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Guest sandramoon

'제2의 이진욱'은 누구? tvN '삼총사' 캐스팅 관심급증↑

OSEN= 박현민 기자 l 2014.05.05 17:02

[OSEN=박현민 기자] '제2의 이진욱은 누가 될까?'

지난해 최고의 케이블 드라마로 손꼽히는 tvN 드라마 '나인:아홉번의 시간여행'(이하 '나인')의 김병수 PD와 송재정 작가가 또 다시 의기투합한 작품 '삼총사'의 주연배우 섭외에 연예계 관계자 및 대중의 관심이 집중되고 있다.

5일 한 방송 관계자에 따르면 김병수 PD와 송재정 작가가 선보이는 퓨전 사극 '삼총사'는 3개의 시즌으로 제작, 2번째 시즌 중국 올로케이션 촬영까지 염두해 기획된 것으로 전해지며 이날 큰 화제를 불러모았다. 이는 향후 아시아권 시장 진출과 콘텐츠 판매 등에도 긍정적인 영향을 끼칠 것으로 전망된다.

당초 케이블 드라마에 관심이 높지 않던 시기에 배우 이진욱을 주연으로 내세워 '나인'을 히트시켰던 김병수 PD-송재정 작가 콤비는 이후에도 유인나와 지현우를 실제 연인으로 거듭나게 한 드라마 '인현왕후의 남자'를 성공시키며, 실력을 검증 받은 바 있다.

특히 '삼총사'의 경우 조선시대를 배경으로 중국을 오가는 삼총사 무인들의 활약을 퓨전 사극으로 다룬 작품으로, 프랑스 알렉상드르 뒤마의 소설 '삼총사'를 모티프로 한 만큼 남성 주연들의 활약이 두드러질 것으로 보인다. 이미 '삼총사' 제작진은 배우 기획사들과 접촉을 시작했으며, 배역에 적합한 배우를 물색·검토 중인 것으로 알려졌다.

'나인' '인현왕후의 남자' 제작진의 차기작 소식을 접한 네티즌은 '정말 기대되는 작ㅍ무' '캐스팅까지 잘하면 정말 대박날 듯' '이진욱이 또 섭외 됐으면 좋겠다' 등의 글로 작품과 캐스팅에 대한 기대감을 내비쳤다.

이와 관련해 tvN 측은 "'삼총사' 편성을 긍정적으로 논의 중이다. 제작비 규모나 편성 시기, 시즌제 등 구체적인 사안에 대해선 제작진과 긴밀하게 협의 중이다"고 전했다.

한편, 송재정 작가는 '나인'으로 국내 최고 권위의 콘텐츠 시상식인 2013 대한민국 콘텐츠 대상에서 장관 표창을, 김병수 PD는 2013 에이판 스타어워즈에서 연출상을 각각 수상했다.


"Second Jin Wook ' Who ? tvN ' The Three Musketeers ' increasing interest in casting ↑

Bakhyeonmin press OSEN = l 2014.05.05 17:02
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[OSEN = bakhyeonmin News] 'second Lee Jin Wook , who happens ?'

Last year, one of the best in the best cable TV tvN drama " Nine : nine one- time travel '(hereinafter' Nine ' ) in PD Kim Byung Soo discouraged again coincides with songjaejeong artist works ' The Three Musketeers ' conflict of the main actors and stakeholders in the public's interest in the entertainment industry are concentrated .

Five days , according to the broadcasters and songjaejeong writer PD Kim Byung Soo featuring drama, ' The Three Musketeers ' is made ​​of three seasons , the second season of China come to mind, the location shooting reportedly planned a big buzz day jimyeo collected. This is the future of Asian market and sell content and positive impact is expected .

High initial interest in the cable drama starring Lee Jin Wook as did actor naesewo time ' Nine' Kim Byung Soo hit precipitated after PD- songjaejeong artist duo is a real incentive for me and Ji Hyun-woo drama reborn lovers ' inhyeonwanghu man ' success sikimyeo , proven experience to be received .

