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Gong Hyo Jin 공효진


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I missed the 12AM KST one and will probably missed the 9PM KST too -_- Timezone haha.. 8AM was too early for me to wake up and 5AM = I' will be asleep. But I guess I'll be tweeting throughout the day. :)>-


Update from Soop


4월 4일!!
날씨마저 사랑스러운~ 오늘은 무슨 날?

바로! 사랑스러운 '공효진' 배우의 생일이랍니다~♡

공효진 배우의 생일을 맞이해서 여러분께 생일 축하용 사진 투척!

언제나 사랑스럽게 반짝반짝 빛나는 공효진 배우 보시면서~ 행복한 하루 되세요!

더 많은 사진은 숲 홈페이지(www.soopent.com)를 방문하시면 보실 수 있답니다~^^

ps. 오늘 생일을 맞아 SNS를 통해 축하해주신 모든 팬분들께도 감사드립니다!*^ㅡ^*
# April 4, Gong Hyo-Jin!!
Even the weather is lovely-what day is today?

Right away! Lovely ' ball Hyo-Jin ' an actor's birthday-♡ ball dear in the actor's birthday lecture by Hyo-Jin birthday celebration photos for throwing!

Always lovingly twinkling ball Hyo-Jin as you learn ~ happy day!

More photos please visit the website (www.soopent.com) to the forest, where you can see the ~ ps ^^. today's birthday I would like to celebrate all the fans mins via SMS who ... thank you! * ^


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Guest popcherrypop

Here's mine!


There are probably more than 34 reasons but it’s your 34th birthday so I’m capping it at that - don’t get too greedy :D

Happy birthday, Ms. Gongvely. Burn bright, continue kicking asses and upping your swag!

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Guest marikolah


I saw a photo of her in one of the recent news articles and chanced upon the rest of the pictures in the set. 

1. http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=rinayoyo635&logNo=601047502832. http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/culture/music/631148.html
3. http://sstv.hankyung.com/?c=news&m=v&nid=230154

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Guest netongg

GHJ got best dressed :-bd :-bd
(베스트) 공효진 : 시크한 시스루 패션이다. 브래지어와 흡사한 미니크롭 브라렛(Bralet)과 숏츠를 입고 시스루 트렌치를 매치해 유니크한 느낌이 든다. 전문가들은 "섹시한 시스루룩에 위트있는 선글라스를 매칭해 패션의 완성도를 높였다"고 입을 모았다.

source here

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Guest popcherrypop

Some updates... I have laid most submitted pieces (I capped it at two pages per person except for @mabelialong cos' she has so many!) and they are near-final, except for some - have PM-ed the relevant guys already. @mabelialong: Possible to send me a hi-res version of the red fanart with the text?


And now, I'm working on the 34-track fanmix D:

Last but not least, I'll be eternally grateful to those who can spare some time to select great and meaning tweets along with username from this hashtag: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23HappyBirthday%EA%B3%B5%ED%9A%A8%EC%A7%84&src=typd...

... and paste them into this file: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AleJ63bq5wmIdEoweng1UGpva2VrbU5aaWFWWVlSRUE&usp=sharing#gid=16


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@shipper91, Your GHJ birthday video is awesome!!! I especially love the first part and I have been wishing someone would make a video or gif out that GHJ scene where she was the cutest to me(she wore a blue dress). She makes that look sexy. ;)

Happy birthday, GHJ. >:D<

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Happy birthday onnie!!! so much fun last night, enjoyed twitter party with hastag #HappyBirthday공효진 tens people around world wishing you all the best!

A very interesting story... today, my cousin give a birth to a girl... exactly at the same day with ghj onnie! my cousin and her husband both are aries, then their daughter is aries as well... I wonder how they will be like in the future :D so double happy for me today, but most likely I wont able to join second twitter party tonight... bian everyone... :(

once again gong hyo jin onnie, CHUKAEEE!!! <:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P
I ADORE YOU, \m/  \m/ \m/
I HEART YOU,  :x :x :x :x :x
I CHERRY YOU! :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

  • When you have bad days, Remember that there will be always good days after bad days
  • When you respect and love the others genuinely, generously, honestly, then you will get double respect and love from the others...
  • When do you do and give your best, you'll get the best for you! :)>-
  • and wish all the best for you onnie.... :D
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Guest netongg

''Make A Wish" From @sojisubfanatics on Twitter 

me: its look a real cake made by themselves?? :-? :-bd

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Guest clalenny



"HaPpy BirThDaY" unnie...  <:-P <:-P <:-P <:-P
Wishing you many more happy days gains. May God bless you with prosperity, good health and peaceful life. Never doubt yourself. You're always the best. Just continue to be that way. Happy Birthday *IwannaHugUFirst... 

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Guest clalenny



May your birthday and every day be filled with the warmth of sunshine, the happiness of smiles, the sounds of laughter, the feeling of love and the sharing of good cheer.Wish you all the very best, all the joy you can ever have and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come! May you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! <:-P <:-P <:-P

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