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Gong Hyo Jin 공효진


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Guest mrsdarcy

When you are a public figure, it is already a given that you'll have critics and bashers. I just hope that GHJ will remain unfazed by the harsh comments. She may not be considered as the prettiest actress in Korea but her personality shines through and that I think is more important. I enjoy reading and watching her interviews because everything about her, what she says and how she acts, is genuine and comes from the heart. I like that she can laugh out loud, that she is friendly with everyone when she's on the set, that she shows her quirky side and she's not afraid to take risks when it comes to fashion and movie/drama projects. She has more female fans because a lot of us can relate to her. Maybe this is one of the reasons why she gets endorsements left and right. And on top of her vibrant personality, she is such a good actress. No one can question that since she has already received numerous awards for acting. So to Ms. Gong Hyo Jin, just keep your head held high and continue being the actress that we love because you have a lot of fans (especially in this thread) who will support you all the way. :x :x :x

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Hi all :D
hubilai, kreesna : thank you for article. :)
Hwa.... More cast confirm! Make me nervous.
GHJ unnie, when you will announce confirmation for "IOTL" drama? huhu...
Waiting for more news.

sin hoonsim
You found me! Thank you for warm welcome. :D
(go back be silent lurker) :)
cassia_lela said: Thank you yumenas for always reply the posts... #kiss
woah, thank u for that old article, so unni does love to knit and cook... But only now she showed it
if u go to baidu, there is one thread of collection where unni wore outfit, accessories or anything repeatedly, and it's interesting...
Thank u christie and everyone for hat's on picture, aww, unni such as a lovely girlish girl, and yes, I think many actresses wore the hat's on's hat...
Oh, good abt that theme, best kiss scene? Well, I will opted out the sang doo and hello my teacher since... You know right... Hehe

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# Reply Post
natsumikwen said: Yumenas, best kiss? M's...hahaha!! you guys are stuck with me and my M comments. :P
Dokko Jin is a good kisser but I find TMS kiss sweet. Also, kisses are nice but I pay more attention to other things--looks of love( I am a sucker for this and picky too.. :D ), humour, mutual respect and support = GHJ dramas(those I have seen).
Btw, GHJ looked so cute in that Hat's On vid. :)

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Guest kreesna

#GHJ Message of DC Updates

"나 잘지낸다구...내걱정 말라구..ㅎㅎ 봄이 얼른오길 기다려"

Google translate:
I'm fine ... I do not have to worry about that old .. heh heh wait for spring to come quickly

Chinese vers. translation:

Hi, everybody, I had a very good, do not worry about me .. hehe ~ ~ waiting for spring to hurry Come

cr: as tagged

Seems like she knows we worried about her.
Unnie....we love you :-* :x

#GHJ Reply

Korean fans asked her about her upcoming drama (IOTL) (I'm not sure about her answers since google translate couldnt help at all 8-X )

Here are her reply, I guess (Someone who knows korean maybe can translate it to us :D)

cr: as tagged

Edit: I'm dying to know her answer lol
here's her answer about her next drama in chinese : “那个电视剧要演啊,我”
Google translate: "That drama to play ah, I"
Bing translate:
"The show is going to play, I"

So, it means she has been confirmed her role in IOLT

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Guest mrsdarcy

@yumenas‌ You're right. If only we can kidnap or even just talk with anyone from the TMS crew to get an inside scoop on our SoGong couple...kekeke. GHJ and SJS are just so secretive and their posts/status updates are so cryptic. Maybe someone in this thread knows someone in Korea who can volunteer to work at 51k or Soop and spy on them and update us on their day to day activities. LOL!

@kreesna By the way, thanks for posting random pictures of GHJ. They give us a glimpse of her world. I noticed the blue gloves she used while washing the dishes and it reminded me of the fanfic of wanderingindie on tumblr. Coincidence? Or probably @wanderingindie knows that GHJ owns such pair of gloves. Hahaha!

And I'm glad GHJ reassured us that she is doing okay. :-)

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Guest marikolah

All I got from the google translate was that this guy's name is Nam Goong Min and he mentioned Gong Hyo Jin!

Namgungmin, hongjinyoung and 'We Got Married' ideal of the past. Gonghyojin join!


The singer actress hongjinyoung namgungmin MBC entertainment program with 'We Got Married - Season 4' (hereinafter 'We Got Married 4') 'that the news became known to join the esteemed past ideal speech topic. 

Namgungmin the last 2011 MBC Entertainment information program 'Section TV Entertainment Communication' gonghyojin in an interview with the actor told us he is my ideal type. 

Namgungmin the "good style looks like Mr. gonghyojin addition the nature of the ideal female friend away," he said. 

Netizens ideal namgungmin facing the news "completely differs hongjinyoung gonghyojin style", "ideal type as the ideal one," "I will not stand feeling hongjinyoung Knowing," "We Got Married already sounds great", and a variety of reaction. 

On the other hand, and Lee So Yeon namgungmin yunhan couples and couples get off hongjinyoung to merge, today (11th) met in Seoul mocheo been known to start shooting the first two minutes of shooting TV over the coming 22 days will be released. 


