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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest chilipadi_22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wow the news about YongSeo on Inki are spreading in Korea































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































‘인기가요’ 정용화, 서현에게 화살춤 배우기 삼매경 ‘용서커플 재회’
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[뉴스엔 이언혁 기자]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































씨엔블루 정용화가 소녀시대 서현에게 화살춤을 배웠다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































소녀시대는 10월 31일 방송된 SBS '인기가요'(MC 조권 설리 정용화)에서 MC들과 만나 신곡을 소개했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































소녀시대는 '훗'(Hoot)에서 화살을 쏘는 듯한 동작을 한다. 정용화 옆에 선 서현은 소녀시대 대표로 MC들에게 화살춤을 가르치게 됐다. 정용화는 서현이 춤 추는 모습에 반응을 보였다. 이어 정용화는 화살춤을 따라했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































네티즌들은 "용서커플 재회했다", "훈훈하다", "잘 어울린다"는 등의 반응을 나타냈다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































한 편 이날 '음악중심'에서는 '훗+내 잘못이죠'의 소녀시대(태연 윤아 제시카 수영 효연 유리 티파니 써니 서현)와 '미친듯이+전활 받지 않는 너에게'의 2AM(조권 이창민 임슬옹 정진운)이 컴백했다. 비스트 이기광과 샤이니 태민, 2PM 우영 찬성, 2NE1(투애니원) 민지는 할로윈 특집 고(故) 마이클 잭슨의 'Thriller'(스릴러) 댄스 퍼포먼스를 선보였다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































아 울러 'Hello'(헬로)의 샤이니(온유 종현 키 민호 태민), 'l'll be back'(아윌비백)의 2PM(닉쿤 택연 준수 준호 우영 찬성), '숨'의 비스트(윤두준 용준형 양요섭 장현승 이기광 손동운), '돌이킬 수 없는' 가인이 Take7 자격으로 출연했으며 '아파'의 2NE1(씨엘 공민지 박봄 산다라박), 'Right now'(라잇 나우)의 싸이, '하얀 눈물'의 이루, 'Ma lover'(마이 러버, Feat. 비스트 용준형)의 채연도 모습을 나타냈다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































또 'MACH'(마하)의 레인보우(김재경 오승아 고우리 노을 정윤혜 김지숙 조현영), '해바라기'의 SG워너비(김용준 김진호 이석훈), 'Ladies'(레이디스)의 나인뮤지스(라나 세라 비니 이샘 은지 이유애린 민하 혜미 현아), '삐리뽐 빼리뽐'의 남녀공학(미소수미 한빛효영 한별혜원 악동광행 열혈강호 지혜태운 천지유성 가온누리 알찬성민 별빛찬미), '주인공'의 아웃사이더, '난'의 터치(Touch, 한준 준용 영훈 민석 선웅 다빈 성용), '혼자 살래'의 에바스, 'Love letter'(러브레터)의 보헤미안(유규상 박상우)이 무대를 꾸몄다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이언혁 leeuh@newsen.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































'천사' 서현, '드라큘라' 정용화 옆에 '찰싹'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MBC 가상결혼버라이어티 '우리결혼했어요2'에서 알콩달콩 사랑을 선보이고 있는 '용서커플' 정용화와 서현이 SBS '인기가요'에서도 끈끈한 애정을 선보여 눈길을 끈다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































서현은 31일 오후 방송된 '인기가요'에 소녀시대 멤버들과 함께 등장, 컴백을 알렸다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이날 할로윈 특집을 맞아 드라큘라 복장을 하고 등장한 정용화는 서현의 곁에서 진행, '부부에'를 과시했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































특히 '천사'같은 복장의 서현과 드라큘라 복장의 정용화가 묘한 대비를 이루면서도 잘 어울려 보는 이를 흐뭇하게 했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit : yongseofacts @ twitter































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just finished watching inkigayo~ and yong and hyun were standing side by side during the interview!! they look so good together!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can someone please translate the article please!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i am anticipating fancams of hubby yong during wife hyun's performance!

































































































































































































































































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is she avoiding nampyongs stare???..kekeke...
































































onni's are really checking on bro-in law..hehe..






























































































































is yong hwa happy now?..seeing her wife dance...??...hehe

































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Guest lovekin








i do like – and was not expecting – the fact that they were situated beside each other.  i think that was pre-planned, which makes it all the more confusing.  if they're not meant to be viewed as a couple outside of WGM (and its station), why put them side-by-side?  seems counterproductive to me.




