked up the stairs of the stage! hahaha!

ok this is my first time contributing to this forum, and I hope this has not been posted yet! Big thanks to the great goguma fellas at Baidu! Without them we would've have known about this spazzworthy tidbits!

dreamyboo: Those caps were made by Korean Gogumas (dcgallers), they are amazing aren't they? Actually most of the caps I most are from dcmarried! hehehehehe They look soo good together, and I can't get over the idea that Hyun~ wore earrings for Inki perf! ;) It can be just a coincidence or a stylist thing, but I want to believe she wantes to look prettier for Yong seobang! hehehe


To all Gogumas: Let's use our Goguma Powers and focus that soon some Inki fancams will appear (it's been soo long since I used those powers ;) old old Gogumas will know what I am talking about ;) ).

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Guest YongxHyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's just wait for the fancam in the inki































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun looks really pretty in inki
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They were so match
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love them so much~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But a little awkward haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but i 'm sure they will be very lovely in the backstage
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wish there is WGM filming there..

































































































































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Guest SophiaPia

OMG! jajay more pls. i'm really waiting for behind the scenes thanks to u and baidu. If u can get some more news pls and hopefully sooner or later we can get fancam. So whispering w/ each other, wife teaching hubby robin hood dance, pat on the shoulder, AND WATCHING WIFE HYUN SERIOUSLY EEEEEE SO SWEET. More news pls. Thank again

YongSeo couple are really lovely on or off cam. I guess esp. off cam w00t.gifyeah baby!  Cheers

Dear fellow gogumas,

The latest episode had me laughing like a lunatic and grinned from ear to ear~ omg! Talk about sweetness overload.. Now I have no doubt that Yong had invested more than he'd probably imagined in this "virtual" marriage with Hyun, and it's awesome that he's starting to reap his rewards from all his hard work, as I believe the next episode will be just like the birthday episode where Hyun will surprise us by outoing her hubby's suprise!

Anyway, I'm here to share some spazzworthy info. I just dropped by the Baidu Goguma forum and saw a BTS report of some really awesome goguma villagers who went all the way to Korea to see Inkigayo live! And this is what they share (please excuse my poor translating skills):

Credits to Baidu goguma forum:

1. Before the SNSD interview started, Yoona was standing between Hyun and Yong, but later the standing arrangement changed and became the way it was (H and Y standing together). It was mentioned that Hyun just naturally went to stand beside Yong without anyone telling her to do so!

2. In between takes when the cameras were not on them, our couple were whispering into each other's ear from time to time, and Hyun was busy teaching Yong the arrow-shooting dancesteps! Cute!

3. After the interview before SNSD left the stage, Yong gave Hyun a pat on her shoulder! :wub:

4. During SNSD's Hoot performance, Yong was watching the performance seriously from below the stage and singing along the entire song! When he had to go back up the stage to get ready to MC, he mimicked his buin's catwalk steps as he walked up the stairs of the stage! hahaha!

ok this is my first time contributing to this forum, and I hope this has not been posted yet! Big thanks to the great goguma fellas at Baidu! Without them we would've have known about this spazzworthy tidbits!

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Guest missmoomin101


jay jay - OH MY GOD thank you so much I am completely spazzing right now!!!!!!  Oh how I wish someone had taken a sneaky fancam of them but I guess it's too much to ask tears.gif Anyway, who cares?? It's enough to know that they interact comfortably when the cameras are off.  I am literally dancing for joy!  Thank you for your translations ^^


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What I say here might be said by someone else a hundred times before, but I think it won't hurt to spazz a million times over this wonderful couple.
















































































































































































Episode 30 :
















































































































































































Was adorable. Super ultra sweet. Months ago, I couldn't watch the fancam after their duet. I'm thankful that I can watch them now. They walk together backstage and looked like they have been singing a duet for years.
















































































































































































CN Blue watched Oh together through TV like loyal fanboys was pure gold! They looked like loyal fanboys! Except Yong Hwa who looked so....captivated. Their greeting as SNSD walked backstage was heart warming. CN Blue and SNSD are getting friendly because of Yongseo couple.
















































































































































































And at the dressing room, when Hyun said she felt closer to CN Blue brothers. Yong Hwa was hoping she would say it's with him LOL.
















































































































































































The scene where they come home after their duet.....I can imagine how it would be if they really live together. Someone said he looked so comfortable he put his feet on the couch.
















































































































































































Ah, they look so good wearing high school uniforms. Yong looked so cool and Hyun so pretty. I can't help to wish they attend the same high school. To date since high school.
















































































































































































