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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































Thank you so much for the translations, photos, etc gogumas! I'm so glad I have this place to come to everyday and read what my fellow goguma friends have to say! ^^ I feel like we're all a family! YongSeo's kids? Hahahaha! :lol:
































































































































Wow. I am beyond happy to see that photo of Hyun backstage with Yong! The photo seems candid.. who took it, I wonder? Hmm... WGM staff? Was WGM there? Jungshin chingu?! : p
































































































































Part of me would LOVE for it to be filmed by WGM, because then we would get to see her meeting Yongs family, etc. But, a bigger part of me hopes that it wasn't for WGM. That would mean she took time out of her own busy schedule to watch her husbands concert! :wub:
































































































































Am I the only one who got teary after reading Yo~ng's letter to her? Yongseo, what are you doing to me? :tears:
































































































































I have watched every couple to ever appear on WGM, and even with my favorite old couples, the feelings I had for the older couples don't even compare to my feelings towards the YongSeo couple. The realism is THERE. It's right in front of everyones eyes. I can't believe people would still deny their chemistry and feelings.































































































































































































































































I think in the beginning they were both very cautious about WGM.. not too get too invested. Yo~ng especially.. since Hy~un was so innocent, I remember him saying how he didn't want to "put dirt on her". I think he really wanted to keep that distance between real and reel.. but overtime, I think that feelings starting to grow. Something that you can't help. Hy~un was also so innocent and naive when it came to relationships.. who would've ever thought the most innocent maknae would blossom into a beautiful, young woman.. even preparing such a touching event for Yonghwa!































































































































































































































































The reason YongSeo really caught my attention was that awkwardness.. once I saw that first episode, I knew there was something special! I knew that overtime, something good would happen. Why? Because they took it at their own pace. They didn't do anything for viewer ratings. They didn't force skinship, do overly cheesy things,etc. They clearly acted like themselves. And I really appreciate them for not feeling pressured to overact for the cameras. I know some couples do that .. I won't say any names of the couples that do that/did that. But, basically the reason I think we all love YongSeo so much is THAT. That we were able to see a true progression in their relationship.
































































































































People (though, lately I've seen a lot more people become more open to uri couple!) generally pick on YongSeo for their lack of skinship and I really can't understand this. Since when does skinship play such a big part in a relationship? Of course it is extremely important, but it's not as important as communication. That comes first. I also prefer YongSeos eyeship (like someone called it in this thread! hehe) than any old skinship. Anyone can have skinship. The way YongSeo couple looks at each other is definitely more real than any skinship I've seen.
































































































































I think YongSeo is more boyfriend/girlfriend than married.. but I actually prefer that. Because 2 people who were once strangers, can't really be "married".. not without some sort of exaggeration, and like I said.. that's something I'm proud to say our YongSeo doesn't do!
































































































































Back to Yonghwas letter for a second... it really touched me. Yonghwa, how can you be so perfect? Seohyun, how can you be so perfect? These 2 are both perfect! But, in different ways.. which is a good thing because too much of the same kind of perfection would cancel each other out. Yonghwa has set my standards so high! I'm sorry to all future boys who like me! LOL
































































































































He listens to everything Seohyun says.. even the small things. And every girl loves a guy who could remember even those small things! :wub:
































































































































I really don't want to think of the day WGM ends for these 2.. they both clearly like each other and I'm just scared that after WGM, with schedules, companies, etc. it'll put a strain to their relationship. I hope at the very least, they will remain very close friends. Ideally, I'd want them to date though! I'm sure the unnies will try and help the 2! : p
































































































































And I actually could see them dating irl. The unnies already suspect (they probably know, but if they tell the public that Seohyun really has feelings... that might create a small scandal, as well as a risk of getting off WGM) that Seohyun feels something for him and they keep hinting things like when Hyoyeon said Seohyun is a rapper when she talks about him, and that when she comes home from filming she talks about her day with Yonghwa and she won't let Hyoyeon sleep! :w00t: Singing CN Blue's songs in the shower, Putting on facemasks the day before filming, Yuri said she did her hair nicely for him (WGM BTS clip!), Sooyoung telling her if she really liked Yonghwa to tell her and she would help her! And as for Yonghwa, his dongsaengs always mention how much brighter he is... and the time and effort Yonghwa puts into WGM is no joke. Even with busy schedules he made that entire journal for her.. that's definitely not easy. Especially, for a guy. I could only see a guy doing that if he really had feelings for the girl. It wasn't even a page of helpful things.. it was very detailed and he even put pictures. So touching! T.T
































































































































