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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Can someone be kind enough and tell me where I can watch this?


The last episode I've seen was when the other soshi members visited, and the after that, either the old vids got deleted or the new ones could't even last a day withouth getting deleted...so I kinda stopped watching...



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hi unicorn lover! sorry i don't kow hot to quote parts of the posts (when i pressed the reply button it included the whole post). ahhh, so that's how guys from busan are...i just hope there will be cn blue guesting again and when they have groupings hyun would choose him. because in the cooking battle (batttle, keke) jonghyun was looking at hyun while she was choosing. its like he really wanted to be chosen. though, may be seohyun is more comfortable with the other two because they were born on the same year.




I also agree with you! kamsamida d3seohyun, your screencaps are really amazing!



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ xiam9: go to rdrsubs.co.cc. check the streaming/download area to find their subbed episodes. I suggest you download the episodes because of the quality of the videos and iMBC is so fast nowadays in deleting episodes uploaded by them. you would need hjsplit to join parts of episodes with ".001" in their file name. just hjsplit and download the application. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@shawie829: please edit your post. posting one-liners is against soompi rules. please edit your post. thank you.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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huh, i noticed another thing!




are hyun, yong and minhyuk wearing the same necklace? the one that's been discussed a hundred or so pages back, hehehe...it could be seen while they were eating.




sorry for just commenting out of the blue, i've just been watching the episode for more than 10x i think....



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Guest ricevol

Wonder if Hyun~ wears the ring ding dong during LA concert?

And the holding hand part at the concert did not bother me much since it was just a performance, and we all trust our seobaby, especially the way she looks at Yong~, I mean it's different and special in someway :))


credit: cnbluestorm.com

This is from CNBlue at Daejeon Hana Green Concert, do you all see that, the ring ding dong?

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tks for understanding, anizet. ^_^

lets continue with our spazzing...

based on j2's trans, when hyun suggest that they go out, yong refused.

then when she insist, he told her to leave him alone.

this is after hyun chided him for being mean to mh.

u guys notice how he doesn't look directly at hyun when he's talking?

aww...HE IS SULKING!!!

must be wanting wifey's undivided attention! :wub:

u captured the whole epi, d3! nice!

if u're here j2, mind me asking if hyun used banmal thru'out the pool game?

idk why, but, besides the couple ring, banmal is the 2nd thing i look out for on our couple

and like heartbreak, i too want to know if hyun speaks banmal in the prev?

abt minhyuk's comment, i am one happy goguma.

why did he say gf instead of wife? that's because...

wife = virtual

gf = real


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Hi all I wanted to say thanks again j2dlee for the translations.Wow....that was a long one today.You really make a difference with the subs on. As a subber myself I appreciate all your work every week for us.I was in a rush this morning and just had time to read your translation.I totally spazzed :D :D I was laughing and giggling like I was watching the show.I think I watched so much of the Yongseo couple that I could totally imagine how it would have occurred.I absolutely just went omg omg on the official Incheon wave concert duet.There were filming too far from them though.Did you see that they were less than 3 feet apart.When you are a stranger there is the personal space thing which is more than 3 feet for all those who were like oh oh she sang with K (can't spell his name) twice.




























































_d3seohyun I loved your screencaps.I could just stare and stare at them and then replay the conversations.Sometimes when you are watching the video I can't spazz,laugh,watch,read subs all the same time :P :P




























































crystal_malfoy since it's a slow-ish day on the post I am giving you the other posts below.lovekin that is from dramabeans.com she does blogs and they are super humourous.There was also an article each on noona and oppa.Righto....feel free to skip this part all you others.









































Next in the Dramabeans Glossary series is jondaemal, which can be described as “polite speech” or “formal speech.” (Jondae means “honorific,” while mal is the suffix for “speech.”)




















Just as oppa and noona are two terms that are closely related, so are jondaemal and its casual counterpart banmal; girlfriday will follow up with the latter term. There will be some necessary overlap in our entries because they’re really two sides of the same coin, but I’ll focus more on the polite side while girlfriday will explain the familiar side.




















Those of us who have been exposed to languages outside of English probably have a passing acquaintance with honorifics — you know, social hierarchies being expressed through grammar and speech patterns. In French and Spanish you’ve got tu versus vous and usted, for example.




















