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Gong Hyo Jin 공효진


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OMG @yumenas

Thanks a million my dear

& all great fans of GHJ



episode 12 of TGL,

gosh! Daebak :o)

My wish for GHJ

& all great fans here,

May all be happy & 'stress' free kk

God bless


Cr: owners


http://youtu.be/74M2xiEjxek :x

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@readlead From 03:08 onwards, they talk about Project 577.
Reporter: The trip may be hard, but it seems you guys have plenty of time to talk.GHJ: He made me listen to his Army story from the beginning until the end. (Even though I hated it) I couldn't stop his talk.HJW: Seems like it's the part I lost my mind.Reporter: HJW may heard her story, too?HJW: She brought her dog "Mimi" with us. The person who came to repair something at HyoJin's house had feet smell. Mimi took care of ahjussi's feet smell and puked on his feet. That dog is a really honest dog. Reporter: GHJ-ssi, if you receive an award, what is your resolution?GHJ: I'll do another trip. Reporter, HJW: Ohhhhhhh!GHJ: With HJW.

GHJ: Please come and see how interesting the movie is.HJW: Please have warm........meal!!!GHJ, HJW: Happy New Year!

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@sin hoonsim
You are in the top of page. Please edit your post and add your hope for GHJ and also for us. Okay? ;) Thank you. :)>-
Guys, i think applying this habits, it's good idea, right? ^^
readlead said: @yumenas thanks for that info about onnie and gosoo, I checked the link and so surprise to read this part : But somehow the rumors spreads that she was Ko Soo 's girl friend for the long 4 years. But another rumors  says she is Ryu Seung Beom 's ( The Beauty and The Beast) girl friend. Which one is actually true, only them who knows.  :-O the article was posted at Saturday, August 14, 2010, I am curious from where she got this info? though this is just the rumour in past, but somehow I still feel a little curious... because other than goo so, I also read that onnie was dating with rain bi while at the same time, onnie was with RSB... mmm.. well never mind, its all are past now.

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Guest cassia_lela

@readlead no honey, I mean other fans ^_^ well, you can see in the other thread... that's why I really think that unni is lucky to have a special spot for HJW :x

I just watched it :)) and yes, HJW's expression is really funny. when Suzy, he's like "whatever" then when unni was asking, he immediately looked at her, and just smile, since unni smile first also :))

@yumenas MEEEEEE!!!! me one of choose him... argh... pray hard that unni will act with him, eventhough I yet to watch his movie, but just read article about him, anything make me want his more and more

thank you for the picture, seems like many of unni fans also like LJJ :x

thank you Hubilai :* yet to read it full, since Im still in office

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@yumenas : "Hmm, who whould choose Lee Jung Jae as GHJ co-star? I call : shisuisen, freakloverxx, sunnyK, cassia_lela ? Who else?"

why dont you call me??? I chosee him too!

My top 3 of last cherry's poll : jung wo sung, kim myung min and lee jung jae. @popcherrypop, you know why I didnt chose any of names that I requested? blame it to @freakloverxx ! because of her post about lee jung jae, I changed my mind in the end :))

Those pics are really funny and cute! I can imagine if this two work togther, they'll have really great chemistry!!! also their personality is quite similar, isnt? :D

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Guest netongg

article of GHJ, again abt the 'sue' news :-< class="at_ttl" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; list-style: none; font-size: 30px; line-height: 35px; letter-spacing: -0.03em; clear: both; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"Advertisement Agency Files Charges Against Actress Gong Hyo Jingong-hyo-jin.jpg

full article here

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Guest kreesna

Thanks @hubilai for the translation :x
hubilai said: @readlead From 03:08 onwards, they talk about Project 577.
Reporter: The trip may be hard, but it seems you guys have plenty of time to talk.GHJ: He made me listen to his Army story from the beginning until the end. (Even though I hated it) I couldn't stop his talk.HJW: Seems like it's the part I lost my mind.Reporter: HJW may heard her story, too?HJW: She brought her dog "Mimi" with us. The person who came to repair something at HyoJin's house had feet smell. Mimi took care of ahjussi's feet smell and puked on his feet. That dog is a really honest dog. Reporter: GHJ-ssi, if you receive an award, what is your resolution?GHJ: I'll do another trip. Reporter, HJW: Ohhhhhhh!GHJ: With HJW.

