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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest mrsjoker


@pollykpy : thank you thank you thank you for the pic. i am extremely speechless right now. these two lovebirds is seriously made my day...  :lol:

@jnj : I know right...if a boy remember details it meant something. Boys don't remember details. They are not design for that. however A BOY IN LOVE might remember even the smallest unimportant detail:wub:. :wub: :wub:

gaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh... I am still totally smitten by Yong... Just when i thought how more sweet can he be and he proves it yet again that his sweetness has no limit!!! Boy...why so perfect??! :wub:

Oh by the way, so we know now that Hyun confirmed attended the CN Blue's 1st concert and so the concert was on july 31 right? that means by that time Yong's mildang action had somewhat been "resolve/ talked" by them right? because the salon episode is on august? So i think he didn't contact her for only 2-3 weeks and not the whole month. I don't know...what do you guys think? goguma FBIs have any idea?


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Guest pollykpy








And this is what Seobaby was wearing on 31.07.10, all SNSD girls attending MBC Music Core to support Yuri & Tiffany as they bid farewell and MCing Music Core for the last time.








So we really got concrete proof now .....








Cr : DC & Baidu Goguma Couple













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Guest Crystal392




Yeah I think it was more like 3 weeks, if Im not wrong someone translated a part of the precious ep where Hyun said 'they didn't talk for two weeks' and other person translated as 'during the period they didn't talk/contact each other' . :o


I am sure Korean Gogumas are also wondering this! And also baidu gogumas and gogumas around the world!!!


What are your theories?


YongSeo :wub:


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It was way too short... The first time I ever watched a live stream. I wonder what excuse Yong had to get Hyun to go looking for something in the bedroom so he could get out the uniforms? It was so cute Hyun saying "Aigoo" twice and moping off to help find whatever Yong wanted.

Watching this episode and the way they both can pretend like they were students I think this whole "push pull" has been pretty much a game to them. I've always believed there was more to why Yong couldn't contact her like his preparing for their album, Hyun knows why too, but they got captured up in one of their stories. I don't think it's scripted but Hyun likes text messages and contact and Yong is probably like most guys and don't like calling and texting all the time so she's always complaining about it. Yong did complain it's always him contacting her first so it sounds to me like this whole "push pull" is actually more of a playful game to them.

Hyun never seemed too mad and Tiffany is forward and I think she would of said something in the last episode when Yong came in about him hurting Hyun, so this whole "push pull" really wasn't anything, at least not as much as us fans worried.

And it looks like Hyun really went out ... three boxes of gifts. They could of at least given us one Hyun gift and split the episode after that. Evil, Evil, Evil, PD! LOL

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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































Hello!!! I am spazzing in silence... It is 5:00 a.m. here and I cant stop smiling even more after the concert pic... I knew it!!! I really was following my insticts and just blinding thinking that she went to the concert, but getting confirmation makes me more and more and more HAPPY!!!... Aishhh I knew all those looks and smiles and the OK signal at the end was not for nothing during the concert...
















































Man he really love her, that is all I have to say, SH have been more slow, but he really love her... Arghhh!!! I love them my best wishes to them!!!!!
















































About the 1 month-no-contact thing, I agree with rxp080100, by the day of the concert it have been one month (June 29 to July 31) I think that is what SH was referring... It will be very impolite of her to bring that issue in his really special day... I am glad she is so mature.
















































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas, I love you all to death!!!

















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Guest gogumafan
































the picture that proved that hyun went to CnBlue's concert. i think the clothes that yong wore was during encore right?so it means that hyun was waiting for him backstage...i like it better now to know that hyun was ther not because of WGM !
















also in the same screencap where it showed some parts of yong's writing...i think it said 200 days, 300 days, 1000 days!!!!!!does that mean he wants to be with hyun even after the show ends(coz i don't think they will reach 1000days in the show..)































I think the note where it said...."200 days...300 days.... 1000 days..." was a note from Jungshin Chingoo to Hyunsoonim. It was probably a message wishing them more anniversaries and they may be together for 200, 300, 1000 days.. Yong's message was not until the very end of the book.  

















