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[Drama 2010] The Good Day When the Wind Blows 바람 불어 좋은날

Guest yeohweping

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CS? as in Cinderella Step-sister?

BTW, just to set the record straight in your mind it is Sol Ji or what we write as SJi for short not Sol Ja, which you have written as several times.

FYI, in Pure 19 which had 167 episodes, the main leads did not get married till 160th episode. There were other family diversions to keep us hanging on . .

Well let's just hope we get a DH crying scene and OB holding him. Well that would always make my fangirl heart swoon.

From the preview of tomorrow's episode, DH fainted whilst he secretly visited the old family (Jang's??? / Yoon's???) village alone . . . no family member was around to comfort him

Remember what I wrote about my suspicion on why I thot it would be DH and not MG. MG can never ever imagine doing a blood test or any investigation cos he is only a dreamer not a do-er . . .

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Yes, CS = Cinderella's Sister/Step-Sister. Ah, I was going by the cute girl early summaries that I read on here---didn't realize it was incorrect. I saw the Sol Ji spellings, but figured there were two spellings for the name, since romanization can be a problem at times.

Hmm, I never saw Pure 19. Plus my statement in regards to length was also stated with, I can't predict crud when it comes to this story. 155 eps doesn't give me the luxury. I would think 155 is way too long to wait, but meh...anything is possible.

Thanks tiki_sg understand what you mean. Strange, but it's whatever. Thanks for the clarification.

On edit:

Thanks for the preview. Wow, I had a few problems watching the streaming part. But it looked like DH found an old house, probably shack----maybe it's his old birth families old or current home. Poor guy. Oooh, but why is the mum angry at the dad?! Wahh, I wish I spoke Korean. Oh no, he fainted at the end...wahhh. I love it! :P

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It is a fixed feature set in Soompi that all URL links start with http and cannot begin with mms etc

My earlier "instruction" on how to extract the link . . .

Regarding viewing the preview, use the url link without "http", start the link from "mms"

mms__:__//vodt.kbs.co.kr/event/1tv/dra_goodday/prev66_h.wmv (without the dashes)

Just recheck on the link in your own posting and you will realise that it has also become exactly identical to the one that I posted.

This drama is a little different compared to the other earlier KBS daily drama (Jolly Widows, Likeable or Not, YAMD & As Much as Heaven and Earth), in the sense that it was quite fast and steady in terms of the love progression of the 2 leads. All of the others I mentioned only confirm/acknowledge their love for each other in the 3rd leg of the series, followed by more obstacles.

Actually, I think the mom was screaming something along the lines of not being able to stand Grandma (and for that matter, the hubby as well) anymore cos of her meddling ways (?) since she was the one who informed that DH had gone to the village on his own . . (now how would he have known where to go to UNLESS (high probability again) Grandma had another freudian slip of the loose tongue of hers.(my own speculation at this point of time). BTW, it is a Traditional Korean house not a shack, its call a Hanok.

IQ seems to have zeroed out SJun's bank account, which SJun only discovered when he went to the ATM after meeting the realtor(?).

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I should have been more careful with my words. My visual on the home---which was poor since I did mention I have problems with the streaming of the vid. I know what a Hanok is, however, I saw it as run down and very debilitated and hence my reference to it as a shack, and based on the def. of a shack I found it fitting. Yet, I guess my word choice could have been more clear. I call any shelter or home that is run down and in severe need of repairs a shack. Hmmm, Grandma again...sigh. We'll have to see but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. Poor DH. I have to say that DH seems to be dealing, and of course the clips don't do it justice, with the news rather well.

So question on SJun's he's not working for his mum any longer? Obviously I can't tell I tend to skip over his scenes with MS until subs come along---since most outlines on here are for DH-OB and anyone interacting with the main couple here. If he's not working for the mum, who's taken over his position? Because I remember one of the outlines on here said, that DH was hoping to have that position...but I could be wrong. Or is he working but not getting an allowance any more. Huh...

I noticed that it's moving rather fast for the leads, it's actually very good. I like when a story progresses this way. It has the similar cliched counterparts causing problems but overall the development is well done and logical. Of course as I mentioned KC was the only sort of annoyance, but other than that, it's well done. If let's DH-OB get together earlier than expected, maybe they're leaving the last bit for MG-SJi...but then with the actress getting, the well deserved, lead in another drama...I hope it doesn't cause a problem. Meh, who knows.