anyway, maybe i'm the only one, but OH IT WAS SO AWKWARD.  i haven't felt this kind of awkwardness from them since the push-pull episode ... which, technically, was a few months ago.  so it was pretty painful for me to watch, to be honest!




i guess it was further exacerbated by the fact that yong was easygoing with sulli and kwon.  and when he'd look at seo, i was hoping she'd at least look at him.  and i don't believe for one minute that they weren't allowed to.  if they can stand next to each other, they can certainly look at each other without trying to come off as a couple.




i don't know.  i was just kind of vicx.gif about it.




regardless, yay for being close to each other!  i think that was the only good thing about it – and the rings, of course.  if there are more interactions between them BTS, it would ease my feelings of uncertainty about that scene.  it was just too weird.  crazy.gif



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Hohoho yongseo's shoulders laugh.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even Yuri noticed it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yuri ah~are you giving us hints?laugh.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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There's not much interaction, but I guess we could understand.








I'm glad they were standing side by side, and Yong was really shy, I wonder why? (And shaking too? Aigoo!) xDD








And they were standing so close too, that their shoulders were bumping.. Kekekeke~








And couple rings~ ♥








Hyun's really pretty today, and she got her ears pierced too! Omo.








And Yong the vampire. Looking good~ I'm also waiting for fancams! :)








..I seriously hope they will film today after Inki.








Thanks for the links, pictures and news! :)



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Guest soshisoshisoshi








HI GOGUMAS, still spazzing about inkigayo?? finally we see them together again since the last filming. the other SNSD members surely tease YONG and HYUN alot..............and we saw the banjjak banjjak RING 1010311f.jpg




look at taeyeon LOL, and sulli also





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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omg i didnt realize yuri gave us hints!!! she's the best!!! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i have to go watch it again!! @ 19 seconds!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i really think its preplanned. lol. most likely by the SNSD sisters!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahahah how they always tease seohyun and yonghwa :)

































































































































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I am sure it was the Unnies who made SeoHyun stand beside the very handsome Vampire.

The screen grab of that moment when both of them show their hands out with rings is just fabulous. I am sure they didnt knw it will turn out that way. :wub:

I always use the following site to translate korean words or articles. Sometimes it comes out in broken English but you can still get the gist of the sentences.

korean translation site


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































i do like – and was not expecting – the fact that they were situated beside each other.  i think that was pre-planned, which makes it all the more confusing.  if they're not meant to be viewed as a couple outside of WGM (and its station), why put them side-by-side?  seems counterproductive to me.
































































anyway, maybe i'm the only one, but OH IT WAS SO AWKWARD.  i haven't felt this kind of awkwardness from them since the push-pull episode ... which, technically, was a few months ago.  so it was pretty painful for me to watch, to be honest!
































































i guess it was further exacerbated by the fact that yong was easygoing with sulli and kwon.  and when he'd look at seo, i was hoping she'd at least look at him.  and i don't believe for one minute that they weren't allowed to.  if they can stand next to each other, they can certainly look at each other without trying to come off as a couple.
































































i don't know.  i was just kind of vicx.gif about it.






























































































































































































regardless, yay for being close to each other!  i think that was the only good thing about it – and the rings, of course.  if there are more interactions between them BTS, it would ease my feelings of uncertainty about that scene.  it was just too weird.  crazy.gif































































































































Actually, i do believe that they were told not to interact much on each other.






























































































































































































































The last thing they want is to get in trouble with MBC.






























































































































































































































They were probably cautioned by Jo Kwon too coz He & GaIn got in trouble ones because of it...
































































You can tell that they want to look at each other but they can't. Yong is so stiff and uncomfortable that it's not normal.. :lol:
































































They were probably just being careful, they didn't want to be put in the same situation as the adam couple.

LINK As you can see MBC is VERY STRICT. <_<

































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watching the interview now..








































seohyun copied yonghwa when jokwon said








































"right now its SNSD" the other girls use their right while she








































use left after yonghwa did the move...








































yuri is funny even giving a clue about the shoulder thing and tapping her shoulder when she saw it....








































when gain won seohyun rushes to her side (gain) and yonghwa is almost beside gain.. (really can't wait for the fancams)








































yonghwa is really nervous beside his buin..








































he didn't even look at her.. and he always keep his eyes to jokwon..