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Thanks for the links to the show. Awwwh... how awesome were those scenes after the concert and in the waiting room? It seems that they kind of run to each other once they see each other doesn't it? Especially Hyun when she sees her husband. And one of the cutest scenes ever was her changing into the uniform in their bedroom. While happily primping I think she was on the phone with someone and before she opened the door, she ran back to the mirror to take another look, to be sure she looked pretty enough for her husband. And once she opened the door she kind of flitted and floated over to the sofa where her husband was waiting, who did not disappoint her with his reaction, I am sure. :) So glad they showed that scene. Ah, young love. So adorable.


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Guest soshisoshisoshi












And this is what Seobaby was wearing on 31.07.10, all SNSD girls attending MBC Music Core to support Yuri & Tiffany as they bid farewell and MCing Music Core for the last time.








So we really got concrete proof now .....








Cr : DC & Baidu Goguma Couple

















good observation there................. really appreciate it.




soo, since the clothes that she wore are the same in the music core and cnblue concert..... I guess we can erase the rumour about hyun coming to cnblue concert, because  SHE ACTUALLY WENT TO SUPPORT HER HUSBAND kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm getting crazy now








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Guest Crystal392




So interesting reading all your posts ^_^


arent this two the best? Awwwww sooo cute. I agree with otty, this midlang thing wasn't probably something too serious as some Gogumas thought; if not Tifannyxwould have said something and in general the SNSD girls seem to be pretty supportive of the couple, also the CNBLUE boys :D


And don't forget tomorrow they will meet at Inki! I am sure her unnies will tease them a looot! OMG I would love to see that! And Hyun and Yong getting all shy hehehehehe


YongSeo ftw! <3


EDIt: lyrinine thanks for translating that.


To all Gogumas: today is a happy day! Let's all spazz and flood the threa with lots of screencaps :wub::)


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i have to refute this because i think the one month no contact actually occurred from the birhday date (6/29) through cnblue concert (7/31)

that's a time frame of 1 month and yong would have been extra busy for concert prep.

so i think this is the time period hyun mentioned when he didn't contact her

the hair salon filming took place on 8/3, about a week later, and that was just the time for hyun to air out her feelings. she couldn't do it at the concert because it would have been inappropriate. so she put off her frustration until the salon date/wgm filming


since hyun attending hubby's concert was NOT a part of wgm filming,

she can't say anything abt it. and also for a few reasons

1 - she met yong's parents backstage, she can't be putting on the long face right?

2 - its yong's n bros-in-laws big night, she can't be ruining it for them

3 - such a classy lady that hyun is..she can't be spoiling everyone's mood.

what a surprise this episode has turned out to be.

here we were anticipating the 3rd present from yong,

and then we got our very own present ...hyun's pic attending the concert!

gogumas are really blessed!

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Guest Crystal392









Sorry for spazzing so much blush.gif







I just wanted to say to all Gogumas, specially to old ones: remember Goguma powers? When we would wish something and believe it really happened and lots of people would call us delusional just because there wasn't enough proof but it turned out we were right? We used to channel our Goguma powers a lot (like when we said they were wearing couple rings when they just began WGM and lots of people said they weren't but then it was proved they did have couple rings) somehow we 'lost them'. This pic about Hyun going to CNBLuE concert makes me remember that. Even though it seemed she didn't go lots of Gogumas believed she went to support Yoooong~ and his brothers ^_^ and they were right!!!!!!!







Gogumas and YongSeo jjang!


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Guest vanilla88
















































Annyong my gogumas family!!






























































really happy after watch uri couple on uniform date episode..































Yoonnggg..so sweet..give special notebook for your buin..































how i wish Yong feed Hyun that ice cream..with one spoon..ahahaa.. :wub: :wub:






























































I just love watch their staring competition..heart melting.. :D































PDnim cut this episode to make us guess what the Hyun present..































*whatever is that it's must be meaningful for Yong*































i will run my imagination this whole week guessing myself what is Hyun gift..hihihi..






























































Oh yaa..i just want to share my dream last night..































I see there's a lampion garden and Yongseo have their wedding photoshoot..































Yong kissed Hyun eyes..and there's a fireworks behind them..
















Kyaaaaaa..then when i hear Bummbb fireworks i wake up..HhhhH..
















I can't sleep again bcoZ of that..I started to watched their old episode..
















And I found something interesting..when Hyun see other CN Blue member..
















When Jonghyun said that during their first meeting, Hyun choose their Hyung..
















