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Kim Hyun Joong attending Jeon Doo Hwan’s birthday become a controversy

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Receiving harsh criticism and hate from Netizens

SS501’s member Kim HyunJoong is currently mad due to the controversy that is encompassing him in Korea. This controversy of this matter involves the ex-president of Korea, Jeon DooHwan.

What is it exactly that the netizens and citizens are making a fuss about?

In Korea on the 18th, the news reported that Kim HyunJoong had gone to the birthday celebration for the former president of the Republic of Korea. This could seem like a simple birthday celebration, however, the fact is that it wasn’t

Many of you guys may not know about the reputation Jeon DooHwan has in Korea. Many of you guys might not also know that some Koreans are just waiting patiently for his death.


Jeon DooHwan was the president that caused one of the most notorious act in Korea, also called the “Gwangju Democratization Movement.” Before, Jeon DooHwan had pressured Koreans under the military power, basically making sure that everyone was following him. However, in Gwangju, several hundreds of citizens gathered together and formed a “movement” for the democracy in the government. Unfortunately, the armed forces were too much for the weak citizens to handle, and along with the movement, several hundreds of the citizens were brutally massacre in 2 days, causing a short period of war between the citizens of Korea. This wasn’t his only mistake, but one of the mistakes he is critized the most for.

Jeon DooHwan celebrated his eightieth birthday in Korea, and a suprising guest came on to the scene, and it was no other than Kim HyunJoong. When the news first came on to the scene, it was said that DSP Media had no idea Kim HyunJoong had attended this event. However, it was revealed that he had actually been there at the event and DSP announced once again that HyunJoong had gone there with someone else that knew the former president. DSP Media also made sure to emphasize the point that Kim HyunJoong had only been there “for a while.”

According to one photographer that was present in the birthday scene, he revealed that Kim HyunJoong waited in line along with the other guest to greet the president, and eventually ended up meeting the former president and shaking his hand as well. The controversy continues with Kim HyunJoong’s journal entry he posted, HyunJoong was mad about all the response that came to him and he continued on about how he was taken to the birthday party and hedidn’t have a choice at all.

MeanWhile, Kim HyunJoong’s agency DSP Media is saying their side of story in the company’s official site.


Hi everybody, this is DSP media

Since yesterday, a lot of people after reading Hyun Joong’s report, tried via many methods to enquire about this matter.

We think we should at least let TS know the entire process of Hyun Joong went to the location in the news report.

The detail is as the followings:

18 January, yesterday is CEO, Lee Ho Yeon’s birthday

That night other than Jung Min who was filming ‘Human Theatre’, we have scheduled appointment together with Hyun Joong, Kyu Jong, Young Saeng and Hyung Jun to have dinner together.

Before going to the appointment place,

Hyun Joong who originally had other schedule in the day, went to the discussion location together with the CEO,

On the way, the CEO received a call

On the way they went in for a while then left and proceed to the appointment location as scheduled.

Without any intention or planning, this incident just happened coincidently

There’s no room for choice

Hyun Joong was not used to receiving bad comments and seems to receive quite hurt by it.

Whether stay for 1 minute or 10 minute, no matter what is the situation at the moment.

Just making an issue by going or not going, although we don’t expect everybody will understand.

But we hope you should write the article after understanding the truth.

s:DSP Media, ENG trans:ss501ufo


cr to kbites

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Guest hyunjoong<3

My poor HyunJoong oppa ... I feel so bad for him

I don't like seeing him like that.

There are so many news, I don't know what i'm supposed to believe. I'm so confused

Leader, your green pea princesses are with you NO MATTER WHAT

HJL fighting ♥

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Guest susukiss

Wow this is really unbelievable.

Soompiers, before you start bashing on netizens for overreacting, this is a really serious situation. This man was a really corrupt president who used the military force to silence Korea under his "reign." I'm still really young and lack a lot of knowledge about Korean history, but my parents were active demonstrators against Doohwan during their college years. In many ways, to the Koreans he can be viewed similarily to other notorious and unjust presidents/leaders around the world.

Anyways, I can't believe Hyunjoong attended his birthday party. That's so scandalous and.. unthinkable. What kind of situation was he EXACTLY in that forced him against his own will to go there? DSP's statement is really vague....

Man my mom's going to flip when she hears this. -_-;;;

Good luck to Hyungjoong and DSP handling this.

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Guest yoojeong

Wow this is really unbelievable.

Soompiers, before you start bashing on netizens for overreacting, this is a really serious situation. This man was a really corrupt president who used the military force to silence Korea under his "reign." I'm still really young and lack a lot of knowledge about Korean history, but my parents were active demonstrators against Doohwan during their college years. In many ways, to the Koreans he can be viewed similarily to other notorious and unjust presidents/leaders around the world.

Anyways, I can't believe Hyunjoong attended his birthday party. That's so scandalous and.. unthinkable. What kind of situation was he EXACTLY in that forced him against his own will to go there? DSP's statement is really vague....

Man my mom's going to flip when she hears this. -_-;;;

Good luck to Hyungjoong and DSP handling this.

WORD. My mum goes insane when his name is mentioned on the news.

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Guest SleepiiDreamer

wow D: hyunjoong really is in deep on this one.

well the official statement was kinda vague.

if its not hyunjoong's fault, could he be blamed?

but since jeon doohwan is so heavily despised,

this might be hard to get out of for KHJ.

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Guest crazii3me

oh wow... hes finally on top of k entertainment and made a name for himself and this happens... its so confusing why hes there... anyways wish him the best of luck

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Guest Dorkiilove
Tsk tsk, stick to kpop and dramas, Hyun Joong. Claiming ignorance on this one is just going to make you look like a huge richard simmons.
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Guest sweetflower

Man, what's up with all the boy groups' leaders - first jay, then gd, then now hyunjoong?!? I emphathized with green peas cuz I know how it felt like when gd was/is in hot water...best luck to him, and green peas keep the faith...

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Guest loveex3

Wow this is really unbelievable.

Soompiers, before you start bashing on netizens for overreacting, this is a really serious situation. This man was a really corrupt president who used the military force to silence Korea under his "reign." I'm still really young and lack a lot of knowledge about Korean history, but my parents were active demonstrators against Doohwan during their college years. In many ways, to the Koreans he can be viewed similarily to other notorious and unjust presidents/leaders around the world.

Anyways, I can't believe Hyunjoong attended his birthday party. That's so scandalous and.. unthinkable. What kind of situation was he EXACTLY in that forced him against his own will to go there? DSP's statement is really vague....

Man my mom's going to flip when she hears this. -_-;;;

Good luck to Hyungjoong and DSP handling this.


My parents, including the rest of Korean citizens, despise him.

What was he thinking to be attending his birthday party?

This is pretty ignorant on Kim Hyunjoong's part.

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Guest MizzprEEETy

Poor Hyun Joong.

First off all, HJ was in line to shake the "president" hand but it somehow end up being replaced by "former president"...and as a HJ fan, he is the type to show elder respect despite how he may feel toward the person. So looking at it, I think he just didn't want to be rude....suck that it became a bad choice.

I wish him well.

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it's unfortunate for him coz he's in the middle of this...

he might didn't have an idea how the people would react to him attending his birthday..

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