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Hi everyone! I'm really interested in finding girls that wanna start a k pop dance cover group in richmond/DT. just get together once or however many times a week to choregraph and dance k mtv routines and maybe record them for fun on youtube. I would really like to find a dedicated group of girls just to have fun and stay healthy at the same time! please respond or email me @ tttiny@hotmail.com! thanks :)

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Guest ErikAoki

Hello, I haven't been here for a loooong time, sorry.

I'm already in Canada for 2 days, so far everything is great!

People are so friendly, food is cheap, a lot, A LOT of asians, pretty and stylish clothes, everything is new for me.

The weather is awesome too, at first I was like: Ohhhh, what a nice cold!

But now it's starting to be too cold...haha

My homestay is in North Vancouver, it's a nice homestay!

And I've been walking most of the time, for like everywhere.

Today I'm going shopping, maybe get my cellphone and clothes, any place to recommend? :3

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Buy an umbrella if you haven't already lol.
i'll be honest, almost all of my clothes i buy from hong kong.
buy a transit pass if you find yourself needing to get around a lot cause you aint walking far.
the large cell phone carriers are rogers, fido, and bell. there are other budget phone carriers such as mobilicity and koodo, but the difference between large carriers and budget carriers are their frequencies, area of coverage, and reliability. the phone selection isn't much for any of them, the "newer" phones are usually unlocked foreign ones.

if you are finding the climate to be cold, you are best to wear in loose layers as opposed to one thick and heavy layer. ideally the inner layers are thin and breathable, and the outer layer would be heavier and perhaps waterproof. our kind of cold, is wet cold, as opposed to dry cold. wet cold = miserable cold. water retains heat, or lack of heat, better than air does, so that means you need to stay dry, especially when it rains
if you don't know what waterproof is, to me, there are 2 kinds of waterproof: true waterproof and false waterproof. these are not technical terms, but rather something i've made up to easier explain.
false waterproof happens when the article of clothing, presumably the outer being polyester or nylon, begins to smear water (that is, to cause water to form a film), or even absorb the water. the water is said to stick.
true waterproof does not smear water or absorb water at all. if you splash the outer surface, any excess water will quickly roll off where physically possible. that being said, not all the water will roll off. water will form hemispherical (duh) beads that can move around if disturbed; this is unlike in false waterproof, where water forms films and sticks. while the water has formed beads, if you shake or hit the surface, the beads will jump off, and ultimately the garment does not retain any water.
you can't really feel whether or not a garment is waterproof, only by observation when it rains. rain jackets are pretty popular here, and you can find them at sport chek or atmosphere. i personally do not wear rain jackets when it rains because my umbrella suffices, and partially because rain jackets are expensive, but to each their own. i use a true waterproof parka when it snows though.
hope that helps so you dont have to learn the hard way

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ErikAoki

Oh, my 'homestay parents' have maaaany umbrellas here (most of them are broken, but...haha).Humm, I was looking for some clothes, but the nice ones are reeeeeally expensive, like...$150~250+ T_T
I bought it and I lost it (yeah...), fortunately I lost it in the end of the month (2 days ago), so I'll just get some faresavers for 2 zones.
Yeah...the plans are kinda expensive and I'll probably buy my Iphone 5 from Apple, since it's the only place I can get an unlocked one...
Oh, since they are soooooooo expensive, I'm just wearing the ones I brought from Brazil, they are not that good, but...maybe it's enough...haha.
The only time I wore some water proof clothes was when I went skiing, it was sooo nice, even though my instructor wasn't that good and I didn't learn how to 'slow down' properly...
Now, I'm looking for entertaining places. Do you know any? :3

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  • 1 month later...
Guest travisd

achu said: Buy an umbrella if you haven't already lol.
i'll be honest, almost all of my clothes i buy from hong kong.
buy a transit pass if you find yourself needing to get around a lot cause you aint walking far.
the large cell phone carriers are rogers, fido, and bell. there are other budget phone carriers such as mobilicity and koodo, but the difference between large carriers and budget carriers are their frequencies, area of coverage, and reliability. the phone selection isn't much for any of them, the "newer" phones are usually unlocked foreign ones.

if you are finding the climate to be cold, you are best to wear in loose layers as opposed to one thick and heavy layer. ideally the inner layers are thin and breathable, and the outer layer would be heavier and perhaps waterproof. our kind of cold, is wet cold, as opposed to dry cold. wet cold = miserable cold. water retains heat, or lack of heat, better than air does, so that means you need to stay dry, especially when it rains
if you don't know what waterproof is, to me, there are 2 kinds of waterproof: true waterproof and false waterproof. these are not technical terms, but rather something i've made up to easier explain.
false waterproof happens when the article of clothing, presumably the outer being polyester or nylon, begins to smear water (that is, to cause water to form a film), or even absorb the water. the water is said to stick.
true waterproof does not smear water or absorb water at all. if you splash the outer surface, any excess water will quickly roll off where physically possible. that being said, not all the water will roll off. water will form hemispherical (duh) beads that can move around if disturbed; this is unlike in false waterproof, where water forms films and sticks. while the water has formed beads, if you shake or hit the surface, the beads will jump off, and ultimately the garment does not retain any water.
you can't really feel whether or not a garment is waterproof, only by observation when it rains. rain jackets are pretty popular here, and you can find them at sport chek or atmosphere. i personally do not wear rain jackets when it rains because my umbrella suffices, and partially because rain jackets are expensive, but to each their own. i use a true waterproof parka when it snows though.
hope that helps so you dont have to learn the hard way

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  • 1 month later...
Guest kpopmeetsvancouver

Any (preferably Koreans, but idc) asian ppl out there who wants to create a cover band? (looking for singers mainly)

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