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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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no wonder?... :rolleyes:




Daily Interest [07.14.10]




Seohyun " the No.1 singer who most suitable to become lawyer "








Popular Girls Group SNSD Seohyun crowned No.1 in a survey about "The singer who most suitable to become a lawyer".




During the survey on the 6th to 12th July which held by Box music, Seohyun managed to stand out.




Narsha (BEG),Son Dam Bi,Top(BigBang),Choi Siwon (Super Junior) and various artists. Seohyun who received 1007 votes(61%) out of 1652 votes, and crowned the 1st place.Followed by Seohyun is Choi Siwon who received 336 votes(21%), showed a considerable gap between No.1 Seohyun.




Most netizens commented : "Through broadcasts, Seohyun seems to be the one whomost suitable to become a lawyer" "She totally respect the spirit of the law and usually read a lot of books" and various comments and reasons for choosing Seohyun as the one.




Source: Fanstaengoo & snsdlife@snsd-life.blogspot.com




credit: clumsy









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Bout hyun attended Hubby concert...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm really glad that no filming involve..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it means Wifey really been supporting Hubby in her own will....:) Cheers to Hyun... :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and thanks so much to armedbattle; for your translation...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and bout the BIL msg...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































looks like they really glad that their Hyung get married.. To Hyun most specifically...hehehe...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































makes their hyung more happy...hehehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(maybe makes them happy)...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really like when Hyun saw the uniform, looks like she really in cloud 9...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































even skipping a bit...

































































































































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Armedbattle...thanks for the partial translations blush.gif


I fell in love with the couple all over again after watching their episode...what can I say, they really are lovable.  I was so happy watching  that my 5yr old son complained because I was hugging him too much :D


The episode, though it was cut too suddenly is really DAEBAK.  My favorite scenes in today's episode are:


1) Hyun waiting for Yong at the exit wing of the stage after their performance, eventhough she needs to rush back to her dressing room for a change costume for SNSD performance.


2) Hyun's unnies teasing Yong after the performance.  It kinda shows how they like Yong for their maknae.


3) Yong and the rest of CN Blue watching Hyun's performance with the rest of her unnies.  I loved how Yong watched his wife's performance onscreen ;)


4) Yong and the rest of his member waiting at the hallway and greeting each member of SNSD.  I just like the look on Sunny's face when she saw Yong and the rest of CN Blue.  I believed, because of the virtual marriage, each group is now supporting each other, just like one big family :)  and of course


5) the whole scene at the convenience store where they had patbingsu.  The scene is really lovely.  They really are like secondary students having a date.  And I love how they stare on each others eyes :wub:.  And one more thing that makes me happy is the confirmation that Hyun really watched Yong's first concert.   Seeing that photo makes me think, that, that really must be the reason why, he keeps looking up on the second level of the concert hall, he was aware of Hyun's presence at the audience.  Lovely ;)



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ottoke?...im really falling in love with this couple..everthing is so daebak...














seo hyun attending cnblue concert..indeed a Gf job!.. :wub:





















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Guest chilipadi_22
















just finished watching today's unsubbed episode. and my conclusion is that yongseo couple is just simply sweeeeettttt to to MAX!!!








yong is so so so so so super romantic to make that book for her. OMG~ i wish i had a bf like that too! heehee^^








and the 2 look so cute in their uniforms!! ^^








but PD-nim, why do you have to cut the episode at the most interesting part???








leaving us with so many ???????. i desparately wanna know whats in that box.








and its so glad to know that hyun went for cn blue's concert!








looking forward to tomorrow's inki!! :)





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Guest Faith_memory
































































































































since, everyone thinks that hyun went to cnblue's concert, here's a pic of yong doing the famous OKAY sign. hehe im sure, pure blooded goguma knows this!! ♥
















































lolz. can't explain what i'm feeling right now after watching the cuts without subs. still can't understand well but the feeling is indeed there. hmmm.. i actually didn't like the idea of hyun pretending not to know that it's their 200th. lol. ♥ it's spoiling the romantic stuffs. haha but anyways, they were really cute ♥ I kinda feel bad when hyun said that she felt close... yong asked if to him, but she said to his bandmates.. aww.. poor yong.. mygawd... we have to wait another week for hyun's gift. lol. it was huge... yong looked kinda surprise. maybe he was thinking that his wife's gift is much more huge than his. ♥ lol, hope not, he'll feel bad about his gifts. ♥ anyway, yongseo fighting! ♥

















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wolly, i dont see any thumb down on u. nothing.

but yeah, its disheartening to get a thumbs down when we meant well

the way yong watching wifey's perf on the monitor,

that was the kind of look that a loving husband/ bf would give to their spouse.

i hope we will get to see this kind of look again tomorrow... ;)^_^

uh oh...what is that add doing here?

will we get into trouble with the mod for that? i hope not..

i dont mind if pdnim wants to stretch this episode.

the more they stretch, the more 'surprise' awaits us.

like today, who wud've have thought hyun's pic at the concert get leaked out like this..