Hyun answer this :
































We wish that too Hyu~unnniee...






























































Sorry for my random thoughts..






























































Raindrops,DjHinata..looovveee your artworks! saved them all!! Thank you soo muchh..






























































And thanks in advance for the subbers!






























































for all new gogumas..please read the rules..































I've been lurking around for quite long time and just come out if my gogumas love want to explode! w00t.gifw00t.gif but i do LOVE this thread and everyone in it..






























































*ichigo_kawai&raindrops* my cingu from same country! you two just soo talented! KUUEREN!! DAEBAKK!! w00t.gifw00t.gif maybe someday we can gather together and chit chat about uri couple at cafe or something? hehe..*wishfull thinking*..
































cre : photofunia

















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Thanks for the links to the show. Awwwh... how awesome were those scenes after the concert and in the waiting room? It seems that they kind of run to each other once they see each other doesn't it? Especially Hyun when she sees her husband. And one of the cutest scenes ever was her changing into the uniform in their bedroom. While happily primping I think she was on the phone with someone and before she opened the door, she ran back to the mirror to take another look, to be sure she looked pretty enough for her husband. And once she opened the door she kind of flitted and floated over to the sofa where her husband was waiting, who did not disappoint her with his reaction, I am sure. :) So glad they showed that scene. Ah, young love. So adorable.

and also the part where she looked out to make sure yong had gone

to change to his uniform, see how she skipped back to the sofa to get her present?

2 ppl which think alike!

these 2 are as adorkable yet adorable couple.

how sweeet can their love get..ah... :wub:

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Guest chedda31
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YOU GUYS!!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am so happy right now I have the biggest smile plastered all over my face and my heart is overflowing with emotions! Why do they make me feel this way!!!!! They are so sweet and so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Those fans who spotted the picture in the notebook really do have eagle-eyes! And whoever they are I would like to give them a HUGE HUG for spotting that pic!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What makes me especiallu happy is that WGM was not filming that day! (that we know of...) Which means that Hyun went on her own and met Yong's family and everything!!!! I'm so torn right now. On the one hand I really want WGM to have been filming that day so that we can see what happened backstage (if they release it as a new BTS --> which reminds me! All of our clicking on the YongSeo BTS on the MBC website paid off!!! 3 million views guys!!! and also i believe someone, sorry i can't remember who it was, posted a news article about how mbc would be releasing more BTS of our Goguma couple because of the high number of views!!!! :):) )
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But on the other hand I want it to remain a non-WGM day so that it confirms that Hyun went of her own accord!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've just watched some of the fancam's of the concert when Yong sang Love Light and I literally squealed everytime Yong looked up toward where Hyun was sitting!!!! And now its even more special because we know what happened on their birthdays and I bet everytime Yong sings that song he will be reminded of that day.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was going to try and stream live for the first time today but alas it didn't work for me :( My internet is super slow at the moment because I've used up this month's download limit streaming WGM episodes over and over until I came to the conclusion that it would probably be better for me to download them to my laptop. And therefore it's taking me AGGGEEESS to load the raw videos on Youtube so guys I beg of you keep the posts coming and hopefully there will be translations soon so that I can 'watch' this weeks YongSeo segment through you guys until Youtube finishes loading!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love you all!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: And we're now on our 1300th page of YongSeo goodness!!!!! Congrats everyone!!!!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest armedbattle








Y: Seo Hyun-ah go change into your costume quickly. See you later




Caption: Hyun Wife who has to get ready for SNSD’s performance




Sister-in-laws giving a warm welcome









SNSD: You’re all so swave




Caption: Finally able to catch their breathe in the waiting room




Y: My ear piece dropped and I couldn’t hear a thing




Caption: SNSD’s performance finally starts. Hyun Wife’s performance




Watching the performance, Yong and CNBlue




CNBlue Brothers-in-law who took the time to watch SNSD for Yong




JS: Let’s greet them




CNBlue: Its SNSD!




CNBlue: Its SNSD!




Caption: Finally, Hyun arrives!












Y: Ah. Seo Hyun really. Really amazing!!




Y: Its SNSD!




Caption: Its 9.40pm now. They have finally concluded their day’s schedules




After the performance, its just the two of them now




MC: It has been a long day for them




JW: It’s been tiring




Y: Ah. Finally ended




S: It wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be, right?







Y: Yea




MC: Why?