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LOL..it's funny how Yuri was paying attention to how hyun and Yong's shoulder always bump into each other..
































































































































































































































































she even make the shoulder gesture and her eyes was fixed to the couple's shoulder.. :phew:
































































































































































































































































Yong was so adorable with his fail Hoot dance..buin need to give him personal lesson again..
































































































































































































































































and boy, he's nervous.. :lol: why Yong, is it because your buin are so pretty today?
































































































































































































































































Hyun pierced her ears already..now they can wear couple earrings^^

































































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ommo ya the ending look at yong..






























































































































because seo hyun was going to gain and 2am is there..jinwoon?...






























































































































look back...my wife!...






























































































































you can see jinwoon looking at hyun..






























































































































ottoke yong? run!...





























































































































































































good thing she was with her onni's........nothing much to worry yong...






























































































































because it was cut right away we havent seen it till the end...






























































































































fancams please!...

































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































































































i do like – and was not expecting – the fact that they were situated beside each other.  i think that was pre-planned, which makes it all the more confusing.  if they're not meant to be viewed as a couple outside of WGM (and its station), why put them side-by-side?  seems counterproductive to me.
































































































































anyway, maybe i'm the only one, but OH IT WAS SO AWKWARD.  i haven't felt this kind of awkwardness from them since the push-pull episode ... which, technically, was a few months ago.  so it was pretty painful for me to watch, to be honest!
































































































































i guess it was further exacerbated by the fact that yong was easygoing with sulli and kwon.  and when he'd look at seo, i was hoping she'd at least look at him.  and i don't believe for one minute that they weren't allowed to.  if they can stand next to each other, they can certainly look at each other without trying to come off as a couple.
































































































































i don't know.  i was just kind of vicx.gif about it.






























































































































































































































































































































































































regardless, yay for being close to each other!  i think that was the only good thing about it – and the rings, of course.  if there are more interactions between them BTS, it would ease my feelings of uncertainty about that scene.  it was just too weird.  crazy.gif
































































































































I'm not sure what you mean? Your comment confused me. They're not allowed to be all lovey dovey outside of MBC. They have rules about that. Inki wouldn't ask them to stand each other just because they're known as the YongSeo couple, since Inki is not on MBC.
































































































































I think it's likely the unnies told Seohyun to stand next to Yonghwa. Why I think this? Seohyun is almost always standing on the top left when she's with the girls. And this time she was the bottom right. I think you're thinking too much about it.. they can't show their close relationship on another station. It's clear they were both smiling and avoiding eye contact just so they don't create too much buzz. (I remember Kwonin went on Family Outing together [which is not MBC] and MBC got really mad and threatened the FO pd's for inviting them]) They're just being careful.
































































































































Just don't think too deeply into it! :sweatingbullets:

































































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Translation of the article from the Sweet Potato Forum on Baidu as follows:

"Angel" SeoHyun leaning closely on "Vampire" Yong

The sweet Yongseo couple Jung Yong Hwa and SeoHyun also acted sweetly on SBS Inkigayo, attracting attention. In the program on 31st, SeoHyun appeared with SNSD members and was interviewed on the comeback.

Dressing up as Vampire on Halloween day, YongHwa and SeoHyun stand closely together showing off "married couple love". Especially when Hyun was dressed up like an "angel" and contrasted with Yong's Vampire outfit.However even with such huge contrast, the image they portray seems so harmonious at the same time. Viewers cant help but to smile at this.

Personally I think its abit of overreacting, and dramatic writing but well, its just fun! And its true the angel and vampire seems so ironically romantic!

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Guest mrsjoker
































































@Lovekin : Nope...you are not the only one. I know where you coming from because my initial thought was exactly like you the first time i watch the interview section. it was somewhat akward... i too have mixed feeling about it. blush.gif






























































But after watching it like 5 times, you'd start to notice that Hyun and Yong was standing "too" close than usual norm for an MC and an interviewee and that you can see that Yong is really trying so hard to focus on his MCing duties. and also i kinda get the vibe that everyone is trying to restrain themselves in a way.






























































So here's my take on YongSeo's interaction today at inki.






























































1) Nonetheless it was still an SBS show NOT MBC's (who broadcast wgm), therefore there is a certain profesionalism that everyone has to carry regardless whether or not SBS actually allowed the couple to interact in a more "lovey dovey" way.






























