I really hope something happens with these 2! And I do believe in the possibility that it will! Also, both Yonghwa and Seohyun are Cancers! They are compatible together! ^^ I myself am also a Cancer and sometimes the things Seohyun does reminds me of myself. I feel like I can relate to her a lot! :) I've invested so much time in this couple and it actually surprises me! Even as the person known to being in love with WGM, I still feel like nobody can compare to YongSeo! ^^
































































































































Wow.. I really wrote a lot.. but I just wanted to express every feeling I've been wanting to say! Hope someone read this.. T.T

































































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annyeong everyone! i'm surprised that the thread isn't as spazzy as it has always been! :unsure: what happened?! :crazy:

wowwww SWEETNESS OVERFLOWING~!!!!! what an ep!!!! :w00t: i'm still unsatisfied... i want more!!!! PD-nimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i hope u'll satisfy us next week!

hachimitsu dearie, *hugs* thanks so much for the caps~! so shweet of ya~! kekekee i enjoyed them a lot before i finally watched the real thing... & OMOOOOO :w00t:

crystal dear, ^_^ regarding their so-called 1 month of no contact… like u, I also think that it’s around 2-3 weeks of no contact but in another trans like what u’ve mentioned, it mentions 2 weeks of no contact. So yahh I’m also confused about it. But I’m sure yong must’ve started to contact her when his concert was drawing nearer, say, before a week or so? Anyways, when WGM stated one month... I believe the PD must have a reason behind it. Remember in an article posted by some kind goguma, WGM staffs revealed that they were surprised that yong gave hyun the cold treatment during that time & discovered about his “mildang” plan. Also, including the fact that yong was extremely busy preparing for his 1st concert… IMO, It could mean one month of NO REAL COMMUNICATION AS A COUPLE… as in, they only contact when they have to & no personal or couple conversation.

mrsjoker, jnj & many others: i'll hafta agree with u guys. this is another CONFESSION from yong & it's even BETTER than the previous one when he lost hyun's 1st letter to him! i wonder if he's always that obvious. and just read at his dongsaengs's messages to them! all their messages have one similarity & that is THEY HOPE YONGSEO WILL LAST LONG!

JS: 200days! 300days! 1000days! Please last for a long time~ Please live happily and lovingly with our Yong-Hyung

JH: After marrying you, our Hyung has been becoming more and more cheerful, he smiles a lot too! We’ll be counting on you in future!

MH: In future, there will be more YongSeo anniversaries. You’ve to live happily with him for a long long time.

haha so does that mean they wanna see yongseo even after WGM???? i believe that's what they're saying to hyun! and of course yong approves of that! kekeekke xD

after watching this ep, now i understand better why they were so lovey dovey in the UJ ep. one thing i wanna complain though... why didn't hyun let yong hold her hand?!?! she kept on holding her cellphone... <_< poor yong, he was like trying to hold her hand but seeing her holding onto the cellphone *sighs* in any way, i still love her for being her self. i'm partly thankful that she didn't let yong hold her hand onscreen at that time, 'cause that just shows that she knows it's vain & not meaningful to do so in front of the camera. yong knew it & just walked right beside her contently.

oh, one more thing i'd like to add. i see some gogumas posting something about who's luckier. to me, there's no such thing as who's luckier in yongseo. yong won't be able to be our DREAM BOYFRIEND if he hadn't known hyun. likewise, hyun won't be the DREAM GIRLFRIEND if she had not met yong.

wokeh, off to bed~! GOONITE GOGUMAS~!! :wub:

