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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































About the aegyo of seohyun, i remember one section of a music program where the magnaes and the leaders gathered.
































then the magnaes including seohyun discussed about basic struggles of a magnae? and i remember her saying (not sure, but most probably) she said that magnaes are often asked to show their AEGYO, then she said that's the problem since she said she has no aegyo. hahaha:)
































then here wgm comes, all the aegyo that she has been keeping inside for lik 20 years exploded. victim? no other than Jung yong hwa. hahaha:DDD
































(feel free to correct me)
































































when yonghwa gave the book to his wife. oh my i can sense weakness there, or shyness rather. :) he was so shy? gaah. the rocker becomes shy infront of his wife. yes. and when seohyun gave the gift. yonghwa's smile was just soooooooo.......... :) and when yonghwa was pouting his lips??? hehe
































lol. when seohyun was about to give the gifts
















































to this
































































































































its like yong saying "hyun they will understand, its our 200th anniversary i  want to give you a kiss"
































hyun: not now, later..









































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Guest Crystal392
































Hiii everyone *waves* (hey naz!)
















Thanks to everyone for the pics, screencaps and translations from the latest ep.
















They are soo cute together <3
















Magdal: Good catch!
















Omg I find it super cute that he said she looked pretty at the dark room interview <3 those interviews at some days after they film right? Hyun must have left a deep impression on him ;) he could have just said 'she looked younger' or something like that.
















What was your fave scene btw?









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Guest wallpaperfood

yongseofee11, LOL @ eyeship! Hehehe nice term. That's right guys, Yongseo might not be King&Queen of Skinship, but they sure reign the domain of EYESHIP. Two pairs of oh-so-expressive eyes...

magdal, omg that is weird, PDnim is messing with us again. Usually, I don't mind mini editing stuff-ups, but this one is kinda creepy-ish..

faith_memory, who took that picture? Was it someone behind Hyun? For a moment, I thought the girl on the right in the pic WAS Hyun (long black hair). Anyways, no need for further confirmation since we know the truth :D I never once doubted that Hyun went. I love how they were conversing at ease, and how they were oblivious to someone (*Jungshin*) taking photos of them! Just like how they were oblivious to Ueno Juri, and the maknaes imitating them during the rehearsal of their duet.

twinkystar. THANK U SOOO MUCH FOR POINTING THAT OUT!!! Yes it so WAS a confession!!!! I rewatched it b/c I couldn't believe your post, and I saw it - Yong drew a star at his fingertips, and coincidentally, his caricature of Hyun is in the same angle --> relate back to Love Light where she shines brightly in the sky. *dies*

Guys guys guys, I LOVE this couple! Hyun looked so pretty and fresh coming out of the room and skipping. Of course it'd be impossible for Yong to resist checking her out with the 'male gaze' ^^. My favourite part of the ep, was when Yong pulled out the scrapbook and immediately got up and turned around. He was right in ep 29 when he said "he had nothing to hide" (which regards to Hyun)!!! These two make the most transparent couple ever. LOL.

I only wish that PD showed us more of Yong's expression during Hyun's parts in SNSD's perf. They cut when Hyun was about to sing the first line of Oh!.

And btw, WHEN ARE WE GOING TO SEE SEOHYUN IN A DRAMA? Hopefully, scouts are watching, and will recruit her from watching her supreme acting skills here, like how Kim Hyun Joong was picked to be in BOF for his 'prince' character from WGM. I wouldn't have been able to keep up the act. This girl is actually quite feisty at heart...she's not afraid of pushing Yong all the way! I feel sorry for him, but then again, I know I will be crying n cheering for both of them in next week's daebak episode!!!!!

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Guest lookyee
















































Thanks for link !  Yongseo really lovely ><
















Really want to know what's Hyun gift !!

















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Guest Germbaby

Why is it so quiet in this thread today? Usually, this thread moves so fast but today a bit slow, And poor me, no one answers my question. I really want to see the full sub

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Guest felice89






oh my!! even if I can't understand any word that YongSeo couple said, I know for sure that the two shared a very sweet&cute night. rolleyes.gif


Yongseo couple are full of goguma love laugh.gifwub.gif


I can't wait for the English Subbed videos of this epi! ayiiieeee. dugeun dugeun. I do hope that they will also air the latest filmed moments of YongSeo sad.gif Hope now that Hyun is back in Korea they'll film every week again.haha! laugh.gif





