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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Germbaby

jnj" thanks. I miss the translation earlier. Understand what they are saying now. I really like Yong's message to Seohyun. Very meaningful. Asking Seohyun to understand why he didnt call her for 1 mth. Seohyun could have hug him then. Hee then no more invisible wall between them

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

















To Hyun,

Finally, it’s my turn. I hope this journal is of use to you. Although  it doesn’t look much, I put a lot of effort into making it. Please feel  my sincerity. Do you feel any regret now? Honestly, I felt that there  were too many invisible walls between us. I wanted to tear them down,  that’s why I did that. Please understand me, okay? From the start,  although so many things have happened to us, these are all unforgettable  memories to me whenever I think of them. Your activities in Japan are  going to be tiring, complete them successfully. I’m always grateful to  you Hyun.
















From The Author, Jung Yong Hwa































Now i understand why Yong did that mildang thingy... Although, i don't agree of how he did it, I totally get it...
















He probably wanted to see that reaction he got when they met at the salon. He probably wants to see a pissed Hyun.
















From what i understand,  what he means by " there  were too many invisible walls between us. I wanted to tear them down,  that’s why I did that." is that he wants Hyun to fully comfortable around him. No holding back. No formalities. I guess that's what he means by invisible walls.
















It's like when he suggests or does something, he probably doesn't want Hyun to always agree with him just to please him or for the sake of politeness. Maybe Yong wanted to see Hyun disagree with him or argue back  with him like real couples do... or if ever Hyun is pissed or displeased about something, maybe he wants to know about it so they can discuss it together and not just hide it from him...
















I get it now, why he said that line during the previous episode "it's exhausting lately"... he probably got tired of doing things in order for Hyun to be comfortable around him, yet nothing seems to be working.... So, then came the desperate move called "the push-pull project".
















Yong probably did that just to get some reaction from her. And he did. Hyun got angry. She argued with him. She even planned a little revenge on him. That was probably the reactions he wanted to to see from her. It's a risky move, yet it worked. And that was really brave of him.
















Am i making any sense??? :sweatingbullets:

















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Guest BluMistLaydee




man oh man. I feel like my eye balls are going to crawl out, since I'm so sleep deprived. I came home super late from a party and instead of doing the right thing and going to sleep, I tried to watch the livestream of today's episode but tvu sucked for... then I woke up as soon as possible (4 hours later) to watch the vids that were posted. I'm dying to go back to sleep but I just had to post about this episode.


Yong... you need to stop. You're going to make every guy in Korea hate you because you keep setting the bar so high with these gifts. That photobook/guide was just too precious omg. And honestly I can imagine Seohyun looking at the book daily as a reminder. She seemed really touched.


These two are just so freaking precious and just when you think they can't get any cuter, they do.


and I feel some sort of validation for all the naysayer about Seohyun going to CN Blue's concert. It was brief, so brief even the cameras didn't focus on it, but seeing the candid backstage pic taken of the two of them, makes me really happy.


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Guest SophiaPia

Geeeeee! hubby Yong letter i can feel it too. Thanks again to armedbattle for translations. YongSeo couple really really SWEET. 


wub.gifTo Hyun

Finally, it’s my turn. I hope this journal is of use to you. Although it doesn’t look much, I put a lot of effort into making it. Please feel my sincerity. Do you feel any regret now? Honestly, I felt that there were too many invisible walls between us. I wanted to tear them down, that’s why I did that. Please understand me, okay? From the start, although so many things have happened to us, these are all unforgettable memories to me whenever I think of them. Your activities in Japan are going to be tiring, complete them successfully. I’m always grateful to you Hyun.