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Regarding SJun's current status.

Last time I saw him, he was still working in the office. He has had enough of his mother's intervention 1) forcing HY down his throat and 2) the alimony aka buying out his love issue, thus he packed his bag and left his birth home. He managed to spend one night in the Jang residence. But the last few nights he has been sleeping in his office. He did however, threaten his mom further, that should she persist in hurting MS further, he would not even report for work. I don't think it has come to this stage yet. I guess IQ decided to cut all financial support to SJun as form of retaliation (probably after hearing from YSH [Jang mama] that SJun had actually spent a night at their home). Hoping to reel him back into her trap and forcing him to continue seeing HY. I think SJun might have been considering getting/renting a place for himself and MS, only to discover he is now penniless, when trying to withdraw cash to make a deposit (?) . . . (again, my speculation for tomorrow's episode). Question now is SJun able to be man enough to withstand the test and be really independent of his mom - both financially and away from her manipulation. With his financial status in dire conditions, MS would then be able to proof her worth by supporting him in other ways . . . Remember what MS said to DH at the playground - that initially she was attracted to his rich status but now even if he was penniless she would still love him, no matter what. This will eventually open up IQ's tunnel vision and impression of MS and also given time, SJun should also learn to grow up and be independent, with MS support of course.

The only parts that I gloss over are when KH and/or Mr & Mrs Seo appear onscreen. I have never like watching Mr Seo even when he was in Likeable or Not.


We are not talking about his pay-day or salary. The money in his bank account should consist of all the allowances that she had been giving since he was born . . . it's practically almost like being disowned by her and cutting off all ties . . . UNLESS he relents and returns sheepishly, under her wings to do her bidding once again, like a good obedient child would . . . .

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Understood. The boy can't work for free. Huh, or maybe his pay date hasn't come yet. Your specs might be right here. Huh. Wow, so much going on in ep 73, I want to know what's in store for ep 74. You know, someone needs to tell OB what's going on here. I know that DH might not want too but someone needs too. She's worried about him. Ugh, maybe in the end he calls her or she finds him and they talk. It's too bad neither have their own place to talk privately. Maybe they can give them a moment like they did to MG and KH. I'll await your preview and information for the next ep.

Thanks again tiki_sg.

To the edit: I'm fully aware that it's his allowances that she's cut off. Since the show clearly stated that he, MS and MG did receive allowances. I was remarking to the fact that he probably uses the same account for his pay... so when she cut him off---and the account is nil. I went on to wonder----without stating that I was, about his pay because I'm like he should get paid for the work he does do and it's still money coming from his mum.

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Guest chello

someone needs to tell OB what's going on here. I know that DH might not want too but someone needs too. She's worried about him. Ugh, maybe in the end he calls her or she finds him and they talk. It's too bad neither have their own place to talk privately. Maybe they can give them a moment like they did to MG and KH.

i'm so with you, Vaberella! she has to find out asap! i'm just waiting for that particular event to take place; then i think we can have a better idea of what might happen. her reaction is important.

thanks sooooo much tiki_sg for all your efforts in translating and posting up little snippets of what's going on. it just kinda helps keep me in the loop. i wonder what happened in tonight's episode!

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Ditto for me too Chello, tiki_sg is bloody amazing for taking the time out. I was a bit out of the loop too. As for OB's reaction it's a must. Through good times and bad we have to see her perseverance. Plus, I want to see her there for him, like when he was down about not being promoted and how she cheered him up. I want to see her do something like that again for him. Lately, he's been giving a lot for her, from defending her against MR, his family, and fighting with her dad to date her. I'd like to see her take the helm for him too (although she did to it with her dad for him too). But something more public where he's aware of her actions.

Thanks cute girl for the box torrent. It is very appreciated. I can't wait to see ep 72. So ep 73 airs today or tomorrow?