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Guest tinybeatingheart

i srsly want to go offline now, but i can't even close wgm on yt, what more to shut down my computer. i also dnw to go off because i can't wait for tmr's inkigayo. OMGOMG wub.gif

ilovesnowwhite, lol. i thought exactly what you are thinking! i thought they were talking abt a kiss XD

currently watching wgm again. for abt 94523658628th time already HAHAHA they were just tooooooooooooooooooo cuuuute wub.gif

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haha..out of all the pics available, Yong got to put this picture..
































































































































































































you purposely wants your buin to drool over you right?
































































































































































































Yong is such a tease blush.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































and this one..Yong making a statement to the world that he belong to Hyun^^

































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392




Germbaby: you can find the translation on page 1300 if I'm not wrong by an amazing Goguma :) (maybe someone can quote that post here). ^_^


hehhehhehe Yeap today Goguma planet is a bit slow but probably is because some of them still feel a bit confused about what is allowed to post and what it isn't :D don't be shy and spazz with us! As long as you talk about yongseo it will be fine.


I agree with you Faith (was it you who said this right? It not sorry) I also felt a bit sad for Yong~ when Hyun said she felt they have become closer and he got all hopeful thinking she was talking about him but then she said 'your brother/CNBLUE boys' :( it made me remember the ep when Yong was super sad and said he wished he was younger so she would be more comfortable with him. As he said there were (and I'm sure there still are) lots of invisible walls between them but he has done an amazing job tearing them down!!! :) Yong you are the only one in Hyun's heart!!! I really wonder what did Hyun prepare.... Maybe that will reassure a bit our prince charming Yong~ :)


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Really luv all the caps...
































































so I just think I would like to join also...
































































but a part of it..
































































it's my 1st time to spazz wit caps.. hehe..
































































bare with me...
































































Hyun with Tiff uniie today at MC... Looks she wearing the ring..;)
































































































































































































The supportive & excited SIL
































































































































The supportive & excited BIL
































































































































The proud Husband
































































































































The shy Husband
































































































































































































I like this scene, back home together...
































































































































Checking the eyes...kekeke
































































































































Hyun in Hubby trap...
































































































































The sneaky Hubby
































































































































Hubby with surprise present...
































































































































Excited Wifey with present.. hihihi
































































































































Cute scene... created by Yong hubby... hehe
































































































































Sneaky Wifey with present...;)
































































































































The uncomfortable Hubby "Student"...
































































































































The cute Wifey "Student"...
































































































































The proud faces...
































































































































The example STUDENT
































































































































What Wifey think...
































































































































& What Hubby think...sneaky...
































































































































The memories that hubby remember...
































































































































The touch wifey....
































































































































And why must Yong leaning to his right... geez... you should leaning to your left some more...
































































































































The excited couple... Did not forget to switch off... Good for environment.. hehe
































































































































The lonely elephant... Where the pink 1??? Maybe in Hyun dorm...
































































































































































































huhu... maybe will continue... if the connection still ok.. hehe

















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Guest pandasoori








yong is so cute , naughty , childish , handsome in today ep .




hyuun is so cute , naughty , childish , pretty in today ep .




yongseo couple is so lovely in today ep . eyeship is the important thing *winkwink. keke




and next sat gonna be one lovely day also , cant wait to see what present fr yong . yong must be super happy :) , untill his cheek want to burst out .




btw , hyuun is so good at acting in today ep . 




iloveyongseo couple ! really2 do <3



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Guest pseudonykkaii



[how dare thee make such a CLIFFHANGER?????] 

so its not THAT bad of a cliffhanger.. atleast we saw that knowing smirk from yong AND looking at him trying to supress that--made the cliffhanger all the more worth it.

I lovelovelove yong's choding-ness. *i was waiting for the ~merong~ but it didn't come**it was still cute tho!!!xD

Also, hyun seems to be more open and super comfortable around him now..

 i think i heard 'kaja' and 'mashta' [gumiho!!!heeeheee] ~ so..is that banmal?

<3 i cant wait till saturday!!! maybe the gifts from thailand and for the 200 days are all in there?? <3

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Guest raindrops_919

aigoo this going to be long spazzing moment.. today's episode is full of sweet moments just like birthday epi.. siii jaaa..