Korean is a little more complicated, because even within the scope of jondaemal, there are differing levels of formality. However, this isn’t meant to be a grammar lesson so much as it is a casual exploration of how jondaemal is used in dramas, so I’ll try to lay off that cumbersome grammatical nitpickery. (Why, that IS the formal term, why do you ask?)

















































































When to use jondaemal?




























































Here’s the most basic way to differentiate between jondaemal and banmal: jondae is what you speak to adults, to strangers, to anybody above you, or to a social peer. Banmal, on the other hand, is used when you get past the slightly distant civility of casual acquaintance — either because of familiarity, intimacy, or even rudeness.




























































Jondaemal keeps a person at arm’s length; banmal brings that person closer.




























































In fact, a lot of things in Korean culture and language are all about figuring out what that distance is between you and another person. There’s no hard and fast rule, so it’s a matter of being sensitive to how you feel, how the other person feels, and deciding based on that how to speak to the other person. (Jondae or banmal? Unni or sunbae? Agasshi or ajumma?)




























































If you’re not Korean or around a lot of spoken Korean, perhaps it seems needlessly picky to make the distinction — it is definitely one of those things that is lost in translation, since we don’t have that hierarchy in English. But there’s a reason girlfriday and I squeal in certain dramas when a guy drops jondaemal and switches to banmal. Or in a different context, the switch might make us suck in our breaths and think, “Oh snap! Someone just got told!”




























































(Side note: This jondae/banmal distinction is one of the fascinating things I find about translations. When you go from Korean to English, you lose all of that nuance. But even more interesting is when you go from English to Korean, because then the translator is actually introducing social hierarchy when there initially wasn’t that distinction.)




























































When can you drop jondaemal?




























































If you consider jondaemal the “standard” form of speech — it’s what you learn in classes — when do you know when it’s okay to drop down to banmal?




























































Here’s your most important rule: When in doubt, use jondaemal. It’s better to be a little too polite than a little too impolite.




























































How will you know when you’re allowed to drop it? Thankfully, Koreans are pretty straightforward this way: they’ll tell you directly, “Let’s lower our speech.” Some adults may never lower their speech with each other. Others may feel an instant connection and drop their speech relatively quickly as a sign of closeness.




























































Also, people often drop the jondae in families, but this can be flexible. I don’t use jondae with my parents, but I have friends who do. I feel like using jondae with parents is a bit formal, but others may feel it’s more respectful.

















































































Jondae use among minors




























































Children are waived from some of the rules regarding jondaemal usage. Oh, a child should definitely use jondaemal with adults. But what about with other children?




























































When two children meet, most often they use banmal. However, the older the child, the more social hierarchies start to manifest. A minor (under the age of 20) may start to use jondae at school when the social ranking is clear. With kids in your class, informal banmal is perfectly appropriate, even if you’re not friends. But once you start dealing with students older than you, you might start to use jondae, even if you’re only 15.




























































Example: In Will It Snow For Christmas, young Ji-wan is only a first-year in high school when she meets Kang-jin, but she uses jondae speech with him. Since he’s a year older, he uses banmal with her.




























































Jondae as an extra layer of respect




























































In Cinderella’s sister, teenage Eun-jo speaks quite bluntly and rudely to everyone, regardless of age. Her stepfather Dae-sung is the first to point this out to her, and because she genuinely respects him, she makes the effort to “raise” her speech to jondae.




























































On the other hand, she isn’t about to give Ki-hoon the same courtesy. It’s only when he’s brought on as her tutor that he has actual power over her, and insists that she use jondae with him. He can’t force her to respect him, but he can force her to make that outward show — at least during their lessons — and she reluctantly complies. Outside of classes, however, she drops the jondae.

















































































Jondae used to maintain polite distance




























































Once you’ve spoken banmal with a person, you can continue using it even when you grow older.




























































For instance, in Soulmate Yu-jin (Sa Kang) speaks this really exaggerated, formal Korean with everyone. It’s so formal that it’s sort of like somebody going around using Shakespearean (or at least Victorian) English — it’s unusual and, in her case, very cute. She speaks that stilted formal Korean with boyfriend Dong-wook and work colleague Soo-kyung, whom she meets as adults. However, she uses banmal with her roommate Min-ae and bimbo Joo-hee because she knew them in high school.




























































Another example is The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry. Shin-young (Park Jin-hee) and Bu-ki (Wang Bit-na) met when they were adults, so they probably started out speaking jondaemal. However, they’ve been best friends for ten years, so now they speak banmal with each other.




























































In contrast, Shin-young meets Da-jung (Eom Ji-won) at age 34 and speaks jondaemal with her — until they realize they were high school classmates and then immediately revert to banmal, even though they aren’t even friends at that point. Here they drop the jondae not out of friendship but out of history.




























































However, when Da-jung and Bu-ki are together, they speak jondae with each other, because they’re not THAT close yet. There’s still a polite distance between them.






































































































In Last Scandal of My Life, ordinary Sun-hee and movie star Jae-bin were high school classmates (and sweethearts). They lost touch after graduation and haven’t seen each other in twenty years, but when they meet up as 39-year-olds, they immediately drop the jondae with each other.




























































