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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































This ep is totally DAEBAK , sweet, really sweet kekeke
































































I think we should stop worrying about the bad editing ... We've known that MBC sucks at it
































































After all, they do a pretty good job with the scenes, except one thing that THEY ALWAYS CUT THE SEGMENT AT THE VERY EXCITING SCENE!
































































I think that is their strategy to keep the viewer following WGM?
































































I love how Yonghwa, himself, made the book. He knows Seohyun is into books, and that gave him the idea to make the book
































































It's unique and useful too.
































































I once asked my male friends that "What would you buy for your girls friend when you guys celebrate something special?" And they all answer "Go buy some stuff that she likes!"
































































Here is the part I love the HANDMADE BOOK. Books, thing that Seohyun loves, but Yonghwa didn't buy it! He made it, and it contain his heart, his mind, his sincerity
































































It seems like Yonghwa wanted to get closer to Seohyun so badly
































































His letter at the end is touching ... It says all what he was feeling ! Yes! He wanted to tear down "invisible wall", he wanted to steep into Seohyun's world!
































































Oh, the photo that some baidu gogumas spotted is PRECIOUS, it proved that Seohyun did go to Cnblue's concert
































































Now, some of you don't want it to be involved with WGM, but some of us want to know what exactly happened
































































Here is my thought
































































What is the meaning for the 1st concert? To the fans, it was gift their idol giving them, and to the "girl" who
































































watched it, it was a HAPPINESS, I don't care if it was for WGM or not. The fact that Seohyun was there , at Cnblue's 1st concert is enough
































































Why don't you think MBC should have included this in one or just a flashback in WGM?
































































Why? They could though! Just like KhunVic, that is one ep
































































Maybe, MBC preserve it as a BTS. We don't know, but if it is, we may see something that we couldn't see.
































































For the God's sake, we still don't know what YongSeo's up to
































































Hence, they always give us unexpected things

















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Guest Crystal392

YongxHyun: Yeap I think that will go to Goguma Misteries room :P (unless they did film WGM and MBC releases a cut through their webapge).

lunasol: What you posted makes sense :D Thanks unnie!! ;)

arwenarya: Hii! Welcome to Goguma Planet. Please remember it's against the rule to post one-lines (less than 20 words); in one of your posts you just quoted someone, probably it was accidental but be a bit more careful next time ;) I can't wait until next Saturday either ^_^

hihi_hehe: OMG I feel it's been a loong time since the last time you posted (or maybe we've posted at different times :3 ). The handmade book is ♥ I am sure Hyun~ treasures it ^^

*About the star draw, I found a bigger pic at dcmarried and I cropped it:

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Guest YongxHyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lunasol: yes thanks! now it is much clearer. So basically the order of the events happening is the same, just PD-nim wanted to erase the camera man...ok ok we are all FBIs haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe PD-nim didnt expect us to find this "mistake" here haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm just thinking
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe that handbook Yonhwa had made will be appear on WGM screen again
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when? I guess the Japan's trip EPs
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm guessing they will go to the place yonghwa's handbook mentioned to eat the lunch or dinner
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































keke~and yonghwa will ask, "did u bring the handbook with you"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and hyun will answer, " yes, ,that's of course, i bring it everywhere i go"

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest freezspirit
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ok something is confusing me about last weeks episode when Hyun was upset with Yong. Didn't she say something about he didn't wear the ring. So maybe eventhough she went to the concert in the period when he wasn't calling her, she noticed he wasn't wearing the ring.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry if what I'm saying doesn't make any sense I'm running a high fever and wanted to say this before I go bed.

































































































































































































































































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Guest Wilhelm1066












WA~ I just finished watching the parts... and OMOMOMO who knew that YONG~ is such a romantic guy? I know for a fact that most men would never do anything like this for their gf's!

















You're absolutely wrong.








It is an old tradition for the young man to make a homemade gift for his fiancee, partly because of showing off (craftsmanship) partly to demonstrate sincerity and caring.




Even if you're a clerk at an office or a carpenter, you have that urge to show that primitive drive of nesting and if you have no means to do so, you can always, on coffebreaks in the office, sit down and fold some origamis... and wow she will be moved by your Gift-of-fiancee.




If you ladies never recieved a handmade gift from your spouses they better learn from YongHwa then. (Or find someone better).




And of course it's an acted modesty from Yong, when in reality he's so proud of himself that he nearly bursts:




















Very manly and constrained he turn his back to THIS LITTLE RIDICULOUS NOT-WORTH-ANYTHING-GIFT and let Hyun absorb this unexperienced situation, but she will instinctively make the right conclusion: THIS MALE IS SHOWING WHAT STUFF HIS MADE OF AND THIS AND BETTER WILL COME IN A FUTURE!!