~ i don't know with you guys, but it really touch my heart seeing this bond between snsd and cnblue grows beautifully because of uri yongseo~

first: yong give "snsd fighting in japan" at snsd room when he pick up hyun before concert.

second: when yongseo finish their performance, snsd unnies say something to yong (i don't know what is it exactly coz i haven't read the translation but whatever it is, it really heartwarming for me) it feels like they say: we unnies approves you two.

third: yong and cnblue dongsaeng watch snsd performance through the monitor, omo i can imagine yong seobang say to his dongsaeng: member! you should show your support to your hyun soonim and her sisters! pallllii watch them together with me! when snsd sing oh! i'm kinda hope yong and cnblue dongsaeng dance too *okey okey i'm dreaming*, they even wait until snsd come back and shout "it's snsd!" everytime every member passed by (honestly for me they look like some boys waiting for their promnite date or somekind of wedding scene where the groom and the groomsmen waiting for the bride and the bridesmaid) *HA i tell you, i am on full throttle spazzing mode on*

~ those eyeship!! omo yongseo maybe lack of skinship but i'm totally worship their eyeship!! can that be any sweeter than this?? those eyes ou my god, they has their own world when those eyes meet, even MCs often say this thing..the couch talk today, yong looks so comfortable, he even put his leg on the couch, it's something you do only at places you're comfortable at, like home..yess they are at home already ~

~ is it just me or hyun really touching yong's back when they leave the house? because the light is turned off i can't see it clearly, but let me just think so, it makes me happy anyway..just like when they ended their performance, hyun is touching yong's back right?? aigoo i just love those moments when hyun touching yong's shoulder during past episodes *got to rewatched it*~

~ those elephant dolls is on a date too, they have their own dating on the couch moments!! ~

~ right now i'm so envious of that icecream cafe girl, she can hear everything they said!! well not everything but at least she can see what the hell happen down there!! i really want to know what hyun's gift for yong!! ~

~ moments when they eating icecream from same glass, indirect kiss!! ahhh sinchaaa reminds me of their first dinner!! hyun even bring the same bag!! what a coincidance, and look at the bags they are dating too (i want to put some screencaps but afraid i might bring a lot of lags, so i abort it) ~

okey i need to stop here, next moments are too sweet, i may die anytime soon because of diabetes   :w00t: you already know how cute yong seobang today, he really looks like real shy when giving his gift (what da! they are real!!) i'm sure right after hyun got home, unnies will spazzing over their holdhands performance and rapper hyun will proudly showing them "yong seobang japan's guide" kyaaaaa *dies* and about hyun's gift: PDnim how could you do this to us??????????

edit: i've read armedbattle's translation *thank you so much*hugs* when i read last part, yong's final page, ooooooo noooo now i'm officially crying, JUNG YONG HWA why are you so adorable?? He really is craving for hyun, this mildang thing has really killing him.. he sound like he's missing hyun so much * i beg SEO JOO HYUN, please HUG your husband *

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Guest twins4ever
























I like today's episode, like all the other YongSeo fans kekekek~
















Although I don't understand it at all, but thanks to Armedbattle I could understand it. Thank you for the translations!
















YongSeo is such a perfect couple, their progress might be slow in the beginning but I think they have made a lot of good and nice memories.
















The time goes too fast..I can't wait for the next episode~!





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Guest Crystal392
































zealous: Thanks soo much for sharing those screencaps ♥ OMG they look so young! Hyun~ looks so pretty and Yong~ so handsome while wearing their school uniforms <3 I hope you will post more screencaps ^_^






















































twinkystar: :wub: The pic where he is wearing 'SH' necklace is <3 hehehehe soo cute! To all the Yong fangirls back-off, that man is taken ;)






















































To all the ones who haven't watched YongSeo latest cuts (thanks constantia11 for posting the links and armedbattle for the translation!!):













































































FOr all gogumas who haven't seen our Yongseo cuts































Yongseo cut 1































yongseo cut 2































yongseo cut 3































I want to spazz with you guys, but I'll wait a little bit later. happy spazzing Gogumas!!!
















edit: credit to diodano1































Y: Seo Hyun-ah go change into your costume quickly. See you later
















Caption: Hyun Wife who has to get ready for SNSD’s performance
















Sister-in-laws giving a warm welcome







































SNSD: You’re all so swave
















Caption: Finally able to catch their breathe in the waiting room
















Y: My ear piece dropped and I couldn’t hear a thing
















Caption: SNSD’s performance finally starts. Hyun Wife’s performance
















Watching the performance, Yong and CNBlue
















CNBlue Brothers-in-law who took the time to watch SNSD for Yong
















JS: Let’s greet them
















CNBlue: Its SNSD!
















CNBlue: Its SNSD!
















Caption: Finally, Hyun arrives!






















































Y: Ah. Seo Hyun really. Really amazing!!
















Y: Its SNSD!
