In particular, ' The Three Musketeers ' in the background of the case of China and from the Joseon Dynasty Angels of drama, dealing with the activities of unattended work, France Alexandre Dumas novel ' The Three Musketeers ' as a motif plays the male lead is likely to be noticeable . Already ' The Three Musketeers ' crew in contact with the actor started his agency , cast the right actors are known to shop and review .

' Nine' ' inhyeonwanghu men ' crew faced a sequel news netizen ' I can not wait to start ㅍmu ' to hopefully cast really seemed to hit me ' Lee Jin Wook is also hoping liaison hope ' , such as expectations for global work and casting betrayed .

In this regard, tvN said, " ' The Three Musketeers ' organized under discussion in a positive way . Production cost when the size and organization , specific issues such as season No. daehaeseon negotiating closely with producers ," he said.

On the other hand, the artist songjaejeong ' Nine' most prestigious domestic awards in the content of the target in the 2013 Republic of Korea Minister of content recognition , in this version Star Awards 2013 PD Kim Byung Soo production phase of the award.


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Guest sandramoon

[단독] '나인' 제작진 '삼총사', 시즌제-중국 올로케…스케일 달라

OSEN= 박현민 기자 l 2014.05.05 11:26

[OSEN=박현민 기자] 지난해 최고의 케이블 드라마로 손꼽히는 tvN 드라마 '나인: 아홉번의 시간여행'(이하 '나인')의 김병수 PD-송재정 작가가 또 다시 의기투합하는 드라마 '삼총사'가 3개의 시즌제와 중국 올로케이션 촬영 등을 기획, 범접불가 스케일을 선보인다.

5 일 한 방송관계자에 따르면 김병수 PD-송재정 작가의 퓨전 사극 '삼총사'는 12회씩 3개의 시즌 총 36회로 구성되며, 이들 중 시즌2는 중국 올로케이션 촬영르 진행할 계획이다. 이는 향후 아시아권 시장 진출과 콘텐츠 판매 등에 긍정적인 영향을 끼칠 것으로 전망된다.

이와 관련해 CJ E&M 관계자는 OSEN에 "'삼총사'의 tvN 편성을 놓고 논의 중이다. 시즌과 제작비용 등 세부적인 사안에 대해서는 제작진과 긴밀하게 협의 중이다"고 전했다.

'삼총사'는 조선시대를 배경으로 중국을 오가는 삼총사 무인들의 활약을 퓨전 사극으로 다룬 작품으로, 프랑스 알렉상드르 뒤마의 소설 '삼총사'를 모티프로 했다. 현재 제작진이 출연배우 섭외를 진행 중에 있으며, '나인'으로 존재감을 부각시킨 이진욱의 뒤를 이어 '제2의 이진욱'으로 어떤 배우가 선정될지에 많은 이의 관심이 집중되고 있다.

한편, 김병수 PD와 송재정 작가는 '나인'을 비롯해 '인현왕후의 남자'를 통해 그 시너지 효과를 입증한 바 있다. 송재정 작가는 '나인'으로 국내 최고 권위의 콘텐츠 시상식인 2013 대한민국 콘텐츠 대상에서 장관 표창을, 김병수 PD는 2013 에이판 스타어워즈에서 연출상을 각각 수상했다.


<사진> tvN 제공(왼쪽)

[Exclusive] ' nine ' crew ' The Three Musketeers ' first season - the scale of China to come ... different location

Bakhyeonmin press OSEN = l 2014.05.05 11:26

[OSEN = bakhyeonmin News] last year, leading to the best cable TV tvN drama " Nine : nine one- time travel '(hereinafter' Nine ' ) of the PD- songjaejeong writer Kim Byung Soo discouraged again coinciding with the drama' The Three Musketeers ' first season with the three planning to come to China , including location shooting , non- scale beomjeop presented.

According to the official broadcast five days songjaejeong writer PD- drama, Kim Byung Soo ' The Three Musketeers ' 3 to 12 times a season consists of a total of 36 circuits of these le- location filming season 2 come to proceed with the plans to China . This is the future of Asian market and sell content and expected positive impact .

In this regard, the CJ E & M said, OSEN "' Angels ' Place combination discussing the tvN . Season detailed issues such as production costs and production team work closely with about negotiating ," he said.

