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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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hello gogumas...








ive been out the whole day..i mean after i finish watching the stream ...and as its not too clear and a bit lag so im still not in clear view..anyway as soon as im back ..i quickly log here and the first thing i saw is the confirmation that hyun really attended the first concert of the cnblue..im so happy about it..for me i prefer that it will not be shown in wgm..








back to reading for more detail..









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Pink Subs Released eps 44 (eps 18 yongseo)

































































































































































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cre ssf
































































































































































for those love acurate subs and better quality video,although the eps kinda old (eps 18)
































































































































































but still worth to watch in better quality of subs and video.

















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Guest anne0129



@lunasol: I think its protocol to turn off the camera on the ceiling before changing their clothes. and when they are finished with changing, the camer crew is notified and they turn on that camera again. so we saw Hyun fixing her hair twice. the PD's protect the idols as they are vital to the success of the show. **the gift prepared by Yong speaks heaps. he is always thinking about her. even if SNSD is going to Japan, he wants to take care of her in any way possible. as CNBlue has other schedules as well, its impossible for him to make sure that Seohyun enjoys the Japan experience, hence the very thoughtful gift. the funny and thoughtful part of the book is the "when you miss me, you can look at this page" part. Seohyun will definitely look at that page.








I don't think that there is camera on the ceiling...If you will observe the scene when Hyun is in the bedroom. Look in the mirror and you will see a camera man shooting Hyun while in the bedroom. I think that the camera man just stepped out of the room. With the uniform issue, it could be possible that Yong brought more than 1 set of Hyun's uniform because whoever Yong asked for with Hyun's uniform for his surprise...that person could have given him more than 1 set since it has been a while since Hyun has probably wore her uniform and so some of it may not fit and so just in case they gave 2 or more to Yong...because you will notice that when Hyun found out that Yong brought her uniform she checked the inside of the skirt may be she was looking if it was really hers or probably checking if it was still the size that she last wore....(don't know if I am making sense....hopefully you get my meaning)








To wollylamb and qwenli, thanks for answering my confused mind regarding the Chinese doctor thingy....I feel stupid for asking that....it just confused me a bit. Sorry and thank you at the same time.








To armedbattle, thank you for taking the time to provide us with translations for the past 2 weeks and goodluck on your exams. See you soon. I know you will pass it with flying colors.








To sun_sun, thanks for the fast sub. Will patiently wait for the rest.








To zealous, thanks for the caps. This episode is totally daebak.








And to everyone else who spazz and gave us pics and links. Thank you very much.



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Guest .:love_ya:.









love_ya: Your gifs are so cute :wub: Thanks for making them and sharing them here ^___^
































































hehe like every other Goguma, I'm a YongSeo shipper! my job buddie, no need to thank me ^^

......... each week I am so surprised by how he pays attention to every detail, no matter what it is. And then when it comes to her, how he creative he is to show how much he thinks of her. Especially when it comes to making her happy. And for the most part they are just little, simple, things. Very rare......
































































I sooo agree with you on this ^^ Yong is indeed blood type A!! hehe It'd been 3 months since they talked about uniforms on the bus and he still remembered what she said so clearly! either Yong~ seobang has incredible memory or it's because he never did forget whatever his Hyun buin said hehe com'on it's Yong~ seobang who couldn't even remember what he wrote for R = VD lolz I'm impressed Yong~! :D and much in love with you of course ^^ sorry off topic :D

What's in that blue box??? Hmmmm...So it's not gift wrapped and it's a substantial fancy sturdy lue bbox with a silver stamped brand name on the lid and it looks like the lid flips opens to one side ~ SO! I think that this type of box might be from a jeweler!!! Maybe she's giving him TIME - a symbol of lasting time together = A WATCH!!!??? We know he loves watches, rings and shoes. Since she's given a ring already and the box is too small for shoes, then it has a good chance of being a watch!! gasp... :w00t: ... what do you think??
































































Hmm.....the box looks really heavy and is kinda big for a watch hehe I wonder what it is?? books? gogumas? hahaha but yeah, I dun think it's shoes either :D no matter how mad Hyun buin still is (which I highly doubt :D ) she wouldn't allow Yong seobang to walk out of her life ever! haha









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Guest wallpaperfood

hey did you guys notice the look on Hyun's face riiiiight at the end of the ep? @5:28 of part 3

it's after she hands the box to Yong, and Yong (not shown on camera - it switches to Hyun) I guess starts to take it --> she goes a bit serious in a split second, and her smile is a bit hard to describe.