Caption: Its 9.40pm now. They have finally concluded their day’s schedules
















After the performance, its just the two of them now
















MC: It has been a long day for them
















JW: It’s been tiring
















Y: Ah. Finally ended
















S: It wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be, right?































Y: Yea
















MC: Why?
















S: I feel as if we have grown closer after today
















Y: Me?
















S: With brother-in-laws
















Y: Aish. With others
















S: I wasn’t that close with them before
















Y: I know
















Caption: Yong is unable to figure out what Hyun is thinking lately






















































S: Isit funny? Why are you smiling?































Y: It’s not. What is funny about it?
















Caption: Later... Back in their home
















The idol-singer couple who has finally returned home form work together
















MC: The feeling of coming home from work together must be good
















JW: Of course
















MC: Better than coming home alone
















Y: Wa.. Home
















S: We are home. Tired, right?
















Y: I have no energy left. My eyes are red.
















Y: Isn’t it red?
















S: Its not that red. They are pink.
















Caption: What are they thinking?
















S: After today’s performance, we wouldn’t have much activities in Korea already
















MC Jake: Ah. Their Japan activities
















Caption: SNSD & CNBLUE embark on their Asia tour. An idol couple who are unable to meet for a month.
















Y: I will be overseas every week too
















S: Yes…
















Y: SeoHyun-ah
















Y: In our room, if you search carefully, there’s a pair of white socks
















S: Socks?
















Y: I’m too tired to move
















S: What?
















Caption: He wants her to help him change his socks?
















Y: It’s a new pair
















S: You want me to help you bring your socks here? Where is it?
















Y: In the closet
















S: Aish. Wait.
















Y: (Busan accent) SeoHyun-ah. I’m so tired. Help me get a new pair of socks
















S: Aiya. Really. Closet? We don’t have a closet!
















Y: Not the closet
















Y: Where is it? Bookshelf. Bookshelf. Search carefully. Its in the bookshelf
















S: Bookshelf
















S: I can’t find it.
















Y: Look carefully. It’s definitely there
















MC Jake: What has he prepared?
















MC: He did it on purpose! Asking her to go in
















S: Are you sure you put the socks on the bookshelf?
















Y: Of course. Find it quick.
















S: Got it.
















Y: Can you find it?
















S: How do I open it? I can’t find it. Come look for it with me.
















S: Ah. What’s this?! Why isit there?
















Y: Its your high school uniform isn’t it?
















S: That’s right
















Y: Didn’t you say you want to wear it?
















Caption: Concerned with the uniform
















Y: Your school uniform
















S: Yes
















Y: So I prepared this for you
















NY: It looks like she has mentioned about wearing her school uniform before
















S: Do I wear this?
















Y: Me too. I brought my high school uniform.
















NY: Are the thinking of the movie “(Sorry I don’t know what is it)?
















MC: That’s right. I wear my uniform once in a while for fun too
















S: Wa. I can’t believe this. But why are you doing this?
















Y: I’m hungry. Do you want to wear your uniform?
















S: I really want to
















Y: Then where do we change?
















S: I will change in our room
















Y: Okay. That’s mean I have to change in the bathroom
















Caption: They change into their uniform
















BUT! At this moment
















SO: What is she up to?
















Caption: Brings her bag in
















MC Jake: She must have prepared something too
















Caption: What did she put into her bag?
















MC: What did SeoHyun prepare?
















Caption: A while later…
















Busan High School Yong appears (Sorry, I’m unsure of the school’s name)
















MC: They’re coming out.
















NY: I’m so curious
















MC: Wa~ He’s so good looking. He still fits into his school uniform
















Y: Hyun~
















Caption: This attitude… Busan High School student leader Yong
















S: Yes
















Y: Are you coming out?
















S: I’m not done yet
















Y: I’m waiting for you
















S: Okay. Please wait a while
















Caption: His uniform looks a bit tight
















MC: Ah~ She’s so pretty
















Caption: Tidying his uniform, Yong Studen
















MC: It looks as if his uniform is tight
















Caption: Finally!
















S: ZZANG! I’m a high school student!
















MC Jake: She’s still studying, isn’t she?
















Caption: The first time the couple see one another in their uniform
















S: This is amazing. This is the first time I’m seeing you dressed like this
















Y: My uniform got smaller
















S: It fits you
















Y: You look like a model student
















S: I don’t look weird, do I?
















Y: No, it fits you
















Caption: XX High School Beauty, Hyun
















S: I feel so fortunate
















MC: Didn’t schools always have model students like her?
















JW: That’s right
































QUESTION: What did you think of Yong in uniform?
