Just saw ep 72. Well of course I didn't know what was going on. I just know there was a lot of crying. Ugh, MG needs a beating. His drama opened a can of worms that might never have seen the light of day or if it did, it wouldn't happen for a while longer. Now he's not crying any more and I have to see my man cry. MG should be crying for inadvertently causing his brother this pain. Yeah, I realize I'm a bit more critical to MG than necessary, he was such a punk about it though---when this family (if it wasn't his) treated him right and saw him as blood. I don't see why the freak out. Now I have DH crying, and it's heartbreaking and the Oma is crying. Ugh, it's too much. However I have to say that DH is handling it very well, he cried like a man, a reddish eye and one tear sliding down the face. Very handsome dramatic. He wasn't a weeping mess like MG was. Poor OB is still oblivious to the drama going on with her man, but she's growing more concerned, I can't wait until she does find out. Probably from MG, I'm thinking. And I skipped over the MS/SJ parts.

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Translation of Ep. 73 written preview. (Pardon my grammar and errors. I'm really terrible when it comes to translatting written Korean to English)

Upon hearing about his biological parents from Jung Nam, Dae Han decides to go see his dead parents. Dae Han finds out unexpected truth and is shocked when he goes to Jang Nam’s homeland. On the other hand, Sang Jun realized that his cards are blocked when he was ready to put down payment on the rental (room). On the other hand, getting phone call from Geut-Soon regarding secret to Dae Han’s birth, Jung Nam tells Sun-Hee the truth. Oh Bok who is worried of unusually quiet Dae Han, meets Min Gook and find out events that has been going on and upon finding out about Dae Han’s birth, she looks for him….

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I can't wait to see ep 72. So ep 73 airs today or tomorrow?

Just saw ep 72. Well of course I didn't know what was going on. I just know there was a lot of crying. Ugh, MG needs a beating. His drama opened a can of worms that might never have seen the light of day or if it did, it wouldn't happen for a while longer. Now he's not crying any more and I have to see my man cry. MG should be crying for inadvertently causing his brother this pain. Yeah, I realize I'm a bit more critical to MG than necessary, he was such a punk about it though---when this family (if it wasn't his) treated him right and saw him as blood. I don't see why the freak out. Now I have DH crying, and it's heartbreaking and the Oma is crying. Ugh, it's too much. However I have to say that DH is handling it very well, he cried like a man, a reddish eye and one tear sliding down the face. Very handsome dramatic. He wasn't a weeping mess like MG was. Poor OB is still oblivious to the drama going on with her man, but she's growing more concerned, I can't wait until she does find out. Probably from MG, I'm thinking. And I skipped over the MS/SJ parts.

Lol, you've just gotten Ep 72, of course Ep 73 is tomorrow's episode.

DH is one hell of a considerate son. He does his inquiry discreetly asking each person for info to piece together himself. He even arranged to meet his dad outside, knowing how his "mom" is also hurting right now. Though he looks composed on the outside, he is breaking up bit by bit on the inside . . . in addition, he hasn't been getting required rest, which I guess will result in the fainting incident in Ep 73.

Seeing the number of times DH had to try to hold back his tears tonight makes me think of MG's brawling/brooding/wallowing in self-pity episodes look like he was just simply shedding crocodiles' tears.

Credits : Screen-cap / upload : tiki_sg

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At the clinic, just after receiving the shocking news


In the car, upon reflecting further what had transpired the past few days.

It is amazing how his tears just welled-up in a matter of seconds in this scene

(makes me put him almost on par with my other darling actor KNG)



After "confronting" his parents and upon seeing his "mom" cry


Beautiful moment between "son" & "mom",

though emotionally he is wrecked, his heart still goes out to his "mom" when she is crying


Composed on the outside when others are around,

but dad caught his despondent look during dinner


Mind and body are not one, oblivious to his surroundings


Listening to what Dad had to say about his biological mom


My apologies, I am such a sucker for male actors who do a darn good job at sad, emotional scenes.

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^^ Agreed without being overly dramatic about it---which makes them look a bit silly. When it comes to the eps, I'm at a loss as to what comes out when. Since I'm at ep 15 for the subbed parts, but apparently KBSW is up to 38/39 now. I'm living abroad now and don't have a tv, so I live on the forums to get updated info---so I'm never quite clear on what's going on with the eps coming out. I'm used to waiting 24 hours or more for an ep. Not to mention I was under the impression the eps were released once a day everyday (but I think only the Jdoramas do that) and then I found out it's only 5, or I'm assuming so. So I'm really not on top of the release of eps---hence the reason I asked.

Anyway back to the script. His scenes were really something for me. JYH is doing a brilliant job. I'm very impressed with this drama. Thanks for the clips.