' The Three Musketeers ' is the background of the Joseon Dynasty of China Three Musketeers unattended to and from the activities covered by the work of drama, France Alexandre Dumas novel, The Three Musketeers " was the motif . Currently underway liaison crew and cast of ' Nine' to highlight the presence of Lee Jin Wook was followed by 'second Lee Jin Wook ' was chosen to learn what happens to a lot of its attention has been concentrated on .

On the other hand, PD Kim Byung Soo songjaejeong writer and ' Nine' as well as ' inhyeonwanghu man ' through the bars that have a proven synergistic effect . Songjaejeong Writers ' Nine' as the most prestigious national award in 2013 the content of the target in the Republic of Korea Minister of content recognition , in this version Star Awards 2013 PD Kim Byung Soo production phase of the award.


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Guest sandramoon

So, basically, it's Kim PD-nim + Song writer-nim + uri Jin Wook ssi = The Three Musketeers of Joseon = tvN :)
And it will be shoot in China!!! If I'm not wrong, Nine is the first drama of tvN (or even other cable networks) filming abroad (Nepal) and The Three Musketeers is the second.
And that's the reason he isn't going to Cannes coz he's in China..

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I hope oppa gets a strong female co lead not just a pretty face. Sounds interesting...filming in china. No wonder i heard a big budget for production ! One which only tvn is willing to fork out. Looks like target is also china market that oppa has also a good following!!! Fighting oppa!!

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Happy to see oppa is returning to TV drama and reunites with Song and Kim. But why it's TVN again in the end?....a bit disappointed. Hope more people will get to know oppa through SBS or other. Anyway, Oppa...i am waiting for you~ finally can see you in new drama~ fighting~

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Guest sandramoon

@coffeefei I know, just the same to you yesterday.. but it's still better than dying waiting for him :D
wish the best for oppa :x
Dear our PD and writer-nim: I put all my faith in you so don't let me down, plz create a second Nine

And I remember that I haven't seen any sageuk on cable networks? Is this drama the first one?

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Guest sandramoon

@coffeefei i have no idiea, either... I thought that GG translation always had some problems so I didn't care much about it... but... oh no... don't do that to me... it will be terrible for me if what you're afraid is true.. I don't want to be more disappointed.. after all expectation and expectation.. Ok, if there aren't any english news or things like series of confirmation news tomorrow, I will ask my Korean friends to translate this for me.

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Guest sandramoon

I'm really really sorry you guys for my silly mistake. I was so happy that I didn't read carefully. It's true that the article said 'Who is the second Lee Jin Wook?" *cry me a river*

But since we knew this project for a kinda long time and oppa has been always a strong candidate unless he drops it. So who knows?? Still hope... Coz the Cannes article "Meanwhile, Ryu Seung Ryong and Lee Jin Wook, who also casted in 'The Target,' are not unable to attend the event because of their schedules."
and that he's busy with a new project. So if not "The 3 Musketeers", is there another work?

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Guest irfa

I read News about reunion PDnim and SWnim Nine and Queen In Hyun Man in dramabeans, but they aren't mention urri Oppa Name, so I think the article about Oppa in the drama, because the media just currious who will be the next Lee Jin Wook after Nine with Three Musketeer of Joseon

I want Oppa in Three Musketeer of Joseon but... yeah... maybe just my dream but i still hope too, because they are still casting the actor^^

I Hope Oppa next Project more Daebak than Three Musketeer of Joseon >.<

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Guest xiazhi

The target NGI know maybe you've watched it, but I think it still not be posted here I love his smile here <3 ~enjoy~Cre 표적fb*so happy then so sad with the news T T*
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Guess it is likely not that drama after all. Somewhat dosappointed but Anyway will wait for good news! Still holding out for a good drama for oppa! There was so much rumours abt oppa staying on in hb till we read of him moving to will so anything goes!

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Gee both of them r really working so hard to promote target. Just saw images of them behind ticket stations. It is like they just did a round about tour of s korea in a few days hopping from cinema to cinema

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Guest sandramoon

@lotus It's kinda normal, dear. I see people do that all the time. Shim Eun Kyung has a lot of promotion events like stage greeting in Miss Granny, the same to others.

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