S: He looked mischievous, someone who is close with his friends. A lively character who will work hard when he needs to. He will play hard during play time too.
















Caption: In Hyun’s eyes, Yong is someone who plays and studies at the appropriate times. Model Student Yong who does things seriously
















On the other hand, Yong’s opinion on SeoHyun
















Y: She looks like a girl from the neighbouring school. I will pretend as if I didn’t see her and then my friends will say “Wa. Its SeoHyun” and I will act non-chalant and look at her for a moment. She’s pretty.
















Caption: Yong who becomes shy after saying that
















S: Why are we wearing our school uniforms?
















Y: We are going out
















S: Ah?
















Y: Of course we are going to school
















S: You are lying
















Y: Didn’t you mentioned that you wanted to wear your school uniform and have red bean ice?
















SO: Wa. They’re really going
















NY: When did she say that?
















Caption: Approximately three months ago, on the way to the driving school
















MC Jake: It happened so long ago
















Caption: Looking at students in uniform pass by
















Y: I haven't worn my uniform in a long time
















S: Me too. Let’s try that next time
















Y: What?
















S: Let’s wear our school uniform
















Y: Why are you always making me do things with you?
















S: Of course we have to do it together.
















MC: Ah. He still remembers that
















S: Do you like Red Bean Ice?
















Y: Yes I do.
















S: I really like Red Bean Ice
















Caption: Uniform date. Yong who has prepared a 200th day anniversary present
















S: Yes. I think I said that
















Y: You said you wanted to eat Red Bean Ice. It’s a special day today
















S: That’s right
















Y: You know what day it is?
















S: Let’s go. Hurry.
















Y: What kind of Red Bean Ice do you like?
















S: Just Red Bean Ice
















Y: Normal?
















S: Yes.
















Y: The normal kind?
















S: Yes.
















Y: Do you know where we are going?
















S: Of course I don’t
















Y: We’re going to – (couldn’t figure out, sorry)
















S: You are lying
















Y: We are here
















Caption: This is the place?
















S: Ah. I’m tired
















Y: Me too
















S: So this is --?
















Caption: 500m from YongSeo’s hom
















S: --? Then where’s my school?
















Y: Just walk down here
















Caption: 200th day anniversary late night date.
















Y: Wa. It looks delicious
















Caption: In replacement of --, they have come to a small bakery
















S: This is amazing
















MC: I used to go to these cafes for dates
















Y: We’re still students
















MC: Students always meet in the cafes
















SO: Which generation was that?
















MC Jake: We also went to –
















Caption: MCs who are deviating away from the main subject
















S: Hello. Red Bean Ice please
















Y: Red Bean Ice
















S: Let me pay
















Y: No
















S: Thank you
















Y: What are you thanking me for?
















Y: Ah. I’m so tired from the classes today
















S: That’s right
















Y: The exams are coming. Let’s work hard together!
















S: Fighting!
















Y: Are you a Science student or Arts student?
















S: I’m a Science Student
















Y: Science Student? Then your maths must be good!
















S: Of course!
















Y: Then help me in Maths
















S: Just ask me whatever you do not know
















Y: Let’s study together
















Y: Wa. It looks delicious. Thank you
















S: Wa. Thank you! Let’s eat!
















Y: Its delicious!
















Y: We have to eat it even if it drips
















S: I have dripped abit too
















Y: Eat it!
















S: Eating out so late, reminds me of our first meeting
















MC: Was their first date at night?
















Y: When was that? That was such a long time ago
















S: It has been more than 6months. It’s been so long
















Y: That’s right. I’ve prepared this date for us. What have you prepared?
















S: Me?
















Y: It’s a special day and you haven’t prepared anything?
















S: We only sang a duet, do we need to exchange presents?
















Y: I will spit it at you
















Caption: Yong’s childish act begins again
















Y: Hurry
















S: What?
















Y: Hurry
















S: What present? I have nothing
















Y: You really do not know?
















S: Don’t know what? It’s just a duet
















Y: You really don’t know?
















Y: You really don’t? Sigh…
















Caption: Why did he pass the 200th badge to her?
















MC Jake: Wasn’t that on his guitar strap during the performance?
















Y: Don’t act as if you don’t know. Give me my present.
















S: 200? 200dollars?
















Y: What’s 200dollars?
















S: What? Wa. YSYS
















MC Jake: She’s still doing the push-pull game. How long is she going to drag him?
















S: Why is there 200 on it?
















Y: How can you not know? You are SeoHyun. You really don’t know?
















S: 200?
















