Jump to content

Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































watching inkigayo right now!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and they just interviewed snsd
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and guess who seohyun stood next to!!! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YONGHWA!!! of course!!! ahahahah

































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest sake_bomb




Just a quick update:


SNSD had their interview (not sure if this is the one and only interview) and Hyun stood right next to Yong. Hyun was asked to demonstrate the dance move where they girls act like they are shooting a bow and arrow. Although our couple does not share any "moment" they look sooooooo super cute standing so close to one another on screen. Yong is dressed in a vampire outfit for halloween and the Hyun and her unnis are wearing their gold/silver outfits. So far, very adorable! I feel the spark between our couple even if they don't say or do anything outwardly couple-ish. I also noticed that Sulli seemed to be giggly over Yong and Hyun being together. Maybe she's a Goguma-shipper too!



Link to comment
Share on other sites
























currrently watching sbs ingikayo...


















































guess what?..ahaha....


















































hyun and yong standing beside each other..hehe.. together with snsd in laws...


















































they let hyun to do the dance..hoot (the arrow shooting)and yong follewed her.. :wub:





































































they couldn't look each others eyes... why?...
































yuri hinting?...
































doing the GEE
















































shy wife?
































come on, everybody knows it!
















looking first at jokwon/sulli
































and a glimpse of hubby!..hehe
































































what is sunny whispering/saying?..can't clearly hear it...can someone tell me?
















































checking on wife?..
















































the wife is a shamed of her husband..hahaah..but still cute right?..keke :wub:
















































































poor wife she can only look directly of her hubby on the screen...





Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm currently streaming Inki, and SNSD's interview by the MC's just finished. There wasn't a whole lot of interaction between Yong and Hyun but she did end up standing right next to him for the interview!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun did end up demoing the Hoot dance, and Yong tried to copy it..but didnt do so well lol.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seobaby is freaking gorgeous today
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Inkygayo Interview http://bit.ly/cIAcOH
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yonghwa failed to copy arrow dance but he stood beside hyun in the interview.

































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest mrsjoker


Thank you Uolam21 for the translation ... Gosh...Yong is such a sweetheart indeed. That notebook is a really special gift. :wub:




For those who want to stream live for Inki, you can watch it here... http://kpopflash.net/stream/ it's started already but SNSD hasn't performed yet.

But they already had the interview with the MC's *cough* Yo~~ng *Cough*... it was short, Hyun was standing next to Yong but i think Yong purposely don't want to look at her directly...and then Kwon ask them to show her their "dance move" and Hyun demonstarte the "robin hood" dance (the archer step) and Yong tries to follow her which is a fail and they all laugh at him and I think Taeyeon or one of the unnies said that " why are you so shy" to Yong and i think they must've tease Yong some more but i couldn't really see what are they doing because...i lost my connection temporarily :blink: (I seriously SCREAMED at my monitor when it suddenly turn black AT A VERY IMPORTANT MOMENT) :crazy: .

anyway...i don't think we can't hope for MUCH interaction between Yongseo because it was on SBS, so yeah...don't be disappointed if you can't find them interacting lovey dovey as we use to see them... The important thing is that both Hyun and Yong wore their RING DING DONG. and that put me on ease... ^_^  Besides who knows what's going on behind the stage ...:wub: I'm sure Yong gave hyun some cheering... ^_^

Ps : oh i wish there were some Yong focused fancam during SNSD performance... really want to see his reaction when Buin showed her charisma on stage.. I want to see him drool... :rolleyes:


Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































Inki cut for our couple...
































































































































































































































































DC kinda fast bout it.. hehe..
































































































































































































































































for those who kinda miss the interaction...
































































































































































































































































here's for you...
































































































































































































































































Hubby so hansom, and wifey.. wore fav color of Hubby..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkG4eyKRI0c&feature=youtu.be
































































































































































































































































cr: guitarpianocouple

































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD - Interview
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre crazy carrot

































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest chilipadi_22
















watching inki now!








and when i saw yong and hyun standing side by side, i almost screamed!! i guess hyun's unnies purposely let her stand there coz usually hyun ill stand in the back row! heehee^^








yong~ imitating hyun doing the arrow dance was definitely a fail! hahahah:) maybe he was too nervous with all the sisters-in-laws there.