On the other hand, to the outside world Sun-hee is Jae-bin’s housekeeper — his inferior in a professional and social sense — so she has to use jondae when other people are around. In this case, language offers a shield for their “secret.”
























































































































Take My Fair Lady. If Hae-na (Yoon Eun-hye) were a “normal” and polite young woman, she’d speak jondaemal to all her employees, even if they are her social inferiors. It’s the professional thing to do. But no, she’s a rude, bean pie heiress, so when Dong-chan (Yoon Sang-hyun) is hired as her personal butler/assistant, she drops the jondae and opts to talk to him quite rudely in banmal. (Banmal can be friendly, but if you haven’t earned that closeness, it can be rude.)




























































However, she wants to impress Tae-yoon (Jung Il-woo), so she uses jondae with him, because it’s more polite.






































































































What does this tell me about these relationships?




























































The reason girlfriday and I point out these things is because language is revealing. The word choices a character makes with another tell us much more than just the face value of the words: it offers hints into the characters’ psyches.




























































When Min-jae (Kim Bum) drops out of jondae in The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry, he’s taking an emotional step closer to Shin-young. It’s not rude in his case because they’ve established trust, and respect is therefore implicit in their relationship and doesn’t need to be reinforced with their language.




























































Then, take the tightly wound Tae-ra in Bad Guy. She’s battling her sexual attraction to Gun-wook and is very proper around him — stiff, even. She starts to suspect that Gun-wook is out to play her sister and her, but they don’t address this head-on, and sort of dance around the topic for a while.




























































However, in a recent episode she confronts him in the rain and asks what his deal is, and in that moment she drops the jondae. It’s partly to be rude, but there’s more to it: In speaking bluntly rather than skirting the topic as she usually does, her words have greater force. She drops her speech just as she gets real with him, which gives their rain-soaked moment of connection added impact.




























































Jae-in lowers her speech with Gun-wook as an expression of non-respect, but it ends up actually bringing them closer later on. When she’s chewing him out for lying to her, she drops the jondaemal to be purposely rude. But later on when their relationship takes on friendlier vibes, this lack of formality bridges the gap between them.




























































There are the fuzzy in-between gray areas, too, and Mo-nae is an example. She generally speaks jondaemal with Gun-wook because he’s much older, but she’d like for them to be closer. Every once in a while she’ll throw in a banmal sentence, as though she’s testing the waters, but then she’ll back up again and use jondae, which is “safe.”




























































So, essentially it all boils down to this: Jondaemal indicates respect, but also distance. When deciding which to use, you risk dropping one for the sake of the other. The question is: which is more prominent in your particular relationship?

































































































































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Guest saranghaex130






Hey everyone! hope you had/having a good weekend :) The episode was AWESOME - 3O MINUTES :D hehehe




But I'm looking forward to next week's episode even more now :DWE FINALLY GET TO SEE A CURRENT YONGSEO!!! :D No 2 months ago relationship Yongseo but A CURRENT ONE :)




I'm so curious as to how close they are now :D 




Sorry if I've used too many emoticon faces XD It's kind of my habit ... hehehehehe




Anyways, thanks so much for all the caps/links/videos/news, you guys are awesome at keeping the thread lively (takes away the lurker in me) :D fighting!!!


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Guest anne0129




















hye averille_05.... i am the silent lurker too, juz came out of da cave.. hehehe...
















i agree wif u, i think JH want to be close to hyun, but, he does not know how???:unsure:































maybe because the fact that he is the Busan type, coz the Busan type seem very popular for being very manly....































i watched CnBLUE mta, YH commented that JH always said something that unrelated or not suitable n will make everyone goes like :blink::crazy:.... maybe because of that he become more cautious around people...































Sorry for cutting your post. With regards to Jon Hyun not speaking too much. I would love for him to speak up too. I think he is even funnier than Jung Shin when he talks or comments because he is very straight forward. Now with him always being quiet, I think it is because of his accent. He really has a very strong Busan satoori going on for him. I the CNBLUETORY documentary, when he was talking to a friend on the phone he commented to his friend that he is not use to using the Seoul dialect and hence he doesn't speak much. Though both he and Yong came from Busan, Yong was able to adapt more easily than Jong, and so because of his accent he tends to speak less like he thinks about what to say really hard before speaking up. He is trying very hard now though. In recent concerts and performances he speaks up more so I guess he is gaining more confidence.
















But for me personally I love my Busan boys accent and all.





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Guest monie1909

Ok,another random post by me.