Y: I will spit it(bean in his mouth) at you.
















S: What is it?
















S: Don’t spit it at me.
































Y: I don’t think I would really spit it out at her. SeoHyun wouldn’t not remember. But I really did not know.
















Y: Our first meeting. From that day, it’s our 200th day.
















S: Ah~~~
















Y: You really didn’t know?
















MC: She’s really good at acting
















Y: I assume you have a present in your bag
















Y: I will spit it. Quickly admit it.
















S: Thank you.
















Y: You really didn’t know?
















S: I have been so busy latel
















S: I’m sorry. Really sorry.
















Y: What sorry? I thought you will know. Anyway, you’re going to Japan, it will be exhausting
















S: Probably. And the language barrier
















Y: Lifestyle changes too
















S: Really?
















Y: So I’ve one more present for you
















S: What is it?
















Y: I didn’t plan to give it to you but I don’t have a choice
















S: What is it?
















Y: I can’t believe I’ve made this
















S: What is it?
















Y: Ah. I can’t look at it
















Caption: What is in the diary?
















S: Can I look at it?
















S: Then, I’m going to look at it
















Y: Wait. SeoHyun. Look at it later
















S: Later? What is it?
















Y: Nothing special
















S: I’m going to look at it.
















Y: Please don’t
















S: I’m going to
















Y: No
















MC Jake: Just one page
















NY: Just the first page. First page
















Y: Look at it later
















S: I want to look at it now
















Y: Then just look at the first page. Just the first two pages
















S: First two pages!
















SeoHyun's Japan Survival Guide
















S: Wa. It’s cute
















Y: Look at this
















S: You drew this when we went to donate blood
















JW: CNBlue has experienced life in Japan before
















MC: Yes. They’re seniors
















NY: So he wrote tips for her
















S: I’m going to read it
















S: This is so cute
















Y: I’m cute?
















S: Wa. When was this
















S: Can I read it out?
















Y: Read it in your heart
















S: Japan Tour
















Y: Ah~~~~~~~~~ You really can’t. The boss of the shop is around
















Y: Japan Airport. Do you know their procedures?
















S: I don’t.
















Y: Read it out then.
















S: First, give the air ticket to the attendant. Follow the instructions
















Y: It’s good, isn’t it?
















S: I will make use of this.
















Y: Look at this. I drew the number 11 for you. But I couldn’t remember the number so I had to search for it on the internet.
















S: This is good. The best.
















Y: I must be crazy
















S: This is the best
















Y: At the back is Japan dorm life
















S: The books I read don’t have this
















S: When you travel alone at night, remember to bring your ID?
















Y: If you travel alone without it, you will get arrested
















S: Really?
















S: It is written in such details
















Y: If you travel alone, you can get arrested
















S: Where did you get these information? It is really good
















MC: He’s really thoughtful
















Y: Treat the book with care. The pages will tear
















S: I know.
















Caption: Yong’s guide even includes food
















Y: You must try that. Set A
















S: Set A? Got it. I will definitely try it
















MC Jake: He has been to Japan so many times so he understands it bette
















MC: He really made this himself
















Y: This was a fanmeeting
















S: Wa~
















Y: When you miss me, look at the notebook
















SeoHyun compares the photo with the real person
















MC Jake: She is checking if it’s the same person
















S: Ah~
















Y: SeoHyun (refers to the SH necklace he drew on himself)
















S: Fan? (Hug) I’m fine with it. Because she’s just a fan. I can do that too.
















Y: I know that.
















S: Is it okay with you?
















Y: Just don’t overdo it. Once in a while
















S: Okay.
































To: Sister-in-law
















SeoHyun! Hello! This is your friend, JungShin! First of all, congratulations on your 200th anniversary! 200days! 300days! 1000days! Please last for a long time~ Please live happily and lovingly with our Yong-Hyung
















Y: Those kids. Hahaha
































To: Sister-in-law
















Hello! SeoHyun-ah~~~ Hahaha~ I am JongHyun-ah~~ I am extremely thankful to you! After marrying you, our Hyung has been becoming more and more cheerful, he smiles a lot too! We’ll be counting on you in future!
















Y: Does that mean I have been gloomy all along?
































In future, there will be more YongSeo anniversaries. You’ve to live happily with him for a long long time. Yong-Hyung who is making me write this at such a late hour looks really romantic. When you receive this, you will be so touched and you would tear. And we hope your loving marriage life will continue~ Congratualations on your 200th anniversary! SeoHyun, fighting! SNSD, conquer Japan, fighting! YongSeo anniversary, fighting!
