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this episode hold so much meaning into it..








































more of the emotional side..








































it shows how much yonghwa cares for her and their relationship.. and also for seohyun, she tries her best.








































their date shows more playfulness.








































i think yonghwa got the idea of the acting like high school and date from sassy girl movie.








































what yonghwa wrote to seohyun is really a guideline..








































i remember from the past interview of cn blue they said








































that they are arrested because police thought they are illegal immigrant and they don't have their id that time..








































i love his response when he said about getting it back (the book) that it should be the original cause of its value..








































yonghwa really acts like a high school boy here..








































a boy that woould totally be shy in front of his crush when he gives her something or just by passing by..








































seohyun clearly shows how grateful she is. we could clearly








































see it in her eyes.. its bright and their is something that she didn't show in other programs that i couldn't point it out (love or admiration). its totally new..








































i really can't wait for the next episode to see what her gift is..








































this totally a torture cause there's no even a preview..

















































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Now I will try to load the lasst batch hehe..
































































SOOMPI.. please be good to me naaa...
































































The PRESENT.... Notebook...
































































































































How cute can they be... I love this scene... With the shy Hubby & the curious Wifey..
































































































































































































The Hyun aegyo... SUPER CUTE... How can he rejected if the Wifey show this faces/sounds...hehe
































































































































The "lost Hubby to Wifey aegyo"
































































































































Only 1st & 2nd pages... BIG BIG No way
































































































































































































SeoHyun's Japan Survival Guide
































































































































The Happy Wifey bout the guide
































































































































The caricaturization of Wifey
































































































































The details guide...
































































































































Even young Yong...Cute... Confirm by Wifey
































































































































If I'm at the counter, confirm I will try my very hard to hear everything...
































































































































Details Yong...
































































































































































































Even the pic got 11 num...Hard working Yong to do the research on the net...
































































































































More details... Really take a good care of his wife... So Mr & Mrs Seo no need to worried bout your daughter...
































































































































Miss me, HYUN... Look @ the photo of me... OK...
































































































































Try to compare with the real life.. hehe
































































































































I'm "chain & tied down" to SEO HYUN...
































































































































Confirmation bout hugging fans... GOOD...
































































































































MAIL--> from BIL...
































































































































Happy Hyun bout BIL
































































































































HUBBY letter & MC's reaction --> touching...
































































































































The shy Hubby...
































































































































The THANKFUL Wifey...
































































































































































































































































Surprise Hubby??? Really???
































































































































Sneaky Wifey..."S: I don’t know too"
































































































































FIN of caps from ep 30...
































































Hope you guys can enjoy this caps...

















































































































































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Guest scatterbrain

@kerube-chan...i think you are right...ugghh i dunno how to post picture..but hopefully if you get what i mean, if you look carefully at hyun's shadow when she was running towards the door and get her bag, it was...how to explain it...cropped...?

so i think mystery solved.

by the way, i got this from baidu..armedbattle already translated the letter...bu i think this is the full letter from cnblue members to hyun...


To: Sister-in-law

Hello! SeoHyun-ah~~~ Hahaha~ I am JongHyun-ah~~ I am extremely thankful to you! After marrying you, our Hyung has been becoming more and more cheerful, he smiles a lot too! We’ll be counting on you in future!(copied it from armedbattle)

you will be able to do well even you don't say it, i believe!all the best in japan. Let SNSD burn Japan!


To: Sister-in-law

SeoHyun! Hello! This is your friend, JungShin! First of all, congratulations on your 200th anniversary! 200days! 300days! 1000days! Please last for a long time~ Please live happily and lovingly with our Yong-Hyung(from armedbattle)

even though sometimes teased as yong choding, after that childish and naughty brother is in the fake married with you, he has tried everything that he can possibly do to be closer to you...not forcing you, just hoping that you and yonghwa hyung can speak banmal, become closer than before.

also, i heard that you are going to promote in Japan, will do well. this book contains very useful stuff. enjoy it. fighting!yongseo CP fighting


saw the news that you are going to promote in japan, finally SNSD going to japan,japan will definitely be turned(maybe...dunno what's this word). you will unexpectedly find that this book is more interestingly informative and helpful than any other guide books.

(from here is taken from armedbattle)In future, there will be more YongSeo anniversaries. You’ve to live happily with him for a long long time. Yong-Hyung who is making me write this at such a late hour looks really romantic. When you receive this, you will be so touched and you would tear. And we hope your loving marriage life will continue~ Congratualations on your 200th anniversary! SeoHyun, fighting! SNSD, conquer Japan, fighting! YongSeo anniversary, fighting!

