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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Nett_Prinzessin




Seohyun and her sisters visited GaIn and gave her SNSD's album.


I wonder now 2 buin are so close together as friends.








SNSD Cut(Oct 30, 2010)




cr: MonmonsChannel@YT



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Guest blueshoes
















Goddess Seohyun








































































credit 타마마친구 @ DC married gall









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Guest seohyun_yh




Hi! everyone! i was watching this show (don't know the title) I just watched it because Hongki and Samdi was in it and in around 12:19 they mentioned our Sweet potato couple can someone translate?




it´s interesting and fun, poor minho, although  he chose to this girl there,  he  hears the name of his ideal girl(Seohyun) .


Minho, i think it´s destiny :sweatingbullets: apparently they said something interesting  of yonghwa or sweet potato,  I hope someone can translate those few seconds.


 on the other hand, I love  yonghwa in this chapter, he´s too shy and cute. :wub:



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it´s interesting and fun, poor minho, although  he chose to this girl there,  he  hears the name of his ideal girl(Seohyun) .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Minho, i think it´s destiny :sweatingbullets: apparently they said something interesting  of yonghwa or sweet potato,  I hope someone can translate those few seconds.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 on the other hand, I love  yonghwa in this chapter, he´s too shy and cute. :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yup i think they mentioned something about yonghwa or yongseo couple..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hongki and Simon D are really close to Yong..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and ironically, Hongki is so close to Minho too, they hang out together, so i think Yong bound to know Minho too..at least he must have some conversation with him..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love how people are inter related to each other in this kind of way..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































my best friend is best friend with that person who's ideal girl is my wife.. :phew:

































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia

Thanks everyone for all the love for our YongSeo. Would u kindly  help translate this (apparently) complete letter of hubby Yong to wife Hyun. Kamsahamnida :) 


Today is inkigayo day :) i hope if we can see much interaction w/ our lovely YongSeo couple ON Cam i hope we can see offcam. or hopefully we can see fancam how's hubby Yong reaction while wife Hyun and her unnies doing HOOT and they will sing mistake as well. 

Lots and lots of YongSeo 

Cheers to all

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Guest Crystal392

Kyaaa I'm so excited for Inki!!! Thanks for sharing that picture!

Inki is my fave show because I love the 3 MCs and because usually their stages are the best!!

SNSD and YongHwa fighting!

I also find it funny how most people in Kpop are connected. Like Simon D and YongHwa went to the same school and if I'm not wrong he was bffs with Yong's older brother :P

I don't think they said anything bad because to Simon D and HongKi YongHwa is like their brother and to Minho SeoHyun is like his sister ^^

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this is when snsd in inkigayo recording today
































































































































































































































































































































































































the girls very pretty with white dress,seo hyun maybe the girls who sit in
































































































































































































































































































































































































the chair.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































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from the day yong and hyun met at the salon, hyun already knew yong had taken their 200th anniversary seriously and he hinted about it on the day they were practising their duet in the studio. i believe that hyun would prepare a big gift for yong. remember what she said in the fishing ep, she now understands why people celebrate every anniversay as she feels the joys in preparing a gift that yong likes. also by looking at the confidence she had on her face when she handed the big box to yong, i trust that even herself is satisfied and confident that yong will like it. it looks like the gift is quiet heavy ... it may be a book recording what they did together during these 200 days... anyway i believe it is a gift that won't disappoint yong (and us)

i am touched with yong's letter to hyun and the effort he put in preparing it during his hectic schedule. i am also touched with yong asking his brothers writing letters to hyun. it showed that he wanted to put hyun into his daily life and his world, not isolating her with his life just showing for the show. he treated her as a best friend already. also happy to see how grateful the brothers towards hyun. i am touched with jongshin's letter the most. he said yong has done anything he could to shorten the distance with hyun, without forcing hyun. yong's brothers know how hard yong has done in this relationship and can't wait to tell hyun by themselves. then i know more... yong really did very hard. hyun, you have to trust yong. i believe not many boys would be into a relationship so seriously. i expect hyun will speak informal language to yong at the japan trip ep, that makes the ep another turning point in their relationship.

btw, do you guys know where i can watch inki ?

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Hi Crystal!! This is Crystal :D and I was the one who thinks it's a watch. There are designer high end watches that come in boxes that large! I've seen them. I think it's meaningful to give him the gift of time...more time to spend together...and he DOES love watches! Hey Crystal, I like the way you spell your name! :P PS: one more thought- maybe we should paruse through photos since that day to see if Yong's been sporting anything frequently (like a certain watch!?)...