i wish somebody sub what the interview was all about! a big thank you in advance!








and if there were fancams of yong during SNSD's performance would be perfect! :)





Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest blueshoes
















They both wear couple rings
































credit DC married gall









Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest *lyrynne*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Okay *beathes* Funny that Yong started dancing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































And it looked like Seohyun wanted to look at Yong while explaining the dance.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































They're so cute.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































101031 SNSD Interview



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh how I wish for a fancam but tough luck since SBS is really strict about taking photos or videos inside the studio T-T *weeps*

































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest CallMeDayDreamer
















































lol they are so awkward.... :lol:






























































It's like Yong wants to look at Hyun but he can't, and Hyun wants to look at Yong while he's talking but she can't...






























































It must have been really difficult for them to act like as if they didn't know each other... :lol:






























































Okay, we really need fancams now, so we can see their REAL interactions with each other...






























































I never thought that they would end up standing next to each other,






























































I was expecting that the Inki PD would let them stand away from each other... :lol:






























































It's a nice surprise... blush.gif
















































Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































A few screencaps from today's Inkigayo interview:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa only has eyes for ONE girl!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Couple rings on show for the world to see































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest t.sarahsarah


















OMG..from the picture above we can clearly see the ring..RING DING DONG !!!



Link to comment
Share on other sites












LOL at Yonghwa trying so obviously to focus on his hosting duties and not be distracted by his buin. You're standing right next to her, Yonghwa. Resistance is futile! But seriously, Seohyun looks so pretty!




Also: I find it really funny how the Seo's unnies giggling in the background:








apologies for the atrocious screencaps, I was spazzing and didn't cap anything at the timee. The vidoes were uploaded SO fast, though!





Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest gazetter
























Hi Goguma!! i'm new in this thread and i hope i can join spazzing with you all... not to mention that i have been lurking in this thread since months ago... :lol:
















well back to main topic,
















when i'm watching interview on inkigayo i noticed that when Kwon and others said "right now it's snsd!" Yong was "stretch" his left hand forward... and being followed by his wife Hyun, pay attention at hyun when she was about to do that too, she gave her right hand at first and then MAYBE she realizes that her husband was gave his left hand...  then she quickly changed it to her left hand instead..:lol:
















it's as if yong was talking "Hyun let us show off our ring~~!!":lol: 
















i'm sorry if that is sounds crazy,, i was about to explode when i spazz about it....:lol:





Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































SNSD Inkigayo Interview Translation...
































































I got this from Youtube comments though...































































































































































































































































Jo Kwon: From Korea to Japan, right now its SNSD! You guys are  greedy! HOOT HOOT HOOT! Please introduce your title track "Hoot" to us  please!
































































Yoona: While shooting arrows to our boyfriends, it is a song with a  cute warning
































































Then they ask them to demonstrate the arrow dance
































































































































Yoona: First step, you pull the arrow! then you SHOOT! Its easy  right?
































































Then they show them and Yonghwa says its easy and attempts but Sulli  asks why he's shaking and he said he's nervous. Probably because he's  standing next to his hot wifey Seohyun :lol:
































































Then they introduce the next stages.
































































credit : KissMez @ twittter

































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Guest yoreizei
































































































































Wow the news about YongSeo on Inki are spreading in Korea































































































































































































































































































‘인기가요’ 정용화, 서현에게 화살춤 배우기 삼매경 ‘용서커플 재회’
































































































































































































[뉴스엔 이언혁 기자]
































































































씨엔블루 정용화가 소녀시대 서현에게 화살춤을 배웠다.
































































































소녀시대는 10월 31일 방송된 SBS '인기가요'(MC 조권 설리 정용화)에서 MC들과 만나 신곡을 소개했다.
































































































소녀시대는 '훗'(Hoot)에서 화살을 쏘는 듯한 동작을 한다. 정용화 옆에 선 서현은 소녀시대 대표로 MC들에게 화살춤을 가르치게 됐다. 정용화는 서현이 춤 추는 모습에 반응을 보였다. 이어 정용화는 화살춤을 따라했다.
































































































네티즌들은 "용서커플 재회했다", "훈훈하다", "잘 어울린다"는 등의 반응을 나타냈다.
































































