CNBLUE Drummer, MinHyuk

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Guest gettawa

Hi ''every Goguma

Today Its my Happiest in this week

When i finished this ep,I just  know all the time that I watching YongSeo

:wub:I smile all the time,I can not describe the feeling.how I feel at that time

Its so great ,so lovely Its really touched my heart

I really Love You YongSeo

and.... I have some question

Tomorrow about  Inkigayo  ,Who has a link please sssssssssssssssss

Thanksyou """


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i hope that after Inki tomorrow, there is news that yongseo continue with WGM filming.

it has been weeks since we heard them filming last.

it'll be daebak if there is any interactions btwn them, but if not..

well, at least yong is there with wifey... :wub:

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To Hyun,































































































































































































































































































































Finally, it’s my turn. I hope this journal is of use to you.  Although  it doesn’t look much, I put a lot of effort into making it.  Please feel  my sincerity. Do you feel any regret now?  Honestly, I felt that there  were too many invisible walls between us. I  wanted to tear them down,  that’s why I did that. Please understand me,  okay? From the start,  although so many things have happened  to us, these are all unforgettable  memories to me whenever I think of  them. Your activities in Japan are  going to be tiring, complete them  successfully. I’m always grateful to  you Hyun.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From The Author, Jung Yong Hwa  































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: armedbattle
































































































































































































Sorry for this random thing I´m about to post but I can´t help... guys, everytime that Yong says "grateful to  you" hi is saying... I think  he is telling her "I Like/love you", it is just his way to say it!...  just think about it, in his bday letter for her he also wrote it, he ended his 2 letters like that, saying how much greatful he is, as if he was trying to explain why he bother that much for her... ahhh Yong,  I really can feel your love by those words :wub:.
































































































































































































BTW, talking about love, I want to hear the "jashik" again ^^
































































































































































































about what magdal mentioned before
































































































































































































































































































































































































we can see 2 sets of uniform in these pics. one on the couch and one on the bed...the uniform on the couch was already on that position when hyun was looking for socks...so what do you guys think happened? i keep thinking about it and can't think of a scenario....and we could see as well that hyun also has two bags...on beside the couch, and one where she was putting in her present...
































































































































































































did yong bring 2 sets of uniform? and where did yong get hyun's uniform from?
































































































































































































goguma FBIs..HELPPP!!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































 I was thinking similar to Kerube-chan ^^, maybe are two takes edited out together for some reason-_-, cause I think there could be a couple of uniforms, but why the bag? it has no sense ...
































































































































































































Thanks Zealous for the caps... I´m spazzing again :wub:, and thank you all, I´m reading all your post guys, you are amazing gogumas ^_^
































































































































































































Can´t wait for Inky tomorrow so, any of you knows the time and where to watch it???
































































































































































































































































































































































































 Edit: scatterbrain I´m spazzing all over again with the brothers in law´s messages, thank you so much for bring that here!

































































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Guest lunasol


This may sound random but when I saw her walking to the bedroom to change, while Yong went to the bathroom, the first thing I thought was about the camera on the ceiling!! That is not my apartment and I know it is there. I think this is proof that they were so into their moment together that they forgot about it!! 




I am not sure what the PDs did, so hopefully they stopped the recording. But I am not sure because then you see the recording of her doing her hair. If they did record her in there, then I hope the producer who is a woman did something about it by deleting it and not letting it be seen by WGM male crew or a husband is going to be pissed.








crystal_malfoy: He has a black star ring that I have seen him use several times on his index finger. Maybe he just draw the ring on his hand. 