S: I feel as if we have grown closer after today




Y: Me?




S: With brother-in-laws




Y: Aish. With others




S: I wasn’t that close with them before




Y: I know




Caption: Yong is unable to figure out what Hyun is thinking lately












S: Isit funny? Why are you smiling?







Y: It’s not. What is funny about it?




Caption: Later... Back in their home




The idol-singer couple who has finally returned home form work together




MC: The feeling of coming home from work together must be good




JW: Of course




MC: Better than coming home alone




Y: Wa.. Home




S: We are home. Tired, right?




Y: I have no energy left. My eyes are red.




Y: Isn’t it red?




S: Its not that red. They are pink.




Caption: What are they thinking?




S: After today’s performance, we wouldn’t have much activities in Korea already




MC Jake: Ah. Their Japan activities




Caption: SNSD & CNBLUE embark on their Asia tour. An idol couple who are unable to meet for a month.








Y: I will be overseas every week too




S: Yes…




Y: SeoHyun-ah




Y: In our room, if you search carefully, there’s a pair of white socks




S: Socks?




Y: I’m too tired to move




S: What?




Caption: He wants her to help him change his socks?




Y: It’s a new pair




S: You want me to help you bring your socks here? Where is it?




Y: In the closet




S: Aish. Wait.




Y: (Busan accent) SeoHyun-ah. I’m so tired. Help me get a new pair of socks




S: Aiya. Really. Closet? We don’t have a closet!




Y: Not the closet




Y: Where is it? Bookshelf. Bookshelf. Search carefully. Its in the bookshelf




S: Bookshelf




S: I can’t find it.




Y: Look carefully. It’s definitely there




MC Jake: What has he prepared?




MC: He did it on purpose! Asking her to go in




S: Are you sure you put the socks on the bookshelf?




Y: Of course. Find it quick.




S: Got it.




Y: Can you find it?




S: How do I open it? I can’t find it. Come look for it with me.




S: Ah. What’s this?! Why isit there?




Y: Its your high school uniform isn’t it?




S: That’s right




Y: Didn’t you say you want to wear it?




Caption: Concerned with the uniform




Y: Your school uniform




S: Yes




Y: So I prepared this for you




NY: It looks like she has mentioned about wearing her school uniform before




S: Do I wear this?




Y: Me too. I brought my high school uniform.




NY: Are the thinking of the movie “(Sorry I don’t know what is it)?




MC: That’s right. I wear my uniform once in a while for fun too




S: Wa. I can’t believe this. But why are you doing this?




Y: I’m hungry. Do you want to wear your uniform?




S: I really want to




Y: Then where do we change?




S: I will change in our room




Y: Okay. That’s mean I have to change in the bathroom




Caption: They change into their uniform




BUT! At this moment




SO: What is she up to?




Caption: Brings her bag in




MC Jake: She must have prepared something too




Caption: What did she put into her bag?




MC: What did SeoHyun prepare?




Caption: A while later…




Busan High School Yong appears (Sorry, I’m unsure of the school’s name)




MC: They’re coming out.




NY: I’m so curious




MC: Wa~ He’s so good looking. He still fits into his school uniform




Y: Hyun~




Caption: This attitude… Busan High School student leader Yong




S: Yes




Y: Are you coming out?




S: I’m not done yet




Y: I’m waiting for you




S: Okay. Please wait a while




Caption: His uniform looks a bit tight




MC: Ah~ She’s so pretty




Caption: Tidying his uniform, Yong Studen




MC: It looks as if his uniform is tight




Caption: Finally!




S: ZZANG! I’m a high school student!




MC Jake: She’s still studying, isn’t she?




Caption: The first time the couple see one another in their uniform








S: This is amazing. This is the first time I’m seeing you dressed like this




Y: My uniform got smaller




S: It fits you




Y: You look like a model student




S: I don’t look weird, do I?




Y: No, it fits you




Caption: XX High School Beauty, Hyun




S: I feel so fortunate




MC: Didn’t schools always have model students like her?




JW: That’s right








QUESTION: What did you think of Yong in uniform?




S: He looked mischievous, someone who is close with his friends. A lively character who will work hard when he needs to. He will play hard during play time too.