CNBLUE Drummer, MinHyuk
















S: Wa~
















Y: Why aren’t you reading the last page?
















S: I was going to. The last.
















To Hyun
















Finally, it’s my turn. I hope this journal is of use to you. Although it doesn’t look much, I put a lot of effort into making it. Please feel my sincerity. Do you feel any regret now? Honestly, I felt that there were too many invisible walls between us. I wanted to tear them down, that’s why I did that. Please understand me, okay? From the start, although so many things have happened to us, these are all unforgettable memories to me whenever I think of them. Your activities in Japan are going to be tiring, complete them successfully. I’m always grateful to you Hyun.
















From The Author, Jung Yong Hwa
















Y: I’m really grateful to you.
















S: Wa~ This is my first time receiving such a present
















Y: This is also my first time writing such a journal
















S: Really really thank you
















Y: Please take it with you everywhere you go
















S: I will bring it everywhere with me.
















Y: When you’re done with it, let me read it again too.
















S: Do you want to photocopy it?
















Y: No. It will lose its meaning then
































S: I was really touched. Compared to every other present I’ve received, this is the best. I was surprised that’s why I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to say.
















S: I must keep in quickly. Wa~ Thank you. I’m really touched
















MC: After the long push-pull situation, she can finally pull him back.
















S: This is amazing. There’re too many things in my bag. It is so heavy.
















Y: Why?
















Y: What’s that?
















S: I don’t know too
































NOTE: The translations are a direct translations from Baidu. Again, I am not 100% accurate and would have misinterpreted some things.
















My exams begin in 10days. As such, there is no guarantee that I will be logging on anymore because my fanaticism over Yongseo is very distracting (not in a bad way though). I will probably only indulge myself once a week when RDR releases the subbed video. Feel free to use this translations however do note that they will not be that accurate. Don’t bother seeking my permission as I will be away in mugging-land. I have really enjoyed reading this thread and all your thoughts and contributions even though I do not post much. Thank you all for the shared love we have for Yongseo and making each mundane school week less painful with all the wonderful and spazz-worthy news. I will be back in 34days – when my examinations finally ends. Keep the Yongseo love(: Til then~
























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Guest chilipadi_22
















have been watching today's episode for god knows how many times!! heehee^^








dun understand why PD-nim has to cut the episode off at the most interesting part. shouldnt he faster finish aring the 200th day celebration and move on to the japan episode??? i cant wait to see yongseo lovey dovey again!!! :)








i have also been watching SNSD's comeback on music bank and music core and whats left is tomorrow's inkigayo, where yong is the MC!!








he will have the best seat to watch his buin perform! heehee^^ yong must be excited for tomorrow's broadcast!








how many songs will SNSD perform?? will it be 2 like today's music core??








OMG~ its just saturday today and i am already looking forward to next saturday! aigoo~








*continuing to spazz*





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@crystal...I think when Hyun said they are getting closer and she answered about the bros-in-law, I think she meant that as a joke, though, it's obvious that she's getting closer with the other members, too:wub:  From what I can see, Hyun, has really changed, from the timid girl that we all know from episode 1, she is now exposing her real personality.  She's a girl full of cuteness and loves to goof around to people close to her, which we can see with the way she jokes around Yong now :wub:  And yes, I agree with you about the thread being silent...other goguma's probably decided to keep quiet because of the rules..... I for one is quite hesitant when posting or spazzing because I get confuse with the rules too. :huh:



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raindrop, i bet by now, that cafe will be flocked by yongseo fans. :lol:

another must-visit place!

this epi reminds me of the time where jonghyun spill the beans of what this

show really means to yong, erm, or something like that...

a dr's son and a lawyer's daughter = they jell v well together

zealous, love your caps! tks!

see the last cap of the elephants..yellow lean on blue.

there's so much interpretation for this one.. ;)

germbaby, erm...we don't ask for sub since we already have translations done .

and when trans are done, that means we'll get to see sub vid,

maybe one or two days later.

crystal, being slow as in taking more precautions of what to post,

but sometimes i feel we are being deprived..

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Guest one_isa






Hi! This is my first post here though I’ve been a silent reader since March. I have been contemplating on when is the perfect time to share what I feel and this is it. I love to read your opinions and comments about the Yongseo couple. I have to say that this is the one place I consider as a refugee camp for my "addiction" because here, people, understand what I feel. I am so blessed that I have this thread where I could somehow interact with others who feel the same way as I do. I am grateful and truly thankful for those who have contributed since before. I am not really good at doing those photoshop stuff so I really appreciate the effort of those goguma people making and posting it here.