From The Author, Jung Yong Hwa

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i just realized how much Yong invest his feelings in his make believe marriage with hyun..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































his message to hyun contains deep meanings..he really try to work out their relationship..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































he refused to bear with all the invisible walls..he wants it's just him, her and their marriage..i know it's scary for him to bare out his feelings to the world..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and how innocent hyun with this idea of dating and marriage..how she has growth through out the marriage, learning to open up herself to a man..knowing what is relationship,it's a start of a long journey
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































both of them will be heartbroken when their marriage ends.. :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































that day will come but i just hope that they can make all that they shared together into beautiful memories that would not be forgotten forever..it'll be so painful but valuable experiences..it'll remains in their heart.. ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and all of us learned too..we learned about the beauty of a relationship..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































two completely different people can come together and create a wonderful relationship even if they need to do it step by step..love is not blind, it taught you virtue,patience and understanding.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest scatterbrain

about what magdal mentioned before


we can see 2 sets of uniform in these pics. one on the couch and one on the bed...the uniform on the couch was already on that position when hyun was looking for socks...so what do you guys think happened? i keep thinking about it and can't think of a scenario....and we could see as well that hyun also has two bags...on beside the couch, and one where she was putting in her present...

did yong bring 2 sets of uniform? and where did yong get hyun's uniform from?

goguma FBIs..HELPPP!!!!

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Guest pinkypanther_07

Hi everyone, tonite episode was sooo sweet. it's like YH is now more confident to tell us about his feelings on SH. Here are some evidences to proof that;

1) On his journal, 1st picture of him and SH (with shirt no. 11), he draw a star at his fingertip that pointing at SH. It's like to tell us that SH is the star in his heart, maybe. :D

2) When he draw a SH necklace on his picture. Why do he needs to draw that? It's absolutely has a deep meaning, like he's telling SH that she belongs to him or vv. :D

3) And the precious gift for us tonite is the picture of SH at CNB 1st concert. He knew how Yongseo fans are dying to know and looking for any evidence of SH attending the concert. He maybe trying to give us the answer for that question... hahaha...

4)Lastly, on his message, he mention about invisible wall between them. Actually I'm touched with it becoz' if he has no feelings towards SH, why he has to really bother about those barriers.

Anyway, it's just my opinion though and maybe i'm wrong.

p.s: sorry for my bad english, i just want to join u guys here. :P

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Guest lunasol

Awesome, sweet, adorable episode!!! SNSD/CNBLUE interaction and support to each other!! Yong/Hyun school uniform date!! Yong's shyness!! Hyun's teasing!! Their STARES!! wub.gif Everything!!


How can somebody deny that they like each other!! They literally are behaving as two people who REALLY REALLY like each other. I don't think they are already officially together with the title BF and GF behind WGM Husband and Wife, but I STRONGLY believe they will get to that.


They are bordering a thin line between the stage when you like someone but  are unsure if the other person feels the same way and the stage when you are definitely together with someone. Recently we have seen how they show examples of both stages. Sometimes they behave as if they think they are really together (as if they already belong to each other for real), while other times they behave and/or show signs of insecurities, wanting to impress the other (clearly not the audience), or needing REAL emotional feedback from the other.


Some things to think about from Yong's side:


  • Normally boys don't care about special occasions, but why does Yong care so much that she remembers if they are just a show couple?? He was even FRUSTRATED that she didn't "remember"? He considered the day very important.

  • If they are obligated for the show to give each other a present, why his gift was something that its obvious should have taken a lot of his limited available time to prepare? He could just have bought something. Instead, he decided to prepare something meaningful by writing a guide that was even full of drawings, photos, decorations, etc. And according to MinHyuk, he apparently bother the brothers late at night to write their letters hahahaha



  • One of the things that clearly demonstrated the seriousness of his book was the food photos. Don't laugh!! Think about it. The other photos they may be just photos at hand, but the food photos clearly showed he wanted her to see what he was mentioning. Maybe he thought she would not comprehend by their japanese names. Who knows? The important thing is that it was thoughtful of him and he took the time to look for them because he wanted to.

  • Yong's comment that she carry the guide with her while away so it will remind her of him. wub.gif


  • Yong shyness! So much for the experienced guy. Seohyun has shown that an innocent girl can turn an experienced guy head over heels hahahha.