Caption: In Hyun’s eyes, Yong is someone who plays and studies at the appropriate times. Model Student Yong who does things seriously




On the other hand, Yong’s opinion on SeoHyun




Y: She looks like a girl from the neighbouring school. I will pretend as if I didn’t see her and then my friends will say “Wa. Its SeoHyun” and I will act non-chalant and look at her for a moment. She’s pretty.




Caption: Yong who becomes shy after saying that




S: Why are we wearing our school uniforms?




Y: We are going out




S: Ah?




Y: Of course we are going to school




S: You are lying




Y: Didn’t you mentioned that you wanted to wear your school uniform and have red bean ice?




SO: Wa. They’re really going




NY: When did she say that?




Caption: Approximately three months ago, on the way to the driving school




MC Jake: It happened so long ago




Caption: Looking at students in uniform pass by




Y: I haven't worn my uniform in a long time




S: Me too. Let’s try that next time




Y: What?




S: Let’s wear our school uniform




Y: Why are you always making me do things with you?




S: Of course we have to do it together.




MC: Ah. He still remembers that




S: Do you like Red Bean Ice?




Y: Yes I do.




S: I really like Red Bean Ice




Caption: Uniform date. Yong who has prepared a 200th day anniversary present




S: Yes. I think I said that




Y: You said you wanted to eat Red Bean Ice. It’s a special day today




S: That’s right




Y: You know what day it is?




S: Let’s go. Hurry.




Y: What kind of Red Bean Ice do you like?




S: Just Red Bean Ice




Y: Normal?




S: Yes.




Y: The normal kind?




S: Yes.




Y: Do you know where we are going?




S: Of course I don’t




Y: We’re going to – (couldn’t figure out, sorry)




S: You are lying




Y: We are here




Caption: This is the place?




S: Ah. I’m tired




Y: Me too




S: So this is --?




Caption: 500m from YongSeo’s hom




S: --? Then where’s my school?




Y: Just walk down here




Caption: 200th day anniversary late night date.




Y: Wa. It looks delicious




Caption: In replacement of --, they have come to a small bakery




S: This is amazing




MC: I used to go to these cafes for dates




Y: We’re still students




MC: Students always meet in the cafes




SO: Which generation was that?




MC Jake: We also went to –




Caption: MCs who are deviating away from the main subject




S: Hello. Red Bean Ice please




Y: Red Bean Ice




S: Let me pay




Y: No




S: Thank you




Y: What are you thanking me for?




Y: Ah. I’m so tired from the classes today




S: That’s right




Y: The exams are coming. Let’s work hard together!




S: Fighting!




Y: Are you a Science student or Arts student?




S: I’m a Science Student




Y: Science Student? Then your maths must be good!




S: Of course!




Y: Then help me in Maths




S: Just ask me whatever you do not know




Y: Let’s study together




Y: Wa. It looks delicious. Thank you




S: Wa. Thank you! Let’s eat!




Y: Its delicious!




Y: We have to eat it even if it drips




S: I have dripped abit too




Y: Eat it!




S: Eating out so late, reminds me of our first meeting




MC: Was their first date at night?




Y: When was that? That was such a long time ago




S: It has been more than 6months. It’s been so long




Y: That’s right. I’ve prepared this date for us. What have you prepared?




S: Me?




Y: It’s a special day and you haven’t prepared anything?




S: We only sang a duet, do we need to exchange presents?




Y: I will spit it at you




Caption: Yong’s childish act begins again




Y: Hurry




S: What?




Y: Hurry




S: What present? I have nothing




Y: You really do not know?




S: Don’t know what? It’s just a duet




Y: You really don’t know?




Y: You really don’t? Sigh…




Caption: Why did he pass the 200th badge to her?




MC Jake: Wasn’t that on his guitar strap during the performance?




Y: Don’t act as if you don’t know. Give me my present.




S: 200? 200dollars?




Y: What’s 200dollars?




S: What? Wa. YSYS




MC Jake: She’s still doing the push-pull game. How long is she going to drag him?




S: Why is there 200 on it?




Y: How can you not know? You are SeoHyun. You really don’t know?




S: 200?




Y: I will spit it(bean in his mouth) at you.




S: What is it?




S: Don’t spit it at me.








Y: I don’t think I would really spit it out at her. SeoHyun wouldn’t not remember. But I really did not know.








Y: Our first meeting. From that day, it’s our 200th day.




S: Ah~~~




Y: You really didn’t know?