Isn't wonderful that we can get an etnolgical and scientific bla-bla analyzing in a WGM-episode, or is it this you call SPAZZING!





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Guest Crystal392

YongxHyun: You may be right... maybe we will see that handmade book again during their Japan trip. ^_^

freezspirit: He didn't wear the ring at the concert (I think it may also be because it was their first Korean concert and some fans can be quite.... sensitive and possessive if you get what I mean). But then we saw some backstage pics and he was wearing the ring. I wonder if he wore it before he met up with Hyun~ or if Hyun~ 'scolded' him for not wearing it and then he wore it. Didn't he say once in Japan that if he didn't wear the ring he will be scolded by "SOMEONE"? :lol: ;D

Wilhelm1066: To me that's spazzing ;) I love it when guys give me handmade gifts ^^

Now that we are talking about the handmade book, more screencaps of Yong's gift to his beautiful Hyun~, there are little cute draws like a supermarket cart, a bicycle and a toilet (?); he also added a red border to the message he wrote to her at the end :wub: :






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it is me again... I can´t stop spazzing! hahaha ♥.
























Thanks for the pics Crystal, I think it is clear for me that he is pointing at Hyun and saying, "you are a star" (or my star, who knows:wub:).
























Thank you all gogumas for the goodies and thoughs!
























I HAVE to spazz about this... when Hyun was reading Yong´s letter at the end She say YONGHWA (write in the letter) but she was looking and even leaning at him with her sweet voice ♥♥♥♥
















































look at Yong´s face... this boy so shy ^^, I can feel his buterflies hahaha :wub:.
























Wilhelm1066: It is always interesting to read guys´s point of view. I didn´t know about the homemade gift´s tradition, I think it is very meaningful ... thank you!.









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Guest Crystal392

magdal: hehehehe I feel his shyness too! ^_^ This two are seriously soo cute. We saw shy Yong~ and full of aegyo Hyun ♥

I'm back to share more screencaps the book made by Yong~ to Hyun~ with lots of love :wub: hehehe his drawing of Hyun~ is so unique, the way he draws the head :lol: cute!




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This is my second post, i just can't help myself ...i need to share what is on my mind before im going to sleep...its already very late and i still have morning duty tomorrow...What i think about this two is that they show the best in each other whenever they are together...that is why they shine the brightest when they are together....you know what i mean?...Yong doesn't smile much according to JH but now he does and its all because of Hyun.And he is thanking her for that. And i saw some of the videos of Seohyun before with her unnies her eyes doesn't shine that much, its not the same when she is with Yong...( ok this is just my opinion) And i totally agree with one of the post i read that guys don't put  much effort  on something unless that person concern it not important...
































































































































And wow this thread is really something...everyday there is something new and every hour something or someone who would post something great!!! Thank you guys:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::D:D:D Goodnight everyone...
































































































































Oh i forgot i love the MC's they are so into it and all their reaction are so cute....:) Maybe they never thought that Yong would do this one...:D:D:D...nyt!!

































































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Guest sake_bomb




I just can not get over their stares! How adorable and sweet can two people be? They're so sweet they give me a toothache every Saturday! I believe! I believe! I believe!




There were times, I admit, when I wasn't sure if there was something more to our couple other than the show. But after we received our confirmations concerning the meaning behind Love Light and whether or not Seohyun saw Yonghwa on the day of his concert, I feel like all doubts can be laid to rest. Are they actually dating? Probably not at this moment. Do they like each other, care for one another, and feel a strong connection? Heck yeah! For now, that's good enough for me!




I'm very, very excited to see if there will be some stares, glances, smiles, etc. between our goddess Seohyun and our choding, adorkable, gentleman Yonghwa on Inkigayo this Sunday!




Have we begun guessing what Seohyun's present to Yonghwa will be? She mentioned she purchased a gift for him when she went to Thailand but I can't imagine what kind of gift would come in that type and size box. I don't think it's a book because why would you put a book in a box? Could it be something music related? Could it be camera? Could it be something related to their driver's license and cars? Oh the possibilities! The PDnim really knows how to pull at our heart strings when he cut the scene right before Yong opened his present. Next Saturday really cannot come quick enough!



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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Talking about the big box ... I'm dead curious what in there is <_<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo is known as a thoughtful couple, the always come up with some unique stuff
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so, I can't figure it out what the big box is about!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































She said that she'd bought the gift from Thailand, right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hum .. what is it? Possibly ?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































7 days to wait ;)

































































































































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Guest Crystal392

I want to guess too!

hmmm is there some sculpture or something typical from Thailand that symbolizes love or a couple? (Kind of like the two ducks from Korea).

