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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lunasol

I just saw the performance and ending of the show with some lag. However, about WGM couples awkwardness because of prohibition of acting as a couple on a broadcasted show from another channel...  Not only you see Yong trying not to look at her on purpose in the interview. But did you guys notice that at the end when Gain won and she was crying, JoKwon seemed awkward in how to comfort her. It was like he wanted to hug her or do something about it, but couldn't? Still our Yongseo managed to stand not just next to each other, but almost glued to each other!

Its funny how at 0:19 of the interview he is slowly lowering his hand with the microphone, trying not to bump their arms, and then looks awkwardly to the side towards her trying to not look at her directly.

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Guest ichigo_kawai

Hi everyone ....:wub:

Thanks for all about yongseo couple.....

I wanna share 2 wallpaper... I hope u like it

YongSeo ( I Miss U)




EDIT : @kudougirl...Thanks...of course u can.....^_^

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Guest Faith_memory
































































































































































































































































i want to share something as well!! on the interview!!! my caps are super LQ sorry about these but anyway, it's yongseo that counts ahaha ♥
































































































































































































on this cap, they mentioned something that made them to form a 5 on their hands... dunno know what they said. yong lifted his LEFT HAND *where the ring is on* and stared at the cam for a bit. hmm sending something to us gogumas? hehe yong~
































































































































































































































































































































































































on this next cap, snsd did the 5-on-the hand thing. and look closely at hyun at around 0:14, of the vid. She lifted her RIGHT HAND, and was about to form the 5 thing... BUT....
































































































































































































































































































































































































but she placed her RIGHT HAND DOWN, and she raised her LEFT INSTEAD. hehehe.. showing the ring maybe? like what yong did?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































also, at the end when hyun was about to talk on mic... after yuri. ♥
































































































































































































































































































































































































blurry but the ring was there hehe. ♥ what will she do???
































































































































































































































































































































































































she placed her hand directly at the camera for a clearer view of their ring!!!

































































































































































































































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Guest kudougirl
















































why did yonghwa and seohyun not stare at each other? because if they did it, they can not stop. hehehe :D






























































seeing their rings when they're standing together outside WGM makes me happy enough laugh.gif






























































i wonder what yong thought when SNSD performed.. especially Hoot. hyun is really REALLY beautiful! and sexy!
















Faith_memory , thanks for sharing. i didn't realize she did that! hihihi. hyun is obviously in love with yong~ no doubt biggrin.gif
















ichigo_kawai whoaaa really great artwork!! can i save it?? just for collection. i won't post it anywhere else. thank you very much!!! laugh.gif

















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Guest Beluga14






did you guy notice something changed during the interview today....I don't really this is the first time...but .... anyway...Seohyun buin was wearing earrings. is it the first time for her????? She has changed....KUKUKU...I like it.



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Guest icarus_fly











i definitely agree with your points..



everyone is restraining themselves from teasing the couple, maybe because mbc does not permit to ship the couple outside the show or any of the station's programs..



just like what happened to the jo kwon - gain couple, when the couple appeared in a non-mbc program, there was dispute..



but still they manage to make our hearts flutter and spazz..









i also notice hyun's hesitation...






aren't they cute....






that was a great episode..



of course it is not wgm or any mbc program so we cannot expect them to have more interaction..



although it goes that way, i am still happy to see the couple in one program...



in the ending part, i thought hyun will be going to hyun, but she was heading to ga-in to congratulate her...





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































just finished watching Inkigayo and I would like to share some thoughts. 
























since Inkigayo is SBS, they are discouraged to portray their "married status" because WGM is MBC. but since YongSeo couple is very popular, Inkigayo PD's probably arranged for Seohyun to stand next to Yonghwa. and usually the order of the MC's from left to right is Yonghwa-->Sulli-->Jokwon. if they weren't standing next to each other, I think people will be suspicious. they were next to each other, but is not allowed to show that they are "married", so we all saw that both of them are trying hard to restrain themselves. it was awkward, but in a good way. I'm glad they were standing next to each other and became awkward, because we can see that they are hiding something. :)
























During and interview, the interviewer must look at his interviewee when asking questions. and the interviewee must look at the interviewer and the camera while answering the interviewer's questions. Yonghwa tried to establish eye contact during the interview, since he is the MC. but Seohyun was really shy and looked away. why would a very popular girl, who is a member of Korea's hottest girl group for 3 years be shy during an interview? hmmmmmmmm. Yonghwa, started out as an actor, became the leader of the rapidly rising band CNBlue, became awkward when he was interviewing a girl group? he has interviewed other girl groups before since it is his "work", but towards Seohyun during his work hours, he became somewhat shy. hmmmmmm.
























Hyoyeon and Yuri caught my eyes. Yuri watches YongSeo (revealed after the UJ episode), and Hyoyeon has appeared in YongSeo segments several times. and it just happened that they were standing behind Seohyun. so we saw Hyoyeon giggling a bit, and Yuri smiling slyly while watching Yonghwa's actions during the interview.