MC: She’s really good at acting




Y: I assume you have a present in your bag




Y: I will spit it. Quickly admit it.




S: Thank you.




Y: You really didn’t know?




S: I have been so busy latel




S: I’m sorry. Really sorry.




Y: What sorry? I thought you will know. Anyway, you’re going to Japan, it will be exhausting




S: Probably. And the language barrier




Y: Lifestyle changes too




S: Really?




Y: So I’ve one more present for you




S: What is it?




Y: I didn’t plan to give it to you but I don’t have a choice




S: What is it?




Y: I can’t believe I’ve made this




S: What is it?




Y: Ah. I can’t look at it




Caption: What is in the diary?




S: Can I look at it?




S: Then, I’m going to look at it




Y: Wait. SeoHyun. Look at it later




S: Later? What is it?




Y: Nothing special




S: I’m going to look at it.




Y: Please don’t




S: I’m going to




Y: No




MC Jake: Just one page




NY: Just the first page. First page




Y: Look at it later




S: I want to look at it now




Y: Then just look at the first page. Just the first two pages




S: First two pages!




SeoHyun's Japan Survival Guide




S: Wa. It’s cute




Y: Look at this




S: You drew this when we went to donate blood




JW: CNBlue has experienced life in Japan before




MC: Yes. They’re seniors




NY: So he wrote tips for her




S: I’m going to read it




S: This is so cute




Y: I’m cute?




S: Wa. When was this




S: Can I read it out?




Y: Read it in your heart




S: Japan Tour




Y: Ah~~~~~~~~~ You really can’t. The boss of the shop is around




Y: Japan Airport. Do you know their procedures?




S: I don’t.




Y: Read it out then.




S: First, give the air ticket to the attendant. Follow the instructions




Y: It’s good, isn’t it?




S: I will make use of this.




Y: Look at this. I drew the number 11 for you. But I couldn’t remember the number so I had to search for it on the internet.




S: This is good. The best.




Y: I must be crazy




S: This is the best




Y: At the back is Japan dorm life




S: The books I read don’t have this




S: When you travel alone at night, remember to bring your ID?




Y: If you travel alone without it, you will get arrested




S: Really?




S: It is written in such details




Y: If you travel alone, you can get arrested




S: Where did you get these information? It is really good




MC: He’s really thoughtful




Y: Treat the book with care. The pages will tear




S: I know.




Caption: Yong’s guide even includes food




Y: You must try that. Set A




S: Set A? Got it. I will definitely try it




MC Jake: He has been to Japan so many times so he understands it bette




MC: He really made this himself




Y: This was a fanmeeting




S: Wa~




Y: When you miss me, look at the notebook




SeoHyun compares the photo with the real person




MC Jake: She is checking if it’s the same person




S: Ah~




Y: SeoHyun (refers to the SH necklace he drew on himself)




S: Fan? (Hug) I’m fine with it. Because she’s just a fan. I can do that too.




Y: I know that.




S: Is it okay with you?




Y: Just don’t overdo it. Once in a while




S: Okay.








To: Sister-in-law




SeoHyun! Hello! This is your friend, JungShin! First of all, congratulations on your 200th anniversary! 200days! 300days! 1000days! Please last for a long time~ Please live happily and lovingly with our Yong-Hyung




Y: Those kids. Hahaha








To: Sister-in-law




Hello! SeoHyun-ah~~~ Hahaha~ I am JongHyun-ah~~ I am extremely thankful to you! After marrying you, our Hyung has been becoming more and more cheerful, he smiles a lot too! We’ll be counting on you in future!




Y: Does that mean I have been gloomy all along?








In future, there will be more YongSeo anniversaries. You’ve to live happily with him for a long long time. Yong-Hyung who is making me write this at such a late hour looks really romantic. When you receive this, you will be so touched and you would tear. And we hope your loving marriage life will continue~ Congratualations on your 200th anniversary! SeoHyun, fighting! SNSD, conquer Japan, fighting! YongSeo anniversary, fighting!




CNBLUE Drummer, MinHyuk




S: Wa~




Y: Why aren’t you reading the last page?




S: I was going to. The last.