I'm waiting for OB right now. <---I sound like she's coming over to my house or something. :D

Edit for a question: Is anyone making banners/sigs, or avatars for this show? Maybe wallpapers? I haven't seen any yet, and since I don't know what programs to use to make my own I've been hoping someone else would do it. Unless someone can tell me some programs and I'll create some and post them on the thread. :D

Edit for question no.2: Has OB told DH she loves him? I was watching ep 63 around 11:55-11:59 and I'm not sure if she tells him she loves him then. I know that in 61 DH told OB that he loves her, but I haven't heard OB say it, or I'm not sure if she does in ep. 63.

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Screen-caps of Ep 72 from Korean Media News





When it comes to the eps, I'm at a loss as to what comes out when. Since I'm at ep 15 for the subbed parts, but apparently KBSW is up to 38/39 now. I'm living abroad now and don't have a tv, so I live on the forums to get updated info---so I'm never quite clear on what's going on with the eps coming out. I'm used to waiting 24 hours or more for an ep. Not to mention I was under the impression the eps were released once a day everyday (but I think only the Jdoramas do that) and then I found out it's only 5, or I'm assuming so. So I'm really not on top of the release of eps---hence the reason I asked.

Kdrama episodes are still released one ep per day (be it daily or 2x weekly series), unless it is for exceptional cases like the opening eps for "Giant", the network decided to release first 2 eps back-to-back. One tip is to look at the filename details. All Korean drama filenames have the date of broadcast, unless you are now just DLing the old series, then these files may only have the ep # in its description. E.g., from Semi-fly's postings about CB episode DLs and you can see the broadcast date, alternatively when you DL from Cutegirl's torrent, the DL file also has the broadcast date (of course based on KST)..

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Guest chello

Woahhhh. So to be honest at first I wasn't looking forward to this "adopted child" arc ... but seeing the screencaps of JYH's acting makes me want to watch it! I just set myself up for the pain, i know. :lol: But good to see him be so mature about it. We see the parents' reaction to his response at the knowledge that not their biological child, i wonder what his other siblings will say. Esp MG, who went on a crybaby spree upon hearing the news. However might i say that was a pretty speedy resolution of that particular story arc. The revelation and resolution in what, 3-4 episodes? Thank God it wasn't dragged out any further than that.

Since like tiki_sg has said, DH is one hell of a considerate son, I hope the parents (and grandmother!) will take this into consideration and allow him the blessing to proceed with his intention to marry OB. Since she and DR are pretty much the reason for his smiles most of the time. HAHAHA okay i know, very shallow of me just to keep shipping the two, but I can't help myself. LOL.

I'm sure most of us by now know that the actress playing SolJi has been cast in the MBC drama with Yoochun ... I'm just wondering if this means she fades out, like KC has in the story ... leaving room for MG and KH to actually get together? That's a bit sad, because I always thought MG and SolJi were SO good for each other!

Thanks tiki_sg and vaberella and mommieAlice for keeping this thread alive! Very much looking forward to tonight's episode where OB goes to look for him ... if she does, it's about time! :lol:

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Guest winwetty

i've been a silent reader for a while but after watching Episode 71 and 72 now i can keep myself anymore. At first i followed this drama just becoz of Kim So Eun but now at last i falling deeply in love with Jin Yi Han's character. He's crying scene really making me sad..

anyway i would like to thanks to you all for the caps, spoiler and wonderfull episode summary. Thanks guys for sharing.

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Kdrama episodes are still released one ep per day (be it daily or 2x weekly series), unless it is for exceptional cases like the opening eps for "Giant", the network decided to release first 2 eps back-to-back. One tip is to look at the filename details. All Korean drama filenames have the date of broadcast, unless you are now just DLing the old series, then these files may only have the ep # in its description. E.g., from Semi-fly's postings about CB episode DLs and you can see the broadcast date, alternatively when you DL from Cutegirl's torrent, the DL file also has the broadcast date (of course based on KST)..

You blew my mind. I seriously did not know this. I actually don't dl the CG versions, I've been doing MU for all my work. Thanks though. I seriously wasn't aware of this.

Hey do you know if OB told DH that she loved him? I had mentioned it in another post. But no answer yet.