..hi..i agree with you..its possible that abox like that can contain a signature watch..(i live herein genva switzerland,where they said an expert in making best watch) here they sometimes box the watch as big as like that specially if its of good quality..however the size of that blue box that hyun showed is more of the usual size of a signature perfume (sp if they have an offer together of a lotion) ck , armani, hugo, etc are offering that combination and box it that way...hella we have 6 days to guess whats in that blue box..









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Hello fellow gogumas!! I've been a silent observer at Soompi for 2 years now, I've always just read and enjoyed this site from "a distance" but I can't anymore! I need to interact somewhat :) This is the thread I come to the most. I'm a die hard and avid YongSeo fan!! There's just something about them together that really is so amazing and beautiful to watch. I find myself smiling/grinning from ear to ear throughout every single episode! I find their sweet innocence and subtle attraction to one another to be so freaking adorable! :D I can't wait to become more of a part of this thread! Thanks for the translation on the new episode!! Yong gave Hyun such a sweet gift :) I absolutely cannot wait until next week's episode!! YONGSEO JJANG!! :)





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Guest uolam21

this is a translation of yong's letter to hyun, courtesy of betty from the sweet potato days blogspot:

Seohyun’s survival guide in japan

I. Japan Airport

        I know hyun’s Japanese is not bad, BUT, in case you cant remember, please refer to this book!

        -first of all, show the flight-attendance’s your flight tickets

        - then just follow their instructions

          haha, you will find your seat if you follow these, easy right? Hehehe~

          also, if hyun wants to know how long it takes to get to japan, just ask them: 

(some Japanese letters)

Before I went to japan, I only could speak a few Japanese words, I couldn’t 

understand most of them, everyone is Japanese there~

When you come back from japan, please don’t tell me “im not the girl you used to 

know before (lyrics of OH!)” you cant do that ok!

You are already the top star in korea and now you advance to japan, this is 

different from my situation where I went to japan before I debut in korea, there 

will definitely be differences, but we have the same dream right, snsd fighting!

Hehe, for me, the custom when you arrive at japan was really hard! Fighting

II. Dorm life

        The dorm life of snsd and cnblue will definitely be different! So please look at this when necessary!

1) buying stuff when you want to fill up the refrigerator with food, go to a shop in shibuya, 

        they have many Korean chillies, yummy~ you should try them!

2) how to use the toilet.  in japan the show and the toilet are separated, please don’t forget, also, it is 

        a tradition that they always fill up a bucket of water just in case things that might happen

3) the use of bicycles when you go to convenient stores, you can use bicycles, we often used that too!

4) I don’t really understand this part, as it’s not fully translated! Sorry

5) Power charge 110 V.  This is the most important thing! In korea our power charge is 220v,  at first we 

        didn’t know the differences and we had lots of electronics, so we were in a 

       panic! So you must remember to bring adaptors!

6) foods that we usually ate

7) suggested food when dining out it’s all about beef (cant really translate this part, he just said he likes to 

        eat beef tongue, and asked hyun to try a Japanese restraurant, A SET) 

        and then he talked about the various food in japan, such as ramen

8) clothing stores.  there are lots of famous stores, I suggest TOPSHOP where you can find overseas top

        designers’ clothing, we used to go there whenever we had time and then he talked about other places,

        but I cant translate them, since they are location names

9) When you really miss your husband, here’s your husband’s fotobook! Yong has started asian tour, here’s Singapore,,,

        Here’s the picture in hong kong hotel, (the one where he lyed on the sofa) missing hyun~at the same time hyun’s

        performing in japan~looking forward to it!

This is when I get back from singpore to korea, lots of fans were waiting for us


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Guest SophiaPia

Thanks Betty and Uolam: some of my favorites lines from Hubby Yong to wife Hyun in that journal SO SWEETTTTTTTTTTTTT WHEN U REALLY MISS UR HUSBAND HERE'S YOUR HUSBAND'S FOTOBOOK eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

understand most of them, everyone is Japanese there~

When you come back from japan, please don’t tell me “im not the girl you used to 

know before (lyrics of OH!)” you cant do that ok!

You are already the top star in korea and now you advance to japan, this is 

different from my situation where I went to japan before I debut in korea, there 

will definitely be differences, but we have the same dream right, snsd fighting!

Hehe, for me, the custom when you arrive at japan was really hard! Fighting

9)    When you really miss your husband, here’s your husband’s fotobook! Yong has started asian tour, here’s Singapore,,,

        Here’s the picture in hong kong hotel, (the one where he lyed on the sofa) missing hyun~at the same time hyun’s

        performing in japan~looking forward to it!