GHJ: Please come and see how interesting the movie is.HJW: Please have warm........meal!!!GHJ, HJW: Happy New Year!

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Guest freakloverxx

Heyyyy dont blame me, @readlead. blame the super adorable ajuhssi who made our hearts melt during the 20 secs sweet interaction with unnie  :-\" and omo thanks for those lovely pics of HaGong couple <33333 They are very comfortable around each other and look so much like a real couple.  and @hubilai dear, thanks so much for the translations. u r an angel ^^
and @yumenas, babe, those LJJxGHJ pics are so cute and adorable. u made my day..so glad dc fans made the sparkling chemistry into pictures even if it means cropping and photoshopping their pictures side by side. thye sure are bunch of funny people. 
anyway, i just finished watching M and Happiness. and I gotta say I prefer Happiness more. While M made my head dizzy most of the times, Happiness is truly a beautiful movie although a lil bit slow paced at first. and GHJ is freaking beautiful in Happiness :) . She's so tiny and slender. and her skin looks so smooth. I envy you,unnie.
Some caps from Happiness that I made..So beautiful ^^ Nomu areumdawoooo ^^
How dare u ajuhssi calling my beloved unnie, napeunNyon?? Just because u r hot and awesome.. [-X9luy.png   
So sexyyy..somehow reminds me of HaGong couple in Love Fiction.lvxh.png

Shooooo sweeettt :x and great acting as usual. k7vh.png1gpd.png

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Guest popcherrypop

Ehhh, a news piece on the upcoming It's Okay, It's Love, a series that GHJ was formally considering just came out about 20 minutes ago. 
Now, I'm not sure whether both leads have confirmed their participation but from what I can make out of Google's translation, it sounds like the series has been slotted in for a July broadcast right after You're All Surrounded. Here's the text in Korean:


[TV리포트=조혜련 기자] 노희경 작가의 신작이 SBS로 편성 확정됐다.

한 연예 관계자는 10일 TV리포트에 “노희경 작가와 김규태 감독의 신작 ‘괜찮아, 사랑이야’가 SBS로 편성 확정됐다”면서 “오는 여름 시청자들과 만나기 위해 준비 중이다. 수목 드라마가 될 가능성이 높다”고 밝혔다.

‘괜찮아, 사랑이야’는 ‘빠담빠담’ ‘그들이 사는 세상’ ‘그겨울, 바람이 분다’로 환상 호흡을 보여준 김규태PD와 노희경 작가가 또다시 만난 작품으로 국내 최초로 시도 되는 정신과 의학 드라마. 작은 외상에는 호들갑을 떨지만 마음의 병은 짊어지고 살아가는 현대인들의 삶과 사랑을 되짚는 작품이다.

강박증에 시달리며 살아가는 추리소설작가이자 라디오DJ 정재열 역에는 배우 조인성이, 야근 할 일 없고 수술할 일 없어 정신과를 택했지만 장재열과 만난 후 인생에 큰 변화를 겪게 되는 대학병원 정신과 팰로우 1년차 지혜수 역에는 배우 공효진이 물망에 오른 상태.

한편 ‘괜찮아, 사랑이야’는 SBS 새 수목드라마 ‘쓰리데이즈’ ‘너희들은 포위됐다’ 후속으로 오는 7월 방송 될 예정이다.

조혜련 기자 kuming@tvreport.co.kr / 사진=TV리포트 DB(조인성 공효진)

Google Translation:

TV Report = johyeryeon News] SBS Ro, Hee - Kyong organized the artist's new work was confirmed.

A TV report on the 10th official entertainment "Ro, Hee - Kyong gimgyutae writer and director of the new movie 'It's all right, love me' is a combination of SBS was established," said "preparing for the coming summer to meet with the audience. Is likely to be drama, "he said.

'It's all right, love me' is' ppadam ppadam 'Worlds',' The winter wind blows' gimgyutae PD showed a fantastic breathing again and met Ro, Hee - Kyong work of the authors of the nation's first psychiatric medical drama tries. To tremble a little fuss, but trauma has carried the bottle of mind and love to live the life of modern man doejipneun work.

Obsessive-compulsive detective story writer living in sidalrimyeo jeongjaeyeol station radio DJ Jo In Sung is an actor, do not work overtime to do surgery, but chose not jangjaeyeol Psychiatry and experienced a big change in life after meeting a low first-year university hospital psychiatric Wisdom Falmouth Station the state has the right to learn gonghyojin this mulmang.