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Guest Crystal392




expectional.chic: I can't wait for next ep either! i wonder what Hyun gift was =O





Single_lady_YongSeo: Inki is going to be awesome!





maybe07: Your screencaps are <3 <3 Thanks for sharing them! Their moments backstage are ♥





uh-ohvex: I read your post! So beautiful what you wrote. I enjoyed reading it. I wanted to give you a + but I've reached my daily quota :) Just wanted to tell you I read it ;) I agree with you, the beauty of them is their pace... it may seem slow to some but to me it makes it all more real.





dreamyboo: it can be... I guess that also goes to Goguma mysteries room! hehehehehe :P I agree 100% with you, I think the luckier ones are us because we get to see an amazing guy and an amazing girl meet and develop a bond which I hope will be super strong forever =D Have sweet goguma dreams! (:










zealous: Your screencaps are making me grin like a fool :P hehehehe ♥





lunasol: It can be that... but I want to believe it was a hidden meaning, like saying 'You are my star' :lol:^_^blush.gif:):wub: I think they turned off the camera when she was changing (I hope so) and also the guy who was in the room filming on a corner (you can see him through the mirror) left. Or maybe she changed on the corner where the camera isn't filming =/







Actually the only one that was taken to the police station was Yong~, and when they asked him his name he said he was so nervous he forgot what was the Chinese character and if I'm not wrong he didn't have his ID with him either.



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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































This may sound random but when I saw her walking to the bedroom to change, while Yongwent to the bathroom, the first thing I thought was about the camera on the ceiling!! That is not my apartment and I know it is there. I think this isproof that they were so into their moment together that they forgot about it!! 
































































































































I am not sure what the PDs did, so hopefully they stopped the recording. But I amnot sure because then you see the recording of her doing her hair. If they didrecord her in there, then I hope the producer who is a woman did somethingabout it by deleting it and not letting it be seen by WGM male crew or ahusband is going to be pissed.
































































































































































































































































crystal_malfoy: He has a black star ring that I have seen him use several times on his index finger. Maybe he just draw the ring on his hand. 































































































































































































































































I also noticed this too and it kinda scared me... :unsure:
































































































































I doubt they would leak it and would delete the tape.. but I still feel uneasy knowing that someone watched Hyun changing! D: It's an invasion of privacy. I hope the camera turned off or that Seohyun hid in the part of the room where the camera couldn't see her.. maybe I'm just overreacting and being over protective! :lol:
































































































































I think it's all ok though.. I hope.. :wacko:

































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































@lunasol: I think its protocol to turn off the camera on the ceiling before changing their clothes. and when they are finished with changing, the camer crew is notified and they turn on that camera again. so we saw Hyun fixing her hair twice. the PD's protect the idols as they are vital to the success of the show. **the gift prepared by Yong speaks heaps. he is always thinking about her. even if SNSD is going to Japan, he wants to take care of her in any way possible. as CNBlue has other schedules as well, its impossible for him to make sure that Seohyun enjoys the Japan experience, hence the very thoughtful gift. the funny and thoughtful part of the book is the "when you miss me, you can look at this page" part. Seohyun will definitely look at that page.





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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































Thank you armedbattle for your translation ^^...so sorry for you all this week my internet so poor , it's too slow to download HD vid...I used vids from diadano1 Thank you for upload the vid so fast ^^
































































































































































it's done just part 1 here link Sub Eng from armedbattle's trans >>> Part1

































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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































ahhhhh DEABAKK episode!! ^^
































































how I wish PDnim would be more generous and give us a few more minutes to see Hyun's present!! :D
































































arggg I'm still spazzzzzing like crazzzzy lolz
































































Yong seobang is sooooooo cute hehehe
































































Conservative Hyun in front of Hubby Yong~ hehe ^^
































































































































aahhkkkk HIS EYES!!!
































































































































































































































































Yong~ choding hehe
































































































































200 won hahahaha
































































































































"Don't spit beans on me" hahahah Innocent Hyun, Yong~ seobang speechless lol
































































































































HERE IT IS! LOLZ I'm smiling ear to ear and speechless! lolz
































































This makes me wonder if Yong really had a gf before hahaha soo cute *-*
































































































































Playful Hyun ^^
































































































































Yes, Hyun you're allowed to have skin contact with fans, but not too much! hehe
































































This might be too small to see clearly, but if you watch it again, you can see Yong's eyes never left Hyun's
































































when she said she's allowed to hug fans, too hehe ^^
































































































































lolz hahaha look at his eyes and his smile! lol
































































Yes, Yong~! of course uri Hyun didn't forget your 200 day!!! ^^









































































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Guest Crystal392




love_ya: Your gifs are so cute :wub: Thanks for making them and sharing them here ^___^





sun_sun: Thanks for subbing the latest ep. Seriously you are one of the many Goguma Angels we Gogumas have :D