  • Why Yong worry so much about walls between them if they are not real? Yong wants to break ALL the 'invisible walls' between them because he really wants to, and Hyun is definitely slowly but surely letting him break them. In fact I think now if Yong takes the initiative for more skinship between them, she will not deny him.



  • With his letter at the end of the guide he confirms why he did the mildang.

Some things to think about from Hyun's side:
  • Why did she wait for him at the door when she needed to literally run to change clothes? I remember that SNSD's turn was like 1 act  or 2 after CNBLUEs. Its like she wanted to be with him a few more seconds after their duet.



  • Why Seohyun was primping herself so much in the mirror? It was obvious she wanted to look pretty for him in her uniform.

  • Hyun's so comfortable with him that she is not shy with him, teases him (ex. comparing his face to the guide photo), and even 'torture' him about the 200 day. smile.gif



  • We always notice Yong's stares towards her, but she is definitely reciprocating.

  • Evidence that she went to CNBLUE Concert!! The first real concert is the most important concert in a performer's life and she was there for him to support him and her brothers-in-law. It will be an unforgettable memory for Yong.



  • Hopefully next week we will see more from Hyun's side when she give him her gift!


I can continue spazzing but my post is already long! Thank u to everyone who has posted translations, caps, your talented art, just everyone!biggrin.gif

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I somehow think the reason why Yong seemed so embarrassed while giving his last gift to Hyun is just simple. He really tries hard (and i mean really struggling here) keeping guard of himself whenever he's with Hyun that the more he try, the more obvious he become. Face it, when there is really sincerity in all that we do and we intently try hiding it to anyone, it becomes more awkward and more embarrassing with all the pretentions and stuff. As for Hyun, being naturally pure and innocent that we know she is, sincerity is almost a lifestyle that's she's very much used to. :wub:












































gaaaah~ i feel for you Yong! it's really hard to keep your guard down if you're really in lourve. hee hee hee! :wub:












































i have to admit, they don't seem to be at the marrying stage but more of a bf/gf relationship, but who cares?? they're young and and they are a COUPLE right?? :wub:












































Regarding this episode, i loved the messages from her BIL'S and especially Yong's. It does show how they care for Hyun as much as Yong does. I want to believe that what they had built is beyond friendship and is more like of a family already. But nonetheless, i could rank this episode as my second fave!












































ONE MORE: HI5 to Hyun and the MC's for always teasing Yong! :lol:

















































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Guest wallpaperfood

about what magdal mentioned before


we can see 2 sets of uniform in these pics. one on the couch and one on the bed...the uniform on the couch was already on that position when hyun was looking for socks...so what do you guys think happened? i keep thinking about it and can't think of a scenario....and we could see as well that hyun also has two bags...on beside the couch, and one where she was putting in her present...

did yong bring 2 sets of uniform? and where did yong get hyun's uniform from?

goguma FBIs..HELPPP!!!!

I don't know about the bag(s), but I do know that the pics in the link you posted are of Seohyun waiting for Yong to close the bathroom door. He had already given her her set of uniform by then (i.e. it's not when she was looking for socks) :)

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Guest Crystal392




shawie89: I don't think she was joking, she was probably just being honest and clueless :P But everyone can interpret things the way they want right? ;) Maybe she was joking... who knows :) hehehe I agree, she has opened a lot through WGM. ^^





one_isa: Hiii!! Welcome to Goguma Planet *throws lots of confetti* I think both are super lucky to have found each other (thanks WGM PDs!), both are amazing people :) I loved your reasons. Hopefully you will post more ^^





qwenli: Hey hii! *waves* :) Those elephants were bought by Yong when he came back from Thailand a long time ago remember? I think they didn't show what Hyun bought for him (or maybe they will release it as edited cut on MBC website someday? hehehehe). Yeah that goes under Gogumaland mysteries too! :P Thanks for sharing that info about Yong~ (I had already read it but I'm sure lots of Gogumas haven't). ;)