I liked the watch theory (can't remember who posted it... sorry blush.gif ) but as someone said the box would be too big for a watch. I am sure it is a very thoughtful gift. I don't think it's a book, nor clothes nor shoes.

hmmmmm maybe the box is filled with lots of pics they took together? :lol:

In a few more hours Inki ^^ Hopefully the MCs (YongHwa) will interview SNSD *fingers crossed*

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Guest crystalblue




I want to guess too!

hmmm is there some sculpture or something typical from Thailand that symbolizes love or a couple? (Kind of like the two ducks from Korea).

I liked the watch theory (can't remember who posted it... sorry blush.gif ) but as someone said the box would be too big for a watch. I am sure it is a very thoughtful gift. I don't think it's a book, nor clothes nor shoes.

hmmmmm maybe the box is filled with lots of pics they took together? :lol:

In a few more hours Inki ^^ Hopefully the MCs (YongHwa) will interview SNSD *fingers crossed*






Hi Crystal!! This is Crystal :D and I was the one who thinks it's a watch. There are designer high end watches that come in boxes that large! I've seen them. I think it's meaningful to give him the gift of time...more time to spend together...and he DOES love watches! Hey Crystal, I like the way you spell your name! :P PS: one more thought- maybe we should paruse through photos since that day to see if Yong's been sporting anything frequently (like a certain watch!?)...


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Guest lunasol

A few more hours for Yongseo at Inkigayo!!

If Yong did not fall for this cuteness...


I don't think he can resist this temptress...


If this was his 'in awe' expression just by watching her sing Run Devil Run, can you imagine if he see her with a close-up view of her strutting her stuff in the Hoot performance and her sexy stare in person? He will just melt wub.gif



Oh, wow. Topped the page! The first time I do some kind of 'artwork', not just plain caps, and when I posted it I topped the page! laugh.gif

crystal! In the photo that you posted of Yong lying down on the sofa I see some blur on the ring finger. I think he has his ring on!

As a side note, I have to say I thought it was funny that he put that photo! hahaha Why would he put a "sexy" photo for Seohyun, aka innocent maknae, unless he wants and hope she will see him as a sexy attractive stud? wink.gif LOL

anayuson: I don't know what they are saying but both Hongki and Simon D are Yong's close friends so it will be good to know what they said about Yongseo!!! Although it appears that he was 'against' Yong hahahha Oh, and Minho (Seohyun's 'brother') was there and laugh about what Hongki said so it should not be so bad about Yongseo.

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Guest anayuson


















Hi! everyone! i was watching this show (don't know the title) I just watched it because Hongki and Samdi was in it and in around 12:19 they mentioned our Sweet potato couple can someone translate?
















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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































Thank you armedbattle for your translation ^^...so sorry for you all this week my internet so poor , it's too slow to download HD vid...I used vids from diadano1 Thank you for upload the vid so fast ^^
































































































































































it's done just part 1 here link Sub Eng from armedbattle's trans >>> Part1































































































































































































































































































































Annyeong!! <Good Morning>....This Couple always surprise us ^^... DaeBak DaeBak say it again and again lol ....Sub all done ...here link..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part 2































































































































































































































































































































Part 3






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































what time is inkigayo?!?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i cant wait to see yong and hyun again!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahahahah hopefully.... there will be some sweet interactions!!! ahaahah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just watched the latest episode and it was totally DAEBAK!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































how cute can yong be!?! so shy and embarrassed... ahahaahh
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the notebook he made was sooo meaningful and we can tell he spent so much time doing it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































pooor guy.... hyun still pretending not to know the special day.... he had no choice but to say it
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's okayyy i believe in hyun... ahahah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but i wonder what her present is..... the box is pretty big!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































there was no preview this week?!!? i havent heard anything about a preview...

































































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got this from snsd thread.

its the set up stage at inki

so yong will be standing on the girls left, and rmb hyun's 2nd solo for Hoot?

yup, she'll be strutting her stuff to the left..where her hubby is.. ;):lol::w00t:

with this kind of stage, i hope hyun will don the gold n silver outfit,

since yong love that colours too.

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Guest shadow_of_Atum




Dear all


First let me thank in advance the eagle-eyed gogumas who are going to watch Inki today and coming back to report to us what happens between them and the interactions of their friends. After following this thread for sometime, I believe some evidence of the development of their relationship MUST come from those who are around them and who are closest to them.