To Hyun




Finally, it’s my turn. I hope this journal is of use to you. Although it doesn’t look much, I put a lot of effort into making it. Please feel my sincerity. Do you feel any regret now? Honestly, I felt that there were too many invisible walls between us. I wanted to tear them down, that’s why I did that. Please understand me, okay? From the start, although so many things have happened to us, these are all unforgettable memories to me whenever I think of them. Your activities in Japan are going to be tiring, complete them successfully. I’m always grateful to you Hyun.




From The Author, Jung Yong Hwa




Y: I’m really grateful to you.




S: Wa~ This is my first time receiving such a present




Y: This is also my first time writing such a journal




S: Really really thank you




Y: Please take it with you everywhere you go




S: I will bring it everywhere with me.




Y: When you’re done with it, let me read it again too.




S: Do you want to photocopy it?




Y: No. It will lose its meaning then








S: I was really touched. Compared to every other present I’ve received, this is the best. I was surprised that’s why I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to say.




S: I must keep in quickly. Wa~ Thank you. I’m really touched




MC: After the long push-pull situation, she can finally pull him back.




S: This is amazing. There’re too many things in my bag. It is so heavy.




Y: Why?




Y: What’s that?




S: I don’t know too








NOTE: The translations are a direct translations from Baidu. Again, I am not 100% accurate and would have misinterpreted some things.




My exams begin in 10days. As such, there is no guarantee that I will be logging on anymore because my fanaticism over Yongseo is very distracting (not in a bad way though). I will probably only indulge myself once a week when RDR releases the subbed video. Feel free to use this translations however do note that they will not be that accurate. Don’t bother seeking my permission as I will be away in mugging-land. I have really enjoyed reading this thread and all your thoughts and contributions even though I do not post much. Thank you all for the shared love we have for Yongseo and making each mundane school week less painful with all the wonderful and spazz-worthy news. I will be back in 34days – when my examinations finally ends. Keep the Yongseo love(: Til then~



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Guest blancface




































Favorite scenes for today:




























1) Yonghwa's expression when Seohyun comes out with her uniform




























2) When Seohyun attemps to speak banmal to him as they leave their house




























3) Yonghwa's frustration when Seohyun pretends like she doesn't know its their 200th day, it's SO like how a boyfriend would act!




























4) Yonghwa's embarrassment/shyness when he takes out the notebook he made for her




























5) Of course Yonghwa isn't the only playful one! I love when Seohyun teases him with his notebook present!




























5) Seohyun's gestures when she sees the picture of him hugging the fan and repeats what Yong always says about being cool about it hehe




























6) Yonghwa's knowing smirk when Seohyun busts out her present from her bag








































I hope somebody can make some gifs out of these scenes because these are seriously the CUTEST scenes!




























After every episode I'm always like "this was the best episode!"...this couple NEVER disappoints!




























Anyone else notice how smitten the MCs are as they watch our YongSeo couple? I can't remember the exact spot but there's a scene were MC Kim Na Young is resting her chin on the arm of the sofa - it's adorable~





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Guest xxraqSTAR

omo, what a cliff hanger! why do they need to cut it when yong was about to open the present?! :crazy: now i'm really pissed off!

i was like "that's it? i've waited for a week and that's all?" now we have to wait for another week -_- -_-

but through the whole episode i was like :D :D crazy grinning from ear to ear..

ooh, how i wish tomorrow is saturday already!

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Hyun's present look very impressive. Such a big box!




































I think when Yong opened it, he will be overwhelmed.




































Actually I can see Yong's true self slowly coming out, when Hyun kept pretending that she doesnt knw that it is their 200 days. He was not his usual bubbly outspoken/joking around personality.




































oh oh oh, I really wished they could have shown the eps in the proper timeline, now we have to juggle in our brain that all these happened before the ueno suri and chuseok eps.




































The WGM team really can drag out the eps. They split the incheon concert day into 3 parts!! performance one ep, school uniform 2 eps!! At this rate, do we see the Japan filming only during Christmas??




































And that split of a second's second photo in that book with Hyun attending Yong concert, even when I pause and play, I couldnt exactly catch it. The Baidu people are awesome!! haha, or maybe my eyes are slow? :D:D




































Did anybody posted Yong's schoolmates comments on him? I just saw it on Baidu. Apparently Yong's dad is a Chinese doctor and they are quite well off. Hyun's father is a intellectual property rights lawyer. Now we know where Hyun got her IQ from! Sounds like a good match to me! :D





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