Germbaby: If Hyun~ had hugged Yong~ I think we would have fainted from too much happiness and cuteness hehehehehe





CallMeDayDreamer: Imo you made lots of sense (:





BlueMistLaydee: She seemed soo touched! :D I can already imagine her going back to her dorm that day and reading it and smiling before going to sleep ^^





twinkystar: As JongHyun once said on an interview: 'YongHwa seems to be taking WGM too seriously'. It is going to be a sad day for them and for all Gogumas when they announce they will 'divorce' :tears:





About the rules: I think they are pretty simple, as long as you don't quote pics, don't post one-lines/less than 20 words and your post is YongSeo related it is going to be fine =D







Someone posted about this and I wanted to make a screencap, Yong is obsessed with stars (he was wearing star shaped earrings on this ep), the pic he put it's as if he is pointing at Hyun~, he drew a star at the tip of his finger, does that mean Hyun~ is his star? :wub: *goes to Goguma Dreamland*








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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































about what magdal mentioned before
































































































we can see 2 sets of uniform in these pics. one on the couch and one on the bed...the uniform on the couch was already on that position when hyun was looking for socks...so what do you guys think happened? i keep thinking about it and can't think of a scenario....and we could see as well that hyun also has two bags...on beside the couch, and one where she was putting in her present...
















































did yong bring 2 sets of uniform? and where did yong get hyun's uniform from?
















































goguma FBIs..HELPPP!!!!































































































When I read Magdal is observation and turned back and watched the thing from more than 10 times. My thinking is that it is photo edited... like when in movies they use a blue screen and replace the image... I think the PD replaced what we can watch through the door, mainly because I think the camaraman was standing in the corner of the door in the living room... If you see the way it was filmed and how they filmed the part when SH was putting the box in her bag.
















































Just my thinking...
















































This espisode was totally DAEBAK!!! YH is really setting the bar really high for anyone else... And I do think he really love her... I need to watch Ueno Juri is espisode again and see what was said in the Black room interview... Everytime I see and episode in between a get a new revelation...
































































































Before I forget, SH is wearing the ring in her performances... In Run Devil Run promotions she didnt wear the ring a lot in her performances, but now she is using it... It makes me happy, cant wait for tomorrow!!! Inkigsyo Come!!!

















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since both of them will be busy with their own activities,

and may not see each other for god knows how long,

that letter seems a bit ...sad? for me.

because yong can't directly tell hyun what he feels, he wrote it on paper

in his previous darkroom interviews, yong kept mentioning how easy it is for

hyun to get close to his bros, but not to him.

but really, it takes 2 ppl to bring this wall down.

hmm...it makes sense to me now that

I Dont Know Why is soo obviously written for hyun...

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[*]One of the things that clearly demonstrated the seriousness of his book was the food photos. Don't laugh!! Think about it. The other photos they may be just photos at hand, but the food photos clearly showed he wanted her to see what he was mentioning.

[*]Hyun's so comfortable with him that she is not shy with him, teases him (ex. comparing his face to the guide photo).

Lunasol - Yes I agree to most of what you listed. Especially the food part. For a cancerian, food is very important!!

I am amazed that I have so much to say for this ep.

1) I am surprised how plain the book that Yong gave to Hyun is. Its an ordinary notebook, infact the cover is white. It really show that he is the one who did it not scripted by WGM otherwise they may buy a spiffy, expensive leather folder? :)

2) Now that I read the translation of the letter, I am very touched too. He didnt say outright that he likes her, I noticed in the show both of them get around all those direct/expressive words. But those words that he wrote, showed how much thought he given to write it down. I would imagine he practiced it on another piece of paper, rewrite and rewrite until he perfected what he wanted to say than write it in the book. It speaks volumes of his feelings for her. :wub: Its that kind of words that seat with you for a longwhile. Seobaby - why dun you just give him a hug?