When your friend is in love or about to start a relationship, you usually get very high or become extremely elusive. So far, from the reactions of the BIL and SIL, they seem to get rather high for our Yongseo couple. These are very good indications because naturally Yong and Hyun would likely confide in them. Some of the telling comments would be from Tiff or was it Sooyoung? who said to Hyun that she would help Hyun if Hyun likes Yong.Then there was Hyoyeon's revelations about Hyun's behaviour. Next, there was Jonghyun's comment about Yong being too serious about WGM. :w00t: And someone's observation about Hyun's friend from Kara waiting backstage after the couple finished their performance - that was good too. Friends who support your relationship are likely to SPAZZ with you when they are happy for you. Even Minhyuk's comment that he is made to write the journal at an inconvenient hour tells us of the efforts Yong and his band members take for Hyun. All these are truly heartwarming.


On top of that, we have the MCs and the WGM crew's reactions to these two. I am sure they too discuss about the couples amongst themselves. I found it particularly interesting that during the 'mildang' period, when WGM crew brought Yongseo out for dinner, they got worried about the 'cold' atmosphere between the two and took time to ask Hyun and Yong if something has changed between them. From a professional point of view, I can argue that to keep the show alive, WGM needs to have its stars on the best of terms. Then again, from another professional point of view, why should WGM worry so much about their feelings for one another? Their management have contracted them for WGM and if they want to pull out, WGM can always find another replacement - it is a popular platform for stars who want exposure.


Hence, why do I have this feeling that people around them are also rooting for them?


As for the MCs, are they just doing their job when they seem to ship these two or are they truly like us - being drawn into the progression of these two? We have MC Jake (is that his name?) tweeting about them - was that part of his job to garner people's interest in WGM or was it his way of spazzing too? Also note, they have stopped teasing JW about Hyun and he too seems happy about their progression.


Today's performance should be interesting but don't be surprise if you find nothing. In light of Shinee's Jonghyun and SSK's revelation of their relationship and the backlash that came, these two and their friends may consciously tone down any mention of their relationship - in which case, we goguma shippers will have more to chew on. :phew:


Yes, thanks to all for the caps and Sun Sun for the quick subbed epi. These two are really lovely.


Btw...a thought just occurred to me: Yong likes to play dress up huh?? :w00t: The possibilities!!! Kekeke


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Guest toomuchsmiling


jnj- omgee, i'm SOO excited.


sun sun- thanks for the subbed vids~~! <3 ^__^






When I watched that scene earlier as Hyun puts the slim notebook gift into her bag, I was like, "Aww man, Yong, what a gift!" :wub: Then Hyun pulled out that big blue box and I was like, :w00t: "WOAH, WHAT A GIFT!!" Are they trying to outdo each other??






Rouenna- ahh, i thought the same thing. :lol: what could be in that big old box??! ahh srsly.






just check it yourselves. btw can you tell me where was it? it is not on music bank..






SNSD - My Best Friend


**i love the "pinky-promise step" on my best friend.. it reminds me of yongseo's pinky swear on ep 1 :wub:






xxraqSTAR this was at Music Core. ^^ she looks SOO gorgeous during "My Best Friend". I think the camera guys fell for her too cuz she got a LOT of air time for this performance (which i'm super happy about)


What do you guys think? i wonder if Yong is tracking everything recently or no? like i know he's probably seen the MV, but if he saw the "my best friend" performance, OMGEE, besides Hoot she really looked like an angel there. he must be falling SOO hard this weekend. LOL




DARN UUUU PD!!!! WHYYYYYYYYY do i have to wait to see what's in Hyun's box?!!! WHY???


Dang, and this episode was just so dang cute. the way he LOOKS at her has not gotten old at all!! :wub: I love wen he took out the book and she REALLY kept teasing him with it.


she was like "i'm going to look, i'm going to look" awww so cute. haha, i do that to be annoying too. xD and he was like "no, you can't, stop it"


cuz i KNOW i heard him say "hajima" wen the MCs were all spazzing, i managed to hear that. :wub: that scene was LOVE.


and wen SHE called HIM CUTE!!!!! OMOOOO. and his teasing "i'm cute?" :lol: and i love her laugh! random i know, but it's SUCH a pretty laugh, and since Yong is a funny guy he gets to hear it all the time which must make him adore her more. :wub::wub:


ah BTW, the part in Minhyuk's letter where he's all "Hyung making me write this letter at this time of night is really romantic" LOLOLOL. "making me" poor minhyuk. xD the guy musta been tired but he had to write it. LOL.




i also wanna see Inkigayo. hmm, shall i stay up?? I WANNA SEE IF THERE'S A YONGSEO INTERACTION!!! i'd die.


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