Seohyun attend SMTOWN AFTER PARTY? wonder what hubby Yong will

think about this? ahh,wth..girl should have fun after working so hard,aite..


cre:_enigMatt @ twitter

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yonghwa will be on the hahamong show next sunday

























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Guest NilyxYongSeo






Sorry to cut your post but...


As of this moment, SM TOWN Concert in Los Angeles is ON!  :D






And Seohyun and Kyuhyun had their performance again.















credits to Cat Chung









Aigoo again ?! xDD


I know it's for work and I don't blame Seohyun Unnie but I would say to the production "WHY her ?" (Imitating Tae Yeon in episode 1, when they were in the car xD)


I'm joking it's good if she can sing and shows her talent in LA ^-^ but i feel sorry for Yonghwa Oppa, they are really far from each other T.T


I miss them already (Even if I just see them last night xD)


We know that Yonghwa Oppa will certainly be jealous but he also understood her, the only thing I hope is that they send messages to them. It will be sweet x)


About Antis... In this world there are always people for and against (that's life ...)


but I think  people should stop comparing couples,  Seohyun Unnie hates being compared to  others, because everyone is different.


So if you love YongSeo couple, we love them and that's it all ! We should not pay attention to others if they don't like is their choice, even if it's a bit silly.


Because I like YongSeo couple but this doesn't mean I hate other couples.


So let's just happy to see Yonghwa and Seohyun together !!! Goguma Fighting !!!!


(I'm sure Seohyun Unnie will be proud of us xDD)


Thank ck1Oz for explanations, I understand better now !


Monie1909 : Aiggoo Seohyun Unnie is just so beautiful *-* (we can't see her left hand, too bad xDD) Other SNSD are so pretties too x)


Aah I can't wait Saturday, I really want to see where their relationship are now !!!



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Guest bezbezbez
















































































waaaa....seogoddess wore the ring during her duet with kyuhyun @SMTOWN today :)
















































basically its based on her outfit on this pic...

































































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Guest ricevol

I'm CNBlue fan, after this ep and see how they are behind the stage, definitely love them a hundred times more. Especially JH, he is so attractive, his smile and reaction just melt my heart


Does MH look super manly in here?


this pic below, oh well, it looks like her arm is linking with his...


I made this from the screencap, really wish they could be soulmate


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Guest aoi_enma
































_d3seohyun thanks a lot for the screencaps :) you`re really the queen of screencaps :wub:















































ricevol and bezbezbez thanks a lot for our couple ring ding dong moment ... :D















































Eventough seohyun held hand again w/ kyuhyun i always remembered myself that the held hand just work ... it`s the same case with Yonghwa hugging other women ... but what make we happy is they are still faithful about their ring :wub: wherever and whenever they go they still remember each other















































panGG, thanks for Yonghwa preview on HahaMong Show with Jokwon and Sulli + Jiyoung ... I see they have fun in amusement park *become remember ep 3* :D















































and ricevol i just see your screencaps ... Jonghyun so lively and Minhyuk manly ... I wish Yongseo are not only a soulmate but also destined to be together :wub: :wub:





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Guest rainie_chu

I have a question, I remember reading about this several pages back.

Which finger does Hyun wear THE ring? Right hand? Left? What about the SNSD ring? What's the difference between THE ring and the SNSD ring?

Um, help, Ring Detectives?

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Guest SophiaPia
















































































































yes! seeing they wearing their couple ring in their diff. work makes me very happy. That ring for me is a huge factor in YongSeo couple. Even though they both separated because of their work but to see they wear the ring awwwwwwwwwwww! what can i say love love love everybody clap clap clap :)
















































































Thanks for sharing all these photos. Just guessing maybe wife Hyun found out about how proud hubby Yong about the ring showing to the fans, (maybe) that's why now she's wearing the ring she just need to be careful when she dance not to lose the ring kekeke!
















































































aigoooo! i'm crazy about this YongSeo couple i hope no THE END on this couple i wish it continue even no more wgm,  become REAL. It will be lovely if it's happen. wub.gif

















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Guest kimjica
































i'm a late spazzer!!!tears.giftears.giftears.gif
















i really LOVE the episode...can't wait for the subbed video!!w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif
















when is hahamong show???i saw the preview!!!and I THINK the inki boys will going to have a surprise number for sulli???
















not sure though!!!how i wish the surprise thing is for seohyun-~a!!!!because the surprise seems romantic to me!!!!phew.gifphew.gifphew.gif
















watch it!!!!
















oh no!!!!i topped the page???!!! all i can give is the this preview...
















preview hahamong show
















sorry,fail me!!sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif









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Guest ricevol

@ rainie_chu: she wears her couple ring on the left hand since the first epi

Both of them wear the rings on the left hand.

Yes, as long as both of them still wearing the ring, I don't think other things matter

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