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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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LOL whos not liking that XD

Thanks for the info Arydex ^^

i cant wait to see if those are true or not

aaww if it's true then GUYS PROPS TO US AGAIN

Guitar + Piano?!?!!??! LOL XD

here's the clip of where Seohyun said Johnny Depp but no sub here since soshisub one seems got deleted


but you understand it lol XD

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Guest won-won
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hahah...ljphantom..here's a flying kiss for you..you're making us all HAPPY!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































supposedly held hands, (ohooo..can't wait to see if this is true)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong-hwa slipped and fell while doing some sort of mischief;
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































he bought Seo-hyun clothes, (guess he didnt let her pay this time too eh..)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































public sauna..(the day when Yoong told us Seohyun stayed out past midnight XDXD)

































































































































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OH anyway bout the holding hands


i think i also read bout that somewhere but i forgot


i just didnt want to say it here coz it's probably not true if looking at the situation with fans surrounding them


but now that arydex mentioned it again maybe it's true


there's possibility hmmm hahahahaha


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Guest jesc09

i watched the video about yonghwa's ideal type (thanks for the link, by the way!), and though i got all happy when he said what he did, i can't help feeling that he wasn't really answering the question. he never said seohyun was his ideal type, just that he liked her (basing on the translations here ;p). but kudos to him for being that considerate to his "wifE" wahha! :))

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Guest hihi_hehe








































Relationships need time...and Ideal type and wife are DIFFERENT
































maybe...hyun is not yong's ideal girl...but guess what...she is his WIFE
































We, our sweet potato lovers, just wait, relax and see what will happen between these two...
































...let's guess what happen on their first DATE...maybe one of them will be turn out to be true...that would be awsome lol





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Guest shadydoll



All right, while surfing around Korean sites, I found reports that included information about SeoHwa's activities on upcoming dates. Just remember to take some of the info with a grain of salt, as these are just reports and rumors rather than 100% verifiable facts.

Summary/translation of reports about upcoming dates:
























1. Kyobo Bookstore (reports are certain they took some psychology tests together)












2. T.G.I. Friday's (there are some reports that say they went to a cafe afterwards, where Seo-hyun got sweet potato cake and Yong-hwa got walnut pie)












3. Lotte World (rode roller-coasters, supposedly held hands, and each wore bunny ears)
























1. Insadong (walking around, eating between meals, talking)












2. Nakwon Instrument Shopping Center (Yong-hwa played on the guitar and Seo-hyun on the piano; they shared cotton candy; Yong-hwa slipped and fell while doing some sort of mischief; he bought Seo-hyun clothes)
























1. C.N. Blue's practice room












2. Public sauna (reports claim they went with C.N. Blue members sometime during the beginning of March, no later than the 4th -- so maybe the 3rd?)












via Show Pro @ Oeker 1, 2












Again, remember to take at least some of these info with a grain of salt! I just thought I might share them with fellow SeoHwa fans to satisfy the wait 'til Saturday. ;)












ripgal Yeah, I was on the BOF and EOE boards. I'm glad you still remember me! Speaking of Seo-hyun's ideal guy...












Does anyone have a link to the video in which Seo-hyun explained her reasons as to why she chose Johnny Depp? I know somebody posted screencaps of it way back, but I just wanted to watch the video. :) But I found it really interesting that the qualities she liked best in Johnny Depp are traits that can also be found in Yong-Hwa, as a lot of people are have mentioned... Also, a lot of the WGM watchers -- including netizens, journalists, and (other) non-netizens -- chose those exact or similar adjectives to describe why they like Yong-hwa, praising that he is funny, considerate, and gentle/mature. ^__^























omg thanks :D












he bought seohyun clothes? :o












thats so nice :)
























just wondering.. does anyone no if yonghwa can dance? :P












because I would love it to be Yonghwa instead of Wooyoung who danced with seohyun in be with you :wub:















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Guest ljphantom












LaBelle, thanks for the link!




won-won Oh yeah, good point! Seo-hyun could've gone to the public sauna when Yoona sent that one UFO message... (ETA: The message was sent 1:47 AM in the morning of March 4th, and Yoona said Seo-hyun hadn't come home yet from shooting, so it's very possible they were at the sauna during those late hours.)




shadydoll LOL, no, Yong-hwa can't dance. He admits it himself quite freely. XD But he's adorable nonetheless when he's doing it. Here's a blog post that introduces you to his dancing you might find interesting, if not downright hilarious to watch.








I tried to look up more info about what Yong-hwa and Seo-hyun played while they were at Nakwon Instrument Shopping Center, but no avail. I read from somewhere that Yong-hwa apparently played some guitar arpeggios and that they couldn't hear what Seo-hyun was playing, only that it seemed like she was playing well... but the fan who reported it seemed very unsure about her info, so I didn't include it in the summary.