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Guest SophiaPia

yes! we must understand that its sbs not mbc :) and it's the comeback of the girls and we must feel happy and thankful coz even though it's not mbc we still see something lovely earlier. same w/ adam couple for sure jokwon wants to hug ga-in but didnt happen coz its diff sbs not mbc

 - YongSeo couple standing next w/ each other :) maybe yes! rubbing elbow there kekeke!

- THE LOVELY RING, very proud of that, show to the world kekeke!

- and in some ways ther's sneaking eye to eye contact there, Yong look at his wife and wife look at his hubby. mc should look at their guest while they interviewing them but not too much for our hubby Yong other wise our YONGSEO COUPLE WILL GO HOME EARLY GO HOME TO THEIR COUPLE HAUS sorry naughty imagination  kekeke! :):) 

and u really can see that hubby Yong is slightly nervous. There his gorgeous wife looking lovely everyday and his sis in law laugh.gif

I'm thankful we've got lots of YongSeo to look at. We just hope we have fancam of what happen inside the inkigayo. 

Cheers to all

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Guest lunasol

Here is the link for the ending of Inkigayo with Gain winning. You can see Adam couple awkwardness, Hyun standing in front of her unnies at the front of the stage watching towards Gain and the MCs direction. She seems very happy about her winning and is applauding, then she runs to congratulate her. At that moment she goes to Gain with Yoona, I also see Seulong and Jinwoon! Then Yong looks towards them as if he was looking for Hyun or wanted to be there (Maybe is my wishful thinking hahaha).

Today's Winner

cr. CrazyCarrot360

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Guest ansa---






did you guy notice something changed during the interview today....I don't really this is the first time...but .... anyway...Seohyun buin was wearing earrings. is it the first time for her????? She has changed....KUKUKU...I like it.






yep and have you seen the shape of the earing it is HEART, wow is she confessing???? 



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































I would like to add something to my previous post, but Soompi is acting a little weird. I can't edit my post, I've been trying for a while but I can't edit my previous post. I think it has become second nature to Yong and Hyun to stand that close to each other. they were not conscious about it, but they were really standing really close. they were standing closer compared to how the other unnies were standing.





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i think the couple are really doing something.. a mission between them?..keke




because after it yuri look at them and did this action








which yong did when they show off their ring in music bank...













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Guest wallpaperfood

mrs joker, your revelations are always expressed so well! I absolutely agree with your post. It's so noticeable that everyone is trying hard not to "give anything away" - if they yongseo were just good colleagues, the mood would not be that confined. Of course, the SBSvMBC warning would play into it as well, but not to the extent that Yong doesn't even dare look/smile right at Hyun. It's ok to smile, right? ^^

And about the LH-switch - I bet that was pre-planned! Yongseo OR unnies/MCs said to try at least show off the couple rings if they can't ACT like one. Since it's SBS, they have to be discreet - and I think they did a pretty good job of showing their <3 under such tight conditions hehe.

It was probably like, "Hyun, when we do the SNSD greeting, you have to put out your LEFT hand to show off the ring, okayy??" And Hyun probably remembered at that moment, so she switched hands. Hyun is not spontaneous by nature - everyhting has to practically be meticulously planned (e.g. their duet for one..). Hence, her mind was going "Okay here I had made up my mind to use my left hand to show off the couple ring, so that's what I'll do now" --> *changes hands* :P

i LOVED their awkward tension, because you know WHY they were tense. So much lying below the surface....hehehe

PS I think Yong should have had his hair styled up - same as during eps 15-18. As a vampire, that would be HOT.

I'm also really happy Hyun had her hair parter to the side more than usual today, also, it showed off her big HEART earrings! Although she is hands down gorgeous 24/7, i'm not that big a fan of her centre parting for Hoot performances so far. I still think she rocks side parting, and I like how it exposed the half facing Yong :D

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Guest niixxii
















guys, do you have the preview? I'm so excited for next week. It's hyun's turn and i remember ep 27, the best episode ever. i hope it's like that next week. bring on the love everyone! yongseo!!








please anyone, post the preview! ahaha. i cant get enough of this couple.








edit: and in my opinion, the arm thing that yuri did is because of their dance steps in Hoot. Just my opinion. :))





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Guest shane09

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Greeting sall Gogumas....

Seems like everyone is spazzing about Yongseo during SNSD comeback at Inki but I’m still at Yongseo’s ep30.... Well, as the saying goes... better late than never. Let’s spazz!!!!!

The school date was simple & innocent yet meaningful to Yong and Hyun. There are so many things to spazz about but looks like the other gogumas had said them all... Gogumas LOVE

Yong the EMOTIONAL blue can really express his feelings well in words. Each line written is full of emotion. No wonder he could compose such lovely songs with beautiful & meaningful lyrics

However, he is always shy every time he wrote something 4 Hyun and listening 2 her reading them aloud.

Yong’s reply letter 2 Hyun (1st meeting – ep 2)

Yong wrote a reply letter to Hyun’s promise letter as she requested. However when she was reading it he was nodding and biting his nails out of embarrassment. Look at those eyes...