2) You can actually feel and get the vibe that everyone is restraining themselves and act nonchalantly about the fact that YongSeo is together in a show outside wgm. You can see the unnies are trying not to look directly at Yong too and not teasing them although Hyoyeon slip a gigle and a big grin when Yong was following Hyun's arrow dance. You could also see that Hyun was laughing shyly at Yong's fail dancing and that she covers her face out of shyness... it's like saying "omg yo~~ng what are you doing, you fail at dancing but oh...my boyfriend is just so cute".... ^_^ .
































































3) Despite the fact that it was so akward  and that the two of them did not made an eye contact on screen BUT you can't denied that both are wearing the RING DING DONG to their own respective schedule outside WGM. Again... i say that speaks a lot more than what is captured on screen. I think that both of them are trying not to have an eye contact purposedly because i'm sensing some "sexual tension" going on around them. it's like if they made "eyeship" their hearts will burst  all of a sudden and god knows what they will say or do to one another. (at least that's what i feel...) :wub:
































































Why? because due to todays inkigayo, i think that in real life they now have "established" some kind of relationship beyond close friends and surely heading towards the romantic relationship (in whatever terms they want to call it, be it BF/GF, you are mine/I am yours...etc). My thinking might be "lunatic" in a sense, but my logic is that, IF outside wgm they are only friends, why so determined not to have "eyeship", why everyone else is trying so hard not to tease the both of them, why not just relax and be outgoing as he is usually with other performers. It is as if they show just a little bit of closeness outside WGM, then everyone will know the reality...and that it is infact true that they are more than a make believe couple. Plus the recent JH & SSK scandal does not favour them to be openly affectionate to eachother in public outside WGM in this point in time.
































































I hope my blaberring helps a little to put you at ease Lovekin.. and to end my looong rant let me just say, if ever you are in doubt just remember what Yong always says... "Yong MIDEOH!!" :lol:





























































































































































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i cropped the image.and put a heart...




shoot the arrow!..




.nice sunday..keke




its cute when they are together!








snsd clothes are some what color gold and silver.and it is yong hwa favorite color..bling3x




Jungshin’s favorite color is all black, Minhyuk said black and white. Yong Hwa said gold and silver. He said “bling bling”, but Japanese couldn’t understand it, so he said in Japanese again “kira kira”. Jong Hyun said “I like Aoi”. He should have said ‘Ao’ in Japanese or ‘blue’ in English. (Aoi is a girl’s name, it made people laugh to death)




credit: cnblue storm





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Guest yoreizei
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did anyone notice, there is 용서 (YongSeo) on SNSD's Mistake lyrics.. Look at the red circle on picture
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용서 = Forgiveness
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe nothing related to our couple >.<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Look at the capture, is SeoHyun smiling when Taeyeon singing that part? ^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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But after watching it like 5 times, you'd start to notice that Hyun and Yong was standing "too" close than usual norm for an MC and an interviewee and that you can see that Yong is really trying so hard to focus on his MCing duties. and also i kinda get the vibe that everyone is trying to restrain themselves in a way.

2) You can actually feel and get the vibe that everyone is restraining themselves and act nonchalantly about the fact that YongSeo is together in a show outside wgm. You can see the unnies are trying not to look directly at Yong too and not teasing them although Hyoyeon slip a gigle and a big grin when Yong was following Hyun's arrow dance. You could also see that Hyun was laughing shyly at Yong's fail dancing and that she covers her face out of shyness... it's like saying "omg yo~~ng what are you doing, you fail at dancing but oh...my boyfriend is just so cute".... ^_^ .

Mrs Joker I agree to what you said, especially the two points above!! Yes its like "Everyone, behave yourself!" and Yong is not his normal self.

D????? I love that pix. Ring ding dong. Its like the Lord of the Rings. The ring beckons..........I shall call it the ACCIDENTAL RING BLING LINK

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Guest sassysnsd

I think YongSeo was trying to please everyone. They stood next to each other- because if they didn't how weird would that be and imagine the reaction, it's natural that Seohyun would be the one to stand next to Yong. However they didn't want to over do it by doing obvious interactions and make SBS or MBC upset. I don't think it's anything to worry about. Yong probably felt pretty nervous and shy too with the 8 unnies around and trying to do his job all at the same time.

Wasn't there some drama about Gain and Jokwon appearing on SBS family outing too? So maybe that's why they were being extra careful. You can tell the members are trying to hold themselves back from teasing the couple too, in my opinion. Hyo and Yuri are secretly giggling in the background etc. The girls aren't really there normal selves and I think its because they cant tease our couple :) haha

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