Oh, and here are some photos of Nakwon Instrument Shopping Center so you guys can have a better idea of what it looks like:








img credit: JoongAng Ilbo, Yahoo! Korea, EnCyber, OhMyNews





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Guest hihi_hehe












































no,No, nO, NO...yong can't see that pic ><












I'm jealous for YONG












YONG can't dance, i think lol





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LOL that wooyoung seohyun (and khun with seohyun) one makes me spazz over 9pm moment LOOOOL XD






aaaah wow they went to music store


both love music so hahaha it's a good place for them


wew reminds me of that film with the song Falling Slowly hahhahaha XD


when they play music in the music store <333333


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Guest fallen*angel


Don't know why...i like this pic lol







haha I like this pic because he's like biting his lips and staring at seohyun xD


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Guest hihi_hehe
































U'r right...that was just SEXY












about the summary...my imaginative mind starts to work hoho...












they held hands?? Yong bought Hyun clothes? they played instrument together??












AWSOME...."squeal at midnight "





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Guest yanouchi








































i read some post about the kindergarten (Seohyun, gain and the other couple)..is it true?? cos someone said its false...
































some pic to share if its already posted please pm me so i can remove it...:D
































































is he reading the one that seohyun bought at book store??





































































































































































































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Guest ljphantom












hihi_hehe To be honest, I'd be surprised if they held hands (I know I mentioned it in the summary, but I was just translating the reports). Wouldn't that be rather fast for Seo-hyun? And although Yong-hwa likes skinship, he's very careful not to do it around her, knowing her personality. (Personally, I think that's just some unhappy or jealous fans exaggerating. But I do wish it was true!) Linking arms together, maybe -- more or less because we've seen a slightly blurred photo in which they might've been doing that.




yanouchi What is the kindergarten thing?





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Guest yanouchi





yanouchi What is the kindergarten thing?

its this one...its on March 3rd
Seohyun had a WGM mission shooting this morning, at some kind of children's center. One of the kid's teachers at the center posted a short account

"The staff was too stringent with our kids... they're just kids come on... Anyway just Seohyun, Gain, and Seulhye came, without the guys. Seohyun and Gain were chatting away even when the camera was off, Seulhye was quiet. The kids were just clinging to Seohyun and Gain. Shooting took 3~4 hours which would normally be too taxing for the kids and it would be a miracle if I can get the kids to listen to me for ten minutes. But they would concentrate for like 20 minutes when Seohyun talked to them. I wish kids would listen to me like that TT.TT"
































This episode is supposed to air in May so whether the 4 week trial rumor was true or not
































credit: silis7noy2 from snsd soompi
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Guest hihi_hehe
































u'r right ljphantom












Although holding hands is my wish..but it seems too fast for Hyun...anyways...wait until they hold hands, at least hyun is being comfortable with it...












about kindergarten...there was a rumor that Hyun, Gain and another girl (don't know her name ) filmed at kindergarten...I believe ?





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Guest ljphantom












yanouchi Huh, interesting. Do you know where they found this info (the original source in Korean)? But wow, May is rather far airdate for a filming that was done on March 3rd... Where were the guys at the time?




hihi_hehe I wish it too! I will die a happy fangirl if Yong-hwa does something like this to Seo-hyun (the "finger-kiss" may very well be the closest thing to a kiss we'll get, but even then it's doubtful):








img credit: evacuatewithstyle




(They showed the finger-kiss scene in Episode 13 of YB on the day Yong-hwa appeared on Strong Heart, but I can't find any YouTube clip showing that.)




Ah, well, I can dream...




ETA: You can watch the finger-kiss scene here! You don't even have to find it because it's the first scene that happens in that clip! Just imagine that it was Seo-hyun on the swing receiving Yong-hwa's "finger-kiss"... with that gentle smile on his face afterwards...





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maybe they have another mission


it's probably wivey club and hubby club bonding moment LOL


maybe he held hyun's hand smoothly like he always does hahahaah XD


so too fast or not Hyun just cant avoid it ahahaha


if they ever date round near Spao shop Yong not gonna like this pic lol XD








lol cute pic tho


DANG I Envy her legs T_T lol


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Guest ripgal
































































































































































































































































































































































ljphantom, you're back!
































































































































































































































































































Thanx for the goodies... who cares if they're 100% true. They're totally enough to last me until Sat XD
































































































































































































































































































Linking arms or not, holding hands or not, I'm very prepared to be surprised. hehehe..

































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Guest ljphantom












ripgal Just for this couple on this thread... :P But yeah, I thought it might be a nice treat to be satisfied with until Saturday. (Why isn't it Saturday yet?!) Yup, I'll be very surprised as well when that happens. Although...




LaBelle & ripgal I just remembered that they went into the Tomb of Horrors at Lotte World. Maybe that's when they held hands...? (Ah, my bias is making me grasp at straws because I desperately want to believe it's true.)





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hey there fellow seohwa shippers! I looove this couple! They're such a curious pair~ I just can't imagine how they'll turn out to be but i'm watching wgm season 2 because of them! <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Absolutely love how they're calling each other yo~ong and Hyu~un.. haha such a cuuuuute pair! cant wait to watch the next ep. woo~

































































































































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