“To Hyunie...

Since we got married when we don’t Know what was going on, You and I were both awkward to each other and I think we don’t know what to do.However, despite the short time we’ve spent together, I feel like we already got close. So, I think this is going to be enjoyable for us. Eventhough we’re a would-be-married couple right now, let’s try to learn about each other quickly. Hyun ... wub.gif

From; Yong“

2nd Promise letter in Jeongdongjin (ep 9)

They wrote 2nd promise letter before they move into the new house as husband and wife. The contents of the letters were not shown I think. Anybody know of the 2nd letter?

The Apology Photo Diary (1st day at new house – ep 11)

Yong prepared the apology photo diary to show how sorry and worried he was for misplacing Hyun’s first promise letter. He said it was his first time doing something like that for a girl. His aigoo... smiles & eyes... Oh... he made this till late at night just like SeoHyun Japan Survival Book

“Hyun! I am so so sorry! x 100000 Right now I am about to meet you..I'm so sad.. It was a very important/valued thing.. I won't make up any excuses.! Even when I go home today, I'll continue to look for it! Ah...although taking pictures and even writing a letter is a first for me, I am so sorry for giving you such bad news! Today is our first husband-wife relationship! I am so curious to see how our house was decorated! Let's put pretty decorations and make it the best house in the world! Let's live well together Hyun-BuIn-Ah(wife)!” wub.gif

Birthday letter 4 Hyun (ep 26)

When Hyun was reading the letter, Yong was embarrassed & busy playing and fanning himself with the sign board. He was cute. Look at his eyes & smiles...

To Hyun...

Happy Birthday to U. Sorry for the be lated message kekeke... During the short period of being with U, I’ve come to learn many things from U. And our beautiful Hyun, I always feel sorry that I could give U only so much. But, thank U for always taking care of me. From the bottom of my heart, happy Birthday to U.

From; Yong”

Yong’s letter to Hyun’s mum (ep 26)

He looked satisfied after Hyun finished reading the letter. But look at his smiles & eyes while Hyun was reading it....

“Hyun’s mother... hello mother-in-law. I’m Yong seobang. Thank U for giving birth to such a beautiful daughter like Hyun. You have faith in Yong seobang, don’t  U? Hehehe... I should go & visit U personally and I am very sorry I couldn’t. I will come and visit U soon. I’ll be good mother-in-law” wub.gif

I think this is the best letter he wrote out of all... just like what a grateful and dutiful son-in-law would say to his mother-in-law...

Seo Hyun’s Japan SurvivalBook (ep 30)

He was extremely shy when he took out the book and it was very cute and sweet of him for making all the efforts to prepare the book for his buin despite his busy schedules. He even made the dongsaengs wrote the messages late at night. I could imagine leader Yong pestering the boys and wouldn’t let them go to bed until they finish writing the messages.

When Hyun started to read the book, Yong’s embarrass scream was adorable kekeke... While Hyun was reading the book, Yong kept on holding and massaging the bridge of his nose to hide his embarrassment. I found this very sweet & cute... Just look at his smiles and eyes... I just don’t know how to describe them... wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

“To Hyun

Finally, it’s my turn. I hope this journal is of use to you. Although it doesn’t look much, I put a lot of effort into making it. Please feel my sincerity. Do you feel any regret now? Honestly, I felt that there were too many invisible walls between us. I wanted to tear them down, that’s why I did that. Please understand me, okay? From the start, although so many things have happened to us, these are all unforgettable memories to me whenever I think of them. Your activities in Japan are going to be tiring, complete them successfully. I’m always grateful to you Hyun.

From The Author, Jung Yong Hwa” wub.gif

Sorry 4 d long post again. Love u all Gogumas biggrin.gif 

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yes, yongseo is awkward.

they're awkward because they can't be their lovey dovey selves. :sweatingbullets:

BUT despite not able to show their loving true self,

it looks like yong did get swayed away by wifey's beauty and ended up

staring at her just for a few secs. :rolleyes:^_^

and we know that once hyun looks at hubby, she'll ended up laughing...

MBC may have restrictions BUT who says yongseo can't stand next to each other?

i believe hyun's unnies have a part on this too.

those shoulder brushings are enough to make gogumas giddy all over again... :lol:

looks like hyun needs to give yong another dance lessson,

in the privacy of their home :P:lol:

mrsjoker, uh-ohexv, wallpaper, i'm with u guys.

betty, tks for trans

shane dear! hug u tight for the goodies!

tks all for links, pics and sharing those thoughts. gogumas are jjang!

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horray gogumas...








im so happy after reading all this wonderful points of view from all of you regarding inkigayo and the doubt remarks of lovekin (which i like in away coz it cleared how the situation went)..i agree with you guys...our yongseo couple tried to limit their sweet act for the sake of station competition, and i believe thats the reason why they act somewhat awkward and yong a bit nervous...








yongseo fighting..








gogumas fighting...









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