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Guest tinybeatingheart

Woah~ Woah~ Just finished watching today's episode. DBAFGAKBFK<333 But why do they have to cut it there! Aish~ Saturday, we'll wait for you again. sweatingbullets.gif

First, thanks for the links, photos, GIFs, etc. This day is the best day ever, knowing Hyun buin really attented CNB's concert♥ I definitely wish too that WGM wasn't there!

Anyways, while watching WGM awhile ago, I was smiling all through out. This is the happiest episode ever! wub.gif AAAAH; I cracked up when Yong and CNB members welcomed SNSD by, 'Jigeumeun So Nyeo Shi Dae!' And they had lots of eye contacts today which I REALLY REALLY LOOOOOVE OMGOMG!!! It's so nice of Yong to remember that bus stuff. keke~~ I want YONG in my life XDD Seohyun is so lucky to have Yong. (Okay sorry to post that randomly XD) by the way! CNB were so cute watching SNSD's perf thru TV. Ahaha! Yong is too focused thar~~ Hmm... Yong and Hyun in uniform is definitely sweet! biggrin.gif Oooh. Yessss, I loved it too when Hyun pretends that she doesnt know that today is their 200th day XD and also when Yong brought out the notebook he's too cute to be shy!! My first time seeing him like that. Yong spoke in engrish! 'No~mal' HAHAA I realy love it when Yong speaks in engrish~~ kekeke~~` And Hyun's 'WaiEseu~ WaiEseu (YS~ YS~)'

TO CONCLUDE THIS, I'M DEFINITELY IN LOVE WITH SHY YONG, HYUN IN UNIFORM AND TODAY'S EPISODE WAS SWEET. kkkk~~ I really feel like they're from school then they went to that place to have a date. AWWW

armedbattle! That was insanely fast! Thanks a lot!!!!

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Oh waaawww super cute!! I had to replay the part where Yong presented her with the book..he's really putting himself out...seems like he's really letting her see that he has nothing to hide (feeling). And Seohyun was also cute! it was right for her to keep acting like she forgot what day it was. Yong...hold on to her tightly.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ACK! crazy.gif why did they cut it when SeoHyun was presenting her gift!! what's in that box? can't wait for next week tears.gif

































































































































































































































































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Hello goguma....















































Waahhh... we have a lot of goguma today of course because today is happy goguma day.















































I'm still loading to watch this episode sweatingbullets.gif. But because all of you are already spazz about it, i'm sure that this episode is another 'sweet memory' episode for Yong n Hyun wub.gif. So, Yong gift is a guidance book with photo, right?? And one of the picture is the proof that Hyun go to CN Blue concert last July? I'm agree with all of you, because Yong's t-shirt is the same from the concert. So, Hyun already meet Yong's family.... ^OMO^... I would be happy if they do filming the wedding marriage with all the parent and SNSD unnie and CN Blue member. It will become a must watch episode. I hope the PDnim will filmed it..















































Thanks for the translation armedbattle, you are great.. hugh u...
















I was touch when I read the letters from brother in law. They sure are support our couple even though maybe some of them had a crush with Hyun laugh.gif. But, they really care for their hyung. They said that Yong become much cheerful with Hyun and they want both of them stay together for a long time. And I hope so. Oh... Hyun~ah, you have great husband and great brother in law. I'm envious...wub.gif 















































Some of you said that, the whole month that Hyun said in episode 28 was referring to 29/6 to 31/7. But, aren't the PD set a dinner for them? the dinner is set before or after the concert? I got confused in here.wacko.gif
































I'm leave now and back after watching this episode...
































With Love
































































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Guest xxraqSTAR

snsd comeback, hyun is pretty as always.. not sure if she wears the ring i can't get a proper glimpse, maybe because of the quality or the light effect sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif

just check it yourselves :P btw can you tell me where was it? it is not on music bank..


SNSD - My Best Friend

**i love the "pinky-promise step" on my best friend.. it reminds me of yongseo's pinky swear on ep 1 :wub:

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Guest yongseofee11










Hello Goguma lovers!


Just want to share some cute gifs.





High School Cuple. <33








Student Hyun :)








Pretty Hyun..








cute yoong..









Yong Choding








Hyun.. better run run run?








Eyeship forever 3










Gorgeous Hyun 









love love love <3








eyeship <3














cr: gogumalove@tumblr



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Guest lzellski




OMG! can't wait for the subbed episodes...really spazzing right now!!!!




how could the PD cut the episode in that moment when yong is about to open his present??? aws! can't wait for next week..now have to wait for another 7 days...i have to be patient...



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WA~ I just finished watching the parts... and OMOMOMO who knew that YONG~ is such a romantic guy? I know for a fact that most men would never do anything like this for their gf's!