한 편 이날 '음악중심'에서는 '훗+내 잘못이죠'의 소녀시대(태연 윤아 제시카 수영 효연 유리 티파니 써니 서현)와 '미친듯이+전활 받지 않는 너에게'의 2AM(조권 이창민 임슬옹 정진운)이 컴백했다. 비스트 이기광과 샤이니 태민, 2PM 우영 찬성, 2NE1(투애니원) 민지는 할로윈 특집 고(故) 마이클 잭슨의 'Thriller'(스릴러) 댄스 퍼포먼스를 선보였다.
































































































아 울러 'Hello'(헬로)의 샤이니(온유 종현 키 민호 태민), 'l'll be back'(아윌비백)의 2PM(닉쿤 택연 준수 준호 우영 찬성), '숨'의 비스트(윤두준 용준형 양요섭 장현승 이기광 손동운), '돌이킬 수 없는' 가인이 Take7 자격으로 출연했으며 '아파'의 2NE1(씨엘 공민지 박봄 산다라박), 'Right now'(라잇 나우)의 싸이, '하얀 눈물'의 이루, 'Ma lover'(마이 러버, Feat. 비스트 용준형)의 채연도 모습을 나타냈다.
































































































또 'MACH'(마하)의 레인보우(김재경 오승아 고우리 노을 정윤혜 김지숙 조현영), '해바라기'의 SG워너비(김용준 김진호 이석훈), 'Ladies'(레이디스)의 나인뮤지스(라나 세라 비니 이샘 은지 이유애린 민하 혜미 현아), '삐리뽐 빼리뽐'의 남녀공학(미소수미 한빛효영 한별혜원 악동광행 열혈강호 지혜태운 천지유성 가온누리 알찬성민 별빛찬미), '주인공'의 아웃사이더, '난'의 터치(Touch, 한준 준용 영훈 민석 선웅 다빈 성용), '혼자 살래'의 에바스, 'Love letter'(러브레터)의 보헤미안(유규상 박상우)이 무대를 꾸몄다.
































































































이언혁 leeuh@newsen.com
































































































































































































































































































'천사' 서현, '드라큘라' 정용화 옆에 '찰싹'
































































































































































































MBC 가상결혼버라이어티 '우리결혼했어요2'에서 알콩달콩 사랑을 선보이고 있는 '용서커플' 정용화와 서현이 SBS '인기가요'에서도 끈끈한 애정을 선보여 눈길을 끈다.
































































































서현은 31일 오후 방송된 '인기가요'에 소녀시대 멤버들과 함께 등장, 컴백을 알렸다.
































































































이날 할로윈 특집을 맞아 드라큘라 복장을 하고 등장한 정용화는 서현의 곁에서 진행, '부부에'를 과시했다.
































































































특히 '천사'같은 복장의 서현과 드라큘라 복장의 정용화가 묘한 대비를 이루면서도 잘 어울려 보는 이를 흐뭇하게 했다.
































































































































































































































































































Credit : yongseofacts @ twitter
































































































Anyone can translate these? ^^

















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Guest bounyiag




Don't know if anyone else noticed, but if you look closely yong and hyun are constantly brushing shoulders. I don't think i've seen an MC and an interviewee stand so close to each other before.



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Guest SophiaPia

Thanks Betty, Uolam and to Baidu 

My fav. letter wub.gifwub.gif (PURE LOVE THIS IS)

Letters to hyun To hyun~~ (from yong)

Finally its my turn now~hopefully this book will be useful for you, although it might look tattered, but I really did it attentively, please accept my sincerity. I know you still feel a bit sad about what I did,,,actually at that time I felt there was invisible walls between us two, I wanted to break the wall so I started the push-and-pull thing, please do understand me, ok? Because yongseo couple is the best! Hehe! A lot happened during the long time we spent together,I think they will become unforgettable memories,you have to keep those memories in mind,survive your life in japan and come back! Also, please keep this book with you everywhere you go. Thank you a lot hyun~

Just finished watching Inkigayo, connection not good for me so thanks for the quick vid of the interview and translations, all screen caps and news wow! that's quick.  I hope u can share also snsd performance. I think hubby Yong is so nervous kekeke! but yes! COUPLE RING IS ON TODAY YEAH BABY! I hope we can get fancam anytime soon. I'll come back for many updates here YONGSEO ALL OVER THE WORLD YES! 

Cheers to all

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