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News about Drama "IOTL"

'괜찮아 사랑이야'측 "출판사에 PPL제안 없었다"

스타뉴스 | 기사입력 2014-03-11 10:34 | 최종수정 2014-03-11 14:54
[스타뉴스 윤상근 기자]
'괜찮아, 사랑이야' 출연 배우 조인성(사진 좌측)과 공효진 /사진=스타뉴스

SBS 드라마 '괜찮아, 사랑이야' 제작사 측이 5억 PPL(간접광고) 제안서 제출에 대해 "직접 제의를 한 적은 없다"고 입장을 밝혔다.

'괜찮아, 사랑이야' 제작을 맡은 GT프로덕션 관계자는 11일 오전 스타뉴스에 "한 매체를 통해 공개된 PPL 제안서에 대한 내용은 제작사 쪽에서 공식적으로 제안한 것이 아니다"라고 밝혔다.

관계자는 "통상적으로 드라마 제작과 함께 PPL에 대한 제안서를 제출하는 경우는 없지 않다"라면서도 "해당 기사에 나온 내용의 경우 드라마 마케팅 관련 홍보대행사 쪽에서 해당 출판사 측에 제출한 것으로 보인다. 자세한 사항에 대해서도 확인 중이다"라고 밝혔다.

이어 "물론 PPL 제안서를 제출해 마케팅을 진행하더라도 극의 흐름에 방해가 된다면 PPL을 드라마에 쓰지 않거나 제한을 두는 경우가 많다"라며 "금액 역시 정확하지 않다"고 덧붙였다.

앞서 한 매체는 "'괜찮아, 사랑이야' 제작사가 모 출판사에 PPL 제안서를 건네며 수 억 원대의 제작 지원금을 요구했으며 제안서에는 5억 원을 주면 간접광고와 함께 주, 조연 배우들의 직업으로 설정해주겠다는 내용이 적혔다"고 보도했다.

'괜찮아, 사랑이야'는 조인성, 공효진 등이 출연하며 SBS 드라마 '그 겨울, 바람이 분다' 등을 만든 김규태PD, 노희경 작가가 의기투합했다. 오는 8월께 첫 방송을 앞두고 있다.

윤상근 기자 sgyoon@mt.co.kr

Source : Naver

Google translate :
'It's all right love "side" was proposed PPL publisher "
[star News yunsanggeun News]
It's all right, love me 'starring actor Jo In Sung (pictured left) and gonghyojin / Photo: Star News

SBS drama 'It's all right, love me' side is 500000000 Publisher PPL (product placement) for proposals "never delegated directly," he said positions.
'It's all right, love me' made official in charge of the production GT 11 am to Star News, "published through the media for information about PPL proposal formally proposed by the vendor side, it is not," he said.
Said, "usually with a drama production for PPL is not without submitting a proposal," ramyeonseodo "if the contents of the article listed in PR agency side of marketing Drama submitted that the publisher seems to confirm details about the being, "he said.
Followed by "progress, of course, even if marketing PPL pole submit proposals to interfere with the flow of the drama, then do PPL is often put limits or" said "amount is also not correct," he said.
Prior to the media: "'It's all right, love me' proposal to make a certain publisher geonnemyeo PPL grants require the production of hundreds of millions of won there was a proposal to give 500 million won with a share placement, the job of setting me find information supporting actor The ever folded, "he reported.
'It's all right, love me' is Jo In Sung, gonghyojin including the SBS drama starring "The winter wind blows', and made gimgyutae PD, Ro, Hee - Kyong coincided with the authors discouraged. 8 wolkke comes ahead of the first broadcast.
Yunsanggeun reporter sgyoon@mt.co.kr

Me : It's about money? Proposal? :(( Confuse! :((


I hope you don't mind, i repost your translate in here. Thank you :D

Guys, this better translate for GHJ message in DC. I know, most of us visit SoGong Thread.
But for @anyone who doesn't visit SoGong Thread. I hope, it's okay ;)
StellaC said:
GHJ message in DC
# Post 1
GHJ: I'm doing well, don't worried.  Looking forward to Spring...

#Post 2
GHJ: Because it is my birthday, seems to be preparing this and that .. very, very grateful, but that clay dolls also have a limited storage time, ah, it's hard to save it for long time .. (my house is narrow 2 ..) better save up money for donation .. In this place (DC) just leave me a message, that I will be happy. Do not prepare any kind of gift, a little bit accumulate up together to donate to Animal Protection Association .. kara how? Is a good idea, right?
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Guest Icha Hinata

I never see M kiss scene, can somebody show me the video cut or the screenshot???

btw, i'm newbie in this thread.

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Guest cassia_lela

Thank you for posting unni's update. Omo unni, u know how much we the cherries miss and worry u so much at that same time? Thank u thank u thank u for assuring us that's u're ok...

Ouch, unni already notice her birthday, and she suggests to make donnation for the animal instead of gift? Aww, lovely woman...

And and and, is that unnie's confirm for taking the role? Excited but waiting for the official confirmation also along the news of JIS maybe... Can't wait to see unni potrayed the doctor...

Happy happy happy that I will see unni again in drama... #waitingtheofficialyet

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Guest mrsdarcy

Ugh! I'm having a headche deciphering what Google Translate had translated. Any kind soul who can translate in real English the articles posted by @yumenas and @marikolah? Please. [-O< By the way, thanks for sharing these.

I really hope that GHJ has already joined "It's Okay, It's Love" drama. Can't wait to watch her again. :D

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