Btw, remember usually we have discussions over a certain topic every 100 pages (and sometimes the atmosphere at the thread turned a bit tense and hostile :ph34r: )? I think we broke up that 'tradition' ;) We are a big Goguma family! *hugs* :)


I found a post at dcmarried and (using google translator) seems like there are some things Yong~ wrote to Hyun~ at the book (tips): http://gall.dcinside.com/married/536801 Hopefully someone can translate it (if they are indeed things Yong~ wrote at the book) :D


~Hyun loved Yong's gift~






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Am I the only one who got teary after reading Yo~ng's letter to her? Yongseo, what are you doing to me? :tears:




He listens to everything Seohyun says.. even the small things. And every girl loves a guy who could remember even those small things! :wub:








sorry to cut your post but, yes, me! :tears: I also admit I got a little teary eyed, but I also got teary eyed last week when they showed him making the 200 day pin and then actually wearing that pin for (basically) all the world to see. (and was kind of disappointed that Hyun couldn't show her appreciation of it right then, but I am sure she did later) I know this is a show, but each week I am so surprised by how he pays attention to every detail, no matter what it is. And then when it comes to her, how he creative he is to show how much he thinks of her. Especially when it comes to making her happy. And for the most part they are just little, simple, things. Very rare.




I understand why he did not contact her, because I think it is hard for Hyun to admit to anything. That is so understandable. Still, I think she *shows* him what she thinks of him by her care and her gifts to him... and especially her most recent gifts. But I've noticed that when he asks her or even suggests something to her about the "why", she doesn't seem to answer him or denies what he is suggesting. Maybe the giving of the rings got his head spinning and he resorted to drastic measures to probe deeper and as he said, break down the barriers. I know he is her first "relationship", and whether that is real or not, I hope that thru this experience on WGM, she knows what a gem Yonghwa really is.




Sigh. So now I can't wait to see what her gift is for him! Yay!


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Yong Hwa is so cute sothat Jiwoon even not jealous anymore like the first epsiodes. may be he thought Yonghwa deserves Seohuyn more than me. hahha just my thinking:-) you can see his progress of admiring to Yonghwa like other Mcs. even they said that he is childish but you can see in their eyes they really admire him. when the MCs watch Yongseo couple they have their own moment, giggling and put their emotion inside, it is not like a show anymore.




hahah, may be i just think too much, but when i watch our couple i just so into them, and i forgot everything around me. yeah, hope Huyn will show her feeling more to Yong. yongseo fighting


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Guest lunasol

crystal_malfoy: Yes. Hopefully the ring-star drawing has a deeper meaning smile.gif. Because, then again... he is so into stars recently. Even in Love Light and we now know he was thinking of Seohyun wub.gif, so maybe he is using star-related earrings, rings, and even draw it in the photo because it is related to her or what he thinks of her. Since I am talking about stars then I Wish Upon a Star that Yongseo will be real!!wub.gif

Parts of Love Light lyrics:

You’re the president of my heart You’re my chests’ star embroider I’m Genie for you girl You make me stop breathing whatever you want because i love you There’s no reason for my love you know


you’re a darling

you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky

the shining thing deep inside my heart

my very own love light


Thank U sun_sun for the subs!

heartbreak_warfare22: I know I may have sounded a little paranoid about the camera. It just gave me the weird vibe when I saw her go into the room. I know they probably turned it off, but who knows if they did.

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Guest crystalblue


What's in that blue box??? Hmmmm...So it's not gift wrapped and it's a substantial fancy sturdy lue bbox with a silver stamped brand name on the lid and it looks like the lid flips opens to one side ~ SO! I think that this type of box might be from a jeweler!!! Maybe she's giving him TIME - a symbol of lasting time together = A WATCH!!!??? We know he loves watches, rings and shoes. Since she's given a ring already and the box is too small for shoes, then it has a good chance of being a watch!! gasp... :w00t: ... what do you think??


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