The 'It's all right, love me' is the new SBS drama 'Three Days' 'You're surrounded.' Successor is expected to be broadcast in July.

Johyeryeon reporter kuming@tvreport.co.kr  / photo = TV Report DB (Jo In Sung gonghyojin)

Source: TVReport

Edit: Okay guys, time to gather your Korean-speaking friends!

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Guest kreesna

shisuisen said: In the revote, I chose Lee Jung Jae, Jung Woo Sung and Ryu Seung Ryong.
If Kim Nam Gil ever pairs up with Gong Hyo Jin, I sincerely hope his character won't die. It's so frustrating to see his characters to die in almost every drama he acted in. Especially Shark. ARGH!!!!!!! I flipped tons of table after that ending in Shark. -_-He's just like So Ji Sub, forever dying in almost all of their projects. Heck, even So Ji Sub managed to die in a romcom (albeit briefly). Seriously, is dying part of their resumes or something?
I wonder if unnie would ever act in a saeguk movie or drama. If she ever do act in one, then I want to see her act with Joo Jin Mo. Or a historical drama or movie, not necessarily saeguk. I don't know why, but I always associate Joo Jin Mo with saeguk or historical movies. 

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Guest popcherrypop


said: @popcherrypop

From my research


...unnie had acted with Ji sung in Wonderful Days, with Kwon Sang Woo in Volcano High, and with Um Tae Woong in Family Ties.

Ahh.. she acted with Go Soo too before in sitcom My Funky Family

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Guest popcherrypop



Ehhh, a news piece on the upcoming SBS show, "It's Okay, It's Love", that GHJ was rumored to be considering just came out about 20 minutes ago. 
Now, I'm not sure whether both leads have confirmed their participation but from what I can make out of Google's translation, it sounds like the series has been slotted in for a July broadcast right after "You're Surrounded". Here's the text in Korean:

[TV리포트=조혜련 기자] 노희경 작가의 신작이 SBS로 편성 확정됐다.

한 연예 관계자는 10일 TV리포트에 “노희경 작가와 김규태 감독의 신작 ‘괜찮아, 사랑이야’가 SBS로 편성 확정됐다”면서 “오는 여름 시청자들과 만나기 위해 준비 중이다. 수목 드라마가 될 가능성이 높다”고 밝혔다.

‘괜찮아, 사랑이야’는 ‘빠담빠담’ ‘그들이 사는 세상’ ‘그겨울, 바람이 분다’로 환상 호흡을 보여준 김규태PD와 노희경 작가가 또다시 만난 작품으로 국내 최초로 시도 되는 정신과 의학 드라마. 작은 외상에는 호들갑을 떨지만 마음의 병은 짊어지고 살아가는 현대인들의 삶과 사랑을 되짚는 작품이다.

강박증에 시달리며 살아가는 추리소설작가이자 라디오DJ 정재열 역에는 배우 조인성이, 야근 할 일 없고 수술할 일 없어 정신과를 택했지만 장재열과 만난 후 인생에 큰 변화를 겪게 되는 대학병원 정신과 팰로우 1년차 지혜수 역에는 배우 공효진이 물망에 오른 상태.

한편 ‘괜찮아, 사랑이야’는 SBS 새 수목드라마 ‘쓰리데이즈’ ‘너희들은 포위됐다’ 후속으로 오는 7월 방송 될 예정이다.

조혜련 기자 kuming@tvreport.co.kr / 사진=TV리포트 DB(조인성 공효진)

Edit: Okay guys, time to gather your Korean-speaking friends!

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freakloverxx said: Heyyyy dont blame me, @readlead. blame the super adorable ajuhssi who made our hearts melt during the 20 secs sweet interaction with unnie  :-\"
and omo thanks for those lovely pics of HaGong couple <33333 They are very comfortable around each other and look so much like a real couple. 


anyway, i just finished watching M and Happiness. and I gotta say I prefer Happiness more. While M made my head dizzy most of the times, Happiness is truly a beautiful movie although a lil bit slow paced at first. and GHJ is freaking beautiful in Happiness :) . She's so tiny and slender. and her skin looks so smooth. I envy you,unnie.

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