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THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE TRANSLATION!! I was wondering what all he wrote down for Hyun. It really seems like Yonghwa took a lot of time to make this japanese guide book for Seohyun. I loved how shy and embarrased he was while giving it to her :P
































AIGOO~I loved the part when he said "when you miss your husband." Ahhhh these two are so freaking cute, it's too much to handle! I can't wait to see what Seohyun's gift is. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be great. She always gives the bests gifts! Thanks again for the translation :)





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hello gogumas..








as i repeatedly watch it..the more i am amaze with yong and admired hyun..i luv the playfulness/ chidish act of yong ( my hubby and 2 sons are such a very serious persons) he fills the longing in my life not that i dont like my families character but in a way he complete the missing emotion. What amaze me with him is that even with his playfullness hes a responsible leader of CNblue..and hyun shes every mother in laws dream daughter in law..









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Guest bowzo12


I rewatched the episode and concentrated at the blue box.


There's a name at the side of the box (website, I guess) but it's really blur because of my video quality so I can't read it. Any ideas?






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Guest uolam21

here i go again... translation of cn blue's letters to hyun, courtesy of BETTY from the sweet potato days blogspot:

Letters to hyun

To hyun~~ (from yong)

Finally its my turn now~hopefully this book will be useful for you, although it might look tattered, but I really did it attentively, please accept my sincerity. I know you still feel a bit sad about what I did,,,actually at that time I felt there was invisible walls between us two, I wanted to break the wall so I started the push-and-pull thing, please do understand me, ok? Because yongseo couple is the best! Hehe! A lot happened during the long time we spent together,I think they will become unforgettable memories,you have to keep those memories in mind,survive your life in japan and come back! Also, please keep this book with you everywhere you go. Thank you a lot hyun~

To sister-in-law

Seohyun! Hello! Im your friend, everyone’s friend jongshin, first of all, congratulate the yongseo couple on ur 200th day~300th day, 1000 day, for a long time~stay sweet with our yong! Although there are times when yong behave like a childish and naughty boy, he really put a lot of effort in trying to get close with you!yong really want to, but not forcing you, want you to speak “normal?(I don’t know how to put it, like speak without respect terms?)”, so that you can become even closer! I heard that you are advancing to japan, it will surely be daebak! This book consists of very useful contents, please look thoroughly, fighting! Yongseo couple fighting!

To sister-in law!

Hello, seohyun, hahah, im joyhun (sorry not sure how to spell his name, haha), really thankful to see, since our brother married with you, he’s becoming more cheerful now! I know you will do well, I believe! In japan, fighting too! (although this doesn’t sound right, but im just doing a direct translation) snsd will occupy japan!

This one’s from minyuk:

I saw it from news that snsd is advancing into japan, snsd finally is advancing to japan, it will be daebak! Surprisingly, you will find this book more useful than anyother travel guidebooks. It will be helpful for you! Yongseo couple Please stay happy for a long time~yong who asked me to write such a letter so late at night looks really romantic, if seohyun receives this you will definitely be touched with tears! Also, we hope your happy married life will continue! Congratulate on ur 200th day! Seohyun fighting! Snsd advancing into japan fighting!yongseo couple fighting!

From cnblue drummer minyuk! 

thanks a lot again, betty!!! really appreciate it!

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Hello goguma villagers!
















I can't wait for Inki today.. Yong might be ogling Hyun's hotness later.. :w00t:
















sun_sun- thank u for the fast subbing
















armedbattle for the translations...
















I am quiet apprehensive in posting my fanfic update here, is it okay? since it's about Yongseo? :blink:

















please tell me if I broke some rule.. i'll edit my post then..thanx









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Guest desirenhope
































































































Oh my!
















































































During Inkigayo's interview, Seohyun was standing beside Yonghwa and she demonstrated the dance and as usual, Yonghwa followed and dance. Both of them look so gorgeous standing next to each other.
















































































I look like a fool smiling to myself everytime I see this 2 together.
















































































While waiting for youtube, here's the interview:

























































































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Guest exceptional.chic
















the MCs interview with SNSD is done. Yong is beside Hyun. :wub:








i wsn't able to get a screencap because it was lagging. :(








It seems that Yong asked if they can do the arrow step and Hyun did it. Yong and the other MCs did it as well.





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Guest soshisoshisoshi








watching inkigayo right now.............. YONG and HYUN side-by-side!!!! I'm really happy right now w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif




maybe yong and hyun met backstage................ no one knows, it's privacy hehehehe








armedbattle thank you for the sub, really appreciate it





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