My favorite part throughout the whole episode was just the way he looked at her.




^admitting that Hyun was pretty in the uniform.


He was just SOO awestruck by how pretty she looked in her uniform!! He even admits in the Dark interview room that when he first looked at her he thought... Oh she is pretty...


I wonder how he will react when they are going to take their wedding photos!!! kkaaaa! I can't wait for that!!!


Oh!! i just remembered!! my second favorite part!


when Yong gave his last present.... the how to go around Japan book... (which btw is sooo awesome of him!)


you can def. see that they are close! looky here...


You know for a fact that Seohyun barely ever shows her Aegyo.. but here it is full blown towards her hubby.






^she was asking him can I look at it?! CAN I LOOK AT IT?!!?


SO cute together!! you know that Soehyun wouldn't act like that towards anyone else except her sisters and YONG~



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Annyeong! Gosh! I miss this thread so much :D Thank you very much to all Goguma Villagers who always be here everyday, every minute and every second in order to post goodies, sharing some stuff and spazzing together! :wub: I really appreciate each one of you, the spazzers and the lurkers. :D








Seriously, this couple is getting lovely each week. I saw the loving and sparkling eyes, the smooth tiny gestures and touch, the caring and the honest conversation happened between them. They are the purest, the lovable and the sweetest couple for me. I just love the way they move on in the reel part like a real one. Daebak!








I guess now we can see the natural them after getting comfortable with each other. Yonghwa with his childish-caring-mature husband and Seohyun with her innocent-straight-mature wife. It's amazing how they can fit into each other life and together created their marriage sweet memories. Slowly adapted and fulfill each other wishes, they really know how to make their partner happy! This is what we call couple made in heaven. :D








In this episode, I love every minute of the scene. They are so many things to spazz but lots of you guys had mentioned them. Thank you for sharing the sweet moments together here. Although the PDnim cut the perfect moment to show next week (Don't know if MC Kim scolded her or not after watching the epi) keke~ But I guess the episode is so much worth spazzing for the whole week! Am I right? Thank you for all the pictures! I like the one who show Seohyun at the backstage concert. Really nice of her supporting her virtual nampyeon there. They are just perfect to be together.























Why he is so lovely? She's lucky ;)
















Why she is so sweet? He's lucky ;)
















Apart from the reel, we feel the real. ^____^









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rewatching the ep (what else I could have be doing ^^) I found out a really weird edition about Hyun picking her backpack  :blink:...
























Yong leaving the room, and there is nothing in the couch but the elephants
















































Then Hyun is waiting for Yong to close the door...
















































and what is that on the couch?? SeoHyun´s uniform???, but her uniform is the bed!!!  weird :mellow:
























And then... she went to pick up her backpack  and there is nothing again...
















































and then...
















































while she is holding her backpack we still can see the backpack and the uniform in the couch :crazy:...
























weirdo weirdo :S









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Guest Faith_memory
















































































@ yongseofee11 thank you for showing those gifs!! ♥♥♥
















































btw, here's another proof that hyun indeed went there. and of course the OKAY SIGN.
















































































































































and on this image.. yong was looking at his upperleft side. and while singing LOVE LIGHT he always look that way on the fancam posted on some earlier pages.

















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Guest Germbaby

Hi Goguma fellow,

Anyone has the full sub for this ep? They are so sweet in this ep. Look at the way they look at each other. So ....sweet. See lots of love in the air

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Guest tinybeatingheart


S: Fan? (Hug) I’m fine with it. Because she’s just a fan. I can do that too.

Y: I know that.

really thanks to armedbattle!! guys, see that??? she can do it too. wub.gifwub.gif OMG, i wanna see them hug! i'm gonna cry for sure. omggggg!!!!

magdal, OMGG! that's a bit creepy. maybe for halloween hahaha~!!w00t.gif because of your caps, i really replayed today's episode and saw it too. hmmm...

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Guest _hachimitsu
































ahh seriously, the concert pic totally pwned the episode! when i first saw it during live streaming, i was like "is that yonghwa and seohyun? but whereee?? and why does their clothes seems familiar???? WHY DOES THIS PIC FEELS EPIC-ISHH??" Awesome, i love the goguma FBI's!  
















i guess the thread is back to normal? *happy* thank you for the translations, now the episode feels even daebak~!
















I saw this in the chat room in gen's sweet potato days, apparently this is the cafe yongseo went for today's episode.  
















cr: anonymous user (not sure if the person is a goguma here)
































I'm currently waiting for my torrent to finish downloading today's episode before i can spazz more. 
















Happy spazzing people!^^
































































yup yup, i watched the part before they entered the cafe again. it is the same cafe. here's the screencap...
































for anyone who doesn't understand french.. tous les jours is equivalent to 'everyday'. ugh french exam coming soon.... ahh but everyday is a yongseo day for me   :wub:









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