Somehow, that slight smile represents all the sentiments that's accompanied yongseo couple's progress on WGM so far, especially the mildang game of late. it's as if to say "yup, this is my present to you. I want you to treasure it, and I hope you'll like it. We've been through so much together this year. This is me showing you that I've fallen in deep. I've forgiven you and I just want you to see that". It wasn't like a bright, excited smile of a teen girl crush. It's a smile you'd see in a couple who's celebrating their 30th anniversary or something. Weird, but it made me teary-eyed.

Sorry, actually, there's much more to The Smile than that. It's just that it's 5:10am where I am, and I'm about to sleep on my laptop lol. I'll try edit tmr, if not, someone want to try dissecting the meaning of Hyun's facial expression for me? ^^ :)

and i'm glad someone pointed out Nicole (KARA) in the background! I wanted to make a screencap, but I'm totally not tech-savvy. No doubt she came to spy and have a squeal about Yong with Hyun asap!!

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































@anne0129: nope. what I'm talking about is the mounted camera placed on the corner of their room. there is a camera man crouching there (the one with the reflection in the mirror) so the footage that that camera man was filming would be low, unlike the footage that we saw in the latest episode which captured almost the whole room, which includes the camera man you mentioned. you can see this mounted camera in episode 13 when they are pasting the egg board to make the room soundproof. most probably the camera man turned off the mounted camera before Hyun proceeded to change into her high school uniform. I doubt that the PD's and the crew would allow the mounted camera to be filming while Seohyun is changing.





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Guest _hachimitsu
































@lunasol, heartbreak i was worried when watching that part too. hopefully they did switch off the camera or cover it with something..
























@dreamyboo *waves* lol i guess i always online few hours earlier and few hours later than you hehe^^
















@magdal, scatterbrain & kerube i noticed the mysterious uniform + bag appearances too. If there were indeed two sets of uniforms, well, its not really a problem. but the bag is a branded one, its rather expensive... i doubt they will actually have any purpose of having two same bags?  
















I guess it is solved yeah? Made this earlier (regarding the 'mystery') but was caught up with assignments. Best viewed by saving it and view in continuously after one another.
















You can skip this~
















P/s: aish another 1 week to see what seohyun prepared for yong. will wait patiently :D
















































































































































































































































































































































Yeah, so there. What's important to me is i enjoy watching our couple so these bad editing (if it was), well it is just curiosity for me and FBI gogumas keke^^ Bad editing in WGM and other variety shows, we know that already, PD-nim. ahh I spazz too much already about the sweetness of this episode. Enjoy reading all the posts here~
















Keep the thread alive yeah. As most of the gogumas here.. i'll have university exams soon so mostly  i'll drop by during weekends only. nite!
















edit: forgot to retype this. some goguma have theory WGM (sorry forgot who, was it kerube?) used blue screen to edit the scene outside the door for whatever reasons they had.









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Guest mrsjoker


I have officialy watch this episode for the 12 times and still getting the same spazzmatic reaction. My cheek hurts from grinning ear to ear and i think my heart is about to burst from the constant influx of happiness:)  . Never in my life will i have imagine that i will be this insanely giddy and happy for "someone else's" relationship, let alone a relationship build for a show but yet it has manage to cross that border of REEL to REAL. I believe!

@uh-ohxev : You have written exactly the things i have in mind. oh and I'm cancer too...so yeah i totally get why you can relate to Hyun^_^  . For me, i feel that i can really relate to both of them. The thing with Cancer people is that we really devoted ourself to a relationship IF we really wanted it to work. So with Yong and Hyun showing their own devotion to this so called "make-believe couple", i can pretty much tell that there is something MORE going on behind the camera...and it's REAL feelings.

Am I the only one who got teary after reading Yo~ng's letter to her? Yongseo, what are you doing to me? :tears:

I have watched every couple to ever appear on WGM, and even with my favorite old couples, the feelings I had for the older couples don't even compare to my feelings towards the YongSeo couple. The realism is THERE. It's right in front of everyones eyes. I can't believe people would still deny their chemistry and feelings.




No dear you are not the only one. I've watched it 12 times already and still i get teary during Yong's letter. He is such a sweetheart like seriously a real sweetheart!! :wub:

and like you I too still wondering about the concert pic, it was a paparazzi like shots, so my guess is that either it's WGM crew or it's Jungshin chingoo... kekekekeke ^^. Does our resident goguma FBIs have an input on this??

@ dreamyboo : agree 101% with you. ^_^  it's a subtle confession again from Yong, but you know what the sweetest thing is,  I think he's always been this obvious since...well say the "forgiveness notebook", however it was subconcious and more towards he feels bad and don't want to disappoint the innocent kind hearted girl he just met 1-2 months ago. BUT this "Seohyun Japan survival guide" notebook he made was a full concious action from his side and more towards that he wanted to gave a very special thing to hyun, something that he made with his own hands...to impress her maybe? to make her feel special probably? or Just to let her know that he REALLY CARE A LOT about her, that's why he was extremely shy when presenting it to Hyun because he was actually conciously displaying his REAL feelings and thus we see him looking flustered and vulnerable like a lost puppy. :rolleyes: Plus, in his letter we knew the exact reason for his mildang action is that because he simply wanted to break down this invinsible wall around them, and that speaks a lot. It was all genuine real feelings and i seriously can feel his vulnaribility there.