Yes, I think the day that Hyun offer to hug Yong, everyone will faint and just simply die from too much sweetness. Maybe on the 1000th day?

EDIT: woops, I top the page again.

Crystal - Thanks for clarifying abt the elephants. If I go Thailand again, I will get one too! haha

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Guest crystalblue




I love this thread. I don't say much but I read it every day ~ One of the things I love most is how so many of us are so sharp and detailed that you can catch the smallest details and then the investigating that follows are just amazing!!! You guys could be professional spies!!! I remember when CN Blue had their concert in Korea and there were videos posted about Yong pointing up where Hyun "could have been sitting". And tah dah!!! months later, there are evidence that she indeed was there. So many other incidents have been disected and predicted on this thread that has proven to be true. I just love that!! It's like virtual stalking without the creepiness... hahaha...


As for this episode, beside the adorable embarrassed Yong and the oh so happy wife as she was reading his "Self Help" book he made for Hyun (Clever Boy he is!!! :P ), I think the PD sort of said it all when they gave us a panning short shot of the yellow and blue elephants leaning against each other on the sofa as they left their house for their date. Very symbolic of the state of affairs I would say!!! :wub: PS: is there REALLY no preview for next week? Maybe those WGM PD's are now catching on about the power of real love and goguma fans- that would explain the "milking" of these cliff hangers we've been getting.


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Let's try for 2nd batch of screen caps.. hehe..
































































hopefully soompi have a good heart for me to post this caps.. hehe
































































so hard to choose.. lots of lots sweet caps.. huhuhu...
































































but this is what i choose for you guys...
































































The Student...;)
































































































































The date place..
































































































































If I be the staff of this cafe.. don't know how should i reacted.. hihi
































































































































A gentlemen "BF" a.k.a Hubby
































































































































The acting "student"... START...
































































































































































































A Science Student... WOW!!!!
































































































































Sharing an ice cream... How cute is that....
































































































































The memories of 1st late night date
































































































































Frustrated Yong???
































































































































Did Hyun really don't know....Yong -->Frust again....
































































& The Actress Hyun... Really good... hehe... Cheeky Hyun..
































































































































Choding Yong...--> START!!! [spit to your wifey... Not good...Not good]
































































































































































































See...See.. So convincing... The reaction of Hyun....Not know bout 200th day anniversary..
































































































































The frust hubby... AGAIN AND AGAIN...
































































































































Confirmation again...
































































































































































































200 badge..
































































































































































































Hyun try to be funny.. hehehe 200 WON!!!
































































































































The frust hubby... AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN...
































































































































The details YS YS....
































































































































The 3rd gift..
































































































































The shy hubby
































































































































The anticipating Wifey
































































































































































































































































































































































































THE EXCITED MC'S --> Even Jinwoon....hehhee
































































































































































































Ok... 2nd batch settle..
































































































































Now I know how hard is it...
































































Editing is tiring job.. huhuhu
































































Don't know which scene/caps to choose.....
































































































































No wonder uri couple scene can be drag to 3,4 weeks hahaha
































































Will try again for last batch,
































































Cheers guy

















































































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Guest Crystal392




qwenli: Hopefully it will be sooner! Maybe on their 300 day anniversary? ^_^





Btw, at the beginning Yong~ didn't want Hyun to read the book there and he was so shy. hehehehe but did you notice that when Hyun kept reading the book he made and after she read what her bro-in-laws wrote he urged her to keep reading? hehehehehe YongSeo soo cute ♥





S: Wa~


Y: Why aren’t you reading the last page?



S: I was going to. The last.





translated by armedbattle











crystalblue & zeaalous: OMG we posted at the same minute! 10:56 AM where I am :P





crystalblue: hehehehe I love this thread too! *hugs all Gogumas, even lurkers ninja Gogumas! :P*


zealous: hehehehe now you understand what the WGM editing team has to go through. :P Thanks soo much for sharing those screencaps. They are lovely ♥♥♥


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Guest exceptional.chic
















armedbattle, thank you for the translations :D








a big thank you to all those who posted pictures, gifs and everything. it's so pleasing to the eyes. :wub:








i was totally smiling while watching the whole episode. i can't help it.