As for the episode today, it is making me giddy. I don't know if Yong is lucky or Hyun is lucky. (I can't really conclude who is luckier of the two.) Yong is such a sweetheart, he is just. I feel jealous of Hyun because there's someone in her life like Yong who makes her feel special. He’s like making her know that you are one of the most important people in my life and value you so that's why I am doing these things. Awww. It’s just soooooo lovable of him to do that. He really exerts effort in everything that he does for her. Yong is such an amazing lover for various reasons. 1) He listens to her and takes note of things even the most insignificant ones. The patbinsoo talk on the bus was from a long time ago but voila, he still remembers it. 2) He is a deep guy. He thinks about things properly. He gives his 101% every time he presents something to her. He doesn’t settle for mediocre presents. He really really makes it a point that what he gives is something significant to both of them. 3) He takes the initiative. Maybe because he is the leader of CNBLUE, he has been used to leading but it’s really benefiting their relationship. 4) He is a very detailed person. (This I really like about him) I was amazed when he remembered that it was their 200th day together upon reading the duet mission. Hello? Some people don’t even remember the day they got together.


Also, only a handful of men would even remember it immediately. I have guy friends and gosh! Yong is just so different from them. He is somehow mature for his age (compared to my guy friends). Haha! Hands down to his mom because he turned out to be a fine young man. As of now, he is the epitome of what a boyfriend/husband should be: goal driven, responsible, sincere, thoughtful and other words alike. (Honestly, I feel bad for my future boyfriend cause I have set my standards so high and Yong is to be blame for it. HAHA!)


Like anyone here, I hope they do end up in the future. They’re just perfect for one another. Sorry for my long post, I just have to let this out.


It’s so nice to see other Pinoys here. I really do hope they come here. J



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Zealous = Oh the two elephant lying side by side is so sweet! Now was this bought by Yong or Hyun? I remember Hyun said she bought something for Yong in Thailand? But the program have yet to show it?

Concert pix = yep, someone said she didnt doubt Hyun going. Me too. As to whether it is a private visit, Its hard to say. WGM can choose to film it and not show it, or maybe it will be shown later or it will become a BTS video? :blink: I think I shall file this under the category of Gogumaland mysteries like what happen to the gogumas they harvested.

With regards to Yong's father being a Chinese doctor, yes, what I meant was a TCM doctor. From what I read, seems like what Yong's school senior said about him was not posted or some new folks hadnt have a chance to read it. So I posted it here in a spoiler.

But pls note, I saw this on Baidu, I am not sure how verified is it. But from how neutral the guy put it, it seems quite credible. It appeared in Baidu on Sep 15.


This was in March 2010, Yong's senior in junior college appeared on DC saying the following, translated by little rain of the Sweet Potato forum in Baidu.

1.Yonghwa is not a gangster, namsan college does not have such title, among his friends there are a few like that but Yonghwa is not a problem kid. He is definetly a ordinary but popular student.

2. Yonghwa's family is pretty well off, father is a TCM doctor, when he was playing soccer, he always wear golden nike shoes ( proof of being rich).

3. Grades in school should be above average. English is good. In a all boys class, only during tuition than his class is mix.

4. Because of his looks, he was popular in school. but do not think too much into this. There isnt such things as girls waiting for him outside school. The girls in school all think favourbly of him but all say he is difficult to get near/close to.

5.He already has his ears pierced in school. Our school did not have a rule against it, there wasnt any rules about hair as well. The teachers doesnt care.

6.He doesnt smoke. I know in our school, there is a place where a group of students gather to smoke, but I have never seen him there. Cant smell smoke on him. Whether he drinks or not, I dont know.

7.His extra-curricular activity is Current Affairs group. The group say they collate news but actually they just come together and have fun.

8.He did sign up for the school's band but did not get in due to unknown reason. I am not sure if our school's band is even harder to get in than Korea's national band?

9. Quite vain, maybe it should be taken as over confidence. If he happen to have eye contact with a girl, he will not look away first and let the other party look away first.

10.He has a lot of friends, good personality. Ordinary student. Not like Shinwoo (in You are Beautiful), his personality looks like when he is in radiostar (note:I am not sure about this one, dun know what is radio star)

11.The teachers like him very much. He always imitate how the teachers talk but strangely they are not angry.

12.From what I know, Yong doesnt easily make girlfriends. I have not seen his girlfriend, dont know if she is from another school. But I heard from high school (secondary school) to junior college, he only has two girlfriends.

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