Woahhhh. So to be honest at first I wasn't looking forward to this "adopted child" arc ... but seeing the screencaps of JYH's acting makes me want to watch it! I just set myself up for the pain, i know. :lol: But good to see him be so mature about it. We see the parents' reaction to his response at the knowledge that not their biological child, i wonder what his other siblings will say. Esp MG, who went on a crybaby spree upon hearing the news. However might i say that was a pretty speedy resolution of that particular story arc. The revelation and resolution in what, 3-4 episodes? Thank God it wasn't dragged out any further than that.

Since like tiki_sg has said, DH is one hell of a considerate son, I hope the parents (and grandmother!) will take this into consideration and allow him the blessing to proceed with his intention to marry OB. Since she and DR are pretty much the reason for his smiles most of the time. HAHAHA okay i know, very shallow of me just to keep shipping the two, but I can't help myself. LOL.

I'm sure most of us by now know that the actress playing SolJi has been cast in the MBC drama with Yoochun ... I'm just wondering if this means she fades out, like KC has in the story ... leaving room for MG and KH to actually get together? That's a bit sad, because I always thought MG and SolJi were SO good for each other!

Thanks tiki_sg and vaberella and mommieAlice for keeping this thread alive! Very much looking forward to tonight's episode where OB goes to look for him ... if she does, it's about time! :lol:

I had to admit it as well. I was not a fan of that direction. Although I still feel that, that point is a bit contrived I get the feeling it might move the story around. DH might tell MR about her son, and his son about her mum because of his situation. He also might tell OB about what's going on because of this revelation. It does make things easier. And when he tells OB about MR/DR relationship this actually might make her more sympathetic if she finds out that he's also been having a hard time. Anyway this is my hope. In any event JYH is definitely a very good actor and I'm enjoying his portrayal on screen. I really feel for him, while MG was just a bit too OTT for me. While I thought MG's portrayal was on this over the top betrayal which is hardly the case. While I find DH is very adult about it, he's hurt probably because he's dealing with the revelation which does make you pause, but he also seems to understand his parents reasoning which is the most important.

I really hope not. I really hope that I don't see KH/MG. But if that does happen MG would been an all mighty hypocrite. I just find that him being against, initially, the DH/OB pairing but going through his own massive age difference romance is very silly. Whatever...I hope SJi stays, I adore her. Plus I like her sort of goofiness with MG. I have another question...when these people sign on to do a drama aren't they required to complete the contract? I'm just asking, since she's a decent actress, and I'm sure the netizens love her---I do, can't they have her commit to this show before she begins her other one? Obviously I don't want her to fade out. <_<

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Okay let me try to address some of the concerns regarding cast members being in more than one drama series simultaneously (even across different networks). I have noticed over the years that actors/actresses have been able to tossle between filming of different concurrent drama as well as movies at the same time, so this is nothing new.

From what I can see, if required, Jung Da Young's character SJi may be downplayed for the next 2 months or so, making a "complimentary" appearance once in a while just to keep her character alive, since there's SJi's joint partnership with MG . . . UNLESS the production team decide to write off her character totally and make SJi dissolve the partnership and move away, but to where, since she has been living in that neighbourhood for at least 10 years. With OB marrying DH and moving out, we will have less scenes at SJi's apt. Work projects scenes will be reduced and probably transitional increase in frequency on KH-MG "romance". Since JDY's new project is a mini-series (about 8 weeks long), and daily dramas usually last about 6 months, I am expecting GDWWB to end probably around July/August. So that may mean that there will be sufficient time for JDY to return & resume more prominently to her role as SJi and hopefully sky-rocket the MG-SJi relationship . . .

Regarding news of "성균관스캔들", there's still no concrete news as yet on when it is suppose to air (if I am not mistaken). Also some news report the series as under KBS whereas others report it as under MBC . . . :wacko:

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Guest crystal_eyez

OMG, I feel sooo out of the loop. Thanks for all your hard work in keeping everyone updated tiki_sg! The drama moves so fast--I only missed a week of the episodes and now I find this whole new arc about DH not being the biological son of the Jang parents?...wow, just...wow. And those heartbreaking, MANLY tears are to die for! I feel so bad for DH--he's holding everything in it seems, and he looks so disconnected with his surroundings. I hope OB comes to the rescue soon. DH really needs to share everything that's going on with OB. Undergoing hardships together will help bring their relationship to another level.

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