@Crystal_Malfoy : I want in on the "Goguma powers" thing, that we can make dreams come true by simply believing in the power of gogumas even when everyone else thinks we are crazy. ^_^ From Day 1 of this whole journey i have believe that there is something more beyond our eyes and that this two people really is a match made in heaven, i have not lost my faith ever since that day and YongSeo always proves me right episodes after episodes. and so for that I'll keep on believing that this two lovebirds somehow, someday, someway can and will made our dream come true which is for this sweet relationship  to go far beyond the boundaries of cameras and lighting:wub:.

ps : A letter for Yong

Dear Yong,

Hi there sweetheart...how are you hanging up this day? You must be excited for this sunday inki right? ^_^

is Hyun replying well to your text? did you guys have a good conversation on the phone? be a good boy okay...don't tease her so much eventhough she's the cutest angel when she's upset... :) I have watched your "patbingsoo" episode for 12 times already and my oh my...i must say you are such a goofball and yet you are undeniably beyond sweet and you make this noona feeling flustered. But why so vulnerable dear? are you afraid to show more than she did? relax okay...if you're worried that she doesn't feel that strong feeling as you do than i can ensure you that you are wrong! your feeling are mutual. She might not be that expressive like you but hey this is Hyun we are talking about. That bright clear eyes staring at you should've put you at ease, she only have that stare reserve for you dear. and another thing you should note to put you on ease... You notice how more and more beautiful she's becoming these days right? well that's because she have this special "magic glow" on her and that glow is all because of you. She is all yours no doubt about it!! ;)

so keep on treating her well okay...buy her more food, take her on a car ride somewhere. oh and don't forget to bring her to busan and meet mom and dad okay.... Winter is coming right? take care of your health and Hyun too. Send her hugs and kisses from me.







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Guest Crystal392




I enjoyed so much reading all your posts and thoughts. I love reading looong posts so reading all your posts was fun :)







~Hyun acting as if she doesn't remember their anniversary and Yong~ gettin frustrated~















hachimitsu: I don't get what you mean with 'the top part moves' :o Woah that scene is a bit weird... =/


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SNSD Cut(Oct 30, 2010)
































































































































































































































































































































































in mu bank backstage hyun gives hoot album to another couple in wgm (Gain) ,well both of their husband working together as MC on inkigayo (yonghwa+jokwon), maybe they supporting each other as an artist and as a couple from same show .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun wearing a wgm rings+soshi rings
































































































































































































































































































































































well for today eps kinda short but its good eps,they so funny and also there some appearing of snsd members .waiting for the subs.

































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Guest cosmochiq





sorry to cut your post but, yes, me! :tears: I also admit I got a little teary eyed, but I also got teary eyed last week when they showed him making the 200 day pin and then actually wearing that pin for (basically) all the world to see. (and was kind of disappointed that Hyun couldn't show her appreciation of it right then, but I am sure she did later) I know this is a show, but each week I am so surprised by how he pays attention to every detail, no matter what it is. And then when it comes to her, how he creative he is to show how much he thinks of her. Especially when it comes to making her happy. And for the most part they are just little, simple, things. Very rare.








Sorry to cut your post... but please include me to those who got teary eyed after reading the translation to Yong's message... He was hoping that after reading the message or should I say after all the pushing and the pulling... Hyun would finally understand why he has to do it.. Gosh!!! the effort to make every special days in their lives extraordinary... Hat's off to the both of them... if there are still people who doubts if they're for real, I don't know what to say anymore... they're so raw!


























cliffhanger as it was... but I'm happy after watching yesterday's episode... but I have one more wish... I hope Hyun will have the courage to initiate skinship... just like what Victoria did.. leaning her head on Khun's shoulder... oh well... just a wish.. :D




















































Thanks armedbattle for subbing the latest episode and to sun_sun as well!! :) u guys are heaven sent! :)





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Guest Crystal392

GeumJanDi: Thanks for sharing that! Awww the girls look soo pretty. Hyun~ giving SNSD CD to Gain is so sweet of her :) (I am YongSeo biased but I love the three WGM couples so it makes me happy to see them interact with each other: Hyun-GaIn / Yong-JoKwon) ^_^

cosmochiq: Hii! *waves* I think the day she leans/puts her head on Yong's shoulder we will all spazz like crazy hehehe I am sure she will... with time :D

~Hyun sees a pic of Yong hugging a fan and says she is cool with it because she can hug him too






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Guest ryuni_cello
































Long time not post something here.
