Hyun's unnies made me laugh when they imitate yong and hyun's holding of hand at the backstage. It somehow depicts between the act that they like Yong for her or something like that. Hyun was so sweet to even wait for Yong after their perf. :wub: The C.N. Blue boys were like fanboys during SNSD's perf - all the clapping and the greeting. And you could see in Yong's face that he was mesmerized by Hyun(when the cam was focused to him during RDR @ Hyun's part).








The small talk inside C.N.Blue's dressing room was so cute and sweet at the same time. They were just like having a small talk about their own future activities with their respective group. They were like informing other that they'll be away from each other for quite a long time.








Hyun was so cute when she looked at the mirror for a couple of times before she went out. She does want to look good before his hubby. Well, who doesn't want that. Anyways, yong was again astounded by Hyun in her school uniform. Its amazing how he got Hyun's old uniform. His effort was clearly seen. He even remember that Hyun's want to eat red bean ice and all that.








Waaaa, Yong's shyness when he's giving out his gifts one by one. He even said that he can't believe that he was able to make a journal or something like that. Hyun saw all his efforts today and it seems no more push and pull thing.








And finally, Yong's message to Hyun. That was like the sweetest and most meaningful message. Him tearing up those invisible walls. Kyaaaa~~ If i were Hyun, i would have melted as of that moment. Yet, I think deep inside she does.








Next ep would be as daebak as this one. It's Hyun's turn to give her gift. And, one could see in Yong's face how happy he is that Hyun really didn't forgot their 200th day.








WOAH, i haven't posted something as long as this before :D.





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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo








Anyong~~~ all goguma 









after watching this episode i feel that something really happen with this couple hehe




after CNBLUE concert and after many activities that we haven't seen their are something that we have to keep looking 




after 200 day celebrate they will closer and closer









i'm pretty sure something happen after the scence ^O^









and i can't wait to see Seohyun's perform on the stage together with Yong~~~









hoot hoot hoot at Yong's heart




Yongseo it's real !!!!













ps. @ special thanks for all you cap and VDO , i love you guys  



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Hello dear Gogumas!































































































































Our YongSeo couple never fails to give us a Daebak episode each week right?














































































































































































































Thanks armedbattle for providing us with the translations! And thank you semi-fly for providing the direct download links each week. You all are angels <3














































































































































































































I really shouldn’t be doing this right now since I’m in the middle of my exams but watching them is like my energy pill. Hehe. I’m so happy that I could fly=)














































































































































































































Glad that now we can finally confirm that Hyun definitely went to the concert. She’s such a sweet wife.














































































































































































































As usual, it is hard to choose my favorite scene but this particular scene made me smile like crazy ^^































































































































When Hyun said that Yong’s picture (during his A.N.JELL days) in the book was cute and Yong’s reaction is priceless. He couldn’t believe it either! Lol












































































































































































































































































































































































S: I’m going to read it































































































































S: This is so cute































































































































Y: I’m cute?































































































































S: Wa. When was this









































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi-5 DDuk! We Gogumas do think alike. Lol














































































































































































































Hyun was definitely full of aegyos in this episode. First while she was eating~




























































































































































































































































































































































































































And second when she was asking permission from Yong to read the book. She had to ask 4 times before he finally gave the permission. Yong can never resist from Hyun’s aegyos. Hehe




























































































































































































































































































































































































































Last but not least, another thing that caught my eye was the backstage of the performance. Guess who’s there? If I’m not mistaken, that’s 2PM Nichkhun and Chansung. Lol. KARA’s Nicole who is one of Hyun’s close friends is also there!










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































0kay, that’s the end of my spazz. Hehe. Thanks to all Gogumas for sharing pictures, gifs, fanarts, translations and many others here! All the best to those who’s having exams this coming week!















































































































































































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