The patbingsoo date! *Fainted*
















































































































































































Hyun got a great acting skills. All the "I don't know this is a special day" was really believable. If I don't follow them, I would believe her. Yong got frustrated. I feel sorry for him that moment. And I swear the scene when he threatened to spit beans on her really got me. His funny face and Hyun's adorable "Don't" while shaking her head. I kept repeating it.
















































































































































































I love that Yong got so embarassed when he showed the journal. And Hyun's "Can I see it? Can I see it?" was aegyo full power I want to pinch her cheeks.
















































































































































































And the journal.
















































































































































































I saluted Yong Hwa so many times before. But this time he really caught my heart.
















































































































































































I mean, look at how much he is making the effort. To show her that he cares, to tell her how she means to him. I think he got the money to buy jewels for her. Treat her to a fancy restaurant. But he chose to make that journal. He must really love her. I don't even want to say that this is a show anymore. I feel what he is doing to her has always been an act of love.
















































































































































































I prayed that they are together now. I don't have to know, just please be together in real life. You both matched like two pieces of matching puzzles. After WGM ended...I hope they will stil find a way to be together.
















































































































































































Something really sincere must paid off. Look at how comfortable Hyun is with him now. Despite the "No communication time incident", she looks so happy everytime they meet. She's showing aegyo now, which her unnies say is not a habit she done a lot. She's learning about love, and Yong Hwa is a really good teacher. She learned that it's happiness to show to someone you love that you care for them. That all you do is trying to make them happy. I think that's why Hyun is being very generous too. She bought their new couple rings (silver), she made that Yongseo story book, and even put up the courage to sing for him. And to think that until January 2010 she has no idea or desire to a guy.
















































































































































































I believe love could transform you. Just look at how Hyun is getting more beautiful each day. Those performances for Hyun got me squee "Oh Hyun you're gorgeous!" everytime she sings, "Where are you looking at? I'm right here!". Yes Hyun. I think he is not looking anywhere else. He got eyes only for you.
















































































































































































Oh God I'm rambling now. Okay where was I? The patbingsoo date.
















































































































































































The journal. How many pages did he write with his hands? And the clippings. How did he find time between his crazy schedules? I salute you Jung Yong Hwa-ssi, I really do. The cartoon of Hyun! Cute! And why oh why did he put his pic with a sexy pose? Maybe to ensure that Hyun will not forget you in Japan? Oh I'm sure she won't!
















































































































































































And their pics at his concert! I'm sooo happy to know that. First concert is really important. I'm happy Seo Hyun was there to support him. I ran to youtube and watched the Love Light fancam. He looked to "that way" a lot. Wow.
















































































































































































CN Blue's messages to Hyun. I think they like their Hyungsoonim a lot. I like that they say Yong Hwa is happier with Hyun now, and how they wish they would always be together. And his message. "I feel there was too many invisible walls between us. I want to tear them down. That's why I did that. Please understand me".
















































































































































































Omo! How more honest could he be? He's practically giving us an insider look at his brain and heart.
















































































































































































And he looked so happy when Hyun put that blue box on the table.
















































































































































































The PD-nim just had to cut it there!
















































































































































































I'm dying to know what's inside that box.
















































































































































































And Inkigayo today? Was more than I hope for. I hoped for a look. A smile shared.
















































































































































































Well, they didn't share a look or a smile.
















































































































































































But they stood next to each other! And wore the rings. And it shone so bright!
















































































































































































Ah Yongseo love! IT'S REAL!
















































































































































































Waves to all fellow Gogumas. I'm a fan of your posts. You're all daebak!
















































































































































































And to armedbattle and sun_sun. You are angels. Thank you so much!

















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Guest Crystal392

I have more goodies from KGogumas/dcgallers:

*Fanmadevideo: You have to see this video, I don't know if it's because I am a bit hormonal :ph34r: but seriously I felt like crying after watching it. So sweet, it has cuts from the latest ep ♥♥

*Screencap from Inki perf: Were Yong~ and Hyun~ looking at each other? :wub:;) I hope so! (goes to Goguma Dreamland)



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Guest uolam21

Thank you Uolam21 for the translation ... Gosh...Yong is such a sweetheart indeed. That notebook is a really special gift. :wub:

i'm thrilled to be thanked, but as i posted, credit goes to BETTY from the sweet potato days blogspot

who very kindly gave me the go signal to post it here in soompi... 

anyway, she wants me to give thanks to baidu too, because she was translating directly from baidu... 


much as i want to, i can't understand korean or chinese for that matter...

so i have to take my hats off to all kind hearted goguma lovers who take their time out

and put much effort into translating anything goguma-related for all of us villagers...

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