But I still love read all your comment in this thread.
































I just wanna say that the latest episode was DAEBAK.
































But I might be delusional think that in the picture when Hyun in CN Blue concert, Hyun probably brought flower bouquet.
















The flower of the color pink and the blue ribbon.
































And also Hyun held blue towel (if Iam not wrong).
































For the bad editing from the PD, this wasn't the first time. in the previous episode, and also on episode 3 part 1 (min 1.17) refer to Nulsaranghe video cut, when Yong and Hyun in the bus, I just confused with something, at that moment yong held banana when talking about hyun might be not comfortable in the bus since there is no seatbelt(Sorry if I can give the picture) and then after that there was scene that Hyun gave banana to Yong when they talked about ring. It's so random and not as the plot.
































Sorry for my long post. Since I still excited to watch over n over the latest episode.
































And thanks for the translation... U r the best.
































I love this thread so much.

















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Guest Crystal392

ryuni_cello: Your name sounds familiar :P Anyways welcome back!! :) Yeah it's not the first time we saw bad editing also as a Goguma pointed before, on the previous ep there was bad editing during a CNBLUE-SeoHyun scene, they put a JongHyun expression twice.

It can be a possibility, maybe that bouquet was brought by SeoHyun ^_^ Blue & Pink: CNBLUE and SNSD: Yong~ and Hyun~ ♥

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Guest YongxHyun
















































I am so confuse about the editting...anyone can try to sort how things work out originnally? i tried...and i was like "OMG"
































what is that..PD-nim...bad editting
































but anywayz this is my 2nd fav ep ^^









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hello gogumas...








cant get enough of this two...for me the athmosphere when they are together is more than skinship...








their stare, smile and actions are beyond measure...just watching them you cant help but have this feeling








of something special...oh i feel young again...









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omo, what a cliff hanger! why do they need to cut it when yong was about to open the present?! :crazy: now i'm really pissed off!































































i was like "that's it? i've waited for a week and that's all?" now we have to wait for another week -_- -_-






























































































































but through the whole episode i was like :D :D crazy grinning from ear to ear..































































ooh, how i wish tomorrow is saturday already!
































































































































































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Guest YongxHyun








































ryuni_cello: Your name sounds familiar :P Anyways welcome back!! :) Yeah it's not the first time we saw bad editing also as a Goguma pointed before, on the previous ep there was bad editing during a CNBLUE-SeoHyun scene, they put a JongHyun expression twice.
































It can be a possibility, maybe that bouquet was brought by SeoHyun ^_^ Blue & Pink: CNBLUE and SNSD: Yong~ and Hyun~ ♥






























































































yes, that's what i thought too
































Blue = CNblue
































Pink= SNSD
































but i think we will never know the truth ><
































But this bouquet appears infront of them..it like 80% chance Hyun bought it...or else how will it appear there?































































mostly the bouquet they recieve will be put in a storage room or whatever































































because i'm sure CNblue recieved lots of bouquet































































so..this..one ....keke
















































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Guest lunasol

About the double uniform, we have to be aware of two things:

a. Ceiling camera at the corner of the room,

b. One cameraman taking shots from the floor.

What I think happened is:

1) Seohyun enter the room with her uniform.

2) Came out again to look for her bag to hide the gift.


3) Enter the room again and kneel down in front the furniture. From a shot here, its obvious the cameramen was positioned in the door looking towards her. This means that he would appear in the ceiling camera recording of the whole room.

Cameraman view


Ceiling-camera view: Since the cameraman was going to appear at the door in the wide shots, the editors put a cameraman-free shot of the sofa in place, like using photoshop in a picture. The problem is they put a previous scene that showed her uniform. Despite 'erasing' him from the door, you can still see his black hair and hand in the mirror behind Seohyun's head.


4) Seohyun went out and left the bag were she put it back again at the sofa before Yong came out of the bathroom. a)she left it outside before entering back again to do her hair, and thus indicating that the crew can turn on the ceiling camera inside? Or B) she left the bag outside and then went inside to change. I think it is (a) that she changed first then left the bag outside, because where did she put her clothes if they are not on the bed, there is no closet in the room, and her bag is outside?



For those wondering about the weird stuff and editing, I hope this may answer some of your questions smile.gif

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i so agree with you,it took me a long time to finish reading it b/c i keep repeating the lines these two couple are saying....:wub: good thing i was sitting on my bed not on a chair or else i would have fall down when it suddenly stop after seohyun put out those boxes...:w00t: Gosh i hope saturday would come fast...but yes this episode really will keep me for until next episode...i just simply love them:wub::D:D

































































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